Pretty Much Everywhere

Story by Drago Goldenwing on SoFurry

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#4 of Blue

This is a story intended for adult readers depicting scenes of a sexual nature between consenting adult males and females. If you are under the age of 18 (21 in some areas,) morally offended by the above-described situations, or otherwise are legally or morally obligated not to read this material, please press the Back/Return button on your browser now.

Kodo and Ellen spent the rest of that day after their explosive bout of harsh fucking catching up on their sleep. Both had been awake all night, and both had expended a lot of energy. They wanted rest, and they got rest in short bursts in between waking up to do the more important things, like eating.

"Need to teach you to cook, Kodo," Ellen mumbled around a sandwich. It wasn't her preferred form of dining, mainly because she had issues with the way bread tended to stick between her needle-like teeth, but it had been the only thing available. And Kodo had humored her by giving her several slices of the chicken more than he'd given himself. His own teeth were more broad than her own, and so he had less trouble with thinner food and more bread.

Even then, by the time Kodo had finished his, Ellen had just dropped the bread and was trying to find a way to eat the thinly sliced meat without getting mustard all over her paws.

"Not that I can't cook, kitten. Just don't want to cook yet. Gonna make dinner later, for you and Cora," he finally replied. He still wasn't exactly happy about Cora, but he wasn't going to risk his new mistress' ire by complaining about it more. He'd just have to deal with it... It wasn't that he didn't like his fox neighbor. He liked her a lot, but it wasn't sexual attraction, more the affection like he felt for most of his family. Cora had been a second mother for himself and Strevan, watching them whenever their mother and father were unable to. He'd grown up calling Cora 'ma'am' and still called her such, because she commanded a lot of his respect.

He clearly remembered when his brother, Strevan, had been six. Kodo himself had only been four at the time, but even then he'd been more quiet and withdrawn than his brother. Strevan had always been in the habit of having temper tantrums. Nothing stopped him from having them; Punishment just made him rage even more. But he remembered when they'd been sent to Cora's for the day, and Strevan had started one of his tantrums over something silly that Kodo couldn't quite remember.

Strev's tantrums had involved lots of uncontrolled flailing around with all five of his limbs, but Cora had sat back and watched for a few seconds, then grabbed his brother's arms and pinned them in place. Not only that, she'd managed to catch his tail between her teeth. Strevan had instantly stopped moving, and had blinked up at Cora several times.

Cora had growled out just two words through teeth gritted tightly together in a death grip on Strevan's scaled tail. "Settle down."

Strevan had never had another temper tantrum to Kodo's knowledge.

Cora was like that. She was pretty enough, like he'd told Ellen last night. And though she had a very caring and gentle personality, at the same time she was capable of being very strict and commanding like she had with Strevan that day. He'd told his mother about it once and she'd laughed and told him that any woman who'd ever raised a child is capable of the same.

His problem with... Playing with Cora the same way he did Ellen wasn't her age, wasn't her appearance, wasn't anything that had to do with her. His problem was, he'd been raised to think of her as a surrogate mother, and he still thought of her as a surrogate mother. He didn't want to get sexually involved with her.

Kodo snapped back out of it when he felt Ellen tap him on the side of his muzzle. "Snap out of it and clean off my paw, dragon." She'd managed to get mustard on nearly every digit of her paw, and she held it in front of his muzzle. He licked the mustard that her tap had left on his scales off, then began to play his long, thin tongue over her digits. She giggled at the sensation and spread them apart, letting his agile tongue continue its work. Finally her paw was neatly groomed and he nuzzled softly into it.

Ellen smiled and gently wrapped her paw around the end of his slender muzzle, teasingly pulling left and right. "You are just too cute, draggie." Kodo purred contentedly, closing his eyes as he felt Ellen's other paw come up and scritch under his muzzle. He could get used to this... "But you're still going to be punished later."

If Kodo had possessed external ears, they probably would have laid back about then. As it was, all he could do was whine.

Ellen giggled and licked the end of her dragon's muzzle. "Even cuter when you do that. No matter how much you beg, pet, you'll still have to be punished. Gotta make sure you learn your lesson." Her scritching paw worked down the underside of his muzzle to his throat, and Kodo began to purr before he flopped down in a kitchen chair, weak at the knees.

"Not fair, abusing weak spots..."

"Whoever said I was a fair mistress?" Ellen replied, then sat in his lap and reached up, locking her paws together around the back of her pet's neck. She nuzzled up at the underside of his muzzle and throat, daintily licking at the scales there. Kodo let his head roll back, exposing more of his throat to her and purring contentedly as her tongue teased his sensitive throat... Then gave a full-body twitch when he felt her sharp little needle-teeth digging into the same scales.

Ellen twitched herself when she felt Kodo's shaft poking against her where she sat in his lap, then grinned and slid off of him. "That's right... Nearly forgot, I've gotta keep you hard aaaall day. Gonna be cumming for two later," she cooed up at him, massaging just above his erection with one deft paw. "Longer I keep you on edge, more you'll make, more fun me and Cora have with you..."

Kodo moaned softly as she touched him, pressing himself harder against her paw. "Day full of th-! this isn't punishment enough?"

"Nope. 'course not. Not regretting it nearly enough." Suddenly Ellen stopped and gracefully rose from her kneeling position, grabbing a dishcloth and wiping away her mess on the table. Kodo gave a disappointed hough and stood to join her in cleaning the kitchen. She made it a point to rub against him in strategic ways as they cleaned the small kitchen. Several times she slipped between his arms and pressed herself back against him, ensuring he was still hard.

Even as they finished and moved on to the rest of the house, straightening and fixing things they'd moved and bumped in the throws of numerous orgasms, she found ways to return to him and torment him, small touches and brushes to places that she knew would keep him aroused.

He didn't see how he would be able to stand this kind of torture the rest of the day. Even in their sleep Ellen kept herself pressed tightly to his scaled form, rubbing warmly against him.

He tried, though. He took the soft touches and caresses, the grinds and repeated flashings, with a sort of stoic fatalism. He'd keep his word, no matter how much he wanted to grab his kitten, throw her onto a bed, and mount her until she screamed...

He shook his head, trying to clear it of those kinds of thoughts. If he kept thinking like that, he'd never make it to the end of the day.

Hours passed. His entire groin started to ache. He hadn't thought it possible to maintain an erection for so long, but true to her word Ellen never once let his hard-on soften enough to pull back into his slit.

"Ellen, I c-can't cook for you two with you always darting in to keep me hard," he murmured into the top of Ellen's head. She'd pulled him back onto the couch to cuddle, though she seemed to be doing most of the cuddling while he strained to keep from blowing all over her and himself as well.

"Too bad. You're gonna need every last drop, dragon," Ellen replied, rubbing up against the underside of his muzzle and licking the base of his long neck.

Kodo whimpered again. It was amazing how often he did that around this cat... "At this rate I'm going to be too sore to actually do anything," he replied with a mumble, using his tail to pet lightly at the back of her head.

Ellen giggled, rolling and laying with her head in his lap, batting at the tip of his tail. "Don't know sore yet."

"Was afraid of that..." Kodo looked down at Ellen and couldn't help but smile. She could be too cute when she tried. "If I'm gonna cook, I need to get started though, kitten."

The calico cat pouted, but raised herself up, curling up on the other side of the couch. She raised her head and rested it on the couch arm as she watched her dragon walk into the kitchen. "Whatcha gonna make?"

"I don't know, it depends really. What do you want, kitten?"

"Hmm... Seafood?"

Kodo chuckled. "Sorry El. My parents aren't big on seafood. I think we have a box of ten year old fish sticks they never threw out from when I was little, but that'd be about it."

Ellen pouted again. "Dragons have boring diets. It's all meat."

"Not true. I ate a salad once. Six years ago. Besides, cats are carnivores too. So are foxes."

"Still doesn't mean dragons don't have boring diets."

Kodo raised an eyeridge and shot a glance at her. "Our diets are intrinsically tied to our sexual lives. Dad said back in the homeland, when a male and female want to mate, the male is required to kill and eat as much as he can beforehand."

"That's almost barbaric," Ellen replied.

"It's a proven fact that uncooked meat usually contains large amounts of testosterone. It's absorbed right into our system. After the male's done, given a little time he'll almost go into a sexual frenzy."

Ellen's eyes widened at that, and she gave a little 'mew' in surprise as she considered the implications of that.

"He needs it for other reasons too. Let's just say a receptive female isn't usually in the friendliest of moods. Dad's got more scars on him than any masochist I've ever seen, and mom did it all. Females are bigger and stronger, without that little frenzy not only would we probably not be able to fuck, the females would probably kill or maim us in the process."

"So that's why you're interested in me," Ellen purred. "I'm not dangerous in bed. Well, not that dangerous, anyway."

"That, and your tits. And face. And eyes. And body. And I guess your personality too," Kodo replied jokingly. "Don't get me wrong though, it's not like that every time two dragons go at it. But the first time is always rough and dangerous."

"Hmm... Sounds interesting. I'd like to watch that."

"Don't bet on it. First matings always happen in the homeland. Nobody but dragons get in or out of there. Not even curious cats," Kodo said, reaching into the refrigerator and pulling things out one at a time.

"Aww... Too bad. So what happens if a dragon wants to mate someone not a dragon?" Ellen asked, rolling onto her back and letting her head hang upside down off the couch arm to continue watching her dragon as he moved around the small kitchen.

Kodo stopped moving and looked at her, blinking a moment, before he responded. "Happens. They're just not recognized as being mated inside the homeland, so they're free game. In fact they're expected to come back and at least contribute to the gene pool even if they mate outside the species. Not many of us, even there. Need every breeding couple they can get."

Ellen giggled. "Read on the Internet that the dragon's being rare is a conspiracy, that the real reason they don't let anyone in is because they're fucking like rabbits and building a huge scaly army."

There was a sizzle and billow of steam as Kodo dropped a steak into a hot pan. "Yeah well, those on the Internet are like stars. There are those that are bright, and there are those that are dim. Story is one of the dumbest conspiracy theories I've ever heard. Be amazed how many idiots believe it. Want to know the real reason nobody is allowed into the homeland?"

It was a rhetorical question, but Ellen gave her upside down head a nod.

"Because it's dangerous. Daytime temperatures there get near and over a hundred and fifty degrees, and at night it gets cold enough to freeze standing water." There was another loud hiss and cloud of vapor as Kodo added something to the pan, giving it a brief shake. "Used to let other species in, but they all got stupid and a lot of them died. Mostly looking for 'treasure' that they were sure was in some of the ruins. Decided it would be better to deny entry than let others die for stupid reasons. Ever since anyone not a dragon caught in the homeland is... 'escorted' back out."

"Very noble." Ellen caught her dragon staring at her as she leaned upside down over the couch arm, and pulled her shirt to her chin, flashing him both the view of her large white furred breasts and a mischievous smile. Kodo quickly looked away, but his erect shaft still twitched in response to the sight.

Their conversation proceeded along the same vein as Kodo cooked. He'd never talked to Ellen about the dragon homeland. The picture he painted in her mind was a desolate, sandy, wind-blasted land where temperatures on hot days had been known to boil standing water, and then an hour later the night time temperatures would freeze that same water solid. Yet he also managed to make it sound like a very pretty place. He mentioned the sky with reverence in his voice - according to him, being there was like being in the middle of the ocean. Horizon to horizon it was nothing but featureless sand and the sky so clear and blue he lacked the ability to describe it.

He told her about the sickness, too. A lot of those who had been admitted had been researchers who wanted to study the numerous ruins. At first they'd merely complained of headaches. Then they all began to complain of upset stomaches. They blamed the heat. Then they felt fine for a while, and claimed they were learning a lot. Then their fur started falling out in patches, and their sickness and headaches returned greater than ever. The whole group of researchers eventually collapsed. Several died before they could return home. It was billed worldwide when news came out as a 'curse', and even among the natural inhabitants of the homelands stories were common about strange things in the ruins. This sickness was one of the main reasons they no longer allowed insiders to enter.

"Curse, huh?" Ellen said, sitting up and turning sideways on the couch, sitting cross legged as she stared into the kitchen. "Ever been there?"

"When I turned sixteen, mom and dad took me there. Did the same for Strevan. Think they were hoping I'd do like I said earlier and 'contribute to the gene pool', but neither of us did. Strevan didn't want to be scarred up yet and I spent all my time away from everyone else out in the desert."

The conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door. "That's probably her," Ellen said happily, darting to the door. She opened it without consideration for the fact that she was clad only in one of Strevan's shirts. Luckily it was actually Cora, who stepped into the apartment and let Ellen close the door behind her.

"You didn't say Kodo would be cooking," she said, sniffing the air and smiling. "Smells good, kid."

"You taught me," the black and red scaled dragon replied. He was thankful that Cora couldn't see below his chest from where she stood. Because as embarrassed and unsure as he was about this, his flagging cock was rock-hard.

He busied himself at his task again, trying not to look up at Cora as she sat down on the couch. But she was definitely looking at him, and she was liking what she saw. Kodo had grown up since the last time she'd had to babysit. She'd never noticed just how striking his coloration was, the clearly-defined black scales giving way to bright scarlet ventral scales. And while he wouldn't be winning any Mr. Universe competitions, she could clearly make out and even watch the muscles working underneath his scaled skin.

And his cock wasn't bad, either.

"You've grown, Kodo. I still remember you when you were hiding behind your mother's legs too shy to talk to me." Cora pulled her thick, bushy tail into her lap and began to stroke the length of it. Kodo had seen her do it often enough to know it was a nervous reaction. He felt a little better knowing she was as nervous about this as he was.

Ellen plunked down on the couch beside Cora and immediately cuddled up to her. "Just so I don't have to ask later and spoil the mood - You are clean, right? Hate to have to put a condom on my dragon after I spent all day getting him ready."

Cora smiled and put an arm around the other female, hugging her to her side. "Smart girl. I've got too many friends wishing they'd been smart enough to ask that when they were younger. But yeah, I got a clean bill of health just last week. Unless you consider high blood pressure to be infectious," she joked. "I haven't exactly been sexually active either what with Timothy being such a handful. So I haven't caught anything between then and now."

"Don't think I could ever raise a kid," Ellen replied, reaching down and starting to run her paw over the fox's thick, soft tail in counter to Cora's own movements. "Too high maintenance for me."

"I used to think the same thing, you know. Then I had Timothy. He is definitely high maintenance even for a ten year old, but... Ever since I had him I don't feel right without kids around." Cora's paw moved over Ellen's smaller, slimmer paw and the older fox leaned over to lick at one of the calico's soft ears, making her shiver.

"She works at the daycare center on the corner." Kodo transferred another steak to a plate and sat three plates down on the table. "Hope you both like your beef rare."

"Well now, there's a difference between rare and raw, Kodo," Cora said, then let out a small surprised sound when Ellen stretched up and playfully bit down on the tip of her ear. The calico giggled and stretched before standing.

"Hope you didn't cook yours too much, draggie," Ellen purred, rubbing against Kodo in that way only cats can before she sat down.

"Enough that I doubt I'll be affected much by it," Kodo countered, sitting at the small table. "When I said frenzy I meant it. I'd be rather dangerous for anything not armor plated." To emphasize his point he reached up and tapped the scales over his shoulders.

Cora walked into the kitchen and sat down opposite Ellen, after stopping to bend over just enough to lick at Kodo's neck scales and nuzzle him warmly. The black dragon shivered and began to pay much more attention to his steak.

They ate in relative silence. The food was, indeed, very good. The first real noise that interrupted the meal was a very undragonly squeak from Kodo. The attempted blush underneath his scales made Cora look askance at Ellen.

Cora slid her foot out of her shoe and decided to check if what she thought was happening was indeed happening. She raised her leg underneath the table and slid it up Kodo's leg until her sheer black hose-clad toes found the juncture of his thighs. A little higher... And she grinned as she felt Ellen's own warm hind paw lightly rubbing up and down Kodo's erection. Not being one to feel left out, the fox gently raised her foot further and began to stroke the other side of Kodo's cock in counterpoint to the cat's movements.

Kodo dropped his now-forgotten fork to the floor and gripped the edge of the table, his claws digging into the cheap material and a grimace crossing his muzzle as he bared his teeth, fighting down the urge to come already. The mental image of his tapering, curving cock spurting what felt like accumulated gallons of seed over the two beautiful hind paws that were busy in his lap didn't help in that regard.

And Cora had a little surprise for the kitten sitting across from her as her other foot rose and gently followed the curve of Ellen's calf and thigh to her own lap, the hose-covered warmly furred foot pressing against the calico's wet slit, then rocking up and down, lightly stimulating the outside of her sex. Ellen gave a loud moan and then cooed lightly under her breath, her hips twitching involuntarily at the stimulation.

The smell of aroused female was beginning to get to Kodo much faster than the two-sided foot job, and he hastily reached down and grabbed his fork before jabbing it into his steak so hard they heard the screech of metal on ceramic. "If, uh.. YoU! two don't mind, I can't take much more of this..." he forced out between gasps and pleased mrrs.

The two females looked at each other and grinned, but took their feet out of Kodo's lap. Of course, Ellen's warm, pre-slicked hind paw just as quickly buried itself in Cora's, the two girls rubbing harshly at each other and grinding their heels against the other's sex, trying to see who was the quicker to grow overexcited. As a certain smell began to drift around the kitchen and become almost overbearingly strong, Kodo had to try harder and harder to pay more attention to his food and less to his two companions, who soon began to arch their backs and moan loudly, their tails twitching strongly behind them as they teased at each other's sex.

Kodo knew the battle was lost though, when he heard a soft cry from Cora. The plush fox had arched her back so much she nearly toppled from her chair.

"No fair!" the vixen gasped, clutching the table much the same as Kodo had done. "I couldn't use my toes because of my hose!"

Ellen just grinned, looking for all the world like the cat who'd gotten into the cream. "Why didn't you take them off then?"

"Because I know something about your boyfriend here that you apparently don't," Cora replied back smugly. "You should pay more attention to the type he looks at when he thinks he isn't being watched."

Ellen arched an eyebrow and slowly looked back and forth between the dragon and the vixen. "Oh? Tell me more about the type of female my draggie likes."

"He pays a lot more attention to females in hose than he does without," Cora said, finally going back to her steak. "A lot more interest."

"That true, dragon?" Ellen asked, leaning over the table and exposing her cleavage to make sure she had his attention.

Kodo nodded slowly, shooting a glance at the generous swell of Ellen's tits as they strained at her shirt. "Yes. It is."

"What's true? Say it, draggie. Want to hear it," Ellen replied softly.

Kodo blushed again, but dutifully said, "Have a hose fetish, mistress." Then to take his eyes off of the cat, he dropped his gaze and began to work on neatly cutting a square off his own steak.

"Why are you so embarrassed, dear?" Ellen asked. "You should have told me, I'd be happy to start wearing them more."

"I'll tell you why," Cora responded. "When he was twelve, his parents left him and his brother with me to go out to dinner and have a night to themselves. After a few hours he went to my bathroom to take a shower before he went to bed. I was going to do a load of laundry so I unlocked the door thinking he'd have the shower door closed, and instead of being in the shower he was sitting on the floor with a set of my hose wrapped around his dick, jacking off like it was the last orgasm he'd ever get to have. He was so embarrassed it was a year before he could look at me with a straight face again."

Ellen licked her lips and turned back to Kodo. "Wow... There anything else you want to tell me about, Kodo?"

Kodo shook his head no and ate the last bit of his steak. In fact he was so busy looking down at his plate to avoid Cora's gaze now that he missed Ellen moving behind him.

He didn't miss the 'click-click' noise that followed, or the tightness around his wrists. He tried to turn in his chair to see what Ellen had just done but found he couldn't - Not without dislocating his shoulder. And Cora took the moment of confusion to slip under the table and, producing a length of rope from somewhere, lashed both his feet to the feet of his chair. The dragon tried to move and instead found that he was effectively immobilized.

"Going to torture you, dragon," Ellen whispered in his ear. "This is your punishment. Going to watch your mistress fuck your neighbor silly, and you won't be allowed to do anything but watch. Won't even be able to touch yourself," she finished.

Kodo was writhing in his bonds until she spoke. His reptilian eyes grew wide as he realized what the calico had just told him. She'd kept him hard all day, brought him repeatedly to the brink of having an orgasm, teased and promised him, and now she was going to leave him out? For the first time since she'd put the collar on him, he began to doubt his ability to do as she told him. This wasn't just unfair, this was cruel.

And she knew it. With Cora's help she slid the chair across the linoleum kitchen floor and turned it so he had a clear view of the small living room... And then pulled the vixen into the living room after her, the two of them falling down on the small couch and immediately pulling each other into a tight embrace. The feline's muzzle meshed with the vixen's, and Ellen nearly immediately began undoing the back of Cora's dress. Cora gave a 'Mrrph!' in surprise at the quickness and forcefulness behind Ellen's actions and then melted against her, wrapping her arms around the warm cuddly kitty that was her neighbor's girlfriend.

Ellen's rough tongue was flicking into Cora's mouth and the fox's own tongue met it each time as the calico finally pushed the plush fox's dress down off her shoulders and chest, revealing the thick white fur that covered her front. Nearly immediately the kitty broke the kiss to crane her head down and she buried her muzzle and face in Cora's cleavage, purring loudly as her tongue darted out and began running over the fur in between Cora's breasts.

Cora gasped and ran an arm up the calico's back and over her neck to her head, holding the feline's pretty face against her generous chest and making soft cooing sounds as Ellen shifted her head to one of the vixen's turgid nipples, taking it between her lips and suckling gently at the tiny nub of flesh. Cora's cooing increased in volume and she leant back, pulling the kitty down on top of her.

The calico snuggled down against Cora, rubbing their fur together as she continued to suck lightly at Cora's breast, occasionally pulling her head back and flicking her rough feline tongue over the sensitive nipple, making sure Kodo could see it. Then Ellen slid her softly-furred leg in between Cora's, spreading her thighs and starting to rub her leg gently up and down against Cora's lightly-furred slit.

Cora arched her back at the contact, pressing herself up against Ellen and moaning as she was stimulated, tickled by her new lover's fur. Not to be outdone, she started pressing against Ellen with her own leg, so the cat's movements caused her to stimulate herself as well. Ellen slowly relinquished the vixen's nipple and began to nuzzle through Cora's thick fur, following the curve of her collarbone up to her neck, burying her face against Cora's neck like a child looking for comfort.

The fox responded warmly, wrapping an arm around Ellen's back and holding her head tightly against her, smiling and making pleased whimpers as Ellen continued to stimulate her sex with her leg. Cora looked over at Kodo, smiling broadly at him before teasingly running her tongue over his girlfriend's ear.

The bound dragon's eyes were growing larger every second. He needed release, and he was starting to think they really had no intention of giving it to him. His erection bobbed lightly in front of him, pushed outward and hanging away from him by his position in the chair. He was leaking pre onto the tile underneath him like a faucet leaking water, steady drips splashing down from his pointed tip into a growing pool between his tied feet.

Cora cried out as Ellen nipped her neck, grazing her needle like teeth through the fur and over sensitive flesh. The calico slowly lifted her face from Cora's neck and pressed her muzzle to Cora's again, eagerly thrusting her long tongue into the fox's muzzle. Cora responded by closing her lips over the extended muscle and suckling lightly on it. Ellen's eyes widened and her purring increased before after a minute or so, Ellen pulled her tongue into its proper place back in her own mouth and started to shift her legs and lower body. Cora looked at her questioningly before she realized what the kitty was up to and began to move to help her... Until their legs were spread around each other and their wet, warm cunts were pressed against each other. Both females moaned out loudly, darting their heads towards one another and pressing their lips together once more, holding each other closely as they began to writhe, grinding their slits against the others.

"MMM!" Ellen moaned out, breaking the kiss with the vixen underneath her and looking over to Kodo. "Almost..." the calico breathed out, watching Kodo writhing in his chair, desperate for attention but not desperate enough to disobey his kitty's commands. "Kodo, this feels so good... Wish you'd behaved so you could help..." she murred, before pulling Cora into another rough kiss, feigning disinterest in the dragon tied to the chair in the kitchen.

Kodo couldn't take it anymore. He knew they weren't going to let him join in and they'd probably torture him the rest of the night without letting him have the release he'd been craving all day. Cora gave a particularly loud cry of pleasure and at the sound, Kodo's limbs stiffened and his eyes rolled back in his head as he blacked out. His head lolling forward onto his chest was missed by the two females, concentrating on their own needs.

The slick wet sounds of two feminine sexes grinding against each other filled the small apartment, as did the scents of two sexually aroused females. But what got to Kodo more than anything else were the soft gasps and groans, the purrs and growls, the sighs and moans the two females let escape from their muzzles as they worked their hips together with increasing fervor, the sounds penetrating his mind despite his unconscious state. The two of them began to gasp, and the gasps turned into repeating cries of the other's name as they climaxed wetly, their juices soaking each other's fur and, once again, the much-abused couch cushions.

Ellen slumped down against Cora, nuzzling warmly into the vixen. Cora murred happily at the feeling, putting her arms around the calico and hugging her against her. The two of them looked over to Kodo and grinned. The black and red dragon looked nearly dead, his shaft sticking out into the air and visibly throbbing with his own need for the same kind of release the two femmes had just experienced.

Ellen slowly rose from Cora's warm embrace and strode over to the dragon, straddling his lap as he sat and reached for his muzzle, tilting his head towards her and making him look her in the eyes.

"Lesson learned, draggie?" she asked, her voice stern.

Kodo's eyes opened after a few seconds and he nodded weakly. At this point he would have agreed to anything she said. She could have told him he wasn't a dragon and he would have agreed whole-heartedly to get himself back in her good graces.

"Good boy," Ellen cooed, hugging Kodo's head to her chest and scritching her claws gently over his head scales. Then his head jerked back and he nearly screamed, clenching his conical teeth together and grimacing. Ellen looked back and saw Cora's back and waving bushy tail as she crawled between Kodo's legs, lapping at the base of his shaft where it issued forth from his own slit.

Ellen turned back around and stayed where she was, straddling her dragon's lap, his shaft standing proud and prodding along her bare rump as it curled behind her. The feline reached down and pulled Kodo's head to her again, hugging him against her neck. He slowly started to nuzzle through her fur until his tongue could slide over her skin underneath.

"Good boy..." she purred again, continuing to scritch at her draggie's head. "Now you can have me whenever you want, and you know that. But I think this time I should let Cora have all of you... She doesn't have the same access to you that I do, after all," the calico giggled, her black and brown splotched face grinning widely.

Cora continued to lap at Kodo's shaft, slowly working her way up the gentle curving, tapering red flesh of Kodo's erection. Her long broad tongue wrapped itself around the ten inch shaft in front of her and massaged it in a warm, most grip that made Kodo whimper almost in pain against Ellen's neck before Cora slid the thin, pointed tip of his cock into her muzzle, suckling lightly at the very tip before pulling more of the dragon's member into her mouth, lavishing it with her tongue.

Kodo heard anther 'click' and greatfully brought his aching arms up, wrapping them instantly around his kitty and holding her to him so tightly that she writhed in a little bit of pain. Ellen let out a gasp and returned the embrace, holding him just as tightly against her. Kodo set his head on her softly-furred shoulder and began to pant. He'd been kept hard all day, teased expertly by his mistress, and then forced to watch his mistress and his neighbor do exactly what he wanted to be doing... While under the impression he wouldn't be allowed to join in. He'd been ready for a climax hours ago.

"Kodo..." Cora called seductively up at him, her paw wrapped around his base of his twitching cock and squeezing and relaxing rhythmically. "Kodo, open your eyes and watch..."

Kodo's slitted eyes opened slowly and he looked down past Ellen's shoulder to watch as Cora laid down on the floor, spreading her legs widely apart and bringing her hose-covered feet together... Around Kodo's shaft. She started to slowly, rhythmically pull her hind paws up and down his length.

The combination of the silky-smoothness and conflicting roughness of the material on his overly-sensitive prick made Kodo cry out loudly again his kitty's neck, hugging her even tighter to him. Ellen could barely breathe at this point but she returned the embrace fervently, whispering encouragement to her dragon as his hips jerked, stimulating his shaft between Cora's paws even more.

Cora used her hind paws to aim Kodo's shaft downwards, towards herself as she felt Kodo's desperate movements and began stroking him even faster.

Feeling his neighbor's warm, black nylon-covered paws stroking feverishly at his cock was the last straw. The black and scarlet dragon buried his face in his mistress' shoulder, gritting his teeth and letting out a loud strangled cry to stop himself from roaring - He was too scared he'd hurt Ellen's ears - and let loose an orgasm that had been building for nearly twenty-four hours. The tapering, curving shaft twitched between Cora's paws and then spurted a thick jet of dragon seed over her hose-covered feet, the warm liquid seeping through and making Cora smile happily and coo at the sensation. She moved her foot away from his pointed tip and allowed the flow of the dragon's cum to splatter over the thick fur on her stomach, the jets splashing over her generous tits and even striking wetly against her face before the flow started to weaken, and the trail of white seed in her luxurious fur doubled back over her breasts and stomach. She jumped and let out a small cry as several spurts even struck the puffy lips of her sex, trailing thickly down between her legs.

Cora murred happily and began to stroke her stomach and breasts, rubbing the thick heat of Kodo's cream through her fur. The calico perched in his lap however found herself unable to keep her promise, and she raised her hips and reached down, aiming Kodo's still-spurting shaft at her own wet sex and impaled herself on him with a loud cry. Kodo's cock spreading her open and spurting his almost unnaturally hot seed into her was one of the greatest feelings she knew, and she gladly welcomed the miniature orgasm it caused, the calico's slick walls stroking and milking at the prick inside of her.

Cora bolted upright and soon had her canine head buried in the juncture their bodies made, licking furiously at Kodo's shaft and Ellen's stretched pussy lips, lapping up the combination of juices that flowed from within Ellen's sex.

Ellen stroked Kodo's head, petting him and telling him he'd done a good job... Kodo thought he'd never heard any sweeter words from her than when she'd whispered, "Good boy, draggie," and pulled him into a kiss that she had apparently decided she was never going to break as she slid one digit back and forth across the collar around his neck.

A/N: Once more, the sex was short. I have no excuses - I just backed myself into a lesbian corner and couldn't pull it off as well as I'd hoped. Apologies all around for the poor quality. Aside from that, surprisingly, this isn't dead. I'm just not that motivated to write lately, and when I am it's on my more serious story that includes no furry characters or pornography and so wouldn't belong here. >_>

Anyway. Enjoy your porn, hard as it may be to do in this case. :P Also, if I had money I'd bet it totally wipes out my formatting again. HOW do you get this system to keep indents?