Love and Hate

Story by Jwolf98 on SoFurry

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#1 of Balto Stories

Disclaimer: I don't own Balto or anything of the characters of the films, just my OC(s) in this story. This story will have some Christian stuff in it (Yes, I am a Christian and grateful to be one) and maybe some "song-poetry" as an OC of mine would call it. Will any film characters become Christian (Yes, I'm aware that they're just animals)? I want to frankly say maybe, but I don't plan on it. If you're wondering why I'm writing this story, my reasons of writing Christian stories is on my profile.

Anyways, enjoy. God bless you.

But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8, KJV).

Love is not only something you feel, it is something you do. - David Wilkerson.

Love and Hate

Chapter 1

Months have passed by since Balto and the sled team rescued the plane pilot Duke. Beside Duke getting a new plane, naming it Balto Flyer, and Balto getting to fly in it, life is good. Boris and Stella have become mates, Kodi has fulfilled his dream of becoming the leader of the sled team, and Balto and Jenna have now become grandparents, their adult children such as Dingo, Saba, and another name Delbert have children of their own now.

As winter is approaching once again, the days getting shorter and the nights longer, Balto and his family along with the sled team decides to throw a little get together one evening at the beach.

"So you guys ready to deliver the mail in a few days?" Balto asks the four of them.

"Totally," Kirby replies with a grin. "Let's just hope we just don't have to drag Ralph's butt again like last winter."

"Well, you're always complaining how hungry you are back and forth while we're on the job," Ralph fires back.

"Hey, we don't always have enough time to eat!"

"Guys, knock it off," Dusty chimes in. "We're a team, and a team shouldn't fight."

"Dusty's right; a team shouldn't fight," Balto agrees. He then looks at Kodi. "And the leader should always make sure his team is all right and working together; otherwise, you lose the value of it."

"Dad, I get it. It's about teamwork. You've been telling me all summer."

"Well, sometimes we just all need a simple reminder. But your mother and I are real proud of you, son."

"You don't get anywhere if you don't practice," Kodi smiles.

"That's very true," agrees a new voice.

They all turn their heads to see a female wolf approaching. Her beautiful fur is silver; eyes are like the golden sunset along with a white chest and undercarriage. Like throwing paint on an object, there's a splash of pink where muzzle meets her nose and her unique pink toe is like a jewel. Her age seems to be around three.

"Hello, Gin," Jenna greets warmly with a friendly smile.

"Hi, Jenna," Gin replies with a smile back.

Dusty notices Ralph and Kirby drooling over Gin's beauty. Boys, she thought with a shake of her head. She hits them both upon the head. "Stop staring!" she whispers sharply.

"Girls," Ralph whispers to Kirby as he rubs his head.

Gin sits down next to Jenna. "Anything new, guys?" she asks them.

"Just going to start deliver mail again in a few days. I hear it's supposed to start snowing tonight," Kodi answers.

"And congratulations again on being the lead dog of the sled team," Gin smiles. "How does it feel?"

"It feels like all that hard practice during all summer really paid off to win that race!" Kodi laughs. "I'm grateful," he looks at his parents, "and I don't plan on letting anyone down."

"We're sure you'll do great, son."

"Thanks, Dad."

Gin looks at the boat, cocking her head a bit, studying it. Lately it has been falling apart. There are more holes now than there was last winter. It looks like now one step on there and the whole thing will collapse.

"Got another place to live?" she asks Balto.

"What? Oh, you're talking about boat? Sure, it has a few more holes and some parts are breaking off now, but it's still standing, isn't it?"

"Well, I'm just saying, Balto. Looks like it's going to collapse any day now, so just be careful."

Jenna nuzzles him. "You know you can always stay at my place, like how tonight you are."

"I know, and thank you for that." He nuzzles her back.

"I'm kinda surprised that Duke hasn't adopted you," Kodi admits.

"Well, he's been busy delivering mail during the summer. He doesn't stay in Nome for long." He sighs heavily, closing his eyes for a moment. "But I won't lie. It'd be nice to have a real home."

"Maybe this winter Duke might adopt you," Jenna told him.

"Maybe," Balto smiles as he looks at her.

They all chat for about half hour. Laughing erupts from the jokes that were told, the funny stories bringing tears and hurting stomachs. Clouds are slowly rolling in, hiding the rising moon.

"So," Kodi began in between laughs, "guys, remember that time-?" He keeps laughing with his friends. Once he has control of himself, he exhales heavily. "Oh, man! Whew! Anyways, as I was saying, remember that one time when that rumor about a werewolf that stalks in Nome at night, and that we thought we saw its' shadow, but it was actually a cat?"

"Oh, I remember that!" Kirby howls with laugher. "Ralph looked like he was about to lose his bladder!"

"Well, you were acting like a scared little girl pup," Ralph recalls, laughing.

"Okay, that does it! Come here, you-!"

"Um, hello," a new voice said.

Everyone turns their head to see a young male wolf. Judging how skinny his body is, he's likely hasn't eaten in a few days by the looks of it, but if he had, he'd look like he means serious business. His fur is pure black, his eyes dark brown, and, like Gin, he looks no more than around three years old.

"Didn't mean to interrupt your little hang out," he apologizes.

Balto chuckles before looking at the wolf. "You didn't. You're welcome to join us, if you like."

The black wolf shivers, his ears forward, his face now in some kind of frown. Sure, he does know Balto is being friendly, but he has heard "You're welcome to join us, if you like," in a different meaning. He turns his frown into a small friendly smile.

"Well...if it's okay with your friends," he politely offers, wanting everyone to have a say in this.

Everyone looks to at each other and some shrug. Jenna chuckles lightly, nodding her approval at the black wolf. The sled team just looks at each for a moment before Kodi turns his attention to him.

"We're alright with it."

"All right, so that leaves it to you, Gin," Balto told her. The black wolf gazes at her.

"Sure, just don't cause any trouble," she warns to the stranger wolf.

What's with her with other males, Balto asks himself, wrinkling his brow. "Well, everyone seems to be alright with you joining. Come on, we don't bite," he smiles of welcome.

The wolf nods with a smile in return. "Thank you, sir." He walks over to Gin. "May I sit next to you, ma'am?"

"You may," she nods as she scoots over a little.

"How come he gets to sit with her?" Ralph thought out in a whisper.

"Shut it, Ralph," Kirby replies with a smack on his head.

"Will you guys knock it off," Dusty growls lowly, glaring at the two of them.

"Yeah, guys, enough," Kodi agrees.

"So, what's your name, son?" Balto asks the wolf.

The wolf doesn't answer for a moment, looking from Gin to everyone else, knowing what some, if not all, will say in reply. "Well...I go by Curse." Kodi cocks his head a little.

"That's an unusual name to have," the red husky said.

"Kodi!" Balto scolds, glaring at his son. Although Kodi wasn't trying to be rude, Balto knew what it was like to have his own name question, even made fun of. After all, back when he was an outcast to Nome, not only Steele and dogs like him bullied the Balto for being part wolf and his appearance, but also made fun of his own name. He shivers, trying to get those negative memories out of his mind and buried them deep again.

"It doesn't matter the name or even the appearance of the being, but it's the heart where we have to look at," the wolf-dog then said.

Curse smiles in delight when he hears what Balto just said, reminding him of what the Lord said in 1 Samuel 16:7.

But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.

"That's very true," Curse and Gin said at the same time before looking at each other.

"Sorry, Curse, for what I said," Kodi apologizes.

"Don't worry about it."

Balto looks at Curse's skinny body, taking note of how in a few days it will be close to see his bones. The wolf sure doesn't look hungry, he thought, but doesn't mean he isn't.

"Curse, if you like, I got some food on that boat that I don't mind sharing. If not, we know a few good places where you can get some good stuff."

"Thank you, sir, but I'm good."

"Are you sure?" Balto asks.

"Yes, sir," Curse nods.

"All right, but if you change your mind, just let us know. We'd be more than happy to help."

"Thank you, sir," the wolf smiles with gratitude.

"Hey, guys, how about we do a short race?" Kodi suggests a few minutes later.

"Yeah, good idea, I'm up for a little race," Dusty replies as she gets up and stretches. Kirby and Ralph get up also.

"How about you guys? Dad," Kodi asks, looking at Balto and the others.

"I'm sitting this one out, son."

Jenna chuckles. "You know I'm not a runner like you and your dad."

"Thanks, but I'm good," Gin smiles.

"All right. How about you, Curse?"

"Maybe next time, Kodi."

"Suit yourselves," Kodi said as he joins his friends.

"How far are we running to?" Kirby asks Kodi.

"All right, so you see those big rocks way up over there?" Kodi replies with pointing to some rocks you can barely see in the distance. "That's when we turn and come back here."

They all get into their running position. "Ready...Get set...MUSH!"

Jenna chuckles softly as the four sled dogs start the race. "He sure does love his job. I bet that's why he wanted to do this little race, to get his team ready for dog sledding this winter."

"Most likely, yeah," Balto agrees with a smile. He then turns to Curse. "So, Curse, if you don't mind me asking, have you always lived in Alaska?"

"No, sir. I was born in the country Israel," Curse replies with a hidden smirk.

"Israel?!" the three of them exclaims all at once.

"Isn't that like on the other side of the world?" Gin then asks.

"Yes, ma'am," he nods.

"Then how did you get over here, especially in Alaska?"

"I know a way."

"And that is...?" Gin asks.

"That's a mystery."

"Is that so?"

"Yep," Curse smirks.

"Come on, guys, keep up!" Kodi tells his team as he's halfway from the finish line.

"You think Rosie's parents won't mind if we sleep in her bedroom tonight?" Balto asks Jenna.

"Balto, you know they're fine with it."

Balto exhales heavily. "I know, but even after three years, I feel like they still don't trust me because I'm..." He notices Kodi would reach them any moment now, so he lowers his voice. "...part wolf, that I might be a menace to Rosy."

"Balto, you've been around them for three years and not once have you brought any harm to them. Besides, after you and the sled team rescued Duke, they were talking about great things about you," Jenna replies in a soft voice with a warm smile.

"Well, it's thanks to Kodi and his friends," Balto replies coyly. "If they hadn't showed up, Duke and I wouldn't be here."

"Wait. Balto? As in the Balto who saved the children of Nome three years ago?" Curse asks.

"Yep, he sure is!" Kodi chimes in as he comes up to them, his friends not too far behind. "He was the most popular topic all over Alaska, even in the United States! They even have a statue of him in a central park in one state called New York City!"

Balto shifts uncomfortably, his red face hidden underneath from his dark fur. "Kodi, it's not nice to brag in front of guests."

Selfless and humble, Curse thought to himself with delight. But such dreadful that he's going to have to answer for all those things he has done unless he asks for forgiveness.

"Sorry, Dad."

"Well, that was fun, but it's starting to get late. Goodnight, guys," Dusty said to them as she starts walking away.

After a short moment, Kodi looks at Dusty and then at his parents. "Do you guys mind?"

"Sure ahead, son," Balto smiles.

"Thanks, Dad." Kodi runs after Dusty. "Hey, Dusty! Wait for a second!"

Dusty stops and turns her head as Kodi catches up to her. "Yes, Kodi?"

"I was, um, wondering if I could...I don't know...walk you home?"

"Hmmm..." She starts thinking for a moment. He sure is cute, she thought to herself. Then, with a smile, she says, "I would like that. Thanks, Kodi."

"No problem," he chuckles as they start walking together.

Jenna chuckles, seeing the two walk together. "They'd make a great couple."

"They sure do," Balto agrees.

"Same here," Gin smiles.

Shortly afterwards, Kirby and Ralph say their goodnights to the rest of them and went back to the town. On the other hand, Curse was now scowling when he saw Kodi and Dusty together.

"What's your problem?" Gin asks him, wrinkling her brow.

"Them! You!" he growls as he starts storming away.

"Me?! What did I do?"

"Everything!" he snapped.

Balto catches up with him. "Hey, Curse," he said in a kind tone, putting his paw on his shoulder, "what's wrong?"

The black wolf pushes his paw off, a hatred flooding in his brown eyes, a hatred that drives someone to murder in cold blood. "You! Jenna, your son Kodi...Your daughter Aleu!"

Balto's jaw drops in shell shock, his eyes wide. How does Curse know about Aleu? Has he actually met her? " do you know...?" He trails off, too stun to finish his sentence. Even Jenna has her mouth open in shock.

But Curse doesn't answer as he growls at Balto before storming away again.

Balto sat nearby the dying fireplace, feeling the warmth flowing in the living room as he stares at it. After Curse had walked away, Balto and Jenna just stood there for what seem like an entire day. They were thankful that Gin didn't ask about Aleu who is, who went back to her den a few minutes later, but took a different route, not wanting to run into the wolf and dealing with him.

"Hey, you still up?" Jenna whispers as she came down the stairs. She walks over to him and sits down next to him.

Balto exhales. "I just still can't believe that Curse brought up her name."

"It was quite a shock," Jenna admits.

"It's strange. He seemed to know all about us when he said our names, like as if he's met us before or something."

"Maybe he's met a family like ours before?" Jenna guesses.

Balto sighs, closing his eyes for a moment. "I don't know, but I'm worry about him. He has a good heart. I just know it, Jenna. I'm sure he didn't mean to blow up in anger and snapped at us all of a sudden."

"What are you going to do if you see him again?"

"I don't know for sure. Maybe he's going through something right now. I can't know for sure if I don't talk to him."

"Just be careful, Balto," Jenna replies softly as she nuzzles her mate.

Balto smiles as he nuzzles her back. "I will."

**A/N: First of all, I like to thank Mojotheomegawolf for allowing me to use his OC Gin for this story. If you're reading this, pal, thank you very much again. Second, I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. I know nothing too exciting happened, but in the story some crazy and exciting stuff will happen. And before I end this, I like to say for those who are thinking of accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, don't wait or say no to Him. "Well, every time I start thinking of wanting to get saved, all this bad stuff happens to me and there's this voice that's saying that I shouldn't do it." That's Satan trying to get you to reject the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). Don't listen to the Devil. Getting saved is the best thing ever. Don't say no to Him. The Bible says get saved today. It never promises a tomorrow. God bless you all.

"I am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." - Jesus in John 10:9.

And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is true, and we are in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life (1 John 5:20).**