The Blakes and The Greys Chapter 10: Boyfriend?

Story by hyenafur on SoFurry

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#10 of The Blakes and The Greys

Kody didn't visit his mother as regularly as he used to, mostly because RJ kept him very busy on weekends. He had managed to work out a deal with her that they'd go visit his mother every two weeks or so. The last time he and RJ had visited though, had been interesting. Jo had brought up the subject of her looking for a husband. It wasn't the first time she'd brought it up, and each time he'd supported her, but he hadn't known any foxes in her age range.

There had been something unusual over the last few months though. She wasn't usually broken up about him not visiting every weekend anymore, previous conversations had lasted about an hour just so they could catch up, but lately, those calls had lasted maybe five minutes. Kody was a little curious to know what was going on, so he decided that he'd call and tell his mother they'd be visiting that weekend.

Jo lay in bed, her body completely stripped of all clothing. Her mind was still in a far-off place of pure bliss from the love making that had just finished. The vixen's chest rose and fell against Hubert's cheeks, the wolf having pulled out to slide in beside her so he could nuzzle over her breasts. A warm pool of mixed juices leaked from between the fox's thighs as her tail seemed to stay completely still, only the tip lightly twitching as she came down from her high.

Jo was only half way returned to reality when the phone on her nightstand began to chirp. The fox reached her hand out, trying to move Hubert as little as she could while her paws groped for the device. Her fingers brushed over the plastic rectangle, wrapping around it to pull it to her ear as she pressed the talk button.

"H... Hello," the fox said with a shuddering voice, not really expecting anyone to call on a Thursday evening.

"Mom," a voice churred out. Jo's face flushed, realizing that the phone call was coming from her son who had managed to unknowingly call her after a very intimate moment. "K... Kody! H... How are you, sugar fox," she stammered between breaths as she tried to calm herself down.

"I'm good. How are you?"

"I... I'm 'll right, shoog," Jo replied with a shudder, a little embarrassed by her own wavering voice. The last time they'd had a long talk or even a visit had been almost six months ago, the weekend before she'd met Hubert. She'd been so caught up with her handsome wolf that she hadn't gotten around to talking with her son about her new relationship.

"I wanted to see if it would be ok if we came to visit this weekend," the tod churred, "I know we haven't gotten to visit for a while."

"S... sure, sugar fox. I don't see why not," the vixen panted softly, "I... I've got... We've got a lot to talk about."

"Oh," her son said with an air of curiosity, "What's been going on, mom?"

"I... uhm... I found someone," Jo giggled softly as she started to stroke over Hubert's head while looking down at him, "A real sweetie."

The wolf gave her a goofy grin followed by an a-hyuck and, "Ya calls me sweetie."

"Who was that?"

"Uhm... that was... Hubert, sugar fox," the vixen churred softly.

Kody blinked a few times as he realized what he'd just done. His mother's voice had been a little quivering and stuttering. There was another male's voice. He'd called her right after she and this guy, this Hubert, had just had sex. "Uh... m... mom," the tod began to stammer, "did... did I call at a bad time?"

Part of him was imagining his mother naked with another fox. It was a weird thought to say the least. He had seen her mostly nude before, but imagining her on her back with another fox atop her made him shudder a little. There were days where he hated having an active imagination.

"M... maybe a little, shoog," Jo answered, "But I'd love fer ya'n RJ to come over this week'nd. I thinks y'll likes Hubert."

"S... sure mom," Kody replied, "I'll... see you guys this weekend."

"See ya, sugar fox."

Kody pressed the disconnect button while still in a state of shock. He was still holding onto the phone when RJ moved in behind him, her arms wrapping around her fiancée's middle while she nuzzled his neck. "What's wrong," the raccoon asked as her hands moved up and down the tod's belly through his shirt.

"Uhm... Jo... mom.... Has... has a boyfriend," the fox replied slowly as his mind tried to process what he'd just learned, "a... uh... serious boyfriend."

The sow raccoon giggled, "And ya don'ts like it? A lil jealous?"

Kody shook his head, "It... it's not that. It's jist... It's jist a lil weird, ya know? I know she's talked about it, but..."

His fiancée cut him off, "Havin' a hard time seein'er with summon other than yer dad?"

"I never met my dad."

"You know what I mean."

"Y... yeah. I guess it's hard for me to picture her with anyone."

The raccoon nodded as she nosed his neck, "I know. I had the same problem when my mom remarried. But the important thing is, are you happy for her?"

Kody blushed a little as he started to think on it more. It was strange to think about her with someone, but at the same time, he was happy at the idea. Maybe he might actually get a father out of all this. "Yes," the tod said softly, "I am happy mom found someone."

"Good," RJ said as she reached a hand down to brush over the front of his jeans, "I'm happy that master's happy."

Her words and her touch made him blush deeply, "I love it when you call me that. Well. That and Great Fox."

RJ giggled, "And does the Great Fox wish t'njoy his raccoon?"

A bulge was forming in his pants as Kody slowly turned around, "You know it." He leaned in to whisper something into her ear that made RJ shudder, her tail flick around. "Mmm... as you wish, master."