The Ten Capitals of Alpis

Story by Gnosis on SoFurry

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List of Alpis Capital Cities

The Ten Capital Cities of Alpis

(Listed in order from north to south)

Leler -ruled by the Danil Family, a family of deer, currently governed by King James Danil (North)

Tynas - ruled by King William Capres, a tiger (North)

Ophylius - ruled by the Ulpis Family, a family of deer, governed by King Warren Ulpis (North)

Iron Pass - located on top of the Fanged Peaks (the most northern mountain range in Alpis), ruled by Queen Penelope Santel, a snow leopardess (North)

Ansil - ruled by the Yurl's, a family of wolves, located just south of the Fanged Peaks, governed by King Alan Yurl (North)

Sleeping Sun - just north of Owl's Overwatch (the only other mountain range in Alpis besides the Fanged Peaks), ruled by the Talis Family, a family of wolves, governed by Queen Mary Talis (North)

Belar - first Capital City south of Owl's Overwatch, ruled by the Esters, a family of rams, governed by King Jonathon Ester (South)

Tenarq - ruled by the Bartem Family, a family of rabbits, governed by King Vincent Bartem (South)

Ernal - ruled by the Seril Family, a family of wolves, governed by King Leonard Seril (South)

Lowpive - located by the beach at the southern end of Alpis, ruled by the Gannish Family, a family of otters, governed by King David Gannish (South)