Mommy Using Me Part 1

Story by FenixZ2 on SoFurry

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A random fantasy about my mate and mommy that I never properly converted to a more traditional story format about a roo who's mother humiliates him and uses him for her pleasure.

Mommy pulls me in the bathroom and pulls out the funnel she pees into when I gotta drink it.

"On your knees baby" she said firmly.

I get down on my knees, in front of the toilet with the door closed behind me, and whimper "Do I gotta mommy?"

In answer she roughly pushes me against the door and presses the tip of the funnel in my muzzle and the receptacle against her cunny. She murrs softly and rubs my headfur as pee slowly starts to trickle in my muzzle "Just drink baby.." she says as the flow starts to speed up and begins to fill my muzzle.

I whine out and swallow down all of mommy's pee, the entire time squirming and blushing hotly, partially from the shame of being used and humiliated, partially from liking it.

Mommy widens her stance as the flow slows back down and smiles down at me as I finish drinking the last bit "That's a good roo" she says as she sets the funnel to the side "now, lick." she said and spread her slit open and pressed it against my muzzle.

I tentatively give mommy a few licks before thumping my tail and licking all over her bits to clean them. I quickly finish licking mommy clean and pull back, looking up and announcing proudly "All clean mommy"

She pets my head a bit and smirks down at me as she digs her paw into my headfur "I did not say stop" she says firmly and presses her slit back against my muzzle again.

I whine submissively and begin to lap at mommy again, tail thumping hard as I'm putty in mommy's hands.

Mommy starts to pant and leans against the door, still holding my muzzle in place firmly "That's a good girl, make mommy cum.."

I whine out again from being called a girl and squirms, moving a paw to stoke my roohood as I suckle at mommy's clit and try and lick as deep as I can inside her.

Mommy notices my paw and tugs my hair a bit, huffing "N-nuh-uh, maybe after baby girl.."

I whimper, my hard roohood throbbing, but pull my paw away and instead slip two fingers inside mommy. I can tell she's close, she's panting above me and I can feel her leaning heavily on the door, her bits are twitching around my muzzle and tightening. I lap as hard as I can and start to shake my muzzle as I curve my fingers and try and presses that spot mommy showed me.

Mommy leans hard against the door, shivering before she finally bucked hard against my muzzle and came, biting her lip and whimpering softly as she does.

I slowly finish licking and pull my fingers out, quickly moving my muzzle to her entrance and lapping the sweet juices before mommy shudders and pulls my muzzle back, just looking at me like I should know better, so I suckle my fingers. "Can I paw now Mommy? O-or humps you?"

Mommy lets go of my headfur and looks down at me contemplatively "Mummm, no" she says simply "you need to not argue, meaning no back talk, and listen better."

I just whimper softly, reserved to paw alone now "Ok.. well I gotta go pee could you moves?"

Mommy shook her head and opened the bathroom door out so I fell back into the room "Nuh-uh" she said as she walked over me, brushing her tail over my face as she did "You's my lil cubby, you gotta use your padding.." she says, grabbing two diapers out and coming back over as I just whine. Mommy cuts slits in the inner diaper then tapes them both up in turn.

"B-but I held it like a good boy and we're right here mommy" I plead, embarrassed to have to wet my padding.

Mommy boops my nose and smiles "You are such a good lil girl, but you have to use your padding~"

I huff and whine, waiting a couple moments "I.. can't go with you watching"

She grabs the crotch of my padding with a crinkle "I want you so stay a good girl and I don't trust you not to use the potty-" she starts then smiles and helps me up, then switches places with me wile I'm confused and pushes me back so I sit down on the potty "cubby's first big girl potty~"

I whine out and blush once again, the familiar feel already relaxing my bladder as mommy pulls her phone out and records me. "M-mommmy.." I whine

"C'mon be a big girl for mommy, I wanna see those indicator's fade" she says and moves the phone closer to my padding wile pushing on my bladder.

I blush still and put my paws awkwardly under my thighs and breath slowly as I start to wet

Mommy smiles and kisses me softly when she started hearing the hissing from me wetting, still recording "That's my big girl"

I just grumble a bit and continue to whine and blush as I wet, the indicators quickly changing color and my padding quickly sagging.

"Oh my. You sure did hold it" mommy said with a giggle as I finished up, reaching out with her fee paw and squishing my soggy diaper against my sheath wile still recording "two diapers.." she commented before slipping her paw up and tugging my padding open, my roohood peaking out "those aren't girl bits~ my sexy baby boy's bits. C'mon" she said then tugged me up, leading me to the bed and pushing me back on it "since you were such a good girl I'm going to give you a treat.

I whimper and thump my tail hard against the bed "W-what treat?" I ask as mommy sits the phone to the side to record.

"I'm gonna show my baby boy how it feels to mate~" she says as she undoes the top tapes to my padding and pulls my hard roohood out.

"M-mate?" I ask, playing innocent "Wassat?"

Mommy smiles and rubs on my member, making me squirm "It's how you were made, cept you can't get me pregnant, I'm fixed. It feels really good baby." she says, still pawing him "Do you know what this is?"

I nod and pant softly "S'my roohood"

Mommy nods "Uh-huh, and you know what this is?" She asks as she presses her slit against my member.

"T-that's your slit.. I-it feels so warm" I say with a whine

"Yep, it's called a pussy most times, and your roohood fits right-" she maneuvers my tip "inside" she finishes as she takes me into her quickly.

I gasp out and grip the bedsheets, tugging on them "Mommmmy" I whine out.

She places her paws on my chest and scritches as she slowly starts to grind down "Shhhh, just relax and let mommy take care of you."

I whimper in pleasure and pant, already close from being teased so much but trying to hold back.

Mommy leans down and nibbles my ear as she bounces, whispering "Go on baby, fill me up." then bites my neck.

I yip and cry out as I cum hard, letting go of the sheets and wrapping my arms around mommy, pulling her down wile I grind and buck.

She suckles my neck a bit as I squirm under her then lets go and kisses me "Good boy." she says, sitting on me till she feels my roohood stop twitching then pulls off and stands in front of me with her legs spread a bit "Down." she commanded. I scrambled down on the floor in front of her and she placed her paw under my chin behind my jaw and forced it open, pressing her slit to my muzzle once more "Drink down all your seed."

I whimpered and swallowed all my seed back out of mommy and she stitched my head as I did. After I was done and I licked mommy clean she helped me up and taped my soggy padding back up "I-I don't gets a change?" I whine

"Nuh-uh, hold it like a big boy~ If you leak I'll spank your bottom." She said with a grin "Just tell mommy when you can't hold it no more and maybe I'll let you go."