A Night to Remember -Commission-

Story by SurryKitten on SoFurry

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#10 of Commissions

Everyone needs to a live a little sometimes. Cherokee Bluefeather decides to do just that by taking an exotic dance class. Not only does she learn how to dance, she also gets to try out her skills at a real strip club. It was all fun and games until she saw Sorin across the room.

Commission done for whitewolfmoonhowl

I hope you all enjoy! Feedback is always appreciated.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Cherokee Bluefeather pulled her car into the parking lot, watching as the red light from the neon signs above illuminated her hood. She was stressed and worn out, even slightly fatigued, but she quickly got out of her car, clicking her heels toward the main entrance to join her friends inside.

Once she was past the bouncer, she saw two of the other teachers perched at the bar, each clenching desperately to a drink in their hands. With a smile, she approached them, placing her purse onto the bar top before taking her seat on the stool.

"Oh good! You survived!" A raccoon two seats down chuckled, taking a sip of her martini before gently swirling the contents.

Judging from the line of glasses starting to form, Cherokee could see that the raccoon was working on her third drink.

"Yeah, barely." Cherokee chuckled, feeling tired as she sank further into the seat and finally relaxed her muscles.

Cherokee glanced over at Mrs. Whittaker who sat directly to her right and saw that the fellow history teacher had bags under her eyes as she sipped on a tall mixed drink.

"How did things go for you?" Cherokee asked the female next to her.

Mrs. Whittaker was a beautiful, curvy mare with black and white spots all over her body. She almost resembled an equine version of a Dalmatian. She taught seventh grade history, and even though Cherokee taught a grade above her, the two females were still great friends.

"Honestly, it wasn't that bad. I've had worse years, but it's really stressful and draining having to hear how special and talented each student is from every parent, especially when the kids aren't that bright to begin with."

"Oh, I hear you." Cherokee replied, watching as the handsome bartender approached her.

He stood a head taller than her, and as he smiled, she reframed from biting her bottom lip and commenting out loud on his stunning appearance. He was a well-groomed bear with a burly frame and a soft voice, but his muscles spoke volumes.

"What can I get for you?" He asked, and Cherokee had to clear her throat to reply.

"May I have a Bom Pop?" She asked, hoping he would know what it was, because she didn't want to explain.

"Of course. That's one of my favorites too." He smirked, giving her a wink before walking to the other end of the bar to mix her drink.

"What is that?" The raccoon asked, peeking around the equine.

The raccoon's name was Elizabeth Bridges. Mrs. Bridges taught eight grade math only a door down from Cherokee, and she often left the classroom to go to the teacher's lounge, especially during tests. She claimed it was because she needed caffeine, but Cherokee had a sneaking suspicion that Mrs. Bridges was having an affair with Mr. Richardson, the eighth grade science teacher. They were always spotted talking together and sneaking through the halls.

"Oh, well it's like one of those rocket pops you can get in the store. You know the ones. They're red, white, and blue popsicles. The drink tastes almost the same and has the same coloring. I'm not sure what it has in it, but it's definitely delicious." Cherokee smiled, watching as the bartender approached her with the patriotic filled glass in hand.

"There you go. Enjoy." He said tenderly before making his way back down the bar to take orders.

Picking up her drink, Cherokee looked forward, spotting herself in the mirror behind the bar. She could make out her reflection in-between two bottles of flavored vodka, and she took a swig of her drink, letting out a soft moan as the sweet and tangy taste erupted over her tongue.

Cherokee was a fetching Liger. She had sandy brown fur with dark brown stripes over the tops of her arms and tail. Additionally, more stripes were diagonally streaked across her hips and over her beautiful face. Her figure was nothing short of eye catching with her lovely, wide hips that were perfect for child bearing and her tiny waist. Her breasts were perky B cups pushed higher on her chest, tucked inside her bra and barely peaking above her shirt collar. Since she had just left the school, she was wearing a long skirt that stretched all the way to her calves and a button up white blouse that strained around her hips and chest. She had unfastened the top two buttons, showing off the beginning of her cleavage that was almost blocked completely by her long, brown hair that swayed over her shoulders and stretched down to her legs. However, the real catch to her body was her bright blue eyes. They were mesmerizing with the soft shade of the Pacific Ocean, and she often caught people staring deeply into them.

"You know, we should really talk to the principal about getting rid of the parent-teacher crap. Why do we do it anyway? All I ever hear is that it's my fault their kid is failing even though I give them every opportunity for extra credit." The raccoon sighed, chugging on her fourth martini.

"Oh, that's not even the worst part. The worst part is trying to tell a parent that their child is a bully in class, and the parent then turns around and blames you for the kid's behavior, or even worse, they don't care that their child is bullying another. Most the time, they don't even believe me. Usually, the parents are worse than the kids in my eyes. They all think that the kids can do no wrong, or their child is an angel." The mare added, shaking her head in frustration as she finished off her first drink.

"Not to mention the kids don't even want to pay attention anymore, and they always want the easy way out. None of the kids want to actually earn a good grade or learn. It's really saddening." Cherokee added, sipping on her drink as she swayed her tail behind her, keeping it curled on the end to make sure that it didn't touch the floor below.

"There is this one rotten kid in my class that always disrupts the lesson, and he is constantly trying to bully others. His parents actually tried to bribe me into giving him a good grade. They offered me a hundred dollars." Mrs. Bridges laughed, crinkling her nose while looking over at the other two females with amusement in her eyes. "I might get fired, but I told them it would take a lot more than a hundred dollars for me to give a kid like that an A. They left pretty pissed off."

The mare smirked, raising her right eyebrow. "I can top that. There is this little girl in my class that always sits in the front and acts as if she pays attention. I thought she was just a good student until I caught her in the school after hours on my computer. She had watched me type in my password while she was at my desk for a question. She was selling answer keys of my tests to other students. I tried to tell her parents, but her father just snickered and rubbed the girl's head, calling her 'my little business woman'"

"Daaaaamn..." Both Cherokee and Elizabeth replied at the same time, staring at Mrs. Whittaker in expressions that mirrored disbelief.

Glancing back at the mirror behind the bar, Cherokee stared at her reflection before lifting her glass to her soft lips. She was looking back into her own eyes, admiring how blue they were in the dim lights of the bar, but something caught her eye. A streak of red entered through the door, but as she turned her head to see who or what it was, the figure was gone, disappeared into the darkness of one of the back corners. She would have looked harder, but her thoughts were interrupted by the mare beside her. Turning her head back to her friend, Cherokee listened intently.

"How about you Cherokee?" Mrs. Whittaker asked, looking at the Liger with her beautiful brown eyes.

"Oh, well. I don't think mine was as bad as yours, but I was just asked too many questions all night. I must have answered over three hundred, but I think the worst thing was being accused of seducing one of my students. The mother said that my blouses are too low, and she caught her son pleasuring himself to a picture of a liger that resembled me. Since I am the same species as the porn star, it must be my fault, right? She basically said I was the reason her son discovered porn, and now, she can't get him to stop playing with himself. I told her to put mittens on his hands when he goes to bed. I don't think she appreciated it too much."

Both the raccoon and the mare burst into laughter, almost falling off of their stools as they rocked back and forth, holding their stomachs. Cherokee smiled, starting to chuckle herself. It had been rather ridiculous, but she hadn't seen how stupid the mother had been until she saw the other teacher's reactions.

"Well, you are one of the sexiest teachers in the whole school. I guess it's not too far of a stretch." Mrs. Bridges replied, winking toward Cherokee.

"You got that right." Mrs. Whittaker retorted.

Blushing slightly, Cherokee looked forward once more, sipping the last drops of the blue liquid in her cup. Truthfully, she was one of the only teachers still single. She was just twenty-five, but often times, she wondered if she was ever going to find someone in the small town of Riften.

"You know, you should put that sexy body to work some time. You're wasting it teaching all day and just going home at night." The raccoon cooed, waving her arm over the bar to get the bartender's attention.

The bear peeked over his shoulder and smiled, making his way back to Elizabeth. They began to talk to one another, and Cherokee glanced at the equine, still slightly blushing from the complements.

"Well, I... I don't get sexy much. I mean, what would I do? If the parents found out I was sleeping around or something, I could lose my job. It's a small town, and you know that rumors get started easily." Cherokee whispered, blushing even more as the bartender placed a bluish-green drink in front of her.

Cherokee looked puzzled at the drink and then toward the bear until he gestured with a head nod toward the raccoon.

The mare sighed and rolled her eyes. "Who cares? You're young. You need to live a little before you become like Elizabeth and me. Look, we're forty-five and both miserable teaching little brats." The mare smirked, pointing to the large cup in front of the liger. "Drink up."

"What is it?" Cherokee asked.

Leaning forward, the raccoon smirked. "It's called an Adios Mother Fucker."

All three females giggled together, and Cherokee turned up her glass, beginning to drink the delicious, sweet nectar that landed on her tongue. She could hardly taste any alcohol, but by the middle of her second one, she was feeling rather tipsy.

By the end of their visit, all three females were getting light headed. Cherokee's thoughts began to wander, and she noticed from time to time that the bartender would slip her a sideways glance. She speculated briefly if he was checking her out or admiring her, but she wasn't going to ask. Honestly, she was still a bit shy even under the heavy influence of alcohol, and as they began to leave, the mare gripped Cherokee's arm, swinging her to the left to make her face a long pin board by the main entrance. The board scanned the entire corner of the wall, and the mare pointed toward a neon pink sheet of paper with a giggle.

"Oh my god, Cherokee! You need to do this. You'd be so good at it!"

The raccoon leaned forward, squinting her drunken eyes to read the paper, and once the words came into view and she fully comprehended them, she nodded in response to what the mare had said, agreeing with every word. "You totally should!"

Biting her bottom lip, Cherokee read the large words in bold cursive: "Exotic Dancing Classes. Experienced pole dancing lessons." There was even a number to call at the bottom, and Cherokee bit her bottom lip harder, almost breaking the skin. She had secretly always wanted to learn how to dance in such a sexual manner, but she was too shy. With her mind already clouded, Cherokee ripped one of the tabs from the bottom of the sheet and stuffed the slip of paper into her pocket.

"I totally will!" She giggled, wobbling a bit as she walked toward the door.

Both of the older teachers walked out ahead of Cherokee, leaving her leaned against the wall for a moment. She started to step forward, and as she did, the door began to close. She thought that it was going to hit her, but another streak of red shot out from behind her shoulder, stopping the door from coming any closer.

"Oh." She said softly, trying to turn her head but finding it almost impossible. "I'm sorry. I'm never like this." She giggled softly.

There was a deep, understanding chuckle behind her, and she bit her bottom lip, feeling as the larger male brushed against her from behind and shut the bar door behind them. Cherokee's friends called her forward, waving her to the Uber they had ordered for the ride home, and her clouded mind forgot all about the red streak.


The next morning, Cherokee opened her eyes to the bright sun streaming in through her bedroom window. Her head was throbbing slightly, and although she hadn't become drunk, she had gotten close. She slowly sat up, stretching as she raised her arms above her head.

Once her stretch was over, she glanced at the clock and groaned seeing that it was already noon. Since it was Saturday, she had no real plans, but she hadn't meant to sleep in so long. She had errands to run, especially one to pick up her car. Of course, she went through her regular morning routine: shower, brush teeth, dry hair, and get dressed. She dressed herself in a pair of shorts and a cute t-shirt, something causal instead of her usual formal attire for school.

As she walked into the living room, she saw that her computer was open on the kitchen counter, and she raised her right eyebrow, wondering how it had gotten there. It was usually in the living room on charge or on her bedside table under a mountain of papers. She walked forward, wiggled the mouse, and saw that the power was surprisingly still on. The screen lit up, immediately illuminating a picture of a woman holding a pole with both hands leaned back with her body arched in a sensual manner. For a moment, Cherokee panicked, thinking that someone had been on her computer, but as her mind shifted into gear, she realized that once she had gotten home from the bar, she had immediately called the number in her pocket. The number had led her to a website, and in her tipsy stupor, she had purchased a class.

"Uh..." She groaned to herself, moving her mouse over to the invoice button.

She considered cancelling it, but just as her mouse hovered over the buttons, she thought for a moment. What was the harm? She had always wanted to do something like that, and she hadn't gotten to feel sexy in a very long time.

"I deserve this!" She cheered to herself with a smile, biting her bottom lip as she wondered what the class would be like and what she could possibly learn.

Typically, she was a woman of routine, doing the same things every day to keep herself organized and on track, but the thought of mixing things up in such a sexual way really interested her, and she giggled happily, feeling a slight tingle in her lower lips.

"Maybe I can even use it in the bedroom with my next mate." She whispered, shrugging as she made her way to the stove to cook breakfast before going to rescue her car.


Over the next eight weeks, Cherokee went to school during the day to be a teacher, but she also went to school at night to be a student. She spent her days teaching young minds about American history, and she spent her nights trying to learn how many separate ways her body could bend and twist. The teacher of the dance class was an exotic dancer herself, showing all the females exactly how to "work the pole."

Honestly, Cherokee had no idea how tough it was to dance for men until she took the class. After the first three days, her abs and legs hurt so much that she considered quitting, but she realized that it must be a good work out, and she powered through the pain, working her hardest to learn, and by the end of the class, she could keep up with the teacher, copying the other female's moves with ease as she gyrated and danced. It made her feel attractive, and it fueled her sexual side, giving Cherokee a sense of confidence that she had never experienced before. Even in her daily life, she was more poised, straightening her posture and asserting herself over others. She secured her dominance in the classroom, completely abolishing any misbehavior from her students, and she even caught herself moving more elegantly, watching her steps and sliding her paws over the board in an almost seductive manner. She wasn't doing it on purpose, but her inner tease had sprung to life during the course of her dancing class, and it was blooming beautifully, almost like lilies in early spring. She felt energized and exotic just as any feline should.

During the last session of her dance class, Cherokee felt saddened knowing that she no longer got to come in and dance. She had actually enjoyed it more than she had ever imagined, and as she gathered her things, she walked up to the teacher, smiling as she swayed her tail from side to side, occasionally flicking the fluffed tip on the end. The teacher was a beautiful Zebra with a small, lean figure. She wasn't very curvy, but she had large breasts to make up for her lack in hip width. Above all, her physique portrayed years of practice and close watch.

"Thank you for having me. I really enjoyed the class." Cherokee said with a smile, blushing as she saw the Zebra glancing down at her wide hips in tight yoga pants, specifically bought for the class.

"You're welcome. It's something I know that a lot of women love to do for their spouses or boyfriends, and I've been a dancer for nearly ten years. I love it, and it's pretty good money." She giggled, glancing into the liger's blue eyes with a slightly lustful glint.

"Well, I really enjoyed it. Maybe I can even use it someday." Cherokee giggled to herself, blushing even more as she felt a bit of sensual tension from the way the Zebra was looking at her.

"You know, you were the best one in the class. If you ever wanted to come dance and make some extra cash, I bet my boss would love to have you. He always loves adding new things to the regular routine. He says it mixes things up. Here, take this." She suggested, smiling brightly as she handed Cherokee a business card.

"Thank you! You have no idea how much that means to me. I may actually take you up on that offer." Cherokee snickered, blushing as she seriously considered becoming a real dancer, if only for just a night. Deep down, she doubted that she ever would though.

"You should." The Zebra winked, picking up her bag as she walked toward the entrance with Cherokee close to her side. "I wrote my cell on the back. Give me a call if you decide to try it out. It can't hurt love."

"Um...just wondering." Cherokee began, biting her bottom lip with a bit of embarrassment swelling in her stomach. "How much do you make a night?" The liger asked softly, curious as to what the actual income for a beautiful and skilled dancer was.

"Honey, come try it and see. It would definitely be worth it." The zebra giggled and swayed her hips, pushing the gym doors open and walking toward her brand new dodge charger.

Staring in a bit of awe, Cherokee could only dream of having a car that nice. Truthfully, there wasn't much that she could buy on a teacher's salary, and as she stared at the zebra wearing top dollar clothes and packing her bags into a fancy car, Cherokee wondered if she too could have those things by showing off a few dancing skills.

"I'll think about it." Cherokee replied, watching the zebra get into her car and pull out of the parking lot.

Glancing down at the card in her paw, Cherokee took in several details. The card was hot pink with a black, high-heeled silhouette clutching onto a pole in the corner. It also had the name "The Sweet Spot" in bold, silver letters etched across the middle. Turning the card over, she could see that the zebra had etched her number into the back with a pencil, making a little heart next to the last digit. She tapped her palm twice with the edge of the card, letting a few ideas roll around in her head. Of course, she had fun doing it in front of other women, but how would she react in an actual crowd? At first, Cherokee thought that she would panic and not do well, but the more she thought about it, the more she realized how wet she was becoming from the simple idea of being watched and lusted after by a room full of males.


Smiling, Cherokee walked to her car, tucking the card in the front pocket of her purse with the hope and intent of using it.


"Ms. Bluefeather, is this right?" Came a small voice, and Cherokee blinked several times, coming back to reality.

She looked to her left, noticing one of her students had approached her desk. She had assigned the class worksheets to do in groups, and as a result, several students were huddled around each other, flipping through their books from page to page and trying to fill in the blanks. It was an extra credit assignment for the upcoming test, and she cleared her throat, having to bring herself back into the classroom mindset.

"I had trouble finding the answer." Spoke a small calico.

"That's alright honey. Let me look at it." Cherokee leaned forward, peaking at the blank that the feline was referring to. There was a hesitant answer scribbled lightly in pencil, and Cherokee smiled brightly toward the young girl. "You got it right. Good eye. Remember, second guessing yourself can get you the wrong answer sometimes."

The feline smiled and took her paper, trotting back to her group with a newfound confidence. Cherokee loved seeing that expression on the faces of her students, but it was a rare occasion. Slowly, she leaned back in her chair, trying to take a deep breath. Her body felt different temperature wise, and she began to worry that she was getting "the bug" that was circulating around the elementary school. Not only was she feeling a bit warm, but she was also having the hardest time paying attention, which was highly uncommon. Her mind kept wandering off, teasingly lurking toward thoughts of going home and digging in a certain dresser drawer that she rarely opened anymore. Somehow, she managed to bring herself back each time. Sometimes she did it with a discreet cough, but other times, she needed a hard pinch. She couldn't allow herself to think of such things around the younger students, even if they couldn't read her mind.

Although she tried desperately to keep her mind on something educational, it kept wandering several different places, and before she knew it, she had her hands in her purse, scavenging for her wallet. She pulled out the neon pink card and stared at it for a long time, barely hearing the students chittering and whispering in the background. Her body wanted to get up and move around. She could hardly keep herself still, and as she stared at the card, her mind began to stroll, creating a picture of herself twirling around on a stage with a cheering crowd below. She would be wearing a sexy outfit and teasing everyone with the way she could bend and turn.

Spooking Cherokee enough to make her jolt in her seat, the bell rang. Her heart pounded against her chest, and she began taking deep breaths to calm herself as her students closed their books and streamed out of the classroom. She hadn't been scared that badly in a long time, but the idea of her dancing still lingered, fueled by her need to continuously move.

"God, what's wrong with me?" She asked herself, putting her hand on her forehead, which felt a few degrees warmer than it had when school began.

Glancing at the clock for a moment, she could see that it was only lunch time. How was she supposed to last for another three hours at her desk? She had already been tapping her feet, clicking pens, twisting her chair, and attempting to bite her claws. She then moved her attention to the phone on her desk and took a deep breath.

"Here goes nothing." She whispered, picking up the receiver and dialing a four digit extension that would call the principal directly. The phone rang four times, and just as Cherokee was about to hang up, someone answered.

"This is Principal Waterhorn."

Clearing her throat, Cherokee thought for a moment on how to address the female buffalo on the other end. She usually did not take to lies very well, but of course, Cherokee had never called out in the middle of school before.

"Hello. This is Cherokee Bluefeather. I'm really starting to feel hot and sick in my classroom. I think I may have caught the virus going around. Is there any way that you can have a sub cover my last two classes of the day before I start spreading it to my students?"

She crossed her fingers, waiting for a reply. All she could hear on the other end for several long seconds was typing, and she swallowed hard, hoping and praying that she could go home and just relax or go through that drawer.

"Hmm... Hang on one moment."

More typing. Cherokee leaned forward on her desk, placing both of her elbows on the edge as she eagerly awaited an answer.

"Yes. A sub is available. Just call by seven in the morning if you need her to come back again. Feel better Ms. Bluefeather."

"Thank you so much Principal Waterhorn. I really appreciate it."

Somehow, Cherokee managed to keep her voice very professional, but she was actually dancing behind her desk with joy. Grabbing her purse, she wasted no time, leaving through the wide double doors and booking it toward her car before anyone could even ask her what was wrong or where she was going. She simply wanted out.

Driving herself home, she immediately went to her bedroom and began scavenging through her closet, wondering what kind of sexy clothes she had to wear. She had an idea turning in her head, and the more she thought about it, the more aroused she became. Phone in hand, she eagerly called the number on the back of the neon card, hopeful that the zebra would answer right away.

"Hello?" Sang a soft, familiar voice.

"Oh, hi! Is this Tiffany, the zebra who taught the dancing classes?" Cherokee asked, wondering if the number on the back was fake.

"Yeah! Is this Cherokee? Oh, I knew you would call me soon. It only took you a few weeks." She giggled on the other end.

Through the speaker, the liger could hear giggling and shuffling in the background, and she bit her bottom lip, debating on whether or not she should just hang up, but she decided to go with her instincts and do exactly what she wanted. She needed to live for once in her life.

"Yes, I was wondering if your offer still stood about coming to the club and dancing."

"For you, yeah! I actually talked to my boss about you already. He said he was fine with it. Come on in around seven tonight. That's usually when it starts getting busy. The address is on the card, which I assume you still have since you kept my number." The zebra said a bit seductively, hinting at a hidden reason that Cherokee might have kept the card.

"What am I supposed to wear?" Cherokee asked, pretending to be oblivious to the Zebra's flirtatious efforts.

"Oh, girl. You don't have to worry about that. We have a huge closet here full of outfits for new girls. You can find something in there."

"Right. Okay, I will see you tonight!"

"Can't wait!"

The line clicked silent, and Cherokee bit her bottom lip, feeling excitement, tension, and arousal building up inside of her in a swirling ball that settled first in her chest and then in her stomach. She had always been the shy type, keeping to herself and mostly staying out of the way, but something about the sensations she was experiencing urged her to be more exciting. Still, she was beginning to feel even more heated, and as she rubbed her forehead, she realized that it was even warmer than before. Cherokee began to wonder if she was really sick or if it was something else entirely.

Feeling as free as a bird in the sky, Cherokee decided that she would take a nap for a few hours until it was time to leave for the club. She never got naps during the week, and she giggled to herself as she laid down under her soft comforter, stripping all of her clothes and tossing them into a heap. She instantly felt comfortable and sank into the mattress below, beginning to purr as the cool cotton of the comforter stroked her fur.

"Oh yeah..." She whispered, closing her eyes as she turned over onto her side and drifted off into a light slumber.


Snapping her eyes open, Cherokee began to wiggle under her covers, feeling as if she had been thrown into a pot of boiling water. She thought it was because she had been bundled up in her covers for a few hours. So, she threw off the comforter, letting out a sigh of slight relief as the cool air danced over her naked frame, but she was still hot. For a moment, she thought that she was running a fever once more, but she felt perfectly fine besides the heat and the tingling sensations in her nipples. It was then she understood, as if a lightbulb had been switched on. She was beginning her heat cycle.

"Maybe I can have some fun with it." She said with a mischievous grin, never having felt so empowered with her sexuality before.

Glancing at the clock, she could see that it was only five. That gave her the perfect opportunity to shower, eat, and get ready for her big show. She spent an entire hour getting ready, scrubbing every inch of her fur, trimming her fur in more sensual areas, dulling her nails, and even brushing herself from head to toe. Not to mention, she brushed her pearly whites and then applied her make-up, putting a bit of gloss on her lips and some liner around her beautiful blue eyes. It made them pop even more than they already did normally, and she even added some mascara, causing her eyelashes to curl upward. She didn't like wearing make-up a lot, because honestly, she was beautiful without it, but she had to admit that it did add a certain flare.

Putting on one of her shortest skirts that came down to her knees, Cherokee looked in the mirror and bit her bottom lip, wondering what to add for the top. She was going to change at the club, but she at least wanted to look attractive going in. She ended up adding a cute lace bra and a button up blouse that was almost see through. She even unfastened three buttons from the top to give her B cupped breasts a great view.

Glancing into the mirror once more, Cherokee gave a slight shrug and a smile before walking into the kitchen and gazing at the clock on top of the stove. It read 6:15, and she began looking around her kitchen for something quick to eat. After seeing nothing that her body wanted, she decided that she could get something later, and she grabbed her purse before prancing out the door like a happy fawn on Christmas morning.


It didn't take her long to arrive at the club, and as she saw the bright, pink neon sign that read "The Sweet Spot," she bit her bottom lip, wondering if she was actually ready. The parking lot was full, and as she stepped out of her car, she could feel the cool night air brushing over her clothes and breezing up her skirt to dance across her lace panties.

"Oh my." She groaned, making her way to the back entrance.

Perched at the door was a very tall, lean alligator. He stared straight at her, sizing her up with a harsh gaze and his arms folded across his chest. He was wearing a very formal suit, and Cherokee knew that he had to be the body guard who walked the girls to their cars after hours and kept drunks out of the dressing room. Cherokee had only heard of such security, but the large male who appeared extremely intimidating, even from afar, did make her feel more comfortable.

"Uh, hello. I am Cherokee. I'm here to--"

"I know doll." The alligator smirked, reaching over to open the large door for Cherokee to enter. "Tiffany told me about you. Have fun. My name is Xavier if there is any trouble." He nodded.

"Thank you." Cherokee responded, smiling as she entered through the door.

Her stomach gave a turn as she saw the women giggling and walking back and forth through the dressing room. Some of them were topless, never trying to cover themselves or hide their bodies, and some were even completely naked. They were very open with each other, helping one another get into outfits or put on make-up. Cherokee felt her cheeks burning as she caught herself wanting to be a part of the conversation and the crowd.

"Cherokee!!!" Came a sharp, thrilled voice.

As Cherokee turned her head, she saw the topless zebra making her way over with her arms outstretched. She eagerly gave Cherokee a hug, and Cherokee returned a bit reluctantly, never having been in a similar situation before. She could feel the other female's bare breasts against her chest, and she swallowed hard. The strangest thing for Cherokee though was that she didn't mind it.

"Hey! I made it!" The liger responded, blushing as her voice was a bit shaken.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." The zebra said with an apologizing smile as she took three steps back. "You just kinda get used to being around other women naked here. You feel a little hot babe. Are you okay?"

Cherokee nodded in response and gave a reassuring smile. "Oh yeah. I'm great. I'm just a bit nervous is all."

"Oh, please. Don't be. You'll do amazing, because your moves were on point in class, and besides, half the men out there are drunk anyway. All they want to see is a woman shaking her ass. That doesn't mean we can't do it with flare and style though."

"Good point." Cherokee chuckled.

"Let's get you dressed!" Tiffany cheered, waving to a couple of other girls as she began to lead Cherokee further into the shifting crowd of females and toward the back. "Come on girls! We have some work to do!"

"Oh lord..." Cherokee whispered to herself, taking a deep breath as she wondered what she had really gotten herself into.


Walking through the front door, Sorin Dalca glanced around the club, watching closely as females passed by. Their arms were held high, carrying trays filled to the brim with drinks and food baskets. Men from all directions swiped their eyes from side to side to try and get a glance at every female that passed. Honestly, it wasn't Sorin's first choice of place to be, but he was feeling rather down as of late, and he needed a "pick me up". Luckily for "The Sweet Spot," they were well known for making the strongest drinks, even if it was because their bartenders over poured the liquor.

Walking forward, Sorin noticed the other males and females subconsciously making a path for him, being sure not to get in his way. He knew it was because of his appearance. Sorin had always appeared a bit intimidating. He was a Milchaim Phoenix, and since he was the last of his kind, other anthros saw him as unfamiliar and frightening. People always seemed to fear things they had never seen, and sometimes, he didn't mind that. It certainly had its perks when other males never wanted to get in his face, but it had down sides as well. It was awfully hard to find a loyal mate when most females saw him as dangerous and terrifying. Although, even when females did take the time to know him, several of them were turned off by his straight forward attitude. It was a "lose-lose situation," as Sorin often called it.

Taking a stool in the center of the bar, he cleared his throat, watching as the female in a corset and mini skirt approached him. Her outfit was a ghastly neon green that seemed to radiate under the black lights above. It was loose on her frame, and with each movement, her outfit seemed to shift from left to right, and Sorin had to catch his tongue before he said something rude.

Clearing his throat, he held in another chuckle as she skidded to a stop In front of him.

"Scotch, please. No rocks."

"No rocks?" She asked in a ditsy tone, and Sorin once again held his tongue.

"No ice, sweetheart." He replied in a slightly condescending tone, shaking his head as the female turned around to pour his drink.

The rumors weren't kidding. He watched the female not only pour him one shot into a short glass, but she poured four, reaching the liquid almost to the top of the glass. He raised one eyebrow and debated on whether or not he should say something, but he decided against it, and when the female handed him the scotch, he smirked.

"Why, thank you. You pour beautifully." Sorin remarked, unable to keep the sarcasm from leaking out of his mouth.

The female giggled, completely oblivious. "Thank you!"

Turning around in his stool, Sorin stared at the stage where a female was dancing topless. Honestly, she didn't really intrigue him, but he didn't want the bartender to engage in conversation with him. The last thing he needed was a chat where he wanted to rip his feathers out.

As he watched the people around him, he could see several of the females eyeing him with curiosity. He knew it was because none of them had ever seen a Milchaim phoenix before, and not to mention, he was very handsome. Tucked behind his back were large, vibrantly red wings that peaked up over his shoulders and spanned down to his calves, almost able to drag the ground. He was also very tall, reaching over six feet with bright, red feathers that resembled deep embers covering his body. He had a mane of feathers puffed around his neck, each feather there a darker crimson, like blood, to contrast with his body color. His eyes were a bright blue, resembling the sky on a cloudless day, and just over his eyes were long, wisps that curled down to his shoulders. His lengthy, brownish-red hair was tied back into a pony tail that dangled down his back, and his beak was freshly polished, sandy-brown in color and as sharp as a brand-new razor. He glanced from side to side, winking at the next female that peaked in his direction. The cute feline blushed brightly and made her way around to the tables, picking up empty beer cans and glasses.

Some males even stared in his direction. A few of them would scowl or give him challenging glances, but he ignored them completely, looking only toward the women on stage as he sipped his scotch. He didn't really care for the atmosphere of the club. He would rather have been at home, but he felt strangely pulled toward the establishment in his saddened stupor. He had yet to figure out why though. Maybe it was just the liquor calling him.

Turning up his glass, he downed the last few drops of scotch. They burned down his throat, and he smirked, putting the glass down onto the bar hard enough to make a clank.

"I'd like another. Then I'll pay my tab."

The female nodded, pouring him another half glass to the rim, and he shook his head with a smirk, wondering how in the world the club was even still open. As the female handed him the drink and his check, he glanced at the white slip of paper to see she only charged him for two shots, when he had actually received, at least, eight. Slapping a twenty onto the bar, he slid it across to her.

"Keep the change hon." He snickered, turning back around toward the stage with a sigh.

He had seen several different females come out to dance, but honestly, none of them had even seemed slightly attractive to him. It wasn't because of their profession, he knew the females worked hard and had plenty of skill. He didn't look down on them whatsoever, and they were all very beautiful in their own way, but Sorin simply wasn't interested.

"Guess I'll finish my drink and go home." He said to himself.

At least the trip wasn't a complete waste, he was starting to feel the alcohol taking affect. It wasn't much, but his muscles were definitely starting to feel a bit loose and more relaxed.

Leaning back against the bar, Sorin watched as the female zebra on stage disappeared through the back curtains. The whole crowd was cheering for her, clapping wildly, and some males were even calling for her to come back. He wondered what their fascination with her was, and as he waited for the next dancer, the announcer in the back pulled out his microphone to introduce her.

"We have a very special dancer for you tonight. For one night only, this little liger has come to show off her skills! Everyone welcome Cherry Cherokee to the stage. She's new, she's beautiful, and she'll blow your mind!"

Behind the curtain, Cherokee could feel her heart pounding against her ribcage. The girls had assured her that they picked a perfect song for her to move too, and Tiffany even confirmed that it was one they danced to in the class. That eased her mind only minimally, and she froze as she heard the announcer call her name.

"W-Why did he say my name like that?" Cherokee stammered, trying to get herself out of what she had gotten herself into, but the girls behind her pushed her forward, urging her on.

"It's your stage name." Tiffany said with a smile, swaying her tail. "You can do this. Give in to the music and let it move you."

"Let your freak flag fly!" Another female cheered.

Nodding sheepishly, Cherokee began deep breathing, feeling completely nervous and jittery from her head to her toes. The music began, and it was strong, blaring and bouncing against every wall. Instantly, she recognized it as "Bad Girlfriend" by Theory of a Deadman. A smile crossed her face as a wave of confidence filled her, and she walked forward with the beat of the music, pushing the curtains out of her way and daring them to touch her. They closed behind her, and she swayed her hips from side to side, stepping with each drum beat until she reached the pole and gripped it with both of her paws. For a moment, she paused to stare at the crowd, seeing everyone gazing at her with amazement, lust, and even possession. She could already see several dollar bills flying through the air, and with a playful growl, she dropped down, letting her ass almost touch the ground as she dipped and slowly rose back to stand, extending her arm and circling around the pole as the music guided her body into a heated frenzy.

Sitting at the bar, Sorin's eyes were wide in what was nothing short of astonishment. He had seen the female once before at a local bar, sitting and chatting with her friends. He had even held the door for her as she left. He wanted so badly to talk to her, but at the time, he didn't know what to say. She had been absolutely beautiful then, catching his eye as soon as he walked in, but on stage, she was more than beautiful. She was a goddess, and as she dipped, he felt his jaw fall open, causing the glass in his fingers to slip and hit the floor. He didn't even care that there were shards below his boots. He leaned forward until he was on the edge of his seat, staring at the liger with an unmoving gaze. She was absolutely the most stunning woman he had ever seen, and the outfit she wore only added to his arousal.

She had on long fishnet gloves that circled around her middle finger and ran to her elbows where they broke off, showing her beautiful sandy brown fur. Her arms lead up to her chest that was busting out of the tight corset wrapped around her torso. Her hair was swaying around her shoulders with each movement of her body, and all of the curls in her long locks seemed to bounce with the rhythm of the music. The corset was leather, completely black and shining with the stage lights. It had interlocking bands in the front, each one with a silver buckle on the side, and every stitch and seam was a bright, neon blue that accented the strands of blue that had been strategically placed in her hair. Below her corset was a leather mini skirt accented with the same light blue lace and seams as her corset. Sorin tried to be modest in his everyday life, but he couldn't help as his eyes drifted downward, seeing the thigh highs that clutched to her plump thighs and went down to her erotic high heels that had to be at least five inches from the ground. The bottom was see through, and he watched as several males at the front of the stage slipped folded bills into a slit on the heel.

"Dear... God..." Sorin whispered, watching Cherokee on stage, unblinking until his eyes began to burn.

Cherokee was lost in her own excitement. She no longer saw the crowd. She could only feel her muscles gyrating with the music as she twirled around the pole. As the first chorus came on, she turned around, putting her legs together so that her ass was facing the crowd. She teasingly gave her hips a cock to the left and right before she gripped the hem of her skirt and pulled forward, letting every male watch as it clipped off to reveal the black thong underneath. There was a loud burst of cheering as her plump ass came into view, and she peeked over her shoulder, winking at the male directly behind her as he slipped a ten into her g-string. She then spun around, twirling her hair and gripping the pole once more as she jumped and hooked one leg around the cool chrome. She began to spin, her feet not even touching the ground, and once her body stopped, she bend downward, almost reaching her head to the ground as her legs remained hooked onto the pole and her body arched like a rainbow. She pulled herself upward and slapped both of her feet onto the ground before she dipped down once more, popping her ass out toward the crowd.

Spinning around like a toy, she put her back onto the pole and reached above her head, gripping the cold metal with both of her paws as she slowly slid down to her knees, keeping her muscles in tight control until her knees pressed to the stage. Her legs were spread, giving the males a teasing gaze at her lower lips even though they were covered by the thin fabric of her thong. She let go of the pole, smirking as she placed both of her paws onto the floor and began crawling forward like a hungry animal, keeping her back arched and her legs wide. Swishing her tail high above her hips, she flicked it back and forth like an old grandfather clock, keeping it in time with the music and inching her body toward the edge of the stage with each beat.

It was then she spotted the male at the bar, almost all the way across the room. She was stunned at the way he was staring at her. Something about him caught her off guard, and for a moment, she was frozen, forgetting where she was, but her instincts kicked in again, and her heated body demanded movement. All the dancing was causing both her natural scent and her heated scent to fill the room, and she watched as several males had their eyes glazed over with primal need. She had everyone's attention, but she wasn't dancing for everyone anymore. She was specifically moving to tease the male at the bar, and she hoped he knew it.

Shivering a bit, Sorin could feel his feathers beginning to rise on his arms. It was almost like he was getting goosebumps from watching the female twirl and gyrate. His claws were gripping the top of his stool, and he could feel the razor sharp tips beginning to dig into the wood. He loved the female's looks and outfit that sported a bit of a gothic theme, and without realizing it, he began to walk forward, drawn to the stage and the female like a magnet. He couldn't even stop himself, and within seconds, he was standing directly in front of the stage, pressing his groin to the wood. His legs still attempted to walk forward, wanting to touch the beauty on stage, and as she looked directly at him, he felt his mouth go dry as if someone had stuffed cotton into his beak.

Giving the male a wink, Cherokee pressed her body against the pole, feeling the steel between her breasts that were practically busting out of her corset. She twirled her tail back and forth, swaying it seductively as she popped her ass back out, shaking it side to side before reaching up as high as her paws could manage. She gripped the pole tight and wrapped her legs around it, keeping one leg straight as she slowly slid all the way back down to the floor. She then sat up, knowing that her back was to the male now. She popped her hips back and arched her spine, letting her hair fall all the way down to her ass as she began swaying her body, doing a makeshift belly dance on her knees, and as she lifted herself onto all fours, she began crawling away, peeking back over her shoulder and swaying her plump ass to dare the male to follow her.

So badly he wanted her, and he clutched his hands together, feeling his own body getting hot and aggravated, needing release that the gorgeous female could offer. As her last little dance, Cherokee slowly rose to her feet once more. She gripped the pole and began swaying her body like the ocean, rocking it back and forth in an 'S' motion, adding in a dip every now and then to tease. The crowd was going insane, screaming her name as some males even panted, letting their tongues hang from their mouths, but Cherokee kept her eyes on the phoenix, locking eyes with him and never looking away.

Once the music ended, she blinked several times as if she had come out of a trance, and she blushed a deep red, waving to the crowd as she bent to pick up her skirt, giving the males one last view of her luscious ass and lower lips before she clicked all the way back to the curtains with her g-string and shoes filled with money.

"And now... I have a raging boner..." Sorin said to himself, unaware anyone could hear him.

"Join the crowd." A male remarked beside him, and Sorin looked to his left before clearing his throat and walking back to the bar.

As the curtains closed behind Cherokee, she was panting and her heart was still raging like a jackhammer, but several females cheered, running to her with hugs of encouragement and praise. Tiffany smirked as she pranced to the liger and winked.

"I told you we picked the perfect outfit and song for you." She teased. She was wearing a rather slutty school girl outfit of her own, getting ready for her second dance.

"Oh my God. Thank you. I...I loved it." Cherokee said, still a bit breathless as the reality sank in of what she had just done. It was probably the most exciting thing she had ever experienced.

"Hey, that guy out there was totally into you. You should go out on the floor and see him." Tiffany snickered, winking at Cherokee.

"Everyone was into her. She is a natural." A mouse giggled.

Shyly, Cherokee shook her head and began making her way back to the dressing room to get her clothes and return home. She was feeling more than just heat from her exercise, and she wanted to get home and dip into a cool bath, possibly even use her vibrating shower head for the first time.

Gripping the bar, Sorin instantly leaned over the small wooden top, waving his hand to the ditzy bartender who was flirting with an older falcon.

"Hey!" As the female turned, he smirked. "Can I request Cherry Cherokee for a private dance?" He asked, reaching into his pocket and pulling out several twenties to show his ability to pay for what he was asking.

"Um, she doesn't really work here. I don't think she does that." The female replied, looking confused and puzzled.

"Just go ask her!" Sorin snapped, realizing that he was starting to sound a bit crazy.

"Okay!" The bartender squeaked.

The female left the bar and quickly pranced to the back in search of the liger. Cherokee had just reached the dressing room when the bartender gently clutched her elbow, explaining to her that the male phoenix at the bar wanted a private dance. Everything in Cherokee's moral compass told her no. She didn't need to draw the charade out any further, but her primal instincts screamed yes. It had been too long since her last sexual release, and Cherokee turned around, following the female back to the main floor as she gave in to her needs.

Standing in front of the private room entrance, Cherokee knew the male would be waiting for her on the other side. Her body was aching, and she bit her bottom lip as she slowly pushed the wooden door open. Stepping inside, she could see the male sitting in a chair, perched in the middle of what seemed to be a tiny bedroom.

"God, you're beautiful." He said bluntly, and Cherokee smiled.

"I um... I hate to tell you this, but I'm not actually a dancer. I only came here for one night." Cherokee began, starting to ramble on. In truth, she was trying to talk herself out of the naughty thoughts she was formulating. "I thought it would be fun, and it really was, but I'm not actually like this on a daily basis. I am a teacher for God sakes, and if the parents found out that I did this. I could--"

Her ramble was cut short as Sorin pressed his beak to her lips. She had never kissed a beak before, but she loved how smooth it was. He seemed to move it perfectly, making sure to align with her lips and to avoid scratching her with the sharp point. She willingly opened her lips, receiving his kiss with a soft moan as their bodies pressed together. Cherokee's body began to instantly scream for more, and Sorin couldn't stop himself from shivering against the liger as his feathers ruffled.

"I'm Sorin." He blurted in-between kisses, letting his hands roam all over Cherokee's sides. "Tell me to stop, and I will in an instant." He replied, keeping his hands roaming on her sides and back until he received her permission to touch more sensual areas.

"I'm Cherokee. Please don't stop." She replied, suddenly feeling as if they were two magnets connected together, and there was nothing in the world that could tear them apart.

"Yes ma'am." He replied with a smirk, wrapping his strong arms around her before trailing his hands down to her ass and clenching both of her cheeks.

There was a soft moan that left the liger's lips, and Sorin eagerly stepped forward, pushing Cherokee back until she connected with the wall. She shivered against the cool wallpaper that vibrated from the music on the other side. She could feel her lower lips aching and already dripping for the male, which was different. She had never gotten so wet in such a short amount of time, but of course, nothing had been normal for her since that morning.

Moaning, Cherokee could feel a large bulge against her thigh, and she eagerly reached down, stroking the hardening shaft that awaited her even if it was stuck behind the fabric of his pants. She coaxed it and teased it, using her warm fingers and sliding them in a back and forth motion to make him moan into her lips. He shivered against her once more, and she began to feel empowered, knowing she had the male wrapped around her finger.

"You want me?" She whispered, leaning over to let her hot breath hit his neck and dance down his back.

It was so unlike her to be so needy and straight forward, but she couldn't help it. It was as if her whole body had taken over her mind, causing her to give in to her primal needs without the interruption of rational or doubtful thoughts.

Sorin smirked, pinning her harder against the wall until their bodies were meshed together, not a single centimeter left to separate them. Cherokee inhaled in surprise as he leaned down, pressing his face into her breasts and gripped her knees, pulling them up to wrap around his waist, aligning her hips perfectly with his groin. She smirked, feeling the large bulge in his pants pressing directly against her lower lips. Three layers of fabric stood in their way, and Cherokee quickly gripped the waist band of his pants, popping the button and sliding down the zipper in a desperate need to reduce layers.

"A needy little vixen aren't you?" Sorin asked as he stifled a moan.

He could feel Cherokee brushing her fingers against his throbbing bulge, and he shivered softly as the heat from her touch radiated through his thin, cotton boxers.

"Not as needy as you seem to be." She whispered in response, teasingly kissing the male's cheek.

Still in her corset and thigh highs, Cherokee felt more sexual and beautiful than she ever had. She knew she could drive the male in front of her crazy, and she wanted to push him as far as she could before he snapped. Sorin was just as eager to play as Cherokee, but as he reached down and quickly began to push his boxers to his ankles, Cherokee gripped his hand, stopping him before he could fully release himself from the cotton prison.

"Let me tease you." She giggled, watching as Sorin shivered and let out a groan of slight aggravation. He knew he was about to be teased until his breaking point.

"As you wish." Sorin replied, reluctantly stepping back and letting Cherokee move from the wall.

It honestly took every bit of willpower he could muster to move away from her, and Cherokee seemed to sense that, smirking as she stepped forward and stroked her soft paws over Sorin's chest. He was wearing a button up shirt that accented his red feathers and jeans, and Cherokee put one hand under her chin, pretending to size him up in her mind. She could tell that he was in anguish, stepping from one foot to the other in need of her touch, but he was being a gentleman, letting her do as she pleased, and she appreciated it.

Teasingly, Cherokee began to pop each button on Sorin's shirt, making sure to wait at least five seconds between buttons. As she got to the lower ones, Sorin began to gasp softly, feeling the fur on her arms brushing against the feathers around his groin. His pants were already undone, and as Cherokee slid to her knees, she playfully hooked her thumbs into his boxers and gave them a daring tug, dragging them all the way down to his lower thighs.

She watched as his member sprang from his boxers, and she bit her bottom lip, feeling her mouth actually begin to water in anticipation. His cock was long, thick and a soft pink in color, and Cherokee caught herself eagerly leaning forward, teasingly taking the tip into her hot lips before giving a few hard sucks.

Sorin laid his head back, letting out soft sighs as he rested his cheek against his wings that tensed with each stroke of Cherokee's tongue. He could feel her slowly begin to sink further onto his shaft, and he curled his toes in pleasure, moaning softly as the warmth and wetness engulfed him entirely.

"God yes." He whispered, gently running the fingers of his left hand through her curled hair, watching as the curls bounced off of his fingers to caress Cherokee's cheek.

Glancing up, Cherokee locked eyes with the phoenix, allowing him to see her beautiful facial features as well as her plump lips wrapped around his throbbing shaft. Between the sight, the warmth, and the pleasure he was experiencing, Sorin felt himself take a step backwards. His knees were buckling, and he gulped hard, wondering how long he could stand before he lost himself in ecstasy. Tightening her lips, Cherokee began to suck gently, curling her tongue against the underside of his shaft to add an extra layer of pleasure for him. Sorin closed his eyes and shivered, taking another step back.

Cherokee let out a moan of surprise as the shaft slipped from her lips, but she quickly regained herself with a purr, causing his cock to vibrate inside of her mouth and against her textured tongue. Sorin trembled, watching the feline closely as he continued to step backward toward the wall, needing the structural support for his balance. Playfully, Cherokee followed suite, staying on her hands and knees while following Sorin's movements like a well-trained pet. She never let his shaft leave her lips, and as Sorin smacked his back against the wall, Cherokee moaned, hilting the last few inches of his cock into her mouth.

"Oooh!" Sorin moaned, sliding his hands down and gripping the wallpaper with his sharp claws.

Cherokee could hear the sounds of paper shredding next to her, but she didn't care. She eagerly opened her lips and her throat, bobbing her head back and forth to give Sorin the best head he had ever received or dreamt of. To Cherokee, Sorin's taste was amazing. Male musk rubbed against her tongue, letting her taste the flavor of his natural scent as well as the pre-cum that dripped onto the back of her tongue with each bob. Surprisingly, she actually found herself beginning to crave it, sucking harder to receive more.

Shaking slightly, Sorin gently placed his right hand on the back of Cherokee's head, moving her muzzle faster and grinding his shaft harder against her lips, almost as if he was dipping into her pussy. Not to mention, the scent that drifted from her lower lips and up to his beak was causing his head to spin like a merry-go-round on steroids.

Laying his head back onto the wall, Sorin began to pant softly, feeling his knees attempting to buckle. Cherokee was sucking his member so hard and with such enthusiasm that he couldn't form thoughts of his own. His eyes began to roll back into his head, and he could feel his toes beginning to curl inside his shoes.

"Y-You might suck me dry if you keep this up." Sorin panted with a smirk, pushing Cherokee's lips down to the base of his shaft and holding her there, needing a minute to breath and allow his mind to function.

However, Cherokee wasn't willing to give Sorin rest. Smirking around the thick shaft, Cherokee continued to taste the handsome male, opening her throat and lapping her tongue against him in a wave like manner. She could feel the head of his cock beginning to flare, and she trailed her hands up his thighs, playfully cupping his sac in her soft, warm hands.

After several more sucks, Cherokee felt a pulse against her tongue, and she quickly pulled off of Sorin's shaft, knowing the male was seconds from climaxing. Sorin had been relaxing against the wall with his eyes closed, and as the warmth left his cock, he let out a loud whimper followed by a smirk and a growl.

"You little tease." Sorin sneered, gently gripping her hair and pulling her upward to press against his chest.

Cherokee grinned and swayed her tail slowly and seductively, pretending that she was oblivious to her own games. Her snide grin turned into a gasp as Sorin's hand dominantly gripped her neck, tightening his fingers just enough to apply pressure without hurting her. The act was the final straw for Cherokee, and she could feel her heated lips practically throbbing and dripping in need.

With a grin, Cherokee showed off her luscious mouth by rubbing her tongue over her top lip, slowly and sensually to give them a shine that Sorin couldn't resist. "I couldn't help myself. I needed to make sure you were riled up. After all, no woman wants to be fucked by a roasted chicken. I need a real man."

"You don't say." Sorin replied, smirking as he slightly tightened his grip on Cherokee's throat, letting her know that she was still pushing his buttons.

She let out another moan, biting her bottom lip as a surge of heat erupted from her lower lips, causing her whole body to tingle and goosebumps to rise under her fur. Just as Cherokee had left Sorin without pleasure, Sorin instantly released Cherokee, leaving her puzzled and confused for a moment. She let out a soft whimper, and Sorin looked toward the ceiling, pretending to be oblivious to his own games.

"Tease!" Cherokee giggled, biting her bottom lip as she reached up and gripped his chin with her index finger and thumb.

She turned his head toward her and planted her lips against his beak, blushing as she felt him open his mouth to slide his tongue against her own. The kiss was hot, even a little messy, but it was also perfect, connecting both of them together. Cherokee felt her heart begin to beat faster, pumping against her chest at the same time Sorin felt his heart flutter. They pulled away slowly, locking eyes with amazement as sparks still popped between their bodies.

"Wow..." Cherokee whispered, pressing her fingertips to her plump lips and feeling them tingle.

Quickly, Sorin kicked off his shoes, allowing him to finally remove his pants and boxers to move freely. He walked to the main entrance, quickly locking the door with a snide grin, and he turned to the closet nearby that Cherokee hadn't noticed until then. Opening the door, Sorin reached inside, making sure to hide the contents that he retrieved before Cherokee could even get a glance.

"Get on all fours. I'm going to show you that I'm more than just a roasted chicken." He spoke the last two words with a mocking tone, trying to mimic her voice.

"Prove it." Cherokee remarked, trying to hold in a playful giggle as her body throbbed for attention.

Cherokee did as she was told and crawled onto the edge of the bed, letting her feet dangle over the side as she popped her hips into the air and arched her shoulders. Sorin shifted himself behind her, admiring Cherokee's back side for the first time up close. His mouth was practically drooling to taste her, but he didn't want to waste any more time. His cock was still throbbing up and down in the air from her hard sucks and the intense kiss. Sorin sensed his cock was begging for a new warm home, but there was just one thing he had to do first.

"Move your hair to the side." He commanded, and Cherokee giggled as she did so, gently taking her hair into one hand and draping it over her right shoulder.

The tips of her hair brushed the sheets below, and before she could even turn her head to see what was going on, Sorin latched a collar around her neck, causing her to gasp in surprise. She clenched the leather strap with one paw, giving it a soft tug, but Sorin had secured it tightly, making sure it was snug against her throat. She then felt a light pressure on the back of her neck, followed by the sound of a click as Sorin attached a leash, and Cherokee felt her whole body shiver in pleasure. She had always wanted to experience a mating as such.

Wrapping the leash around his wrist five times, Sorin gave a playful yank, listening as Cherokee gasped to the ceiling and arched her back, popping her hips back to allow the perfect view of her lower lips. Her tail shot into the air as if she had been trained to do so, and Sorin grinned, taking a step forward to prod the head of his throbbing cock against Cherokee's soaked lower lips.

Never before had he felt such an urge to mate a female. She was beautiful, cunning, and everything he had ever dreamt of in a mate. Her body called to him as if it were actually talking, and her kisses felt like fireworks, something he had only heard in old love stories, but even though his body screamed for hers, he was still a gentleman, and he needed to hear her pleas to continue.

Shivering on the bed, Cherokee gripped the soft, silk sheets below her. She could feel the threads sliding under her nails as she gripped harder, knowing that if the sheets had not been there, her nails would cut into her palms from the force of her grip. Her body was in heat, screaming and swirling with pure lust. She was practically vibrating down to a cellular level with need, and she knew that Sorin could help ease her tension and suffering, but he seemed to be waiting for something.

"God, please fill me!" Cherokee pleaded, feeling the very tip of Sorin's cock prodding at her red, swollen lower lips.

He was teasing her, gently pushing forward to allow her lips to spread around the tip of his cock only to pull back and leave her with nothing. She tried to push her hips back to take his shaft on her own, but Sorin gripped her hip with his free hand, keeping her in place and tightening his hold on the leash with his other hand. Cherokee began to whimper softly, and Sorin trailed his fingers over her right hip, hooking his thumb into the straps of her thong. He slid the fabric down to the top of her thighs, permitting him full access.

"Please!" She begged once more, feeling her legs begin to shake as the heat in her body swelled inside her hips and began to creep toward her breasts with the same intensity as a forest fire.

"Hold on tight beautiful." Sorin whispered.

No sooner than Sorin let the words escape his beak, he pushed forward and filled Cherokee to her limits as each inch of his shaft spread her inner folds. The head of his cock pressed to her cervix, letting her feel as full as possible, and she squealed in response.

"Holy shit..." Sorin moaned, feeling his own legs quiver from the pleasure of her lips clenching around his shaft.

Honestly, he had never felt anything tighter in his life. Her lower lips were practically clasping him like a vice, and as a result, his eyes wanted to roll into the back of his head. For a moment, he couldn't will his muscles to even move. His body simply wanted to stay buried inside of her hot, tight folds. Cherokee opened her mouth for a moan and let her tongue hang in bliss as Sorin forced his way inside her walls, stretching her wider than she thought possible.

Regaining himself, Sorin tugged softly on the leash and pulled his hips back until only the head of his cock remained inside of her. He then rammed himself back inside, rocking Cherokee forward with the force of his thrust. Cherokee reacted by bracing herself harder on the sheets, locking her arms and pushing her knees down into the mattress to keep her body still.

"Yes!" Cherokee called out once more, beginning to purr in delight. "Thank you! Put out my heat!"

Her purrs vibrated from her chest all the way to her lower lips, giving Sorin an added layer of pleasure as Cherokee's folds clenched and pulsated around him. Her walls were scorching too, almost scalding. The heat seemed to make his cock throb more, and as he picked up a steady rhythm, he loved hearing the soft, wet sounds of her lower lips being pleasured. Cherokee knew she was soaked. She could feel as her juices splashed out with each invasion of Sorin's member, and her inner thighs were wet with juices, dripping toward her knees. However, she knew there would be more wetness to come with each added climax.

Giving in to his body, Sorin found his mind slowly fading into the background, and his body took over every movement of his muscles. All the while, his hips thrusted forward and rocked back, moving like the rough tide of the ocean against the shore.

Cherokee didn't seem to mind one bit. Her body welcomed the rough thrusts and movements of the male behind her, and she could only tense and shiver as her lower lips were stretched continuously. Her breasts bounced back and forth, almost popping out of her corset as Sorin increased his speed. Sorin even tightened his grip on her leash, tugging it back until she lifted her head like a good girl.

Since her body was hyper sensitive, she could already feel her first climax building pressure inside her lower lips. She wanted to call out to Sorin, but she couldn't make her lips move to produce words. Only loud moans and sighs of pleasure left her lips, but even though Sorin was not warned, he could tell she was nearing a climax with the way her hips bucked on their own and the way she curved her spine upwards at the nape of her back.

"I-I H-Ha--Ooh!"

Sorin thrust hard inside of Cherokee, almost knocking her down to the bed as her muscles clenched. He attempted to pull his hips backward, wanting to continue his rhythm while Cherokee climaxed to add to her pleasure, but Cherokee's lower lips had clenched so tightly around his shaft that he couldn't budge. Her lower lips tugged on his cock, refusing to let him pull out of her.

"God you're so tight!" Sorin moaned, having to reframe from climaxing early.

Lowering her torso, Cherokee had to lay her head onto the sheets as her legs and body quaked with her climax. Her juices squirted over Sorin's groin and dripped onto the bed below, forming a small puddle between her legs, and even though Cherokee was temporarily frozen in bliss, Sorin never stopped. He continued to gently rock his hips back and forth, grinding his shaft against each angle of her walls until he managed to wiggle himself back to just the tip.

Picking up his rhythm once more, Sorin started to fully enjoy himself, knowing that he had given the female below him a hard climax; next, it was his turn. Truthfully, he hadn't pleasured himself in almost two weeks, and he wanted to build up enough force to push into Cherokee's womb and ease her lustful desires caused by the feverish heat that started in her womb and had moved into her veins.

"Put me out! Please! I need relief!" Cherokee gasped, feeling the intensity of the fever in her body only increasing as her climax subsided.

Deciding he wanted to go out with a bang, Sorin stepped back completely, allowing his cock to fall from Cherokee's lips. He left her a whimpering mess, but he took time to admire her pussy, noticing how the edges of her lips were pink with heat. Cherokee instantly reached back, brushing her fingers over her slit as if she couldn't go a single second without a sensual touch. She pushed two fingers inside of herself and desperately began pumping them back and forth, stretching her walls and curling her fingers against her g-spot. Sorin smirked, watching as the female played with herself in agony. Reaching down, he plucked her hand away and watched as the liger writhed in need.

Gripping one of her hips, Sorin pushed Cherokee to her side and spun her around, making sure that she was laying onto her back. The collar around her neck spun around as well and rested between her breasts, still wrapped around Sorin's fist. Sorin stepped forward, quickly adjusting Cherokee so that her knees were on his shoulders and her toes bobbed behind his head, almost touching his wings.

Stunned by the position change, Cherokee watched as Sorin gripped her hips with his claws and pulled her whole body closer to the edge of the mattress. He leaned forward in the same moment, bending her like a lawn chair and burying his cock inside her boiling lips once more. Cherokee loved it, screaming in pleasure to the ceiling as she arched her back and reached above her head, clenching the sheets into knots with her paws.

Smirking, Sorin felt his cock give a hard throb just from the new view. Of course, he had valued seeing her backside and watching as her ass bounced with each thrust, but he loved seeing her curves and busting breasts even more. Most importantly, he could watch as her face twisted in pleasure and her lips curved around her beautiful, sensual moans. Her thigh highs rubbed against his shoulder feathers, and he eagerly pinned her hips into the mattress, using the new position to hold her in place as he began to thrust with all of his power.

Cherokee could only squirm in ecstasy as the new position allowed Sorin to easily stimulate her sensitive spots, causing bursts of pleasure and heat to erupt inside her groin each time he pressed against her g-spot. It was almost supernatural, and she began to shiver, feeling the same pressure building inside her lower lips as before. Sorin watched as her body twisted and shuddered for him, and his eyes almost seemed to glaze over with primal instinct and lust, forcing his hips to move faster and his claws to gently prick at her skin.

"Sorin!" Cherokee screamed, panting as her entire body throbbed with warmth. "Please!"

Her hips began to buck involuntarily, causing his shaft to rub and grind on her folds as Sorin rammed back and forth. His sac tightened, pulling closer to his body, and he found himself panting, wanting to release just as badly as Cherokee wanted to feel his cum inside of her.

Glancing up, Cherokee admired Sorin. She could see his feathers moving with his body, gently bobbing back and forth as his chest and abs flexed. Her head was swimming in circles with ecstasy, and she bit her bottom lip, reaching over to gently cup her own breast, rubbing her left nipple between her index finger and thumb. Her other hand gripped the sheets below, and Sorin smirked as he watched her breasts bounce with the force of his cock pounding her lower lips. He yanked the leash, causing Cherokee to partially sit up. She used her hands to balance herself, leaning back against her arms. Sorin kept the leash tot, making sure she couldn't lay back down.

Panting hard, Cherokee watched as Sorin bucked inside of her lower lips. Just watching his thick shaft push in and out of her made her whole body shiver, and she curled her toes hard against Sorin's shoulders.

"I'm cumming!" Sorin called to her.

With one last, firm thrust, Sorin buried himself inside of the beautiful liger below him. He could feel the tip of his cock press into her swollen cervix. It accepted him, and as he applied more pressure, the tip of his shaft entered into her womb. Cherokee began to wiggle violently from side to side, bucking her hips in bliss as she had never experienced a male that deep before. Her lower lips clamped onto Sorin's member, locking him into place as she climaxed. Her juices squirted from around his shaft, coating his groin and his sac in the same moment that his hot, thick semen shot from his shaft. He filled Cherokee's womb and coated every inch of her walls with his seed, including one fertile egg. His cum pooled and soothed the inferno inside of her, letting Cherokee breathe a sigh of relief.

Panting softly, Cherokee began to calm herself. The heat that had clouded her mind and ruled her actions was beginning to subside. It was almost as if a demon had been thrown from her shoulders, and she teasingly began to grind herself against Sorin, watching as his hips gave small, jerk like bucks with each rope that oozed from his tip.

"Fuck yes!" Sorin moaned out, smiling as he slowly lowered Cherokee's legs to his hips and rested his head onto her small but plump breasts.

Cherokee laid back onto the mattress, allowing Sorin to rest on top of her once he released the leash. They both laid in the same position for what had to be close to an hour. Neither of them wanted to move. Their nerves and muscles ached from overuse, and they both wanted to fully catch their breath before even an attempt to shift or pull apart was made. A few times, Cherokee felt Sorin gently rub his head against her breasts, rubbing his cheek against her fur. It was a very sweet and sensual gesture, and Cherokee returned the favor by gently brushing her soft fingers over Sorin's hair, making sure not to pull anymore strands from his ponytail.

Sorin was the first to move. He slowly sat up, knowing full well that his cock had already fallen from Cherokee's lower lips several minutes before. He was soft, but he smirked with pride as he saw the thick stream of cum dripping from Cherokee's freshly seeded lips. He knew full well what they had both done, and he knew what was to come after, but he honestly didn't mind.

Holding out one of his hands, Sorin gestured for Cheorkee to take it, lifting her to her feet and helping her collect all of her things before he gave her a surprisingly sensual kiss. They stood in the middle of the room, staring at each other for several seconds before even a word was spoken.

"Will you call me?" Cheorkee asked, confidence still feeding her tone as she swayed her tail in the air.

"I would be stupid not to." Sorin replied, staring at Cherokee with intensity as if he was trying to memorize every detail and curve of her frame.

"You sure would." She replied with a giggle, reaching over to Sorin's right shoulder with her paw.

She could see that one of his feathers was sticking up above the rest, bent in a completely different direction. She gently took it into her paw, brushing her fingers over the soft fluff before she gave it a gentle pull. It popped right up without even a flinch from Sorin.

"I'm going to keep this." Cherokee said, smiling as she brushed the feather over her cheek and down to her lips.

Gathering his things, Sorin straightened all of his clothes back against his body, trying to make it appear as if he had only been talking to the lovely female in front of him. He eagerly handed Cherokee his phone, wanting her number as much as a child wanted candy, and he secretly hoped that she wasn't giving him a fake.

Honestly, both of their minds were still slightly fogged, making their actions slower and less thought out than they would have normally. They both left the room together, seeing no one even turn to look in their direction. Their actions were completely normal for the atmosphere, and Cherokee slipped back behind the stage, going to find her regular clothes while Sorin slowly left the building, stepping out into the cool night air.

Cherokee took her time getting her clothes on and gathering her things, because her rationale was seeping back into her mind, forcing her to ask questions that she wasn't sure of the answer to. Was Sorin really going to call her? Was it just a one night stand? It didn't feel like it. Panic was sneaking in to take place of her former pleasure, and as she walked to the back door, she could feel anxiety forcing tears into her eyes.

"Oh god..." She whispered, clenching her purse straps in one hand and her phone in the other.

It was then her phone vibrated, bringing her out of a stupor and almost causing her to jump to the ceiling. She turned it over, watching as the screen lit up with an unfamiliar number, and she hesitantly answered the phone, having to close one ear with her finger to listen to the voice on the other end.

"Please don't think I'm crazy or anything, but do you want to go get some coffee?"

Cherokee smiled and stepped forward, pushing the back door open with one paw. She didn't even need to reply. As the parking lot came into view, she could see Sorin standing only fifty feet from the back entrance, leaning against his car. He was looking directly at the door, and as he saw her, he smiled brightly, hanging up the phone. Cherokee made her way to his car, beaming brighter and brighter with each step.

"I didn't want this night to end." Sorin said, looking down at Cherokee with a loving, protective gaze.

"Me either." She replied, smiling as she slowly linked arms with the large phoenix.

A twenty-four hour coffee shop was just across the street, and as Sorin began leading them in the direction of the cross walk, he caught a glimpse of his feather, gently tucked behind Cherokee's left ear. It swayed with her hair, adding a bright contrast to the blue of her eyes, and Sorin saw it as a sign, a bit of a promise. He never wanted her to be without a part of him, even if it meant that she held his heart instead of just a feather.