Hardly Working

Story by Darokko on SoFurry

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Well its been a little while and I'm sorry for keeping those who enjoyed my work waiting but, I figure I would herald my return with everyone's favorite myths!

Curt hated the slow days at the garage. He could only organize and clean his tool box so many times before he felt the overwhelming need to go find some random car to break so they would have some business. The werewolf, now in his human shape, sat slumped in a ragged folding chair and idly polished a socket wrench to a mirror sheen. His coveralls were spotless and his fingernails were immaculate and he was bored to tears. Curt dropped the wrench back in his tool box then stood up to sweep the shop for the second time that afternoon. As he reached for the broom, his phone buzzed in his pocket. Normally, if he was on the clock he wouldn't even have his phone on him, so it was an odd sensation for Curt to open the new text when he should have been working. It was a slow day anyway and besides, it was from Riley.

Instead of kind words or a funny observation from his partner, there instead was a photo of the satyr. Riley was curled over on himself, his ankles tucked firmly behind his neck and entirely naked. Riley cheeks and wide ears scarlet but, he still managed a modest grin for the camera.

"Oh fuck." Curt sighed lowly, studying the photo for a long while. The pose allowed Curt to see just about everything Riley had to offer from his small and wrinkled pucker to his half tumescent member. The sound of his manager picking up the phone in the garage's office jerked Curt out of his own head and freed up enough mental faculties to remember to respond back. His fingers fumbled at the smooth screen, partly from the rush of adrenaline and partly thanks to his nails slowly turning into black claws.

"Oh, you're home already?" Read the text, the most witty thing the werewolf could think to say at the moment. Curt didn't have to wait long for a response.

"Yeah, couldn't stop thinking of you so I cancelled my class. Can't have a bunch of ladies getting a free show." Read Riley's message.

Curt's smirk grew wide and fanged, quite the epitome of wolfish.

"And what about me?"

Again, the reply was short, but instead of words another photo was the answer. This time it was of the lean satyr curling over himself just enough for his lips to touch the very tip of his now fully swollen cock.

"So is this one of those perks of dating a yoga instructor the guys at the shop are talkin' about?" Replied the werewolf coolly even though his reactions were far less than chill. Fur crept up Curt's neck as he filled out his coveralls all while his lips took on dark tinge.

"One of them. Come home I'll show you more." Read Riley's next text.

"Can't, I'm at work right now." The response was reflexive but still hurt the werewolf's ego and crotch to type, even with his ears and teeth taking on a sharp points.

"You're texting me at work, must not be that busy." The ever clever satyr typed back. Curt could feel his boyfriend smirking to himself on the other end. He could also see his boyfriend naked, hard, and probably dripping precum already while he waited for the next message. He would have to make it a good one.

"Hey, Lenny!" Curt called from the garage while marching toward to office. Curt stuck his head, to the older human tapping away at his keyboard with an expression that was less than pleased.

"I'm gonna head home early, its dead." Stated Curt.

Lenny lifted his head and studied the half shifted werewolf with a shake of his head. "Yeah, alright." The man spat, glowering down at his computer once more. That lazy response was all Curt needed to make a break for his truck, missing Lenny's muttered insults. Curt could have easily earned himself a few tickets on the normally twenty-three now ten minute drive home but, the rules of the road had no place in the werewolf's preoccupied mind at the moment. He skidded into a parking spot and fumbled with his keys on way up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. Curt could barely feel the last moments of his shift take over as he opened the door to the little studio apartment.

Riley was there, naked of course, resting languidly on their bed as if he hadn't just been teasing the werewolf into a sex froth a short while ago. The satyr's head jerked up, eyes wide then slowly narrowing as Curt stepped in and locked the door behind himself.

"Er, what happened to work?" Asked Riley looking down at the phone, not so discreetly checking time stamps for the last message. By the time the satyr looked back up, the werewolf had closed the distance between them with long, silent strides. Riley let out a little yelp and moved to jump to his feet however, thick paws pinned him to the bed by his shoulders.

"Where do ya think yer goin' little sheep?" Snarled the Curt, his southern drawl that much stronger in his wolf shape. The pet name coaxed a low whine from the satyr, his ears and cheeks flushing scarlet. Before Riley could work on formulating a response the werewolf's thin, black lips mashed against his own. The breath surged from the satyr's lungs as their bodies crashed together, the work worn fabric of Curt's coveralls rubbed across Riley bare torso while mouth and muzzle met in a heated union.

Riley's fingers, steady and strong with his growing need, sought out the werewolf's groin. He unfortunately was greeted with a stitched in fly stretched over bulging werewolf dick. A low snort left him as he abruptly tugged away from the kiss just as the wide canine tongue slipped past his lips, flicking his eyes between Curt's eyes and his tented crotch.

"C'mon, take that off."Requested Riley, his voice husky and low. "You look like a dork in it anyway." Curt was slow to pull away but when he did a coy grin stretched across his muzzle.

"A dork? And is that the way ya talk to the guy who's gonna give you a tune up?" Growled the werewolf.

"Oh good lord, please don't." The satyr's ears drooped while his fingers fell away from Curt's trapped cock.

"Now now,with the way you're carryin' on I think have to check yer tail pipe." Curt effortlessly nudged the satyr's legs up to his chest, licking his lips lazily while he pressed his snout under Riley's fairly hairless balls and against the peach fuzz covered taint. The satyr bit down on his lip and sank weakly against the bed as he felt the heat and moisture of a familiar tongue slide over claimed territory. The wet appendage started at the base of his weighty sack and was drawn down with torturous slowness to the fuzzy taint until a bearded chin met a leaf-like tail.

"So, didja really cancel a class because you were thinkin' of me?" Questioned the werewolf softly, letting his tongue drag around the tight ring of muscle.

"Not R-really." Started Riley, his eyes already glazed over in lewd bliss. "The gym is ge-getting new mirrors inst-."

Riley never got the chance to finish as he was interrupted by the wide canine tongue wedging its way into his ass. The satyr pulled weakly at the sheets while Curt's hands gripping the two fuzzy mounds framing his snout, tugging them apart to slip in even deeper. Riley's back arched and his lips parted in a hushed whimper as the broad and deceptively long tongue wriggled into his puckered ring and sought out its goal. His tail was a blur as he squirmed in place, and he could have easily leap away from the werewolf, but the still animal part of his brain along with his own arousal kept him firmly in place, with good reason.

A loud whine leap from Riley's throat as Curt slurped long and hard over his prostate, the smaller myth tensing weakly as his body shuddered in bliss. It would only take a few more practiced strokes over Riley's prostate to get the receptive male quivering in orgasm, however he wouldn't get nearly that close just yet. Riley's whimpered as he felt the Curt withdraw, jerking himself up to give the werewolf a pathetic grumble.

"Why did you stop?" Whined Riley, his ears standing tall from the new lack of attention.

"That's 'cuz everything seems to check out from this end." Teased the werewolf, a broad grin crossing his muzzle as he stood up. "But the other end, things are lookin' a little in need of a little love."

The satyr could do nothing but watch as the werewolf's maw sank over his twitching cock. Curt normally didn't make a habit of blowing the Riley, that was something that the smaller myth would happily jump to first so, it was always treat for the satyr to feel that wide warm tongue in different and exciting places. He bucked his hips reflexively as Curt drew his tongue slowly along the underbelly of the Riley's dick. The thrill worked its way up Riley's spine as Curt worked him over with languid lashes and a deep growl in the werewolf's chest. Soon, the growl rolled into a voice, dark and heavy like syrup.

"I don't spend enough time down here." Rumbled the werewolf between slow licks, letting the idea roll around in his head like his tongue had against the fidgeting cock. "But that'll come later."

Riley currently lacked the wherewithal to responds, his ring twitching a little as rivers of werewolf drool leaked against his tail base. He only could watch through lidded eyes as Curt stood up and tugged the zipper to his coveralls down.

"Now It sounds like yer pipes are all in order, but I'll still needa check out that engine. See if we can't get it purring nicely." Curt continued with the silly role play, earning a red cheeked smile from his lover.

Riley had seen Curt undress more times than he could count now but it still sent that slow chill of excitement up his spine and made his tail flutter against him. The smaller myth locked eyes with Curt, that hungry grin sliding slowly across his muzzle, the very same one that he always had when he was about to take his partner. He watched as the werewolf shrugged off the sleeves and-

"Fuck this." Curt grunted, unceremoniously reaching into his coveralls and boxers to free his turgid cock. The role play becoming a burden just that fast. "I just wanna fuck you."

"Good, you were taking a little long for me too." Agreed Riley as he reached to get the lube that was never too far from their bed. He passed off the bottle to Curt only to have the werewolf grab him by one of the horns and push him back into the mattress. He struggled for all of about twenty-three seconds as he watched the werewolf's wide hands expertly click open the bottle and drizzle a healthy amount of the cool lube directly along that throbbing shaft, the ruddy skin glistening from the slick fluid. Curt tossed the bottle aside and snorted loudly to get the satyr's eyes off his dick and facing forward.

"Legs up." He commanded. Riley pulled his knees toward his chest, a little smile spread across his flush cheeks. Curt snarled wildly as he approached the exposed satyr, his cock thrumming in hand. He kneeled and adjusted himself to pose his cock against the wrinkled entrance and slowly pressed inward once he got the right nod.

Even in the heat of their passion, years of experience with each other set the pace before anything, the pressure of that first push followed by a gentle gasp from Riley that always seemed to rise out of this throat. The pressure built slowly until there was a gentle give, something that the opportunistic werewolf found made his neck fur stand on end as he breached that warm heat, and let it draw him deeper. Riley would make a little face as the bulk grew and slid deeper inside him with aid of decent lube, an investment that they didn't make their first few weeks together. Moments later fur would meet fur as their bodies fit together like near perfect puzzle pieces, both myths sharing a longing look with each other after the right amount of adjustment time that seemed to whisper oh so delicately, 'Alright, enough of the lovey dovey crap and lets fuck.'

Curt drew his hips back, drawing slick inches out of Riley's greedily clenching tunnel only to force himself back within those hot walls past any resistance. He did it again, the strokes growing shorter with each thrust as he broke down the now panting satyr's lingering trepidation. Curt grinned as he watched the already pent up satyr react to what he wanted so eagerly, what made the normally reserved myth message him such lewd photos. He decided to see how far he could go. With a rough inward thrust hard enough to push the breath from Riley's lungs he leaned in close to the satyr's ear.

"This is what you wanted, isn't it?" He growled deeply into the pointed ear, drawing his hips back slowly to allow Riley a chance to answer.

"Yes!" Riley gasped out quickly and loudly only to withdraw back in to himself. Curt snorted, his normal smirk starting to fade as his baser desires started to work their way to the surface.

"I wanna hear you say it for me though." Curt said as he pumped himself back into the satyr's welcoming ass. "It was bad enough got you to bother me at work, so say it."

Riley's ears radiated heat now as he felt those hushed words invade his senses nearly as much as the werewolf's mighty shaft invaded his suckling tunnel. He tried to speak, however Curt didn't give him any chance this time, pumping his powerful hips and fucking Riley faster and harder with each passing second.

"Speak up now, what made ya so pent up that you had to lure me from work to stuff you full of some wolf dick, huh?" Grunted Curt into Riley's ear, feeling the smaller myth shudder hard enough to nearly make his own fangs chatter. Riley once again tried to open his own mouth and speak up but instead of words came a labored and clipped groan followed by a pleading whimper. With weakened hands and a pathetic grip, Riley made the effort to push at Curt's hips, struggling to make the werewolf stop or slow down at the very least. Curt only snarled and drug his fangs against the satyr's neck.

"First ya ain't gonna do what I ask and then you're gonna try and make me stop?" Questioned the werewolf, his rapid bucks never missing a beat. "Well I can't have that."

Riley was nearly helpless as Curt yanked his arms over his horned head by the wrists and flipped him on to his side with minimal effort, the satyr's only protest was a loud grunt that left his throat when he felt the werewolf get even deeper with the new position. Riley's was left breathless as he felt the powerful thrusts render him to a puddle of pent up sexual need, inches away from his climax as his boyfriend drilled into him with animalistic vigor without a drop of mercy. Inches away might have been an exaggeration, the moment the tip of Curt's shaft grinded along his prostate, the satyr had dropped his head toward his chest and unleashed an impressive display. His own long cock pulsed and jerked between his thighs, making a messy and musky lattice work of his chest and stomach, and the sheets beside him as his sex occupied brain sorted out that he had just cum hard enough to knock some sense into himself.

Despite such a show, Curt's eyes stayed trained at the furry rump he was currently pillaging, fucking him with everything but the last two inches of his shaft. He resisted giving them even as he felt that cloyingly tight tunnel wince and grip around his already throbbing shaft. He still rutted the myth as the potent scent of that heavy seed spilling reached his nose and pulled out the primal wolf that hid in the back of his mind. With everything he had, he waited until he heard what he needed to hear from his sheep.

"Tie me." whispered the satyr, his face half buried against the bed as he found the right words he needed. Curt tossed his head back and let loose a proud howl that could have shaken the windows, bashing his hips hard against the Riley's rump until his thick knot sank into that flexing pucker. The werewolf bucked and ground his hips into the familiar hole, teeth bared and claws scraping against Riley's dark skin as he came like the beast he was. If Riley's ears and face weren't already beet red, they would have been from the sheer amount of cum the Curt spilled under his tail, flooding the tight fleshy passage with each hot pulse he gave his partner.

They moved to embrace each other as best they could in their current position, Curt still reeling from his powerful climax and Riley still weak thanks to Curt, catching their breath together as they relished the feeling of been so intimately intertwined.

"Ya know." Curt started. "That wasn't exactly the phrase I was lookin' for but, it works. Next time its gotta be an automobile innuendo."

Riley despite having been so expertly worn out still managed a scowl then a sigh.