The Summoners

Story by Shakeidas on SoFurry

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When messing around with arcane and demonic forces, one must take great care to do everything properly. Any small mistake made while dealing with supernatural forces beyond mortal control or even understanding can result in certain consequences that could be described, at the very least, as "highly unpleasant." This is why one should always try to imitate low-budget horror movies as closely as possible when dabbling with such things.

For starters, one should always perform any potentially hazardous rituals in a secluded area as far from other people as possible. This helps keep anyone from discovering said rituals and potentially putting an end to them and also ensures that there will be no help available in case something goes wrong. It is for these reasons that Kai chose to perform the summoning ritual at a secluded cabin owned by his aunt and uncle, who had agreed to let him stay there during spring break.

The timing of one's ill-conceived meddling with the supernatural is another factor of great importance. It should be noted that many demons are weakened during the day and often are even harmed by sunlight, which allows one to escape many potential mishaps by simply running outside. It should also be noted that otherworldly creatures tend to receive significant boosts to their powers during certain astrological events, such as full moons, eclipses, planetary alignments, solstices and equinoxes, and so forth.

Kai, who was quite determined to earn as much extra credit as possible, chose to perform the ritual at night during a total lunar eclipse of a full moon--about an hour after the raging thunderstorm outside had cut off the electricity and phone lines going to the cabin. He missed a major planetary alignment by about twelve hours though, so he still didn't quite match the world record. (Don't ask about the world record. You'd never be able to eat legumes ever again.)

Then there is the matter of the ritual itself. The specific objects used in the ritual and their placement as well as the manner of their use and the accompanying incantations will most often have the greatest effect on the outcome of the ritual. The timing and location will affect how events develop, but it is the ritual itself which determines precisely what events will be developing.

And there is little room for error when it comes to the performance of said ritual. A single misplaced candle or mispronounced word could mean the difference between being granted incredible arcane powers and being devoured alive by the front halves of your suddenly undead house pets. Kai, who was practically a living textbook on such matters, used as his manual for the ceremony an old beaten-up and coffee-stained copy of the Necronomicon that he'd found at a used bookstore. (And it wasn't even one of the better-written versions.) He also ensured that various things would be misplaced and mispronounced by spending nearly ten whole minutes memorizing the ritual and chants he'd randomly picked out before beginning the plunge into the unknown.

And this was not a plunge that he took alone. Continuing his general trend of bringing pointless horror movie clichés to life, Kai also brought along two of his friends with whom to share the experience of getting horribly fucked up in ways that three-dimensional beings can hardly comprehend. These two lucky individuals were the slightly air-headed panda Jace, and Lilah, a white bunny girl whose most notable feature was a collection of ear piercings so great that most people assumed her ears were floppy because of all the metal weighing them down. Which probably would have been the case if she hadn't been born that way.

While Kai busied himself with candle placement and scrawling on the floor in front of the fireplace with fake blood (as the real deal was a little difficult to come by via legal methods), Jace and Lilah busied themselves with the arduous task of sitting around and doing nothing. Jace was lying on the couch across from the fireplace, staring up at the ceiling and generally looking very bored. He had also taken his shirt off because, as he said, he was feeling a bit hot. Considering Jace, he probably meant it literally, though someone else with his body would have said it as a transparent excuse to show off what all those hours at the gym had earned them.

Lilah, meanwhile, was slightly more clothed than him, as she was neither uncomfortably warm nor in dire need of stripping in order to show off. Her outfit, an elaborate arrangement of black, red, lace, and shiny metal, took care of the latter by lacking shoulders and a midsection while striving to be as form-fitting as possible in every other area. Lilah's current activity consisted of looking bored while sitting in an old recliner. She also had a digital camera sitting in her lap to record the experiment. Her facial expression suggested that she was spacing out, which she kind of was, though she was also taking the opportunity to look over the excessively determined Kai.

Kai, unlike his two friends, didn't appear to be particularly bored. He looked Very Serious, a feat which was rather simple for cougars, or most other large cats for that matter. He also looked Very Ridiculous. Most people do when they're trying to look Very Serious while wearing a cheap black robe and pendant from a costume shop and kneeling in front of a fire, trying--and audibly failing--to read silently from a hand-me-down Necronomicon.

Lilah sighed in her head as she watched Kai unconsciously whispering the gibberish passages from the book. He really, really reminded her of the horror stories her mother had told her about Dungeons and Dragons geeks who took their hobby way too far. Except that none of the subjects of those stories were described as being anywhere near as cute as Kai.

He just needs to change out of that stupid outfit, she thought. And not bother changing into another one. And Jace needs to do the same, she thought as she glanced over at him. And then they need to start making-

Lilah was stopped in mid-thought when Kai slammed the book shut in an overly dramatic manner. She turned her gaze back to him and sat up straight, hands on the camera. Jace also turned his attention in Kai's direction after he'd had a second to process things.

"I'm ready," stated Kai, who looked as grim and determined as possible. "Get the camera going."

"Aye-aye," said Lilah, who thought better of telling Kai that the camera had been on for some time now. She made a show of fiddling with technical bits to keep him from getting suspicious. "Say, Kai, can I ask you something?"


"I figure this might be a good time to bring it up... Um, about that pendant you're wearing?"


"That's a Wiccan symbol, right?"


"And... You're summoning demons to enslave, or something, right?"

"Yes. 'Wicca' means 'witchcraft,' you know."

"Yeah, but real witchcraft is, like, all hippie healing-and-environment shit. I mean..." Lilah stared off into space for a second and then looked back at Kai. "If this works, you're gonna, like, piss off everyone. You know that, right?"

"Would you like to do the ritual?"

"Would I have to wear that?" she said, indicating the robe and pendant that she was imagining Kai without.

Kai sighed. "Let's just get on with it, alright?"

"Alright," said Lilah, raising the camera to her eye and training it on Kai. "You're just lucky this isn't actually gonna do anything."

Kai ignored her and continued with the ritual. The first step involved drawing a circle on the floor around himself with the fake blood. The circle didn't end up being exactly perfect, or exactly what one could reasonably call a "circle," but it was mostly round and consisted of one single joined line. Kai either figured it was good enough or just didn't notice that it probably wasn't.

Next, using a small wooden stick he held over the fire for a moment, he lit a row of black candles he'd lined up in front of the burning fireplace. He lit them not from one side to the other, but in a very specific order that most likely wasn't the correct one. Still, it looked quite impressive and mystical and shit.

"Ith'go mashunda nei," he said as he smeared a line through the row of arcane symbols in front of the candles with one finger. "Vyaerdushi- err, wait... Vyaerdonoshukath'ga..."

Oh, for fuck's sake, Lilah thought to herself. Her lower brain, meanwhile, thought to no one in particular, What the hell is that sound? Is the wind picking up or something?

"...Dro'gurth nash'traviss..." The sound of the rain hitting the roof and sides of the house became noticeably louder. "...Ur'untar kthalmoth, araekastishun..." The storm continued to grow in both strength and volume outside.

Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit, were the words that were slowly creeping up into the higher regions of Lilah's brain. This is actually going to work, oh shit, stay calm, oh shit oh shit oh shit...

Jace, meanwhile, was watching the little ritual play out without himself becoming worried at all. He saw no connection between Kai's activities and the growing storm outside. This had little to do with him being a skeptic, however. He just had trouble recognizing patterns sometimes.

"...Ardun amaronath viva, la revolution..." Even Jace recognized something wrong with this part. "...Ikash'mathanlu churngyrr..."

It was at about this point that the fire began to flicker and nearly died out, which was especially concerning because it was the only light source in the room. Even more concerning was how this flickering looked like it was caused by a particularly strong wind, even though none of the three could feel even the slightest draft. Then Kai reached the really important part, where the cheesy words had to be said in one's native language to seal the pact. Or something.

"I have given a pledge of blood and now seek my reward, oh Great Lord... Fuck."

There was rather loud clap of thunder off in the distance at this point.

"Fuck?" asked Lilah.

Then the fire stopped flickering.

"Huh?" asked Jace.

The raging storm outside suddenly became as calm as the neural activity in Jace's head.

"Shit, I forgot his name," Kai explained as he picked the book up off the floor and began flipping through its pages.

"You... forgot... who you're summoning..." Lilah gradually said.

Kai continued searching for the name of the horrible demon that no one other than himself would ever want to meet. This involved ignoring Lilah for the time being.

"So he's not summoning Lord Fuck?" Jace asked.

Lilah snorted for a couple moments before moving on to uncontrolled giggling. Kai growled at her without looking up from the book. He was not particularly amused.

"No, I'm not summoning Lord Fuck," he said with a particularly annoyed tone.

"No, no, I think he's right," Lilah managed to squeeze in between spastic laughs. "You got to the part where you say the guy's name, and then you said 'fuck.' So, like, that's Lord Fuck you just asked to summon."

"So he did summon him..." was what Jace almost asked but ended up stating instead.

"No, no, heh, that's who he would have summoned," Lilah explained. "Of course this stuff doesn't actually work, and I kinda doubt there're any demons out there named Lord Fuck."

"That's enough, guys." Kai sighed and put down his fictional arcane manual. "This stuff is serious business, you know," Kai said as he stood up.

"Oh, yes, of course, serious business!" Lilah replied in a mock-serious tone.

! Jace's brain said, ? He sat up on the couch and peered at the odd sight that had gotten his attention. Meanwhile, Kai and Lilah continued their little near-argument, which resulted in them being the oblivious ones this time.

"I'll just clean up here and we can try again tomorrow night," Kai said, standing up from his kneeling position and brushing off his robe. Dirt and dust show up so very clearly on pure black.

"Oh yes, because tonight had such promising results."

"Uh, guys?" Jace said in an attempt to get their attention.

"Listen, I screwed up the ritual, okay? That's why nothing happened."

"You know, I think if this sort of thing actually did work, we would've seen something happen. I mean, like, especially if you screwed something up, I think we'd notice something tearing us apart by now."


"What?!" Kai and Lilah said in unison as they both directed their attention toward Jace.

"Um, look..." Jace pointed over toward the fireplace, directing Kai and Lilah's attention back in that direction.

"Well..." Lilah said. "I'll be damned..."

There appeared to be some sort of tentacle-like thing emerging from the crackling flames in the fireplace. This was mainly because there actually was some sort of tentacle-like thing emerging from the flames. It was semi-transparent, glistening, and appeared to be a dark red or maybe a purple color in the firelight. Hundreds of small round bumps covered its otherwise smooth surface. These features went mostly unnoticed by our three suicidal experimenters, however, since they were focusing mainly on the end of the tentacle.

Which was shaped exactly like the head of a cock.

"That's... Huh..." Lilah observed after a few moments of confused blinking.

What little thought Kai had put into what would happen after the ritual had predicted that he would be granted some really cool supernatural powers or maybe a demon slave of some kind. He certainly hadn't imagined that some ethereal penis would be looking him up and down. And right at this particular moment, he didn't have to imagine it.

While Kai stood frozen in place in the middle of the circle, watching the curious tentacle thing watch him with an extremely puzzled look on his face, Lilah and Jace had both gotten up, Lilah carefully setting the camera down on a table next to her chair, and were very slowly and very cautiously approaching to get a better look. As Lilah came closer, the tentacle thing turned away from Kai and "looked" at her, causing her to jump and take a couple steps backward. It then turned back to Kai and continued to scan over him with apparently non-existent sensory organs.

It stopped for a moment directly over Kai's pendant. It actually twisted slightly, giving the impression of someone tilting their head in contemplation. Then it looped itself around the pendant's chain and snapped it right off of the still-frozen Kai's neck. A quick flick of the chain sent the pendant itself flying off the chain and into a dark corner. Another flick combined with an uncoiling sent the chain flying into another dark corner.

The tentacle then began coiling itself around Kai, staying a few inches away from him, but still making him feel quite uneasy by making it seem like it was about to grab him or something. On the second loop, though, it seemed to suddenly notice Jace standing behind and off to the left of Kai. It paused, then slowly lifted itself over Kai's head to straighten itself out and extend toward the baffled panda.

Jace slowly backed up as the tentacle approached, but it was very determined to violate his personal space, among various other things. He leaned back as it floated closer to him, stopping right above his nose and somehow staring him straight in the eyes. Said eyes eventually drifted over in the direction of Kai and Lilah to see if they might be starting to render any assistance. They were both just standing there watching him, which wasn't all that helpful.

"Um, guys?" was what Jace attempted to say. It ended up coming out as, "Um, gu--OOOOLLLPP!!" or something to that effect, as the tentacle quickly reared back and shot into his mouth, going just a little ways down the back of his throat before it stopped.

Kai gasped, but remained perfectly still in his imperfect circle of fake blood, since he remembered something about circles protecting you, plus he had suddenly developed a very strong self-preservation instinct in the last minute or so. Lilah gasped, then ran over to help Jace, since she remembered something about tentacles rammed down someone's throat being potentially harmful, plus she had an instinct to come to the aid of others. She grabbed the tentacle with both hands and tried to pull on it while Jace staggered back and made a few attempts to grab at it himself. Her hands simply slid along the tentacle's length, since it was really quite smooth and devoid of any sort of texture that could be easily gripped. That, and it appeared to be covered in something rather slick. A lubricant, you might say.

Jace lost his balance, stumbled, and fell backwards onto the floor. As he fell, the tentacle pulled itself out of his mouth, slipped right through Lilah's hands, and quickly withdrew itself back into the fire and disappeared, all in one lighting-fast motion. Lilah quickly knelt down over Jace to check on him and render any assistance that she could.

"Shit! Jace, are you alright?!" Jace responded with some coughing and gagging. "Jace!"

"I *cough* think so..." This was followed by a few more coughs who begged to differ. Lilah helped him up to his feet. He managed to stand on his own and stopped coughing and gagging after a couple seconds, so maybe he was right.

"You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, just couldn't breathe for a second..." This was the part where Jace suddenly felt something wash over him. His face changed to that sort of spaced-out look one typically sees on people who are simultaneously confused and not feeling well. "Err, maybe not..."

"Shit. Um, you need to lie down or anything?"

"Maybe..." He was starting to sway a little bit, though this probably had more to do with psychology than anything actually wrong with his body.

"Okay, okay..." Lilah walked him over to the old recliner and sat him down. She then turned around to Kai, who had been remarkably silent as of late. "Kai?" she said. "You might want to get away from there..." She was starting to sound rather nervous by this point.

"No, no, I'm not moving," he replied. He was trying to sound as cool and calm as possible, which of course made him sound like he was about to burst into panicked screaming at any moment. "I'm staying here."

"Kai, a dick just came out of the fire and attacked someone! I think that means you should be moving now..."

Behind her, Jace was beginning to fidget uneasily and run a hand through his chest fur. He kinda felt like he had a fever, but he wasn't sure. He felt exceptionally warm, but somehow also cold at the same time. There was also the issue of his pants apparently beginning to shrink.

Somewhere, in the very back of his mind, he wondered if this might have something to do with the stuff that vaguely sweet-tasting stuff the tentacle had poured down the back of his throat.

"Circles protect you and shit, right?" Kai speculated whilst indicating the vaguely roundish line around him. "I should be safe as long as I don't leave it. I think."

"Right, circles protect you..." Lilah echoed.

She frantically looked around the room, or at least the parts that were visible in the firelight, in search of some idea as to what to do next. Jace was apparently sick after being attacked by the remarkably suggestive-looking tentacle, Kai had decided to stay put right next to the fire, and who knew when that thing might come back out. Ah-hah!

"Okay, guys, I'm gonna go get some water," she said. "Get that fire put out before it comes back."

"Uh, y-yeah, good idea..." Kai stuttered. He did his best not to move while Lilah ran off into the darkness to find the kitchen and, hopefully, the sink. All he had to do was stay inside the circle, a task of the sort that would normally be quite easy, but started to require ridiculous amounts of concentration and effort as soon as both his immediate and long-term futures depended upon it. And it didn't particularly help when three more tentacles emerged from the fire and began to slowly circle around him.

Meanwhile, in the background, Lilah was busy cursing while banging her head and knees into various shelves and counters in the pitch blackness. She was looking for something along the lines of a large cooking pot, something that would hold enough water to put out the fireplace very quickly. She pulled out various pots and pans assorted cookware she deemed too small and tossed it all out onto the floor, sweeping her arms around inside the cupboards to try and find something large enough.

She finally came across something that felt like what she was looking for. She pulled it out, along with all the smaller objects in front of it, and set it down on the counter to run her hands across it a bit just to make sure it would do the trick. And sure enough, this pot seemed like it would, so Lilah grabbed it and dashed in the direction of where she was pretty sure she'd felt the counter turn into a sink. Not being used to moving around in total darkness, however, her brain failed to register all the objects on the floor because she couldn't see them. She didn't really notice any of the items at all until her foot hit a particularly heavy appliance of some sort, at which point she was suddenly aware of them again. Then, for just a split second, she was also quite aware of the existence of the corner of a particular counter in front of her when her head smashed into it at an angle as she fell.

This earned her six points with very little debate between the judges.

"Lilah? Are you all right in there?" Kai nervously called out after hearing the loud crash followed by complete silence. As if the gradually increasing number of tentacles around him wasn't worrying enough...

Jace, however, wasn't feeling a whole lot in the way of nervousness or fear. This was because all the odd things he was feeling were overriding everything else. The sensation of being either too hot or too cold was starting to wear off, though it was being replaced with a whole host of new things he was mostly unfamiliar with. The one he did recognize was the horniness, but even that felt somehow different to him. Partially because of the magnitude of it, which contributed to his jeans becoming painfully small. A gift could easily become a curse in some situations.

This was quickly taken care of by unzipping his fly and letting his giant dick flop out through the hole in his boxers. Although it wasn't even hard quite yet, it was already dribbling plenty of pre-cum. He gripped the end of his throbbing member and started rubbing the head with his thumb, smearing the pre all over.

He was practically in a trance now. There was some obvious demonic presence in the room about to do God-knows-what to one of his friends, his other friend was unconscious and possibly hurt... and none of it mattered. The waves of pleasure and that fuzzy warmth rippling through his body superseded everything.

His other hand found its way down to his dick, too, as it swelled up to full size. With his eyes half-closed and his breaths gradually speeding up, he began to slowly stroke both hands up and down the sides of his massive self. It took both of them because, well, Jace was a rather gifted young male.

Kai noticed that a few of the tentacles had turned to "look" over at Jace for a moment as he began pleasuring himself. Kai followed their gaze to see what had caught their attention, and temporarily forgot all about the tentacles as he began to wonder just what the hell Jace thought he was doing and why he was doing it now. Then his own attention was caught by one of the tentacles sliding under the front of his robe and rolling itself up in the fabric.

He looked down just in time to see a wave of black flying up into his face as his robe was pulled up and over his head. He cried out as another tentacle wrapped itself around his bare torso while his head and arms were momentarily engulfed by the robe being lifted off of his body. As soon as the robe was off, two more of the surprisingly strong tentacles wrapped around his wrists and held his arms out.

Kai was just starting to finally get to that all-important scream of terror when a fourth tentacle silenced him by shooting into his mouth. Kai thrashed his head around a bit to try and dislodge the tentacle as it slid its tip into his throat. It stopped when just the head was engulfed, and then Kai felt something warm pouring out of it and flowing down to his stomach. It freaked him out at first, and he struggled some more to try and break free, but he slowly calmed down as he felt that oddly pleasurable warm sensation starting to spread out through the rest of his body.

He coughed a bit when the tentacle finally slid back out, dribbling a little more of the liquid as it pulled out of his muzzle. Kai's tongue followed it as it left his lips, unconsciously licking at the head to taste more of the milky nectar. Kai's worries were beginning to melt away like Jace's had, and he found himself wanting more of the tentacles' special attention.

This little display had attracted what little attention Jace himself still had left. Somewhere amid the swirling tempest of sensation that had engulfed him, he had tried to think of something to fantasize about while he pleasured himself, his mind flipping through dozens of memories of females he had met or seen; female students at his old school, pop stars, actresses, a few nameless femmes from porno movies, and even a select few schoolteachers, but they all disappeared into the white noise of his mind. But there was something about his friend's supple body that caught his attention and held on--something about watching Kai, now wearing only his boxers, being molested by the tentacles.

Well, Jace certainly wasn't gay. Gay meant that you were sexually attracted to guys, and Jace certainly wasn't attracted to guys. He was just getting really turned on by, and pawing off to, the sight of an attractive young male in nothing but a pair of boxer shorts in a highly sexual situation.

Those boxers wouldn't be a part of the scene for much longer, though. Kai was turned sideways, so that his back was facing toward Jace, and then the tentacles holding his wrists pulled him down onto his hands and knees. Kai started at the sensation of two more tentacles coiling around his legs just above the knee, holding him in place while another slid up the leg of his boxers. He squirmed around as it snaked its way past his crotch until it finally emerged from the top of his shorts, where it proceeded to hook itself around the undergarment and then ripped it clean off.

Jace felt another surge in his arousal at the sight of his friend's exposed rump and swelling cock hanging beneath him. He quickened his strokes, his hands almost becoming a blur over his thoroughly pre-slicked shaft. He started to feel his climax approaching, but it seemed to be coming much slower than usual. His member twitched and issued a few small spurts of extra pre as he slowly built up to the final release.

Meanwhile, the lone tentacle had tossed Kai's torn boxers off into a dark corner and was now rubbing against his hardening cock. Kai gritted his teeth as it teased him almost sadistically, the burning need in him fighting for release. Then the tentacle positioned itself against the end of his dick, head-to-head, and pushed. Kai moaned in response.

And then he felt something odd, as if his dick was pushing into the tentacle's opening. He looked down between his legs and saw the tentacle's head stretching itself open around him. He watched it for a few seconds while it slowly engulfed his dickhead. Once past the corona, it quickly slipped up his shaft and swallowed him up to the hilt. It slowly pulled back, then thrust upward again. Kai shut his eyes and moaned out in pleasure as the tentacle slid up and down his malehood, the soft ribs lining its inside caressing him with every stroke.

Two more of the tentacles set off toward Jace, who was still coming ever closer to climax. He had closed his eyes and clenched his teeth, trying to concentrate at least enough to keep the motion of his hands going until the end. Kai's moans echoed in his head as he continued stroking himself, he was almost there, he could feel the final surge building in his loins, just one more stroke...

...And suddenly the two tentacles grabbed him by the wrists and pulled his hands away from his cock. One small bit of cum squeezed out the end as his orgasm was stopped at the last possible moment. Jace panted for a bit as the flood of pleasure slowly faded away, leaving him aching--almost literally--for the finale he'd been denied.

His mind beginning to clear, he slowly opened his eyes and saw the two tentacles holding his wrists firmly against the arms of the recliner. He tried to pull away, hopefully back toward his throbbing dick, but they held firm. They obviously didn't want him to finish the job quite yet.

The tentacle that had been sucking on Kai pulled off from him, making a faint shlurp sound as his dick slid out. Kai, vaguely disappointed at the sudden stop, opened his eyes again and stared down between his legs to follow the tentacle as it wandered over toward Jace. It slid up toward Jace's crotch, raising the hope in his mind that he might get the same treatment Kai just had.

But no, it ignored his throbbing manhood and slid partway down one leg of his jeans. It pulled them down almost to his ankles, then came back up and unceremoniously tore off his underwear, much like it had done with Kai's. It briefly rubbed against Jace's dick after tossing away his shorts, then floated back over to Kai.

Kai was watching it eagerly, expecting it to come back and finish sucking him off. But rather than sliding back under him to finish, it rose up and planted itself right under his raised tail. Kai gasped in surprise as it slowly pushed into his tailhole.

No no no, though Kai, that isn't supposed to happen! Anal sex hurts, I'm a guy, I'm not supposed to have anything up there... Kai clenched his tailhole shut and forced the tentacle's head back out. Even his extreme horniness and whatever drugs his stomach had been filled with couldn't completely overcome the homophobia all young males taught to each other. The tentacle pushed harder against the ring, and Kai grunted and clenched tighter.

Then he felt something leaking out of the tentacle's head as it struggled to get into him. It made his tailhole start to tingle, and the tentacle was twisting and turning to spread it around as much as possible. Kai also felt has anal muscles beginning to relax and loosen up, try as he might to keep them closed tight. "Nnoooooo..." he whimpered as his tailhole slowly spread open around the tentacle.

As soon as the head was in, the rest of the tentacle quickly slipped in and buried itself nearly a foot inside him. Kai's eyes shot open and he cried out, half in shock and half in pleasure at the thick appendage thrusting into him and filling his virgin ass. It pulled out slowly a little ways, then pushed in again, the tiny bumps tickling Kai's tailhole and insides.

Kai calmed down and relaxed his body as the tentacle settled into a steady thrusting motion. His eyes closed, he let his tongue hang out, and he surrendered himself to this new pleasure. That little voice that had been screaming from the back of his head was shut out while he savored every plunge inside him. It just felt so good.

Jace sat and watched with a growing sense of frustration, fidgeting impatiently in the chair. Of course Kai got all the attention while Jace was forced to sit and watch his friend panting and moaning in pleasure. He watched the tentacle thrusting in and out of his friend and couldn't help but imagine his own cock sliding in and out of that tight ass while Kai moaned and begged for more. He could almost hear Kai's voice calling out his name... He began to wonder if it was possible to climax from sheer horniness alone.

He wouldn't have to find out, though, as the tentacles weren't planning for him to be ignored forever. The one pumping into Kai's ass slowed down and stopped, then slowly pulled itself out completely and disappeared into the fire. Kai looked back over his shoulder, confused and disappointed that he had been let down again. He desperately needed something to fill him up again, either another of the tentacles floating around aimlessly, or... His eyes focused on Jace's huge cock.

Jace saw the need in his friend's eyes. He looked back over at Kai's slick tailhole, the fluids from the tentacle's penetration glistening in the firelight. He wanted to do this. Kai wanted him to do it. And the tentacles around his wrists let go.

Jace didn't need any further direction. He stood up, kicking off the jeans around his ankles, and strode over to Kai, who was still being held down by the tentacles. He got down on his knees behind his friend and held his cock up to the inviting hole. He paused for a moment.

"Please..." Kai whispered.

With that, Jace pushed his dickhead into Kai's tailhole, then placed both hands on Kai's hips and thrust all the way inside. His dick was considerably thicker than any of the tentacles and went just as far in. The size made it hurt a little, but it was pleasure that made Kai scream out as his ass was spread wide by his friend's girth.

Kai was in ecstasy; Jace thrust in and out slowly, his huge, hot member filling and gently stretching Kai's insides. His own dick was now dripping pre, with a small puddle beginning to form below him. The feeling was indescribable, to have Jace's body pushed up against his rear, Jace's balls brushing against his own while his body was massaged from the inside...

The tentacle's around Kai's wrists and legs uncoiled themselves and drifted back to join the others that were just floating around and watching the act. Kai no longer needed any sort of restraint; he was far beyond the point of trying to struggle and was now being fucked quite willingly. Both males were now completely caught up in the act and didn't need any more help.

Jace bent forward and put his arms around Kai's chest, lifted him up and leaned back, setting the cat down on his lap while he continued pumping into him. Kai reached one hand around to the back of Jace's neck while Jace reached one hand down and took hold of Kai's dribbling cock. He gently stroked up and down Kai's slippery length, eliciting several moans from him.

Kai leaned his head back over Jace's shoulder and rubbed his cheek against Jace's. Jace rubbed back and affectionately licked the side of Kai's muzzle. Being fucked, being embraced by a big, strong, gentle male, it was too much for Kai.

He started to cum first, his cock twitching while it welled up inside him. He cried out with the first gush of cum spouting out of him. Jace could feel his friend climaxing, the tight hole and passage somehow squeezing even tighter around his dick with every spurt. He growled and made a few final thrusts as his own orgasm was milked out of him.

Jace's hips shuddered, and Kai could feel the surges of hot seed pouring into him as his friend came. The sensation bolstered his own climax, giving him a few more pulses and spurts before it died down. He reached down to hold the hand Jace had around the base of his dick. He stroked over the sticky fur on Jace's hand and locked fingers while Jace held his body tightly and squirted the last of his cum inside him.

One by one, the tentacles slipped back into the fire and disappeared, leaving the two males to cool down on their own. As their breathing slowed and quieted down, Jace brought his hand back up to Kai's chest and held him in a tender embrace, his softening member still inside his partner. They held this position for a long time, neither of them wanting the moment to be over quite yet.

The camera Lilah had set down on the table earlier recorded about seven more minutes of their embrace before the batteries died.