Dragons Creed II Beginnings

Story by hellboy 616 on SoFurry

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Dragons creed II - Beginnings - Escape This is a fan based story based on the game Assassins creed II. All rights are reserved for Ubisoft the game creators. My characters will not be human instead they will be anthros of various species and the main character Desmond/Ezio will be a anthro-dragon.

This is a no-yiff story but will contain acts of violence and some death.

Desmond awoke still trapped in his room he had been kept prisoner by a company called Obstergo for weeks living in his ancestors memories, He was forced to use a machine called the animus to find what his captors called a piece of Eden. He slowly got out of bed flexing his arms and stretching his whole body from his head to his claws. Desmond is black anthromorphic dragon standing at over 8ft tall and a strong build with a powerful tail. He was wearing simple black jeans and a white T-shirt underneath a plan white hoody, there were no tags on any of his clothing and he wore no shoes or socks as his sharp talons would easily rip them apart. On his head he had 2 horns protruding from his skull and no visible ears but 2 small wholes on either side of his head, despite this he has exceptionally good hearing and good smell too.

He grumbled to himself as he finished stretching and started moving about just then his door opened and standing there at 7.5ft tall was the friendlier of his 2 captors Lucy, she was an anthormorphic golden lioness, She has a slim but powerful build and is all in all attractive. Desmond knew something was wrong Lucy had blood on her cloths and he hadn't seen her in about a week. Lucy what's wrong? Desmond asks, Lucy steamrolls him by saying "c'mon Desmond we don't have any time just come with me" she then walks over to the animus and starts furiously typing away at the keyboard. Desmond walks over to the animus "Lucy who's blood is that what's going on here?" Lucy looks at him sympathetically "look Desmond we don't have time for this right now I will explain everything later I promise but later we haven't got time now just get in the animus". "ok whatever you say I better get my answers though" Desmond lay down on the animus and a familiar sensation of drifting into his mind took hold of him.

He was Watching a women lying a bed giving birth she was a silver dragon and had another slightly smaller dragon helping her to give birth eventually it was over and the smaller women was cradling a small baby dragon. Just then a larger darker coloured dragon burst in the door "Maria! I'm sorry am I too late? have I missed it?" she nods to the small dragon still holding the baby dragon in her arms she walks slowly towards him and silently hand him the baby. He looks down at its unmoving body and he whispers softly to him "you are an Auditore a fighter now fight!" the baby slowly moves its legs then its arms and its head and then finally it starts crying. The larger male dragon shouts "excellent a fine pair of lungs my son" he smiles to Maria who is still lying in bed exhausted "what shall you call him?" she asks he holds the baby up smiling and says "Ezio... Ezio Auditore Da Firenze".

Desmond feels the pull of being removed from the animus and wake up on the table with Lucy "good we're done here lets get going", Desmond blinks dumbly a few times then "wait were leaving? Now?" Lucy is already on her way to the door "yes were going now c'mon we don't have much time". Desmond jogged up to her and follows her down the hallway "wow were really getting outa here huh?" Lucy just ignores him as they keep jogging down the long corridor. "Obstergo's got some pretty fucked up interior decorators huh?" Lucy smirks a bit but still says silent. "stay close Desmond and keep it down". Suddenly 2 guards spot them through a glass door Lucy runs up to a control panel and locks it. The guards are fast to call for backup on their radios "intruders in the research lab they appear to be armed" Lucy opens another door and beckons Desmond to follow her. They run into another room but are suddenly confronted by 2 guards armed with metal batons. The guards were white wolves both around Lucy's height and very muscular "hold it right there your not going anywhere" one of them growled Lucy just smiled and ran up to them instantly leaping into combat with the 2 wolves. She sent a fist flying at the muzzle of one of them and then spun around and sent an elbow into his face at the same time grasping his baton, she then attacked the other guard with the baton before finishing off her first opponent with his own stolen weapon. She gracefully spun around and smashed the 2nd wolf in the face as he was getting up sending him sprawling across the floor with some blood spattering from his destroyed jaw. All of this happened within 10 seconds and all Desmond could do was stare mouth slightly open at such a rapidly vicious and effective attack. Lucy dropped the baton and started jogging down the hallway again. "Holy shit" was all Desmond could say as he chased after her.

They emerged into another hallway with an elevator in it Lucy immediately headed straight towards it Desmond look out the windows in awe seeing cavernous rooms bigger than several football fields. He was snapped out of his trance when Lucy shouted his name, he got into the elevator and stood next to her. A sudden thought struck him "hey Lucy what about the cameras?" she simply smiled and stated "don't worry I've dealt with them I programmed them to loop over themselves how do you think you were never caught sneaking out your room before?". he smiled "your good" she laughed at this "so I've been told Desmond but they're after us now so we better hurry up". The elevator came to a stop and they ran to a corner, Lucy peeked around it "we need to reach the other side of the room to that elevator preferably without being seen". "stay close and keep an eye out for guards" they both stared silently stalking through a maze of offices and small glass rooms and in most of them there was an animus. "Lucy what the hell does Obstergo need with all these animus's or animui? or whatever the plural is?." Lucy ignored him as they kept creeping through carefully avoiding all the guards. "Lucy? Lucy.." she turned around and whispered "Desmond shut the fuck up! Please". finally after a tense 15 minutes of sneaking past all the guards they reached the elevator. Lucy swiped her card and entered a code on the keypad and a little red light beeped. "shit I thought this would work it must be on a different system" Desmond looked frowned looking at the keypad he could se the outline of finger prints on 4 different buttons. "hang on a minute Lucy" he tried a code using the 4 number that were glowing slightly the red light beeped again "shit" he tried a different one and again the light beeped red "aww c'mon" he tried again and it beeped green. He turned to Lucy and smirked she was staring with her mouth gaping slightly "how the hell did you do that" she questioned Desmond simply shrugged and stepped into the elevator.

Lucy sighed "its always something isn't it" Desmond turned to her while they here moving down in the elevator "who was that subject 16 and who is that Ezio Audi-something?" Lucy turned to him "I think we've been wrong all along Vidic and the Templar's there only part of the problem I will explain when we get there". Desmond frowned and looked at her "what do you mean? and get where?" Lucy just ignored him as the doors opened they emerged into a parking garage and there was 8 guards standing in 2 groups made up of wolfs and dogs right in front of them the left group went for Lucy and the right for Desmond he smiled a bit finally I'm getting some action he thought to himself. He ran out to meet his 4 guards smiling his sharp teeth shining a bit and cheerfulness in his blue eyes. None of the guards were armed which was rather lucky for both Desmond and Lucy, As the first guard to reached him he ducked under the wolfs blow and shattered his jaw with a vicious uppercut. He then spun around using his tail to sweep him off his feet then while the guard was still falling Desmond had done a full 360 spin and punched the wolf in the gut sending him slamming down into the concrete with a muffled yelp, The guard stayed on the floor unable to do anymore. The other guards looked slightly more cautious and nervous at this show of impressive fighting skill. Desmond stepped backwards and took a basic fighting stance that he had learned from Altair. Desmond had 3 more guards left as Lucy efficiently dealt with her guards. Desmond decided he'd attack for once so he stepped towards the closest cocking an arm back in a faint and when the guard tried to block he kicked him in the side, The guard let out an agonizing gasp and instinctively reached for his side. Desmond grabbed him by his shirt and head butted him using his hard skull to daze the wolf. He then kneed the wolf in the groin and quickly followed that with a right hook that sent the guard to the ground leaving only 2 more. The other 2 guards a Doberman and a collie both well built surrounded him one behind and one in front. The collie suddenly raced forward from behind and grabbed Desmond in a full nelson that was hard to brake free of. Meanwhile the Doberman started laying punches onto Desmond's abdominals making him grit his teeth and snarl in pain and fury. Then the dog mad the mistake of going for the face just before he hit Desmond moved his head aside and the fist caught the other guard in the muzzle causing him to release Desmond. As soon as he was free he slammed an elbow back into the collie hitting him in the chest and forcing the air out his lungs, the Doberman was already rearing back for another swing at his muzzle, Desmond turned to his side with his elbow still held back and shoulder barged the dog into a nearby wall knocking the second guard breathless for a moment while the collie was trying to recover. He immediately turned around towards the collie ran forwards and crabbing him round the throat squeezing, The dogs eyes went wide as he drooled slightly from his gaping mouth he then swept away the collies legs and slammed his head into the floor knocking him out. Suddenly Desmond was tackled from behind by the last remaining guard. They rolled across the floor wrestling against each other until they finally came to a halt near Lucy and separated. They both stood there glaring at each other until Desmond smiled and laughed the Doberman screamed at him "WHAT'S SO FUNNY DRAGON HUH!!??". Desmond relaxed smirked and simply stated "behind you". the canine was still a little dazed and turned slowly around only to be met by a fist flying directly at his muzzle and that was the last thing he seen.

Desmond walked up to Lucy smiling "well that was fun wouldn't you say?". Lucy merely turned around and headed for her car but Desmond was sure he saw a smile as she turned. She went up to her car and popped the trunk then turned to him "get in" Desmond simply looked at her flatly "your kidding right?" then Lucy glared at him "Desmond we don't have time for this just get in alright?", He glared back for a few moments before sighing and nodding "alright but you owe me one". he clambered into the cramped boot before quickly pulling his tail in as she slammed the trunk shut. "HEY WATCH MY TAIL YOU ALMOST CHOPPED IT OFF!!" He shouted through the metal. Lucy just ignored him as she got in and drove off as Desmond lay in the trunk happy to finally be free, to escape but still he wondered "how free was he really?".


Hey this is my first ever story and I hope its good it may be a little short but you know first timer here J thanks for reading will appreciate comment's and such {Killer Tiger and Zerrex Narius} have been asked by me to read over and help me since I love both their series so much and I hold them in my high praises comment be truthful but kind I am hoping to write more if this one is like and If I want too I probably will continue regardless though - thanks again Hellboy