On Break

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Taking a break while on patrol, Judy and Nick find a healthier way than donuts and coffee to spend their brief free time. <3

This story contains M/F sex between consenting adults! Also, characters from Zootopia! :3

On Break

"Nick! N-Nick!"

Judy's screams were muffled by the soft, pale fur of Nick's chest, her fingers scrabbling helplessly at the bridge's brickwork as her legs flailed and drummed against thin air, held wide apart by the fox himself so that he could control the pace of each and every thrust he delivered into the bunny's clutching pussy. It was a good thing, too. Judy was close. So close that had she been free to do so she would have driven herself down hard upon the fox's cock; determined to take it, knot and all, consequences of them ending up locked together be damned. She thrashed, shuddered and continued to cry out into her lover's lush fur as he made love to her with merciless restraint. Looking up, she could see it on his damn smug face. How he relished the fact that making Judy hold back drove her crazy in a way that the fullest, and most passionate force of their combined efforts could never have achieved.

Sure, she could have knotted him within herself and kept on going. Riding and grinding against that thick knot enough to make herself cum a dozen times in as many minutes. She could have screamed and squirted enough to soak Nick's to the skin if he'd buried the fingers of one paw inside her and toyed with her g-spot until she was so spent and sensitive that she'd pass out, still humping at his hand. But all of those orgasms combined wouldn't be a patch on what she was about to be overwhelmed by now. A slow boil of a climax that might well have taken days to achieve, and be the last one she would experience for years, as far as the bunny's libido was concerned.

"You wanna cum, carrots?"

The question was answered by a fevered, animalistic scream, and the kind of wide eyed, agonised expression that came from a mind in no state to tell humour from genuine curiosity. Nick smiled, shivering in pleasure as he felt his lover's pussy convulse and clench around the half of him buried within her, and whispered into Judy's perked, twitching ears once more.

"Then cum. Cum for me, carrots. Right now."

One of his hands released its grip on the bunny's left leg, and as he drew his head back to watch Judy's flushed face and twitching nose contort and freeze in anticipation, the fingers of that paw reached between her legs to seek out the little pink nub protruding from the outer limits of Judy's stretched and stuffed nether regions. Nick barely had to touch her clit to elicit the response he sought, a violent cry escaping Judy as her arms swung forward to grab at the fabric of his unbuttoned uniform shirt. A short, powerful burst of juices erupted from the bunny's depths, spraying out over the length of the cock not buried inside her including Nick's swollen knot. The fox growled happily as he watched orgasmic ecstasy consume his partner, friend and lover, but wasn't willing to stop there. He didn't just graze her clitoris, but took it between two nimble fingers and manipulated it with the most delicate but constant, ever changing pressure. He watched Judy's eyes bulge, and a grin to put their friend Flash's to shame crossed the fox's muzzle as Judy's orgasm was overridden and consumed by a second, far stronger one.

Leaning forward, pinning her writhing body between himself and the stonework of the old and solitary bridge that had at one point in his life been the closest thing to a home he had known, Nick closed his eyes. He beamed with satisfaction as he listened to Judy squealing and moaning. Felt her cumming around and over his rigid cock, not to mention the squirming of her whole body. And generally indulged in the knowledge that he was responsible for giving that beautiful bunny just a fraction of the ecstasy that to his mind she deserved to be caught up in twenty-four seven.

By the time Judy was done, Nick's cock was glistening with her juices from the base of his knot to where it disappeared inside of the now spent, limp and gasping bunny. She gave a weary, happy little giggle, and lifted her head from the fox's chest as he leaned down to meet her, and kiss her fondly upon the lips.

"Oh... oh Nick, t-that was... mmmh, put me down. Let me suck you off. I need to repay you for that one."

Nick chuckled and kissed Judy again, but shook his head.

"Sorry carrots, no time. We had twenty minutes, and unless I'm very much mistaken that session there took us... let's see, a grand total of seventeen minutes and change."

Pulling his phone from the pocket of his unbuttoned, open fronted trousers, Nick showed Judy the time. She whimpered loudly, balling up one hand into a tight fist and thumping him in the chest.

"Dammit. Dumb fox! I told you not to keep doing that. If we're gonna use our break for... for this? If we're gonna be breaking public decency laws during work hours, I at least want it to be worth the possible imprisonment for both of us!"

Nick snorted with laughter, but wrapped both arms around Judy and cuddled her close to him.

"Hey, do you see me complaining? You can deny it as much as you like, carrots, but I could spend days making you cum without a thought for myself and love every minute of it. Seeing you cum is as hot as it gets, whether or not I'm joining you."

The rabbit huffed and pouted within her lover's arms, cuddling him in return, blushing, but shaking her head at the same time. He may have been talking a good game, but she wasn't letting him off the hook that easily.

"True as that may be, Cassanova, what about what makes me happiest? What about what turns me on? You think I don't get off on the idea of you filling my muzzle till I feel like I'm gonna drown? Or cumming inside me till I'm so full I swear my belly starts to bulge?"

Opening his muzzle to reply, Nick closed it again with a soft sigh. The wry smile upon his lips faded slightly, and he nodded slowly.

"That's... totally fair. Sorry, Judy. I didn't mean to be selfish."

He couldn't maintain the sincerity for long though, his smirk returning with a vengeance.

"Next time, I'll totally make sure I cum without any thought for your pleasure. 'Kay?"

Judy rolled her eyes, giggling and sliding her arms up until they were wrapped delicately around the fox's neck. She pulled his head down towards hers again, and drew him into yet another deep, lingering kiss. Only afterwards, leaving Nick glassy eyed and rather dumbstruck with the giddy, goofy grin on his face, did she cock an eyebrow and fire back at him.

"You try it, sly. See how that works out for you."

The two officers kissed again, and lingered there, smooching and holding each other with Nick's shaft still buried half way inside his lapine lover, right up to the moment where the radio affixed to Judy's chestpiece crackled into life.

"Officer Hopps, Dispatch. Are you and Officer Wilde back on duty yet? Your car's GPS reads you stationary in a bad part of town."

Judy squeaked loudly, and rushed to grab her radio and answer even as Nick lifted her up and off his rock hard cock, setting her down next ot where her own trousers were sitting neatly folded atop a wooden palette.

"Dispatch, Hopps here. Sorry Clawhauser. We're... I mean, I... I'm heading back to the car right now. We'll be on the road in approximately two minutes. Do you have an assignment for us?"

The radio crackled, followed by a hoot of warm laughter from the Desk Sargent.

"Negative, Officer Hopps. Just checking in. You kids make sure you're being safe though."

Both the fox's and bunny's eyes widened. Judy responded, her voice rather shaky.

"Um... we... I mean, I don't think I caught that transmission, Dispatch. Say again? Over."

Again, Clawhauser laughed, and teasingly drawled back at them.

"Y'know. Safe on patrol, coz it's a bad part of town you parked in. What else could I possibly mean, hmm?"

Judy and Nick looked at the radio, then at each other, red faced as Clawhauser giggled and signed off from their channel.

"Hey, Nick?"

"Yeah, carrots?"

"Remind me to kill Clawhauser next time I see him."

The fox laughed, but shook his head as Judy started to hurriedly pull on her trousers, and he began to stuff his still hard cock back into his own.

"Not if I get there first, carrots. Not if I get there first..."

By Jeeves

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