Cero Dactyl Unilete and Anax Agorean Spectrr

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - foxra

Writing - Runa

Cero Dactyl Unilete - Runa

Anax Agorean Spectrr - foxra

Cero - https://www.sofurry.com/view/1146803

Anax - https://www.sofurry.com/view/1152037

Well, here's something you don't see every day! Two snake girls! (Well, the ref sheet is one snake girl, the story features her and her sister both, and I will be doing a sequel that will be Anax's ref and the remainder of this story)

I took a different approach with this. There's the ref sheet and a detailed breakdown of their biology and history in the description. Honestly, I love how I - with the aid of Foxra - made these characters to parallel one another while also having them unique to one another.

They have wildly different personalities and take wildly divergent paths, but their similarities and familial ties bring them both to the same place. IT's like it's destiny or something!

Anyway, here's a short glossary for words you need to understand:

Ademane - glowing teal bodily fluid that influences magic use.

Enchantments - Spells infused into ademane outside of the body, thus making potions.

Saurossins - Reptilian race as ancestors of dragons, known for high ademane content.

There's more, but that's the basics. enjoy the story, and keep an eye out for adopts of their two brothers and one sister! five siblings in total is what is planned, but I need only one!

Cero Dactyl Unilete and Anax Agorean Spektrr

Part 1 - Backstory and Biology

The tale of Cero Dactyl Unilete and her sister Anax Agorean Spektrr is a rather interesting one, since they are part of a relatively unique sub-species of Saurossin Naga born of the Goddess Leera Ssevarine. The Saurossin race is quite possibly the most broad and varied of all the races of Dalon, ranging from powerful and majestic dragons to tiny salamanders and lizards with every type of scaled person in between. The race is defined as any sentient entity with a scaled body in lieu of skin, fur, or feathers, and may possess anywhere from zero to six limbs; furthermore, they are known to have the highest volume of ademane - the fluid that governs use of magic - of all the races.

Cero and Anax both come from a rare bloodline within an uncommon variant of the saurossin naga that have a 48 day digestive cycle. Like their mother Leera, their digestive system spends 36 days in a state where their internal fluids and saliva are oxygen rich - therefore safe to inhale without any digestive properties - thus allowing prey to remain alive inside for an extended period of time. At the end of that part of the cycle, the fluids are flushed out and absorbed, to be replaced with a more typical digestive fluid such as stomach acid and bile for the remaining 12 days.

The other visually noticeable physical feature that set them aside from other naga was that they had legs and arms both, standing upright like other bipedal races. While most naga in Dalon had only arms or no limbs at all, Cero and Anax were part of a familial line that was littered with biped snakes like themselves.

Out of their clutch of 23 eggs, only five survived past the first few days. Cero and Anax were two of those survivors, with two brothers and one sister that have since went on their own and no longer associate themselves with their clutch or parents - as is typical for many naga families. The two sisters took the unconventional route and spent their lives close to one another from hatchling status to adulthood, looking out for one another in a sense of mutual solidarity. Not only did they remain close, they are best friends regardless of the fact that they are siblings; they even loosely keep in touch with their mother, Leera.

The two naga sisters were very similar to one another right from their hatch-day, while also being quite different in key ways. Both were quite intelligent and academically inclined from a young age, excelling at their studies and picking up new information with ease. They took an active interest in seeking out books to read or artistic endeavors from an early age, and quickly proved themselves adept at virtually anything they focused on.

Oftentimes they were the two at the top of every class they participated in, excelling far beyond their peers. Both shared a love for knowledge, had natural skill in magic, and a keen mind that seemed wise beyond their years. In addition to their schooling, both were willing and eager to engage in extracurricular activities and extra credit assignments; in their mind their quest for knowledge was a game in and of itself, and they both wanted to win. The only way either would be content with second place if it was to the other.

The friendly sibling rivalry between them as well as their mutual admiration meant that they were far closer than most sisters - even sisters of a canine or feline litter. They worked together and against each other with a vigor beyond what some deemed healthy, but anyone who knew them understood they were merely pushing each other to be their best, and it worked. This attitude and aptitude carried on into their later lives, where both advanced to higher education in different fields, both excelling well beyond most of their peers.

While they shared the same parentage and were part of the same clutch, they had different features and body types; Anax had was considered a viper while Cero was a constrictor. Of the two, Anax was slightly thinner and shorter, with a feathered spine, hooded cowl and a set of fangs that could inject deadly venom. Cero lacked the fangs, cowl, and feathered spine of her viper sister, but had a much larger and stronger body so she attempted to adopt the role of the protector even though Anax didn't need help in that department. Due to their difference in size and physical strength, Anax was known to walk hunched over like a raptor to counterbalance the weight of her thick tail while Cero stood straight up, holding her tail out behind her as a show of physical dominance. This became a running joke between them, a friendly sibling rivalry where both felt they needed to protect the other despite the fact that neither needed that sort of aid.

Their differences also bred a sort of jealousy between them, because Cero was always a little jealous of Anax's venom, while Anax was jealous of Cero's strength. Though their 'shortcomings' were purely physical, this always became a point of contention during their scattered and rare fights. In a twist of irony, Anax felt she would be better without the venom and Cero often longed for a more lithe form, like a viper or a male naga.

In fact, Anax's venom was such a point of contention in her life growing up that she became self-conscious about her fangs. Since her venom was so powerful, she had to learn from a young age that reacting with anger or violence could very well end in the death of a friend or stranger. One lash-out could result in a hospital or healing mage visit, and that wasn't good for anyone. Because of this, took many strides in her life to ensure she remained as calm and collected as she could. Over time, she adopted a serene mentality where logic and reason were paramount and social interaction lost it's value. The knowledge that you could kill someone with one errant strike was a deterrent to having friends.

Of course, Anax's reserved nature influenced her more brash sibling to fill in the quiet gaps by being overtly loud and social. Cero was always the more social of the two, but as time went on and Anax closed herself off, Cero saw this as an opportunity to make up for lost chatter by going overboard. The two sisters may have shared an equal mind for scholarly achievements, they both had very different approaches to socialization.

Naturally, the louder Cero became, the quieter Anax became, eventually driving her into her own silent anxiety that demanded more meditation and introspective self reflection. This became increasingly important to her - and Cero as well - when they hit adolescence and discovered a few things about their body that made life even more complicated.

Both Cero and Anax had unique internal anatomy concerning their tails, which made their adolescence a special kind of nightmare. While most naga were set up like a snake with most of their organs elongated to stretch the length of their bodies, Cero and Anax both held two distinct halves. Their torso half contained their lungs, stomach, kidneys, and one of their two hearts, while their tail contained their reproductive system, intestines, liver, and their other heart with the rest of their organs dispersed between both areas.

This setup was simple enough for their digestive system, since prey could be stored in the belly and eventually expelled through the cloaca near the end of the tail, but made things difficult when dealing with their reproductive system. Most saurossin sub-species kept a tail for balance or for self defense, but Cero and Anax's bloodline were blessed with having their sexual organs in the tail.

Their uterus was entirely contained within their tail, with openings in two separate locations on either end. The biped-style vaginal opening could be accessed between their legs, where the vaginal canal went up into their torso before doing an abrupt turn to reach the cervix at the tail base. There, where the back and tail met, their ovaries funneled into the uterus that stretched from that point nearly to their cloaca near the end, capped off with a short second birth canal before hitting the exit.

As their body dictated, conception occurred by penetrating the vaginal canal in their torso, and the cloaca was where their offspring were to be birthed or laid. However, either opening was sensitive to the touch, which means either could be stimulated for pleasure. Given the sexual nature of many of the organs contained within the tail, that appendage was treated as a taboo body part. Touching it was akin to unwanted groping or rape, and they grew to treat that part of that body with reverence by covering it up with an ornamental tail-skirt.

Fortunately, this also gave them plenty of ways to pleasure themselves. Neither were interested in having offspring at any point, but that didn't mean they couldn't enjoy the pleasures of their own - or each others' - body.

Given the nature of saurossin naga to part ways at an early age and grow independent, it wasn't uncommon for siblings to engage in a bit of light incest, nor was it seen as taboo. Sure, they understood the inherent risks of inter-family breeding, but since they were both female and careful, they knew that no harm could come from experimentation. This period of their lives lasted from the first time they found out that touching themselves under the tail felt good to the time they parted ways as adults.

Another complication borne of their divided biology was that, since their vaginal canal and ovaries were located in their torso, they would often get stimulated by a rather large meal. As a side effect of this peculiar biology, both found that enjoying large meals would trigger ovulation and estrus, thus having their hunger linked with their lust. This was evolutionarily pertinent, as their great ancestors could only breed with a full belly and it made sense to associate their reproductive seasons with food.

They were also cold-blooded, and sharing the warmth with a partner in any way possible was another way to help with reproduction. This is, of course, a remnant of a time when breeding was complicated and dangerous, but was a nice way to reward them for indulging from time to time.

If nothing else, they always had their tails for pleasure. The very end - the final half meter or so - was prehensile and scaled for texture, so it was perfect to use on themselves, each other, or any chosen partner.

Combining this with their digestive cycle allowed both sisters to independently experiment with enjoying vore related fetishes with their partners. This wasn't something either wanted to admit to the other, and both independently kept that secret, but it was one of those secrets that everyone knew. It was the way they joked about being pregnant when it was just their latest meal, or how both were known to be considerably more promiscuous in the first days of their safe-belly cycle after their food was digested and absorbed.

Of course, this also meant that they attracted some weird lovers and were subject to some ridicule, at least until the Vore House of Klyneth opened and such indulgences were more publicly and freely shared. In fact, both had made a point of praising the Vore House for what it did for people into such activities, but they both opted to keep away from that scene, casually enjoying it with their partners for years before they would eventually find Klyneth.

The onset of puberty instigated a shift between the two sisters away from the similarities shared by each other as hatchlings. Sure, they had different approaches to socialization, but they shared many of the same values, fetishes, goals, and strengths. Puberty unlocked their sexuality, which in turn kicked their personalities into overdrive; in an indirect way, their sexuality is what made them individualize and specialize in their respective fields.

Anax's reserved nature was amplified, since now half of her body had to be protected from people she deemed perverts. She knew that if she lashed out like her instincts urged her to, people could die; as a result, she doubled down on her efforts to remain serene by shutting herself off from the world and focusing on her studies. The deadly nature of her venom mixed with her vore-triggered sexuality altered her worldview thoroughly. This shift in her values meant that she adopted a 'logic and practicality first' mindset, guiding her towards a life of science. She always had a mind for academia, so it made sense that she ended up there even if it was loosely inspired by her sexuality.

Naturally, Cero had an equal but opposite effect. She was always more forward and brash in nature, so when she hit puberty and her sexuality blossomed she used that to her advantage. Her lifestyle was one of doing whatever she wanted to get whatever she wanted, and once her sexuality was triggered, it unlocked a whole new world of pleasure she could feel from both ends.

But it also unlocked a whole new world of pain for anyone unfortunate enough to get too forward with her. Cero was a dominant snake who demanded control, and if someone tried to take that control away from her - like by grabbing her tail without her permission - she was likely to lash out and constrict. Since she lacked the venom of her sister, she could bite and coil without repercussions, all she had to do to get sympathy was to remind people that her tail was a sexual appendage, and everyone knew that her victims likely deserved it. Getting affectionate with her was a fine line, but as long as her partners were respectful of her dominance, she could be one of the most willing and kinky encounters a person could be blessed by.

This violent aggression calmed out when she matured into adulthood but she maintained her aggressive attitude, albeit in a more controlled way. Cero is a friendly snake who is easy to talk to, social with most and intelligent enough to converse about a wide variety of subjects, but she's also strong-willed and aggressive with her viewpoints. Don't say something she deems unintelligent or uninformed, or she will give a tongue-lashing. In time she simply adopted a friendship dichotomy: Friends were treated with warmth and acceptance while strangers were mostly ignored.

In her mind you needed to earn her positive attention, it wasn't freely given.

What was originally an effort to differentiate herself from her sister soon became her own path in life, as she opted not to pursue hard sciences and instead focus on art. Cero had the knowledge and intelligence to become a scientist, but instead went into the magical arts in order to express herself. Magic was just as prestigious a career and required as much time and intelligence, but she mostly did it because she preferred creativity over hard facts and math. To her, she felt that life should be lived, not observed and cataloged. Where Anax preached knowledge, logic, and reason, Cero valued experience, expression and creativity.

Together, they could change the world, if they had those sorts of aspirations.

Over time, subtle differences between the two have made their lifestyle paths quite divergent. As hatchlings, both were academically inclined with natural skill in magic and art, but their puberty and maturity instigated some key changes that made them unique to one another while still maintaining certain similarities. Their digestive and reproductive anatomies ensured that both had an interest in vore, both were progressive and keen on understanding their bodies, and they both remained deeply linked to one another even when continents apart. No matter what happened, they were spiritually never far apart.

However, as adults they found their own corner of the world to populate.

Anax remained reserved and a bit more hesitant concerning her sexuality, while Cero embraced it and seemed to lack the ability to feel shame. Anax covered her tail and held it close while Cero had no problem lifting it high to let others see but not touch. One was borderline shy and bashful while the other was aggressive and forthright.

Yet, despite these differences, they stayed great friends even as the two parted ways.

Upon reaching adulthood, it was time for Anax to take her studies to the next level. She went on a worldwide backpacking trip, finding her spiritual center while embracing new ways to love herself before eventually finding her way back to Klyneth. There, she joined the Klyneth academy of Science and Magic, where she majored in chemistry and Ademane Energies under the tutelage of Professor Ilorek Rovairre.

Similarly, Cero also took a spiritual journey throughout the world to find herself, but her voyage took her to vastly different places. She had more interest in magic and art, so she eventually found herself involved in an underground potion-making guild, mixing and enchanting potions to sell on both the legal and illegal markets depending on spell and potency.

Cero was the offspring of the Goddess Leera Ssevarine and a member of a very unique saurossin naga bloodline, which meant the copious volumes of ademane flowing in her body could be sold and enchanted for high value. This ensured that Cero was never left wanting for coin or company, but it did leave her at the mercy of a ruthless guild that wanted to use her for her skills, body, and natural talents with magic.

It wasn't until that guild sent her to Klyneth to sell their wares that she found herself reacquainted with her sister, a stroke of serendipity which helped her get her life back on track.

Part 2 - Tales of Tails

By the time Anax and Cero eventually reunited at the Klyneth Academy of Science and Magic, they had been apart for three years. Their spiritual journeys had taken them to all corners of the globe, from the deep jungle temples of Arrenthen to the Koluman Coliseum and everywhere in between, eventually bringing them back together in Klyneth where their destinies once again intertwined as it had in their youth.

Anax's quiet and reserved nature served her quite well as an aspiring academic. It allowed her to eschew the distractions of an active social life to focus on her studies, reading and doing experimentation on herself and others in her spare time. She wasn't antisocial but was very introverted, preferring the company of few close friends to group activities; most of her closest friends were fellow students and aspiring chemists, after all. Her chosen major was chemistry and her twin minors were biology and magic studies, focusing on the relation between ademane and magical ability. This was because she was keen to unlock the secrets of her family's unique biological makeup as well as the chemical compounds that allowed safe and nonfatal consumption; it also allowed her to study the peculiar nature of her enhanced natural magic skills.

She excelled in all her subjects, top of every class. Her passion, knowledge, and diligence propelled her at double speed, accomplishing four years worth of classes in two thanks to the aid and encouragement of professor Ilorek Rovairre. He taught subjects concerning chemistry, magic, and the relation between them, so he was able to give her the assignments in advance for her second, third, and fourth year classes while other students struggled handling just the course load they were given. In addition to being a great teacher, he also quickly became a close friend, one she could confide in regarding her motivations for doing what she was doing.

After many months of quiet introspection, hiding her more taboo desires, she allowed herself to open up to Ilorek about her lust for vore. There was nothing in any textbooks that would explain why she got aroused every time she enjoyed a meal, and very little concerning her body's digestive cycle due to how infrequently such an anomaly was seen and documented. She was shy and hid her face in her tail when she admitted this to him, but was relieved when he said he knew about such peculiar biological oddities. As it turned out, he used to know a naga that had that same rare ability to consume prey safely without any of that pesky death or digestion, and he was able to tell Anax all she needed to know about the history and biological imperative behind such an anatomical adaptation.

Anax's bloodline went back to the days of the Gods, when the naga tribe were infamous for their ruthless desire to feed off their victims. Not only would the snakes swallow their prey - occasionally villagers or most oftentimes farm animals - for physical and dietary sustenance, but they had a persistent psychological need to dominate and terrorize their food, in the process.

The reasoning behind this innate need was never discovered, but it needed to be properly managed. The naga tribe would often satisfy their cravings causing panic and sustaining the fear associated with being victimized for weeks on end, but would always release their prey when their needs were satisfied, unharmed but frightened. Without that violent dominance and the 'feeding' off the fear of their prey, the naga tribe would descend into ferality, losing their sentience to once again become animistic beasts, where they would lose all lucidity needed to free their victims after they were done with the terrorization.

Luckily that trait was slowly bred out of the bloodline, diluting the need to feed on fear while still maintaining the digestive cycle which had no further biological or psychological purpose. In the end, Anax and Cero were two of the last hundred or so of that bloodline, and Anax theorized that Cero's dominant nature was an artifact of that old evolutionary adaptation. That still didn't explain why she grew aroused every time she enjoyed a meal, so she agreed to undergo a series of experiments at the hands of Professor Rovairre in order to find an answer.

The two of them went back to Ilorek's ranch on one weekend, where Ilorek introduced Anax to his 'personal quarters' - a laboratory nestled past the tree-line that encircled his ranch - which housed much of his potion work, research, and his own personal possessions. She remained hesitant and a little unnerved by the fact that he had a personal laboratory in his backyard, joking that he was likely a serial killer or some pervert with a lab fetish, but she was too keen on finding an answer to let that stop her. She was blessed with venom enough to kill him back if she so needed to. A joke which he rebuffed by telling her that the only reason he was going to be doing this was because she got off when she ate, so 'who has a weird fetish now?' She accepted his counterpoint, and proceeded with the experiment by getting on the operating table and spreading her legs, ready for her exam.

There, Ilorek used a series of spells and potions to numb her abdominal wall, allowing him to slice into her belly and manipulate both her digestive and reproductive systems in her torso. The more he applied pressure to her ovaries, the more aroused she got, leading him to theorize that the pressure on them was what was instigating her ovulation and therefore her estrus. This made perfect sense to Anax, as she often got a rather distended belly when she ate and almost always ended up maintaining arousal for a week after that until the meal was properly digested and passed through the rest of her digestive system.

After sealing her back up and healing her wounds Ilorek became the subject of Anax's insatiable desire, as her estrus was triggered the same way it was when she had a full belly. Anax may have been reserved most of the time, able to avoid her carnal urges due to the fact that she spent most of her time alone, but the her physical lust and hunger for knowledge doubled up and she couldn't help but to lash out at Professor Rovairre and demand his touch. She was quite pleased to see that he was amicable to her advances, and even encouraged her to indulge her desires rather than repress them.

When they were done, Ilorek's mate Valencia came into the lab, casually commenting that dinner was ready. Had Anax possessed the ability to blush, she would have become a light pink from cheeks to tail. At the time her mind was racing with a thousand excuses as to why she'd be naked, lying with Ilorek in the loft, but Ilorek assured her that all was well; the two had an open relationship and didn't deem the occasional tryst such as his interaction with Anax as being disloyal. Afterward, the three enjoyed a wonderful meal - Well, Ilorek and Valencia did, Anax feared triggering a follow-up carnal episode so she declined - as they discussed Ilorek and Anax's studies into her own unique biology.

This relationship blossomed in the following year, with Ilorek and Valencia serving as Anax's source of comfort and solidarity. She didn't feel comfortable discussing or indulging her personal desires with most others, opting instead to keep the motivation behind her studies a secret.

One day, while Anax was enjoying a drink in the cafeteria while reading a text book, she saw the sight of someone she'd not seen for years. It was Cero, who had been sent to Klyneth for her job as a potions-master. The two sisters embraced and caught up, sharing all of their experiences between the time they last met and that fateful encounter in the cafeteria.

Cero's outgoing nature took her on a grand adventure across all the world. Much like Anax, she had an insatiable desire for knowledge and aspired to understand her own body's unique properties, but her difference in personality allowed her to pursue a wholly different path to that same point. Where Anax buckled down and focused on her studies, testing and researching to find the answers, Cero lived a life full of all the experiences she needed to discover the secrets of self. She was an ambivert, occasionally introverted, occasionally extroverted depending on mood and circumstances, which meant she was more willing to go on international travels with relatively minimal reservation.

One of the things Cero learned early in life was that she was blessed with massive stores of incredibly potent ademane, well beyond what was normal. In her spiritual journey when she stopped in the Kingdom of Rissen, she had come across a tribe of those who knew the history of her kind and the meaning behind that element of her biology. A long time past, the saurossin race was composed almost entirely of vast, powerful dragons that were hated, revered, feared, and respected by all other races. The ademane in their system was stored in their chest to be spewed and ignited in a form of fire breath, creating a flaming liquid that could not be extinguished except by magical means, which meant that nobody messed with dragons due to the magical fire that they could create.

That was, until potion-making was discovered.

Years after the time of the Gods, it was learned that ademane could be extracted from the body and enchanted with a spell. The resulting potion could be consumed or applied to the body to give the enchantment's effects to the user, be it enhanced magical abilities, amplified senses, or physical healing. The creation, enchantment, and distribution of potions quickly created a worldwide market, with supply and demand seen in every corner of the globe. Most potion enchantments were fully legal, but some - such as taboo transformation or effects that could be easily used for criminal purposes - were heavily monitored or outright banned in many locations. Cero found herself embroiled in both halves of that market due to her set of skills and her lineage.

Saurossins were naturally gifted with ample volumes of ademane in their system and Cero was already into artistic expression as well as having a knack for magic and enchantment, so it was natural that she ended up in a job revolving around potion creation. It all started when she heard about a potion-making guild in the northern realm of Koluma that was known simply as 'PMI', or 'Potion Masters International'. They had charters in almost every country, with larger places like Ijimu, Yelfrit, and Saff'Rald having two. PMI had been the leading provider of potions for centuries, which meant Cero had job security and a lot of room to improve.

Her natural skill with magic blended with her intimate knowledge of both chemistry and biology to give her the edge she needed to be in the guild. In her debut performance, she impressed the head of her region and became an enchanter within days, proving her worth to be above and beyond what most her age were capable of. Oftentimes, only the 'old and wise' wizards could cast a spell as powerful as she could, but she was in her teens and still able to create some of the most powerful potions in the region.

Cero quickly proved her value and would rise through the ranks with ease, as expected. She was head of the Ijimulian division of the guild even before she thought to extract her own ademane, which created waves in the community for two reasons. First, it was taboo for her kind to supply the ademane since the dragons of old were killed and had their ademane harvested for early potion making, resulting in a century-long slaughter and culling that left a black mark on the history of the potion-making art. Secondly, it soon became clear that her ademane was naturally supercharged, taking to spells and enchantment with an energetic vigor beyond that which most ademane was capable.

She had already proven herself, but her added value borne of her body's ademane and her willingness to supply it for the more powerful potions meant that she was invaluable. Too important to let go. This opened a door for her to supply for a far more lucrative but far less legal underground potion network that dealt in taboo enchantments. Her willingness to offer her own fluids told the guild that she was morally okay with bending the rules a bit, so they were sure to entice her with promises of coin underground. She didn't realize that this would result in her morals being compromised and she would end up trapped as a peddler of potions for the blackmarket.

What she didn't know at the time was that, once you were in, you generally didn't get out of that sort of endeavor. At first all was fine, she enjoyed her time with the guild as she was able to travel the world and practice her craft while also getting involved with scientists that helped her understand her body. Like Anax, Cero found a doctor by the name of Olfrin who was able to help her unlock the peculiar secrets of her body such as the instigating factor of her heavy meals on her estrus. In a sort of parallel, she also ended up fooling around with the aquatic hybrid in the wake of the experimentation.

Things went well for the majority of the three years until the demand for Vore Themed potions started to grow, and Cero was tasked with heading to Klyneth to investigate the Vore House of Klyneth in order to get more information about the potion-making their master Vinn was concocting in their lab. The unique enchantments were more potent and effective than anything they were creating in Koluma, which meant that was a whole market the guild wasn't selling to.

That was how the two ended up together in the cafeteria that day, drinking some infused juices and sharing stories with one another. After they caught up with their stories of their respective jobs, comparing and contrasting the different routes they took to get to the same place, they happily left the cafeteria and took a walk while sharing a few more intimate experiences with one another. Three years apart, and they were able to pick up where they left off after only a few minutes, a display of their solidarity.

While walking through the downtown region of Klyneth, the two sisters regaled each other with tales of their journeys, some of which they'd only tell each other and nobody else.

Cero started with a story that took place around the same time she started in the the potions guild, where she was working as a whore for sailors in the Koluman International Trade Annex. She fully confessed she loved the job, and had no problem selling herself for the pleasure of others since she often felt just as needy as they were and it was a great way to flex her creativity. Above all else, though, it validated her unique anatomy by proving that having two places a male could mate with made her quite endearing for parties.

As she began telling the story, Anax's face went pale. The idea of whoring oneself out made her feel uncomfortable since she couldn't imagine doing it herself, but she didn't think less of anyone else who made a living that way. She did feel a little sorry for Cero, though; both of them had so much potential, so it saddened her to see that her dear sister was whoring for money instead of working alongside other scientists in Koluma.

Of course, Cero had no shame about her past encounters and openly admitted she'd love to return to that profession in her spare time if she ever got the chance. Sex for money was fun, and she had a wide variety of fetishes she got to enjoy with her clients that she never knew she liked. Turned out, one of her clients wanted to be 'pegged' by her, so she used her tail as a cock. That's where she learned she liked that sort of thing.

The other fetish she learned she liked was unbirth. Unbirthing. Taking a partner completely within her womb to be later released - or rebirthed - at a time of their choosing. The reason she loved such a thing was that, as a snake, her skin was immensely malleable and stretchy compared to most saurossins and she could therefore take even the most well-endowed dragons and horses in her cloaca with ease. Her vagina had limitations, but her cloaca could be widened to three times the girth of her tail with ease, and could go even wider with some warming up.

However, her first encounter with such a peculiar fetish was not without its complications. This little saurossin - not more than a meter tall - came in off a boat from Klyneth and made it to Cero's brothel. His shipmates had dropped a bag of coin and told the PleasureMaster (director of the brothel preferred to be called that) to ensure that he got literally every fantasy he asked for satisfied. He picked Cero, and she spent the following weekend indulging every last kinky idea that came to his mind.

The last thing he asked for, however, was to see how deep he could go. His intention was to insert both hands to double fist, then literally dive in by burrowing his snout into her cloaca. She allowed this to happen because she knew that most saurossins could hold their breath for up to half an hour in extreme circumstances, and figured that would be plenty of time to satisfy him. After testing him to make sure he was capable of holding his breath, she coiled him up tight and let him burrow into her tail end.

She remained nervous about the whole endeavor as he wiggled his body and licked at her cloaca, slowly worming his way through her vent and into the womb in her tail. Controlling herself proved to be difficult, as the extreme form of penetration made her entire body quake and shiver with delight, yet she was able to enjoy watching his tail get pulled up to curl around his body inside her. Everything had went better than expected until time came to get him back out.

As it turned out, her cervix had closed up on both ends, sealing him in her womb where he would remain. At this time she didn't know that the 'safe cycle' fluids from her digestive system were present in her uterus at all times, so she panicked and tried to find any way she could to force his rebirth. She squeezed, she tightly coiled, and she used her powerful muscles to try to squeeze him out but nothing worked.

As the minutes ticked on, she grew increasingly worried that he was going to suffocate in there and she'd be charged with murder. For a solid hour or so, she was convinced that she would end up in prison and she was going to be jailed for the rest of her short life for the crime of indulging some sailor's most extreme fetish. Once the hour passed she broke down in tears, certain that the little guy had perished inside her. That was, until she felt a kick.

She placed her hand to her distended, bulging tail and got a response from inside. He thrashed, he stretched, and he tried his best to get out, but his actions just made her collapse in unfocused pleasure. By the next morning it became clear that her womb was as habitable as her belly was, but it was time for her client to return to the ship and carry on with his travels and he was still entombed in her tail.

Still suffering through a state of panic, she left the brothel and went to the other sailors to explain what had happened by demonstrating that he was still alive, convinced they would gut her and take their colleague with them. At this point, she wanted nothing more than to have Anax there with her, to maybe concoct a spell to help or just to be there with her for emotional and moral support.

They didn't gut her. Instead, they laughed at her peril and said they knew all about his eclectic tastes, and had only given him to her because she figured that it would be fine. Regardless of their acceptance of the situation, that still left her unable to force the rebirth. She couldn't just regurgitate like she could had she swallowed him, so she had to go with them on their month long travels while filling in for her 'victim' before rebirth was triggered naturally. He returned to his duties, and she got to enjoy sailing the Ijimulian ocean before returning to the Koluman International Trade Annex.

That was when she discovered the Potion Master's guild, and was also when she discovered that their unique anatomy allowed for 'prey' to be stored in their tails, alive and well.

Anax was invested for the entirety of her sister's story, then apologized when it was her time to tell an equally interesting tail, because she felt that it didn't have any of the titillating details that Cera's story had.

In her time at school, she had ensured that all of her friends and colleagues knew that she didn't enjoy things like parties or frat celebrations. She didn't consider herself all that social and found that people who drank more than a few glasses of wine got stupid and irresponsible; being around drunk students made her feel like she was losing her own intelligence, so she avoided it at all costs.

However, after a particularly grueling set of exams, her classmates were putting on a party at one of the frat houses and demanded she attend. She resisted, of course, but eventually relented and caught a ride with some of her close friends under the agreement that if she was miserable she was just going to leave.

There, she almost immediately turned and left. Before she even made it to the frat house, the music hurt her ears and she could feel the throbbing in her tail. Not good for a creature who's reproductive tract was being subjected to the constant bass of the music. After being convinced to give it one hour, she soon found herself sitting in the corner of the room with a glass of wine in hand and her tail coiled up on her lap. She had to keep her hood down or it would amplify the unpleasant volume of the music.

All night, others from the Academy would come over and try to strike up a conversation with her, flirt with her, and refuse to accept that not only did she not want to sleep with them, that her tail was not to be lightly caressed. She tried her best to be patient with the many others of all races there, since she was certain that she was the only one with sexual organs in her tail, but it drove her to rage that she couldn't contain.

She was about to leave and was telling her friends about how upset she was when this admittedly gorgeous looking stallion sat next to her and grabbed for her tail, making a joke about wanting to have her coil him nice and tight.

Without thinking, she flared her cowl out and turned to bite at the one foolish enough to touch her tail. This was the LAST time anyone would make that mistake.

Her fangs sunk into his shoulder, leaving him with four envenomated puncture wounds on his upper torso. He got angry and lashed out, but she threatened to bite him again if he got within tail's reach of her. His rage lasted about as long as it took her venom to take hold of him, weakening him and making his upper body swell. When he fell to the ground, Anax's expression changed quite drastically.

An ambulance was called and that equine nearly died, prompting Anax to become the focus point of a lawsuit that would seek to sue her for endangerment and the resulting medical fees, have her jailed for attempted slaughter, have her expelled from the Academy, and to have her fangs removed. All very serious offenses, especially considering she was attempting to fast-track to her master's degree.

Anax appeared in court, representing herself. She knew her rights, she knew the law, and she knew how to defend herself; there, she posited that her lashing out was not her fault. Not only was she forced to attend by her peers, but she had to explain to the judge that her unique biology placed sexual emphasis on her tail and that she had been dealing with grabby people all night. She used an example that switched their roles, saying that to her this was like if someone came up to that stallion and casually grabbed him by the sheath as a form of introduction.

Her defense was that she had been the victim of persistent and unflinching sexual assault for hours before she snapped. She was in a position that she didn't want to be in and was forced by social stigmas to attend, and was in the process of trying to leave when he actively grabbed her tail and caressed its underside, getting very close to her cloaca before she lashed out.

He, on the other hand, claimed that she was flirting with him, that he had seen her enjoying other people doing the same thing to her all night, and that he had no way of knowing that her tail was so private to her. He attacked her, citing that her tail was dressed provocatively, and that she could be making it up that her uterus was located in that part of her body.

She lashed out back, disgusted by his brash and ignorant rebuttal. She re-asserted that she was practically on her way out the door when the attack happened, and that it doesn't matter if it's her foot or a feather on her back, you don't touch someone without asking permission first.

The equine was on the verge of launching another diatribe about how slutty Anax was, when Professor Rovairre stood up to defend Anax's character. He said that - as a doctor - he himself had examined Anax's anatomy to clarify that she was in fact telling the truth about her reproductive tract. He also confirmed that she had expressed -hundreds of times in the previous years he knew her - that she hated parties and didn't want to go to this one. He would assure the judge and onlookers that she was the first student with the intelligence and personality for him to take on as an apprentice.

Unfortunately, his testimony seemed to backfire on him and Anax both. He then got accused of fraternizing with the defendant, almost had his teaching license revoked, and was painted as a pervert for the issues. On the end of the first day at trial, the pursuant called for Anax's fangs to be removed immediately, and the judge agreed.

Media groups got word of this trial and started flooding the proceedings with all sorts of attention. There were news stories, public outcries, viper's rights groups campaigning for the freedom of Anax's fangs, and the opposition crying for a witch-hunt. The whole trial turned into a personal rights issue, where one side felt that all those with more dangerous natural defenses should be registered or altered to be less deadly, while the other side campaigned for freedom of self as well as the innate need for self defense against people like the stallion that preyed on the weak.

Never before had Anax felt the need for Cero to be there with her, offering her strength.

Then on the last day of court when the sentence was to be given, a twist of fate occurred that Anax still doesn't believe to be real to this day, a hooded figure entered the courtroom, making his way down the walkway between the seats for the onlookers. With one wave of his hand, he tossed the guards to the side and telekinetically closed the door behind him. More guards tried to use their tasers on him, but he simply grabbed the barbed end of it and absorbed the electrical current as if it was nothing.

This hooded figure allowed only his black beak, and black fleshed hands to be seen as he addressed the judge and terrified onlookers. He gave a speech about how disgusted he was that his people had grown so petty and corrupt, or that this equine would lie about Anax's intentions or behavior at the party. He spoke of the rights he bestowed upon the land, and that a right to one's own body was paramount, therefore the equine student had broken one of the cardinal sins by touching her at all, especially not the way he had.

He finished his speech by commanding the judge or the pursuant to throw the case out. He stated that if this hearing came to a conclusion that he didn't approve, there would be a certain form of hell to pay, and that the entire region would feel the wrath of the gods. Then, a flash of lightning crashed outside the court house and the hooded figure disappeared in the blink of an eye.

They had witnessed something outlandish that day, and nobody could believe what had happened. All Anax knew for sure was that the equine dropped all charges that day and left the courtroom, never to be seen at school again. She had won, in the barest sense.

The judge resigned a month later, and the event is one that is not talked about because nobody believes it happened. It wasn't televised, and all the footage that had been recorded of the event had mysteriously been erased. Most who attended the hearing said that there must have been some sort of potion mist in the air, giving them delusions. Some claimed it was a message from the Gods themselves, and others just don't believe they were awake enough for it to be real.

All that mattered was that Anax was set free, and she could go about her studies under the tutelage of Professor Rovairre - who happened to be one of two people she could discuss the event with along with his wife Valencia.

Naturally, Cero didn't believe anything about the hooded figure or the paranormal, as she was as much of a scientist as Anax was and she needed proof to believe in something, but she had a hard time disregarding the look in Anax's eyes as she told the story. That was as real as could be, and the bond the sisters shared ensured that Cero simply nodded and accepted the story as true.

After that, they had finally made it to the edge of town, both heading to the same location: the Vore House of Klyneth.

Cero was there to learn the secrets of their unique potion cocktail, while Anax was there to investigate the biology associated with sharing her digestive cycle with prospective prey!

Neither knew what was waiting for them in that castle.