"Cielo 69" (M/M Anthro Dragon Sex)

Story by The_Dove on SoFurry

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#5 of Writings

Would YOU like free writing like this? Please send me a note and check out https://www.furaffinity.net/commissions/thedove/

Author's Notes: As a little preface to the story, I'd like to mention that as I got further and further into this story, it actually taught me some things about my writing. As someone who writes erotica, I find it a VERY difficult challenge to balance plot, scene development, and overall erotic flow in a story. This may be something you notice in this piece as it is oriented around the past of the main character. Part of the benefit of doing these writing commissions is so I can learn what my strong suits are and where I need more improvement. As I do more and more of these commissions, I believe I am starting to fall into more of an interest in writing stories with less emphasis on the plot (although not absent altogether), and more emphasis on true sexual elements. We shall see where it all goes from here, but you don't know how it works until you try it! If there are any other erotica writers reading this, I would love to hear from your about your tips of the trade when it comes to combining plot and erotica. Safe to say, I believe this a story that you can really invest in and watch as he travels through his new surroundings so I hope you enjoy!


Accompanying Art (egglantis: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/egglantis): https://www.furaffinity.net/view/22187321/


Characters: ozzyrocker45 (https://www.furaffinity.net/user/ozzyrocker45/)

Sex: Male Dragon + Male Dragon Doppelganger

Sexual Emphasis On: Paws, Penis, Tongue, Saliva, Horns

Sexual Acts: Penile Stimulation / Fondling / Semen Play + Ingestion / Saliva Play / Nibbling / Dom/Sub Sex Play

Strong Language

In what is clearly my longest story piece yet, a young male drake, on the run from his past and the breakdown following a previous relationship, escapes to the city where he truly finds himself, in ways he never expected.

"Cielo 69"

by The Dove

The morning skyline of the vast metropolis etched stretched out through the horizon as the bullet train sped along the elevated highway. Below, the azure waters of the sea rushed about and crashed against the steel frame of the highway that sprawled across the ocean. Behind the train, the mainland quickly disappeared from sight as the city drew closer. It was, without a doubt, one of the most complex and sprawling civilized areas that anyone could ever encounter. As the train sped towards its destination at the depot in the center of town, various passengers in the vehicle eagerly awaited their new start; their new journey into a life that only they could create. Some had come from a torn and shattered past; some came from misery or despair while others came from a life festering with greed plagued with insurmountable wealth. Others came from a life of happiness, of hope, and of genuine sincerity in all their actions. You see, this city was not just a metropolis in its own right, It was a city that served as a new beginning for all who stepped foot into it. Some would find the solace, respite, or opportunity they desired while others would sink into its maze-like insanity and become just another mindless drone fumbling along the endless corridors of concrete and asphalt, lost to a life they only wished they could fulfill. This is a story about the comfort and sanctity that a young drake sought in this new realm after his entire world came crashing down, shattering into a million microscopic pieces before being blown away by the wind. Not by a wind of pure chance, but a wind of pure, genuine, destiny.

A young bright blue drake, his age 20, sat alone in a desolate corner of the bullet train as it entered into the city limits. Wearing a black overcoat, a gray button-up shirt, and a similarly colored pair of gray slacks, the boy had an air of solemnness to him. The low-framed glasses of his face shone back on saddened violet eyes, their luster gone and cast down toward his lap where a city guide and map of the city lay. To his left, closest to the emergency exit and handrail of the train, sat a leather suitcase, packed full of clothes. Inside, a stack of valuable information pertaining to himself and a collection of grocery coupons all hastily cut out and clipped into the side of the interior pocket of the suitcase was its content. Stuffed deep inside his coat pocket, the young man carried his wallet, packed full with as many bills as he could carry; the majority of his life savings to that point. Essentially, everything that made Dust who he was, he carried on his body. However, He had lost his drive in life, and most importantly, he had lost the love of his life that provided him that drive.

His days of happiness and bliss were now but a halcyon to him. A tear slipped down his eyes onto his glasses as he remembered all that he had left in his town and all that he was fearful to find here in this so-called "haven'. Some say that fate plays a role in everything. Dust was a believer in that principle. Even in his darkest moments and in the very depths of his heart, he knew that somewhere, out there in that sprawling urban kingdom, was a way out for him. A way out of the hellish nightmare he had experienced in the past. Dust shook his head from side to side and leaned back, his dark blue spiked horns rubbing against the plaid chair of the train. He closed his eyes as he tried once more to push the turmoil of his past out from his mind. The turmoil of his past took the shape of his lover, that handsome, kind and benevolent dragon of a man. Dust loved him with every fiber of his being, and he imagined his lover did too. His hopes and dreams of a happily-ever-after with the man he loved were flushed down the drain when the affair surfaced. The dragon's shallow ad thoughtless excuses were lost on the young drake. Dust wanted escape and comfort, and an escape he found. Amongst the ephemeral comfort and encouragement of his friends to travel to this city and connect with others, Dust left town in search of a new hope and a new fate for himself. Deep within his heart, he longed for touch and comfort and to hold another in his arms and tell him it would be okay, that he was not the victim. That was all he desired.

As the conductor of the train announced the terminal stop, Dust opened his eyes once more, straining with every inch of his mentality to go through with his new path in life. He would have to find the strength to do this. Pushing his glasses up his snout with a clawed finger, Dust grabbed his suitcase, forcefully pushing in on the lock to keep the already-strained contents of his case at bay, and shuffled past the plethora of other individuals hoping to make a new start for themselves. Stepping onto the platform, Dust took one more look at the railway extending back out to the mainland and across the marine highway. He could just barely see the speck of the town he had said his goodbyes in out on the mainland. Turning back towards the platform, Dust ascended the escalator of the station and headed up to the city surface. His surroundings were vast and stimulating.

The blinding rays of the sun shone down on the smooth glass structures of skyscrapers, thrusting and reaching up past even the view of the citizens on the ground, seemingly touching the heavens themselves. Shops, billboards, and electronic dioramas all created a world that was full of consumerism, escapist fantasies, and fantastical promises. The bustling streets, lined with dozens upon dozens of civilians at each corner, combined with the sound of the metropolis, all paid testament to a new world for the young drake. He clutched the briefcase in his hand as he began to tremble, his claws scraping against the asphalt in mounting nervousness. A large boar brushed past the young man, the tip of a tusk poking into the side of Drake as the rude passersby rushed past, screaming an obscenity at Dust for standing in the middle of the busy sidewalk. Dust winced in pain as he knelt down onto the sidewalk, the other civilians casually walking by as if nothing had happened. Dust was simply, for lack of a better word, a ghost. Rising once more, Dust whipped around to see the brutish boar continuing on his way without a care in the world. His broad hoofs poked out from overly stretched and ripped blue jeans while a black biker jacket embroidered with the skull and crossbones of a swine glared back at Dust. A gold earring in a pierced left ear of the boar gave off an air of caution. He chuckled and laughed as he walked by a young female coyote, slapping the rear of her gym shorts and feeling the tip of her tail with his hoof. She turned to see who the assailant was but his identity was quickly lost as he all but merged with the crowd of people.

Although Dust was struggling in his own world, his confidence, sometimes even bordering on sheer arrogance, pushed him to confront the slovenly man. With a burst of speed, Dust pushed through the crowd as he saw the boar about to turn a corner. Dust screamed out.

"Hey! You! Bacon shithead! I believe you owe myself, as well as that young lady back there, a motherfucking apology!"

The boar sprung around, his crusty stained snout flaring back and forth in surprise which quickly turned to rage as his face became stark white with a primal viciousness. His voice was gruff and menacing as he shouted back.

"And what are you going to do about it, you little lizard bitch!? You gonna be all high and mighty with me, little drake? Someone outta knock some fuckin' sense in that blue head of yours!"

The boar began to laugh and thrust his large, cloven hooves to his side as he roared with laughter. Dust slammed his suitcase to the ground, the lock clicking open and spilling his contents out onto the sidewalk, the stack of loose documents blowing into the crowded streets of the city. Dust rushed forward and threw every inch of his frame into the boar as he leaped up into his chest. The sheer force of the impact would not have been enough to knock the boar down but to his surprise, coupled with the offsetting of his balance at the edge of the street, caused the couple to roll and tumble into the sidewalk. Dust felt hard, bitter concrete thrashing against his head as he crashed into the middle of the road. The blaring of vehicle horns and shouting expletives of the boar echoed in his ears. He felt a massive force pressing down on his body and on each and every limb as he opened his eyes. The dark, almost bloodshot eyes of the brutish animal stared down at him, the glow of the sun from behind him casting an evil glow against this silhouette. Blood was trickling down his left nostril as a crowd gathered around the two combatants. The roar of the swine echoed across the street.

"You little piece o' shit. I'm gonna cave your goddamn skull in so hard, it will leave a lasting impression on this street!"

Raising his fist to strike the young drake, Dust braced for the inevitable impact as two shadows quickly rushed out from each side of Dust's peripheral vision. The large frame of the boar was quickly shoved to the ground as two large, muscular bears, adorned in city municipality police uniforms, wrestled with the perpetrator on the concrete as handcuffs were slapped over his fore hooves. Dust weakly sat up onto his haunches as the bears proceeded to lift the boar up, still struggling and screaming curses out into the crowd and at Dust as well, before hauling his shambling form into a police car and speeding off down a side street. A local officer directing traffic at a nearby crosswalk rushed to Dust's side as he helped the young drake to his feet and led him to a nearby bench. The officer pulled out a first aid kit and tended to Dust, still in a state of delirium, as the short-lived event of the scuffle that had disrupted the flow of the city quickly ebbed away into a hustle-bustle of normalcy. When the officer left Dust after ensuring his health, the young man sat there, again a sense of foreboding dread washing over him. Suddenly, Dust remembered his suitcase and his papers as he rushed back down the sidewalk.

The young coyote whom the boar had molested was hastily scrambling to retrieve as many of the wind-blown documents as she could and thrusting them into the suitcase in an effort to recover them. A smile grew on Dust's sour face as he raced to her side and began to assist the woman and gather as many of his documents as he could. Dust realized something right then and there about his surroundings. There was indeed, without a doubt, still kindness and hope to be found in the city. He could rebuild, and he could jump back from what he had lost. He had come here to move forward with his life; that was what this city was about. Saying his goodbyes to the young woman, she thanked Dust for his bravery. Giving him a quick kiss on his cheek, Dust imagined that he heard the soft whispering of something from the woman. Alas, the pressing matter of his documents pervading his thoughts, combined with the sounds of the city, drowned out her words. Seductively bowing her head and waving to the young man, the coyote sauntered off down the street and into a coffee shop. A slight blush forming on his face, Dust once again found the resolve to continue forth with his journey. Reaching a claw into his pants pocket and finding a slip of paper still intact after his fight, Dust quickly memorized the address printed on the document. Scanning busy street, Dust hailed a taxi just rounding the street corner, and traveled off to his next destination as the taxi sped away, lost amongst the paths of the urban jungle.

Closing the cab door behind him, Dust grabbed his suitcase and stepped out onto the chipped sidewalk. He handed the driver his fare and looked along the row of apartments that stood before him, four large complexes all chained together in its attempt to maximize occupancy. His new home was much to be desired, but it was, for all intents and purposes, a home. The ivy-strewn brickwork of the shared tenant apartments was about the cheapest location for new travelers like himself and the state of the site certainly showed it. Dust pulled out a card from his jacket pocket serving as his ID card for his new apartment and walked up the graffiti-laden steps and into the stairwell of the right-most of the shared complexes. Reaching the 6thfloor of the building, Dust walked out into a carpeted hallway, small fluorescent lights dangling from a paneled ceiling, specks and areas of mold sprouting out here and there. A strong smell of urine permeated his nostrils as he walked along the corridor. Every now and then an open door into an apartment room gave a glimpse into the life of its tenants and their past as he made his way towards his room.

Room 361: A scantily clad wolf in a pair of stained panties and a ripped sports bra sat out on her balcony in a broken, fold up lawn chair, a large Cuban cigar firmly placed into her maw. Her eyes were half-closed, dazed and forlorn as she reached a paw out to a china table at her side, clutching the can of a cold beer, and raising it to her lips. Her slender legs were propped on the metal balcony of her perch, her toes crinkling and bending as the high winds of the city chilled her bones and reinforced her solidarity. Room 364: A pencil-thin African wild dog in a fancy business suit sat at a wooden desk in the far reaches of his room, a small desk lamp providing an eerie glow over the eyes of the tired office worker. His forepaw shaking and quivering as he briefly sipped at a cup of espresso, he scribbled and jotted away at a ledger of numbers and other monetary expenses. A small portrait of a family photo reflected back on his state of active labor as a man struggling to provide for his family and keep his very vocation itself afloat. Room 365: A German shepherd couple were embracing on the edge of their bed, their arms wrapped around each other in a loving embrace as the man patted his darling's shoulder with a paw. Her eyes were clutched tightly as she lowered her head to the man's back, embracing in the sanctity and comfort of her lover. Finally, Room 369: An open room completely vacant of any tenant, its future, and occupancy, as unknown as that of the traveler who would soon reside there.

Stepping inside, Dust found a quaint hovel of a room, its' plaid wallpapered walls giving away to stains and other cracks in the foundation. Along the floor, freshly pressure-washed carpeting gave off a sweet smell of cleaning chemicals. A small bathroom was situated next to the door of the room while further inside, a wooden dressed stood tall over an empty bed, a cover throw hastily spread over the mattress. At the other end, a sliding glass door led to the balcony of the apartment, overlooking the city. As Dust walked inside and closed the door behind him, he quickly pulled the faded red drapes together, sealing off his view of the urban landscape below. Looking back over his room, Dust gave off a sigh of relief, put his suitcase on the bed, and walked into the bathroom. Flipping on a light switch, the bathroom flickered to life as Dust looked into the mirror to assess his condition. His face was moderately bruised and scraped along his eye and his chin, no doubt where his body had made contact with the hard surface of the road. Stretching his arms out, Dust felt a growing soreness wracking his muscles as he remembered the boar that had pinned him to the ground. He could care less, though. The brute could rot in a jail cell for all the boy cared. The fight was but a distant memory as Dust headed back to his bedroom, stripped down to his boxers, climbed into the bed and pulled the sheets over his body as he drifted off to sleep.

The shaking of bedsprings and the occasional moan of a woman on the floor above woke Dust some time later as he sat up in his bed. Looking around his room, his eyes opened wide as it took him a moment to remember exactly where he was. Then it dawned on him that, indeed, he was not in his former town anymore. He needed to get used to the sights and sounds of the city, regardless of his level of comfort. Stepping out of bed, his claw touched the soft fabric of the carpeting as he stretched his arms into the air. Looking at a small glass clock hung on the wall next to a small closet to the side of his bed, Dust saw the time was 8:05 PM. He felt a rumbling in his stomach as he struggled to remember the last time he had eaten. Still in his boxers, Dust threw open the curtains of the balcony, opened the door, and stepped out onto the concrete walkway.

As if the essence of the city had never ebbed from the day, the nighttime landscape brought its own din of sounds and near-blinding stimuli. Towering office buildings with their scattered lights and moving silhouettes against their windows all signified the late workings of businessmen and women. To his left and right, and even across the street, other tenants and civilians stood on their balconies as well, some working on dimly lit laptop screens, some engrossed in a conversation over hard alcohol, and even some finding solace in the literary fantasies of a novel. Down the street, Dust could see the rushing cars and passersby still populating the shopping districts of the city. Even at night, the city never slept. Dust slid his tail around his thigh as the cold night air rushed against his bare body. In the distance, a loud cat-call echoed in Dust's direction. Rolling his eyes and shaking his head, Dust returned to the confines of his room.

With the light of the city shining into his room, Dust sat on his bed as he opened his suitcase to assess the damage of the documents he had lost. The drake was surprised to find that most of the documents captured by the wind were simple records that he could easily replace with a call to some location in his hometown. It was an inconvenience for sure, but something worth shedding a tear about? Hardly. He breathed a sigh of relief as all his important identification papers were still tightly secured within the manila envelope clipped to the suitcase interior. As Dust began to unclip the envelope and look inside to review his information, a glossy flyer crinkled and pressed into the pile of his windblown papers, caught his eye. Dust unfurled the flyer on his bed and looked over the document. The brochure was printed in a gaudy, neon-glowing format, with large, imposing, Comic Sans-styled lettering taking up a third of the page for the heading alone. The heading and its' subtext read as follows:

"Cielo 69: Grand Opening at 8:00 PM TONIGHT!

"Whether you are itching for love or looking for the next hottest locality in town, our little slice of heaven is here to serve every pressing need of your sexuality and drive! The nation's soon-to-be hottest pleasure club has everything you need for a gentleman's, or a lady's, night out. Premium cocktails, a luxury nude lounge, weekly specials on trending BDSM presentations (with viewer input and participation), private rentable "love rooms" and women's performance showcases are just a handful of the exciting, and sensual experiences Cielo 69 can provide. Couple's or party discounts are also offered! There is always something happening down here at Cielo 69 so remember, at Cielo 69, you don't have to wait for heaven, it's right around the corner!"

Below the large, colored text was an imposing logo of a numbered 69, the ends of the figures stretching out and intertwining with the other in what appeared to be an attempt at erotic symbolism. A large golden halo and white, cartoonish wings were attached to the 6 while two bright red devil horns and a spiked tail were equipped to the 9. At the bottom, a disclaimer about sexual diseases, age of consent, and other valuable information about signing waivers were presented. Dust sat holding the strange flyer in his claw for a moment, his mind staring blankly at the strange logo and the text.

"How in the hell did this thing get in here?" He said to himself as he began to rifle through his case. It was a strange incident indeed. Was it possible that this poster had somehow blown into his case during the scuffle on the street? No, just impossible. Then he remembered the young coyote helping him and her mysterious whispering into his ear.

"Cielo 69. Cielo 69. Cielo... 69?"

Dust found himself repeating the words over and over as he tried to remember just where he had heard that name before. His eyes widened as it hit him. The woman, it was her. Furrowing his brow, Dust thought long and hard about what it was that she had said to him. It was those two simple words. Cielo 69. Casting another glance at the clock, the time now 8:15 PM, Dust found a new path displayed before him. He was a follower and disciple of fate. Dust knew when the stars were aligned in his favor. Quickly donning his clothes once more, Dust rushed out of his room, locking the door behind him as he stumbled down the stairwell. Maybe he still had time to get into the club before the mass influx of people. Hailing a cab that was fortunately parked along the street, Dust climbed in and said two simple words to the driver as he smiled back at Dust and turned his key in the ignition. They were two words the driver had heard countless times that evening, and this young drake's would not be the last.

"Cielo 69."

As traffic came to a sudden halt in the heart of the shopping district, Dust peered over his seat. At the end of the intersection was a massive line of civilians extending and wavering out along the sidewalk, all traced back to a large, grocery-store sized building at the end of the district. Eve from his car, Dust knew this was none other than Cielo 69. Above the bright neon floral patterns and ? and ? symbols protruding from the wall (a bright sea blue for the male and a hot pink for the female), the familiar angelic and devil logo of the club shone back from an elevated, extended platform, of the building. Dust thanked the driver, paid his fare, and quickly jogged towards the line of people. As he neared the mass crowd waiting for their chance at sexual paradise within, Dust could make out the manner of entry for the guests. The entrance seemed to be modeled after a small town movie theater payment, with a ticket-styled tollbooth standing tall in the center with two glass payment windows at the side. Immense, muscular bouncers in fine-pressed pinstripe suits loomed on both sides of the booth. It began to dawn on Dust that he had no idea of how much this excursion would cost him. Would it be possible for him to even find out? There was only way to know for sure. Possibly one of the bouncers would know. He had to hurry as the line seemed to grow and swell with every passing second.

The large-rimmed glasses sunglasses of an arctic wolf begrudgingly down at the young man as Dust approached the bouncer. He spoke.

"Can't you see the line bud? If you're coming to Cielo 69, you gotta wait your turn like everyone else. Either get in line and pay or get out of my sight. I'm working on the job."

The wolf pressed an index digit into Dust's chest, causing Dust to step back. The drake felt a slight irritation boiling within him. If his previous conflict in the day showed anything of his character, it was that he certainly didn't like being pushed around. This time, however, resistance might gift him more than some moderate bruising and scrapes. Dust clenched his claw and regained his composure, as he extended his arms out in front of him and relaxed his posture.

"Look sir, I just came to see what the price was for entrance into the club. I was hoping you could tell me." Dust showed a side of his more timid, private nature as he politely mustered the strength to ask the giant looming lupine.

The wolf reached into his pinstripe attire and pulled out a large laminated sheet of paper and, with a low growl and a shifting tail, handed Dust the paper. Dust's eyes widened as he looked over the club's prices. A single guest entrance into the fee was $75 per person while any additional purchases or attendances to any of the BDSM events or lounge prices were an added cost. Dust lowered his shoulders and handed the paper back to the wolf, promptly ushering him away as the next customer walked up to the tollbooth. Walking to the edge of the sidewalk, Dust sat down on the corner and thought over his predicament, balling his fist and hitting the ground.

"Fuck. No way do I have that kind of cash!"

The more and more frustrated Dust became, the more he realized the hopelessness of his situation. Just as he was on the train that very morning, his predicament reared its ugly head. All he wanted was escape, an escape from his past that was swiftly and forcefully metamorphosing into a sexual escape that grew and grew, tearing at his very soul and making his loins quiver for the escape that awaited him only a handful of feet away. Looking back on the crowd, winding and curving in a serpentine fashion all the way into the street, cars blaring and shouting all the while, Dust knew that others desired this same escape as well. The latex suits, the BDSM chains and whips, even the studded dog collars adorned on some of the increasingly roused, not to mention aroused, customers, all paid testament to this fact. As Dust stood to hail a taxi, his defeat fully evident in his eyes, a finely-manicured furred hand placed itself on Dust's shoulder. A strong smell of jasmine and women's beauty products assaulted his nose.

Turning to this right, Dust was once more face-to-face with the female coyote from this morning. Glancing over her body, Dust was nonetheless shocked to see her standing in a very short apron-styled dress, the rim of her panties barely visible under the white silken fabric of the maid outfit. Ebony-black fishnet stockings were lined against her slender furred legs while sexy dark red high-heel shoes with a sheened polish adorned her feet, the front toe box covering absent, revealing her beautiful and just as manicured and primed as her nails, toes. The lips of her muzzle were glazed in a sparkling cherry-red lipstick garnish. On her apron was embroidered the logo of the club while a small, unassuming nametape with the name "Trix" was neatly pinned to her breast. Her pearl-white canines flashed in the night as she spoke, a delicate mint fragrance emanating from her mouth.

"So you did decide to come, didn't you handsome? I was hoping you would. After that bang-up job that asshole on the street did to you, I honestly had my doubts. Well, come on in, I'll give the word to ol' "stick-up-his-ass" over there."

Trix turned away from Dust as he watched in amazement as the young woman he had seen this morning walked over the large wolf and directed his attention to Dust, who gave a quick salute in response. The wolf put his large, furred paws on his hips as he argued with Trix for a moment, the latter stomping her foot and flattening her ears. The wolf rolled his eyes, and Trix gestured towards Dust with a quick whistle. Walking over to Trix, Dust gave a thumbs up and a wink to the wolf, another growl developing in his throat.

"Good boy," said a very coy Dust as he reached up and patted the flaring nose of the wolf, him narrowing his eyes and staring back at the young drake. Trix reached her paw out to Dust as she looked at the bouncer.

"What's the matter, Dean? Everyone deserves a slice of heaven every now and then."

Trix shook her ass side-to-side and flicked her tail at the bouncer as Dust and the young coyote headed into the club through a revolving door behind the ticket booth. What Dust found inside was beyond stunning. The sound-proof walls of the club outside gave way to a stereo pumping experience inside. A large dance floor extended out before the drake and coyote as an immense club awaited them. On the dancefloor was a crowd of patrons, some fully clothed while others were hastily skimming down their undergarments, much to the dismay of the security who quickly absconded the rowdy individuals. On both sides of the large floor was a lounging area lined with red velvet chairs and pole dancers elevated in the center, all eloquently twisting and twirling their bodies in unfathomable, and rather obscene, positions. Some of the nude patrons were casting showers of money at them, while others were quickly masturbating and clearly enjoying the show. Some of the more unruly patrons were being pushed back by similarly clad pinstripe bouncers who bordered the platforms that the dancers were performing on.

At the back end of the expansive club were two large ornately decorated doors set in the middle of the wall with two circular ship's window-like glass surfaces etched into the frame of each. A bouncer stood watch in the center of the doorway. Near the back wall was a large roped-off area with an elaborate tarp draped over an enormous tent that led into another portion of the building. A sign next to the tented area signified it as the nude lounge and BDSM nightly expo event. Already, a line was forming along the roped area, with some of the bouncers directing the customers to a locker room inside where they could disrobe and enjoy the fruits of sheer nudity. Others were quickly unfurling ball gags, anal plugs, and other delightful sexual apparatuses that were being inspected by the bouncers before being ushered in as well. Finally, along the left-most portion of the club extended a long bar with retro-styled stools lined against a crystal clear bar counter. Rows and rows of expensive vodkas, fine liquors, and imported craft beers sat majestically along a lit display counter. Along the bar, some patrons were busily sipping at martinis and cocktails, while others were already passed out, their faces pressed up against the bar while the bartender walked back and forth, tending to each customer, sober or otherwise.

Awestruck at the extensive features of the club, he looked at Trix once more as she gave him a wink and blew him a kiss.

"Have fun, big boy!" She said to him as she sauntered off towards a staff room hidden in one of the less-populated corners of the bar.

Unsure of where to begin, Dust started to walk toward the set of the pole dancers (two women and one man at each set) on the left side, still engrossed in their elaborate and exotic dances. The women wore thinly-fabricated pasties on their breasts along with scantily clad-thongs while the man was bare-chested, showcasing rippling sinewy muscle. He was nude except for a tight pair of speedos, a prominent bulge pressing out at the center. They were all were just as beautiful, and Dust was unsure of which attracted him the most. Perhaps the most alluring of all was the leftmost dancer, a very curvaceous bear who was sauntering back and forth along her platform. She was a large brown-furred woman with hips that could quite literally crush the skull, and the sexual drive, of any man. Her belly was as plump as her thighs and nicely filled out the one-piece swimsuit she wore as she extended long, thick legs out to the audience in front of her, some running up and kissing her legs and feet before being ushered back by security. She bent over and reared her ass to the audience as she slapped a massive paw to one of her cheeks, sending ripples of fur-covered fat jiggling up and along her thigh. On the right was a very slender lioness who crouched and performed a very seductive stalking motion with her body. She was wearing a thong while a handful of different colored piercings lined her belly and waist. Her tail, adorned in a tassel with a brass bell, swayed back and forth as her audience was all but mesmerized by the feline's grandeur. Her tawny fur was a sight to behold as different tattoos and tribal-styled markings seemingly traced along her body, and up to eyes that reflected the nature of a hunter amidst the urban jungle, she found herself in. Last but not least, and an adding the masculine mix to the fray, was an intensively muscular long-eared orange-furred rabbit, flexing and thrusting his very prominent bulge out towards the audience as he performed on the center platform. Upon closer inspection, Dust noted that a little pool of moisture had built up along the trip of the bulge on his speedo. If you are going to perform a job, you may as well enjoy what you do after all.

As Dust looked on, he felt an arousal growing in his slacks as the three performers worked their magic for the customers. He wanted to feel the rippling curves of that bear, the slender muzzle and rope-like tail of the lioness, and perhaps most of all, the prominent bulge of the well-equipped rabbit. As Dust stepped closer to the platforms, transfixed by their beauty, some drunk (and perhaps even high) customers began shouting at the young drake, their view suddenly disrupted. Quickly moving out of the way, Dust made his way over to the bar where he propped himself up on one of the barstools and began to further assess the entirety of what Cielo 69 had to offer. Behind the bar, an elderly tiger in a tuxedo hastily moved back and forth as he restocked the shelf of alcohols. Dust noticed that the bar was most noticeably empty, with all the customers having now moved onto the dancefloor to engage in the next head-banging pop sensation blaring from the overhead speakers. Lost in his observation of the rest of the club, Dust was startled in his seat when he heard a hoarse and gruff voice from behind the bar.

"What can I get for you son?"

It was the old tiger. His frame was somewhat bent and crooked as the orange, and black stripes of his fur gave way to grizzled, silvery streaks of aged hair. His tail had a couple of kinks here and there as it drug along the back floor of the bar while his left eye was half-closed in a permanent wince. His aged appearance belied his warm smile spreading across an equally-wizened muzzle. His tuxedo was finely pressed while a heavy whiff of cologne permeated off his frame. Dust looked up the elderly gentleman as he fumbled with his words, his mind still captured by the beauty of the pole-dancers nearby.

"Um... well, you know..."

Dust ran a claw around his horns as he hastily looked over wide variety of beverages on the shelf, all of the exotic and expensive sounding labels and names lost on him. Before Dust could speak, the elderly gentleman held up a shaking paw and smiled.

"No worries friend. You can just sit here and relax. You seem like a pretty level-headed guy. I can't say that about everyone who comes here to the club. Most folks don't have any cash left after tipping the dancers. My girls and boys sure know how to work their shift, that's for sure!"

The tiger let out a gruff laugh as he held out an index digit towards the pole dancing lioness across the club, her blowing a kiss back at the man in return. The elder put down the china glass he was rubbing down with a soft towel, walked out around the edge of the bar, and sat down on a bar stool next to the young drake. He put a paw around Dust's shoulder as he spoke once more.

"So. I have to ask. What brings you to all people here to Cielo 69? You don't come across as the kind of person who... well, "frequents" these types of establishments. Let me guess, Trix right?"

At this statement, he let out another laugh as he patted Dust on the shoulder, the latter nodding in agreement as he began to think about the circumstances leading up to that day. The tiger spoke again.

"Hoo boy, that Trix I tell ya. She has a knack for knowing what people want. She's one of my best dancers as well, second only to Kaz I have to say."

He pointed a clawed finger at the voluptuous bear on the platform.

"Well, cmon on now son, let's hear it. You didn't come here by chance did you?"

Dust turned around to face the old man, his focus returning to the conversation at hand as he began to remember just why he was seen in this town, to start. He put a claw on the tiger's shoulder as he spoke.

"No, sir. It wasn't by chance. It was by fate, and that is something I wholeheartedly believe. I came to this town looking for answers, my own personal answers to everything I've been through up to this point. Cielo 69 was just another step in this journey for me. However, now that I'm here, I'm not really sure what I came to look for."

A perplexed expression drew across the elder's face as Dust began to speak. Dust told his story. The relationship with his lover, the affair, the fallout, the hopes of finding sanctity, comfort, and eventually sexual release in this city, every single detail he bore before the bartender. As minutes turned into hours, the two gentlemen shared stories of relationships, troubled times, and their personal hopes and dreams of their aspirations. Dust learned that this bartender was not simply someone employed by the club himself. He was, in fact, the owner of the establishment and was serving his duties as a bartender to keep watch of the happenings within his domain. He was not one to manage from behind an office chair in a secluded backroom. He wanted to view the life of excitement and sexual fulfillment that he hoped he could establish with his club. You see, the old man was also a believer in fate. It was for that reason he and Dust hit it off so well. To many people, Cielo 69 was just another club in the midst of the city. But for those who listened, for those who actually believed in a little thing called fate, something else, awaited them there. Amidst the conversation between the two unlikely friends, Dust laughed and showed a lighter side to his personality, a side that was all but absent from him that morning on the train.

"Dust, you do understand what "Cielo" stands for right?"

Dust looked up at the tiger as the man's expression hardened and solidified into a blank stare. Dust replied:

"Yes, it means "Heaven" in Spanish."

"That is correct. A Heaven on Earth is what I have tried to create here for those just like you. What you see all around you is not the paradise I imagined, it is simply a pretense for something much, much greater. When I look at you Dust, I see someone troubled by your past. You are a young man running away from the past that you can never change."

The tiger leaned in close to Dust, the latter's eyes widening as he listened.

"Dust, you may not be able to change the past, but you can create the future. Look at yourself my friend, you are a handsome young man thriving in your youth. Your lover, that dragon you loved with every fiber of your being, he is gone. You have to accept that. The memories that you two made together, no matter how shallow or ephemeral they were, they were memories to you nonetheless. Take those memories with you into the future. Tonight, I want to give you that opportunity. Tonight, I want you to show me how much you loved that dragon, by learning to love yourself. Love for oneself and one's past, present, and future is just one way to Heaven on the path of life Dust, and here at Cielo 69, fate shows her hand in just that way. Follow me Dust, and I shall take you to what only a few patrons here have ever experienced; Heaven's Gate.

Before Dust could speak. The elderly tiger had taken the drake by the claw and was leading him through the crowd of party-goers. Back, back they went, farther and farther along the floor until they reached the ornate doors in the back. As the pair approached the guarding bouncer, he bowed and stepped aside to open the doors, an expansive blackness extending out past the doorway. Dust looked up at the tiger with a worrisome expression on his face. In his mind, Dust was wondering just what kind of mess he had gotten himself into. However, here he was, and whatever kind of experience was waiting for him within that expanse beyond, he was going to take it. Deep down, he trusted this gentleman and followed him forward past the doorway. As the doors shut behind them, sealing the drake and tiger in pitch blackness, the reverberating sounds, screams, and pulsating techno beats of the club suddenly died away. Then, the path opened up before them.

In progression, a series of overhead lights flickered on in front of them, extending down along white-washed corridor completely devoid of any features or textures. At the end, a wooden, unassuming door with a brass knob stood like a sentry over a blankness expanse. Dust followed the tiger as they reached the end. The elder turned to Dust as the silence of the corridor surrounded them.

"Now Dust, put your hand on this knob. What do you feel?"

Following in his direction, the drake placed a claw on the knob. Dust felt a quick shock reverberating throughout his body as the knob began to shake and rattle. A warming heat spread out from the knob and traveled all through Dust's body as he thrust his hand back in surprise.

"You see Dust, everyone feels something different when they touch this door. What lies beyond it, well, it's a different slice of heaven for everyone. Now that you have touched this door, you and only you can go inside. Of course, in the future, someone may find something else waiting for them behind this door. Tonight, though, you are the recipient of its power. However, you must make me a promise. What you see tonight is a secret that only you can know, you must not speak of this experience, or what lies beyond this door, to anyone. This is my gift to you and you are the sole recipient. Do you understand?"

Dust nodded in agreement as the tiger ushered him onwards. Dust took a deep breath, clutched the warm knob in his claw once more, opened the door and stepped inside with closed eyes. When his eyes opened, Dust was standing in the midst of a large and luxuriously decorated bedroom. The walls were lined in a floral wallpaper which elaborately extended around all corners of the room. Dangling from the ceiling was a large crystal chandelier, a variety of candles casting an ambient glow around the chamber. On the left side of the room was a brick fireplace, a roaring and crackling fire raging within. A checkered coffee sat in front, with a silver platter of some confectionaries and a bottle of wine with some fine china glasses. Among the cozy setting was a large leather sofa lovingly draped in an exquisite Persian fabric, a similar pattern to the carpeting that filled the room. Finally, and no doubt the centerpiece of the entire room, was a large queen size bed that stood in the very center. It was truly a work of pure craftsmanship. It exhibited a beautiful, carved cherry wood frame while a draped canopy with silken, semi-transparent, sheets flowed down the sides.

As Dust's mouth stood agape in this seemingly five-star hotel quality of a bedroom in a downtown club, he turned around to ask the tiger what this set piece was for. As he turned to face the door, he was met with the same floral wall that surrounded the rest of the room. The door was gone, as was any sign of the elderly gentleman who had ushered him in. Just then, Dust felt a chill running up and down his spine as his serpentine tail quickly wrapped up underneath him. It was then that Dust looked down to fins his earlier attire completely absent. In fact, he was stark naked as his penis lay flaccid against his groin. Dust's clawed feet nervously dug into the carpeting as his nervousness began to build. Thrusting his claws to his groin and once more looking around the room, Dust hastily made his way to the fireplace and crouched down to warm himself.

"That old man has got to be shitting me! This can't possibly be real. I bet that asshole stuck something in my drink!"

As much as Dust wanted to believe in the aspect of a dream, he couldn't deny the feeling of his claws against his bright blue skin and the warmth of the fire permeating throughout his body and his feet. Just then, the sound of a pressing mattress spring resonated in his ears. Dust shot around in the direction of the bed. Through the transparency of the sheets and amidst the low-lit environment, Dust could make out the silhouette of a figure propped up against the pillows on the bed. The size and stature of the character seemed too small to be that of the old feline but it was still too hard to tell, especially because the figure was on the opposite side of the bed. Dust yelled out as his heart began to race, fear and anxiety permeating his body.

"Who the fuck is here!? Old man, I swear to God this isn't funny anymore!"

Dust rose to his knees and raced towards the side of the bed closest to the fireplace, threw out a shaking claw at the sheets, the silkiness of the fabric almost slipping through his digits, and forcefully parted it, revealing the figure inside. The world seemed for Dust as he saw who the figure was. Inside, casually facing Dust on his side, one clawed hand propped up on his elbow and resting on a luxuriant fluffy pillow, was another similarly blue-shaded drake. Dust traced the dark blue horns from the drake's head down to violet eyes, half-closed in a smug and almost domineering stare, and finally down his waist to a serpentine tail that twitched every which way in excitement. The drake's groin exhibited a very aroused bright blue penis with a darker shaded front, the entire organ displayed proudly before Dust. This unknown figure lying before Dust was none other than... himself.

"What... the... fuck."

Dust's words were emotionless and blank as the clone of the young drake sat up on the bed. The clone spoke, eliciting a sudden shock in Dust as the clone's voice was an exact replica of the young drake, albeit with a firm and almost seductive tone.

"Surprised to see me handsome? Welcome to your little slice of heaven."

The clone stepped off the bed and walked around to Dust, the former backing up and putting his claws out in front of him in a vain attempt to keep his uncanny doppelganger at bay. He kept moving away from the clone until hs felt his tail touching the wall. The clone stopped in front of him and thrust out his own claws, pinning Dust to the wall and moving his muzzle in closer.

"What's the matter, big boy? You look like you've seen a ghost. Man, you sure as hell don't know a good thing when you see it do you? After all, I'm your little slice of heaven for tonight!"

Dust began to slide down the floor as the clone bent down as well.

"Such a cute little drake you are. Man, I never realized just how sexy I was until now."

Still speechless, Dust watched as the clone placed his claws on Dust's chest and began to knead them. Dust couldn't understand why, but he thought back to the words of the old man. Was this what he meant by loving himself? As the clone rubbed and kneaded the shoulders of the young drake, Dust began to feel a sense of familiarity and ease overcoming his body, regardless of how utterly fantastical and asinine the whole situation was. As Dust slumped to the floor, his legs extending out before him, the clone bent down to his knees and began to rub his clawed fingers up and down Dust's feet, feeling the rough, callused reptilian skin on the back of each toe. The clone drew a claw up Dust's right leg as he began to shiver, a strange sense of pleasure and arousal growing over him. He felt his dick rising and hardening, a sight that the clone noticed as well as he put a claw down onto Dust's penis and began to massage the base, working up and down towards the tip.

"That's a good boy Dust. Tonight, I want to show you just how much you should love yourself. And I'll do this for you, regardless if you want me to... or not!"

With a sudden press, the clone squeezed the hardening tissue of Dust's member and forcefully hoisted the young drake up onto the shoulders of his clone. The clone's grip was tight and fierce, exhibiting a strength that Dust never knew he had. The clone carried Dust to the bed and forcefully threw him onto the sheets before leaping onto his chest, the pressure nearly taking Dust's breath away.

"Tonight my little man, you are going to be my fucktoy!"

Dust was surprised to find himself smiling as the clone reached down towards Dust's snout.

"Open wide Dust! I want to taste every inch of you tonight".

Dust opened his maw as a wet, salivating dark blue tongue flicked its way out of the clones' mouth. Dust looked at the very thick and wet organ that began to draw up and down his chest, sending dribbles of saliva trailing down his body. It was sticky and made Dust ever so horny. Still being pressed down on by the clone, Dust used all his strength to lean up towards the clone, his head lowered down to his chest and licking Dust's. Dust raised his claw and began to rub the horns of the clone. The horns were rough and chipped in some places, their texture and feel intensifying Dust's pleasure as he put his own tongue onto one of the clone's horns and draped it up and down the rough, keratinized surface. As he did so, the clone released his hold on Dust, allowing him to move his claws up to the clone's head. Dust took a deep breath of the male pheromones and scent of the doppelganger as the drake rubbed his clone's spikey horns, feeling the sensation of pleasuring oneself in an entirely new way. Once more, the clone grabbed Dust by the shoulders and held his muzzle close to his own, their snouts touching as their nostril flared back and forth, breathing in the essence of the other. As their violet eyes stared into each other's very soul, the clone spoke to Dust.

"Look at yourself, Dust. Don't you see what a beautiful person you are? You could make any man or woman happy. Of course..."

The clone looked down at Dust's erection as he continued.

"...I just what a horny boy you are for men."

The two drakes leaned closer to their mouths as the clone opened his mouth to flick his tongue at Dust. With a smile, Dust spread his own and titled his head as his own tongue entered into the clone's. Their saliva mixed and melded as the two drake's kissed the rim of each other's mouths. As Dust leaned away and retracted his tongue, the clone held his face in front of him, stopping Dust from retreating.

"I'm not through with you yet my friend."

The clone raised a clawed finger and gently probed around Dust's lips, separating his mouth and inserting a digit inside to probe around. Dust felt his eyes closing as the clone's fingers moved back and forth, his long claw tickling Dust's tongue and brushing his teeth. In a move that surprised the clone, dust reached his claws up to the finger inside his mouth and held it taught, fighting back against the force of the clone who tried to pull it out. The clone gave a slight chuckle. Using his tongue, Dust probed around the finger of the clone and began to suck hard as he closed his lips around the finger, gently nibbling against the skin. As he did so, he felt the clone once more pinning him to the bed. With further strength, Dust removed the finger of the clone and began to insert other digits into his mouth, sucking and salivating on each and every one. With his free hand, the clone reached down and once more began to massage Dust's standing member, tickling the base of his shaft with an extended claw. As he did so, he wrapped his claw around the penis and began to pump up and down, slow and steady at first, before rapidly increasing his motion. Trickles of semi-permeable liquid were now starting to form, trickling down Dust's dick and onto his waist.

Amidst his tasting of the clone, Dust felt his breathing growing heavier and heavier as a pulsating heat began to build and well within his chest. The pressure rose, reaching a climax as the young drake's hips began to thrust back and forth, shaking the foundation of the best. Squeezing his anus together, Dust prepared for his release as he loosened his oral grip on the clone's fingers. Still soaked in the saliva of his original, the clone placed his claw over the tip of Dust's penis and extended his digits around the penis, forming a cover. The previously clear-fluid was now dribbling with a whitish precum. It was sticky and warm to the touch. The clone spoke.

"That's right Dust. Show me what a man you are. Take me to heaven tonight. Go on boy, show me what you've got!"

Dust began to edge his climax, clenching the muscles of his sphincter and tensing his abs in an effort to prolong the release of his seed. Faster and faster his heart beat raced as the intense pressure mounting in his dick became unbearable. He could hold on no longer. Dust opened his mouth and groaned as he released his abdominal muscles and let his sperm splatter along the underside of his clone's claw, the mucous substance permeating and seeping through the clone's fingers before dripping down onto Dust's waist and onto the lavish blankets of the bed. Dust used his rapidly relaxing muscles to thrust the clone's cum-soaked claw onto his face, feeling the hot muck of his load pooling on his face. Taking one of the clone's fingers, Dust plopped one into his mouth, the former's tongue rimming around the edges of the finger and tasting the sweet, salty essence of his being. He closed his mouth as he soaked on the finger, swallowing his seed. His strength began to fade as the aftereffects of his orgasm began to overcome him.

Seizing the opportunity, the clone removed his hand and put a sticky claw underneath Dust's head as it began to lower to the bed. Dust's eyes began to close as the clone leaned in close to Dust, his hot breath whispering into the young drake's ear, every word reverberating and echoing throughout Drake's mind.

"There we go. That wasn't so hard now, was it? Now listen to me Dust, and listen well. You will release yourself from your past and your ordeals. You have shown me what a handsome man you are. If you can love yourself, you can love anyone. Take what you have felt tonight and move on with your life. Don't look back and don't let your past bind you. Tonight, you have stepped foot past Heaven's Gate and into a realm of realization and sexual fulfillment. You have taken the first step in truly loving yourself. Now sleep, little drake, and remember, I will always be watching over you.

As the clone finished his words, ending in a quick kiss on Dust's warm and sweaty face, the drake closed his eyes as the visage of his counterpart smiled back at him, the soft, warm glow from the overhead lighting casting a brilliant, almost angelic, backlight on his body. Dust smiled back as the world went blank. Sometime later, Dust's eyes opened to reveal the stained and weathered wallpaper of his apartment. He was wearing his attire from the morning. Outside, the rising sun cast a brilliant glow on the office buildings towards the shopping district, the sounds of morning traffic echoing through the walls. A hazy morning mist was rising up through the gaps in the adjacent buildings and pouring out into the streets, adding an air of mystery to the morning rush hour traffic.

Dust sat up in his bed as he put a claw to his forehead. He felt as if every muscle in his body had been thoroughly massaged. His mind seemed clear, and he immediately remembered what had transpired at Cielo 69, the mysterious elderly tiger, and the even more mysterious doppelganger. However, the young drake couldn't help wondering if it was merely a dream; a product of his wracked mind and pervading thoughts of his past. Turning his head to the bed, Dust saw a small slip of paper neatly folded up and placed underneath the bed lamp. Taking it in his claw, Dust unfurled it to be none other than a receipt for Cielo 69. The service paid was for was known as "Heaven's Gate." A sharp black line was drawn through the wording, reaching out across the receipt and out to large bolded words that showed a price of $0.00 and the words "VOID" written in an elegant flourish.

Placing the receipt I his coat pocket, Dust stepped onto the floor of his apartment, stretching and craning his neck and rotating his claws, waking them from a very restful slumber he had not felt in ages. Stepping out onto the balcony, Dust breathed in the aroma of the city, a mix of gasoline, charcoal burners, and fresh roasting coffee from the adjacent apartment. It wasn't the smell of the birch trees, bright wildflowers, and rippling brooks of the pastoral setting he found in his old home, but it was a home for him regardless. Dust raised a claw to his forehead, shielding himself from the brilliant light of the sun as the young man looked down the alleyway towards the rushing traffic. As he strained his eyes and pushed his head forward out along the balcony, Dust imagined he could see a similarly-dressed brightly-colored drake walking along the intersection. Dust only smiled as he walked back into his apartment, closed the door behind him, and set out for a new life in a city where futures were made.