Chapter 7: This Wasn't Pleasant

Story by Momchil the dragon slayer on SoFurry

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Mercy's mother dies... unpleasantly.

Chapter 7: This Wasn't Pleasant

Mercy hugged Erik and said "Everything will be okay, don't worry." and he answered her "I am okay. Just a little injury. I will be able to walk." "No, I don't think so." - James said after getting some weapons from the marines. While noone was looking, Erik tryed to get up and walk. He fell on the ground and just said "Well, that hurt!" and Mercy came to check him out.

Xenan was sitting on a rock and watched the mountain - his previous home. He saw some movement and got up. After that BANG - a gun fired, but luckily didn't hit Xenan. He started running back to the town and screeched when a net tangled in his legs, making him fall. After that something hit his head very hard, making him unconscious.

James was in his tent when he heard gunfire and after that a screech. It wasn't far. James got a pulse rifle, stolen from a dead marine and went out to search. Then he saw people to drag... Xenan! James shot one of the five people and then the other four got out a BIG gun. He thought that this was where his life ends... in a battle versus four of his kind. No, this isn't the end - James thought to himself. He quickly hid in a bush and from there he shot another two and then... BANG! That huge gun fired, but missed him luckily. James shot and the other two and then got his knife out and cut the net around Xenan's legs.

Mercy helped Erik to get up and said "You can't walk with that wound on your leg.". In answer Erik said "You don't say." by giving that meme face. Mercy just laughed a little bit and after that started wondering where was her mother. "Erik. Do you know where's mom?" - She asked with a worried face. "No, I don't. Why do you need her right now." "I am just worried. I mean, it's night already and those... things are out there somewhere and noone has seen mom for a day.". That was when James called for help.

James was trying to wake up Xenan, but couldn't. I shall call for help - he thought. "Heeelp. Xenan is unconscious and I need help!" - James yelled at the camp, which wasn't close, but it wasn't far, either. After that he heard someone yell back "We are coming!" - it was his sister - Mercy. She came with four other people. Then they lifted Xenan's body and headed to the camp, where the survivors were.

Tracy, Mercy's mother, woke up in a cave which had slimy and hard walls made from a weird material. There was something like an egg infront of her, which made her cry for help, but noone came and the egg started hatching. Tracy was terrified when she saw the facehugger, which soon after that went on her face and made her unconscious. Then she woke up again in this cave and saw the dead facehugger and soon after that she felt pain in her chest and screamed in agony. Then a chestburster came out of her stomach and Tracy saw it all before dying.

Mercy and the others went in a tent where were the medical packages. She watched as a man got out a syringe with some weird stuff inside. "Wait! He's got acid for blood!" - mercy said and the man answered with a smile "I know. The needle is special." "And what is that in the syringe?" "Something that will make him feel better and wake up." - The man said, finishing the conversation between them. After that he penetrated the needle in Xenan's hand and did his job. After a while Xenan woke up feeling pain in his head.