Tina's Story Chapter 52 The Great DMV Walkout of 2009

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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#19 of Tinas Story

http://yoga.about.com/od/yogaposes/a/happybaby.htmTINA'S STORY CHAPTER 52; THE GREAT DMV WALKOUT OF 2009

The Deputy Director walked down the hallway at the DMV. The director was as gray and featureless as the DMV itself. So it was not his presence that turned heads as he walked the corridor leading to the I.T. unit. No, it was his companion, a tall, thin Siamese hybrid. As they went through the building, the men stopped to crane their heads in order to check out this exotic creature. The women looked, too, although more to see what the men were looking at than anything else. The Siamese hybrid was Felicia, and she wore a pumpkin colored sweater, and a tiny wool mini, that came back down where it belonged only with Felicia's constant tugging. This was important since the skirt was so short there was absolutely no margin for error. The skirt was set off perfectly by a set of stiletto heels that lifted her pert little backside just enough... .From the little smile on Felicia's face, she was no stranger to the sort of attention she was now receiving.

Arriving at the I.T. unit, the director went right to Ray's office. As usual, Ray was deep into something upon their arrival.

"Ahem, Mr. Goldstein?" the director inquired

"Uh, yeah, just a minute..." Ray held up a finger, as he finished his chore. Turning toward his guests, the director spoke....

"This is Felicia. She'll be joining you in your department as of today. She's a friend of our boss, so please take good care of her. I'm sure you'll find an ‘opening' for her to fill."

The reference to ‘our boss' could only mean one thing; that the head of the DMV himself was somehow involved in this. Now, for a state department head, extra help is always welcome. Normally you had to go through a process to create a new position. This was not part of any request that Ray had made. This was troubling. As an I.T. guy, the world worked by certain rules; when something broke rules, it usually meant something was wrong. Not that Ray had much choice. By the time he finished with the deputy director, and turned his attention to Felicia, she was draped across the corner of his desk, legs off to one side. This was just enough to allow Ray to confirm that this was indeed a girl kitty, one that clearly had no use for underwear.

"Uh, Miss...."

"Call me Kitty" she purred....

"Er, Ms Felicia, let me show you to your desk, and I'll find someone to get you through orientation....

Now, Ray had a problem. What was he going to do with her? No way was Ray going to allow Felicia anywhere near him. So, what to do? Ray decided to assign Felicia to the mole.

The mole, of course, was not really a mole. He was one of the guys in the I.T. department. He got the nickname both from his reclusive ways, as well as for his lack of social skills. The mole however, was extremely qualified. In terms of writing code, only Ray, perhaps was his equal. So the mole could at least determine what this new girl knew. Besides, Ray figured, he could use the female company....

Around lunchtime, Ray called the mole in.

"How's Felicia?" he inquired.

"She has a name? That she remembers?" the mole replied sarcastically.

"That bad? " Ray asked, cautiously

"She is... .how can I say this....dumb as a stump. She barely can operate in Windows. "That's IT?" Ray was incredulous.

"'Fraid so."

"Uhhhhh..... Keep working with her. See what you can achieve"

"And my projects?"

"I'll keep them going. Do your best."

Ray sat back in his chair, wondering what to do next.

A few days passed, and precious little progress was made Then got a call from the deputy.

"How's Felicia doing? " he asked

"Well, uh, I've got my best guy working with her to, uh, ‘sharpen' her skills. "

"The reason for my call was to see if you found a ‘place' for her..."

"Yeah, she's got a desk and all..."

"No, I mean I need to know who she will be replacing?"


"Yes, replacing. You'll be over staffed unless we create an opening. I need that right away."

"Let me call you back..."

Ray slumped in his chair. ‘Replace?' That was agency speak for ‘fire'. He was expected to fire someone to create a slot for Felicia. Ray pondered this one all through lunch. It was two weeks before Christmas. Should he fire the guy with a pregnant girlfriend? The single mom? The one with a dying mother that he supported?

There were other problems as well. The DMV was a union shop. Everyone there belonged to AFSCME, the huge government employees union. And Ray was the shop steward. He was the guy that employees came to when they had a grievance with the department. It seemed that there was no way out.

After lunch, Ray placed the call. ...

"Uh, this is Ray. Listen, I can't fire anyone. "

"Why not?"

"I have no reason to do it. They're all good people, who work very hard.. Besides, they're under a union contract; if I do, there will just be a grievance."

"Mr. Goldstein, I didn't say if, I asked who."

‘Here's my answer. No one can be terminated'

"Perhaps I have not made myself clear. The commissioner himself is VERY interested in this. Handling it professionally will reflect well on you. Causing troubles would have the opposite effect."

Ray was now angry; for he had both been ordered to do something improper, and was threatened.

"Look. If you want me to baby sit Felicia, that's fine But I'm not breaking the rules to do it. "

"I'm very sorry for you, Mr. Goldstein; this isn't over."

And Ray knew that this was the truth.

The mole had stopped by to check on Ray.

"What was THAT about?" he asked carefully.

"Felicia. I knew this was trouble from day one."

It didn't take long for trouble to come calling. At 9:00 the next day, the DMV audit team was in the IT department. Now, audits are something that every department goes through from time to time, but this was different. IT usually got audited about every two years. They had last been audited in July. The audit team was usually one or two people. Today there were ten.

"Mr. Goldstein? While we do the audit, your department will report to the cafeteria."

This was VERY unusual. Generally, the audit team went from office to office as the other worker continued in their jobs. They sat in the lunchroom all day. And there began to be talk among the other departments that something was seriously wrong in I.T.

"What's this about?" The mole asked of Ray.

"Felicia" he replied.

"What happened"

"They told me to fire someone to make room for Felicia. I refused."

"You know who 'that' (he nodded toward Felicia, who sat in the corner, grinning and filing her nails) is?"


"It's the commisioner's mistress."

Ray put his hands over his face. Now, it all made sense. He was taking on the head of the DMV, one on one. The day ended, without anyone being allowed back in their offices. Ray met Tina to head home...

"Ray, What's going on? Everyone is talking..." Tina looked very concerned

"Don't worry, Hon, nothing I can't handle...."

"Ray, tell me please; I'm crazy with worry."

"I can't; they've asked me not to say anything."

Of course, that was a little fib. Ray just didn't want Tina to worry. Which, of course, she would. Ray stayed up a long time walking the floor, spending time with the babies, talking with Georgette....Perhaps he dozed for an hour or two.

The next morning, he went to work, and went right to his ofice. He was pleased that his key card still worked. But his pleasure was short lived. At 9:15, the deputy director arrived with two security officers. the director walked into Ray's office without knocking.

"Mr. Goldstein? your service to the department is being terminated on the grounds of appropriation of government property and insubordination. You must leave immediatly."

Ray was in shock. He knew something was up, but he didn't expect anything like this. But Ray knew his union contract...

"I am exercising my right under the collective bargaining agreement to consult with a union rep."

That's not permitted; you must leave imediately..."

"I an requesting my rights to representation under my contract."

"Either you leave voluntarily, or you will be arrested."

"I am requesting..."

"Cuff him"

And the cuffs went on. But then something remarkable happed. One person started slowly beating their fists in their cubicle...


Then there were two....


Then it was the whole unit....


As Ray was walked to the door, the entire I.T. unit followed. Two rows down the hall, ten people on each side. And they clapped hands in time with their stride......


And then something more remarkable. While the events of the last two days unfolded, News had filtered all over the agency. Now, things had built up in the DMV for years. But nothing ever happened. Not until today. Ray was well liked in the department. He was smart, and fair, and unfailingly loyal to his people. He was also very generous in helping people all over the agency. As Ray walked by in handcuffs, followed by the IT department, walking in time and clapping, each office they passed fell in line...dealers, registrations, commercial. Each time an office was passed, workers stood up, and left their desks, marching and clapping behind Ray. As each office fell in line, the sounds of their claps began to reverberate like thunder in the concrete block halls. So, when the parade passed suspensions, the girls came too...

"My God, they've got Ray!" Tina cried

"Come on, dear..."

Colleen took Tina by the shoulders, as she motion the rest of the office to follow.

By the time Ray reached the front door, the state headquarters of the DMV stood empty. The employees stood in the park across the street, as security uncuffed Ray on the steps. Once uncuffed, Ray raised his arms, in the classic 'Rocky' pose. This caused the group to erupt into cheers. But then, security got out a bullhorn, and ordered everyone back to work. Before he got finished, the employees erupted into a chant of 'Hell, no, we won't go!' the chant went on for a half hour. By then, the local print and broadcast media had shown up. Ray got the chance to tell his story, time and time again. Soon after, the union, showed up, with signs, t shirts, and sympathetic union members from other locals. By 4:00 p.m., there were over ten thousand people in the park, The carnival atmosphere attracted local curiosity seekers, who blocked downtown at rush hour, as other workers tried to get home. This neccessitated the state and local police coming out. By ten p.m. the city was completely shut down.

Ray, Tina, and their DMV friends sat at a picnic table in the park. In happier times, it was where they ate lunch. Now, it was where Ray explained the day's events to his wife.

"Ray, you should have told me...."

"I know; I just...wanted to work this out myself..."

She took his hand.

"I know. But I'm your PARTNER, not your helper." she reminded him

"I'm sorry...."

As soon as he said it, the crowd erupted. There was a state helicopter landing on the roof of the DMV. Inside a half hour, word got to Ray that the governor requested a private meeting. Following some negotiations, it was agreed that Ray and the union president would meet the governor and the attorney general. The meeting took place at City Hall nearby, and ran for several hours. Finally, some progress was made...

"But can you do it?: the union rep asked

"Together, I'm pretty sure. Tonight, we'll announce that our talks were 'productive' and tell them that a press conference is scheduled for ten tomorrow. '

"What do you think?" the rep asked Ray.

"I'm OK with it...."

And so they did. At ten, it was announced that the commisioner would be stepping down to 'pursue other career goals.' Ray took an informal reprimand, for having 'Anthrostar' on his work computer. When Ray returned to his office at twelve, the same employees who followed him out clapped and cheered to his return. And things were better, because the employees of the DMV no longer felt powerless, for they had discovered their power. When he returned home that night, Ray and Tina showed all the clips and new items to Georgette, who in turn, showed them to the babies....

'See that? Your Daddy is a hero!" Georgette declared proudly. By then, however, Ray and Tina were long gone, quiety swinging in the hammock.....

Meanwhile, across town, it was bedtime at Colleen's.....

Now, on a normal night, Colleen slept in her bed, Lydia in the guest room, and Sean on the pull out sofa. Tonight, Colleen asked them to join her in bed. Sean arrived in flannel pajama pants, Lydia in her 'I don't do mornings' sleep T, and Colleen in her lavender teddy. She took the center of the bed, with Sean and Lydia on either side....

"You asked for us?" Lydia stated

"What is it, Missy?" Sean asked.

"Well......."Colleen began." I wanted to share something.....something very special and intimate. I'm.... going to have a baby."

"COLLEEN!!!!" Lydia squealed, giving her a big hug.

"Missy, is it.....?"

"Of course it's yours, you big, stupid Irishman...."


"I thought it was too late. I hadn't used birth control for years. I just figured it wasn't in the cards for me to have babies...Then, after the other day, when we all made love. It just....happened. "

"Did you...take the test?" Sean asked

"Uh huh. Last night. I was dying to tell you, but I wanted to tell you together, like this. Sorry stuff kinda got in the way. "

And they had a group hug, then the spent the entire night together, celebrating the unusual and special bond between them.