Shane and Jack's snowy vacation pt.4

Story by fuzzedfur on SoFurry

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WOAH this chapter is WAY overdue, it's been like three months since part three, sorry about that to any fans who are still reading my stories XD

Warning: male on male yiff, no minors, all that stuff

Shane and Jack's snowy vacation pt.4

Shane slowly opened his eyes, squinting at the light that was streaming through the large window in his room. He stretched out, yawning, and slowly began to climb out of bed, trying as hard as he could not to wake the coyote sleeping contently beside him. He pulled on a large tee shirt and wondered off into the kitchen. Surprised that he was the first one up, he grabbed some Jimmy Dean sausage from the freezer, a frying pan, and a spatula. He checked the clock on the wall as he turned on the stove, and it read 7:30am. 'Well I guess it is still pretty early," he thought to himself. Somehow the loud sizzling and mouth watering aroma coming from the sausage didn't wake anyone up, so he decided to forcefully, but politely wake everyone up.

Jack yawned and scratched the scruff of his neck as he awoke. The first thing he noticed was the tantalizing smell of sausage coming from the kitchen. He smiled, but then stopped as one of his other senses was prodded at. He could have sworn he heard music somewhere, for what reason he couldn't fathom. To make sure he wasn't going crazy, he hopped out of bed and walked towards the source of the sound. As he walked through the living room, he finally spotted the instigator. He saw Shane, sitting cross legged on top of the bar, plucking an acoustic guitar. Jack slowly crept up behind the small fox, and was completely unnoticed while doing so, due to the music covering his sound, and the sausage aroma hiding his scent. As he finally got within inches of the vulpine, he quickly grasped him around the stomach and pulled him into the air. Shane yelped and dropped the instrument with a loud 'thunk' as he was torn off of the wooden surface of the bar. Jack lowered the bewildered fox to the floor, and forced his tongue down Shane's muzzle. After the fox finally realized what was happening, he closed his eyes and returned the warm kiss. They pulled away just as Sam walked into the room. She looked very bright in the morning due to how well her silvery fur reflected the sunlight.

"Wow, breakfast must really be good this morning," she commented eyebrows raised as she saw the two on the floor. Jack got off of Shane, and pulled him up.

"Well, it will be once it's done. Why don't you start making some pancakes while I keep watch on the sausage?" the lynx nodded hungrily and got the ingredients for pancakes. They both resumed their cooking duties, and Jack made orange smoothies (once he had conquered the blender).They then saw Mark walk in, looking like he was still asleep.

"M'rnin," he grumbled tiredly.

"Morning....... wood," Shane said as he spotted the large tent in the cat's boxers, which he had overlooked in his state of fatigue.

"Shit!" Mark said as he frantically tried to adjust himself so that it was no longer visible. The other three laughed at his feeble attempts to hide his state of arousal. "Whatever, like I have anything to be ashamed of," he mumbled as he finally just let his boner perk up in front of him. It actually was quite large. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bag of bagels, quickly jumping back as he accidentally poked his appendage against the cold metal shelf. It finally started to make its way back to the cat's sheath as he started spreading cream cheese over one of the bagels. Realizing that he had been staring at Mark's hard on, Shane looked away blushing, to see Jack giggle at the fox's interest.

As Sam was flipping the pancakes, she saw Jason and Kelly walk into the room, his arm around her shoulders. Kelly broke into a coughing fit as she entered the room, then sniffed and rubbed her eyes.

"You don't look so good," Sam said as she saw the dark circles under Kelly's dark brown eyes.

"Thanks a lot," she grumbled in response, coughing again and pushing herself closer against Jason.

"She has a cold, so we're gonna stay at the cabin today," Jason said.

"Oh, that's too bad, I hope you get better. I'll make ya some soup," Sam said empathetically. She got out a pot and the stuff to make soup, while Jason sat down and held Kelly on his lap.

When they were done with breakfast, Kelly and Jason went into the room with the fireplace, and the four that weren't sick geared up. They decided to go snowboarding for a few hours. After a while in the half pipe though, they felt kind of bad for leaving the other two behind, so they headed back to the cabin to relax for the rest of the day. They weren't worried about intruding on the two lions, Kelly was way too out of it for anything intimate.

The six friends were sitting in a semi circle around the huge fireplace in the living room. Jack was sitting in a recliner on the far left with his legs up. Shane was laying down head to chest on top of the coyote, with Jack's paws resting on Shane's stomach. Jack was slowly nuzzling the back of Shane's neck, causing the fox to grin and giggle as he sipped on a mug of hot chocolate. Jason was on the couch with his arm around Kelly, who was leaning up against the right side of his chest. She was wearing a thick, green, warm looking robe. Sam and Mark both sat in adjacent chairs, with their legs crossing each other's on an ataman, both of which were also drinking hot chocolate. They were all in the middle of a very interesting conversation, one that most groups of friends wouldn't dream of having.

"C'mon, you said you would tell me if I could chug a mug of hot chocolate in one go, and I did. And it burned like hell, by the way. So when, and who was it about?" Jason demanded an answer from Mark, to a question which none of them had the slightest idea how it had been brought up.

He let out a low sigh, then said, "Fine. I was eleven, and I don't remember who it was about," Mark said, finally revealing the age of his first wet dream. The others giggled as the kitty obviously denied telling them who his dream had included, even though he very vibrantly remembered. "And why are you so eager to know? It's not like it was about you," he said, a statement that would have been less than true if it had been "any of you" instead of directed towards Jason.

"Well, even though it's very interesting to talk about what gets Mark off, I'd like to steer this conversation somewhere else if you don't mind," Sam interjected, "Oh, and are there marshmallows anywhere in this mansion?" Jason said that there might be some in the pantry, and Sam got up to retrieve them. As she stood up though, she managed to spill her hot chocolate slightly above the bottom of her dark denim jean shorts. "Ow! Crap!" she exclaimed as she held the steaming fabric so that it wouldn't cling to her leg.

"I told you not to heat it up for so long," Mark said as he picked her mug up off of the floor, which luckily was stain resistant hardwood.

"Damn, this might stain. Mark, can you do me a favor and throw these in the washing machine while I change?" Mark nodded, and they set off down towards their end of the hallway with all of the bedrooms. Sam's bedroom was right next to the laundry room (although the space was a bit wide, extra installation had been added to prevent the machines' noises from disturbing guests).

"Well, now that our topic of discussion is gone, what would you like for dinner? Kelly, do want some more soup?" Jack asked. Kelly nodded, and Jason said that he was neutral. It was very unnerving to be so inconclusive in a place with so many choices.

"Well neither of us care either, I guess Sam and Mark will have to fight over it. Let's go ask them." Said Shane. With that the pair got up and followed the same hallway that the two felines had traversed a couple minutes earlier. They slowly made their way down the hall, turned right, and stopped in front of Sam's room, which was actually empty. They figured she must be changing somewhere else, so the turned around and went to Mark's door, which was closed. Shane turned the knob and quickly led the way in.

"Hey guys, what do y-" but he stopped mid sentence. For the first time during the trip, he had walked into someone else's room to be surprised. As he took two steps in, in front and slightly to the right of them was Mark's bed. On top of the bed was Sam, who was sitting leaning back with her arms behind her holding her weight. Her legs, which were no longer clothed in the stained shorts, or anything for that matter, were parted with Marks paws on her knees. Kneeling in between her legs was Mark, who was spreading Sam's legs while simultaneously leaning down and running his tongue along her crotch. The look of pleasure on Sam's face turned to horror as she saw the pair standing in the doorway. Mark whirled around and practically fell over once he had registered what was happening. He seemed to be enjoying himself, as he had a large tent and a small spot of pre on the front of his shorts. The pair of canids at the door quickly stepped back out and shut it.

"Um, sorry about that! We'll just wait in the living room!" Shane called as he and Jack hastily walked back down the hallway. They silently made their way back into the living room, where they were greeted with curious stares from the two lions sitting on the couch.

"So what do they want?" Jason asked, slightly confused by the expressions bore by the pair.

"Um, they were busy, so we didn't ask," Shane said quickly, and then turned his attention back to his half full mug of hot chocolate. Kelly and Jason switched their gazes to Jack, who gave an inaudible giggle along with a grin, and quickly stuck his tongue out in a licking motion. Catching what he was getting at, Kelly started to chuckle, but was interrupted by another coughing fit.

"Well those two can decide when they're..... done, but I'm gonna make your soup right now," Jack said to Kelly, and she nodded gratefully as the coyote made his way into the kitchen. About ten minutes later, Sam and Mark made their way awkwardly into the kitchen. They sat down and the eerie silence continued. Finally, Jack turned away from the pantry for a second to ask them what they would like for dinner. There was a brief moment between the time that he had turned around, and the time that he actually asked the proceeding question though. As he looked at the embarrassed couple, Mark looked away and began to blush, which caused Sam to giggle and hold back her laughter as hard as she could. Seeing her reaction calmed the kitten a little bit, and he just looked back up at Jack.

"What would you, um, like for dinner tonight?" Jack asked, trying to sound as casual as possible. It took every ounce of willpower Jason had not to shout out a joke about tacos from the other room. He managed to stop himself though, in fear of any unpleasantness that might come from any further embarrassment tonight on Mark's part.

"Um, how about...... uh......" Mark continued to struggle as he looked for the words to make a decision. He was spared though when Shane walked in and made a suggestion.

"How does chicken sound?" the fox asked, being the only one who managed to keep a straight face the entire time. Relieved by the question, both of the felines nodded. Shane smiled and got chicken breast from the freezer, and put it in the microwave to thaw. Sam got up and grabbed some lettuce, cheese, and dressing for a salad in which to eat the chicken, while Mark continued being a benign presence at the table.

After dinner, they had all climbed back in the hot tub, mostly in hopes of relaxing and easing the tension (although Kelly did it in hopes that the steam would help her throat). The atmosphere was definitely a lot less tense once they had eaten and were laying in the hot soothing water. Each couple was at a different side of the hot tub. Jason was sitting at the edge closest to the bar, with Kelly in his lap. Sam was sitting in the opposite side, with Mark nuzzling her on the left. Jack was half sitting half laying on the side against the wall, with Shane laying on his side on top of Jack's chest, where one of his paws came to rest, while the other was loosely draped around the coyote's neck.

"So," Jason asked, "besides all of the embarrassing (and semi erotic)surprises so far, how's the vacation been goin?"

"Awesome, thanks so much again for having us up here," responded Shane.

"Yeah, and most of the 'surprises' turned out pretty good," Jack said, nuzzling Shane and licking his muzzle. To his right, Mark and Sam were also getting quite affectionate.

"Yeah, so far this is the best vacation I've ever been on," said Sam, who then returned to kissing and nibbling Mark's neck.

The kissing, licking, and nibbling continued for a few minutes before Kelly and Jason got up. "Were both getting tired, so we're gonna go get some sleep." the two lions wandered off to the master bedroom for the rest of the night. Things were starting to get a bit dirtier in the hot tub; Mark's tongue was as far into Sam's muzzle as he could get it, and his hands were rubbing and groping around her chest. Jack and Shane's actions involved a little less kissing and grabbing, and a little more licking, rubbing, and nibbling. After a few more minutes, they all paused for a moment.

"Um... you two can stay out here, we're gonna go back to our room," Jack said, finding it a tad awkward to go any further in the same hot tub as their friends. Sam and Mark nodded, then immediately went back to what they were doing. Jack and Shane hopped out of the hot tub and rushed down the hallway to their room, quickly going in and shutting/locking the door.

Shane ran to the bed, then turned around in time to receive a deep, passionate kiss from Jack. Jack rubbed Shane's sides slowly as they kissed, then paused for a moment. Shane crawled into the bed, then turned around and laid on his back, and slowly waved his tail between his spread legs. Jack got into the bed and crawled up over Shane, each of his paws on either side of his shoulders. He closed his eyes and kissed the fox below him deeply and tenderly, while Shane licked the coyote's tongue that was in his muzzle.

Jack slowly pulled away from Shane, and hooked his thumbs into the waistband of the fox's swimsuit. He slowly pulled the Speedo down Shane's legs, and murred as he was rewarded with the sight of the fox's creamy white colored sheath and sac. Shane let out a low moan as Jack slowly rubbed his sheath, causing his stiffening cock to poke out further. The coyote smiled as he saw the pink tip of Shane's member poking out of his sheath and leaking a little bit of pre. He took his paws away from the fox's crotch and began to pull down his own swimsuit. Shane smiled as he saw his partners stiff cock and full balls pop out of the coyote's swim trunks. Jack smiled devilishly and gently lifted Shane's legs up onto his shoulders. Shane smiled and murred as he felt the wet, warm tip of Jack's cock slide around the edge of his tailhole. Jack reached his right paw out and firmly gripped the fox's member, causing him to gasp slightly. As he slowly pumped Shane's dick, he pressed his own against the vulpine's tight entrance.

Shane felt himself being stretched open as the tip of Jack's cock entered him. It started to sting after the coyote's tip was past the entrance, and Shane closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. Jack was focusing on slowly entering the fox while keeping a slow pace pumping his cock, until he heard Shane let out a small whimper. He looked up at his face to see his eyes closed, teeth gritted, and ears pressed back. He brought his left paw up to Shane's face and slowly rubbed his cheek and muzzle. Jack was a little over half way into Shane when the fox opened his eyes and made his best attempt to smile at the coyote. He was unable to hold this expression for long though, when Jack's cock rubbed against his prostate he closed his eyes and let out a soft moan. Jack smiled down at him and continued pushing in, and started pumping Shane's cock faster as he felt a bit of pre leak onto his paw. Once Jack had pushed his cock all the way into Shane, he slowly began to pull out, until only an inch of his throbbing hard member was still being held in the warm, inviting passage. He built up a slow rhythm of humping Shane and pumping his cock at the same time, spurred on further by the moans and whimpers coming from the fox's muzzle.

Jack was building up speed when his knot started to form at the base of his cock. He was panting lightly now, and whimpered every time he felt it bump against Shane's tailhole. He thrust hard enough to push his knot into the fox. Shane yelped and whimpered when he felt himself spread open by Jack's large knot, but let out a loud moan as he felt Jack's cock hit his prostate again. It only took several more thrusts of Jack's hips, and a few pumps of his paw to make Shane cum. He moaned loudly as his warm cum covered his stomach and Jack's paw, and he squeezed down hard on the coyote's cock. Jack yelped then moaned loudly as he shot his load deep into Shane. He continued filling the fox with his hot, creamy cum while Shane covered each of them more every time his cock pulsed and shot another gob. They were each panting heavily as their climaxes winded down, finally draining the last of their cum. Jack brought his cum soaked paw to his muzzle, and licked all of Shane's seed off. Still tied to him, Jack gently brought Shane's legs to the left so that he could lay down next to him. Shane was murring quietly as Jack nuzzled his neck from behind, and rubbed his chest slowly. He continued to nuzzle, lick, and rub the fox soothingly until they both drifted off to sleep.

Hope you liked it! Sorry if the end seemed a tad rushed, but this was so extremely late that I really wanted to get it out as fast as I could. This is also not the last chapter, and hopefully there will not be as great of a period before I submit the next part.