Neverwinter Nights-Continued

Story by Razakel on SoFurry

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#2 of Neverwinter nights

"Ahh, it awakens" a cold voice drawled above me.

I tried to shift my weight and strike out at the face above me, my arm stopped after a mere inch. I could feel the cold bite of steel and leather upon my wrists and moving my legs found the same to be true for my ankles, staring upwards I could make out a shadow of a face with the light behind his head all I could make out was a dark blob over my face with fetid breath wafting over me.

"Uck ou itch" I mumbled out of dry unresponsive lips.

"Ah yes you have been out for a while, that would explain the slurred speech. We were very concerned that you had suffered long term brain damage, although that would be hard to tell in a creature of your intelligence" the shape sneered derisively at me.

Wetting my lips as best as I could I tried to reply "Coming from you, ya flea bitten goat fucker?" This comment was rewarded with a shattering blow to my jaw, which from the feel of the crunch of bone had nicely broken my jaw but no pain.....odd.

"Now if things have been done right you should have not even felt that, we have erected a field around you that has temporarily shut off the pain receptors in your primitive brain. We have many tests to run of you and a few of them will cause you incredible pain and we can't have you passing out during the tests as that will foul the results. Oh and by a few I mean every single one of them. Sadly when we finish with you every day and haul your broken body to the dungeons the pain will come flooding back to you, and yes we could counteract that in the spell but, well we just don't want to."

Allowing this to sink into my addled brain I quickly worked out what the fuck was happening, got betrayed, got captured by psycho priests (from the look of their robes and the room I'm in)/ scientists and they planed to do hideous experiments on me and would magic the pain away till I left the table when I would get the full pain...... fuck.

They began almost immediately, producing tools of science I suppose you could call them, tools of torture would be another apt name. The curved and hooked steel implements gleamed in the artificial light cast from the walls.

How long the experiments lasted I could not fathom, however when it was finished I could still feel nothing and yet when I craned my neck to look down I sorely wished that I had not. My body had been flayed open, tissue, muscle, fat and organs gleamed wetly in the light, pulsing and moving and yet no pain. A warm feeling burst into me and I saw my flesh crawl and knit back together to make me once again whole.

My captors then began to release me from my bonds, as soon as the last cuff was undone I swept up and caught one of the priests on the jaw with a right hook that launched him from his feet and into the wall, I surged up after him and fell to the ground crying and vomiting. I could feel every cut and incision that they had made over the last while into my body, as I felt the blade slip deeper into the muscle I passed out from the pain.

Slowly by brain came back to consciousness, expecting the next flood of pain I lay tensed and in fear and yet there was nothing..... Just near darkness and a cool breeze wafting over me.

I slowly stood and looked around my confines, cold bare stones all around me in a rather large cell complete with a steel bared grill over the entrance.

"So your awake are you princess?" A dusty voice to my right coughed

Jumping backwards I cracked my skull on the rock of my cell and fell over again.

"Not too bright is it?" Another voice sounded from my right

"Come lads we must try to understand his predicament a little, He has been tortured hideously and has had a few shocks over the past few days." This voice was more kindly and sorta wise sounding.

Eyes slowly adjusting and the memory of the terrible pain slowly fading allowed my brain to kick back in gear and observe my current "roommates".

"Greetings human, I am Melchior and I mean you no harm. These are my friends." The emaciated white wolf in front of me, Melchior waved a hand towards his two companions.

A great black bear looked me up and down and then stuck out a giant paw to shake my pretty insignificant hand. "Balthazar" He grunted at me, I assumed it was his name.

"And I am Gasper" The last one said in a quiet voice, he was a lithe and somewhat bony jaguar.

"A couple of days ago I would have said that I had gone insane, now...... Well it's bloody good to meet the lot of ya's!" I shook all their hands with genuine joy, just glad to be out of the "Science chamber"

"So what brings you blokes down ere?" I asked casually

"We're prisoners you fucking mook, what do you think we are here for? The fucking fun of it?" Growled Balthazar, stepping towards me.

"Back off!" Melchior snarled at Balthazar

Balthazar glared at him and sullenly moved back.

Melchior turned to me many questions on his face, "So what are YOU here for?" He asked and his tone of voice indicated that he didn't want to hear how I ended up in the cell but everything. I took a seat and launched into an explanation.

A good hour or so later I finished up my tale to the shocked looks of all three of them.

"Interesting, the humans survived and flourished in another world, and you have come back here." Melchior said thoughtfully.

"He could be one of the tainted, I have scented his aura and it fits. I think maybe we should end his life now." This came from Gasper so easily and calmly, I felt no hatred or malevolence in his words, mere facts.

"Come near me and I'll rip ya whiskers of ya spotted bastard!" I launched myself at Gasper. I found myself suspended in the air my a large hairy paw belonging to Balthazar, straining slightly to hold me in the air.

"He may well be of the tainted, however he is the best chance we have. He will live and be trained." Melchior said with a quiet authority.

I was dropped to the ground unceremoniously. "Okay, I've told you my story, time for you guys to spill it" I said to the three of them.

"I suppose that's fair enough, our tale is long and arduous." Melchior settled himself in to re-tell their adventures.

"We were the three, many years ago when humans still walked our earth, many morphs believe that we evolved from humans, they are wrong. Humans and Morphs co-existed, lived with one another, helped each other, loved one another and were happy. Then came the time of Arentill, he was a great leader who turned to the dark side. He became obsessed with the idea of living forever, failing the natural means he turned to the infernal means, demons and the like of them. War plagued the world as Arentill lead an army of demons over the lands in a bid to wipe life from the planet to create a place for the demons to live and prosper at the cost of all living things. We three, Gasper, Balthazar and myself were chosen as the knights and protectors of the light, Gasper was a rouge and master of assassins unmatched in speed and cunning, able to walk amongst the enemy nearly invisible , Balthazar was a warrior born and bred and a true master bladesmen, versed in all means of weapons and able to kill with many things that shouldn't have been used as weapons unparalleled in strength and courage , and myself, I was a Magick user, able to tap into the elemental powers and so much more to bring forces of terrible destruction down.

We were called the Three for our varied skill and deadliness, we attacked many enemy fortresses and strongholds destroying all in our path, we personally led the Tainted.

The tainted were humans blessed or cursed by demon parentage, one human parent and one demon. They were an elite fighting force that was dedicated to the survival of the light and all that was good, they commanded some of my Magick, some of Balthazar's strength and skill and some of Gasper's agility and skill.

We were turning the tide of the war when we were betrayed by the prince who believed the honey poison words of Arentill that the war would end with the Three and the Tainted delivered to his doorstep in chains."

"Pathetic little piece of skunk shit he was, damn the name of Prince Rethara. Should have been eaten at birth" Came the bitter comment of Balthazar.

"Yes, well I think most would agree with that diagnosis however he thought he was doing things for the best. Well we were delivered, every man and woman of the tainted were slaughtered, because of the danger they presented to the demon lord Arentill being of both worlds they had accessed merely a minute portion of the power available to them for anymore would tear their frail moral vessels asunder. And we were imprisoned and kept under watch for centuries, obviously we aren't exactly what you would call normal due to our abilities and our lifespan. The times went by and slowly we were forgotten and eventually imprisoned down here to wait out the end of our lives." Melchior completed his tale sadly.

"So if you think that I'm one of the tainted then why do you want to kill me? From the sounds of it the tainted were your allies." I asked slightly puzzled

"Well depending on how strong the light was of the human parent and the darkness of the demon parent then they tainted could turn to mindless berserkers of strength and Magick not known even to the demon side. They would always turn to the enemy."

"Well I come from the, err human realm? And I can guarantee you I've never seen any demons." I said this with damn certainty

" Think back to your world, was there anyone that you would have described as pure evil?" Melchior asked

"Well .... I, umm now that you mention it I'd have to agree with you there"

"Sadly the war could have been won by the light if not for one terrible factor... Drakanoxx" he barely whispered the name but both Gasper and Balthazar made what could only be a protective sign in the in front of them.

"What's a Drakanoxx?" I asked

"Not what, but who. He was Arentill's right hand and the gate to the infernal world of demons. In Arentill's early days of trying to summon a demon to help him in conquest he contacted something that should have stayed buried and never seen the light of day again. Deep in the bowels of hell resided a creature of such immense power and evil that it was imprisoned by it's own kind due to their fear of it, no mercy, no pity just a deep seated need to hurt and kill.

He very nearly destroyed heaven and hell itself many millennia ago, and Arentill's clumsy attempts accidentally freed this creature. Arentill's top general, a loyal and good man who served his emperor perfectly Drakan was his name, and when Arentill realized that he needed a human to sacrifice to give the demon a body to live in he commanded Drakan to give his life so his emperor might gain everlasting life. Being a loyal man Drakan agreed figuring it was in the best interest of the people (never said he was smart). As the moons passage grew to an end and the night was pure darkness Arentill began the rite of summoning, and at the perfect he commanded Drakan to plunge is sword into his heart, as Drakan felt the burning kiss of steel sliding into him he felt the terrible evil of the nameless demon burst forth into the world.

At the last moment Drakan slowed his sword so that it just pierced his heart, not resulting in instant death, and in that moment the demon took possession of what was supposed to be an empty vessel but with a sliver of life left in Drakan the demon was drawn in and the minds and souls of the demon and Drakan were merged into one. A being of pure evil and hatred but held back with a single silver chain, all that was left of Drakan's mind and soul.

The demon was still as loyal as Drakan had been to Arentill and proceeded to bring about a new age of darkness in its masters name, held only in check because it was unable to harness it's full power and destroy the known universe. Although wielding his twin weapons, one a broadsword of titanic proportions heavy and messy the other an oversized katana over eight feet long graceful and deadly, combine the weapons and his armour that was brought from the infernal world along with his weapons he was an unstoppable force.

All three of us have fought the creature branded as Drakanoxx and each of us barely crawled away with our lives, after we were captured we heard that the original brotherhood of light had managed to bind and banish it, and now the perverted brotherhood of now seeks to destroy all "abominations" as a twisted way to carry on their forefathers work.

In simple terms in this day and age the shit has really hit the proverbial fan. Arentill has gone into hiding and Drakanoxx is, god knows where worst of all it comes upon the time again the passing of the eye, this is when free flowing magic peaks in the world and when Arentill was able to break down the demons prison. Many fear the return of Arentill and the Dark one Drakanoxx." Melchior took a deep breath and had to get a drink after this long and slightly disturbing story.

"Wow, that was good. I recommend that you don't write children's stories but that was pretty good. Needs more boobs though." I refused to believe all this.

This piece of sarcasm was rewarded with a stern blow to my stomach that made me nearly vomit and did actually stop me breathing for a time. After I painfully hauled myself off of the ground and looked up to see Melchior standing over me, I began to realize that a) he wasn't joking and b) he wasn't just a frail old man who smelt funny.

"So I take it that this isn't a joke then guys?" I asked needlessly

"No, it is not a joke at all. And you had better pray to whatever god it is that you have that the brotherhood doesn't find out exactly what you are. You think it's been bad because your human then you have no idea what they would do to you if they found out that you now know of our history so keep your trap shut." He said that kind of nicely

Back to torture again, I was beginning to realize that the brotherhood weren't very imaginative when it came to "exploring" the human body. Every day it was the same, cut open, poke this, prod that, look slightly confused and then poke something else. I was even getting used to the pain that came after the spell or whatever it was wore off, and I was developing a deep seated burning hatred for the brotherhood.

Sitting in my shared cell again I heard the three of them whispering and muttering to each other. Melchior broke from the group and wandered over to me. "We have spoken among ourselves and have decided that it is high time to leave this place, the time has come again that we are needed." This was said calmly and evenly, unlike my response the first few minutes was actually just swearing in any language I could think of and I think that I started making it up after a while, after I had calmed slightly the conversation continued.

"Motherfucking geriatric bastard cock swallowing ass clown gunna neuter you with your own fucking teeth!" (Okay so I swore at him a little bit more)

"Why in flying fuck you not decide this a few months ago you know, when I was being tortured fucking senseless?" I half snarled and half yelled

"Ah yes, our apologies for that we would much preferred that you didn't go through that however it was necessary to toughen you physically and mentally. What you will go through in the next year or two demanded that you toughened up." He even sounded genuinely sorry.

I was prepared to actually let this slide if it meant that I would have my freedom.

"Hang on, go through what?" I asked suddenly suspicious.

"You will be trained by us, darkness comes to this land once again and this time the three of us are no match for it. You could be the best, even now you are superior to others, faster, stronger, upgraded senses, not much in the intelligence department but we can work on that." A slight grin playing over his muzzle he turned back to his friends.

I took a moment to mull things over, cool was going to escape that's good. Gotta go through some terrible training process thingy to get stronger and all that, also good.

Gotta fight demons.... O.K there is no way I can put a positive spin on that so bad.

Ok all in all it wasn't too bad and I would be free!!

"I'll do it!" I called out happily and full of conviction.

"Wasn't a request, was gunna drag ya if you didn't agree" Balthazar growled

I buggered off into the corner somewhat dejected.

"So do you have everything you need? We'll be leaving in a few minutes." Gasper had walked over to me.

"Wise arse, what shall I pack then? Oh yeah if it's alright I need to make a quick stop when we escape?"

"Depends, where and to what end?"

"Just need to kill someone, nothing big." I thought only of revenge on the one who got me here Lesaria.

"Who do you need to kill? You haven't been in the city long." Gasper asked somewhat intrigued.

"Going to kill the rouge fox bitch that gave me up to the brotherhood" I snarled

"Rouge fox.........white fur on green stripes, name of Lesaria?" Gasper asked calmly but edged forwards a bit.

"Oh, you know the bitch, how nice. Yeah gunna kill her." I was getting pissed of severely now, everything that had happened, I had taken pretty damn well but I was at the end of my chain and now this prick is standing here telling me that he knows fox bitch.

In a fraction of a second his claws were around me throat.

"You go near her and I will slit your throat, that "bitch" is my daughter!" He snarled in a slightly feral way. Well that tore it, him threatening me and the fact that it was his daughter and EVERY FUCKING THING THAT HAD HAPPENED IN THIS FUCKING CITY!!!

I twisted hard and got out of his grip and the kicked as hard as I could and connected with his groin area, he squealed and then threw up. I kicked him in the head as he was kneeling down, I moved just in time to see Balthazar charge me. Brain switched off I did something very stupid, I took off towards him as well, we met in a very solid thud of bodies meeting I reacted instantly head butting the bloody big bear in the face over and over and then began swinging punches towards his face while kicking him in anywhere that was available, he caught me with a clawed paw across the face and left a bloody line down over my left eye. I continued going berserk even to the point of biting him, we were close to the wall of the cell so I took a couple of running steps and jumped at the wall, sprung off and connected with the side of his head with my foot, he went down hard.

I turned as Gasper was struggling to his feet, he caught another kick to the testicles, he went down and didn't move, I moved to my last opponent, everything was moving in slow motion, I wasn't thinking, I just knew there were more enemies to take down, a glowing ball appeared in his hand and then it was whistling towards my head and then well then it was dark....again.

I awoke fairly quickly this time (pretty sure my brain is getting used to being knocked out) and remembered what had occurred, I was pretty sure they were going to kill me now. I looked over to Gasper who was sitting in the corner looking pretty miserable and still clutching his damaged goods, Balthazar was next to him shaking his head in amazement over what had just happened, Melchior just looked surprised and oddly enough somewhat happy.

"Err, sorry?" I ventured

"Well we were actually saying before that we were amazed at how well you have coped with all this happening and we were expecting you to crack sooner or later, but definitely not to that extent." Melchior again sounded genuine.

I lurked over to Gasper.

"Sorry about the berries, I reacted a little badly" I apologized

"I too reacted badly, I'm sorry. It's just that Lesaria is very important to our cause and.... And to me as well." He was a lot calmer now

"Hang on, if you guys have been locked up here for how bloody long, how the hell do you have a daughter?" I asked in amazement

"Weeeell, I used to sneak out a few years back and happened to meet her mother, then the guards found out how I was getting out and blocked it. I felt bad for just leaving Lesaria and her mother but I left them my business so they had money, I still miss them." Tears were barely visible in the corners of his eyes.

"Sorry, I never knew. It's just that well I really liked her and thought the feeling was mutual and then she betrayed me twice. Oh well, I'll get over it." Oddly I actually meant it, after my freak out I was feeling pretty happy and forgiving.

Still feeling bad about betraying Raz, Lesaria thought she might as well go the whole nine yards and gathered up the bundle of clothes and items that her rouges had stripped of him when he was unconscious, from the look of everything she would get a goodly sum of coin at the markets for it all, especially the sword hilts.

Enlisting the help of an ox morph she took the equipment to the markets, the ox was straining under the unnaturally heavy bundle, she ignored him.

An hour later she was looking at a thousand gold coins, not too bad at all. Going into her office she dumped the coins in the hidden safe which was definitely necessary in a thieves den. Leaning back on her chair her mind wandered to the human and wondered where he was and where he had come from......"FUCK!" she nearly fell off her chair as something crept into her mind, something that she had not even triggered on before.

She had heard tales before of the war and the demon Drakanoxx and the twin weapons and armour he bore, Lesaria sat with her back against the wall twitching slightly. The sword hilts were a perfect match of the ones in the story and not just copies, they were exact and the weird plated armour and enchanted coat, razor sharp blades all over the boots.....that was the armour of the demon Drakanoxx and yet Razakel had been wearing it when he arrived. The implications of that alone made her grab a bottle of clear liquor and start emptying the bottle.

Still sitting in the same bloody dark and depressing cell I began questioning the sanity of listening to Melchior about them escaping and about them being warriors of legendary status, for all I knew they were just a couple of senile old men who had been sitting in a dark cell for too long and sanity had taken a slight vacation.

"Soo, when would we be planning this escape then?" I asked semi casually

"We are not demented old men thank you" Melchior snapped in irritation, ok so maybe they weren't senile.

"Your timing is good, it is tonight that we will free ourselves of this place and join the others, we have a few people with us but they are sorely in need of leaders and trainers, the time is right now and we shall take our leave."

"Okey dokey then mate lead the way" I figured anything was better than sitting around doing sweet F.A.

"Be ready, things are going to be a little bit noisy and a lot violent. Try not to get killed or fall behind." Balthazar said happily, in fact he seemed happier than I could remember him being.

Melchior and Gasper stood behind and to the sides of Balthazar, with a deep breath and a smile on his muzzle Balthazar grasped the bars of the cell and strained for a moment before they gave way with a tortured squeal and the grating of rock under the strength of the bear morph, he casually tossed the door away, footsteps were rapidly approaching us, guards must have heard the noise wonder why that would be?

As the first poor unfortunate approached us Balthazar picked up on of the bars that had been torn loose from it's mountings and as the guard just appeared around the corner he was immediately brained with a lump of steel, needless to say he didn't survive.

"Let's go!" Melchior and Gasper took off down the corridor, Melchior on point with Balthazar brining up the rear and then me just kind of keeping up, badly.

We made it up the stairs into a largish meeting room, which was filled with guards.....crap. Not even slowing to think Melchior drew back his fist and thrust forward to cover the front line of guards in an iridescent blue ball of fire, quickly followed by Gasper bounding over the guards to land in their midst, then he went to work. Hands and feet were a blur as he disarmed a guard and then jammed the short sword into the former owners chest who died gurgling, he swept through the ranks, silent and deadly fast. Balthazar merely got to the first guard he could reach and crushed is skull with one massive paw, then picked up the lifeless body by the legs and proceeded to use the lifeless guard as a rather large club against his allies.

I shit myself, maybe not literally but pretty damn close. I sufficed by finishing off any guards who weren't 100% dead, there wasn't many of them.

Between the three of them they had annihilated the entire regiment in less than thirty seconds, nearly the whole room was a deep shade of scarlet.

They kept running, not even pausing after the mass slaughter, I decided to follow them it seems like the best plan of action.

Room after room we cleared out until we reached the final door, set in a corridor about fifteen feet wide the corridor was blocked by more guards and my "Doctors" the monks that had worked on me over and over again.

Things started to go a little red in my vision, memories of the pain that had been inflicted by these bastards surfaced again and fuelled my rage, the other three took a few steps back to give me room. Let the healing begin!!

I looked from the monks to the guards standing behind them and a grin slowly split my face, I could feel my muscles bunching under my skin seeming to writhe in anticipation.

The monks decided to change positions with the guards and ran to the back fine with me, the young's the old one's they all got to die.

The first guard was lifted from his feet from the first blow I landed and then things just became a blur to me, bodies parts lay on the floor were they had been removed by severe force, I could feel blood dripping from my mouth were I had bitten in the flesh of whatever was nearest to me at the time. In no time at all I had chewed through the guards (literally apparently) and was facing the monks who had done so much for me, they were cowering on the floor and one looked like he had soiled himself from every orifice available to him, they had surrendered completely, That didn't stop me, walking up to them I picked up a fallen long sword dropped by a slain guard and went to swing and cleave through all three at once but was stopped by a paw on my shoulder, it was Melchior "We all have our dark demons just don't let yours control you" even in my blood lust I heard him and the words made sense, so I calmly slipped from Melchior's grasp and remove two of the monk's heads and turned the third into a pez dispenser not for blood lust merely for peace and a sense of revenge.

I dropped the dripping weapon on the floor and turned to Melchior "No one controls me but me, I did that because I wanted to do it and it needed to be done." I whispered through clenched teeth.

"I'm aware of that, I just wondered if you were in control of yourself and it appears that you are, besides they were right they were arseholes and needed that. Nice job by the way, messy and untrained but not a bad starting point" To emphasize his point he nodded to Balthazar who was kicking body pieces to the side of the corridor.

"Yeah well I am untrained, so I'm forgiven." I was still slightly shaken from the gory experience, I should be more horrified but it really was justified.

As we turned to go out the door I picked up the head monks severed arm from when he tried to protect his head (and failed) and jammed it down the front of his pants. Just cause I could

Gasper just looked at me oddly, Melchior smiled faintly and Balthazar just about pissed himself laughing, he slapped me on the back and made me bead butt the wall "Bastards even got his hand on it in death."

"Well I think we should move away from here post haste" Melchior announced

"I'll catch up with you all in a few days, need to get another one to train." Gasper said softly and then slid off into the shadows.

Melchior, Balthazar and I moved off to our next destination.

We traveled very light, to the point of not even carrying supplies