prologue - A taste

Story by Akingofcarelessintention on SoFurry

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The west is weak, their constant feudal wars would ensure that the european powers would not stand with each other like we do, it is time my brothers, I Grand caliph Aabid Ze'pouritn, declare jihad for rome!

Letters with these words were sent all over the sunni world, in quick order armies were raised and ships were boarded.

My brothers and sisters in christ, a storm is heading for rome, it holds those who follow the heretical crescent above the almighty cross. I ask that you rise my friends in defence of not me, of not the holy roman empire, I ask that you raise your sword in defence of christ, of your way of life!

With these two writings, a dance of blood and tears started, rome was protected ultimately, byzantium was not. After the muslim hordes took hold of it's lands, war between the west and east has no end in sight.

"Take this, holy blaster!" Marrus, clad in crusading armor including a helmet, extended his right arm, holding his hand flat up shouting these words. What accompanied the first half was a build up of white energy, and after such things had left the man's lips, that power shot from his hand in a elongated energy beam and consumed whatever blasts the five enemy muslims had tossed his way, as well as the casters themselves, destroying their bodies in the process.

He turned on his heel and with the sword in his left hand deflected a couple small balls of yellow power. Two men charged forward, sabers high, the first muslim warrior slashed his blade horizontally at Marrus, he parried and stepping back, he let loose another holy blaster, this one much weaker than the last due to lack of proper charging, it hit the first man sending him flying backwards and leaving small burns on his person.

The other warrior jabbed his saber at Marrus, who quickly took flight and threw his blade at the foe, impaling the muslim on it's point. The still living warrior sent a pathetically weak green beam at Marrus, Full power energy blast!

Smiling, the crusader backhanded the wave, sending it crashing into a nearby collection of rocks and boulders. The muslim warrior charged towards Marrus, fist directed towards his face, Marrus caught it and sent his knee smashing into the man's stomach. The warrior coughed up crismon in response. With his other hand, Marrus uppercutted his opponent, sending him flying into the air.

Holy Blaster!

No trace was left of the muslim's body. Marrus pulled his blade out of the dead warrior's chest and placed it back in it's scabbard.