Deathly Night

Story by TheMadmanwithaScarf on SoFurry

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#5 of Journey of the Shadow Archive

The veil of Night shrouds the sky.

The darkness lively and bodies red.

On this night we all shall die.

The heavens above that will cry.

Our hearts below that have bled.

On this night we all shall die.

The candles flicker as if end is nigh.

The child with us will all be dead.

On this night we all shall die.

The black birds of death shall all fly.

Our shriveled souls have never been fed.

On this night we all shall die.

The tears from our eyes will never dry.

Our lambs to slaughter we have led.

On this night we all shall die.

Our deceitful lips only lie.

This waltz with dance will say goodbye.

Our bodies will rot and our souls will all cry.

On this night we all shall die.