Crenna Odyssey

Story by rainyholidays on SoFurry

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Okay 2nd crack at uploading this, the first time my formatting was murdered, and for such a long piece it really needed the formatting.

Long time reader first time poster here. I finished writing the novel that these opening chapters belong to about 6 months ago, and since then I've been waiting for my 'friends' to get done reading it, however thats not going to happen, so, I thought I'd post it here and see what kind of reaction I got.

I was actually going to post less, and end it before the first naughty scene, but I figured you would all hate me if I did that, haha.

Any feedback you guys can give me is awesome, as it stands I really don't know whether its any good or not, because I've not been able to get anyone to read it thusfar. Particularly if you would be interested in reading the entire thing. Ok, enough from me, read away, and enjoy,


** ** Doctor Geneva, Date: 19/04/32AH, after holocaust.

"You don't understand Doctor, if we don't leave right now, the killings are only going to get worse. You've seen the video, heard the stories, we are being killed off! One by one."

"What if we never find another suitable planet Kaleb, do you really want to grow old on a spaceship?"

"I want to grow old Doctor, that's my whole point, this is the nazis all over again, only this time there's no help on the way, the church is all powerful, you know that."

"I know, but if I make this decision, it could be the end of us."

"We have no other choice, the council started building the ships nearly two decades ago for a reason, they saw what was coming, how the church has been turning everyone against us. Now we are ready, today, and everything they predicted has come true, the violence, the killings, we've been forced to congregate together in a single country for god's sake."

"I see your point, stay and die, or leave and have a chance at life, we have no choice, give the order, we are leaving Earth, I pray that this is not a decision that we regret later."

"There have been some promising readings from the array, we might just have found a planet with a breathable atmosphere."

"That is good news Mr. Crenna, hopefully our children's children will remember us as heroes, saving our kind, rather than fools."

"I'll spread the word, we will be ready to leave before the end of the week, won't those bastards be surprised."

"Yes, I'm sure they will."

Not so simple beginnings


Jason Wallace, that was his name, and he had changed many times, sometimes he wondered if a person's name ought to change with them. He was only 18, but he had already endured, experienced, and accomplished so much.

He had grown up fast, he thought, too fast. His father had been an engineer, aboard a ship, the Calcutta. Because of the war with the humans, he was almost never home, Jason could really only remember him vaguely, as a person he always wanted to see, but never got to know. Not long before his tenth birthday, his father had been killed, and that was when everything went downhill. His mother lost a part of herself when his father died, and it suddenly fell upon him to keep their family together.

The military funeral took place two weeks later, on his birthday, and he had changed so much in that two weeks. His mother had already picked up additional shifts, she was now working nearly every day, and when she got home, she would lock herself in her room, often crying audibly, until it was time for her to go to work again. Jason expected the situation to improve, but it never really did, he basically took over the running of the household, his younger brother and sister depending on him.

Neither of his siblings really understood what was happening, and they looked to him for guidance, but he was almost as lost as them, and had little advice to give. What he did know, he shared though, telling them to be strong, and that everything would be okay. This routine continued for years, and he went straight from an innocent child, to a hardened and jaded adult, skipping the area in the middle.

When he got to high school, life took another turn for the worse, he had always found schoolwork easy, he was naturally smart, and often didn't even need to try, but high school presented him with a slew of new problems. Other than the immature presence of everyone else his age, which he despised, homework became a real issue. Much like schoolwork, he found it no challenge academically, but actually doing it proved to be an issue.

His home life was so wrong, so totally unfair that he found the idea of doing homework appalling. It was like deliberately wasting time on tasks which were mentally insulting. At home, when he wasn't doing chores, cooking or preparing food, and otherwise raising his siblings, he was usually being abused by his mother, her mental state had gotten worse if anything, and she regularly felt the need to lash out, verbally, and Jason just happened to be the biggest, most visible target.

Often several times a day she would berate him for something, at first he endured it, and then began trying to argue his case, but his words fell on deaf ears, his mother was unreceptive. Eventually he gave up, and went back to just enduring her painful words. Other than usually being too busy to actually do any homework, he found himself unable, mentally, to sit down and do it.

As a result of this, high school became harder and harder, each year homework would account for more and more of his grades, and they had gone from very high, to good, to not so great. He knew going into his senior years that the homework would double again, at least, and that it was unlikely that he would pass, because it counted for so much. Despite this, his mother forced him to go, unwilling to listen to reason, as far as she was concerned, he was doing badly at school because he was lazy.

His first senior year really started to take its toll on him, for any glimmer of a chance of passing, he had to spend every last second he could at school, trying to get little bits done here and there. Using his lunch breaks, and the time after he had blitzed through his regular class work. The teachers made this difficult, often preventing him from working on 'home tasks' while he was still in class. All this extra strain proved to alienate him from the small group of friends he had managed to foster over the years. Spending all his time in class working and ignoring them, and all his lunchtimes in the library doing homework.

The incident that would change everything forever, came one day, out of the blue. It was three weeks before mid-year exams, and the workload in every single class had tripled, including homework. He was starting to reach what he thought was his breaking point, where it would all just be too much for him. He was sitting in the library, alone, working on a physics project, when someone threw all his books and work off onto the floor.

It was the school bullies from his year level, a trio, their so called leader was a Bear, often using his natural strength to intimidate others, his two lackeys, one a black furred Feline, and the other a tall tan colored Liger. He had seen the Liger often continue on with the Bear's antagonistic ways, but from what he had seen and heard, the Feline had at some point befriended them, and was just along for the ride.

Never before had their group, or any other group, attempted to pick on him, he was a Dragon, often called 'Scalies,' the name Dragon seen as a very formal title. Unlike the other species, Scalies had no fur, instead they had a thickened skin, the fine pattern it forms on the surface looking very much like scales. Next to the Bears, Scalies where the second strongest species, but they had a thick, tapered tail, that could be used as an extra limb, unlike all the other species, whose tails where for little other than aesthetics and balance, and especially unlike the Bears who had no tail whatsoever.

His skin was black, with patches of green undertone, not an uncommon look among Scalies, he was about 6' 3" and he had deep green eyes. His defining feature, he thought, were the two sharp spines along his forearms, running the entire length, from his elbow to just before his wrist, protruding about an inch out, the hard outer edge was blade-like, and was formed by about fifteen thin individual spines, each curving at the end. They grew constantly, but slowly, and since they had started growing at puberty, he had only needed to grind them down once. Such formations where not uncommon, but not every Dragon got them at all, and very few got them in the same place.

Dragons, where quite rare, the least common genotype, but they had a reputation for being naturally good fighters, and often bullies looked elsewhere, for easier targets, rather than take the chance. Jason couldn't be totally sure, but perhaps these three had decided, now that he had alienated himself from his friends, and spent all his time in the library, that he would submit to them.

He knew that was never going to happen, but he needed them to make the first move, if he antagonized them back, or struck them in any way first, he would get in just as much trouble, he had seen it happen. He needed them to attack, then he could do as he pleased, and wouldn't receive anywhere near the punishment.

He stood, pushing his chair out, stepped out and away from the table, before turning around and facing the Bear, whose name he couldn't recall. Standing at his full height, he was slightly taller than the Bear, and he thought that there might have been a chance that the bully would reconsider, but that didn't happen. Instead, the pudgy faced boy seemed to take offense, somehow. Going from a sneering proud of himself look, to an angry one.

Jason felt something inside his mind start to shift around, and as the bully started yelling something at him, he felt years of repressed rage start to surface, time seemed to slow down for him, the bully's spittle flecked words lost on him, his ears no longer listening. He wasn't sure how long he was standing there, restraining himself from attack, never had he wanted to inflict pain on anyone like this before. The rage got stronger and stronger, until finally, he felt something click, it was like someone had thrown a switch, turning on all his senses again, along with a vast ocean of built up anger and frustration. He felt the torrent of fury explode into his mind, and just that second, the Bear had had enough of his ignoring him.

He watched, seemingly in slow motion as the angry bully pulled his fist back, and then threw the punch. The time to strike was upon him, and focused every ounce of the fury he felt, easily sidestepping the bears punch, following up with his own, a right hook, landing squarely on the bully's lower jaw, and he felt and heard a snapping noise, the Bear's eyes boggling as his jaw was shattered. Jason didn't know at the time, but he had also broken his hand, his fist unprepared for the savage hit onto the bully's hard jawbone.

His mind no longer thinking rationally, he took a fast step past the still dropping Bear, and turned side on, before launching a vicious kick at the Feline, hitting him squarely in the chest. The Feline was thrown backwards forcefully, but Jason didn't wait to see where he landed, immediately turning towards the third bully. The Liger had started taking a step back, his face registering shock, but Jason wasn't about to let him escape. His vision went red, as he launched himself through the air, his bloodlust totally taking over his mind.

He collided with the Liger's chest, and knocked him over, Jason coming to rest knees either side of the boy's chest, kneeling over him, and holding him dead to rights. The Liger's eyes were wide with fear, not comprehending how everything was happening so fast. Jason pulled his fist back, and unleashed a devastating right punch down onto the boy's face. His blow struck the Liger's nose, and his hand, which he had just previously broken, was further damaged, part of the bone being forced up and through the skin on the back of his hand.

The sudden burst of pain, and the Liger going limp underneath him, unconscious, suppressed his bloodlust, before totally wiping it away, and as the fury faded, he stood, and staggered a few steps away, clutching his hand to his chest, before he fell to the ground, in shock and pain, and his mind started to cloud over.

His perception of time was skewed then, and he felt that he had been lying on the floor, paralyzed by pain for days before being moved. Loaded into the back of a ground travelling vehicle, and being given an injection, as he lost consciousness the last thing he could remember thinking, his mind briefly cleared of pain, was how much fun that fight was, and then the painkillers put him to sleep.


He started to come to his senses, struggling to regain consciousness, and when he finally did, he found himself in a white padded room. A thick cast was on right hand, and his left was tethered to the white straightjacket he wore, giving him about two feet of movement. It took him a few hours to figure it all out. The last thing he remembered was lying on the library floor in extreme pain. He remembered the bone sticking out of his hand, explaining his cast, and upon trying to wiggle his hand, it hurt, a lot, so he thought better than to do it again. He struggled to his feet, his legs felt like jelly, and it took several tries. Once he finally managed it, he walked over to the small viewport in the door, looking out to see an empty hallway, with thick metal doors every six meters or so, the hallway ended where an adjoining one crossed it, a good forty meters away. He couldn't make any noise with his bound hand, on the padded walls, and his vocal chords where painfully sore and he couldn't speak, let alone yell, so he decided to wait.

He felt different, he couldn't tell how long it had been, his hand's still injured state suggested it hadn't been that long, but his mind felt clearer. Before, and for years previously, he had felt like he was being yelled at by hundreds of people, all the time, making just thinking about the most mundane things hard. He had often sought any and all ways to escape from it all. But now, he heard and felt only silence, it was quiet, and his mind was clear, he didn't know what was going on, but he felt calm and safe for the first time since long before his father had died. He could get used to this feeling.

While he waited for something to happen, he looked over himself, he wore no shoes, and the padded floor felt nice on his bare feet. Furs rarely needed to wear shoes anyway, and the only reason people did most of the time was for the social aspect, going barefoot was often seen as primitive, even though when their genes had been designed, toughened footpads were put into every single genotype, apart from the Scalies, who's already thickened skin didn't need them.

Only five genotypes survived today, hundreds of different patterns had been developed to make the human race more resilient to the rigors of survival on earth, post nuclear holocaust, but over the years, the hundreds had been whittled down to the best five, those humans who had accompanied them, when they fled earth all those years ago, had all either taken one of the gene treatments, or grown old and died. No humans lived among the republic these days, nearly two hundred and fifty years since their exodus of earth.

This was one of the first things every furry was taught, mainly because for the last fifty years, they had been at war with the Crusaders, the humans, of earth. Since their departure, the truth had been twisted on earth, and now the humans believed it was they who caused the holocaust in the first place. Under the all powerful rule of the 'church' they had sought out the furry race, and declared war.

His thoughts were interrupted by a male Liger, wearing white pants and a tight fitting white shirt opening and walking through the padded door. Jason couldn't make any noise so he didn't bother, he just looked at the white clad man in front of him. The Liger looking him up and down, and then staring into his eyes for a few moments before walking back through the door, closing it behind him, and Jason heard a large bolt slam home as it was locked, 'damn' he thought, 'he didn't even leave that food he was holding.'

A few minutes after that, he reappeared, with a slightly shorter and slightly less muscular Wolf in similar attire, and a much shorter, and despite being a Bear, much less muscular man wearing a lab coat. This Bear seemed like a doctor, and he carried a data-pad and a pen, stepping into the room and taking a good look at him for a few moments, much as the Liger had previously, before looking down at the pad and writing something down on the digital surface. He then lowered the clipboard to his side and stepped towards him. Clearing his throat ponderously before asking. "Can you tell me your name?"

Jason opened his mouth to answer but only a harsh wheezing came out, so he pointed to his mouth with his left hand and tried to get across that he had lost his voice.

"Hmm it's not surprising I guess, you have been mumbling incessantly for a number of weeks." The Bear pondered for a few moments before raising the pad, and making a few taps and streaks with his pen before turning it around to show Jason an almost entirely blank page. "You can write your answers down on this." And handing it to him, Jason crossing his legs so he could lay it across them for stability. "So, can you tell me your name?" the Doctor asked, Jason tried to write his name on the touch-screen using a fingernail, but finding it slow, and clumsy, he soon realized he could bring up a small keyboard display, with the tiny keyboard icon down the bottom of the screen. He tapped the icon, bringing the keyboard up, and was able to start tapping his name in much faster. Turning it around to show the Bear when he was done.

The Bear smiled and let out a chuckle when he saw that Jason had found the keyboard function. "So, what's the last thing you remember?"

Jason turned the pad back towards himself, and typed in 'Lying on the library floor, in pain.' Showing it to the man again. The Bear pondered for a moment.

"Hmm, yes, so you have no recollection of the past two weeks?" Jason shook his head. "Can you tell me the date?" Jason again shaking his head. "Okay. And how do you feel at the moment?" Jason responded by typing in, 'apart from my hand and throat, good.'

"Do you remember how you injured your hand?" Jason nodding his head. "So you remember the fight with those three boys?" Jason again nodding. "Do you remember why you attacked them?" Confusing Jason, he didn't know exactly what the Bear meant, and typed in.

'They attacked me.' The Bear thought about this for a few moments before asking.

"So you were defending yourself?" Jason hesitated before nodding his head. "I sense that there was more to that than a yes."

'Well, they threw the first punch.' He typed in, to clarify exactly what he meant. The Bear seemed satisfied with that, and motioned for the pad back. Jason handed it to him and then the man stood up and took two steps back towards the door, before turning and saying. "We will have a more formal session in a few hours, in my office. Until then, enjoy your breakfast." Motioning for the liger to give him the tray of food that he had brought in previously.

During the following session, Jason found he had gained a lot of trust with the doctor, whose name was 'Wilkes,' after their talk in the padded room, the doctor had requested the school's security camera footage and watched it. Seeing the three boys throw his books on the ground and berate him for about another ten seconds before the largest did indeed throw the first punch, the incident only lasting about another five seconds after that

Over the next three days, Jason had talked about his entire life, starting with the incident at school, and then jumping back to when he was still a small child, and working forwards from there. He got his voice back on the second day, with the help of some specialized medicines, and that helped him speed up the retelling of his life. Describing the anger, and the pressure and the stress, and how those feelings seemed to have left him. He was still bitter about it, but the raw emotion he had struggled with for years was gone.

At the end of the third day, he was told that the assault charges that had been pending against him had been dropped completely, he hadn't even known there were any charges up until then. In addition he was told that the three boys were now in hot water over lying about him attacking them for no reason. He was also briefly told about the injures that they had sustained, broken jaw and smashed front teeth on the so called leader, four cracked ribs on the smaller feline, and a broken nose on the wolf. "Seems to me that they deserved it." Were the doctor's words. He was then told that his brother and sister were being taken into custody, and that his mother would be given extensive counseling before she was allowed to take them back. He cringed at the thought of what his mother would do to him.

"Guess I've gotta find a new place to live." He had remarked idly. Surprised when Wilkes responded with.

"Yes I thought that might be the case, I have a friend, a man who had a similar breakdown to yours, he was an engineer working on the current generation of spacecraft, now he tinkers with and upgrades civilian craft, I spoke to him, and told him about your affinity with computers, and he said he would be happy to take you on as an apprentice, and you can stay at his house. His name is Derek."

Jason couldn't find anything wrong with the idea, a place to live, and an apprenticeship at the same time, it seemed like a pretty sweet deal, and so he agreed, and arrangements were made.

For the next two years he had worked under Derek, a middle aged wolf, with brown fur. The man was very focused on his work, and he was a brilliant engineer, he had initially trained to design and build structures, but when the war broke out, he volunteered himself to the effort, and was re-trained as a spaceship engineer. He was intimately knowledgeable about all the various concepts involved, his training had been broad, and he had learned about all the systems somewhat, rather than a single system intimately, but years of experience had filled in the gaps.

He rarely spoke of his breakdown, but Jason did learn that he was on the verge of a major breakthrough when he suffered a personal loss, his son, a crewman aboard a ship, had been killed by the crusaders. Since then, he had been working as a mechanic, repairing, and sometimes upgrading, everything that hovered or flew.

Jason learned a great deal, in a very short period of time, and soon he was able to contribute his fair share, both to the man's day job, and also his side projects. Ever since the incident, Derek had been working to build better ships, even without the military paying him to do it. He had revolutionary ideas about anti-matter technology, a previously considered impossible, or impractical, type of energy generation. Where Jason came in, was the control systems, Derek had the big picture nailed down, but he had no way to make it all come together. While Jason didn't posses the knowledge to do what Derek wanted straight away, with everything he learned from working with the man, and all the research he did when he wasn't working with him, he soon figured it out.

The implementation of the systems was slow going, especially since they were only working on it when the garage wasn't busy, and annoyingly, his shop had become more popular recently. Jason was kept busy constantly, his desire to finish Derek's work consuming all of his free time, although he didn't let him know that he was spending all his free time working.

After a year and half of research, learning, and physically trying many of the methods he could think of, he figured out that the technology simply didn't function as Derek wanted it to. The man had plans for it being the next form of FTL travel, allowing faster jumps, which could be sustained more easily, and for longer periods of time. What Jason did figure out, was that it had a multitude of other possible applications, the greatest of which was as a weapon. The energies involved where super destructive, yet controllable, but not quite controllable enough for use in FTL drives.

Jason thought they would make excellent weapons, and managed to steer Derek in that direction, deliberately doing it in such a manner, as to make him think he had figured it out on his own. Once the idea had been planted, Derek started making plans for a weapon, instead of a drive, and Jason, having already figured out most of the details, simply went in and corrected any errors. Another five months passed, and suddenly it was time to build a prototype, Jason doing most of the work, and the entire thing was finished, ready to go, at the end of two weeks.

After a small test of their own, which exceeded Derek's expectations, although not Jason's, they contacted the military. An officer from the local garrison showed up the same day, and after a brief test firing, went away and organized a proper demonstration, in front of a bunch of the military big wigs.

It all happened at break neck pace, these guys wanted any advantage they could get, yesterday. The demonstration went off without a hitch, their little cannon, built mostly out of spare parts and engine components, blasting a rather large and impressive hole, through a shield, and into a simulated hull. The military jumped all over the technology, paying through the nose to buy Derek out.

Derek gave him 20% of the sum, which in his mind probably seemed generous, but Jason didn't mind, it was still a huge amount of money. The pair parted ways after that, Derek was hired as a contractor by the military, to continue development, the offer was extended to Jason, but he declined, keeping up the charade that Derek was doing all the work would simply be too hard if they had oversight. And anyway, he had more than enough money to live comfortably for probably his whole life now.

The Party

He placed half of his slice into trust funds for his brother and sister, to pay for their education, and giving them a huge boost into whatever career they wanted when they finished their education. The act made him feel a little better about leaving his family, after being such an integral part for so long, and leaving so suddenly. He also deposited a smaller amount into his mother's bank account, he had heard that after six months she had completed her counselling and won back his brother and sister. Hopefully she had forgiven him, but either way, she could probably use the money.

With the rest he bought a large home, not too far from the dwelling he had lived in as a small child, also built into a rocky outcropping, and fitted it out comfortably. He invested in a few markets that were now fairly small, but that he knew the upcoming anti-matter technology would require. Once those markets took off, as he knew they would, he would probably not have to worry about money ever again. He got all of this done inside of two weeks, and suddenly, he found himself with nothing to do.

After a few days of boredom, he decided to see if any of the friends he'd had during high school were still around, they would probably be a few months into their gap year, or the first year of their tertiary education, or perhaps working. He typed a few names into the Comnet, and he found a few references to his once friend Stuart. Stuart, a light silver coloured wolf, had been a bit of a social outcast like himself, over the first few years of high school, he and Stuart had become part of a group of outcasts, not that big, but spanning a few year levels, and it was a pretty close knit group.

An article on an online newsletter said he was a winner of a cooking contest and had won a guaranteed apprenticeship with a prestigious restaurant. He found the page for that restaurant and fired off an email saying he was an old friend trying to get into contact with him. They sent back an email address the next day, saying that he could be contacted at that address. He wasn't really sure what he should say to Stuart. 'Sorry I was a dick for those last couple of months?' 'Hey buddy, what's going on? ' Eventually he went with, 'Hey, its Jason, thought I would say hello after all this time. How's it going? Congratulations on winning that apprenticeship.'

Later that day he got a massively long email back, it went over about three pages. Stuart was amazed that he had gotten in contact, and he told him about how he was a living legend back at that school. He also mentioned he would tell a bunch of other people from their group once he got done typing this email. Less than an hour later he had about twelve new emails, even a few video mails. Some saying hello, some wondering if this was for real, or just a prank. He spent all day replying to all the people who had mailed him. Making a short video clip of himself for the couple that didn't believe it was real, and thanking them for getting in touch. Later that night, Stuart suggested they all meet up sometime. Jason could still barely believe all the attention he was getting. Apparently dropping all three bullies cold, getting taken to a psych hospital and then getting all three bullies expelled gets you a lot of attention from the less popular sections of the school. They even started calling standing up to bullies 'doing a Jason' and the somewhat serious bullying problem the school had previously, quickly dissipated.

Flattered by all the attention, Jason agreed to a gathering, the suggestion of a pub or bar came up, but some of the slightly younger people who wanted in, hadn't turned 18 yet. So Jason suggested his place, most were amazed that he had his own place, let alone a damn near mansion. The only time he had been in a room with more than two other people recently was during a presentation to the military a little while ago, and that had been all business, so Jason was nervous. Some people grumbled about his place being out of the way. But a couple of car pools were organized and everyone could get there.

Jason had always had a fetish for the music dating back to Earth, specifically the genre they called 'metal' most people he met didn't even know what it was. But he had loads of it, all retrieved from the public data libraries. His computer terminal had enough to keep listening to it for about a year and never hear the same song twice. So far he had only listened to about a weeks worth, but he quickly put together a few hours worth of his favorites. He had always found the fast paced music soothing, and the stories most contained to be entertaining and emotionally driven. He had read that metal was often seen as an unpopular genre of music, but with one of the most dedicated followings, it suited him perfectly.

The morning came the day all his old friends were supposed to show up, and Jason started to get really nervous, he had always been a bit socially awkward, and this was going to be like deliberately sticking his head into a fire, or so he thought it probably would. Stuart was the first to show up, his car only had two seats, so he only brought one person, Katherine, his next best friend after Stuart. She was a Feline, her fur a mixture of browns, blacks and whites. He had had a crush on her in year seven, she wasn't interested in him that way, but they developed a strong friendship instead.

He met her eyes as the pair walked towards him, and it was decided wordlessly to hug, Jason raising his arms and pulling her into an embrace, careful to keep the ridges of sharp spines on his forearms away from her. It felt like the most natural thing to do. After a couple of seconds, Stuart, standing behind Katherine, called out. "Keep it in your pants will ya!" Poking out his tongue and giggling. Letting Kat go and stepping around and gripping Stuart's outstretched hand and pulling him into a more manly embrace. They had turned up a little early and so Jason gave them the grand tour, the expansive cave network bored a long way into the cliff and had multiple levels so it took them a few minutes to see it all, ending back on the ground floor. He technically owned most of the cliff, including the flat surface on the top of the cliff, above the cave network, reachable with an elevator on the outside. Most of the people coming weren't Scalies, so he thought he would have the get-together up there, in the sun where they would be more comfortable.

If the party kept going past dark they could move inside. He settled the pair on a lounge by the door, and went to get them a drink, tapping his ear piece and ordering his kitchen to make them before he got there, so he could grab them and come straight back. The tiny earpiece was like a key to the entire house, doors automatically unlocking when he tried to open them, the earpiece keyed to his electromagnetic signature. Certain features could also be automated, such as ordering a lift to move to a certain floor, or changing the heating and cooling, also the kitchen had some automatic functions. And most doors could be opened remotely, including the front door.

The first large group arrived soon after, in an older sedan type skimmer, five people piled out, oogling at the huge cliff, the large metal door, and the lift next to it, running along two metal grooves in the cliff face all the way to the top. Jason's earpiece announced that a car had arrived, and Jason opened the door and stepped out, Stuart and Kat following him. He greeted the five, he knew four of them, but only two very well, and the fifth he hadn't met before. He introduced himself to the girl he didn't know, a golden furred Wolf, named Tracey, said hello and shook hands with the others, Ashley - tan Liger, Martin - red & grey Wolf, Gregory - another Dragon, though slightly smaller, and Bridget - brown Bear. He ushered everyone onto the lift. Tapping his earpiece and telling it to take them to the top, some people looking for his nearly invisible earpiece, a couple of others looking nervous about the oncoming trip up a cliff side.

The lift moved slowly, but smoothly up the cliff. The view from it was awe inspiring, and everyone stared outwards, he had to get their attention once the lift had stopped, just to get them off of it. They turned to find a large flat grassy area, a covered spa, and a hardwood platform with a few tables and chairs, covered with a adjustable opacity gazebo, to let more light in or block it all out, for some light in the winter, or shade in the summer. There was also a large metallic object, not dissimilar looking to a BBQ, but actually a food stasis unit. Able to store food almost indefinitely, and reheat or cool it as required. The edges of the cliff were lined with force-field projectors, the device rising about an inch over the ground and only activating when someone or something is about to fall over the edge. To conserve the rather large power cost of energy fields.

Most of the people there had never seen anywhere as well equipped or beautiful and took several moments to realize their jaws had dropped. Most wanted to know how he could afford this place, sadly, his work had been classified, and he could only tell them that he had helped invent something for the military. Impressing some, and only peaking others' curiosity. He felt uncomfortable dodging these questions and it must have shown because they stopped asking. And instead asked what was on the menu, tapping his earpiece he said. 'Sarah, set outdoor FSU to free access.' The panel on the metallic FSU lighting up, and some wandering over to inspect what it had in it. Others wandered over to the spa, Jason noticing and turning it on, the cover folding into the side. No one jumped in just yet, but he thought they might later on, when it got colder.

Sarah, the computer AI that ran his house, told him that another car had arrived, and he asked her to project his voice onto the speaker by the door, if he was inside he could also project his face via the internal cameras, but there was no cameras up here. Once they approached the door he said "Hey guys, welcome to my place, um we are all up the top, so jump in the elevator that's coming down, and I'll bring you guys up."

"Uh, ok then." Came the reply, a few seconds later. Sarah told him when they were all on the elevator, and he ordered it up. 'I really like this house.' he thought to himself as the elevator got to the top.

These four were all from the year below his at school, and he didn't know any of them very well. He needed Stuart for a re-introduction. There was James, a grey wolf, like Stuart only a bit darker, Jasmine a totally black furred liger, Alex, a huge dark brown bear and Cassie a very light grey wolf, James' twin sister. They were all in their final year at high school, and he thought it showed, they distinctly looked more haggard than the others.

There was only one more car to come, and it came straight afterwards. Jason sending the elevator down and repeating the intercom process with these guys. He was surprised when a fourth person arrived at the top of the elevator. A black Feline, the same age as him, he thought he recognized him, 'no way... it couldn't be.' He thought to himself.

It was the same Feline he'd kicked in the chest in the library incident. 'This is going to be really weird.' he thought. He looked around at Stuart and Katherine, who were sitting not far away at a table, also surprised by the newcomer. He greeted the three he knew, Ethan, white furred liger, Samantha, grey with bluish tinged wolf, and Rose, green dragon. More people from the group he had been part of. The Feline hanging back while he greeted the other three. He was unsure what to say when the Feline approached him, he could see the black cat was also uncomfortable. Once they were standing toe to toe, the cat looked up at him and said, "Nice kick." Jason laughed and replied.

"Sorry about the ribs."

"Oh, you heard? Yeah, well I guess I deserved it." he replied, and stuck out his hand. "I'm Jack."

He shook Jack's hand warmly and replied. "Jason." The feline smiled at him and then moved past him towards the party, turning his head and taking a long look at Jason's ass as he went. 'Huh' Jason thought, nonplussed for a moment. This was not something he'd expected. As he turned to follow, he noticed the three Jack had arrived with, staring and grinning cheekily, 'funny' he thought sarcastically.

The party was going well, everyone had drunk one or two of their favorite drinks, Jason quickly realizing that all those spare bedrooms are probably going to get used. Stuart and Kat, once they realized Jack was gay, thought it was hilariously funny. And Jack made no efforts to hide his interests, although he wasn't overbearing or overly forward either. Jason wasn't averse to the idea, he had just not given it a whole lot of thought before, he had briefly considered it a few times, but that was all. In fact Jack wasn't the only one giving him that little bit of extra attention. Jasmine, the black Liger, seemed interested, and He thought Rose, the green dragon might be interested as well, but she seemed a little shy. His thoughts were interrupted however, when Stuart called out. "Hey, you, where's your music? I wanna hear that, uh, yeah, that metal music again." He had been playing one of the popular Comcast channels.

"Yeah ok." He called back, then more quietly, tapped his earpiece and said 'Sarah load Metal Playlist 1' the electronic music that had been on faded out, and some guitar strumming started, he doubted anyone other than Stuart and Katherine had ever heard this sort of music before, and he was a bit apprehensive. Everyone stopped talking to each other to listen to the strange music that had just started. The guitar intro lead into a medium fast paced melody, a female voice singing about a man who was arrested for a crime he did not commit, and was waiting for the day he could see his lost love again. The singer had a beautiful voice, that she manipulated over so many lows and highs it was like weaving a spell. It was one of Jason's favourite songs. Her voice and the flowing guitar and bass notes complimented each other, and somewhat to Jason's surprise, everyone seemed to like it, they were silent for nearly the whole song, turning and murmuring to each other about how good it was as the song faded out.

The next few songs held precedence over the group, and after a few tracks Jason turned the volume down a bit, and everyone started talking again, now acclimated to the music, but still enjoying it. By now it was just starting to get dark, and Jason activated the touch screens on all of the tables, displaying a menu of what was in the FSU, everyone picked something, and then it displayed when their meal was ready and they went and got it. Jason hadn't been here long enough to try that out, and he was glad it worked. Once he had reassured everyone that there were MEU's, or 'moisture evaporation units', in every single bedroom, people started getting into the spa, some of the guys took their tops off, some didn't. The conversation continued until Jason, the last to get in, hopped in. Then there was a general silence, and he grinned as they all stared at him. "What?"

"We want to hear about what you've been doing you idiot." Replied Stuart, and a few people giggled. Jason was glad his scaly skin covered his blushing. He took a few moments and then launched into the story, telling everyone about how his home life had been less than ideal, and he had snapped in the library, getting Jack to pitch in on how it looked from the wrong side of that situation, and then how he had just stayed brain-snapped for weeks, though he didn't remember it, how he came to his senses, with a very broken hand, in a straightjacket and no voice, about how much better he felt about everything, then about how he convinced the doctor he wasn't insane, and then went to stay with a now retired space-engine engineer. For a few years, working on the project that the military bought. Then how he gave half the money to his brother and sister, another portion to his mother, and used the rest on this place, and some investing.

"Twenty percent of whatever it was must have been a fucking lot!" exclaimed Stuart after he had finished his story. Everyone either giggled or murmured in agreement. "So what's next for big-bad Jason, beater of bullies and maker of money?" Katherine asked, tongue in cheek, but Jason could tell she really wanted to know.

"I dunno, I really haven't had time to think about it." After that, everyone went back to their conversations. Taking turns to ask him questions about the psych hospital, the fight, his house, and to try to pry information out of him about the 'super tip top secret project' as Stuart phrased it. He would have liked to tell, but he was bound by law not to.

A few hours passed and Sarah warned him that she predicted the temperature to drop rapidly over the next hour. "Ok everyone, the house says we've gotta go inside now or we'll freeze." He called out across the rather large spa, some people didn't want to go inside, but when a few people stood up, and realized just how cold it was outside the heated spa already, everyone quickly saw the wisdom, the lift wasn't large enough to fit everyone at once, so Jason got half the people out, and onto the lift, telling them to just find any bedroom, apart from the one with all his stuff in it, and that there's enough for everyone to have their own room, he got Sarah to open the Front door as the first load of people went down, and to assist them in finding a bedroom, and to operate any of the stuff inside. As most of his guests hadn't been inside yet.

As the lift was coming back up to take the second load, Jason grabbed all the dishes and glasses from the tables and loaded them all into the FSU, getting them out of the elements. The lift arrived and everyone got on. The ride somewhat uncomfortable for everyone but himself, Greg and Rose, as they had no fur to get wet and be cold in the breeze. He heard some murmured ooh's and aahs' as he lead the second group into his lounge area, directing them with some assistance by Sarah to empty rooms.

A few minutes later, when he was loading his own clothes into his MEU, Sarah asked if she should allow the guests to adjust the temperature in their rooms. "Ahh, yeah Sarah, that's fine." Changing into a fresh pair of clothes as he went. He left the room and headed into the kitchen a couple of minutes before everyone elses' clothes would be dry, to get some nibbles ready. Laying them out on the table in his expansive lounge area. It had a large ion projection screen with a couple of couches facing it, and a few smaller ones hooked up to computer terminals and hand controls for games, with single and double lounges facing them.

He turned on the music in the lounge, softly, just as people started emerging dry and warm from their rooms. Not everyone came out and he suspected a few of the heavier drinkers had decided to call it a night. Everyone else was still much too fascinated by this house cut into the cliff to sleep. Some wandering towards the lounge, others just exploring, Jason's bedroom was locked, but other than that, they had free reign, not that he had much to hide anyway, but some rooms Jason had only briefly glanced in himself. Stuart was the first person to approach him, "This place is seriously massive Jason, but it's very spartan, its eerie how well equipped it is, and yet completely bare of any personal touches."

"I haven't been here long, but I guess I hadn't noticed, I rarely go much further than the lounge and my bedroom."

"Why did you buy such a massive place?" Jason smiled and thought about it for a moment before responding with.

"It reminds me of where I lived as a kid, it was in a cave-house just like this, only a lot smaller, not that far from here. This was the only empty one in the area."

"When you were a kid? You're only 18 now Jason." Jason stayed silent for a few moments before saying.

"Doesn't feel like it to me, even back at school, even before I started losing it, I've always felt way older." Stuart made a humming noise in agreement and they stayed silent for a few seconds before Stuart said.

"Katherine really missed you, you know, first we thought you had been arrested, then the rumor was that you were dead, and then a few weeks after that we got word, when those three guys were expelled, that you had been released from the mental hospital and cleared of all charges. We expected you to get in touch."

"I dunno, I should have, your right, but I just needed to get away from my old life, especially my family, my mother would probably have tried to murder me if she found out I was around. I still haven't spoken to her."

"Maybe you should, after all this time, even without you handing her that stack of money, she would have probably forgiven you, she probably understands why everything happened the way it did." Jason didn't have a response to this, he spent a good portion of most nights thinking about getting in touch with his family. "I'm just glad you did get in touch, this party has been great, and everyone is happy to see you, and having a good time, meeting the legend." Stuart gave a snicker and Jason considered punching him, but Stuart cut him off with "Especially that Jack guy, he's really excited to meet the legend." Stuart managed to say before bursting into laughter. Jason just rolled his eyes and chuckled along with him.

"Laugh it up. I don't see you with anyone, chuckles."

"Heh, I've kinda got this thing going with a girl at work, but I'm not sure how serious it is."

"Well it's that much more serious than anything I've got going on."

"That Jasmine seems into you, she is flaming hot too, and Rose looks like she's into you, hard to tell though, you scalies are hard to read. Jason simply let out a 'hmm' in agreement, As more people started congregating in the lounge.

The drinks kept flowing and everyone got pretty blitzed, Jason took it easy just in case he needed to put out a 'fire' somewhere, if a glitch locked someone in their room, or someone got into a fight, but he doubted either of those things would happen, this was a pretty relaxed group, and he had reviewed most of the code this house ran on personally. He noticed Rose hovering around the edges of conversations and sitting down a few seats away from him. And Jasmine, who had seemingly lost a bit of interest in him, instead giving it to Greg, the other male Dragon, who seemed more receptive. The only other person his somewhat less impaired senses picked up on was Jack, who seemed, like him, to be drinking far less. Perhaps he wanted to outlast everyone else and get him one on one. Jason couldn't decide if that was a situation he wanted to be in or not, he could say he had reached his limit and go to bed, or be a gracious host and keep everyone entertained until even the most nocturnal people went to bed.

Although he hadn't often noticed another male in a sexual way, Jack was definitely a sexy guy, sleek black fur, smooth graceful movements, Jason quickly realized he was fantasizing about another guy, and decided to wait and see if Jack would try and get him one on one. 'It's worth exploring' he thought to himself as he made up his mind. Thankfully, just as he was just starting to get tired himself, nearly everyone dropped off to bed, and the final few, including Stuart and Katherine, left soon after, leaving just Jason and Jack in the lounge, as he watched them go, he saw them whisper to each other and turn around and snigger, silently. Once they were gone, Jack stopped pretending to watch the screen and listen to the music and came over and sat down next to him, leaving a small space between them.

"So, you're interested then?" Jack asked, somewhat tentatively.

"What makes you say that?" replied, Jason, with the slightest hint of a grin.

"If you weren't, you would have used any excuse to go to bed earlier." Said Jack, fairly sure.

"Hmm, I guess you've got me there, it was an option I considered, I'm not sure one way or the other about, you know, men, so I thought I would give you a chance to, uh, convince me." Upon hearing this Jack slid in closer to Jason and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a kiss, Jason completely lost at sea in the situation, but Jack led the way. After a few minutes of increasingly passionate kissing Jason broke off and said.

"You make a very good argument." Standing up and raising an arm towards the bedrooms, "shall we continue this in my room?"

"You bet," came the response, punctuated with a grin.

Jason tapped his ear and said "Sarah, powerdown all public areas." The lights and equipment dimming or turning off in response, slightly brighter lights led the pair towards Jason's bedroom, the lights fading as they passed. Jack wrapped both of his arms around Jason's far larger arm as the pair walked the final stretch to his room. Once they passed into the cozy room, he asked Sarah to dim the lights, and the pair worked their way onto the bed, disrobing as they went. Once they were in the bed they returned to kissing, Jack lying right up against Jason's warm torso as the pair traded tongues. Their passion increased and they progressed to groping each other, Jason feeling his way down Jack's sleek spine, and Jack in turn exploring Jason's back, and the small ridge running the length of his spine, not sharp, but it was hard, he had to be careful of Jason's forearm ridges though, as they were plenty sharp.

Jason could feel Jack's erection pressing against his stomach, and he was sure Jack could feel his pressing against the feline's thighs. Jason couldn't get over how sleek and sexy Jack was, the thought making him even hotter and more excited. Getting the idea to use his tail as an extra arm, running up and down Jacks legs, just brushing against his butt, Jack seemed a little surprised by this, and paused moving while he figured out what was going on, once he realized it was Jason's tail he purred warmly and resumed kissing with even more intensity. A few more minutes past in much the same fashion, until Jack asked. "Wanna take this to the next level?" barely able to control his purring.

"Mmm, yeah" He replied softly, and Jack dived under the blankets, searching for Jason's erection.

"Damn you're big." He heard muttered from under the blankets as Jack found his prize, Jason glanced at Jack's own erection, and replied back.

"You're not too shabby yourself." Receiving a giggle in response, as Jack wrapped one hand around the base of Jason's shaft and started licking the tip, 'damn that feels good' thought Jason as he realized he should probably return the favor. In untested waters he grasped Jack's shaft gently in one hand, brushing up and down a few times and getting a shiver or two in response. He lowered his face to the pulsing reddish member and gave it a few reserved licks along its length with his rough tongue. Jack gave a small jerk and a moan in response, so he figured he must be doing something right, his head nearly swimming in the clouds because of Jack's own ministrations. After a few minutes of licking and stroking, Jason lowered his muzzle onto Jack's shaft, taking it about halfway in, and using his tongue to massage it in his mouth, Jack moaning louder, and quickly following suit on Jason's shaft.

Jason wasn't really sure how to do this but he just went with the flow, starting to bob his head up and down Jack's shaft, still massaging it with his tongue, Jack moaning quite loudly now, and doing the same on Jason's member. 'I'm not going to last long at this rate,' thought Jason, he could feel Jack starting to tremble, and figured that meant he was close too, another few moments and Jack lifted off, "I..I'm really close." The sexy feline moaned out. Jason only increased his pace in response, and Jack slowed down as he was overcome with pleasure, bucking gently and moaning loudly, as he came, hard, into Jason's muzzle, it wasn't what he was expecting it to taste like, but it wasn't that bad, and the amount Jack was unloading forced him to gulp down around his shaft, eliciting more moans, as Jack resumed his work on Jason's shaft.

The scent of Jack's climax quickly drove him over the edge, "I'm about to.." he moaned out, only lasting a few more seconds before he sprayed his load into Jack's muzzle, Jason had never felt like this, this was so much better than solo. He could feel Jack swallowing down around him, as he finished his climax. His breath started to come back to him, and Jack lifted of his shaft, starting to purr, and slowly rubbing himself along Jason getting back into a face to face position. "That was great." Jason said softly to the purring, sexy cat right in front of his face. "Yeah, it was." Jack purred out. Before planting another kiss on Jason, turning around, pressing his back into him and wrapping Jason's arm around his middle, the purring subsiding gradually as Jack fell asleep in Jason's warm embrace, the afterglow of their encounter and Jack's mesmerizing purring quickly lulling Jason to sleep as well.

The Next Morning

Jason was roused from slumber by a buzzing in his ear, as he regained consciousness, he realized it was Sarah, his house's AI, trying to get his attention, 'Jason? People are starting to wake up, I thought you would want to wake up.'

"Thanksh Sarah." He yawned out, and did a double take as he became aware of the sleek black cat pressed against his chest, as he started to stir gently. Even though Furs could go for weeks without sleep if need be, it still didn't feel good to get woken up after just a few hours. Jack was still sleeping so he thought he would leave him be, carefully lifting his arm from around the Feline, and sliding out of bed. Heading into the bathroom for a quick shower.

Unlike the other species, Dragons could get in the shower, and be out and dry again quite fast, and he was in and out in a few minutes. Instead of a towel, he just had Sarah blow hot air across him once he stepped out, to get dry, it was much faster since he had no fur to get soaked and hard to dry, most furs had to towel off most of the water first, otherwise they would just be wet, and warm. Thinking of this he grabbed a towel out of the cupboard and hung it over the towel railing, since Jack might want a shower himself.

He put on a fresh set of clothes, and as he left the bathroom, he noticed Jack sitting up in bed, "Early riser?" the Feline asked.

"Sarah woke me up." Replied Jason, pointing to his ear.

"Oh yeah. Isn't that a bit creepy?" asked Jack, stretching his arms broadly and yawning.

"Not once you get used to it, and, damn that's cute." Said Jason with just a hint of tease.

"Hmph. Showers in there?" Jack asked, motioning towards the door Jason had just walked through.

"Yeah, I put a towel out for you, but I don't have any shampoo." Jack just smiled and got out of bed, Jason somewhat surprised by his nakedness, only because he wasn't used to it, Jack gracefully walking towards him and running his hand along Jason's lower back as he moved past, purring softly as he went. Jason just smiled as the sleek figure walked towards the bathroom door. Starting for his own bedroom door, Sarah pre-emptively opening it, revealing a well lit corridor and another Feline figure, this one belonged to Kat, and although she was facing the other way, she quickly turned around at the noise of the door.

Jason was nearly at the door, but he thought she probably caught a glimpse of Jack just as his naked figure slipped into the bathroom. And he was almost certain that she would smell his scent in the room anyway. As he stepped into the hallway, he saw first confusion, then shock, then something he couldn't put his finger on play across Katherine's face. She was speechless, and an uncomfortable silence started to stretch out. "Cat got your tongue?" Jason put out there, to break the silence.

"Uh, yeah, I guess so." Jason could see her regain her composure and turn around, quickly heading for the living area, and he could just hear some suppressed giggles as she rounded a corner. 'Well that didn't take long.' He thought, he hadn't had time to even consider what his friends might think, but he doubted any would do anything more than giggle. He tapped his earpiece and asked "Sarah, how many people are awake right now?"

'Only a few people are out of their rooms, but nearly everyone is either waking up or having a shower.' Replied the AI. Even though it was still very early in the day, he felt that he was going to need a stiff drink to face it. "Sarah, OJ with vodka, medium strength." Sarah would be finished making it around about the same time as he got to the kitchen.

He stepped into the kitchen and found Kat and Stuart both sitting on the stools around the central bench, chatting quietly with each other. As he entered the room they both looked up, and he could see both were trying, poorly, to suppress smiles and giggles. He grabbed his orange drink, and seated himself across from them. Staring at them and saying, "Come on then, out with it." their faces becoming even more contorted with mirth as they struggled to remain straight faced. He gave them a few seconds and Stuart recovered enough to ask.

"Have fun last night?" a brief pause followed, and then they both lost it, howling with laughter. He just smiled and waited for them to blow it all off. It took quite a while, but eventually they calmed down and Stuart asked.

"So, I thought you were into girls?"

"Yeah, well I guess I'm into guys as well." the pair again had to fight to not laugh. Jason just sighed and drank his fairly large orange and vodka in one go. He felt uncomfortable as the conversation lulled into silence, and he waited for them to say something but neither seemed to have anything else to ask after that uncomfortable topic. As the silence started to stretch into a travesty, Kat broke in with.

"Well, this is weird." They all hummed in agreement and the discomfort dissipated. Jason stood up and went to the tall metallic object, resembling a refrigerator, but actually another FSU, tapping a few times on the touch screen to select bacon and eggs. A few seconds later a panel slid away and a plate of steaming bacon and eggs was revealed. Jason grabbed, it, and the knife and fork that slid into a small chute next to it. Then went and set it down on the bench, sitting in the same seat as before, facing his friends.

The smell quickly reminded them that they were hungry as well, and they went and did the same, each getting whatever they felt like. Setting their plates down and digging in. Stuart with a stack of pancakes, and Kat with some bacon and a fruit muffin. Soon other people, enticed by the smell, found their way to the kitchen and got themselves some food of their own. There wasn't enough room on the kitchen bench for everyone so some people made their way back into the lounge.

Jack soon emerged from the bedroom and made his way into the kitchen to get himself some food, noticing Jason had gotten bacon and eggs and opting for the same. As Stuart and Kat noticed him, they exchanged glances and then smirks at Jason, Jason just frowning and ignoring them. Some polite conversation ensued, and the group of final year students said their goodbyes straight after they finished eating, having a truckload of homework to get back too. Jason saw them off and slowly others started saying their goodbyes as well. Jack approached him, asking if he could get a lift with him, which he was more than happy to do, and so the group he had come with left. Then there was just four left, Himself, Kat, Stuart and Jack. They talked for a few more minutes, and suggested another gathering sometime soon. And then they embraced, and Stuart said.

"It's good to have you back."

"Yeah, don't you go disappearing again!" Kat chimed in. Jason chuckled and said.

"I won't, I promise." Stuart and Kat seemed satisfied at that, and as they left, they quickly looked back and smirked at Jason and Jack.

After the pair retreated back to the kitchen, Jason asked. "So, where abouts do you live?"

"Uh, it's not far, my school is up this way so I have to live close. I'm in my final year, had to start year 11 again after I got kicked out of our old school." Jason grimaced a little.

"Sorry about that."

"It wasn't your fault, don't worry about it." Jack reassured him. A little small talk followed and Jason asked Sarah to bring his car around the front, Jack shaking his head at the thought. They made their way out to it. Jack was somewhat surprised that it wasn't really anything special, it was nice enough, but it was very plain. Jason could see his questioning gaze.

"I hardly ever drive anywhere, so I got this." Jack tilted his head in acknowledgment, and they got in. The car normally drove on automatic, but the manual controls could be engaged. Jason got Jack to punch in his address on the nav screen, and then the car set off. All the other land vehicles in the area would be networked together, thus making two or more car collisions almost impossible. Especially since the hover technology didn't lose grip or traction as the weather changed. Jack was telling the truth, it was only about a ten minute drive. And when they pulled up Jason could see that it was a halfway home. They had been springing up more frequently as more and more kids parents were killed in the war. "You live here?"

Jack looked apprehensive. "Uh yeah, my parents decided that if I was old enough to get kicked out of school, I was old enough to live on my own."

"So you've been living here this whole time?"

"This place, and a few others before." Jack noticed the stricken look on Jason's face and he wished he had lied or something.

A few moments passed and Jason surprised Jack with "Why don't you come live with me?"

A look of shock crossed Jack's face as he considered the possibility. "But, we've only just met."

"C'mon I owe you that much, it was my fault you got kicked out in the first place, and it's not like I don't have the room." Jack seemed to consider this for a while.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure." Replied Jason, nodding and smiling reassuringly. Jack seemed thoughtful for a few seconds before saying.

"Uh, ok, can you wait for a bit? It won't take me long to grab my things and sign out."

"Sure, need a hand?"

"Uh, no I've got it."

"Ok." Jason powered down the car and it came to a rest on the flat surface of the road. Jack got out and made his way up towards the large structure. He guessed that the Feline probably had to share a tiny room with one or two other people. He couldn't just drop him off here and leave, he would feel terrible. At the same time he hoped he wasn't making a foolish decision. The more he thought about it though, the more sure he became, he had experienced living in a tiny house under loads of pressure and trying to do schoolwork himself, and it was something he couldn't wish on anybody.

About twenty minutes later Jack emerged from the front door, a box under one arm, and a bag hanging from the other. "Sarah, rear left door." Jason said aloud, the door swinging open gently. As Jack made his way down to the car Jason noticed a couple of people standing just outside the door of the halfway house, probably wondering who Jack was going to stay with. 'I'm kinda glad I didn't go in now' he thought to himself as Jack loaded the box, and his bag into the back of the car. Closing the door, and getting into the front seat.

"Good to go?" Jason asked.

"Yeah, thank you so much for this."

"Don't worry about it." replied Jason, smiling warmly. And they set off, pulling gently away from the curb, Jason with a warm fuzzy feeling and Jack in disbelief at his good fortune.


"Are you really sure?" Jack asked as they got out of the car.

"Yes." Jason laughed. "I'm sure." Jack could still barely believe he had been invited to live at this guy's house, this guy's really nice house.

"Man, I really owe you for this."

"You don't owe me anything, I couldn't have just dropped you off back there and left, I could never forgive myself." Jason replied, smiling warmly as he opened the door. "I don't want you thinking you owe me." He said, as they entered the house. As they arrived in the lounge Jason said. "Hey, Sarah, Jack is coming to stay with us, so I want you to allow him access to all systems."

"Yes Jason." Came the reply, the feminine voice playing it over the internal speakers so Jack could hear. "Should I allocate him a room?" the AI asked.

"Ahh..." Jason hadn't considered this yet, turning to look at Jack, raising his eyebrows, asking Jack what he wanted to do. Jack considered for a moment, a small grin appearing on his face.

"I don't need my own room do I?" the feline asked, his grin turning mischievous. Jason just smiled for a moment before saying.

"No Sarah, I think Jack will be staying in my room with me." And they started walking towards his room, to put Jack's things away, there wasn't much stuff, a few data pads with schoolwork on them, a few sets of clothes, and a few other odds and ends. Jason didn't feel the need to ask Jack if this was all his things, while he had been staying with Derek, he had only kept a few sets of clothes himself, he simply didn't need anything else.

"So. You're in your final year now?" Jason asked as they unpacked the things.

"Uhh yeah, mid-year exams were a couple of months ago."

"What sort of subjects are you doing?"

"Normal stuff I guess, you know, Maths, English, History, just the usual. Why, what were you doing a couple of years ago?"

"Haha, yeah, not the normal stuff, Physics, philosophy, engineering and advanced computer sciences."

"Wow, no wonder you snapped and kicked my chest in." the Feline joked, poking him roughly in the side as he did so.

"Yeah, maybe that was too much huh." The Feline then leaning in closer to him and whispering in his ear.

"Don't beat yourself up big guy, everything worked itself out." Nipping Jason's ear affectionately before continuing to unpack his things. They finished a few minutes later and Jack asked. "Now, how about a grand tour?"

"You didn't look around last night?"

Jack made a small purring sound before replying. "No, I was too busy looking at you." Jason grinning at the compliment.

"C'mon then, I'll show you around." Giving Jack the grand tour, showing him the three levels of bedrooms, the lounge and ending in the kitchen. Both of them getting a drink.

"It's like it's supposed to be a hotel or something." Jack commented as they sat at the kitchen bench.

"The real estate agent didn't know anything much about it, who built it or why, only that the last occupants went off world years ago."

"Ooh, it's starting to sound like some kind of haunted house!" Jack jested. "It's certainly empty enough, how come you don't have any photos or hardly anything personal around the place?"

"Stuart said the same thing, but hey, that's easily fixed, why don't we go buy some things to cheer the place up?" Jason personally didn't mind the Spartan feel of the place, everything had a purpose, but he wanted the Feline to be more comfortable.


"Sure, we can make a date out of it. C'mon, let's go." Replied Jason, winking, then standing up and motioning towards the door. The Feline holding Jason's hand as they made their way to the door.

The shopping centre wasn't far away, only about fifteen minutes by car. They arrived and entered the large building through the entrance closest to where the car had parked. Finding themselves in a gigantic hallway, going up three stories, and with stores lining the walls for a few hundred meters to the end of the building and another large entryway. They stopped briefly in a few stores as they wandered inwards, Jason had not been here previously, but Jack seemed to have.

They were making their way right into the center of the building, into the food court. Suddenly Jason saw something crash through the skylight, instinctively stepping in front of Jack and wrapping himself around the feline to protect him. Just as the blast hit them.

Ahh a cliffhanger! I am so mean sometimes, don't hate me XD