The Greys Chapter 4: Aunt Jo (Original Version)

Story by hyenafur on SoFurry

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#5 of The Greys

Because someone complained that there weren't any sex scenes, I present to you one the only chapter that contained a sex scene that actually contributed to narrative flow. There were others, but I pulled them out because they didn't advance the over all narrative.

Josephine Grey had been eighteen when she went to the big city. Her parents had cried, and her brother, Joshua, had given her a great big hug. It was a special moment for everyone since she was the first Grey to go to college, but it also meant that she'd be in Zootopia and away from her family for the first time. After a few tears, she'd managed to get on the train before it rocketed away.

Jo had always been pretty, though, she'd rarely heard anyone say so outside of the other predators that lived in Bunnyburrow. She was tall for a vixen, but not overly so, and she was curvy. Her body was covered in a soft reddish yellow that looked almost like faded orange. Most of the guys told her that she should be in pictures, and she had agreed, though, not the pictures they were thinking of. She wanted to be a movie star. She didn't have much in the way of acting outside of school plays, so she'd worked hard to get into Zootopia University's School of Performing Arts.

Jo giggled as he sat on the train. It was never hard for her to turn heads, mainly because she looked so different from most of the foxes the passengers usually saw. She had figured that it was her fur color, but in reality, they were actually staring at her because her wardrobe screamed country girl. She'd worn short shorts and a plaid short-sleeve shirt. Her long legs drew everyone's attention, which only got more interesting when she'd gotten off the train at Zootopia station.

As she headed towards the metro line to the university, she received several calls and whistles from several felines and wolves. Of course, the attention only made her laugh and blush as her long fluffy tail flicked around behind her. She was loving the attention, especially since it was coming from a more diverse group of animals, most of whom hadn't seen a girl wear shorts that high up on her hips.

After another short ride, she'd finally made it there. Her eyes dancing up and down the old gothic architecture as she walked into the registrar's office. The paperwork was the worst part though. Forms had to be signed in triplicate. She had to hand over a check for almost $5,000, the most money she'd ever had in her hands let alone seen, and that was just for her first semester. Finally, after everything was done, and she had signed up for freshman courses, the registrar handed her the keys to her dorm room.

"You'll be rooming with another vixen," the mare had said as she pushed the keys towards her, "Classes start next week."

Jo had taken the keys and given the horse a warm smile, "Thank ya', ma'am. I look forwards t'meetin'er."

The woman just chuckled as she drank in the vixen's accent, "I'm sure she will too."

Jo let out a sigh as she plopped down on the bed. She was the only one in her dorm room, and from the looks of things, her roommate hadn't even moved in. Part of her was saddened by the prospect of not meeting her roommate today, but she figured that the other girl would be here later on. She was a week early after all.

Slowly, Jo sat up and started to claim her spot in the small room. She took the right bed, dumping out her clothes first before putting them away in the nearby closet. The vixen then turned her attention to making her bed. She'd done that every morning since she could remember, even making her brother's bed so their parents would skin him alive for being messy. The memory couldn't help but make her giggle a bit as she smoothed out the white cloth over the mattress before tucking in each side. Once the clothes were put away and the bed was made, she didn't really have much else to do other than arrange her toiletries, but that could wait a bit. Something in her begged for her to start exploring not just the campus, but the city. She had just started to think about that when her stomach began to growl at her.

"Guess it's time fer sum grub," she giggled to herself as she grabbed her keys and headed to the dining hall.

Christopher Rowan, "Chris" to his friends, sat in the dining hall munching on a sandwich. The red fox was tall and muscular, almost looking like a miniature wolf more than a fox. He could have gone somewhere else to eat, but Chris liked watching all the new students come in. "New meat," he chuckled to himself, eyes darting over the throngs of Freshman and transfer students. There were a few cuties here and there, though, most of them were prey species or domestics. He knew most of them wouldn't consider talking to him, let along shacking up with him for the night, but it was fun to just watch and imagine. He'd almost given up on his day dream when he watched a vixen wander in.

The tod blinked a few times, a hand moving to adjust his sunglasses as he gave her a good once over. He stared at her while taking a long sip on his soda, eyes dancing over her curves but mostly focusing on that long fluffy tail and what it was attached to. "Country bumpkin," Chris churred to himself, a sly grin wandering over his lips as he watched her order something in a thick accent that took the server a few times to understand, "I'm gonna tap that."

It took Jo a few minutes to get through the line, mostly because the servers needed her to speak even slower than she already did, but finally, she had gotten her burger and fries. She walked away from the counter, a smile on her face. She held onto the tray as her eyes looked around for someone to sit with.

There was a pack of wolves sitting around one table, all of them eyeing her and panting. The alpha gave her a wink, which made her blush. She knew that in the big city, it wasn't uncommon for inter-species relationships, and even marriages, to happen, and it wasn't like the idea didn't sometimes wander through her head, but she politely declined and kept walking. She was just about to sit alone when a voice called over to her, "Need a seat?"

Chris was smiling as Jo made her way over to him. He was finally getting a closer look at her and he liked what he saw. "Thank ya," the vixen replied as she slid into the seat next to him.

"So, what's your name," he asked, trying to be nonchalant and a tad distant as if he wasn't already stripping her nude in his mind.

"Josephine, but everyone calls me Jo," she replied as she blushed, "I ain't seen many foxes round yet."

Chris smiled as he turned his full attention to her, "We're around, but we're a minority."

"I figgered as much since I gots a my-norty skollarship here."

The tod couldn't help but chuckle at her accent. It made him wonder what she would sound like in the sack. "I'm Chris by the way," he added as he pushed his hand towards Jo.

"It's a pleasure t'make yer 'quaintance," the vixen said as she gripped his hand. Chris was a bit surprised by her hand strength, but even more surprised by the way she shook his arm up and down. Then again, he should have expected this from a country girl.

"You new here," he asked even though he already knew the answer.

"Yup! First time to tha big city. Errythin's'big here!"

The tod laughed, "It's why they call it the big city."

Jo giggled, "I s'pose so."

Chris gave her a smile as he chose his next words to be filled with entendre, "You looking to go exploring?"

"Course I am! I wants t'see errythin," Jo replied, her face beaming brightly.

"Free later?"

"I gots nuthin' t'do 'cept hit th'book-stirr."

"I know all the best places in town," the tod smirked, "I'll show you a great time."

Chris had been right. He had shown her a great time. The tod dragged Jo all over the city over the next week. They hit all the touristy places during the day, mostly museums and public buildings, and then Chris took her out every night to bars, restaurants, clubs, and discotheques. Unlike other vixen he'd been with though, Jo wasn't about to let him see what was under her daisydukes, something that frustrated him quite a bit. So the two continued on like this, though their explorations moved away from weekdays and over to weekends once classes started up.

It was the last week in September and the first week in October when Chris finally was able to get what he wanted. He'd spent half of August and nearly all of September trying to get into Jo's pants, but it was all about to pay off. He'd been working on her for some time, and he knew that tonight was the night as he wrapped his knuckles on the door.

Jo was right behind the metal door, a big smile on her face as she slipped out into the hallway. "Ya ready, sugar," she asked as her tail flicked around behind her.

"I sure am," Chris replied in a deep murr as he put his arm around her, leading her out of the dorms and towards his car.

The vixen and the tod hit up their favorite discotheque called "The Glacier" over in Tundra Town. Jo always had to wear an extra layer when they went there, but she certainly enjoyed the synth music. It was very different from the songs her parents played back home, and the beats were always fun to dance to. That's what they did most of the night, dance, their bodies bumping against one another as the music boomed around them.

It was close to midnight when Jo and Chris left, the vixen leaning against the tod as they trudged through the snow towards his car. "That was wonderful," the woman said in a soft churr, her head leaning against his shoulder. The tod just murred deeply as his hand slowly slid up and down her side, "It's gonna get better. Ready for a drive?"

Jo nodded as she followed him to the car, sliding into the passenger seat as Chris started the engine. "Wur ya thinkin'," she asked as she looked over at him. "I know a nice quiet spot, don't worry," the tod replied as he gave her a warm smile.

Chris was right again. The spot he found was quiet, then again, public parks usually were at night. Jo was still coming down from the high of dancing as she pressed her back into the seat. "Mmm... Thank ya, Chris," she churred warmly, eyes closing as she let out a stretch. She almost wanted to doze off right there, but she felt a hand on her thigh.

"Don't thank me yet," the tod replied in a lusty murr, his paw gently squeezing her denim covered leg as he leaned in to give her a kiss right on the lips.

Jo blinked a few times as she felt his muzzle pressing against hers, his hand kneading her thigh. He'd done something like this before, and she'd given him a good smack across the muzzle for it, but tonight felt right. Slowly, she started to melt into the kiss, her own tongue beginning to lap against his as her hand moved to rub over his chest.

Chris growled deeply. It was all going according to plan. The hand on her thigh started to slither between the vixen's legs, gently rubbing her through her jeans while their lips smacked together. He could hear her let out a soft coo as her hips wiggled against his hand, her chest heaving up and down.

Slowly, Jo broke the kiss to blush. "How... How're we gonna do it up here," she asked as she stared into his eyes. Chris just chuffed, "Backseat. Why?"

Jo just blushed deeper, "I... I ain't never done nuthin with a guy b'fore." Her words just made the older fox grin wider as pulled away from her before reaching over the vixen to pull on the seat adjustment knob, "Tonight's your lucky night."

Jo let out a yip as she felt her body fly down. She hadn't expected that at all as she looked above her at the rumble seat. The fox blushed as she slowly rolled over before climbing onto the bench seat. Chris didn't wait long to join her, his pants tenting from the smell of her heat. The vixen blushed as she stared at him, her sex so fiery hot. "Chris... maybe... maybe we should wait. I'm," she started to say, but the tod cut her off, "In heat. I know. Don't worry. I'll wear a condom."

Chris's promise was hollow. He didn't have any condoms, and he wasn't going to wear one tonight. Vixens in heat were always great and going in wrapped just ruined it. But Jo didn't know that one bit. She was in heat, in need, and she liked Chris. It didn't help that he was one of the few fox's she'd met, but he seemed to show some genuine interest in her. Of course, that was all an elaborate ruse too, but the eighteen year old vixen was clueless.

Chris grinned as he sat on his knees on the passenger seat, his hands moving to the vixen's chest as he slowly started to unbutton her top. Jo pressed her bust into the tod's paws, her lips moving to kiss him again while his skilled fingers undid every button. Their tongues danced a lewd tango with one another as they chuffed, churred, murred, and moaned.

Jo's fingers roamed over Chris' chest, hands sliding down to brush over the imprisoned member. She fumbled for his zipper, gripping and groping for the metal tab that could free him, but all she managed to do was grope him.

The tod snorted as he broke the kiss. He usually enjoyed stripping someone naked, but the way she was bumbling about made him think otherwise. It had been a long time since he'd had a virgin. High School in fact, and her innate late of knowledge showed. Maybe getting fully nude wasn't a good idea.

"Lay down," Chris commanded as he looked at Jo, "Lay down on your chest and pull your pants and panties down."

Jo blinked a few times. His voice had changed from being lusty to being lusty and forceful. It confused the woman for a few brief seconds before she obeyed. The vixen slowly slid up onto her knees before turning around, looking out of the back of the car as she reached under herself to unbutton her jeans. She pulled them and her soaked panties all the way down to her knees before she pressed her belly down onto the leather seats. The vixen looked over her shoulder, her face completely flushed. "I'm ready," she squeaked out.

Chris had turned around to unzip his pants. He fished his member out of his trousers, holding his pulsing foxhood in his hand as he made a few motions with his arms, pretending to put on a condom. She was going to feel wonderful. "I'm ready. Just look straight forward," the tod replied as he looked over his shoulder, finally getting a good look at her pert red rump and dripping nether lips before the vixen draped herself over his back seat. She wasn't going to feel wonderful. She was going to feel amazing.

Jo huffed and panted as he looked at the driver's side rear door. She wondered what it was going to be like. She'd heard from a few of the rabbit girls that it felt amazing, especially from Bonnie Springer. Sometimes she just wouldn't shut up about her beau, Stu. The vixen's ears flicked around wondering what was taking so long until she felt Chris press his chest to her back, his hands sliding under her to grip her breasts. She felt something slick and throbbing against her pert cheeks, as the larger fox's hips rocked against her. Jo was about to say something when one of the tod's hands left her chest to reach down and between them.

Chris gripped his member as he looked between them, guiding his tip towards the fiery heat between Jo's cheeks. He poked under her tail, something that made the vixen snarl at him. "Anal is out," he thought to himself, "but I want that pussy more." The tod aimed himself just a bit lower, feeling her sex against the glands. She felt like she was furnace, and he was going to put a log on that fire. With a quick thrust, he forced himself inside her, the tightness of her untouched tunnel swarming around him. "Ohhh... shit..." Chris snarled as he flopped on top of Jo, his teeth nipping and nibbling on the back of her neck.

Jo's initial reaction to the penetration was to let out a surprised yelp. She felt like a stuffed turkey more than a woman as she felt his member rubbing and grinding against her tunnel's walls. Her yelp slowly morphed into a gentle whimper then a moan as strong hands groped and massaged over her breasts, the tod's hips rocking back and forth in quick procession.

"Goddamn! She's fucking tight," Chris snarled to himself, teeth nipping that reddish yellow fur on her nape. The tod wasn't a small, but everyone already knew that. What they didn't know was that he was far from being small between his legs. Most of the girls he'd been with compared him to a wolf, which was no surprise, especially when a few of those girls had been wolves. But he'd never felt such a vice grip on his prick like the vixen below him. Chris wasn't a three pump chump, but this girl might send him over the edge sooner than he thought.

Jo was moaning and gasping, her claws digging into the leather of the seat as she felt his hips and body pressing her into the foam and spring supports. "Oh yes! Oh GAWD YES! Mmm... ya feel s'good Chris! Don't... Ohhh LORDY! DON'T STOP," the vixen screamed out in pleaser as her tunnel quivered around the tod's length.

Chris was right, she did make him fall off the cliff sooner than he thought, but she was the first to orgasm. The fox easily felt that already tight passage collapse around him, gripping him firmly as her juices flowed over his member to soak into his pubic fur. The milking sensation was so great that he came, his seed flowing freely from his member in thick long spurts. She'd certainly kept him pent up for long enough, but hot damn it had been worth the wait.

Chris gave Jo every drop he had in him as he coated her depths with a nice fresh coat of white paint. The pure ecstasy of getting to bed her took a great deal out of the tod, so much so that all he could do was press his full weight down onto the vixen, pinning her to the seat.

It felt like an eternity before Chris finally pulled out, rolling over onto his side to slip his pants back up. Jo could barely move, her chest pressed into the backseat as she panted. "God... Chris... that's... that's the best thang err," she moaned out softly, in such a daze and her loins so coated in fluid that she didn't even realized that some of his seed was leaking out of her.

"Yeah," was the tod's only reply as he leaned back against the seat for a second to catch his breath, "It sure was. You should probably get dressed."

Jo nodded back as she slowly reached down to her ankles, pulling her panties and her jeans up her long legs before buttoning up her shirt.