Sunday Bloody sunday.

Story by LostinTrepidation on SoFurry

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#1 of Coffee tails

Our tail continues.

Coffee tails and all characters are copyright LostinTrepidation/the people they are based off of. All

names have been changed to protect the innocent (if they exist (more names will be added as things go on)).

I will go on to say that this one is a tad darker than the first. But life is like that, if there is first

tension, darker days will ensue. This story will have more chapters that will be lighter I promise.

In the story I will state that carlos is small/smaller. To point out his height is 5'8" and he has a body

builder type frame. I know that is not something I said directly in the first. But you will understand as

you read on. (Oh and Jamie is 5'9", just to let you know.)

Three days went on and to Carlos's dismay the dye on his friend's hair was not a one day color or semi

dye. Carlos thought back to all the times he went hung out with Jamie. The two of the them had worked out,

ate, played, seen movies and all the normal friend things together. He worried if anyone

thought he was gay by association and it terrified him. As he thought about if there was any time that his

friend was explicitly gay, he found himself looking at Jamie in a new light. The rabbit was not

displeasing to look at. Even though he wasn't cut or bulky he stayed in shape: toned arms and legs, lean

stomach, and the only extra fat was on the rabbit's behind. This was equally frightening. He felt as if he were coming unhinged. Unable to deal with what was going through his head, he avoided talking to the rabbit at great lengths.

Jamie knew something was wrong. He felt Carlos's eyes on him, but the two never had a real conversation

about what was going on. That was in largely in part to the Chihuahua always finding some way to get out

of talking to Jamie. For all his worrying and attempts to talk the rabbit got nothing in return. Jamie was

fed up one day and planned to confront his friend and clear everything up. With that in mind he approached

the gym on a very fateful Sunday.

After updating his expired membership Jamie went to the locker rooms. Scanning the room the lithe fur

changed from his baggy clothes into a pair of tight fitting running shorts and light wife beater. He

padded around looking for Carlos in the odd chance he was finishing early or starting late. He fended off

a few advances from some of the larger furs who were so inclined. One particular lion grabbed Jamie's rump

and blew him a kiss. Shortly after leaving the locker rooms he spotted the tan canine lifting free weights

at the far side of the weight room. His ears perked up as a stout Panther morph reached Carlos before he

could. Straining hear what was said he crept closer, but keeping his distance not wanting to be seen.

"Hey, 'sup? Name's Freddy," The large Feline said leaning slightly down to be more even with Carlos. "Not

much, just warming up on the eighties," was the quiet reply. "Warming up? Wow, what do you curl and

bench?" Freddy asked an eyebrow arched."A lot more," Carlos said starting to get annoyed with the

questions. With a glance down the panther noticed Carlos's Iron Fur main event participant shorts.

"Holy... I know where I recognize you from now," the Freddy exclaimed, "you came in third place last

year!" Carlos rolled his eyes, "Yes I am Carlos Mendez, I don't do autographs." Setting the weights down

Carlos started to walk away. "Wait, I'm not a crazy fan or anything," the panther pleaded and added

quickly before Carlos left the area, "I just wanted to talk a bit." Turning Carlos asked, "What do you

want, Freddy?" With a hint of nervousness Freddy bashfully got closer to Carlos and whispered, "I've seen

you... uh... glancing around in the locker rooms and... I... um... was wondering if... you know..." "No, I

don't know," the smaller fur replied on edge, not knowing what was coming next. "Would you like to go out

with me?" the panther squeaked. "WHAT?!" Carlos seemed to cringe from head to foot and leapt back. "You

don't want to?" Freddy meekly asked."I'M NOT GAY YOU FREAK," Carlos exclaimed as he slammed his fist into

a weight machine. Before Freddy could say anything else Carlos had sprinted away to the locker room.

Jamie watched as the panther sat down sobbing on a bench. Unsure of what had just happened aside from his

friend screaming he was not gay and insulting a fur, Jamie was really torn up. Not bothering to change he

went to the locker room after much of the commotion died down and grabbed his things. Outside he saw

something even worse. Three of the largest furs from the gym were closing in on Carlos. This time he heard


"HEY! That was really mean what you just did to Freddy," a bull morph said glaring down at Carlos. "What,

saying I'm not gay," Carlos barked back. A lion morph pushed Carlos as the bull added, "It's how you did

it." "What do you care, huh," the small dog asked, puffing out his chest,"you his gay body guards?" "And

what if we are," the bull replied smirking as he pushed Carlos into the third of the trio, a tiger morph

who held carlos tightly by the shoulders. "What if I said we were his lovers," the bull asked as he

punched the chihuahua in the stomach, "what would you say?" Carlos sputtered for air before growling.

"That's right, NOTHING, you homophobic peice of SHIT," the bull bellowed. He laughed as he swung even

harder into smaller fur.

Jamie tore apart his gym bag and called police as the bull drove hard punches into Carlos. The bull

gripped Carlos's shoulders to let one of the other two get in on the beating when the small dog delivered

a crippiling kick to his groin. In shock the tiger lessened his grip and Carlos drove a hard knee into the

bulls jaw. Breaking away Carlos spun around to face the tiger. Leaping claws and teeth bared the tiger

attacked the small fur. Despite none of the swipes hitting him squarely, Carlos's shirt was ripped and his

chest bloody. One swift kick to the knee stopped the tiger's assualt and a right cross downed him on the

spot. Just as the right cross connected a well aimed punch slammed into the back of Carlos's head. The

lion kicked Carlos as he lay on the ground unconsisous. He positioned himself to smash the canine's head

in with a stomp. Jamie screamed and charged, knocking the lion over as the raised foot sped downward.

Jamie fell into a heap next to his friend. Shortly after, the police and paramedics showed up.

A crowd had formed as every person in the gym spilled out and some from the nearby shops into the parking

lot. The police dispersed the crowd and took the three assailants away. Jamie tearily answered the

qustions the police had for him. Freddy stood in shock at what had transpired and a stream of 'I'm sorry's

fell from his mouth. The rabbit rode in the ambulance to the hospital, and it was on that ride that Jamie

decided that no matter what, he would take care of Carlos and admit his feelings at any cost.