Duplicity (Vore, Cat/Squirrel, F/m)

Story by Izzy Koji on SoFurry

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By Izzy Koji

Though he was surrounded by the sounds of a rather busy city, Izzy's ears only exemplified certain noises around him, as if his senses were tuning out the things that were less important for survival. He could hear the snow crunching slightly as it was packed into the sidewalk every time his paws hit the ground. He could hear the sounds of various vehicles slowly accelerating and blaring their horns, some close, others further away. He caught occasional words from the general murmur of conversation on the street. Other than that, though, there was an eerie silence through his head; not much meshed together to form complete sounds or thoughts. It all seemed to be moving too fast and in slow motion at the same time. This was wrong; this was very wrong. He shouldn't be here...he shouldn't be anywhere near this place. If there was one thing he was not only told constantly, but also simply felt within his own soul it was that he should never, never be in this place.

The city of Sentum was founded in 1845 and quickly became known as one of the first so-called 'pred cities'. Due to the unusually high number of predators that settled in the city early on coupled with the current birth rate, the overwhelming majority of the residents were preds. As you can imagine, preys meticulously keep track of the ratio of preys to preds in every city in which preys have settled and immediately pull out of and warn other preys about any given city that happens to go over a certain limit. Preys maps designate each pred city (and potential pred city) as an area to avoid at all costs. Due to this fact, known pred cities rely completely on what are known as 'prey hunters' to hunt down and gather prey from the surrounding areas to take back to the city and sell. The hunt is one of the things you trade when you choose to live in the big cities. So, because of this, actually getting to stalk down and hunt your prey if you live in one of these cities is regarded as a treat and something that doesn't happen too often.

So it's understandable why being a squirrel smack dab in the middle of this city would be an undesirable thing and a situation you would want to get yourself out of as soon as possible.

He ran. The only thing Izzy could do was run. It was the first thought that actually connected in a chorus of thoughts all saturated with fear. Instantly, it sounded like a good idea. He didn't even know where he was going, he just ran. He needed to get somewhere, anywhere but here. He weaved in and out of alleyways and ducked behind random structures he would happen upon to avoid being seen. He knew that the moment anyone saw him, it was over right then. One shout of 'Prey!' in a pred city would be like shouting 'Fire!' in a crowded subway. In a city this crowded, even if the pred who spotted him didn't get him, someone else certainly would. His tail swishing quickly behind him, he ran as quickly as his legs could take him, being pelted with the snowflakes falling from the sky. There were at least 6 inches of snow covering the city and it continued to fall steadily. The squirrel's heavy breathing was visible in the form of nearly transparent white puffs as his lungs worked to keep up with him.

He quickly dove into an alleyway to catch his breath. He nervously glanced around to see if anyone was in the alley with him or had seen him run in. After all, all he needed was for someone to see his tail to instantly know what he was. He pulled his tail in close to him, silently wondering why his species had to have such a revealing feature. His gaze still nervously darting around, fearful that someone would catch his scent, Izzy breathed deeply and tried to fight the rising level of fear and adrenalin. Suddenly, two preds conversing while walking down the street walked right past the alley, a mere foot or two away from Izzy. He let out a barely audible gasp and scurried back further, totally convinced that he was caught. When 10 seconds had passed and they were still gone, Izzy breathed again. Closing his eyes, he leaned back against the wall and let out sigh. He was instantly glad to be wearing a heavy coat; it was a pretty certain fact in his mind that this wall was the coldest thing in existence. He didn't care though; he was just preoccupied with how he was going to get out of this city. He was so preoccupied, in fact, that he didn't even notice the sound of footsteps.

"Hi there."

Izzy nearly had a heart attack. Yelping, he jumped in surprise and started to try and back up more, his mind focused on a single message that told his body to get away as fast as he could. His eyes widened and he let out a small whimper when he was able to actually make out the figure the voice had come from.

She was about a foot and a half taller than Izzy, enough that he had to look up slightly to really see her face and her fur was orange/red-ish. The features that Izzy was most worried about, however, were both the rounded tail and the two triangular ears. These worried him for the simple reason that he only knew one species that had those; cats. His mind instantly registered that not only was he a prey, he just happened to be a favorite prey of the particular species of the person standing directly in front of him. As if things didn't look bad enough already. She tilted her head and smiled.

"What are you doing here?"

Izzy started trembling in fear and his breathing quickened to even faster than when he was running. He whimpered softly as he pressed himself flat against the wall, eyes still wide with terror. She was genuinely asking him the question but he was far too scared to respond with anything beyond a whimper. Her smile dropped slightly and her voice took on a tone of consideration.

"Is something wrong?"

As she said this, she reached out to touch his face but Izzy sank away from her approaching hand, whimpering loudly, and held up his shaking paws as if he expected her to strike him. His voice finally broke through and he formed a single word plea.


She retracted her hand and gave him an inquisitive look.

"Please what?"

"P-please don't e-eat me..."

She smiled warmly and reached over to him again. She brushed her hand against his face, causing Izzy to yelp at the touch. She giggled softly.

"Don't worry, little squirrel, I'm not going to eat you."

Izzy blinked. There was no way in hell she actually said those words together like that.


She giggled softly again at his shocked yet fearful expression.

"I said you don't have to worry; I'm not going to eat you."

Wow. She actually did say that.

"Y-you're n-not?"

Still smiling, she shook her head.


Izzy's mind took a moment to let that soak in. It was almost inconceivable; he was so sure he was as good as eaten.

"So, what are you doing here? This isn't a safe place for someone like you."

Izzy was still almost completely flat against the wall.

"...I-I got...c-caught by a prey hunter a-and...I was a-able to e-escape..."

Part of his mind was screaming that he was talking to someone who could easily eat him with no thought at all. This just wasn't right; he should be running. She gave him a curious look.

"Well, how are you going to get out of the city?"

The elation of the news that she wasn't going to eat him quickly faded; how was he going to get out of this city? Izzy's gaze fell.

"I...I don't know..."

She tilted her head again, a look of pity on her face.

"Aw...you poor thing..."

She trailed off, thinking and formulating something in her head, pondering if it was crazy or not. Finally, she nodded her head and came back down from her mental tangent.

"You know what, why don't you just come in from the cold for a second?"

Izzy didn't know what she meant and his face apparently showed that. She pointed to the building across from the one Izzy was still up against.

"This is my apartment building, why don't you come in for a while to warm up? It's awfully cold out here. It's supposed to keep snowing through tonight."

Izzy was shocked that she meant what she said literally; she was inviting him into her house. A million thoughts fired off all at once as soon as the connection was made in his brain. Part of him knew how cold it was and wanted to accept instantly, part of him knew he was talking to a CAT and it was a pretty bad idea to accept any invitations into a small apartment with few places to hide and lockable doors. Still, part of him didn't want to bother her and wanted to refuse out of politeness. Currently, the parts that knew it was not a good idea to completely trust someone who would most likely love to swallow you whole were winning.

"N-no, that's o-okay...t-thank y-y-you though..."

Izzy began to respond, surprised that his voice was holding up. She still had that pity on her face.

"But look - you're shivering; you must be freezing. Why not just for a second? Don't worry; it's not a problem or anything..."

Izzy accidentally glanced down and whimpered when he saw her stomach. His mind reminded him that he could easily fit inside of it and he almost bolted. She noticed his sudden apprehension and gently took his paw and looked him in the eye. Izzy gasped slightly and looked up at her, completely still.

"Come on; your paws are freezing. You know you want to..."

She looked into Izzy's eyes with a very sincere expression. As if Izzy's mind could tell that he was thinking of accepting, images and thoughts of rather bad things that could be awaiting him up in that apartment suddenly flashed through his subconscious at blinding speed. She paused, waiting for him to respond and when it became clear that his mind was starting to change, she just took it upon herself to act. She smiled.

"Come on."

She began to lead him, still holding his paw, out of the alley and towards the street. Izzy didn't resist.

"Y-you d-don't h-have..."

She cut him off.

"-but I shall."

She finished for him and smiled. Izzy managed a small smile back.

Everything went back to being too fast and in slow-mo a little again. His mind and his body were telling him two complete opposite things; his body was noting how his hands were almost completely numb, his mind was noting how easily this day could end with Izzy being inside of this cat's stomach. Regardless of what was going on in his mind, though, he found that he kept on going forward with her. All of the sudden, his mind was alive again with all sorts of thoughts on what she really could be planning. He had just imagined an alternative meaning to 'getting him warmed up' and his eyes widened slightly at the thought. Again, she noticed his apprehension returning and quickly tried to diffuse it.

"What's your name?"

Izzy looked to her, happy to be interrupted from that unpleasant thought-stream.


She smiled at him.

"I'm Ara."

When they got to the street, Izzy found himself getting nervous again, but luckily Ara was moving at a sort of fast pace so they weren't out there for long enough for anyone to be able to make out what kind of creature she was with. They entered the double-doors to the building she had referenced earlier. A blast of warm air hit Izzy as they stepped inside and a smile came to his face at the sensation. He didn't even notice he was smiling until Ara gave him a smile of her own as if to say "See; aren't you glad you said yes?" Izzy blushed slightly and his gaze dropped to the ground, still smiling nervously.

The elevator dinged as she hit the button for the 10th floor and the doors closed. Luckily, at this time of day, there weren't many people out and about through the building so they were alone in the elevator. Once again, Izzy's mind wanted to tell him how stupid this was; here he was in a rather small, inescapable box with a predator. They were only going 10 floors, but surely that was plenty of time for her to do whatever it could be that she had planned. Certainly, she could eat him within 10 floors, right? His mind was filled with questions just like this. He almost jumped when he heard her voice, fairly certain she was about to reveal what she really wanted from him.

"You know, I told you that you don't have to be nervous. If I had wanted to eat you, I could have just done it in that alleyway."

Izzy thought about that for a second to two ends. The first one being that she had a point; if she really did want to eat him, he probably would be inside of her already. Why would she give it a second thought like this? The second was replaced with an overwhelming feeling of terror; something about the finality and certainty in that thought. If she wanted to eat him, she could just do it. There were no 'maybe's or 'possibly's; she simply possessed the ability. However, the more it scared Izzy the more it made sense. It was a terrifying thought that she would have no qualms swallowing someone like him, however it proved her point exactly. Why would she be doing this if not just to be nice? Despite the new reason to be afraid, Izzy found himself beginning to believe that this really was what it seemed. He was still nervous, though.

When the elevator doors opened with another ding, they were greeted by a red-carpeted hallway that extended to a blue wallpapered wall with a large window, looking out at the city and the snowflakes falling from the sky. With her still gently holding his paw, they began to walk down the medium length hallway eventually stopping at a door with a golden '26' on it. She smiled at him.

"This is it."

She pulled a small key out of her pocket and opened the door. Izzy peered into the apartment; it was a nice place. White, sparsely decorated walls; a small fireplace on the right-most wall in the living room; another large window with a nice view of the city. A sense of finality hit Izzy; whether or not this was a good idea, here he was. She entered.

"Come on in."

Izzy quickly entered as well, almost as if he was expecting some sort of punishment if he didn't do what she said fast enough. Preoccupied, he heard the door shut behind him and spun around to see the heavy door firmly in the latch, automatically locked to the outside as in a hotel. To Izzy, this seemed rather symbolic.

"You can put your coat on the rack by the door there."

Izzy looked to his left and saw the coat-rack in question. Again, almost for fear of punishment for not doing what she said, Izzy removed his coat, gloves, and scarf and hung them on one of the branches of the rack. When he turned back around she was by the fireplace, turning a small golden knob on the wall next to it. Suddenly, a small flame began to glow inside of the box. She pushed another button and the flame grew to a nice sized fire. She turned to him and smiled.

"There. You can sit by the fire for a minute so you can get warmed up."

She motioned to one of the chairs nearest to the fireplace and then disappeared into the hallway leading away from the main area. Izzy quickly scurried to the fireplace, careful to make sure he was in the chair that she had pointed to. For just a brief moment, all of what could be wrong with this situation went away as Izzy felt a surge of warmth go through him. The heat radiating from the flames went straight through to his core before coursing through his entire body and eventually out through his fur. His eyes drifted shut as another smile crept across his face and he was immediately glad he had accepted this cat's offer.

"Nice, huh?"

Jolted back into reality, Izzy quickly spun around to see Ara standing right behind him, smiling.

"Y-yes, it i-is."

She flashed a friendly smile and then made her way to the connected kitchen, Izzy watching her the whole way. A new surge of warmth made Izzy remember what he was going to say.

"U-um...t-thank you f-for this...i-it's really n-nice of you t-to let me into y-your house like th-this..."

Ara returned, holding something. She couldn't help but smile at his bashful thank-you.

"It's no problem at all, Izzy."

He was almost surprised to hear her say his name; he had forgotten that she had asked what it was earlier. Ara continued before Izzy could respond, about to thank her again for the unthinkable amount of kindness she was showing to a prey.


Izzy looked up in time to see Ara drop something into his paws. He looked at them and then up to her, his eyes imploring why she had given these to him.

"You must be hungry."

Izzy looked back to the three acorns she had dropped into his open paws. Izzy had to think a little bit more to actually put two and two together; there was no way she was actually giving him something to eat in addition to the hospitality she was already showing. He looked back to her with the same look in his eyes.

"T-these are...for m-me?"

"Mmm-hmm. I'm certainly not going to eat them." She said with a grin.

Izzy couldn't believe this. He lifted his paws slightly, offering them back. He felt unworthy of such a generous act.

"T-that's v-very nice of you, b-but I can't..."

"I told you; it's no problem. Go ahead; you must be hungry."

Izzy thought about it; ...he was hungry. Prey hunters didn't feed the preys they captured. Yeah, a lot of city residents found that to be rather counter-productive as well but most of the hunters on staff were way more concerned about exerting their dominance over the preys they caught than the comfort of the other preds back in the city. Once again, Izzy's body began to sway his decision; he hadn't really eaten anything in almost 2 days. He looked to her with unsure eyes and she returned his gaze with a nod.

"T-thank you."

Izzy waited for a moment (to see if she would change her mind and take them back) and then began to silently munch on the small acorns. As Izzy ate, Ara sat down on the chair adjacent to the one Izzy was sitting in. She intently watched him as he finished the three small squirrel-treats, Izzy not even leaving a shell behind (squirrels never waste any part of a nut). As he ate the last one, a gentle crunching noise sounding through the quiet room, a sly grin stretched across Ara's face.

"So, Izzy..."

Izzy looked up at her intently.

"...I guess it took a lot of effort for a little squirrel like you to escape from a prey hunter in one of the biggest pred cities this far north..."

The northern landscape offered more places to hide, and the prey there had more diverse evading skills so hunting was always a touch harder, especially when the snow started. As a result, the prey hunters there were more rigorously trained and therefore harder to evade. Izzy nodded yes in response; it had been hard and he almost didn't make it out. All that desperate searching for any possible escape finally paid off and Izzy took his one chance at escaping to freedom.

"...so, I guess it's a real shame that things turned out for you the way they have."

Ara chuckled at the look of confusion on Izzy's face.

"It's a pity; I'm not one to steal food from others but I really couldn't resist an offer like this."

She couldn't help but chuckle again when this only furthered Izzy's confusion. She stood up, looking down at the squirrel sitting in front of her.

"W-w-what d-do...?"

Before Izzy could finish his question, Ara suddenly pounced. In a flash, she was hovering just a few centimeters above Izzy, her hands on the armrests of the chair to support her, her grinning face looking right into his terrified eyes. Izzy yelped and jumped back, his body pressing hard against the back of the chair as he tried to back further away. His breathing quickened and he trembled slightly from the shock.

"You don't get it, do you?"

Izzy just starred at her in shock, his breathing shaky.

"You, my tasty looking little squirrel friend, are a little too trusting."

She paused again, as if waiting for a response from him while still knowing he was too scared to give one.

"While it was kind of cute how you timidly tried to resist me at first...I finally got you all alone..."

The wires in Izzy's head were slow to connect from the shock.

"W-w-what a-are y..."

Ara reached over and put her hand on Izzy's shoulder, causing Izzy to squeak in shock and try to back away again. Ara chuckled.

"Still need help figuring this one out?"

She leaned in close and whispered into Izzy's ear.

"I'm going to have a delicious little squirrel for dinner...and you know what...you're the squirrel..."

Ara grinned as Izzy's eyes widened in realization and horror. Even though he had been worried of this exact scenario, his mind somehow found this news very shocking. Up until this point, it really was just speculation. Now, he had actually just been told that she intended to eat him. It was all real now.

"B-b-but y..."

"Yes, and I lied. My mouth started watering the moment I saw you. I had no idea what a squirrel was doing in the middle of Sentum but, judging by how scared you looked, I was guessing it wasn't a planned visit. It was like an early Christmas gift; a lost, frightened little squirrel...and he was all mine."

A sly grin stretched across Ara's face as Izzy's eyes widened even more as he began to tremble.

"You know, it's not often we get a lost prey here in the city. I knew I could have some fun and play with my food for a bit. This way, I get to see your expression when I reveal what I really want."

Izzy's world was spinning a little now. He whimpered softly.

"You know, I was telling the truth when I said I would rather not have just eaten you in that alley way. I would much rather get you nice and warm first; warm fur always feels so nice in my mouth. Cold deadens flavors, too. Oh, speaking of which."

Ara leaned in and ran her tongue across Izzy's cheek. Izzy wouldn't have been more scared or pained if she had just smacked him. He whimpered desperately and backed up further. His eyes glossy with terror, he just stared at her as she smacked her lips.

"Mmmmmmm. Man, you taste good, squirrel."

His fear reached a whole new level, and it was a safe bet that his expression showed that. She thought he tasted good...oh, no...that was like the final nail in the coffin. His fearful shivering enough to interrupt his speech, Izzy's voice squeaked through.

"P-p-please d-don't eat m-me, A-Ara...p-please..."

Ara grinned sweetly.

"Oh, but Izzy...your little squirrel body tastes so good...and I'm so hungry...could it be that you don't have a choice?"

A quiet whining accented Izzy's shuddering breathing.

"...p-please...I-I...I-'ll d-do anything, j-just...p-p-please d-don't..."

Izzy's eyes shut tightly in fear.

"Well, what else could I want from a squirrel?"

Though she was hoping he would try to answer that question, he only responded to her harsh comment with a sad whimper. It hurt to have the fact that she thought of him (and his entire species) as nothing more than something to eat articulated so simply. A victorious grin across her face, Ara reached out and picked Izzy up by the back of his neck. Izzy's eyes grew even wider as he stared into her eyes, going almost completely limp. He found he was far too scared to move and could little other than stare into her piercing gaze and devilish grin.

"Well, I'm getting really hungry just looking at you. It's time to get eaten, squirrel."

Izzy still couldn't move; he could only shake his head slowly while staring at her with wide, terrified eyes. The evidence of a smile still clear on her face, Ara opened her mouth and held Izzy a few inches above the gaping muzzle, more than ready to place the squirrel in her paws inside. Slowly, she started to lower her meal down, bringing him inevitably closer and closer to her mouth. That same squirrel-tail Izzy was worried would give him away moments ago brushed against Ara's tongue, tickling her a bit. A second later, Izzy's back-paws finally hit her tongue and slid slightly, causing a small burst of flavor from the squirrel. Beginning to purr, Ara's smile deepened as her meal officially began. The feeling of his feet sliding across the surface of the cat's tongue finally snapped Izzy out of his trance and he began to frantically look down at the scene currently unfolding. Ara's eyes brightened when she saw Izzy finally start to register what was happening; she was hoping he wasn't just going to be still the entire time. Izzy squeaked when he spoke; he had never been this scared before in his life (and a tasty squirrel in a pred-dominated world has plenty to be scared of).

"N-n-no, p-p-please! P-please don't e-eat me!"

Izzy tried to weakly struggle in her grasp, but the only thing he really accomplished was to rub his feet back-and-fourth on her tongue a few times. Ara moaned, getting another larger burst of the squirrel's flavor without even having to do anything.


Ara giggled when that made Izzy whimper, having realized what he had actually succeeded in doing. Inspired by that rush of flavor, Ara pushed Izzy in deeper, his feet going almost to her throat. He squeaked again when she suddenly slid him in further, his panic increasing when this caused his vision to now consist mostly of her open maw with a front-row view of himself slowly getting swallowed. Now in up to his thighs, she lowered him a little so that he went flat against her tongue so she could taste him better. She was instantly glad she had done this and the moan reverberating around Izzy made him aware of that, too.

"P-p-lease, l-let me g-go. P-please!"

Ara grabbed Izzy's arms and held them tightly to his sides. This made Izzy panic even more - it made it feel like it was getting closer now. She slipped him in a little bit more just to watch his reaction. She felt Izzy's feet get to her throat and curve down slightly, beginning their descent inside of her. She knew Izzy felt it too, if his eyes suddenly getting wider was any indication. As if inspired by this, she suddenly began to slowly close her mouth around her prey. He would be easier to eat this way and easier to taste, not to mention she was just dying to see his reaction. Izzy watched as the large muzzle slowly began to shut around his body, the cat's lips softly sealing around his waist, his paws getting closed up inside as well. Izzy whimpered desperately and began to squirm frantically in an effort to escape his predator as almost half of his body disappeared into her mouth. Again, though, he actually only succeeded in rubbing his body against the cat's tongue. His voice was even more desperate than before as he begged her to let him go.

"No, p-please! Please, I-I'll do anything, j-just p-please don't swallow me! Please, Ara! Please!"

Ara's eyes danced as he squirmed, quickly spreading his wonderful flavor all throughout her mouth. She closed her mouth tighter around him, so she could get even more of his squirrelly flavor off of him. She moaned when it did just that and she was hit with the largest burst of flavor yet. Egged on by the sudden rush of tastes, she (almost subconsciously) gulped again, slurping the squirrel in up to his chest, just beyond his stomach. Izzy made another pitiful noise when he was slurped in even further. Still desperate with thoughts of escape, he looked into Ara's blissful gaze with wide, incredibly desperate eyes. She stopped for a moment to listen to him beg.

"P-p-p-p-please..." his emotion-filled eyes bared his soul, trying to find some little trace of pity within the cat in the middle of eating him "p-please d-don't do this, Ara. Please, I'll do w-whatever you want, j-just please...please let me go."

Ara continued peering into his eyes, seeming to be thinking about what Izzy said, giving the squirrel the slightest glimmer of hope. Suddenly, though, she snapped her head back, quickly taking Izzy in up to his shoulders. Ara moaned once again when this caused a the most energetic wave of squirming yet as the squirrel panicked, his small hope of escape destroyed as he was suddenly taken in almost all the way.

"No, please!"

Ara almost chuckled at the results of her deceptive trick. Izzy's squirming continued as he, although he was almost completely inside his predator's mouth, still continued to fight to be released. His legs had already begun to make their way down Ara's throat and she relished every little kick they made as they inched their way down to her awaiting stomach. She was really enjoying this meal; it was as if he was doing every single thing the way she liked it. His reactions to everything she was doing were exactly what she was hoping for and she didn't even have to try to taste him; he was doing all of it himself with all of that wriggling. His begging and pleading was cute, too. She couldn't help but smile at the fact that he really thought she would let him go. Rubbing her tongue against him now, she slowly began to slurp the rest of the squirrel into her mouth. Izzy felt the little bit of him that was still left outside of her slowly begin to be pulled in as well, accompanied by a sensual moan as the squirrel was rubbed straight across her tongue as he was slurped back, towards her throat. Izzy really panicked now; it was so close...he would be completely in her mouth soon. He looked to Ara again, tears beginning to well at the bottom of his eyes.


Finally, Ara's lips sealed completely around her squirrel meal. At last, she was able to fully savor the flavor of her prey before swallowing him. And that she did, moving him around roughly, licking and sucking on him. Her eyes nearly rolled back in bliss as she was now able to concentrate solely on his flavor, which quickly painted every surface of her mouth. This was one delicious squirrel. She felt a euphoric smile creep across her face as she realized that he was squirming and whimpering now more than ever, knowing what was going to come next. Wanting to keep him in this state of panic (and not to mention keep him struggling) for as long as possible, she decided to hold off on swallowing him for a few more moments and continue savoring his taste. Ara resumed working her mouth around Izzy, licking him with long, hard tongue strokes. Her smile deepened when she heard the very muffled sound of Izzy's pitiful whimpering from her mouth. He would have been begging, but he was so terrified that no words came to him. He could only whimper loudly, still hoping that Ara would let him go. Ara let out a very deep, resounding moan as she lost herself in the flavor of the squirrel in her mouth. She gasped as he began to squirm even harder, Izzy's small grasp of hope leaving him at hearing the sound. There was something incredibly effective about that, psychologically. Hearing the creature that is swallowing you moan as she tastes you before the final gulp, clearly greatly enjoying your flavor. This set something in Izzy off, and he suddenly found the words he was looking for this whole time. Ara could now make out certain words through the muffled sound; he was begging again. This was like a cat's dream come true.

Finally, she decided it was time. It was time to fill her stomach up with this delicious squirrel. To finally reach the point she had been waiting for; having this little rodent snug inside of her belly. Mere moments ago, this squirrel was running through the streets, trying to find a way out of the city. Now, he was going to be all curled up in her tummy, giving her the wonderful feeling of a full, squirming stomach.

She tensed up her mouth, knowing that the squirrel would realize what was about to happen and would be able to do absolutely nothing about it. With her blissful smile wide as ever, she gave one strong and audible gulp, completely swallowing her meal and causing him to begin to slide slowly down her throat.


Eyes closed and elated smile wide across her face, she moaned slightly as she savored the feeling of her meal sliding down her throat, a feeling she always greatly enjoyed.

Finally, though, Izzy reached her stomach, being forced to curl up ever so slightly inside of the cat's form. Izzy's body filling up her belly caused a very small gasp of delight as the wonderful feeling of prey slipping down her neck transformed into the equally wonderful feeling of prey curling up inside of her midsection.

Ara fell back into the chair Izzy was sitting in moments ago, still slightly warm from Izzy's fur. Leaning back, she put her legs up on the chair across from her and began contenly rubbing her prey-filled belly.


Eyes still closed, she began to lick and smack her lips, picking up traces of the squirrel's flavor. Her smacking evolved into a moan of pleasure.

"Mmmm, that was fantastic! You were so delicious, little squirrel. Very yummy indeed..."

As if to prove her point, she once again ran her tongue over her lips, delighted that there was still a small amount of his flavor there. She continued rubbing her belly, liking the feeling of having this little squirrel tucked away inside of her. Being full always made her feel content and satisfied. It was a great plus if the thing making her full was a delicious little rodent! She gave her belly a few possessive pats and looked down at her midsection. Though it was rather hard to tell there even was anything in there, she could imagine the little creature, all curled up inside. That thought made her rubbing increase in speed and intensity.

"Mmmm, and so very filling, too..."

She was rewarded with what she had been waiting for. Izzy finally snapped out of his trance and began to panic. In a daze since Ara swallowed him, he quickly realized that it had happened; he was inside of her belly. He was in a cat's stomach. Soon after this realization, there were vibrations all around him as Ara moaned again and he could softly feel her rubbing him through her stomach. He began to squirm, trying to find some way out of his prison. Ara looked back down at her stomach when she felt his squirming, imagining the squirrel wriggling around with wide, terrified eyes, desperate to find some way out of her belly. He was so desperate to get out, he didn't care that he knew there was no escape now. She giggled as he continued his squirming. Knowing he was really listening now, Ara decided to let him know how much she enjoyed him as a meal.

"You sure were a fantastic meal, squirrely. I just love the way you feel in there!"

Izzy whimpered loudly, the first noise he had made since being swallowed. She patted her belly again.

"And I can still taste you..."

As Ara was smacking her lips to demonstrate, a very small and very weak and defeated voice squeaked from deep within Ara. It was barely audible (especially being so muffled) and was frayed beyond belief, strewn with sadness and defeat, not to mention desperation.

"...p-p-p-p-please...p-p-p-please l-l-let m-me o-out"

Ara smiled in joy and responded along with a pat to her stomach.

"Nope. Sorry, Izzy, but no can do."

She giggled when this caused another loud whimper and some more squirming. The lovely warmth from the fireplace making this moment even nicer, Ara sighed in satisfaction as she slowly drifted off to sleep with the tasty little squirrel in her stomach still wriggling and whimpering. This had been the most wonderful day and couldn't have ended in a more applicable way. For the squirrel, his ordeal of trying to escape Sentum had reached an end. As one might have predicted, he had ended up inside the belly of a predator. One that enjoyed him very, very much.
