Join The Family

Story by AK16 on SoFurry

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#4 of New Beginnings

Author's Note: Apologies for the delay. Things have been crazy here, including, sadly, a death in my family (not to mention the normal blights of life and loneliness due to Valentine's day but I digress.) It's time to press forward with a (hopefully enjoyable) new chapter. As a bit of a spoiler for future chapters, things may get a little or a lot more risque. (I haven't decided). As always, please comment and rate with your thoughts. If you're so inclined, favorite this chapter. If you want to send me a message or shout or anything like that go for it! Hope you all have someone to cuddle with this Valentine's day!-AK

Dulion finished warning the tenants of the Zoo that CATTL was on their way. Some decided to get up and leave then and there, while others stood still, thanking Dulion for the warning. Dulion went back to the Doctor's table and sat down. Once he did, a plate of food was placed in front of him.

"Eat." Cameron said.

"I'm really not hungry." Dulion protested.

"Starving yourself is not going to bring her back. Eat. For me?"

Cameron looked at Dulion pleadingly. With a sigh, Dulion took a fork and began to nibble at his food. As he did, he could hear the loud sound of chanting in his ears; CATTL was here. Dulion's eyes shifted to everyone else at his table; they all seemed to be staring at him.

"Is there something on my face?" he asked.

"Besides the stench of depression, no." Jayson said, earning an eyeroll from the white lion as begrudgingly shoved food into his mouth.

The roar of the protesters outside got louder. Luckily, not too many people seemed to care in the Zoo. Yup, Dulion thought, life as usually. Protests, people leaving, feeling alone; just another day in his life. Dulion hung his head and sighed.

"It never gets easier, does it?" he asked to no one in particular.

"It will." Jayson said. "You should try and find someone else who..."

"I'm not talking about that. I mean the nonsense outside. There will always be another problem, another issue to worry about."

"Cynicism doesn't suit you." Dr. Tennant said. "Life will get better. Even regarding CATTL, things are improving. Slowly, yes but..."

"That's just the problem though!" Roxie said with fire in her voice. "This is ridiculous. I mean, when are we all going to stand up and say this isn't right and it needs to stop now! They hate us because we EXIST for godssake!"

Dulion stared at Roxie, as did a few of the other people in the common room. She was missing the point Dulion was trying to make, but he understood her frustration. She sat down with a sigh. As the chanting got louder, Dulion played around with his food. He took a bite or two just to appease Cameron who was eying him like a hawk. He was pretty sure that if he actually stopped eating, she would feed him like a baby...speaking of which...

"Congratulation, Cameron." Dulion said. "I wanted to make sure I told you personally."

Cameron smiled.

"Thank you, Dulion." She said. "It's such a surprise, but we couldn't be happier."

The sound of jeers and shouts grew louder. Dulion could hear specific phrases the protestors outside were saying; none of which were particularly kind. Roxie slammed her fists on the table, causing Dulion to jump a little bit.

"I'm sorry." Roxie said. "I can't stand hearing them. I think I'm going to go back to my room."

Roxie got up to excuse herself and walked out of the common room. Dulion waited for a moment before he too stood up and excused himself.

'Where are you going?" Cameron asked. "You haven't finished..."

"I'll be back in a moment." Dulion said.

He raced out of the common room just in time to see Roxie begin to climb the staircase towards her floor.

"Roxie, wait." Dulion said.

She stopped on the stairs and glanced at him. Dulion quickly ran up to meet her/ it was amazing what he could do when he wasn't being hampered by a bad leg and a cane.

"You can't let them get to you." he said to her once he reached her. "The more we let them get under our skin or let them affect us, the worse they become. You know that."

"I do." she said. "But I also know that it's utter bullshit that we have to sit back and let them protest the fact that we exist. What we should be doing is protesting right back at them!"

"That will just make it worse."

"So what? We sit back and let them keep going? Look Dulion, you're a nice guy, you have a big heart. That's great. But at the end of the day, you're just another tool being used to keep lycanthropes oppressed. I know you're not intending to, but you are. What we need now is action."

Roxie placed a gentle hand on his shoulder before she turned around and left Dulion. Dulion stared in quiet shock. He wasn't expecting that kind of response. And even if he was, he wouldn't know how to handle it.


Roxie closed the door to her room and quickly went to the tattered papers she kept on her desk. It took her a few moments to find the scrap of paper she had written down the address on. The lycanthropes at the protest had been exactly the kind of people she wanted to be around; fellow doers who were sick and tired of being punished for existing; angry that they were constantly pressed down by not only groups like CATTL, but by so many other different forces. It was pretty bad back in Vermont, but at least there were no advisors meant as social control. With a nod she threw on her coat and snuck out of the Zoo.

The address wasn't far from her new apartment which Roxie was thankful for considering the temperature had become much colder than earlier in the day. The building looked deserted, but that's exactly how Eric, the man who had told her about this place, said it would look. Roxie knocked on the darkly colored door. The door opened slightly with a chain holding it in place.

"Password?" A gruff voice asked.

"Bitten." Roxie answered.

The door closed and Roxie heard the sound of the chain being removed. When the door opened again, Roxie peered inside. It was dimly lit, save for a bright white light coming from a small hanging lamp. There were several folding chairs set up, many of which were occupied with lycanthropes of all kinds. Roxie stepped into the room and quickly transformed. She looked to her side to see a large rhino standing by the door.

"I remember you." the Rhino said. "You were with us at the last protest. I saw the cops drag you away."

"They did." Roxie said. "But I'm here now."

"Thank God. Meeting should be starting soon. Grab a seat."

Roxie nodded and took a seat away from most of the other people. She closed her eyes and waited for the meeting to take place. As she waited, she heard the metal chairs around her clanging slightly. When she opened her eyes, a vixen with reddish fur was standing next to her. She was wearing a pair of ripped Jeans and a leather jacket.

"Hey there, cutie" She said "You're new aren't you?"

"K-kinda." Roxie said a little nervous due to the vixen's forwardness. "I'm Roxie."

"Ooh I like that name." The vixen answered as she leaned in towards Roxie. "You can call me Vixen, or whatever else you'd like."

"Nice to meet you."

Roxie offered Vixen her hand. Vixen took it and pulled Roxie up before wrapping her in a tight, intimate hug.

"We're sisters for the cause." Vixen whispered to Roxie. "We have to stick together."

"Vixen, let the girl breathe." a male's voice said. "This is her first meeting."

Roxie felt Vixen's grasp loose as she was released. Roxie turned to the front of the room to see the man she had met at her first protest in this place. He was a raccoon dressed in a sleek suit and sharp tie. Roxie wasn't the kind of person to gawk over someone, but damn was he handsome.

" never let me have any fun." Vixen protested.

"Patience, my dear. You will have your fun back at Sanctuary. Now, for those of you who do not know me, allow me to introduce myself." He said with incomparable grace. "My name is Bruce and welcome everyone to the reformation of WILD."


Dulion turned over on his side and looked at the clock; it was only 10:30. Yes, rather early for him, a habitual nightowl, to be sleeping but what else was he going to do? At least if he slept it would take his mind off of protests, hatred, and, most importantly of all, Ibuki. Dulion sighed. He missed feeling her warmth next to him. While she had been more visual and verbal about the stress the past few months had on her, he had remained silent; he had to be strong for everyone in the Zoo, but most importantly; for her.

And Yes, he would begrudgingly admit that Jayson was likely right; the sooner he moved on, the better. And yes, he would admit that his new tenant was cute, painfully so maybe, but that didn't matter. For one, he would have no chance with her and two, and most importantly, despite the wisdom Jayson offered, he wasn't ready to quit on Ibuki. As his eyes began to feel heavy, Dulion's cell phone vibrated next to him. Could it be?

Dulion scrambled to his phone and checked the caller ID. Just as his hopes were rising, they became dashed across the rocks; it wasn't her. It was Blackwood. Still, if he was calling, it had to be important. Dulion took the call.

"Yeah?" he answered trying to hide the disappointment in his voice.

"It's Blackwood. I hope the protesters didn't give you too much trouble."

"I'm used to them. At least this time they didn't shoot me."

"Thank God for that. Sadly I have more bad news, but this you need to keep to yourself."

"Lovely. Whatcha got for me?"

"Rumor has it someone is starting up WILD again. There have been a couple of protests, but nothing organized. My superiors are scared shitless considering what happened last time so..."

"Expect more regulations?"

"Basically. Your tenants are going to be pissed. Nothing is official yet, and for your sake I hope it stays that way. I'll keep you updated though."

"Alright, thanks for the heads up."

"Of course. Now go keep your girlfriend company."

Blackwood hung up before Dulion could add anything else. Dulion sighed and went into his kitchen to make himself some coffee. He already knew that tonight, sleep wasn't coming.


"...And that is why, the lycanthrope community as a whole must come together. We must unite to combat the growing rise of oppression and hostility that we face on a daily basis. Now is the time for action! Now is the time for the lycanthropes to run WILD!"

Roxie joined in with the applause and cheers praising Bruce's words. The majority of the meeting consisted of various stories on how other members had assisted in moving the quest for lycanthrope rights forward. Almost all of the new people spoke, but Roxie stood silent. She wasn't ready to tell her story yet. Bruce beamed as he lapped up all the adulation; but in Roxie's mind he deserved it. Finally, she felt like there was a voice for her and it was empowering.

"We will meet back here same time next week. Please try to find another lycanthrope to bring with you so that we can help spread our message. Let them know the WILD of the past is gone and a new, safe WILD has returned."

The sound of metallic chairs scraping the floor and shifting positions filled the room. Roxie also got up, hoping she could talk with Bruce a little more, before she could make her way towards him, Vixen stepped in front of her.

"How'd you like your first meeting?" She asked.

"Incredible." Roxie said. "He was amazing."

"Yeah, Bruce is pretty incredible."

Vixen placed a finger onto Roxie's shoulder.

"So listen, a couple of us have this place." She said, "We call it Sanctuary. It's a little private club where you some more lycanthropes and...relieve some...tension. Interested in coming with?"

"I, uh, think I'll pass for now." Roxie said, as she felt her cheeks grow red. "But maybe next time."

"Aww...I was looking forward to getting to know you a little more. Oh well, next time then."

Vixen winked and blew Roxie a kiss before she left the meeting place.

"You'll have to forgive Vixen." Bruce's voice said from behind Roxie. "She's a little forward."

"A little?" Roxie asked jokingly.

Bruce laughed as he stepped forward.

"Thank you for coming." He said to her. "I heard you had been arrested. I was going to come bail you out, but they told me you were released. Were you treated well?"

Roxie nodded.

"The cop who talked to me was good. He even put me into contact with a place I could stay so I'm off the streets."

"Where are you staying?"

"Well they call it the Zoo."

Bruce sighed.

"Tennant's building." he said. "The one with the lycanthrope advisor?"

"That's the one." Roxie replied.

"I've heard good things about the advisor. It's a shame that he chooses to use his energies to control and oppress rather than fully aid us."

"He thinks that it's better to ignore the hatred."

"Sadly I don't think that will work anymore."

Bruce grew silent for a moment.

"You should invite him to our next meeting." He said. "Maybe if he hears more about our plight, he'll be able to see that more action is required. He's more than welcome to attend. I'll make sure he's not heckled."

"Maybe. It would be nice having an ally with some political pull, too. We don't have too many of those. If we can convince Dulion to join the cause, then maybe we could get more done quicker."

Bruce grinned at Roxie.

"Exactly what I was thinking. You have a great mind for this, Roxie. I see you becoming a real force for the cause."

Bruce placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and gave her a soft smile. For the first time since she had come out of the cage, she felt like she belonged. To hell with her mom and dad up in Vermont, this was her real family and maybe, with a little persuasion, she could convince the others in the Zoo to join her new family too. The possibility filled her with excitement. Roxie was ready to help WILD get their movement started.