The Seeker

Story by mrtokoro on SoFurry

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Well, here's a random thing I thought up two days ago.

Just a little random orgy, because you know, sometimes people like the attention.

Also, Angel is left ambiguous, think him on any species you want. He won't mind.

He had come here to meet his ruin, to be destroyed in body and mind, and he wouldn't want it any other way. He had taken the night bus to one of the worst streets in the entire city, and that's saying something. It was a place filled with junkies and drunks, spent on the ground, their dealers, hidden in the shadows while selling death, and the cheap prostitutes selling their almost ghostly bodies to whomever gave them even a poultry sum of money. If their pimp didn't decide to rob you blind afterwards.

He had come to this place, not for the chaotic ambiance, either for acquiring any of the goods and services that the people here so cautiously provided, but to enter a specific place. A dingy bar, called the dry throat, although nobody that saw it would identify it, since the sign that name sit was broken a long time ago. The place was guarded by a huge rhino who went by the name of Choker, for reasons that were obvious to anyone who would try to cause trouble in the bar.

He went inside, like many other times before, with Choker looking at him with as much distrust as his first time. Wise, as blind trust was a liability best let at home when working to this street. The inside of the bar, like always, was full of men drinking watered down rum and arguing about sports at an extremely loud voice while rock music spawned from the old, battered speakers, barely keeping alive and adding static for every two and a half minutes of song. Even then, the place maintained a strange sense of homeliness. However, he wasn't here to drink bad alcohol or argue politics, the second favorite pastime of the patrons of this bar.

"Hey, scrawny! What cha lookin' for?"

That raspy voice could only be the bartender. A bear in his forties, old smuggler who made this place to launder money and drink himself into a stupor until the end of his days, if you believe the rumors.

"I came to see the show."

"Ah. Come to the red door. I'm sure they all miss you."

He hadn't come in two months, after all. This was definitely something that he would have liked to attend last week, but life is what it is, they say. But he's here now, and that's all that matters. The red door is at the back, like always. No markings on it, and probably the only place in the bar, apart from the cash register and the alcohol, that seems even remotely well maintained. It creaked slightly while opening.

"Hey, bitch! You make sure to stay in there for a while, I'm gonna destroy that sweet ass o'yours later."

He ignored the crocodile's wooing and went through. This is the place, the Seeker. A kind of hidden place for those with... unusual tastes. This little addition to the bar was set up into an old hotel, the reception and the rooms are the ones from the original building, as they are as old and shaky as the rest of the bar. A bulky, grumpy looking tiger manned the counter.

"Oh, if it isn't you. You came for more, eh?"

"Could say that."

"You here to seek or for a room?"

"I'm going for a room for the night."

"Ha! I thought you would. I'll get you room 103."

Hmm, prime real estate, 101 is next to the door, and 110 is next to the stairs and the rumbling of people moving around is very distracting sometimes. Not that he would mind anyways. He wasn't here to sleep.

"I'll pay in cash."

"Smart man, It'll be 100 here."

"Got it. You brought the bare minimum right?"

"Yes, wouldn't want it to be stolen. Again."

"Bah, we got it back, didn't we? Don't be such a whiner."

Yeah, a month later. Not exactly the best security, which is why he went with the bare minimum. His only prized possession is his home key, and it's inside a lockbox. Plus nobody steals a key from a house he doesn't know, he hoped.

"Ok, got everything. Give me a name and a time for the show to start."

"Angel. Tell them to come in half an hour."

"Ha! Got it. Prepare quickly, and if they knock, you open immediately. I don't want anyone breaking any doors. Hope that isn't your real name."

"Of course not."

Angel went to his room, 105, and dropped his bag on the bed. He gave himself a lot of time, now that he thought about it, but better to take it easy for now.

He opened his bag, revealing some bottles of lubricant, bandages, disinfectant, a bag of popcorn and water. He wouldn't need any more, he thought.

"Ok, let's get to it."

He took off all his clothes, put them in the bag, took out the lube, and put the bag inside the lower part of the bed stand. After that. He opened the lube and generously started spreading it along his body, to his thighs, his ass cheeks, and more importantly, inside his anus. He made sure to spread his ass well, and even fingered himself as far inside as possible, to ensure that the far reaches of his passage were sufficiently lubricated.

"Hmm... yes, I have been missing this. It's so cold though."

He then looked at his own now throbbing dick, alert after the stimulation. He then decided to apply his viscous liquid on it too. Slowly, in broad strokes, to make sure he wouldn't do anything too early.

He went at this until he deemed his body slippery enough, and then waited.

"Dang, I did ask for too much time. How much has passed?"

His answer would soon come when someone would knock at his door. He eagerly went to open the door, as he was instructed, revealing a stout, kind of fat crocodile, which he immediately recognized.

"There you are. You took your sweet time, didn't cha?"

He really meant it when he said he was waiting for him. The croc was looking at Angel in a way that made his intentions quite clear.

"So, big guy, I don't remember you from last time, you know the rules, right?"

"If you say Celsius, I stop. If you say Kelvin, you're done for the night. If you say Frenhai, that means you're hurt,"


"Yeah, that. What are those words, anyhow?"

"Beats me."

"So, you ready?"


"Good. My nick is Bulldozer, so you know what to scream in a few minutes."

It is always the uncertainty of the first minutes that was most intriguing to Angel. Will the next person like him moaning, or does he prefer him silent? Will they be dominating or will they let him do what he wants with them? Will they go log and slow, or will they quickly piston into him in a frenzy?

After saying that, Bulldozer grabs Angel by the arm and moves him towards the bed. He practically throws him in it without any sort of elegance to it.

"C'mon fucker, spread 'em! I'm gonna fuck you up like the doggy you are!"

Angel complies, putting himself in doggie style position, with his head on the pillow.

"Good doggie. I can see how eager you are"

Bulldozer gets behind Angel, and Angel can clearly feel his "big" intentions between his butt cheeks. Angel slowly rubs his ass around the dick that is trapped between them, trying to coax some life into it.

"Yeah, doggie, show me how much you want this..."

Angel can feel the meat slab grow and harden. It'll be ready soon...

"Alright, here I go!"

But Bulldozer thinks differently. He immediately slams himself into Angel, trying to beat the resistance out of his anal ring, which fights to keep his cock outside, but between the lube and bulldozer's insistence, it slips in.

"Mhh... yeah, let it move slowly now... I love it when I open someone up, it feels so tight around my dick."

"Ah... harder...!"

"Did I tell you to speak, doggie?"


"Better. Bitches like you should shut up and let the men do their job"

Bulldozer starts to assemble into a rhythm, coming back out, letting his prick grind extensively against Angel's innards, and then in again, fast and increasingly forceful with each thrust. He breathes heavily, with all his concentration put into the lovemaking.

"Ahhh, so much better than that baggy assed monkey from last week...."

With how much he had stretched himself, he was surprised. His dick felt huge to him, but he guessed his monthly absence had made his anus a lot tighter than usual. Angel also, even under the buttfucking Bulldozer was delivering, was still very in control of his own ass, relaxing around the slab of meat when it speared into him, and pressing into it to make the grinding even more intense.

But Angel could also feel that shaft pounding oh so deliciously into him, and it felt gorgeous. He had missed this sensation for too much time, the stretching of his walls, the movement and the heat brought by the friction, and the smell of masculinity in the air.

"Hey, croackie, that as any good?"

Angel looked in the way of the door to discover a husky and a fishman leaning on the wall. It was almost humorous to see how they both tried to look tough with massive boners pointing in his direction. The fish man seemed awfully silent, but his eyes showed a great hunger.

"Oh, yeah, this feels like heaven, fella. Getting first dibs is the best."

"Yeah, you could give us a turn already."

"No fucking way, I've never had a first dibs I'm going to enjoy this."

Angel, taking advantage of the crocodile's distraction, started crumping around his dick, severely raising the friction and making him moan uncontrollably.

"C'mon big boy, I came here for diversity, give it to me already."

"Ah, f-fuck you..."

"Yeah, fuck me."

"Yeah, fuck him. And finish already before my pal here squirts on the floor."

Angel could feel the croc getting really close, and decided to hammer him down as the croc lost the little control he had over the fucking.

"AH! No, I don't want... Fuck! I'm cumming in!"

And as he said it, as if by magic, the croc's dick exploded inside Angel like a broken water pump. Fairly sized shot, he must have been holding it in.

"Yeah, fill him up..."

In a short time, and after two more ineffectual thrusts, the croc lets out of Angel, leaving his cum to guzzle on the mattress.

"Hmm... pretty good, croackie."

"Ohhh, I wanted to last longer... well, can't be helped. I'm going back to the main room, but hear this, I'll be back."

"You think he'll be open for you later? Innocent man."

"One can dream..."

The croc stands and moves away while the other two get close.

"So... do you want me on the front or the back?"

Angel was not gonna fall for that newbie trick. Canines were always eager to knot you and he didn't trust the husky to keep himself in line.

"You go in the front, Mr. talkative can get the back door."

"Ah, you've been here before. God damnit, I thought I'd finally get some."

The fish man chuckled. to which the husky responded with a snarl.

"Fine, I'll just take that sweet mouth of yours..."

Immediately both men positioned in each extreme of Angel. This place was not one for time consuming pleasantries, people come here to do one thing and one thing alone, As the husky exhibited his very much hard shaft, Angel eagerly opened up, and equally as eager was the fishman to put his own into that already used hole.

"Yeah... take it all in, boy..."

The husky tensed when Angel engulfed his cock inside him, while the fish man introduced himself into him, up to the hilt. The husky's cock smelled like many men, no doubt tons of scents are intermixed in the same place, but Angel found it extremely arousing to think how many people have served that pole today. On the other hand, the fish was already moving inside him, quick to grind himself against Angel's tunnel, and huffing audibly, but not saying a single word. Unlike the husky, who kept on egging him on in his efforts.

Even as they were using him from both sides, Angel could hear more people enter the room. Now came the most interesting part, when all the seekers become aware of a new victim is occupying one of the rooms, and everyone forms a group to try to be the next to use him. He could spy around seven men in the room, of all sizes and colors, watching his actions intently.

As a man wo loved the attention, and explicitly to send a message to everyone watching, Angel redoubled his efforts on the two cocks entering and exiting him, milking them thoroughly. He could hear the voices of excitement and praise that the men in the room directed to that "hungry bitch" in the bed, the sounds of them masturbating and gridding against each other to be sure to be ready when their turn comes.

He could feel the husky getting close, too, his snarky comments giving way to muffled moans, and ultimately an ineffectual warning of what was inevitable to happen. But the new round of cum flooding his mouth didn't even have time to stay for long, for when the husky moved away from him, another cock was already on his face. A tiger, he deduced by the lines of his legs, but not much was given to rest as the cock rapidly secured his mouth, as if the husky had never left.

Similar situations would happen when any of his partners would erupt inside him, like a constant flow of people, almost a blur, who ensured that he would be constantly stuffed. Angel lost count on how many people had shot their load in his ass or mouth, some inside, but most outside, in a strange ritual, common in the Seeker club, to make its residents as white as possible. And so came another man, and another would quickly take his place, some taking their time, some rapidly pounding at him, some with more exotic interests, even his feet and his armpits were object of desire of some of the less conventional men.

Even some, maybe a hidden submissive side, or as a way of thanking his oh so willing partner, would rub as his dick, or pump it eagerly until he came. An elephant tried to use his trump to get at it more comfortably, which became a surprisingly stimulating experience. Angel came, and came hard at least four times, becoming increasingly spent and tired. After what must have been four or five hours of constant action, Angel solemnly said, while a kangaroo had his dick grinding against his face.

"People, after this one, I'm done! So you can go find someone else!"

General disappointment filled the crowd, with some people complaining about only being able to come once, or only being able to take his mouth. Typical complaints that never amounted to anything, or if they did, and someone had the not so bright idea of ignoring the order, the other men would make sure to punish him properly.

"Oh, yeah, talk about a coincidence. Today I'm the first AND last."

Angel did not realize that the familiar crocodile was behind him. Truly a stroke of luck, he thought.

"Well, Bulldozer, in the seeker, this kind of thing happens sometimes. Feel special for today. After all that's what we are here for, right?"

And with that, the gator again plunged himself inside Angel. For one last time tonight.