The Blakes and The Greys Chapter 2: Hubert Hemming

Story by hyenafur on SoFurry

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#2 of The Blakes and The Greys

Huber Hemming was amazed at the train ride, then again, Hubert was amazed a great many things. The fourty-four year old wolf wasn't smart in the book learning sense, nor was he smart in the street sense. He could of course read and write, but his intelligence was mainly derived from his ability to do tasks and do them well. Most people would call him slow, the state would call him mentally deficient, and others would call him retarded, but Hubert had an innate ability to learn by doing, often being coached or being shown pictures of exactly what to do before, during, and after starting on a task. It was how he got through life.

The canine looked around at the other people, most of them dressed casually, much more so than himself. He was clad in nothing but a simple white shirt and overalls while everyone else, save for a few business people, were wearing shorts and t-shirts or some variation of them. Most of the people avoided Hubert though, probably because he looked so strange, that and whenever someone sat down beside him, he told them, "It's mah first train ride!"

Every time he said that, people immediately scooted away, which made the already depressed wolf sadden more. He'd been dating a girl for the last few years, and he was just about to propose to her when she'd called it off.

The problem with Hubert wasn't his intelligence, but rather his size. Compared to Cousin Bill, he was much smaller, not in height but in girth. His body was much more muscular, though he did have a bit of a pot belly. Because of this, he didn't really understand how strong he could be, so he'd managed to put a sizeable dent in the side of the tractor before retreating to his room to punch an equally sizeable chunk of wall as he sobbed into his pillow. He wasn't a bad wolf, he was just sad and confused and hurt because he loved her.

Hubert let out a long sigh as the conductor announced the train was pulling into Bunnyburrow Station. Slowly, his hand moved down to grab his bags, fingers wrapping around the handles. His mama told him that he needed to let his father calm down and get everything fixed before he could come home, but she'd packed almost every article of clothing of his, so the wolf figured he was going to be there for quite some time.

Normally, Bill wouldn't abuse his privileges as sheriff, but with his aunt calling him on such late noticed, he had to bend the rules a little. He'd rushed out of his office and into his squad car, turning on the lights before whipping down the street. Luckily, no one questioned his actions and he was able to cut the usual ten minute drive from the town to the station in half, pulling in just as everyone was disembarking.

The wolf waved over at his cousin with a big old grin just as Hubert stepped out of the train. It took Bill's cousin a second before he gave him a goofy grin. "Cousin Bill," the other wolf yelled out as he ran over to the chunkier canine, giving him a big, bone crushing hug. "Hey... Hubert," he replied as he gasped for air. Everyone at the station was surprised. Hubert had not only hugged Bill, but he was holding him up a good two feet off the ground with ease. "Iz s'appy t'see ya, Cuz! I just had th'most 'orrabibble week!"

"I... I'm.... I cain't breathe!"

The stronger canine let go of his cousin, the heavy wolf plopping down onto the station with a completely lack of grace. "Iz sorry, cuz."

"Yer mama told me yer staying with me for a while. S'come on. Let's getcha summin t'eat and then I'll gets ya all set up at the house."

"Thanks, Cousin. I'm s'glad yer doing this. My brudders are just t'busy fer me," Hubert pouted as he slowly followed Bill towards the squad car, the other mammals on the platform watching the two wolves out of curiosity.

The ride into Bunnyburrow proper was much slower, since Bill wasn't in a big hurry. The chunky wolf had put Hubert in the passenger side front seat, tossing his bags in the trunk before heading on their way. Most of the ride had been Hubert talking about how amazing it was to ride on a train, something Bill had done many times, but his cousin had never done until today. Finally, Bill addressed the subject that he knew would have to be brought up.

"Hubert, can ya tell me what happened between you and Penelope?"

The tubby wolf's expression started to change, his face drooping as his nose sniffled. "She... she broke up with me. Weez been datin' fer three years, and Iz just popped her th'question, and she said she wanted to break up."

Bill nodded as he gave his cousin's shoulder a pat. "It'll be all right, cuz. There's lots a fish in the sea."

"But I don'ts want a fish."

The other wolf shook his head, "How bout I makes ya feel good, like when we as pups."

Hubert sniffled again, "I... I guess."

"Well, I'll make ya feel right as rain as soon as we get a bite."

His cousin nodded, "All right."