Vorlans Hunt...

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#49 of Charns tales...

Vorlan's Hunt

The young Tiger wash's the Coaches sticky blood from his muzzle slowly. Savoring the taste of that masculine hormone fill meat and blood. As he listens to the conversation just down the hall.

"Wow that was fuckin' somethin'..." Coach Murphy grunted, still panting for breath as his son and a young friend come in and look around. Vorlan can hear the front door open and close as the familiar scent of his teammates drifts in to him.

"Hey dad..." "How's the game going?" Jerome asked, as he looked the Tiger over curiously... even as his father smiled.

"All tied up... but its first and goal on the half yard line... Bednaric just broke a sixty yard run!" "Oh this is Vorlan's Father." The Coach gestured to the smiling Tiger, who watched the younger Rhino's lip curl up. As he and his equine buddy exchanged sly grins... even as the young Tiger reentered the room.

Vorlan smiled widely and waved... the smell of raw male lust and perhaps something else in the air! Something exciting and dangerous, mixing intoxicatingly. Vorlan sits in the middle of the couch, preventing the young males from joining the two adults, and nudges the Coach with his foot. "I believe you had something to tell your son..." Jerome grins at his father, watching as that cock now limp, still makes an impressive soft snake down the side of his sweats.

"Oh yes... you really must let Vorlan here suck on your cock!" The bigger Rhino grunts tiredly. "It's an old family custom and I'm sure you'll enjoy it!" Jerome and his equine buddies smiles widen... in fact they had been thinking something very similar! The Tiger was known to like cocks, and their girlfriends had turned down the two jocks. Because of some silly school promise thing... so were quite horny and willing!

"Well ok..." Jerome answered as he flashed the feline a grin. "Lets go watch in game in my room..." He invites this making the big equine at his side snicker!

"Sounds like a good idea to me!" Vorlan answered licking his lips. The three young males quickly headed upstairs... leaving the Coach and Charn alone.

"He really is a good boy..." Vorlan hears Coach Murphy assure over his shoulder as he follows the two bigger jocks upstairs...


Jerome's room is dark... only dimly lit by the flickering TV screen, but it's not the Game the young jock has got on. On the screen a pretty young Lioness is wailing as a Zebra with a huge Black dick is mounting her. Vorlan shook his head... these guys were going to watch straight porn while another guy sucked their dicks! Jerome was sitting on the edge of his big bed... with his thick cock already hanging from his opened fly. "Ok first off... if we're going to do this..." Vorlan growled lustfully. "Lets do it right... strip!" He ordered and watched in amazement as the surprised jocks did as they we're told. The big Rhino and his roan red equine buddy were sitting back on the bed completely naked now. Starring at the screen as the Lioness was joined by three of her pride mates. The three female preds quickly tying the not so struggling Zebra stud down.

The two horny studs quickly got as hard as the Zebra as the watching the Lioness's take turns on the Zebra's huge black cock. Clearly the two jocks were feeling embarrassed about letting some queer pansy order them around. So were just ignoring him and concentrating on the straight sex acts happening on-screen? Vorlan smiled as he recognized the movie... ‘How appropriate!' The young predator thought as he remembered how this porn flick ended. "Those Lioness's have the right idea..." Vorlan growled picking up the Jock's belts. "The stud should be helpless for the slut to enjoy!" The young Tiger grunted pushing Jerome back on the bed. The big jock Rhino offered no resistance, as his hands were bound above his head to the bedpost! The young predator was panting for breath as he moved around to the other side of the bed. And quickly bound the big horny draft horse stud in the same manner. With his prey suitably aroused and trapped the young Tiger stepped back to admire his good fortune.

"Errr... come on pansy... ya gonna get it off or not?" Jerome grunted as his big cock bounced and flexed dribbling pre-cum down his thick shaft!

"Ya... get our nuts off bitch!" The horse parroted as his long fucker jerked up almost smacking him in the muzzle.

"With pleasure!" Vorlan moaned as he threw himself onto the bed between the Rhino's wide spread leg's. The young Tigers own spiny feline organ was quickly stiffening as he nuzzled Jerome musky crotch! The big Rhino exhaled explosively as the Tigers hot breath and hotter tongue began to caress his throbbing cock. Even as his soft hot paw slipped over between the horses thick thigh's and began to stroke his aching filly fucker! Bother jocks lay back panting and moaning softly, as they watched the Lioness's bounce up and down on the Zebra's huge black cock! Vorlan slowly licked and nuzzled up and down first one big cock and then the other. Teasing them both to aching rock hardness... lapping at the clear pre-cum snaking its way down both throbbing shafts! Both big jocks were starring in glassy eyed lust at the screen. As the camera goes in to show close ups of that huge equine cock sliding in and out of those hot feline pussy's! "Ammmmm doesn't that look good?" The young Tiger whispers up to the horny draft horse as he switches over to licking those stallion balls. "Wouldn't you like to have a nice hot hole to put this in?" Vorlan purr's as he licks and teases that huge hard equine organ.

"Gods yes!" The young stallion whickers as the Tiger's hot suckling mouth pulls off his raging hard on. Making him moan in lose and thrust his hip's wildly trying to find that hot mouth once again. Pulling back the young Tiger rolls both big jocks onto they're sides.

"Errr... hey what are you doooiiiinnnnggggg?!?" Jerome moaned as the young Tiger suddenly took his short thick cock into his mouth. Suckling down its full length until the big Rhino was swallowed right down to the root! "Uhuuuuu Ummmm!" Jerome moaned his eyes glazing back over as the pleasure and the erotic images flickering on screen took him once again. Reaching around his hip's Vorlan grasp the horses saliva coated fuck stick. And guided it up between the Rhino's big round butt cheeks. The horse moaned in bliss as he felt the heat of that taboo hole against his big blunt cock head. And he thrust himself hard against it... even as the Tiger's paws spread those big gray cheeks. "Hey!!!" Jerome shouted as that big cock pounded against his anal gates.

Quickly Vorlan grabbed a damp sweaty stained jock strap and shoved it into the Rhino's protesting mouth! Using the stretchy straps to secure it in places within the big jocks mouth. "Ummmmmmmmmm!" Jerome moans around the gag as his horny equine buddy forces more and more of that huge cock into him! Vorlan smiles as he can feel and taste all the pre-cum gushing from Jerome's big cock. Somebody was enjoying his first butt fucking a lot more than he was wanting to admit! The young Tiger's paws teased and stroked the draft horses dangling maleness. Coaxing the big stud to rut the helpless Rhino harder and deeper! This making Jerome moan and curse louder into the pouch of the jock strap in his mouth! Quickly Vorlan began bobbing his head up and down the Rhino's short fat length. Making Jerome's protests slow and at last fall silent as the pleasure over rode them. Behind the Rhino... he could hear the horse panting and snorting, as he grew more and more excited.

His fawning maw brought Jerome right up to the edge of orgasm... then as that fat cock tensed. The young Tiger's jaws snapped closed... those long sharp pearly white teeth shearing through that thick stud muscle. Making the big Rhino buck and struggle squealing even louder into his gag. As the horse mistaking this reaction for orgasm pounded Jerome's ass all the harder! Vorlan pressed his muzzle into the Rhino's crotch as he gulped that huge organ down. Then slid his mouth lower... finding that the son's balls were every bit as big as his fathers! It wasn't easy but he knew that he could do it from having taking the Coach's! At last he had both those big orbs within his mouth, and as the horse squealed.

"Ohooo fuck I'm gonna..." The young Tiger chewed that tough sac off and savored his second set of Rhino balls! Jerome was laying limply now... his eyes rolled back in his head. Unaware as he was totally unmaled and completed fucked by his best friend! Pushing the stunned Rhino's thighs apart... Vorlan press's his striped muzzle back to the horse's crotch... The young stallion is still trembling and humping his orgasm at its peak. As he feels that hot mouth engulf his big fat jewels, the suckling sensation sending him over the edge. And he fills his best friends ass with hot spunk... it's only as the afterglow fills him. That he becomes aware of the raw burning pain in his crotch. Glancing down he watches the smiling pansy cocksucker slowly chewing. Then Vorlan lifts his muzzle away... those fuzzy white lips stained with bright blood. Vorlan swallows and then licks his lips slowly, even as the horse becomes aware that he's missing some important accessories!

"Where... where are my balls?" The young equine jock chokes out in horror, as Vorlan opens his mouth wide and points inside...

"Guess yer not goina need this anymore..." The young Tiger snickers as his pulls the still semi hard stud stick from Jerome's debauched ass! "Oh well waste not want not!" "And I want it... Hahahah!" The young Tiger laughed as the Lioness's on screen lipped and chewed at the Zebra's huge junk... It was all fake of course, but they were putting on quite a show of it only the studs overly dramatic squeals and struggles ruined the effect!