Wolfsbane Excerpt #1

Story by Ecliptic on SoFurry

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Wolfsbane Excerpt #1 - Creative Critique Reviews Wanted!

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_ Hey everyone, here's the very first insight to my new novel Wolfsbane. This excerpt is not 100% complete, however I have done some minor editing on this small piece, and I'd love to hear your feedback. What more could be done with my style? Does the flow seem right? Is there anything I could change about how Nytal and Lyrika appear to come off with their personality? Let me know in the comments please, I'd really appreciate it! _

_ I posted this excerpt early to my Patreon but decided to post it here purely for creative critique reviews. I'll include everyone's name in a big Thank You post on my Patreon regarding this excerpt review - at the permission of each person of course. _

**This excerpt is not a final copy of the section provided. It is a completed rough draft with minor editing. In no way is this excerpt allowed to be taken and/or published illegally without my permission. Anyone found posting my work may face criminal charges and fines for loss of profit damages if necessary. Just don't do it.**

He closed his eyes as he danced towards the crosswalk. The music was so good it distracted Nytal from noticing the blind spot around the corner. A young shewolf approached from the opposite side of the sidewalk. Her nose was burried into her phone; browsing her Furbook, and not aware of Nytal approaching.

The wolf caught a glimpse and quickly looked up from her phone, letting out a surprised shriek as Nytal danced right into her. He yelped in shock while the shewolf flailed backwards. Responding with fast reflexes Nytal swung his arms around her sides to catch her back. He pulled the distraught wolf back to her feet, looking over her body for any injuries.

She squirmed against his chest, lightly smacking him and flailing with bared teeth.

"Hey! Watch where you're going! Are you blind?" She went to swing her paw again towards Nytal only to have it caught within one of his large paws.

Nytal pulled her up to straighten her out and steady their footing and released her paw.

"I'm truly sorry ma'am." He tried to smile to calm her down, but this only made her seem even more upset. "I was listening to my iPawd and didn't notice you."

He gave her a sincere apologetic grin loaded with charm, hoping she wouldn't stay mad at him and see that he owned up for his mistake. Her face softened when she realized how kind Nytal was being about the whole situation. She felt a bit silly for hitting him and slowly backed away.

She sighed looking up at him, "It's alright, I wasn't paying attention either. I was too busy on my phone to notice you walking-er-dancing up to me."

Nytal reached down and retrieved her phone off the ground which must have fallen during their scuffle. He lightly brushed off the surface before handing it back to her.

Nytal chuckled. "What's your name?"

The shewolf swallowed fast and scratched her ear trying not to look embarrassed. "How rude of me, my name is Lyrika."

Nytal smiled at her cute attempt to hide her embarrassment. "I'm the clumsy dancing wolf that just saved you from a tragic fall." He winked. "Call me Nytal."