One Bat's Discovery

Story by chillpenguin2j5 on SoFurry

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We find ourselves near a small town that was settled close to a sandy beach attached to the sea.

Lots of furries were walking around in the town doing various things. Shopping, going for lunch, among other things. But one of them was busy reading a book while walking down the sidewalk near the beach.

A fruit bat was wearing a red sweater and green shorts, wearing reading glasses and sandals as he walks. He had his head in the book and managed to evade anyone else he passed by without looking away. Mainly because his ears are more sensitive to hearing so he can tell if someone or something was in his way.

'Hmm, not bad.' he thought as he stopped and closed his book. 'Good thing I read it on my walk or I'd never finish it.' He looked to see that he's at the beach. 'But it always ends with me being at some random place of course.'

Seeing as how he still had time before he had to go home, he put the book away in his sweater's pocket before walking down the stairs and onto the sand. He stared at the wide open water listening to the water washing onto the sand. "Maybe I should take some time and go for a swim this weekend." He thought as the summer spring warmth felt nice on him.

But before he could turn around to leave, he noticed something in the water near the shore. Curious about it, he tries to get a closer look. He walked over and saw it wasn't a rock, but it was small like one. "What is it?" he asked himself as he reaches out for it. He grabbed it and picked it up and saw it was black and felt a little squishy with what looked like small tentacles dangling below it.

"Weird... looks like a early sea anemone but...' He pauses. "Hmm, maybe it's some breed I've never read about. Maybe I can take it home and study it on my own." He took a water bottle and filled it with water, 'Good thing I bought a fish tank so I can get a fish later on in advance.' he held the thing up and dropped it in the bottle before closing it and walked up the stairs and back onto the sidewalk.

He walked on the way home and entered his room, taking the creature and carefully putting it in the fish tank. He made sure it was filled with fresh water and took a notebook and pencil. "Day 1: Encountered a strange aquatic creature. Filled one container with salt water at one part and submerged it with freshwater when I came home." He looked at the creature to see how it's faring in different water. It rested there, but did give a twitch or two. "It seems to not be use to this, will wait until further days to see if it adjusts to this or if I need to keep it to saltwater or freshwater, depends on its reaction." He finishes the notes as he looked at it. "I wonder how to feed it? Normal fish food?"

The small creature just sat there while the bat pulled some out and sprinkled a little into the tank. "I don't know if you can eat this, but I'll figure something out if this doesn't work." he tells it.

It raised one of it's tentacles out and the bat saw it snap at the flakes which disappeared each time.

"It seems to eat through the appendages around it's body." he wrote down. "Impressive. It's certainly not a sea anemone." he looked at it and rubbed his chin. "I'll see if you're around in the morning, hopefully you can endure it for one night."

(Next day)

The bat woke up with a yawn, rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out of them. He grabbed his glasses and slid them on before turning to the fish tank. "Morning little guy? You okay?"

It was still on the bottom, but seemed to be rocking a little bit.

The bat takes the notepad out and started writing. "Day 2: It's survived the night, but now it's rocking a bit instead of twitching." he rubbed his chin. "This means it might be more suited to saltwater and the fresh water is irritating it."

He takes a couple of water bottles. "Okay, I'll be right back with saltwater." The bat said as he headed out. He left the house and rushed back to the beach before he started refilling each one with as much as he could fit. He then headed back to his home. 'I kinda feel like a researcher doing this.'

He carefully put a hose in the tank and drained some of the water out before refilling it back up with the bottles. "There you go, feeling better now?"

It slowly stopped rocking and remained still. The bat smiles as he sees the results of his theory. He moved back over and scribbled down the results. "Salt water it is, anything else annoys it and could have possible lead to death." He looks at the creature with interest. "But what are you though?"

It just sat there while giving off a few air bubbles.

"You're not transparent enough for a jellyfish, and you don't look like a squid..." he stated. "Maybe as you grow, you might show more characteristics."

It didn't respond while he just started to slowly draw it in his notebook.

'I'm no artist, but it'll get the job done.'

After half an hour he got the sketch down and grabbed more fish food before sprinkling it in the tank. "Eat up little guy."

It started eating the flakes again with it's tendril.

"I would say it was an a member of the octopi family, but it brings food underneath them to their mouths, but this isn't original." he wrote down while tapping his chin. "If this fella is a new species, I could give it a new name. Hmm.. how about... Octuquid?"

The creature didn't move in response.

"I don't see a no, but I don't see a yes either, I suppose I'll go along with it for now." The bat said.

"David! Supper!" called his mom.

"Coming mom." the bat named David said as he places his notebook down and headed out the door, He sat down at the table where his mom was setting the table and where his older sister, who was texting on her phone in a blue tank top and yellow shorts were sitting. "Hey Michelle, how's it going?" David asked.

"Can't talk, texting." she spoke without looking up from her phone.

David sighs as he shakes his head. "Is dad coming home soon?" he asked mom.

"He'll be running a little late." The female bat answers. "But why were you in a rush to get out of here? And with water bottles?"

"Oh well..." David paused. "Promise you won't get mad or upset with me?"

"Why would we do that?" asked his mother confused.

"Well... At the beach, I found this strange creature at the shore and I'm researching on what kind of species it is." David said. "I'm keeping it in my room."

"Really? What kind is it?"

"Not sure yet, looks like a cross between a squid and an octopus." David answered.

"Gross!" grimaced his sister. "Why'd you bring something like that in here?"

"Well it looked cool, plus I want to see what it could be. For all I know I might've discovered a new species." David said excitedly.

"Well I think it sounds wonderful." smiled his mom while his sister gagged before going back to her texting.

David takes out another book to read as he waits. He ate dinner using one hand while unaware that in the tank the small creature grew a little bit.

Soon their dad arrived and joined the family for dinner. "Sorry I'm late." he said to them.

"It's alright dear, you should hear what David told us."


"Oh? Something happened?" he asked looking at his son.

"I found something which might be a new form of marine life." He answered sounding excited, "I'm taking care of it in my room and noting down my findings and stuff."

"Well just be careful, the last thing I want is you getting poisoned if it's dangerous."

"I will dad." David promised.

"Have you come up with a name for it?"

"For a species, yes. A actual name, no." David answers.

"Well what's it called?"

"For the time being, I'm referring it as an Octuquid. A combination of an octupus and squid." David said.

"Gross." grimaced his sister standing up. "I'm gonna go back to my room." She immediately headed upstairs as she finishes her sentence.

David chuckles, "Girls." he said.

(Next day)

David woke up and checked up on the creature as he did last morning. And that's when he noted it looked bigger than yesterday. "Whoa, looks like you certainly grew a few inches. And in only two days." He takes out his notebook and looked over it more to see if anything looks new. He noted some of the tentacles were longer and there were a few more.

"Day three: Specimen grew a few inches since last night. Tentacles grew longer and even sprouted a few more." he wrote it down on the notebook. He grabbed some more fish food and put some more in while seeing more than one tentacle reach up to snap at the food. "Huh?" he got out in confusion. "Does it have more then one mouth?" He sprinkle a little around the creature to test it. The tentacles snapped and the food was gone in a second.

David stared at the creature, amazement in his eyes. "In such a short time it's grown more than one mouth and is getting faster. Impressive." He said as he jotted it down.

The creature didn't move as the tentacles dropped down and David looked at his tv before getting an idea.

"I wonder how you'd react to television." He asked it before picking up the remote. "Well, in for a penny, out for a pound is what they say." he turns it on.

The small creature made no sign, but a small eyestalk rose up with an eye in it and looked at the lit up screen through the tank.

David gasped at such a sight. He grabbed the notebook and started writing it down. "Now the specimen has just grown an eyestalk! Is it possible to rely on instincts or electromagnetic waves before or was it relying on nature and senses before it could grow it?" David couldn't keep his hand from stopping even if he tried as he drew the creature as he finishes the note, gleeing like an excited child.

The creature itself kept staring at the tv while stunned as it just wrapped it's attention up.

"Well obviously a sea creature won't understand what's happening." he stated. "But still, growing an eyestalk? It's definitely no squid or octopus. Maybe the internet might have an idea?" He went to his phone and looked up sea creatures with eyestalks. But as he tried looking up the traits the creature had, he found nothing that matched.

Despite this, David's grin grew bigger. "Then that means I truly discovered a new species!" he looked and walked over to the tank. "Ya here that? I'm gonna learn all I can about you and we're gonna be famous!"

The eyestalk turned and stared at the excited bat.

"Let's see what you like." he held the remote up and started switching from channel to channel while seeing how the creature reacted. He started at the news channel, as it discussed about the weather and recent events. Then changed it to the movie channel where an action movie was going on. The eyestalk stared at the screen intensely. "Alright, so you might be a fan of action."

He pressed the remote and landed on a romance channel. They saw a couple slow dancing in front of a sunset. David giggled at the scene as he looked at the eyestalk. It tilted itself while looking confused.

"Yeah, romance is kinda confusing at first glanced." David said to it. He changed it to the animal channel where it showed a lion chasing a gazelle. "Yikes! I probably should change this." David pointed out.

The creature's eye stalk shook while moving closer in the tank to look at the tv more.

"Is it intelligent enough to understand words?" David asked. "Um, can you understand what I'm saying right now?"

The eyestalk looked at him and nodded.

"Unbelievable!" he smiled before grabbing his notebook and started writing. "Not only is it's biology prone to quick growth, but it can grasp english! This is the breakthrough of the century!" He smiles as he adds. "Now the question is, can it be able to communicate back more than just emotions?" he asked as he wrote it down.

The creature's eye stalk looked around and spotted the container of fish food just outside the tank. It's hunger wasn't satisfied and moved one of it's tentacles up the top and down before wrapping around it.

David got the info and set some more food into it. "I guess you'll need more than what I gave your previous days huh?"

The eyestalk nodded while the tentacles snapped the food up.

'Phew, a couple days passed and I'm writing down a lot in just an hour after I just woke up.' David thought. "Alright little guy, I've got some stuff to take care of, so I'm gonna leave the tv on so you can watch." he looks at the screen. 'I suppose the animal channel will do.' he places the notebook down and headed out the room.

The eyestalk watched him go before turning at the channel which was starting to talk about the mating habits of various species. From the fetus growing in the womb in one point to laying eggs in a makeshift nest. It felt it's inner instincts awaken as it recalled it had to lay its own eggs somewhere, preferably inside a male or female.

It's thoughts turned to the bat who was with it earlier. He seemed enthusiastic about learning all he could about it, perhaps he'd be open to the idea of being filled with it's eggs. Considering the bat's gone for now, he'll have to wait for the right moment. It relaxed in the tank while dumping more of the fish food in to keep it busy and stay filled.

(Some time later)

David returned to his room to check up on the specimen. Said specimen was still watching the same channel before noticing him coming back.

"Hey there little guy. Made any changes since we last met?" he asked it.

The eyestalk shook from side to side.

David shrugged as he smiled. "Well, we can't have every new discovery every hour." he stated as he looked at what was on at the moment. "Mating habits of snails?" he looked a bit surprised at that. "Boy, of all the things to put on."

The creature watched David as he sat down at his desk while turning his computer on. It ponders how to get the bat's attention on the subject. If it tries to force it upon it, the bat will try to call for help. It understood that it's current self was too small to properly reproduce, meaning the best solution would be to wait until it could properly develop eggs before attempting something with it's current handler.

Until then, it just waited and watched the bat on the computer.

(A week later)

David continued to monitor and care for the specimen, changing the seawater to more fresh sea water when needed. He also jotted down how big it had gotten, which was nearly the size of the tank which meant he either had to get a bigger one, or put it back in the sea.

"You're getting bigger you know? If I can't get a bigger tank soon, I'll probably need to release you back into the sea." David said, moving to pat the creature.

It gave a gurgle sound while nodding it's eyestalk.

David took a look at the notes. "I had a great time researching you. This should be enough to go on." he spoke with an excited tone. "I guess I'll have to let you out somewhere around the beach, but it's gonna have to be at night or people are gonna stare. That'd spoil all the planning I have in mind." He looked at the specimen and his notes. "At your rate, I might only have 3 days, 4 tops to make a decision."

The creature made another gurgle sound.

David sighs as he takes the fish food and poured some into the tank. The creature gobbled it all up in no time before a tentacle grabbed the container and poured the rest in the tank. "I'm gonna need to get more then. Probably two containers." David spoke. "But you gotta healthy appetite though."

It gurgled while the eyestalk retracted back into it's body to show it was going to take a rest.

David smiles as he let out a yawn as well. "It's been a long day, a nap wouldn't hurt." David laid down on the bed. "I gotten a lot of info on it, but there's still one thing that's on my mind." he spoke as he slowly closes his eyes. 'How does it reproduce? It would be nice to find out but...' he closes his eyes as his body relax. 'It's not possible with just one of those creatures here.'

The creature waited till it could sense David's breathing go lower before it's eyestalk rose back up and looked at the sleeping bat. He saw that while he was covered in clothing, he can point out the bat's slim form very clearly. It raised several of it's tentacles and stretched out of the tank and moved them over to the holder.

The tentacles landed on the bat carefully, two on the legs, arms, one on the stomach area, and one at the head.The ones on his legs trailed up and down against his skin with the arms doing the same thing. The one on his stomach trailed against his belly button with the one near his head moving near his ears, rubbing them sensually.

Said bat hums from the nice feeling with a smile as he relaxed.

The creature noted how soft his fur felt with the ones near his legs and arms slowly moving up under his clothes.

David giggles from the ticklish feeling while the tentacles moved across his chest and around his groin before letting out a gasp as the ones near his groin gave his dick a slight poke.

The creature gurgles as it finds out the bat is male from the examination. This meant it would only be able to use one hole, but at least it was something.

The tentacles at the chest started rubbing the bat's nipples slowly.

This made him hum some more while the creature made the ones near his groin slightly rub the flaccid cock. David's face started reddening in response to the feeling. He groaned and moved a little bit, but didn't wake up.

The creature kept going, exploring and rubbing every part of the bat' body. The tentacles near the dick felt it start to twitch and slowly rise to show David was unconsciously getting hard. The eyestalk noticed him moving around a bit and his eyes twitching.

Fearing he was going to wake up soon, it slid all the tentacles back carefully and got them back in the tank.

David groaned and opened his eyes before sitting up with a yawn. He looked confused as he looked at his groin. "What a weird dream."

The creature's eyestalk slunk back into it's body and knew it would have to wait.

David sighs as he lay back down to rest.

(Five days later)

David was feeding the creature as he wrote down in his notebook. "The day has come where I need to release the specimen. I can't get another tank with my money and if I leave him in there any longer he might die from lack of space. So it's with a heavy heart that I take him back to the sea and see if I can possibly keep an eye on him from a small sea cave near the beach."

David smiles as he continues. "I'm not sure how much I can keep adding to his, but I'll try to see if any other occurrences happen to it. I'll wait until night time to release it." he shut the book and looked at the creature who was so big it's tentacles dangled out from the top of the tank.

"You certainly been a fascinating specimen. I'm really gonna miss ya you know?" David smiled.

It gurgled in response.

"Well, I'll try to spot you whenever I'm around the beach." David looks at the clock. "Alright, we'll go after dinner, how's that sound?"

It gurgled in response.

David sighs. "I wish I can understand you better." he said. "I just hope that's a yes."

The eyestalk gave a nod.

David took a sigh of relief. "Want one more round for the road?" he asked offering the fish food.

The eyestalk nodded again.

David poured some around the creature and set the can down and headed to the kitchen.

'' thought the creature with it's eye narrowed.

At dinner, Everyone was eating as David sighs.

"What's wrong son?" asked his dad.

"My tank's getting too small for the creature to stay in, so I'm going to release it back into the ocean." David answers.

"But I thought you were excited about keeping it?" asked his mom.

"I was, but it grew faster than I expected. I can't purchase a bigger tank in time." David pointed out. "Plus I don't think the store sells any tanks bigger than the one I already have."

"I see... Sorry to hear about it. I know how much this means to you." His mother said softly.

"I say good riddance to that gross thing." spoke Michelle with a shudder.

"Michelle." Their father said to her. "Can you at least be a little considerate to your little brother?"

"But it's true. Did you see how big and slimy that thing is?"

"At least David had control over it. I think that's pretty impressive."

"Whatever." Michelle groans as she continues eating.

'I just hope it'll manage to survive since I've been keeping it in a tank this whole time.'

(A couple hours later)

David looked down the streets in a dark hoodie and was pulling the tank in a wagon down the sidewalk while making sure no one would notice him since it was pitch black out.

"Phew... I'm glad I got a wagon when I was a kid, otherwise I might've thrown my back if I had to lug the creature to the beach." David said.

The creature gurgled as David grunted while tugging the wagon.

'But it's still a task.' David thought as he looked at both sides of the street before crossing. Slowly he reached the stairs down to the beach and had to carefully make sure the wagon went down without shaking and dragged it across the sand.

"Almost there.... Probably have to submerge the wagon and tank so you can get out safely too." David said as he moved across the sand. He had to pull it near the end of the beach where there were some rocks and grunted as he reached a path that lead to a secluded sea cave.

He made it as he sat down for a moment to catch his breath. "Man....I hate being skinny."

David tried numerous times to work out and get stronger, but he never had the diligence to keep on.

The creature gurgled while seeing the water so close.

"Just a sec... to catch my breath." David requested. After some minutes he caught his breath. "Alright, brace yourself."

He notices some place deep enough to submerge the wagon and tank, so he maneuvered the wagon into the water carefully. The water made it easier as the creature climbed out and left the tank while slowly relaxing from the proper temperature.

David takes the tank and wagon out and dumped the water out of them. "Glad to see that you can get accustomed to the water quickly."

It made a gurgle while the eyestalk nodded.

"Well I hope you can handle the rest from here." he gets up and grabs the wagon. "And I hope we can meet again soon."

The creature saw David turn and start walking away before two tentacles lashed out and wrapped around his legs.

"Huh?" David looked to see the creature holding onto him. "Are you not wanting me to leave?"

The eyestalk shakes 'no before it started pulling David back.

"I don't want to leave either, but I gotta head home. I'll visit here every day if that'll be good, but I gotta go." David explained. He tried moving forward, but the arms tugged him and he fell on his stomach before two more lashed out and grabbed his arms before they all hoisted him in the air. "H-hey, what's this?" David asked caught off guard.

The creature gurgled before more tentacles rose up and started sliding into the sleeves and up the pants.

"H-hey, what are you doing?" He shuddered from the feeling. "Stop that!" he squirmed feeling them across his fur and felt two move across his chest and the other two near his groin.

As David tried to speak, he had a weird feeling, 'Hey, this feels oddly familiar..'

The creature felt all around his body, rubbing his fur and ears. He felt David try to move away while sliding another tentacle up his pants to rub it directly against his cock.

"Aahh!" David yelped from the feeling. "S-Stop that!" he got out. 'Where's this action coming from, and why do I feel like I felt this recently?'

'No....' came a garbled voice in his head.

"Hah? Oh no!" he looks around fearing someone's watching them. He didn't see anyone near the entrance and looked around wildly in confusion."I thought I heard someone's voice."


David looks around again carefully, but doesn't see anyone. "But there's no one here except me and... you..." he looked at the creature's eyestalk with wide eyes.

The eyestalk nods his head when Danny figured it out.

"Oh my can speak using the mind!" he cried out with even more awe. 'Oh wow, I got to write this down in my notebook... just as soon as I can get free of course.' David blushes as he forgotten his predicament amid his excitement. "Um, why are you holding me up like this?"

'Showing... appreciation... in caring for me.' it responded.

"By rubbing me all over?" David asked, feeling flustered. "I mean, it feels nice and all, but my chest and my.... groin was a bit much."

'Growing mating....season....need to lay eggs....inside.'

"Okay so why do you need.. me... for....." Danny paused as his face reddens at the realization. "Wait, you mean-" The Eyestalk nods while the bat looks embarrassed and flustered, but doesn't do much in terms of resisting. "Wh-why me? I mean they're others out there."

'Only ones left....are father...mother....and siblings....need fresh warm....person for eggs.'

David looks at the creature in surprise. 'Not much of them are left?' he thought in sorrow and concern. "But, why not some other animal? I mean there must be some dolphins that could do the job better."

'Too... agile... moves a lot... so fast... might harm eggs.' it answers. 'Also.... can't communicate... unlike you.'

"So you need to put them my ass?"

'Yes...' it answered.

'Oh no.' he thought before gasping as he started feeling his dick get hard from the tentacle rubbing it. 'He must've been rubbing me from a week ago. No wonder I felt odd.'


David blushes feeling rather happy by it. "Thanks... will it hurt?"

'Not sure...never....done this before.'

'Figured as much...' David thought feeling rather uncomfortable about this, but also worried if this doesn't continue, the creature might go extinct otherwise. Before he could say anything he found his hoodie get yanked off followed by his shirt, leaving his chest bare.

"Whhaaa!" David got out as he shivered a bit from the cold.

The tentacles kept him up while the ones in his pants started tugging them and his underwear down next.

"Well.. it'll be bad if you have to risk getting you or the eggs hurt if you try to find another..." David blushes as he continues. "I'll bare your eggs."

'Thank you...holder.'

"My name's David, by the way." he introduced himself.

'I'm aware....of your name.'

David looks amazed. "You really are intelligent."


"I supposed since no one knows what you are. What are you anyway?" David asked.

'My name.'

David looks amazed, 'Do you have any problems with Octoquid?'

' it.'

"Okay. An Octoquid it is." David decided.

'This is....for work.' it raised it's tentacle up before it opened up like a flytrap and moved down near David's semi-hard cock before slowly engulfing it.

"Ooh?" he gasped in amazement at such a scene and how it made his body jolt from a spike of pleasure. "Ooohh!" he gasped out as his body trembled. He felt the insides were warm and squishy while it gripped around his dick and was held in place by the other tentacles. "W-wow, the insides feel amazing!" he got out drooling a bit. 'It's like my dick is being massaged all over.'

'Been with... anyone?' the Octoquid asked the bat.

"N-No, no one." he groaned out while gasping as he felt what felt like a smaller tentacle flick against the tip. "Huh? What- oh! are you doing?"


David moans in pleasure from it as he can't help but smile about helping out this Octoquid. That and feeling amazed at what just one of his tentacles was capable of. David then noticed two more tentacles moving to his chest. They opened up like the first and moved over his nipples before he felt a sudden sucking sensation on them. "Haah... whoa." David blushes from the feeling.


David was moaning softly as his whole body felt so warm. The tentacles made his body tingle in ways he never dreamed and moaned as the one around his cock started getting tighter before it moved up and down his genitals. "Aaahh!! Oh yes..." David panted as he was burning with lust.

'' it asked looking at David carefully.

"Yes...oh god yes." he cried out. "So good!" he was trembling in the tentacles as he felt some rub his two ears. 'W-Wait! Those are sensitive!"

'They... are?' it asked as it rubs them carefully.

David gasped and shuddered feeling them rub behind the ears and moaned louder. "Ahhh..."

The creature rubbed them even more while moving another tentacle up and moved it between his ass cheeks.

David gasped as he looks behind him "I... I think I'm gonna cum soon."


David moans out loud as he reached his climax, cumming in the tentacle. His back arched from how good it felt while the tentacle slowly swallowed each load. "W-wow..." David said with half-lidded eyes.


David nods his head to the eyestalk.

' take in eggs.'

David blushes as he feels a tentacle spreads his ass cheeks apart to show the bat's hole. He felt the tentacle rub against it and gulped at what was gonna happen. "T-try to be gentle with me... okay?" he asked nervously.

'Will....try.' the octoquid said, stroking David's cheek soothingly.

Said bat smiled before gasping as the tentacle started pushing against his anus and made him clench his teeth and ass as it slowly forced its way inside him. David grunted and bit his lip as he did his best to endure the pain and not scream. 'It's so big!'

As he endures the pain, he also gasped as he can feel the tentacles at his nipples and cock resumed sucking. 'Must be... trying to give me pleasure with it.'

'I am.'

David smiled as he take deep breaths, usually exhaling a pleasure filled moan almost every time. And each time he felt the end of the tentacle wiggle around inside him. Soon the pain was numbed away and was replaced with blissful pleasure. "It's so big!" His mouth was wide open as he groaned.

'Good...nice and tight.' It said rubbing David's cheek. 'Will hold....many eggs.'

'Never thought I'd be a researcher and incubator at the same time.' David admitted. He felt the tentacle pull back in his ass before pushing back in which made him moan.

'More than... incubator.'

"Then...what am I?" David asked looking at the eyestalk.


"Hmm..." David thought of what he meant and then he blushes redder. "Wait... you mean you see me as-" he was cut off as the tentacle pushed inside him deeper while the ones on his nipples and cock sucked faster. 'Bride... to an Octoquid?' He thought with amazement. 'I never even had a girlfriend, but now a new creature has made me his mate!'

'You... very caring... helped me... when young.'

"Well, to be fair, you weren't too young for long." moaned David with the tentacle in his ass sliding back and forth.

'Still... cared for me...' it spoke while moving the tentacle in and out faster while another tentacle moved up near his face with a tongue sticking out before licking the bat's cheek.

David blushes. "I couldn't.. Leave some creature to die." David said.


David blushes with a smile as he then let out a gasp at his prostate being touched, with the tentacle with a tongue moving and slipping in David's mouth. He felt it lick and rub against his own while his cock spewed out his second load into the tentacle. 'S-so... nice.'


David nodded his head. 'If I took the penetration well, the eggs shouldn't be a problem.'

The creature made a gurgle sound before David saw spheres move up the tentacle in his ass and groaned out feeling the egg start pushing into him which started widening his asshole. 'I can... handle it.'

'Bride will take....hundreds.' it spoke while the first egg slowly eased on inside David's rectum.

'H-hundreds?' he thought looking a bit worried. That's when he saw more move up the tentacle and groaned as another one started pushing into him. "W-wait.. I don't.. Think I can take a hundred." he got out groaning.

'Will try....for all.'

"W-wait..Oohh!" he groaned out as he started to feel a line of eggs get pushed into him while he clenching his hands.

(A few minutes later)

David panted while feeling close to fainting as his stomach looked bloated and he had kept cumming inside the tentacle over his dick to the point he felt drained.

"Un...bel..ievable.." he panted as he said that.


David looked at the Octoquid. "Can't you tell?" he asked back.

The eyestalk looked at the bloated stomach and nodded. 'All eggs....inside now.' Even patting the stomach carefully.

'Yeah... still can't believe I fit all of that inside.' he thought as he tried to get up. He groaned from the weight and was stuck on his back. 'I might need a moment before my strength returns.'

He took deep breathes while feeling extremely tired and debating on whether he would even be able to get up and get back home at this point. 'It's gonna be a pain...' he sighs.

'Bride...should rest...regain energy.'

'I know, but I need to get home. Otherwise my parents would get worried.' David explained, barely managing to get onto his feet. "Can you help me with my clothes?"

The eyestalk nods as he lifted David up and carefully put the clothes back on the bat. After he was done he gave said bat's ass a pat who turned and started trudging on out of the cave, bringing the wagon and tank with him. 'Believe me, making it back home will be a piece a cake compared to my next task.'

'We' again....bride.'

David smiles as he headed off.

(Some time later)

Getting back home was easy, but now David had to deal with an even tougher challenge.

"What happened to you?!" cried his mother with wide eyes.

"Oh um...:" he paused trying to think of an excuse. "I had a big lunch."

"In the middle of the night?" frowned his father.

"Yeah, it sound more like an added dinner most likely." David corrected. "I didn't think I would take so long, but carrying that creature back was heavier than I thought."

"David, tell the truth."

"I-I am." David insisted, starting to get nervous. 'Please don't make me tell you.'

Both his parents crossed their arms while not backing down.

David groans as he sat down on the chair, "Returning the creature to the beach... wasn't uneventful."

"Did it do something to you?" asked his mother in horror.

"It didn't hurt me, but it had a request."

"Which was?"

"It's species was endangered, and the only way they can have more kins is they need a warm person to lay eggs in." he explained.

"Wait, you my god!"

"Calm down, everything's okay. I'm completely fine." David said reassuringly.

"But I mean...were they...oh good lord." groaned his mother looking close to throwing up.

"It's okay, it didn't hurt. Actually, it felt... pretty good." David blushes as he admitted that.

"How can this be good? I'm getting my keys and we're going to a doctor to get those things out of you." frowned his dad.

"No, it's not necessary. I'm perfectly fine. There's no need for that." David said. "Plus they might die if I have to have surgery to get them out and that'd just be endangering his species more." he added that part urgently.

"Oh really? Do you know how they come out? For all you know they could be like those things from that movie where they burst from your chest!" cried out his mom looking close to fainting.

"There's no such thing as aliens. And I never heard of anything happening like that in real life." David answered. "My best guess is after hatching they'll just....slide out."

"Slide out where?" his dad asked.

David blushes. "The same way they came in."

And cue his mother passing out and thankfully landing on the couch.

"I can't blame her from fainting like that though. I'll have to apologize to her when she wakes up."

"David even if it's some new species, being the host for it's eggs is just too much. What if this scars your body for life? What if they're too big? Men weren't made that."

"I'll admit it caught me off guard when it mentioned something like this the first time." David said scratching his head. "But it was very small when I found it the first time. I won't let them grow inside me to a point it'll cause pain and scarring." he assures his dad. "Plus it wouldn't tell me this if it didn't trust me. It could've just forced me into it, but didn't."

"Wait, told you? You make it sound like it spoke to you plain as day."

"Not spoke directly. It can communicate telepathically." David said. "It was so cool!"

And cue his dad passing out next to his mom.

"....Ok I probably should've mentioned that earlier." David said sweat dropping.

(Few days later)

David made a few more adjustments to his notes regarding the specimen he was caring for. He was eating his second bowl of cereal while putting down how his appetite had been growing. Thankfully, he looked up signs of pregnancy and discovered cravings was common. And this also lead to him looking up other stuff and pondered on whether he'd be able to let all of them out when the time came considering just giving birth to ONE child was a hassle.

"I'll probably have to go to the beach earlier in advance so I don't make a mess here. Also I rather not have my sister know about this. She'll make my parent's freak out look calm." he remarked while rubbing his belly. 'She'll probably just think I got really hungry and started gaining weight.'

He made final adjustments to his findings. Baring mind not to mention about how he was a host to the creature's eggs. "I want to sound like a researcher, not some kind of pervert."

But as he looked at his stomach he pondered to himself. 'I wonder if each of them are gonna be the size like the first one? Maybe then it won't be as bad as I think.' he thought smiling. 'Though I need to speak to him about limiting it. It's nicer than I thought, but I rather not go through this every time looking like I had eaten a horse!'

After finishing his cereal he got up with a groan and lay down on the bed and watch some tv. He needed to take it easy for now or else he might damage an egg or two. 'Maybe once I feel some wiggling, I'll head out.'

(Next day)

David woke up slowly and did some light stretches to ease him awake. All the while he yawned while patting his bulge. Then went to rubbing it carefully to check the progress of it. So far he felt the egg shells while some of them would occasionally move.

"Hmm, they're moving, but none seemed to have hatched yet. After maybe feeling a couple or few kicks, I'll head out to the beach. Until then, I'll record the findings." He said as he carefully went to his desk. He grabbed his notebook and started inputting the info down. "Some eggs moving, but none of them hatched, Will continue monitoring until further signs of development."

After finishing he sat in his chair while relaxing. Smiling as he rubbed his belly soothingly in the process. 'I think I'm starting to feel like a mother, I mean I don't' want them to get hurt, but that's the same as a researcher.' he let out a giggle at that thought. 'What's next, I start lactating?'

He laughed a bit at that. "Oh man, I crack myself up." that's when he felt a sudden kick.

David gasped a bit at that felt, placing a hand where he felt the impact. "Woah, was that one of them?" He asked himself, becoming rather excited though. 'If they're already hatching, I need to get to the beach, now.' He got up and started heading out the door, making sure no one was around. He rabbed his goodie to try and obscure the bloated belly before heading out the door.

'Okay, gotta get to the cave and wait there until the birthing begins.' he thought as he started walking. He tried to speed walk while keeping a low profile.

He soon reached the sidewalk separating him from the beach, but the walk light was red so he had to wait. 'Come on, if they start hatching now I'll never make it and people might see me and stare.' he thought as he can see a few people coming to the same waiting spot he was at. One or two would glance at him and he tried to act natural without saying anything.

'Don't speak to me. Don't speak to me.' he begged repeatedly as he noticed the traffic light going to yellow.

"Hey dude." spoke a wolf with a beanie. "No offense, but...might wanna go easy on the fries."

"Huh?" David turned to the wolf. "Oh right, yeah I had a bad craving." he responded. 'Ok, granted they'll see me as a big eater first, that's okay. '

"You ever try ab crunches? They can really burn off that extra fat."

"Never heard of them." he replied before the light turned green and he quickly walked away. "Gotta get going. See ya!"

'Huh, weirdo.'

David took a sigh of relief as he made it to the beach. 'Almost there, now to the cave.' As if hearing him he felt two more kicks. 'Just settle a bit till I get there.' he thought as he walked faster. He spotted the cave and carefully moved into the cave before he started taking his hoodie off.

"Phew, glad I made it without anyone catching on to me." he sighed as he took his shorts off as well. He slid his shirt off last and carefully tested the water which felt and made him shudder before making his legs go under and slowly submerged the lower half of his body.

"Oohh, it's quite cold." David shivers. He tried to keep from jumping out and held onto the edge while feeling more kicking.

"The birthing's gotta be close." David muttered.

'Mate....' came the familiar voice as David saw the water start to bubble.

'Oh.. you're here." David said as he saw the eyestalk rise up and looked at him.

"They're almost here." he said to it. "They've been kicking several times."

'You done.... Good.' It said stroking the bat's cheek. 'Spread...ass.'

David moved his legs away and breathed steadily. "Anything else?"


David takes a deep breath as he starts pushing, clenching his teeth in the process. He started feeling something move in his ass and groaned feeling something slimy. "'s going through me..." he gasped as he takes a deep breath and pushes again.

The creature looked and saw a small tentacle slip out from the bat's anus.

David made one more push and soon it slips out with a pop. He keep it up as more slid out of him.

(30 minutes later)

David panted and felt his ass gaping as the last baby octoquid slip out from him. He lay his top half on the stone. "All... done." he got out.

'' The Octoquid made some tentacles to stroke David's back and sides soothingly.

David smiles as he moans softly. "T-thank you for the compliment. Happy to help."

'Have more....eggs for you.'

David looks surprised. "Already. How often and fast do you get more eggs?" he asked.

'Every...few days.'

'Wh-whoa...' David thought in his mind.

Two tentacles held David's legs open before a third one moved over and rubbed against his cock.

"Um... l-listen." he got out through moans. "I'll help you, but can you lighten up on the amount this time?"


"It was difficult to get back home last time, not counting times when I had to bring the stuff back." David explained. "I'll let you give all of them to me most of the time, But I'm pretty sore still. Is that gonna be okay?"


David smiled and went to stroke the tentacles with his hands. "Thank you for understanding. I really appreciate this."

The tentacle nodded while one of them moved back over and started rubbing against his dick again.

"Aahh~" David smiles as he relaxed in the water and enjoys the treatment. "But this I can accept." He even moved his hands to rub the tentacle rubbing him. 'Figure I give it a massage for all this.'

He felt it gurgle while one moved up and rubbed against his face. "I take it you like what I'm doing?"

' suck.'

David smiles as he opens his mouth wide. The tentacle sliding into his mouth afterwards. He tried relaxing to make sure it fit and was stunned since it really widened his jaw. 'Ngh.. A lot bigger than I thought.'

'Moist and...warm.'

David smiles as he sucks on it carefully and slowly. The other tentacle rubbed his cock which started getting harder. "Mmmm." David groaned around the tentacle as he started thrusting forward.

The octoquid gurgled before another tentacle moved up and prodded against his anus. Causing the bat to shudder from the touch, but relaxed and waited for the Octoquid to proceed. It slowly pushed back into the gaping hole just as the one near his cock slowly wrapped around it.

David moans in pleasure as the birthing made him loose, making the penetration pleasurable. "G-Go in deeper."

It gurgled as the tentacle moves forward inside more, even bringing a second tentacle to prod the stuffed anus. It slowly pushed up with David gasping with wide eyes before he moaned out as both of them slowly filled his backdoor.

"Oooh~ I feel like I could melt." David moans out with a muffled voice. 'Both of them are actually stuffing my ass!'

The Octoquid gurgles from the response. He pushed the second one deep enough to where the other one was before moving them both back and forth together while the one around his cock moved up and over the cock.

At this point, he was in complete bliss and unable to say anything but moan in pleasure. The ones in his ass pushed in deeper to where he felt them rub against his prostate which made his cock hard as a rock.

'Ngh... I can't hold it!' David cums as his body spasms. The sperm gushed into the air while feeling the tentacles in his ass rub against his prostate even harder.

David panted as he slowly catches his breath as the tentacle slides out of his mouth. "Wow.".he moaned as his cock got hard again while feeling the tentacles inside him slowly twist around together into one big makeshift appendage before pushing in hard enough to where it was rubbing furiously against his prostate. "Ah! It's huge!" he groaned.

'More eggs....ready to...pour in.'

David nods his head, blushing red. He felt one of them slowly slide out while seeing several eggs move down the one still in him before he felt them start to pour into him. 'That... that's a lot of eggs.' David thought.

'Will hold back...for now.'

"Th-thank you..." he smiles warmly. He felt his belly get filled for a few minutes before it slowly stopped. Danny felt full, but not as weighed down as before, though he was still winded. "I think that's plenty."

The tentacle rubbed the round belly carefully when he said that.

"Well, I better get back home." He got up and got dressed. "Take care of yourself okay?"

It gurgled before two tentacles moved over and had tongues before licking both sides of his face. 'You too...Mate.'

David smiled while patting one of them before heading out.

(Years later)

David was now a full fledged researcher with the help of the notes he took when he was a teen. He wore a long concealing lab coat and was in his own home writing down info for a new species of anglerfish. He recorded his findings regarding the light it mades, how long it can last, their diets.

But as he finished one page he heard the timer go off which is something he set up a while ago.

"Oh is it that time already?" he asked smiling. He put his pencil down and stood up before leaving his studies and headed down the stairs which lead to his basement and stepped near a metal door. He typed in a code before the door opens and he went inside. He flipped a switch on the wall which turned the lights on which showed the interior had a small area with a window at the end of the cave it was built into with surrounding walkways and a pool of seawater in the middle.

"Alright, I'm here." he said heading to the edge of the pool. "It should be here any minute now."

And cue a spot of bubbles before a dark shadow slowly rose up from the bottom.

"Afternoon, I see that you are well?" David asked smiling.

The large shadow, which was the creature but much bigger gurgled while it's eyestalk rose up.

"And I thought you were at your full height when I was fourteen, but you were full of surprises." David nods his head.

'You...too.' it spoke before the eyestalk narrowed and one of the tentacles lashed out towards the bottom of the coat, causing it to fly up a little to show his bare legs. 'No clothes...underneath....mate eager.'

The bat blushes at the octoquid's observation. "Yeah, I was missing our moment those days ago."

'Last moment...was.....two weeks ago.' it reminded him with a gurgled chuckle.

David covers his face to hide his blushing face. But that's when he felt the coat get yanked off him, leaving him naked. David smiles as he stares at his brown fur. 'It's been years since my first.'

'Will last.' it spoke before two tentacles lashed out around his legs and held him up in the air to where he was dangled upside down.

"Wha? This is new." he got out looking at the creature.

'Will now...pour....triple amount....inside.'

David blushes at the words. Since he has grown and gotten more accustomed to the Octoquid's treatment, his body is more stronger and able to hold more eggs. "I probably won't be able to move afterwards."

'Then I shall...not hold back.' it spoke while a tentacle rose up, only with a pink head and looking three times bigger than any of it's others.

David blushes at the size of it. "I... I never seen it that big." the other tentacles spread his legs open while the giant one moved over and rubbed against his ass. "Any idea how your species is doing?" he asked wondering if it knows.

'As far as I know.....species is slowly growing.'

David smiles at the info. "Look like it's going well... even if I couldn't go fully at it."

The giant tentacle started pushing against his anus and started to slowly get jammed into him while his eyes widened and his mouth opened in a silent scream.

'Ahhh!... It's huge... God.' David thought fighting the urge to cry out. He bit his finger to try and keep himself to ignore the sudden pain, his body trembling from the massive tentacle.

'Will impregnate....forever.'

David blushes from the words. "F-forever's... a very long time." he stutters. 'But I'm not exactly against the idea.' He strokes the large tentacle as he finishes. "Come on big guy, you can start really moving."

When he said that, the large tentacle started moving in and out of David's butt slowly. Each time it made his puckered hole strain around it while trying to accommodate it. The bat groans and pants as his cock hardens from the sexual pleasure. "C-Come on, I can take it!"

The eyestalk nods as it increase the pace, thrusting faster and deeper.

David moaned with his cock flopping from the thrusts and swore this size could split him in half. 'How many eggs...this time?' he asked.

'Hundreds...this time.'

"Oh.. It'll really make moving around quite difficult." David blushes picturing himself really bloated with eggs. He kept moaning with each movement while the tentacle started twitching. "Y-you're... twitching.." He moans as he feels near his limit as well.


David smiles as he moans out in bliss, having his climax come. His sperm dribbled down just as he started to feel a flood of eggs start pouring into him. "Hahh... I can feel them entering me!" David moaned excitedly as he held onto his stomach. It slowly grew bigger while his sperm kept shooting out. His anus quivers as he felt egg after egg enter him. "So many...eggs."

(Moments later)

He panted and moaned as he was weak from the session. He was laying on his back on the walkway while his stomach was enormous.

"W-wow... might be 250 eggs inside me." David said rubbing his stomach.

'Will give more....later.'

"O-okay." David said trying to get up, but feeling too heavy to do so. 'I figured this would happen.'


'That might help but...' He looks at his massive stomach. 'How am I gonna get up?'

'Rest...until eggs...hatch.'

David looked concerned, but felt the Octoquid's tentacle rubs his belly and his ears softly. "Alright, but it's gonna be tricky. I still have an extra supply of food and water down here, but I still need to call work to let them know I'll be taking some time off."

'Help in... any way... I can.'

"Thanks." he rubbed his belly while looking outside the cave entrance. 'I still wonder, where did this fella come from?'

Far far away from the town is where we see a small island with a grass hut beside a beach with a small fire going that was cooking several fish on sticks.

There was a male fox, looking around mid thirties, checking on the fish. He was slim and wore a simple white cloth that was wrapped around his waist and with a single white strip in between his legs which did nothing to hide his dick and showed off his firm ass.

"Should be good enough." he said as he took it away from the fire and let it cool off for a second before beginning to eat. He grabbed another and walked over to the shore where a creature like the first one rose up, but twice as big before the fox tossed the fish up, watching as one of the tentacles lashed out and swallowed it in one gulp. "I hope you liked it, I feared it might've been a little overdone." he said.

'Delicious.' it spoke in the same gurgled voice.

"Glad to hear." He looked around the island. "Nice place, plenty of walking room. Thank you."

'Bride....deserves more.' it spoke while a tentacle moved over and wrapped around the fox's waist in a hug.

"You don't have to do so much for me. I'm already very happy." he smiles. He gave the tentacle a hug while kissing it before it picked him up and set him on top of the creature. He rubbed the top of his 'husband' while looking at the vast sea. "Hey."

'What is it?' it asked.

"You ever wonder how the kids are doing? Do you think any of them have survived and found some hosts to reproduce with?'

'I feel... our species growing.' it responded. 'Slowly....but surely.'

The fox smiles. "That's good to hear." He looks over the ocean again.

'Ready....for more?'

The fox smiles. 'For you... anytime.'

It gurgled before several tentacles rose up as the camera panned away with the sounds of moaning as the screen went black.