For Teh Record

Story by Husky_fan5 on SoFurry


Sweat was dripping from his face as he loaded his last mag into his gun. The sound of shouts and cries of pain from the enemy are all behind him as he crouches behind a cement road block. He ducks as low as he can as he hears bullets snapping all around him. He gets the thought that this is the end when he sees a flash bang on one of his fallen comrade's equipment vest. He quick grabs it, pulls the pin, and while he holds down the safety lever, he whispers to himself, "God help me." He throws it behind him over the crumbling cement block and waits till he hears the deafening bang. He quickly runs to a nearby ally way when he hears the enemy crying in pain from the blinding light. He makes it through the narrow passage into an open square filled with apartment buildings all around it. He starts toward what looked to him like a way out when he saw some shadows in up ahead in the moon light. Not knowing if it was the enemy or the Delta team his radio man called for before being shot in the back three times, he shouted out "STAR!" He waited for them to respond with Texas as a sign to show that they are friendly, but the mysterious shadows responded by shooting at his direction. He quickly started running back to the ally way where he came from but as soon as he turned around, he felt a sharp twisting pain in his ankle which caused him to fall to the ground. After crawling a few feet, he turned himself over to see two hostile soldiers grabbing his legs and arms and tying him up. As they started to pick him up, he slowly blacked out due to blood lose.