Falling for a lioness 2 Revenge of the fallen part 20

Story by Sindragon on SoFurry

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#2 of Falling for a lioness 2 Revenge of the fallen

Falling for a lioness 2 Revenge of the fallen by sindragon

I don't own lion king is on by Disney

I own Stuart ,Shingi,,Makhosazana and Nkosiphendule

This has cross spices paring ok

Main parings ; Stuart(oc)x NALA , VitanixKopa ,KiaraxKovu ,SimbaxOc,NukaxOc, OcxOc

Warning this chapter contains death,bloods,and gore ,so don't read ,if you scared of this .

Chapter 20 Reassuringly myself

Outskirts of the Pride lands

I turned my head away from the poachers being rip to sherds, by the female cheetah and my pride. The screams of the humans were muttered by the roars and growls ,from the big cats tearing into them. After another 15 mints ,the was silence ,as the group had finished,there meal. I didn't wont to see the carnage of what left of the human body's but I did.

What were left of the 2 white skin humans,was barley anything left of them . All there intestines had been pulled out and were ¾ eaten,as the rib cages had been,rip open by there powerful jaws and teeth. All the flesh had been rip of to the bones ,you could say they looked more like props,for a horror movie.

All around the 2 humans body was all there blood,on what was green grass. Was know bleached red from blood,and the fly s were flying over there body's . Which it was making it unpleasant smell of ammonia making me fill dizzy and ill.

" Are you ok bro?." Zira asked me ,from behind me.

" Year im ok ,the smell a bit off putting,and it making fill bit dizzy. " I replied, to my adopted sister.

" Yeah ,sorry we be going soon,sorry that you had to see us do that. " Zira replied guilty,looking down in shame ,since I was human as well.

" Don't worry Sis ,it ok im cool with it don't worry ok ." I said to Zira ,trying to reassure her.

Zira just nod her head,but I knew she didn't believe me ,at what I had said to her. Even I was thinking about how safe I was since,seeing them feasting on my kind. Even though they were poachers, and had killed other big cats in the first place,but what if Simba turned on me?. Sure we were friends but Simba like most male lions ,were very aggressive to any other male Lion.

So what chance do I have agents ,a fully grown Lion?. Sure I was quite powerful for a human ,and some time I could get the best of view of the lioness with neck holds and other stuff as well. But Claws and teeth ,could easy turn me into sliced meat in seconds. So if Simba went out on full rage I would stand no chance in hell.

I then felt a paw hitting my legs,looking up I saw Zira smiling at me. I smiled even though her muzzle was caked in the dry blood of the dead porches. I lying down next to Zira, cuddling her large head,which Zira let out a soft purr. Though I was sure if Simba tried to do anything to me ,Zira and Nala would put a stop to it. As I kept stroking my Sister head ,I felt a movement behind me and then a heavy object crash into me sending me into the ground.

" Offff ." I muted to my self ,filling a heavy thing on my chest.

As I looked up ,I saw one cheeky,bloody looking Nala, face looking down at me. I couldn't help it, but she look dam sexy.

" Pin ya love. " Nala purred deeply nuzzling my face,which I tasted the blood on her muzzle.

" Hi love ." I said to Nala ,kissing her clean nose,what made Nala purr happily.

Nala purred as she lying down, next to me and opposite from Zira, as I just scratched both of my 2 fav Lioness ears. As this was going on between us, I felt Shingi ,Simba and the female Cheetah walking up to us.

" Hey Stu I want you to meet. Nabila. " Simba told me ,nodding his head over to the,female Cheetah.

" Hi ." I said to her ,while Zira and Nala looked on with me.

" um hi. " Nabila said unsure about me .

There was an awarded time, in till I decide to speak up again.

" Um I sorry on what my kind, had did to you back there ." I said to her,seeing what she would do.

" it ok ,but why do you kind ,do this to us. " She replied, a bit angrily to me.

" Well ,I guess it to do with the people pride,trying to show to other people. On how brave and strong they are." I replied to her, as best I could trying to understand. why in some sick human minds.

" Egos you mean bro. " Zira asked me

" Yeah it is, an it agents our laws to hunt any big cats ,or most animals . Most people don't care about these laws." I told them all.

" Laws ." they asked confused .

I told them to sit down ,and I will tell them about,human laws.

End of Chapter 20

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P.s Merry Xmas