Prolouge to Sexy Justice

Story by The Big Bad Wolf on SoFurry

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"Well Mrs. Bethany" said the lab coated panther. "Who are these new specimens to the asylum?"

The Panther and Tigress walk up to the first durable window sealed room.

Inside, The walls are covered in rainbow and cloud wallpaper. There is a wall built in television featureing the local children's television program. Blocks with letters and numbers. Some toys for the average child under five. And there is a giant mountain of massive muscle painting with finger paints.

"Subject 3960451992, he is a Bull male of 5 years of age" she said as she turned to her peer.

"Why is that possible?" he raised his brow.

"He was recently invovled in a bystander accident. A truck colidded with his home, his body was torn apart. and the chemeicals from the truck flooded his house. The chemicals mutated him, rebuilding his structure, causeing his body to improve itself. especial his muscle system. They match and source of the chemicals used on him is unkown. and the military has tried to extract samples of DNA. But his mutated skin repels all efforst of cutting. His body is almost indestructable. entering narcotics into his system has given affects." she read off the chart.

"Interesting" he moved to the next window. "Whos she?"

In a pure gray room. only a table with a used food tray and a mat. There sits a female fox. she wore the prison uniform, with a hood to cover her face.

"Subject 3860451992, she is a Fox female age unkown" She read. "She is not with any origin, she is clearly out of the blue. She hides her face real well. those who have gotten too close to looking at her have been killed. Even when she was heavily restrainted. she has super strength, and a skilled assasin. Yet a modle prisoner, she has taught most prisoners the form of meditation and calmness. But then they were killed by her paws when they turned their back"

"Very interesting" He looks at the black window. "Whats with this one?"

She walked up to it, and turns on the two way black window. INside is a form covered in black latex.

"Who?........" he asks.

"Subject 3760451992, he is a Tiger male. he is furson who was horribly tortured. he was found in a prisoner of war labratory in the desert wars. He was tested with the affects of a desert survival drug. The affect was supposed to give the user the ability to absorb sunlight to replenish his cells and keep him going for longer than expected in extreme conditions. But the dosage was addictave, and when he was freed, he took 20 shots at the same time. His cells move so fast that they can can enter twine with other cells and destroy them. He absorbs light and fuels his new cells and can creat energy from his own cells capable of vaporizeing anything of non-living material. he was a real hazard to the world and was imediantly put in here after he threatend to destroy the world to end the pain that engraved in his mind. The eclipse the cut off his power was enough to subdue him. and as long as he is sealed in that suit and in that dark room. the world is much safer."

"Glad the tax dollars were not waisted for other junk the government wastes on." He smirks.

They walk back past the other two rooms. But inside of The foxes room. Escape plotted in her silence form. She took a deep breath and reached into her pants. She dipped her fingers into sex and reached. she impossibly buried her paw into herself, until she was up to her elbow. Then she pulled her arm out and held what seemed to be a dark katana handle. She twisted the hilt and a dark saber exteded from it, she stood and sliced through the wall next to her. The giant muscled bodied bull, paws covered in different paints walked through.

She sliced open the other wall and the bull walked into the room, he punched a hole through the wall. The fox used the knife to cleanly shave the skin like latex off the tiger. As the light poured onto his now free air starved body, His body glowed, he turned around to the other two and grinned.

To Be continued____________________________________________________