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#10 of Hal and Suzy

A few girls at school with Hal want to see if he really is as big as they wear

This takes place a year or so after the first story

by IB: Bluevirage

Classmating By Bluevirage


Justine Nash sat quietly reading the Wall Street Journal. Her preference for paper media while having her hair tended to by one of her maids was observed from the corner of the eye of her husband, Louis.

It was their usual morning ritual, one that took place after their mutually enjoyable morning bedroom romp. Like many things that too was set to a time limit in their household. But it was far from boring for the late thirty-somethings.

A mutual shower, followed by breakfast being served while they both had their hair and fur tended to. It was a usual weekday morning for the couple, one that was marked by the absence of their daughter Clover.

Justine had lobbied years ago for school to open a little later so she could have this time with her girl. Now her little jewel was nowhere to be seen and she sighed inwardly while skimming over some mess about current country affairs in the paper with her eyes. As she continued to read, an article caught her attention that was written by three individuals.

Three? Justine mused as she started to read it.

Justine seriously considered canceling her subscription as she read what was an obvious attack piece written by the Wall Street Journal of all things; or having one of her assistants read the thing to keep her up to date on certain corporate dealings.

"You should give her some slack and credit while you are busy scowling about our little Clover." Louis smiled as he used a computer tablet to browse the Internet.

Justine gave her husband a withering glare; he did not understand why she was upset at that moment, which was not normal for him. "She should be here, not supposedly lying in bed still." she said as she focused on his mentioning of their daughter's absence.

The two gazelles knowingly avoided talking about Clover's habit of sneaking suitors, male or female, into her room at night with the aid of estate staff. Some mornings she was too tired after having her obscene lusts sated to join them.

She was far too young, and yet the two wealthy adults had no real angle to pursue when it came to chastising Clover about it. They had not even revealed that they knew about her habit; but via private discussion they were certain if it was anyone over the age of twenty they would likely intervene.

So far her playmates were her age and no older than sixteen, likely teens from schools near her own or from her school.

The Nash family was respected, trusted, and givers to causes that helped the community. So when Clover requested a friend go with her for a sleepover, no one thought anything of it and most parents said yes; even when the other child was male, because Clover was sort of an heiress, a well mannered princess, and had sleepover events with numerous cubs at the same time. None realized that Clover would be having carnal fun with their offspring while they were within her household.

The conversation mostly ended there, the couple knew each other well enough to already know what the other was thinking. That as long as Clover maintained a public face, one that was not cum stained, they would not intervene as long as her tastes did not get too weird or embarrassing to the family.

Justine looked at herself in a mirror held by the maid that had been working on her hair and smiled. "You may go, Marci."

The maid bowed, she was a french-poodle, quite literally from France, but spoke rarely due to vocal cord damage.

Justine considered her speech impediment a real shame, she was regularly invited into her and her husband's bedroom. Which was another reason why Clover's parents were so lenient about her behavior at the moment. And they hoped Clover did not notice their own activities around the estate when it came to satisfying their own needs.

The family was sexually adventurous; not a trait you wished to wave a banner around about, but it could cause obvious issues if it came to light.

The small dressing room the two gazelles occupied had enough space for a vanity, four chairs, and a few other furnishings to give it a comfortable look. The carpeting they, servants and owners of the estate alike, found themselves upon that morning was a new addition.

It was expensive, and as such Justine instituted a no shoes policy, and a strict foot cleaning policy when entering the house. Guests were seen to at the guest house on the property, not the manor proper when visiting unless invited within the family's inner sanctum.

It was not that the carpeting installation was anything to put a real dent in the Nash family's joint account for household costs; it was that Justine had grown up poor, grew to hate the world around her, then decided to put on a mask and just get with the program to succeed and have comfortable if not nice things around her.

But she never lost her edge when it came to matters of saving money, or truly enjoying what you had as opposed to what you worked for.

It was a shame, she thought, that her daughter Clover was not the least bit rebellious to the comfortable life she had in any obvious way except for the request she go to public school.

Still, she hoped that her daughter's day would be uneventful and that her two best friends would keep her antics under-wraps a smidgen.


For others mornings and going to school were more mundane. Hal the lion cub on the other paw had started out his day with a morning blow job from his sister followed by going balls deep in his mother.

After a shared shower, that included a hand job and a breakfast of cereal; the family split apart, with Hal's mother handing her latest additions to the family off to a sitter, Halley to her school, and Hal dropped off at his school by his mom while she was on her way to work.

Hal later found himself seated in class watching the birds flutter about on a tree branch. The other cubs around him in class were focused on the lesson the teacher, a busty cow woman substitute, was going over as far as history.

Class was frankly boring because Hal already knew everything the teacher was going on about. Having already answered the questionnaire handed out. A task made even easier by being multiple-choice.

This was due to Maria, the zebra genetics researcher he had impregnated, having given his mother links to online things like Codecademy, and Khan Academy. That and a whole list of online tutor and educational resources gave his mother what she needed for her own lesson plans. One that required he study from for an hour each day; with a test at the end of the week based on one of the things he had studied previously.

It did not matter what he studied so long as he was situated in front of his laptop in the living room near his newborn siblings (that he had also fathered) learning while his mother fussed with them with help from Halley or while their mother was nursing them.

Due to her not having as much energy for sex as often, Halley was helping her brother with his sex drive a lot more those days. It was like she had promised after the incident with termites infesting their home; family helped each other out, which also meant Hal had to help her out with her urges caused by his presence and he was very much okay with that.

As a family unit they were closer than ever, and Hal did as his mother wanted knowing that he had to be there for his siblings/children as much as possible. Having a firm grip on many topics would help him with that goal.

That being said he had no idea that all his antics would have gotten heard about by some of the older students. Some of which had intentions not so nice in mind for the lion cub.


Class eventually broke for lunch which had been given an additional fifteen minutes at the beginning of that semester; a boon thanks to the efforts of a certain gazelle lawyer at the state-level within the political arena.

It was now a forty-five minute break due to new state mandates that combined free-study with lunch; giving the kids access to the library and playground where teachers supervised them at all times but there were blind-spots.

The various social groups that sprung up in such environments (commonly called a Clique) were readily evident as compatible personalities drifted towards each other. They all gathered to gossip and plan events together while mostly enjoying the company of others or at least pretending to.

One such group was the trio consisting of a prong horned gazelle in designer clothes, a mutt of a dog in hand-me-downs, and a badger that was trying to look cute as opposed to tough in a skirt. Said badger was succeeding thanks to makeup and clothing suggestions provided by her two friends.

All three girls hung out together due to a shared love of fantasy novels and martial arts; though they came from very different backgrounds. Deanna's dad, the badger, ran a fitness studio that doubled as a Dojo; and Azure, the canine, had inherited numerous training dummies and workout equipment from her uncle Job's estate. Her parents encouraged her to sell what equipment that she could not fit at home, which she did to Deanna's dad. Clover, the gazelle, had the most outgoing personality and managed the activities of the trio of fifth graders.

All three had been overweight upon entering the fifth grade and through diet, exercise, and friendship had become noted fitness buffs who liked to openly mock other students poor eating and health choices. By no means overly muscular they were lean and flexible, something they applied to other activities they were known for around the school by select individuals.

Today the trio were in the library after finishing their salad and lemon juice enhanced water lunches. They were reading and going over their next park outing for extreme frisbee. Clover however was more interested in pointing out flaws in others again as she spoke up while gazing in the direction of another student at a table by himself. However her gaze wavered and landed upon a certain other student with another problem in her eyes.

"You see the pig over there?" Clover asked as she pointed a pink painted nail seemingly in the direction of a boar boy.

Azure looked up from a fitness and fashion magazine pile she was trying to pick a book out of to read. "The boar?" she asked. "That's Nick Jeanette. What about him?"

"No, I meant the teacher fucker." Clover said while looking past the boar boy at Hal as he sat in the library on a computer doing coding drills on a website he had logged into.

His fingers were a blur as he attempted to beat his own sister's time at the same drill. To him it was just another videogame, only one that would prove useful in the future as far as employment. He did not notice the three girls watching him but the fur on the back of his neck itched a bit where their gaze fell. He ignored it since he was distracted by his coding too much to worry about it. Besides the teachers were patrolling, making sure no one was openly bullying anyone else that had finished eating and was just trying to be productive in their own way.

"You were pointing at Nick though." Deanna said with a roll of her eyes. "You should just admit you want to bang him."

"Well no duh!" Clover said with exaggerated gestures. "He is buff, is on the junior football team, and is likely to understand my needs as I enter my tweens." Clover said with an air of loftiness that made her friends giggle. "I am serious! But not him," Clover smirked while pointing again. "I meant the lion, Hal!"

Azure locked her canine gaze upon the cub, sizing him up as if he were prey. She had heard things about the lion as well, things about his size below the belt. His clothing choices did not help dispel rumors since he always wore baggy pants and shorts that sometimes one could see a rather large shape rub against when he played. "He is like what? Eight? Nine?" she asked.

"I hear he is a teacher fucker." Clover scowled. "That is why I called him a pig. It is just...nasty if you ask me! Someone who is only like what eight and a half should not be doing things like that!" Clover sighed in agitation. "At least when it is not me or someone closer to him in age." the gazelle added with a smirk.

"He is nine and a half I think." Deanna replied. "So what if he is doing things with the teachers? It is not our business if the adults have not stopped it. And so what if the rumors are true? With junk like that, what makes you think we could actually fit him?" Deanna glanced at Clover and smirked. "What makes you think you could fit him? Though I am sure you could take the football team with ease,"

"Thanks for the complement skank." Clover said teasingly.

"But word is Hal is like a serious adult down there, and I doubt any of us have actually done anything with someone that big." Deanna cracked her neck and frowned. "You are just asking for more than a sore cooch, Clover."

"Even with lube you are right." Clover sighed and giggled, "Since you are right, anal might work best. Which I am certain you are the expert on in this group." Clover and Azure giggled while Deanna blushed. "Besides," Clover smirked while continuing to gaze at the topic of their conversation typing away. "Me and Azure have started our cycles, so yea we probably could fit him; being on the cusp of maturity and all."

"Physical maturity," Deanna snapped. "does not equal mental maturity, you have a serious problem with screwing anything and everyone around you." the badger relaxed in her seat as she found a magazine she wanted to look at and started to flip through it.

"You don't complain, even when I have you leave the guest house to climb to my window when you sleep over." Clover winked.

Deanna smiled back, "It's good cardio...everything that follows the climb that is." she winked.

"Clover!" Azure being skeptical of any sexual enterprise her gazelle friend could and would drag them into had to voice her objection. "We could get," Azure whimpered as she thought about what her mom had threatened to do to her if she came home pregnant before she was at least sixteen. "pregnant!"

The gazelle bristled at the cowardly attitude of her friend. "As young ladies, we should have first crack at young boys in our age group, minus a few years, but exceptions can be made! Besides it is only natural since our bodies are ready and so having babies would not be completely out of order." Clover stood up over dramatically, which caused her to wobble a bit before Deanna reached up and grabbed her skirt to help steady her. "No cradle robbing harpies should have dibs, it is scandalous! Why, we have a substitute cow-slut woman on staff now because Hal fucked a regular teacher I heard and impregnated her!"

Azure looked Clover in the eyes, fully understanding why she had used the word slut to refer to a kind woman that had only just recently started working at their school. "So your dad screwed a cow, one of the servants you have, and you walked in on it." Azure ignored the glare as she spoke aloud the secret her friend had shared with the others of the group. "Your mom is pretty frigid acting though." she said while expecting Clover to attempt to slap her.

Clover wanted to slap the dog, but as her bestie she had the right to tell it like it was to her face. "Whatever, it's not like I hate cows and want them all ground into meat patties. And mom can be a freak in bed, the walls are not thick enough." Clover said as she muttered the last part.

"Bitches like meat." Deanna said, trying out lyrics from a rap album her older brother had been playing recently at home.

"Just, just don't, that music is garbage, correction-the lyrics are garbage but the beats are "phat" unlike your ass." Clover said with a chuckle while Deanna blushed. "Anyway I want to see if the rumors are true, so we need to interrogate the little lion freak." Clover quickly issued orders to her friends on what to do and the group split up at the appropriate time to tail and ambush their target.


Hal had twenty minutes left of his lunch break and wanted to spend that time napping in class. Hal had started to take naps considering his new siblings had a habit of waking up everyone during the night when they wanted something. When class started the teacher would wake him up and he would be good to go until he got home where more responsibility awaited him.

So walking down an empty hallway with no one in view had put Hal at ease. For a member of a predator species, Hal did not detect the ambush until the girls had already grabbed him and began to drag him away. One had covered his mouth with a piece of tape before another wrapped him in a bear hug and hoisted him off his feet so that her friends could grab his legs. Their timing was off, but their plan worked as the threesome maneuvered Hal quickly down the hall as Clover's grip on Hal tightened as he tried to kick Deanna and Azure off of his legs.

Clover grunted with the effort of half dragging and half carrying the smaller cub. She should have made Deanna do it, but had decided that as leader she should flex her muscle once in awhile. Still she hurriedly moved along as her friends controlled his flailing legs.

Hal twisted in the gazelle's grip, his claws were out, trying to dig into their skirts and shirts as they wrestled him into the girl's bathroom. Clover figured he needed a reminder of how he was not king of anything and pinched a nerve just underneath his furry flesh using a move she had learned. The slight application of force gave an immediate result that made the gazelle smile as Hal stiffened noticeably and made the cutest sound.

Hal squeaked, totally embarrassed by the tiny sound, as his torso felt a wave of numbness wash over it and he stopped kicking for a moment as the girls pushed and pulled him into the handicap stall. They let go of him and he retreated to a corner to slowly peel off the tape on his muzzle. Hal glared at the girls from his spot in the corner, angry that they would ambush him but curious as to why.

"What do you want?" Hal unsheathed his stubby, but sharp, claws and tried to look threatening as he dropped the tape, along with some of his muzzle fur, to the bathroom tile.

The girls all easily were a foot and a half taller than the cub and each flexed their own muscles in silent reply to his display. They were ready to use force if needed, but the plan was simple enough that they may not even have to try hard to convince Hal to cooperate.

Clover was surprisingly good at coming up with simple plans on the spot that were effective. She had suspected that if it was true what they said about Hal, that they could get what they wanted without much difficulty.

"We heard you have a big dick," Clover said bluntly while smirking at the smaller cub, "and are pretty sure you like laying the pipe to teachers; leaving us poor students all alone, but I guess you like old ladies more huh?" Clover sneered at the young lion. "Like granny panties and all that?"

"No, just titties." Hal grinned while miming grabbing a large pair.

Clover held up her paw and gave a dismissive wave. "We have breasts, show him what you got girls." she said as she pulled up her top to show off her A-cups.

Azure grabbed Deanna's top and pulled it up showing off her mostly pudgy and flat bust. The badger fumbled to get her shirt pulled back down while cursing at her friend who only laughed.

"So you want to do it?" Hal asked as he sat down on the toilet seat, finally understanding why he was ambushed and what likely was going to happen.

"Don't be such a little kid, stud, its fuck F-U-C-K." Clover smirked as Hal blushed. "We just wanted to test the waters a bit first, not much time now before class starts up. But after school we should have more than enough time to try out your goods in full.

"But, me and my friends need," Clover looked thoughtful for a moment. "what is that term the teacher used in our class today? 'A proof of concept' was it? Yes, yes it was.

"Sure you look like you have a big dick, but we wanna see it; maybe see it shoot a hot load before we all go back to class."

"Girl if you are not careful you are going to smell like that cow-slut that fucked your daddy." Deanna said, openly pressing her bestie's buttons.

"Fuck you badger slut, and hold these so they don't get messy!"

Clover pulled off her top and sports bra and stepped out of her skirt; she quickly pulled off her panties and handed over the garments to Deanna who swallowed hard as she took in her friend's nudity, the view stirring her own lusts as memories of a few fun sleepovers came flooding to the forefront of her mind.

"You must have something going on down there unless you like carrying cucumbers in your pants. So either take off your clothing, or we can help you with that." Clover said in a commanding tone.

"I think I need help." Hal teased.

Clover smirked and pointed at Azure. "Get him undressed," Clover started to openly finger her slit, her flat fingernails probing her hole as she got herself ready. A quick grinding and rubbing session to see what was up with him and maybe sate a little of her curiosity at the same time was in order. Everyone would win except for her friends who would have to wait till after school.

Azure snapped off a salute while Deanna rolled her eyes at the dog. Hal let the girl paw over his slender torso as she tugged off his shirt and tugged down his pants. His custom underwear his mom designed for him and ordered in bulk online were soon revealed to the girls as the canine mutt undid snaps and bands to tug them down his legs to reveal his adult genitals on an underage frame.

Clover was left speechless as she spied the fuzzy sheath with a bit of blue peeking out of the top of it. She felt her mouth water, it was the only time in her young life she could remember feeling hungry for flesh as a plant eater. Azure already was cupping his cubby balls, fondling them as she admired his girth and the weight of his goods. Deanna was openly drooling and slid a paw up over Clover's ass which earned her a glare and a swat of her paw by the herbivore.

Smiling softly she spoke, "Azure, even a dyke like you has got to try that out later."

"I am bi, bitch!" Azure replied before using both her paws to fondle Hal's balls. "Just like you two."

"Deanna is too much of a sissy to count as anything other than a girl." Clover said as she fingered herself a bit more at the show.

Hal was happy. He was getting felt up by girls closer to him in age and he was pretty sure this would become a regular thing. His excitement built as thoughts of pregnancy, specifically impregnating the girls, were cast aside. Though Hal began considering the incident with the teacher that then led to the impregnation of Maria the beautiful zebra mare researcher who was a specialist in what the medical community sometimes called Throwback Syndrome: a catchall term for a group of genetic anomalies.

Anomalies that in Hal's case resulted in him having genitals that resembled his wild counterparts; as well as early onset maturation of certain physical features, primarily his adult sized dick. On top of that his body was producing pheromones that increased potential partners sex drive and lust. Maria even suspected his strange semen had other, addictive, properties besides being sweet to the nose and tongue, tasting and smelling like blueberries.

Maria was driven in her research due to her having the pussy of a wild zebra mare. Thoughts of their tryst made Hal's own oversize cock engorge with blood quickly as his sheath was pushed down by Azure's soft paws.

Before Clover could even move to sit in Hal's lap and grind her belly and pussy against it; a smell hit her nose that she was certain was what caused Azure to take Hal into her muzzle and began to attempt to choke the boy's easily ten inch cock down like it was the last sausage ever made.

"Whoa!" Deanna said while also feeling herself grow flush from the pheromones that filled the space of the handicap stall. Her nipples peaked, pressing against her uniform's top as she watched Azure gag until Hal forced her off of his cock and raised her from her knees gently by cupping her cheeks and bringing her muzzle up to his level.

"Slower," Hal gently kissed her on her muzzle, lapping over her lips before urging her to try again by pushing her back down.

I don't know if I should be this horny now, but if we do not stop now, we will get caught. "Stop, stop!" Clover said firmly while Azure began to suckle upon Hal's spiny tip.

Azure pulled off Hal's cock with a wet pop. "You cannot be mad that I-" Azure noticed the look in Clover's eyes and knew it was a decision that would not could not be argued about. "fine," she sighed. "sorry sweet dick, it has to wait." she said apologetically to Hal.

Hal was way too turned on for things to end like that. "Oh come on!" he nearly whined. "I can't go to class like this." Hal pointed at his throbbing male-hood, afflicted as it was by the girl's generous touch, he would not go soft anytime soon.

"Fine, Azure go ahead and finish him off." Clover relented, checking the time after peeking outside of the stall. The clock on the wall read that only five minutes had passed since their capture operation had started. "You have ten minutes."

"Plenty of time." Azure and Hal said at the same time before the dog was slobbering all over his dick again.

Azure braced herself on Hal's slender thighs, and began spearing her mouth over and over again up and down his shaft. She gagged, coughed, and convulsed whenever his tip jabbed the back of her throat. Her flat wet tongue swished this way and that on her upstroke as she locked her lips around his cubness and suckled hard.

Even though she could only fit about three and a half inches of his length in her muzzle, She was still doing a very good job at bringing Hal closer to orgasm.

Hal was sorely missing the muzzle of his zebra lover. Maria could easily take all his cock and then some, draining his balls with sucking gulps as if his cum was life saving elixir. But the mutt between his legs sucking his cock was doing a pretty good job though.

When Azure's paws found their way to his groin as she began to support herself on her knees he felt blissful caresses of fingertips over his sack as she continued to suck him off. Her fingers groped and cradled his nuts while she pulled back off his cock to suck and kiss at his tip; peppering it with sweet licks and pecks of her puckered lips before fitting his tip into her mouth to suckle upon his shaft once more.

Azure stopped trying to deep throat the boy, finally conceding that she was not a porn star and just an amateur. She was enthusiastic in her task, and kept on sucking as hard as she could whenever his cock tip pierced her moist mouth after lapping around his pointy spine covered tip.

Azure's partners in crime watched with rapt attention as the canine slobbered all over Hal's dick. Thick streamers of her slobber rolled down his shaft, coating it and making the cub's spire appear to be a thick melting candle. All the while the flame that was the mutt's mouth never stopped bathing what she could take within her oral cavity with even more saliva.

It was quite a show they were watching, so when Deanna openly grabbed Clover's ass with a paw and squeezed the badger was not surprised when Clover reciprocated by pulling her into a kiss. Their muzzles sloppily were exploited by each's oral organ as they glanced out of the corner of their eyes at the show.

Hal's eyes widened and his groin muscles lurched as he launched the first spurt of his sweet cum into the dog girl's mouth. She coughed and gasped as she kept her muzzle over his tip to contain his cum explosion as best she could as he unloaded.

Hal groaned softly as she worked his nuts gently to enhance his pleasure as she swirled and swished her tongue about. He closed his eyes as she sucked hard as his cum tapered off and relaxed a bit as she pulled off only to catch another blast across her muzzle of his cub seed.

By the time he was done his groin was a mess along with Azure's muzzle. She smiled up at him as she watched him catch his breath. Hal was panting gently from the sweet release he had been granted by the elder girl. He knew he should show some appreciation, even though he did not want to be there in the first place, and ran a paw over Azure's head and over an ear gently.

Azure gripped Hal's knees as she coughed a bit. At his touch she looked up at him and watched him give her a head rub. She nuzzled his softening cock and kissed its tip before standing up. "Let's get back to class. Be seeing you later."

Clover and Deanna freed themselves from their make-out session swiftly. Azure giggled as they straightened their hair and clothing out, with Azure helping Clover get dressed while Deanna fidgeted with her own clothing, a small lump was at the front of her garb, before walking out of the bathroom like nothing had happened.

Clover quickly exchanged numbers with Hal before leaving first, promising to text him where to meet at later. The hot and heavy action had obviously had an effect on them, an effect that they would likely take out on Hal later on wherever they were to meet.

Hal cleaned himself up and swiftly made his way out of the restroom himself. Thankfully the hallway was clear and he was able to get to class just as it was filling back up. Settling into his seat he opened his notebook up and began to take down what would be his homework that night. It was easy stuff as usual completed in class as soon as it was written down, and soon he had other cubs asking him to help them out with it before they went home.

He had to tell them he had other plans, and Hal was certainly looking forward to later on, he wanted to know if he could actually fit in girls closer to his own age. The thought alone was having him grin in anticipation as his balls throbbed.


"Mom, I will spend the weekend helping out at the shop, but I have to help Clover with something today. Yes, her driver will get me and Deanna home later. Love you too, bye, bye!" Azure got off the phone and sighed as she watched Deanna bribe the gym coach assistant that had caught them hanging around after school. They were in one of the trailer classrooms that was left unused after the school was refurbished ten years ago.

It was now used for record keeping, with stacks of folders in boxes all about its few rooms. But it had a spot in it where a break room had existed that still saw occasional use as a make-out spot by students and staff. Usually a teacher was assigned to check the area out since the locks on the front door were a joke and anyone with a butter knife, or a thin enough ruler, could pry the thing open.

"I know you like sucking dick, but could you make him pop already?" Clover said while filing her nails while standing nearby watching the action casually. "We have an appointment with a certain someone remember?"

Deanna giggled around her mouthful of cock and sucked harder on the man's modest seven inches. She made eye contact with the gopher, making him groan as she gripped his cock with a couple of her furry fingers and stroked him. She squeezed her fingers while swirling her tongue around his cock tip. He jerked his hips in response, gritting his teeth as the cub popped his dick out of her mouth before he gripped the back of her head, forcing his cock deeper into her muzzle. The badger cub began to swallow around her muzzle-full causing the recipient of her blow job to groan louder as she began to apply even harder suction while moving a paw to his nuts.

Pursing her lips and relaxing her sucking, Deanna began to slide her muzzle back and forth on the dick in it. Pulling free of it once more despite the strong paw on her head. She lapped all around his sweet cock before sucking only on the tip. She quickly slipped him back into her muzzle and bounced her head back and forth rapidly, focusing on finishing him off in her muzzle. The badger's technique had her victim on his tiptoes groaning as he used his free paw to brace himself against a wall.

Deanna sucked hard as she drew back one last time and finally the gopher popped; spurting over and over again into her open muzzle. Deanna after a few spurts locked her lips down on his maleness and suckled. Nursing from the dick in her mouth, earning herself a few more spurts of cum, the badger teased the assistant coach's furry scrotum. Soon enough he pushed her head away from his slowly softening cock. Deanna let it pop free from her muzzle and tucked away his dick in his gym shorts for him.

"Be gone before practice is over, unless you want me in your ass." Deanna squeaked as the man groped her ass through her skirt before he left the trio alone.

"I knew having a friend that was such an open whore would be beneficial." Clover smiled at Deanna who approached her swiftly and planted her muzzle against her own.

They shared a kiss that had some of the gopher's seed enjoyed by Clover, who had long ago come to enjoy snowballing with her friend when not enjoying a bit of dick herself.

Azure dialed Hal's number while she watched them kiss. "I am dialing our little friend." she said as she brought the phone up to an ear.

Hal was standing outside on the front sidewalk of Vernon Elementary waiting for his mother. She usually picked up their cubs on her way back from work from the babysitting service. She had spent only a month and a half out on maternity leave, owing her quick recovery to being so well cared for by her elder children.

Soon enough Hal spotted his mom's car in the distance and waved at her with a smile on his face. In his backpack came a buzzing sound followed by a familiar ring-tone. Slipping the bag from his shoulders, Hal reached into his pack and pulled out his phone.

Answering the call he watched as his mother pulled up and unlocked the car door for him. Climbing in he began to speak to both his mother and the dog from earlier.

"Hey, Azure." Hal said to the mutt, recognizing her voice. "I just told my mom I was heading to a friend's." Hal smiled at his mom as she sat watching him curiously with her paws on the steering wheel. "Yea, I will be there soon okay?"

The elder lion said nothing but kissed her son on the cheek as she unlocked the car door again for him. Finally she spoke as he got back out of her car. "Older, or the same age?" she asked softly.

"Older." Hal grinned back at her as he shut the car door. She sighed softly to herself and pulled off after checking the traffic around her in her mirrors.

They had had a family talk about his fertility and the potential damage he could do if he started spending time with girls closer to puberty or in the grips of it.

"Yea I said I will meet you there, I am on my way over." Hal replied to an impatient sounding Azure as he hung up his phone and waved as his mom got back into traffic.

It was not too unusual for kids to hang around after school for activities. So when Hal made his way over to the former trailer classroom he went unmolested; something his three new girl friends would change once again shortly.

Hall pushed open the door after finding it unlocked and walked down a small hall to the break room. There he was greeted by all three girls standing around in their underwear waiting for him.

"Hal, if you would not mind sitting down, we can take care of you, make you feel really good like before; and this time, you can shoot all you want inside of us." Clover said with a smile.

Hal eyed her pink training bra and panties noted they had little red bows lining the trim. As she balanced on her hooves she pointed at the couch that had a white sheet covering a portion of it. It was pristine, obviously the girls had used the room before and came prepared to cover up any serious mess. Hall shucked off his clothing and quickly sat down, his butt came to rest upon the sheet and he heard crinkling from plastic underneath it.

"We threw a cut up trash bag underneath it after seeing what you had to offer earlier; we do not want to leave too much evidence." Deanna said while holding her hands on her hips palms out, she licked her lips as Hal's cock began to fill out without any assistance from them.

"Clover, you go first." Azure said with a smile and a nod to her friend as her tail wagged showing her interest in cock before her.

"As if I would not, I am giving you a ride home; but," Clover smiled as Hal watched her shimmy out of her panties and pull off her bra. "I want to take this bad boy for a ride."

Hal remembered his mother's words as he watched Clover climb into his lap. Her silky smooth fur glided over his bare thighs as she leaned in and pressed her muzzle to his. He let his tongue battle with her own, tasting something strange yet familiar as he was kissed by the older girl.

Clover gripped Hal by his shoulders as she ended the kiss and raised herself up on her feet. Hal was big, but he would fit, she would make him, even if not all of him could go in; so she squatted over his spiny blue tip and looked him in his eyes as she began to part her slit with his pole.

"I could get you pregnant," Hal finally said what his mother had wanted him to tell any partners.

"I don't care! A dick this big? Ha, as if my family could not afford any kids I have!" Clover said as she justified her squatting on the biggest dick she had ever taken with a soft chuckle that turned into a droning moan as she managed to get the fat tip and four inches into her stretched pussy.

Hal bucked up at his entry into her tight wet hole and managed to sink another four inches in. Clover still was nowhere near bottom, but her eyes crossed as her breath caught in her throat as she came on Hal's dick. Her friends drifted between shock, lust, and jealousy as Clover shivered as Hal's spines rubbed her just the right way through her orgasm.

Hal stopped moving as Clover closed her eyes and grit her flat teeth together in focus as she tried to keep from cumming again. She had just taken in his dick but already she was feeling lightheaded and unable to go on.

"So...fat," she moaned as Hal attempted to steady the larger cub on his rod with his paws on her hips. His claws dug into her fur slightly causing her to gasp and squeeze her eyes shut tighter at the prickling sensations here and there on her thighs.

Hal and Clover tumbled over as the elder girl gave up on staying on top. Managing to stay on the sheet as they now lay with Hal between the plant eater's legs. The lion cub began to use her knees as paw holds to slide what he could of his cock back and forth within her. It was slow going at first, but soon he was rocking his hips and panting as Clover writhed and squirmed while gripping the sheet in her paws as Hal fucked her.

Clover felt her stomach flutter as she writhed on the end of Hal's dick. His strokes were short but strong, his paws gripping her knees tightly as he closed his eyes and focused on holding back. She was so tight, and it felt so good, he was pretty sure he could get his sister Halley to take him sooner rather than later once she met Clover.

Maybe he could do both of them at the same time, Hal thought to himself as he panted with effort, soft grunts escaping his throat as he dug his toes into the cushioning to really add power into his fucking of the gazelle.

Azure's cold nose bumped against Hal's swinging sack causing him to jump and gasp which made the canine smirk as she licked over his furry nuts.

Hal's surprised gasp as Azure started to lick his sack got his cock to jump inside Clover and make her squeal even more at the sensation. The cub looked over his shoulder at the girl toying with his nuts, her ass swinging from the motion of her happy tail, and bit his lower lip to try and stem the tide of cum she was working to break free from his youthful body.

Azure would not be denied and wormed a finger into Hal's bum, he squeezed down on the intruding digit, but its soft pad found his prostate and all bets were off as he was practically forced to cum inside the gazelle.

Clover opened her eyes to watch her stomach bloat a bit as cum squirted out around the seal of Hal's cock inside of her body. She writhed as the pressure built and built until she had a small baby bump, looking a few weeks pregnant; with Hal still squirting inside her as he popped his dick out with a gasp as Azure removed her finger from his butt and let him flop back.

She quickly swallowed the tip of his tool as it popped free from Clover's hole which gaped, oozing seed as the mutt swallowed down mouthful after mouthful of cub seed. Deanna looked on while stroking her groin, openly working herself up as Azure swallowed what she could before pulling off of Hal's still leaking spire.

Hal's cock throbbed again and again as his seed leaked down its sides, oozing over his spines and over his thick veins as he felt his balls throb with each pulse of seed from within his small body.

"More," Azure wiped off her muzzle and lapped up what she could from Hal's groin. "More," she repeated as she moved between Clover's legs and began to lick and lap at her slightly gaping cream filled hole.

Clover squealed as Azure's flat tongue washed over her pussy, the mutt climbing over Hal's resting form to better dig in at her treat. "Stop!" the gazelle tried to push her friend's head away, only to have Deanna seize her paws by her wrists. Clover was shocked by this open rebellion but quickly threw back her head and came yet again as Azure ate her out to get at Hal's tasty seed.

The gentle scent of blueberries, pleasant, fulfilling, and familiar entered into each girl's mind as Hal's pheromones did their thing. The more aroused they became, the more his body compensated. His body was ready with his cock back at full mast as he watched Azure's ass wriggle over top of him as she feasted on gazelle pussy. He moved behind her and prodded her soft wet pussy mound with his tip.

Azure looked over her shoulder and shook her clothed rump coyly adding, "Go ahead, I want what she got,"

Hal did not disappoint as he peeled her wet panties off of her mound and pulled them aside before he lined up his blue rod and shoved himself inside of his schoolmate. The dog whined, not in pain, but in pleasure as she was filled up with kitty cock. Hal was huge but he felt so good, stretching her out nice and tight around his meat as he began to thrust.

Kitty and puppy writhed in the throes of pleasure as the cubs bucked and pushed against each other. Azure started cursing in Spanish, Deanna licking her lips as Clover joined her in watching Hal plow their friend's pussy.

In the back of his mind Hal kept himself thinking about things other than the hot girl speared on his throbbing flesh. He had been taught how by older females, to distract himself from the act to never fully draw himself into it to last longer.

But how long did he have? The girls had never set a time limit on how long he had this time to spear their cunts. Figuring he did not have anything to prove, and that it was just fucking they were after, Hal decided to give into his lust and began to slap his hips harder against Azure's ass, bottoming out and groaning with each ball shaking slap of his hips against hers.

The slaps became wet claps as her pussy soaked their thighs; the sounds mingling with moans and groans as Hal slowed down and nearly stopped before thrusting harder into her. The alterations of his pace made Azure squeeze down on him as well as she could. Stretched so tightly to the limits on his dick, the pup barked out in delight as she came hard and shivered as her muzzle fell against Clover's thigh as she went limp.

Clover wrenched her paws free of Deanna's grip and slid off of the couch as Hal kept fucking Azure harder. She had spied Deanna's need, smelled it, and slid behind the badger and began to nibble at her neck with her flat teeth as her paws slid into her panties.

Soon Clover had her paws wrapped around Deanna's package and began to whisper into her ear.

"You dirty slut, you want his fat cock in your ass don't you? You want him showing you what a real cock feels like, unlike this little pathetic cocklet you have," to emphasis the word little, Clover pinched Deanna's substantially smaller, but normal for her age, cock between two fingers and stroked it.

Deanna moaned as Clover manipulated her groin, playing with her little nuts as she stroked her cock. "Y-y-yes~!" she gasped.

"Good, so bend over pencil-dick so I can get you ready for a real dick!" Clover removed her paws and pushed Deanna by her shoulders which forced her to grip the side of the couch and bend over.

Clover dragged off her friend's underwear to reveal her plump ass. She spread her furry cheeks before lapping over her small coin-purse of a furry nut sack. Deanna jumped at the sensation of a tongue on her nuts and whimpered as Clover began to stroke her cock from behind as she licked and lapped all over her balls.

Hal watched this all with interest as he finally unloaded in Azure's tight cunt and held himself inside of her. He coated her insides with steady sprays of semen, all but ensuring that she would be having a pup or two after this encounter.

With a pleasurable sigh Hal popped his cock free of Azure and settled back onto the couch. His cock was throbbing and still hard, oozing his cub seed in thin rivulets from its tip. As he took a moment to compose himself, he felt warm paws grip his sack and opened his eyes to find Clover fondling them.

"S-stop," Hal breathed. "Never did it...that hard before." it was true, two tight pussies back to back and nearly drained Hal's reserves in only two sessions. But the way Clover was stroking and fondling him only made him grow even harder, as if his cock had other ideas and to hell with his balls if they could not keep up.

"Aww, you going to wimp out on me? But Deanna needs you! Look at her, she's just ready to go!"

Hal looked at Deanna, sprawled on the floor, her legs splayed apart and her asshole on display along with a smaller set of male genitals. Deanna gripped her knees while looking away from Hal, a blush was on her face and her cock throbbed as she held herself on display per Clover's orders after working her up.

Hal slid his feet off of the couch and stepped over to Deanna's form and slid himself over her. His cock prodded her ass causing the larger cub to squeal in pleasure and some apprehension.

"Don't worry," Azure said as she sat up to watch Deanna get reamed. "he's all lubed up for you tiny dick."

Hal said nothing as he pressed himself inside the badger. The girls giggled as their friend groaned in pleasure and pain as Deanna was speared. Hal had no idea someone so cute could be a boy between the legs, but thought about how his sister had once said with the right clothing and perfume he could pass for her little sister instead of brother.

All that aside the tight ring gripping Hal was causing him some difficulty in pushing in deeper. Deanna on the other paw had closed her eyes as her cock throbbed harder as Hal pushed inside her bum.

"That's what a real cock feels like, Deanna." Clover said as she watched Deanna squeeze her eyes shut in response to the spine covered cock now pushing into his bowels. "It feels good doesn't it?"

Deanna said nothing as Hal began to pull back out completely, on retraction both cubs released small held breaths; both locked eyes for a moment as Hal rubbed his still oozing tip all around Deanna's tight, but now gaping, bud before pushing back in more smoothly and faster.

Deanna's cock squirted a tiny bit of cum out of it as his balls jostled under the impact of Hal bottoming out inside of her. Deanna felt like the cum was practically squeezed out of her by the insertion of Hal's rod, the hard fleshy pole throbbing with each push and pull as Hal began to fuck her ass properly.

Azure fingered herself as she watched Deanna pant and wriggle on the floor. The mess could be tended to later, now was the time to see what Hal could do to the badger's rear. And for his part Hal was attempting to pick up speed. But Deanna's wriggling and gasping made it harder for him to focus on anything but filling that ass with cum.

Leaning over Deanna, Hal panted hard as he began to push harder with his knees into Deanna's tight hole. He felt a bit of wetness on his stomach and glanced down to see Deanna squirting all over herself and Hal's stomachs as she came; this time it was a larger mess that made Hal redouble his efforts to finish his play date with the trio in a grand way.

"The sissy came again!" Clover laughed. "The dyke likes boy dick, go figure."

"After this we are going to need a bigger strap-on!" Azure said joining her friend in their teasing of the badger.

Deanna let her tongue flop out of her mouth as she felt her balls empty their last all over her stomach. It was her strongest orgasm experienced ever in her short life and it left her feeling light headed and tingly.

Hal thrust a couple of times as Deanna flopped back listlessly on the floor, her legs dangling over his slender shoulders now; and unleashed a flood of cum deep inside of Deanna with a yowl of pleasure that surprised him. His barbs dug into Deanna, rousing the badger slightly as her insides were raked slightly.

Hal was surprised by how good it felt, the sensation of finishing inside of the larger cub's ass was similar to his other anal sex experiences; but with someone closer to him in age it was somehow better, and he wondered why that was as he allowed himself to collapse on top of the badger to recuperate.


There was much yelling in the Nash household a month later when a previously arranged checkup revealed that the young Clover was pregnant. At Azure's household, the yelling was for different reasons. Her mother accused her father of fathering an incest baby, forcing Azure to reveal who the daddy was.

A few phone calls and conference calls between the girls parents revealed that Deanna had participated in the activities a month back; but due to obvious biological differences, came away with nothing more than a sore ass and dopey expression.

It was late in the afternoon a few days later when Halley picked up her mom's phone and got an earful. Holding the device by two fingers she walked into the living room where her mother sat at rest on the couch reading, her babies nearby crawling around in their crib with Hal laying on his stomach nearby watching something on his own tablet.

"Yes?" the elder lioness asked as she glanced at the device held out like it was a dirty diaper.

"Angry parents on the other end-why are you smiling?" Halley asked, confused at her mother's reaction.

"Oh nothing, nothing at all." the lioness said knowingly while taking the device from her daughter. All the while her eyes were looking towards the carpet, where Hal laid, knowing full well what was the cause of the call.



Kathy Wain Mayor, City of Lorrell

Lauren Gaines Chair, Lorrell City Board of School Commissioners

Dr. Greg Santana Chief Executive Officer

Vernon Elementary/Middle School #5 1904 Whitebirch Avenue Lorrell, Lordton

From: Dr. E. L. Baxter P.H.D. To: All Vernon Elementary/Middle School Staff


It is with a still perturbed mind that I type this letter aimed at clarifying certain things as well as what we, as educators, are expected to do when interacting with students.

We are to teach, encourage, and bring about individuals capable of performing to the standards of society at large.

We are not to engage in sexual activities with our students (on or off school property); if caught, any teacher, associate, or assistant will face termination and a possible hearing before the school board and or a visit from law enforcement if they wish to argue the reasons for their termination with me.

We do however have within the most recent generation children between the ages of 8-12, there are exceptions, physically maturing faster, being flooded with hormones, undergoing rapid physical changes instead of gradual ones. And to top it all off these changes and the accompanying unique features that each child has due to parentage and the like produce certain pheromones.

Pheromones that influence higher thought processes. This coupled together with things mentioned in the previous paragraph is being termed "Throwback Syndrome" by the scientific community.

Our ancestors matured faster, reacted far more to scents than some of us do now, and were capable in some cases of having children way before any of us older folk were out of diapers.

Students with certain needs as a result of this Syndrome, are liable to approach anyone to sate their urges; there is debate as to what constitutes consent, when one is motivated by their own pheromones as well as those emitted by individuals with this Syndrome.

Since suppression of these natural urges leads to more violent tendencies in some reported cases whereas allowing things to progress in a more satisfying direction negates the violent tendencies all together. (Citations will be provided below.)

However, as I mentioned previously, We are not to engage in sexual activities with our students (on or off school property); if caught, any teacher, associate, or assistant will face termination and a possible hearing before the school board and or a visit from law enforcement if they wish to argue the reasons for their termination with me.

Interpersonal relationships between students however, are subject to regulation by their parents and when on school property the regulations and rules we have already set forth to cover such things.

If any parent approaches you, an employee of this school, about their children doing things most intimate with each other. Send them to my office, have them phone me, and do not engage them in any argument.

Any questions any staff have should be brought up during our weekly staff meetings. I encourage all of us to work together to keep our school environment as it is: safe, secure, and charming to any and all visitors.

~ Principal Baxter