
Story by shapadapapda on SoFurry


#2 of stuff and stuff

Hello everyone.

I've finally managed to get my life back in order and finally started to feel like a part of society and a decent person again.

So inspired by that I wrote this.


I walk on a road and come across a mask.

''Well this is very strange.'' I think to myself.

I look to my left and to my right but there is no one there.

Where is everyone

There's people nowhere.

I take the mask and put it on my face

and the suddenly I see everything as bright as day.

The world looks so beautiful through this strange mask.

All the people seem so happy.

I feel myself so light.

It's like I'm floating free.

But wait a minute now.

This is not the world that is real.

The real world is such a raw deal.

Should I keep the mask on

or look reality in the eyes?

I take the mask off and look at the world once more.

this place is filled with blood and gore.

Swiftly, I put the mask back on

and all the pain is gone.

I keep walking with the mask on.

But I can't help to wonder

Are we really so insecure

that we must seal ourselves from reality

and all its fatality.

Can't we see each other or ourselves

without mask on our faces.

Can't we love each other

and find happiness in things that truly matter

or don't we just bother.