A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:6

Story by WastedTimeEE on SoFurry

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#52 of Zootopia

Long one this week. A good chunk of it is establishing the stage that most of the story will be taking place in, the Hunter Ranch. I don't really feel like my descriptions of rooms and stuff are as strong as the rest of my writing, but I felt is was important to give the reader a general idea of the layout of the home so that later scenes have characters heading off to different areas in the home that don't crossover when certain situations happen, if that makes any sense. Like if a fight happens in Dorian's Office, a character could easily storm straight out of the house down the kitchen hall without running into another character...or whatever. Trust me it's important in my head.

So basically this chapter has a tour of the ranch, interspersed with character interactions. I hope you all enjoy it.


Chapter Six: The Hunter Ranch

Audrey had been right, the Hunter household did indeed seem more comfortable on the inside as the ewe warily strode into the entry hall closely behind Vernon. As the large wolf set the bags down, the ewe began to take in the full splendor of the rustic ranch. The interior was warm and inviting, the slabs of unprocessed red wood that made up the walls creating a reddish tint to the refracted interior lighting that only added to the comfort. The hall Dawn was standing in was massive, it's size only emphasized by the fact that it opened up to the roof. In front of her Dawn could see a half spiral staircase leading to the overlooking second floor balcony, which seemed to act as an overhang for the sort of half hallway below. The entry had no shortage of rustic decor. Warm wolf themed quilts and pictures of various members of the Hunter brood covered the walls and old polished wood tables. The floor of the space was polished hardwood, covered with simple colorful rugs near the door and staircase.

Dawn's curiosity caused her to take few steps forward, revealing more of the surrounding rooms of the quaint little home. On the sides Dawn could see the hall connected to other open rooms. On the left she could see what appeared to be the dining room. A large, dark oak table surrounded by at least a dozen matching chairs with a simple chandelier hovering above the table center. To the right Dawn could see a large dark reddish plaid sofa and loveseat surrounding a small coffee table and a large television. It was clear to the ewe that it must have been the Hunter living room.

"Hey now don't get ahead of me."

Dawn froze in place, turning back to find Vernon hanging his jacket on one of the several hooks on the nearby wall.

"I kinda want to lead the tour there Mutton Chop." The wolf smirked.

Dawn blushed slightly, placing a hoof over her muzzle.

"O-Oh sorry." Dawn stuttered. "I just didn't expect this place to be so..."

"Big?" Audrey entered, with Wade trailing closely behind. As Wade placed his luggage down next to her and Vernon's, Audrey placed her own jacket on a hook.

"Well it wasn't always this big, we've done a lot of remodeling over the years. We've gotten real good at it." Audrey smiled proudly.

"Dad still hasn't finished the basement right?" Vernon smirked.

"No he hasn't Vernon." Audrey groaned. The she-wolf gave Vernon a playful tap on the snout. "He's been busy 'helping' Zach build up his own house on the property so they can move out of that trailer." She added.

"So by 'helpin'' you mean doing all the work?" Vernon chuckled.

Audrey gave the wolf a dull glance. "Well your brother doesn't know a screwdriver from a corn cob."

"Your home is lovely Mrs.-I mean Audrey." Dawn smiled nervously at the wolfess.

"Thank you Darlin'." Audrey gave a broad smile in return. "If ya'll want to head off to have a look around you are welcome to it."

Dawn briefly glanced at the suitcases that Vernon had left below the coat rack.

"What about the bags?" Dawn asked.

"We can just take 'em up-"

"Aw don't worry about that you two, you can get 'em later." Audrey tutted. " Go have a little fun."

Vernon gave Dawn a sultry grin, raising and lowering his eyebrows playfully. The ewe covered her muzzle in an effort to hide her furious blush. Audrey clearly noticed, and responded by giving the lecherous wolf an elbow to the rib.

"Not that kind of fun!" Audrey huffed.

"OW! MA!" The wolf rubbed his side. "I was kidding." The wolf pleaded.

"I meant get comfortable." Audrey crouched down to Dawn's level, giving her a sympathetic glance. " I want you to feel welcome Dawn, like one of the pack." Audrey smiled warmly, and Dawn returned it with an equally genuine smile.

"I um-" Wade murmured, drawing the attention of the group. "I'm going to head to our old room."

The wolf scratched behind his ears awkwardly as he continued. "I want to text Giselle and see how her Father is holding up." Wade sighed.

"Aw, that's what the emergency was Wade?" Audrey lamented. "Poor old wolf, what's wrong with him?"

Dawn eyed Vernon in confusion, recalling what Wade had said earlier before getting in car. "Wait, okay so Wade really is d-?"

Wade quickly scurried over and squeezed between Dawn, Vernon, and his Mother. There was a real fear in his eyes as he held his paws up for Dawn to stop.

"HA, HA YEP!" The wolf barked loudly. "I'LL TELL YOU ABOUT IT LATER MA!" Wade's eyes were now flicking between Vernon and Dawn nervously.

"Why exactly are we yellin'?" Audrey eased Wade aside, eyeing the trio in confusion.

"No, No reason!" Wade lowered his voice. "Hey! I'll take your guys bags!" Wade sped back over to the luggage and began to cobble it all into his arms. "It's the least I can do right?" Dawn could see the wolf flash her pleading eyes.

Dawn looked up at Vernon, her muzzle twisted in utter confusion. Vernon crouched down to Dawn's level and leaned into her ear.

"I'll tell you on the tour Floofs." He whispered.

Before Audrey had a chance to even ask why the pair were being strangely secretive, Wade had pushed back between the mammals, his arms overloaded with luggage.

"Welp, I'll catch you guys later!" Wade yelped. The wolf continued his trudge toward the partially covered hallway. It took him a moment, and some shuffling of the luggage, but eventually the wolf got the nearby door open and eased his way into the other room. With Audrey thoroughly distracted, Vernon quickly jerked back into a standing position.

"Welp, I guess I better show Dawn around 'ey Ma?" Vernon drew the she-wolf's attention back to him.

Audrey eyed the couple curiously for a moment before seeming to give up on the whole odd affair.

"Alright" Audrey shrugged. "You two go walk around and get settled in. I'll call you when Zach and Vanna get here, and we'll all have a nice late lunch."

Audrey rubbed her paws together excitedly. "I'm gonna go get started on the tea."

The wolfess turned toward the dining room, only taking about two steps before turning back to the couple.

"And if you need anything Dawn, remember what I said. Ok?" Audrey grinned.

Dawn gave a meek nod before the wolf turned back toward the dining room and eventually made her way out of sight. For the first time since the train station the couple were finally alone. Now was probably a good time to ask about Wade's girlfriend, Dawn thought. Dawn turned to find Vernon already staring down at her with a confused look on his face.

"What was that about?" They asked in unison.

Vernon chuckled, shaking his head.

"C'mon, I'll tell you on the tour." The wolf sighed, pointing a thumb toward the open living room.

Dawn dutifully followed the wolf as he began his tour of the Hunter Ranch. The wolf walked at a brisk clip as he showed her more of the living room. As she strolled after, Vernon began to explain the hot mess Wade had gotten himself into, and by proxy the two of them. The tour continued through the nearby den, which was furnished similarly to the living room. It had similar plaid couches, and a similar coffee table, but featured a fantastic cobblestone fireplace where Dawn assumed a television would be.

"Tacky I know." Vernon interrupted his story about Wade, gesturing toward the worn deep red plaid sofas.

"I think it's charming." Dawn replied.

"You'd be the first." The wolf snickered as he came up to the next door. Dawn assumed the door lead back to the entrance hall, but the wolf opened it only slightly. Vernon peeked his head behind the door before waiving Dawn over to join him. It was a bit confusing, but Dawn made her way over and peered in below the wolf. The room had all the earmarks of a fine personal library. Most of the walls were covered from floor to ceiling book shelves crammed with old books. At the heart of the room sat a massive oak desk which seemed to be covered in a variety of golden trinkets the lamb couldn't make out. There was also fine deep green plush seating surrounding it, the desk chair included. The ewe was somewhat in awe of finding such a classy room in such a rustic home.

"This is Dad's office." Vernon muttered.

Dawn looked up at the wolf.

"He doesn't really like anyone traipsing through it. That's why were doin' this little peepshow." The wolf stated.

"He's not here?" Dawn asked.

"Yeah, he's not getting back till dinner I imagine. Sheriff duties and all." Vernon pulled his head back through the door, which Dawn took as a signal to do the same. Vernon gingerly closed the door and brushed his shirt off.

"Better this way I guess, sorta introducing you to everyone one at a time." Vernon began to walk back toward the living room.

"Which reminds me, how'd did things go with Ma?" Vernon asked.

"Finish Wade's story first, then I'll tell you." The ewe quickly followed behind the wolf.

As Vernon continued the tour he alleviated Dawn's fear that Wade had lied for their sake. Giselle was indeed a giraffe, and she indeed had a family emergency, that much Vernon could confirm. As they marched upstairs and into the upper hall the wolf went on to explain that the family had been kept in the dark about Giselle's species, and they were still unaware.

Vernon did another peek-in on his parents bedroom, a place the wolf affirmed he 'didn't like to think about much.' It matched the homes rustic charm, a large bed covered in wolf themed quilts and fine wood furnishings. There were more photos of various wolves adorning the walls, but Dawn couldn't recognize most of them as they seemed to be even older than the ones downstairs. As they moved to the hall and explored the guest rooms Vernon finished out his story by stating that Wade promised he would tell the family this weekend, or that he would. Dawn wasn't so sure Vernon should go as far as ratting out his brother for lying despite the topic, but the wolf seemed steadfast in holding Wade's paws to the fire.

The guest rooms were minimally furnished, featuring quilted beds, fake plants, and various folk style paintings. There were two smaller, one bedrooms on the left side of the hall, and a much larger multi-bedded room on the right. The larger room had more of a pinkish theme, with feminine accents littered around the room. Dawn couldn't help but ask questions as the rooms size and coloring peaked her curiosity .

"Wow, why is this room so big?" Dawn asked curiously.

"It matches the boys room down stairs." Vernon replied. "Mom was kind of expecting to have just as many boys as girls, but things didn't pan out." The wolf gave a shrug.

"So it just sits here?" Dawn asked,

"Nah, usually the girlfriends and mates share this room when they visit during a re-union. Otherwise they use the guest rooms." Vernon shrugged.

Dawn felt a lump form in her throat as the idea of being alone for the night with a bunch of lady predators filled her head. The ewe quickly stormed down the rows of beds, scanning for any sign of her own suitcase. Reaching the end of the bedroom with no sign of the luggage, the ewe let out a relieved sigh.

"Dawn, you alright?" The wolf sped after her, meeting her at the end of the bedroom.

"Y-yes...I was just..." The ewe trailed off as she continued to scan the room.

"Looking for bags?" Vernon asked.

The ewe gave a timid nod.

"Wade probably stashed them in our old room downstairs." Vernon kneeled, placing a paw on Dawn's shoulder.

"Don't worry, we'll be in one of the other guest rooms." Vernon smiled. "It's a special circumstance, Ma will allow it." Vernon gave Dawn's head poof a quick tussle before rising to his feet. Dawn gave a meek smile. Despite Vernon's assurance, the ewe couldn't shake the unease she felt at the idea of spending the night alone with a bunch of strange mammals who may not have held a high opinion of her. As they left the room she kept mentally telling herself she would be sleeping in a private room in an effort to reinforce the assurance Vernon had given her.

"So you gonna tell me if Ma said anything weird in the car?" Vernon broke Dawn's mental refrain as the pair made their way back down the stairs. Dawn looked back at the wolf, slightly surprised.

"O-Oh, it went really well actually." The ewe replied.

"So nothing I need to talk to her about?" Vernon asked as the pair reached the bottom of the steps.

"Of course not Vernon, everything went fine." Dawn giggled.

As they continued the tour through the dining hall, Dawn began to relate the conversation she had with Audrey to the worried looking wolf. Although the ewe opted to keep some of the more personal details to herself. She wasn't quite sure on how comparisons of Vernon to his father would go over with the wolf. However Dawn was quick to cut off the conversation as the couple made their way into the well furnished kitchen where the she wolf was working on the afternoon meal.

The room was large, with a great deal of counter space. The black topped marble was home to a variety of different appliances, including several smaller stoves which Dawn assumed were for cooking pies. Near the breakfast bar stood one significantly larger range stove which had a kettle brewing. Audrey stood at the kitchen island in the center, preparing what appeared to be a large platter of shortbread cookies. As the she-wolf turned back to the tea kettle on the stove she seemed to notice the couple entering the room.

"Well, didn't think I'd see ya both so soon." Audrey laughed. "Taking it you're still on the tour?" She asked Dawn. The ewe didn't get a chance to answer as the wolf jumped in.

"Yep, just moving on through. We won't be too long." Vernon said. It was clear the wolf was keen to get back to the conversation at hand.

"Welp this is the Kitchen as you can tell." The she-wolf grinned as she gestured to the overall room. "When I ain't tending to my crops I like to spend time experimenting in here.

"Still trying to make the best pumpkin pie possible huh Ma?" Vernon asked.

"There's always room for improvement Puppy." Audrey tutted. "I'm thinking next year I'm going to make pumpkin pie ice cream for the festival too. I think that'll go over swell." The she wolf made her way over to the range and adjusted the temperature on the kettle.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Audrey turned, bending slightly as she spoke to Dawn. "What kind of tea do you prefer dear?"

Dawn twisted a hoof awkwardly. "W-well if you have clover tea that would be great, but I'll settle for mint if you have it."

Audrey frowned briefly. "Sorry darlin', no clover tea." Suddenly, the she-wolf's contagious grin returned. "But luckily for you I'm a fan of mint tea myself, so I've got plenty."

Dawn smiled widely as the she-wolf made her way back to the kitchen island. Vernon was in the midst of snagging a cookie from the plate, and Audrey swiftly swatted the wolf's paw causing him to drop it.

"Ow, Ma!" Vernon hissed.

"Oh hush! I barely tapped your paw." Audrey sassed. " You can have as many of these as you want when Zach and Vanna come home." The wolfess held up a finger. "And not a moment sooner."

Dawn could barely stifle her giggles as she watched her normally stoic and mature boyfriend cradle his paw and pout like a child before realizing that she had noticed. Vernon quickly composed himself, before walking over to Dawn and begin ushering her toward the kitchen exit.

"Welp, we gotta keep this train moving. Still got a lot to see." The wolf scooted the ewe around the breakfast bar before Dawn began to walk of her own volition, the ewe still stifling a few laughs as they made for the exit.

"I'll call you when lunch is ready you two!" Dawn could hear the she-wolf cry before the pair passed into the central hall.

Vernon made sure to note for Dawn's sake the large bathroom entrance they had passed on their way into the hall. From there the wolf lead her to the large bedroom reserved for the Hunter males. As the two entered, Dawn immediately noticed Wade laying on one of the several large bunk beds. The wolf was buried in his phone, seemingly texting away to who Dawn assumed was Giselle.

"Any word on Giselle?" Vernon drew the wolf's attention from his phone. Wade was trying to stifle a laugh as he rose off the bed. As the wolf made his way over to the couple he held his cell phone toward them. The face of the phone had a picture pulled up, and from what Dawn could make out it seemed to be some sort of odd colored tree trunk.

"I know I shouldn't be laughing." Wade continued to snicker. "But look at that neck brace! It's massive!" Wade began to cackle.

Now that Wade had said it Dawn could now easily tell it was indeed a neck brace. The thing had to be as long as Vernon was tall. Dawn did her best to stifle a laugh of her own. Looking up to Vernon for support she could tell the wolf wasn't faring much better. She could see Vernon actively struggling to keep a straight face.

"T-that's terrible Wade." Vernon's voice was quavering.

Wade turned back towards his bunk. "Pft...no need to save face. Your mate is already laughing."

Dawn broke down laughing as Vernon's attention fell on her. It was terrible yes, but the brace was so absurdly large it was far too funny for the ewe to stand. Vernon seemed to be relieved as he let out a laugh of his own.

With Wade now back on his bunk, and the two mostly composed, Vernon switched back into tour mode.

"So ahem, naturally this was out room growing up." Vernon pointed over to one of the unoccupied bunks that was draped in a green comforter. "That's where I slept."

"When he wasn't sleeping in Mom and Dad's room because of his 'super scary nightmares'." Wade hadn't looked up from his phone as he uttered the tease.

"Wade, remember who is in more hot water here." Vernon growled. "You don't want to make it worse for yourself."

Dawn could see Wade meekly glance at Vernon before falling silent.

"Ahem, anyway..." Vernon trailed off. "OH!" Suddenly he made a brisk jog toward the door at the end of the room. Once the wolf had made it to the door, he waived Dawn toward him. As the ewe crossed the room, Vernon threw the door open to reveal a large closet filled with various toys and junk. The floor of it was absolutely cluttered with all sorts of games that were haphazardly strewn about.

"Hold on." Vernon clambered into the closet, easing his way over toys in various states of disrepair. The wolf began to yank various toys and games off one of the shelves.

"It's gotta be in here somewhere." The wolf murmured.

"What's got to be in there Puppy?" Dawn asked.

The wolf continued to mutter to himself as more and more items clattered onto the closet floor. It was becoming rapidly clear to Dawn just how the closet had gotten into such a messy state in the first place. After a few more moments of the wolf tossing more toys aside, Vernon let out an annoyed huff.

Vernon poked his head back into the bedroom.

"WADE!? YOU SEEN MY BOX OF STUFF?!" Vernon shouted.

Once again the wolf didn't look up from his phone.

"Your box of 'trinkets'?" Wade asked.

Dawn could practically see the daggers shooting out of Vernon's eyes as he glared at the other wolf.

"Yes. My box of 'personal' stuff." Vernon hissed.

Wade let out a sigh. "I think Mom moved it to the barn." The wolf shrugged.

"WHAT?! WHY!?" Vernon barked.

Wade looked up from his cell, eyeing the couple with a dull expression. "So it wouldn't end up trashed like everything else in there." Wade gestured his head toward the closet.

Vernon's ears drooped as he let out a heavy sigh.

"What were you looking for Vernon?" The ewe asked.

The wolf frowned sharply, rubbing the back of his head in discomfort.

"I-I...Er..." Vernon made his way out of the closet. The wolf leaned hard against the door in an effort to push the mounds of junk back inside and seal it away. After a few struggling shoves the closet finally snapped shut. Slumping against the door, the wolf let out another disappointed sigh.

"I wanted to get my bracelet." The wolf sighed. "You remember? The match to the set?"

Dawn quickly recalled the friendship bracelets the two mammals had exchanged in their youth. The one that Vernon had given her had been lost a long time ago, a victim of her Father's cruelty. The same bracelet that had suddenly reappeared on her arm when she woke up from her week long coma at GrizzlyFallsHospital, a treasure her mother had salvaged and kept for her. She could remember Vernon mentioning that he still had the one she had made for him back at the ranch some time ago, but she had nearly forgotten about his.

That wasn't to say she hadn't been keeping her own close at hoof. While it was garish and childish, Dawn had taken to wearing it often. It had developed an immense sentimental value to the ewe, and she often kept it tucked in her sleeve when out among the Zootopian populace. Right now Dawn could picture it sitting in the back flap of her suitcase, heavily protected by a padded bag.

"A-are you sure you still have it?" Dawn asked.

Vernon gave the ewe a deadly serious stare. "I know I do." A flicker of uncertainty shown on the wolf's face for a moment. Vernon let out a sigh, dragging a paw across his face lamely.

"I know it's in there." Vernon grumbled. "I just hope it doesn't get water damaged or something. That barn..." The wolf trailed off.

With a brisk and sudden shake of his head, the wolf seemingly regained his composure.

"I guess this means I'll have to get it later." Vernon muttered. "But I know I wouldn't lose it."

"O-of course Puppy Love, I believe you." Dawn smiled reassuringly. Vernon's sagging ears perked slightly as he returned the smile.

"Well....I guess let's finish this tour up." The wolf gave a shrug. Gesturing his arm toward the entrance to the bedroom, Vernon flashed the ewe a playful smirk.

"After you Lamb Fry." The wolf cooed.

Dawn gave the wolf a playful bow before making her way back toward the entrance. As the couple passed Wade's bunk the smaller wolf let out a groan.

"Ugh....Honey Lamb? Puppy Love? It's not going to be like this all weekend is it?" Wade lamented.

"I think Ma would get a kick out of it." Vernon sidled up next to the ewe, shooting a glance at his brother. "She'd probably get a real kick out of the fact Giselle is a giraffe too..." Vernon teased. "In fact, lets go see about that right no-"

"NO! NO!" Wade sat straight up, holding his paws out defensively. Vernon chuckled as he opened the bedroom door for Dawn. As Wade flopped back into his bunk he let out a derisive sigh.

"Can't even make a joke..." Wade muttered as the two left the bedroom behind.

As the pair made their way back to the entree hall Dawn ran through the rest of the short version of her time in the car with Audrey. By the end of it Vernon's mood had seemed to improve significantly. The relief in the tone of his voice was fairly obvious.

"Good to know my Ma didn't say anything offensive." Vernon sighed.

"What exactly were you expecting?" Dawn asked.

Vernon chuckled. "I don't know, what exactly were you expecting?"

The ewe should have seen that coming, but it still caught her off guard to have it thrown back in her face so unexpectedly.

"I-I don't know." Dawn sputtered. "Focusing on my past? Finding our relationship disgusting? Overall disapproval of me?"

Vernon moved across the hall, making his way to the nearby door under the half spiral stairs. The wolf popped the door open, and quickly flipped a light switch on the nearby wall.

"Yeah, so that's about what I was expecting." Vernon chuckled.

Now that Dawn had approached the open door, she could see a flight of stairs descending into the basement. Vernon took a few steps down before beckoning the timid ewe after him.

At the bottom of the stairs Dawn found a half furnished basement that seemed to be right in the middle of construction. On one side of the room there were still boxes of stowed holiday decorations strewn about the bare stone floor. The walls were covered in exposed insulation and unfinished outlets. However, the other side of the room featured a pool table, pinball machine, and an old dumpy couch and television.

"This is my Father's Rec Room project." Vernon stated. "If you drew a line down the middle you'd have a perfect before and after photo." The wolf chuckled.

"How long has he been working on it?" Dawn asked.

Vernon scratched the back of his head, his eyes rolling as he seemed to be forming an estimate.

"I don't know...I think I was ten maybe when he announced it?" Vernon shrugged. "Either way it's been a long time."

The two fell silent for a moment as they stood amongst the unfinished room, a silence made all the more deafening by the muted ambience of the unfinished basement.

"So..." Dawn broke the quiet.

"Right yeah, so that's it I guess." Vernon shrugged.

Again the awkward silence returned.

"Well...what do we do now?" Dawn murmured.

Vernon made his way over to the beat up old sofa. With a leap the wolf hopped over it's back, flopping down hard on the cushions on the other side. As Dawn made her way around the sofa she found the wolf fishing around in the cushions for something.

"I figure we can decompress down here till lunchtime." Vernon said. "When I hit my teenage years, and my bedroom closet stopped being an effective place to be alone I started hiding out down here to get some quiet." Seemingly finding what he was looking for, the wolf wrenched his paw back out from between the seats. Vernon triumphantly raised the TV remote in his claws. With the plastic brick firmly clenched in his paw, the wolf flashed a sweet smile at Dawn and using his other paw gently pat the seat in front of him.

"If things get a little hectic or whatever, we can just hide out down here to get some time away from everyone else."

"Why my lovely little sheepdog..." Dawn cooed before easing herself onto the sofa. Grabbing his free paw, the ewe draped it over her hip as she lay next to him. "I hope you aren't trying to do anything 'uncouth'." Dawn teased.

"Please" Vernon chuckled. "I couldn't if I wanted too, Ma would hear it." Vernon replied.

Dawn gave the wolf a puzzled look. "What do you mea-"


Before the ewe could finish her sentence a loud howl had rang out through the home. It was clear it was several rooms away, but none the less it was piercingly loud. Vernon let out a dull chuckle in response.

"That's why." Vernon stabbed a finger at the ceiling.


A second weaker, but distinctly more masculine howl echoed through the basement.

"And that would be Wade." Vernon added.

"I don't understand...you mean..." Dawn suddenly blushed, remembering Vernon's penchant for being un-able to resist a howl during their more _'intimate'_moments.

"Exactly Floofs." The wolf grinned. "No fun times for us unless we want to let the whole family know what were up too."

Dawn gave a meek nod, still blushing furiously.

"But why is your Mom howling now?" The ewe was quite curious.

"Easier than shouting our names out." Vernon replied.

"AWWWWWWWOoooooOOOOOooooooo!" Audrey howled again.

"I guess it's time for lunch. I best answer her." Vernon gestured for the ewe to cover her ears, and Dawn did as she was told. It wasn't that his howl was particularly loud, but Vernon always liked to have Dawn err on the side of caution when he could control it.

"AWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooOOOOOOooooo" The wolf bellowed a deep a throaty reply. With the call responded to, the basement fell silent once more. Vernon eased Dawn off the couch before sliding off himself. Rising to his feet, the wolf stretched one of his arms.

"Consider us lucky it's just a few of us now. My other brothers aren't as good at controlling the need to howl, So we might end up enduring a few long sessions this weekend." Vernon gave a sheepish grin. "Sometimes up to an hours worth."

Dawn tried to keep up a genuine smile, but internally the ewe was worried. She wasn't really sure if she could stand an hour or more of constant howling.