VR Days

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: Nfjrrjf to go along with some of the other stories of Kal and Kajiit, Crux and bobcat. This one takes place after A Proper Fusion series, and involves them going to a black market, and getting a little caught up in events there.

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VR Days For Nfjrrjf by Draconicon

Kal grunted as he pulled himself over one of the many pieces of sheet metal that lined the walls, the Crux shaking his head as he made his way ever deeper through the shadows.

"This is booooring."

"Maybe, but that doesn't mean you have to say it out loud."

"I know, I know."

The big-footed Crux kicked at a piece of rubbish, sending it flying down the alley into the shadows. It didn't come back, so he kept walking forward.

"But why can't these people do this for themselves? I thought you just went flying around for those people that paid you. Flying around is fun."

"Yes, yes, but today it's time to do something a bit less fun...Now, be quiet. It doesn't look like it, but there are people watching."

The big blue Crux nodded, but didn't say anything. After all, he was supposed to be keeping quiet, and ever since the therapy sessions...well, he and Kajiit were quite a bit closer than they used to be. He chuckled at the thought, remembering when he and the bobcat used to be fighting for control of the body all the time, with Kajiit wanting to be so responsible about it, and him just wanting to go out and have a little fun.

There were still obstacles, of course, but -

A flicker was all he noticed before he went to his knees, but it was enough. A razor-thin wire shot over his head, darting from the shadows of the alley towards the opening in one smooth motion. The Crux stared at it, slowly looking back where it had come from. If he'd been any slower -

"_You stepped on a wire."

And you didn't warn me because...

"I didn't think about it. Sorry. I'm so used to being the one -"

It's okay._

He smiled as he got back to his feet. Some sort of warning trap, something to keep out the people that didn't belong. Well, he was used to that sort of stuff. He saw it all the time...and he had to deal with a lot worse before him and Kajiit had become fused. If that was all that the black market had for protection, then he would be just fine.

The big-pawed Crux walked further into the darkness, feeling his way along, and making sure that Kajiit told him everything about the traps that might be waiting further on.

It didn't take long to get through the rest of the traps. The others were little more than a pressure plate and a force cage, and Kal was reasonably sure that they were meant as back-ups to the more deadly first trap. The Crux easily avoided them, even without the help of his other half, and stepped into the black market.

Hovercarts were all over the place, forming stalls that could be easily broken down and put away at a moment's notice. Salespeople of all species lined the rough, higgledy-piggledy aisles that the carts created, shouting at those passing by to come and take a look.

Kal didn't see how this worked, but Kajiit did, and his other half told him.

"They've got security all over the place. Different thugs and toughs that the merchants hire to make sure that they stay safe. All dressed normally, but you can see the hip bulges that mark them. See?"

Flicking his eyes to the side, he saw what the bobcat meant. There were a number of people walking around, but the only people with bulges on their hips - meaning weapons, from what Kajiit had told him - were some few people that always seemed to stick around specific carts. The only times they left were on patrols, and even then they were joining up with people from other carts rather than everyone abandoning the one they were at.

_Looks alright.

"It always does. But let's get what we came for and get out. This place gets weird if you stay here for too long."_


"Just...people looking to do things that aren't really legal."

Mmmm, fun -

"Don't even think about it. Let's just get the thing for the client."

He wanted to argue, but he put it off. He'd come back to it later, when he wasn't in such an unknown place. Considering what happened the last time he went somewhere that he didn't understand and went against Kajiit's suggestion...Well, suffice to say that he didn't want to repeat it if he didn't have to.

He slipped between the other customers, something that was easier for him than it looked, considering he could dart between people without trying. Something about his skin, about the smooth surface of it, let him pass by without bumping people. It was rather handy in crowds...and in other places.

The Crux put that out of his mind as Kajiit guided him through the mess, heading further and further into the depths of the black market. The goods on the stalls became less semi-legal clothing and more focused on weapons, tech, drugs...things that even he wasn't comfortable with, particularly as they passed a series of cages. Kal stared at the people inside them for a moment before he had to turn away, the Crux shivering at the thought of being...being stuck like that.

It took them almost five minutes to continue after that, and Kajiit had to step back into control for the time being.

_Why do people...

"It's part of the black market. Some of it is fun, some of it...really isn't."

And you keep coming here? Why doesn't someone...I mean...cages! Cages!

"It's the slave trading part of it the black market. It's very illegal, but it makes the most money. Anyone that threatens the slave traders gets kicked out of here real quick, and if you really push it...well, there's a reason I got that scar on my side."_

Kal knew the scar that his other half was talking about. It was a slice right up along his left side, hidden beneath the fur unless someone really knew what they were looking for. He'd always thought that it was some monster that had caught the bobcat before they met up. The fact that it was someone here...and that they were still here...

_We have to stop it.

"It's not going to happen. Not today, at least. But I agree...someone has to."

No. WE have to.

"Not today. Let's get that thing and get out of here."_

Again, the thing. Kal shook his head, finally able to take control of their body again. The thing, and then they could go. And he and Kajiit would have a long, long -

Suddenly, they bumped into someone. Normally, that wouldn't have been a problem, but with Kal just taking control of the body again and the sheer fact that it almost never happened, he was knocked right off his feet. The blue Crux grunted as he hit the ground, rubbing his puffy ears and groaning as he realized he'd landed on his tail.


"Soooo sorry about that."

Looking up, he found himself face to face with a fox-like creature. It looked almost like a fennec, but it was taller, and definitely more rounded in the hips. Not to mention that it was one of the few creatures around that carried a weapon, and had a -

"_It's a fex. Don't listen to it."

Why not?

"They're always offering something weird. It's never worth it."_

Well, even so, he could take the offered hand. The fex pulled him up to his feet, and Kal was able to look down at the fox rather than up at him again. Well, except for the ears; those tended to make things a bit difficult. He smiled.

"I'm Kal. Just looking for some goods for...someone."

"Oh, I know how it is. The market had many things that you need not share, yes?"

"Something like that. Heh. You talk funny."

"I said, don't listen to it! We need to -"

"Oh, I suppose I do. Call it habit, a habit of being what I am."

"A fex?"

"A lover of fun."

"Ooooh, that's me, too!"

The Crux grinned. It had been so long since he'd found someone that did fun for its own sake, that lived that way. Maybe they could have some good times here in the market after all, despite all those problems with the cages and everything. He'd like to get to know this guy better.

Despite the complaints in the back of his head, Kal was the one in charge. It was part of their therapy, that he got to be the one in charge from time to time, and besides, it wasn't like they could just shift back. Out in public, that sort of transition would not only leave his bobcat half completely naked, but also exposed as a host to...well, him. Cruxes weren't really known as a species, as far as they'd been able to determine, but he was pretty sure that the authorities wouldn't like that.

At least, that's what Kajiit kept telling him.

So he was able to walk with the fex through the market, talking about whatever popped into his head. It was...surprisingly relaxing.

Varex - the fex - even helped him find the stand that was selling the parts that their client needed. Thanking the fex with a nod and a grin, Kal leaned in and gave the smaller male a tight hug, displacing a number of customers around him.

"Thank you so much for this! It's been driving me crazy, trying to find it. How can I help you?"

"Ah, then you offer a favor for a favor?"

"I offer fun for fun!"

"Heh, then I believe that there is a place in the market for the both of us. If you would follow me."

The fex led them through the crowd again, and despite Kajiit's reluctance in the back of his head, Kal followed along. He could tell that the bobcat was almost as curious as he was, and there was no way that either of them would be leaving the market without paying off this favor...though for different reasons.

Less than five minutes later, the fex led them up to a surprisingly permanent stall, barely larger than a dozen feet on every side. However, it stood out by being made of sturdy metals rather than hovercarts, and even Kal had the idea that this one had been here for some time.

For a place that seemed built out of temporary buildings, it was rather surprising.

"What is this place?"

"Oh, this is a place of fancy and fun."

"I like fun."

"Yes, yes, I know."

Kal chuckled as they stepped into the stall, and found a variety of different chairs that seemed to be locked together at the backs. He cocked his head to the side at some of the helmets dangling over them, and it was only when he tripped over a bunch of wires that the Crux started to put it together for himself.

"I've heard of this. VR, right?"

"Yes, yes, you are a clever one, are you not? This is VR, but of a most different sort. You see, this allows us to link our minds, rather than simply seeing a world on our own."


"_It's illegal because minds can't take that sort of thing! He's going to get us in trouble."

Wait...he's gotta be nice about it. I mean, he's putting himself in too; why would he do that if he could get hurt, too?

"...That's a good point. We'll listen."

Hehehe, you want it too.

"Shuuuuut up."

You want to nuzzle his paaaaaaws._

"Shut up!"

Stifling his giggles, he focused his attention back on the fex. The fox-like creature was already talking with the owner of the stall, whispering in some different language that neither Kal or Kajiit felt that they knew. Rather than interjecting, Kal started looking around, curious as to the sort of things that were in the tent, and what kind of things might happen.

Some of the other chairs were occupied, he realized, and he wandered over to them. Several of the occupants were completely out of it, but one looked like he was just waking up. Some sort of bull, from the looks of things, and one that was rather happy with what he'd done. His eyes were all glazed over, and the bull's pants -

Kal chuckled again. The smell told him everything that he needed to know.

A little weird to see the eyes like that, though. From what Kajiit was muttering in the back of his head, it wasn't part of being in VR. Maybe there was something -

"Oh, Kal, Kal, my friend?"

Varex waved as he turned around. The Crux grinned.

"Yes? Yes?"

"Do you happen to have a few extra credits? I can cover most of it, but the dose of samal does need a little more."

"Samal? _That stuff is illegal as all hell!"

It's something that should be sold here, then?

"Yes! No! I mean...it's something that makes you high, and it makes it hard to think. Makes it hard to know what you're doing."

Sounds fun!

"Kal, I swear to god -"

Nope. My turn, the doctor said so._

Leaving the bobcat grumbling in the back of his head, Kal started rooting around in his 'pockets.' They were less pockets than they were part of his body, but considering how shiny and flexible it was, it looked like it to most outsiders. He was pretty sure that the illusion fooled Varex and the shopkeeper, at the very least.

Finding a couple dozen credits to cover the last part of the purchase, he handed it over, and the shopkeeper handed the fex a couple of packets. The fox creature handed one over to him, and gestured with one hand to hold it by his nose.

"Just open, and breathe it in."

"That sounds really easy."

"That's because it is, my fun-loving friend."

Nodding, Kal did as he was told. As soon as he breathed in, the powder in the packet hit him hard, leaving him dizzy and loopy. He spun in circles twice before the fox grabbed hold of him, gently dragging him to one of the machines and pushing him to sit down in it. It wasn't the most comfortable, but it was a lot better than standing when he was spinning around like that.

As he felt the drugs settling into his system, he could already feel his body getting looser and more relaxed. He felt half-limp, bouncy, and so very happy.

Yet...tired. So tired, too.

"So that's what it works...it makes the brain sleepy...so it can't...can't focus...and the melding doesn't...stress break..."

He could hear Kajiit slipping away on the power of the drug, too, which made it all the better for him. Something for the both of them to enjoy, rather than just him.

As Varex disappeared, the shopkeeper pulled the mechanical top of the chair down. It was like a helmet, and soon, a few electrical discharges started raining down on his head. Then a few more, then a few more, until he slipped away completely, drawn into the machine by the electrical connection.


When he 'woke up', he found himself in a pure white room. It was hazy towards the edges, but it was comfortable. Warm enough to keep him happy, and cool enough to keep him from getting all sweaty. It was...it was...

"It's not real, but it's real enough."

Kal turned around, finding the fex behind him, and no longer dressed. He giggled at the slightly silly look that the curvy fox had, with hips that rounded out and looked rather swishy, and a tail that seemed extra fluffy. A heavy sheath stood out between those legs, and Kal licked his lips at the thought of what he might do with that.

Before he could move, however, Varex lifted a hand. The bare-furred fex was suddenly surrounded by numbers and letters, like something from one of those datapads.

"_Oh, that son of a...he's the admin here."

Is that bad?

"He controls the world, and he controls us!"


Even as he understood what that meant, the sudden shift in the world threw him off-balance. The Crux slid along a suddenly smooth floor, landing on the ground at the foot of a bed. The fex sat on it, and was already doing other things.

A collar snapped around his neck, leather and warm, while his cock was already being pushed out by some strange thing. It felt like numbers were being poured through his head, all ones and zeroes, but as they passed through, they left something behind, making him pant already from the way that they were affecting him.

As his cock throbbed harder and harder, the fex kept pushing buttons, each one doing something different. Kal felt himself changing, his cock getting harder, thicker between his legs, and he felt his mind drawing more and more blanks. Even Kajiit, less affected by it than he was, was slowly getting more and more confused, more and more quiet in the back of his skull.

Instead of worries or fears, the feeling of happy service kept filling his head. Something like what happened in therapy, but...but different. Less powerful, more temporary. It was hard to tell the difference, but it felt that their doctor went deeper.

Even so, it filled his mind with images of the sexy fex, the powerful fex, the eager fex above him. It made him want to play, made him want to serve, made him want to do all sorts of things for the masterful, sexy fex. Kal smiled, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as the base urge of all Cruxes was drawn to the fore.


He leaned back on his heels, giggling and grinning as he looked at the fex. His eyes were crossed as he giggled and bounced his head back and forth to the numbers sliding through his body, changing him and altering him for the fex's pleasure. He knew what was happening, but he was so happy, so bouncy, that he didn't even care. Neither did Kajiit, or at least, so it felt to him.

As the fex continued to change things, Kal felt a little...strange. The stiffness between his legs remained, but...but it was starting to slide around. Like he was losing something. The Crux blinked and looked down...and kept staring.


"Don't worry. This is only temporary, my friend, my fun-loving friend. You will be completely normal in real life, but here...Oh, this will be fun."

Fun? That was something different to call losing his cock. Or at the very least, seeing it get shorter. The Crux stared at his manhood, slowly disappearing into his body, sinking further into the space between his legs with each passing second. It was like seeing it disappear into a sheath, almost, except that he could feel that it was still hard. No cock would disappear like this...unless...

He reached down, feeling around the opening with his finger. It was like a developing hole, like a slit, but different. There was a hole in the slit, as well as his cock, and he shivered as he dragged his fingers along the new inner walls. It was so sensitive, so different...

"Come on, my friend. Lean back, let me see what I'm doing?"

Despite his confusion, Kal was still ever-eager to serve, and Kajiit didn't seem to mind. He felt like the bobcat was watching from afar, taking in the sight. Maybe the drugs had relaxed the bobcat, or maybe his other half just felt safe because he wasn't the one that this was happening to. In either case, it meant that it was easier for him to go along and have fun.

Kal grinned as he leaned back, spreading his legs to show off the growing cloaca that he had down there. The further in his cock went, the more he felt his insides open up, feeling wet and eager and...empty. He shivered, his smooth blue skin breaking out in trembles and quivers from head to toe. He wanted to feel something inside of his cloaca; he wanted to see what it was like to be fucked inside of it.

"_That's him, changing us."

I don't really care.

"...Neither do I, really. But I wanted to -"

You wanted to make sure I knew?


Thanks for looking out for me. Now be quiet, and let me have fun._

He giggled as he looked up at the fex as his change pushed further, his cock finally completely disappearing inside of him. He could still feel it, of course - that hadn't changed - but it was completely buried inside of the wet, slippery tissue between his legs. More than that, he could feel that other holes had moved around, giving him a more...one purpose hole. It was strange, because that wasn't quite it either, but it was still closer to what it was than just a slit for his cock.

The fex looked down at him, dragging a bare paw over him down there. Kal moaned softly, pushing his legs further apart, and Varex chuckled.

"You are just naturally that slutty, aren't you, my friend?"

"Mmm, I like to have fun."

"You aren't that bright, are you?"

"Other people think for me, hehe."

"Well, they're not here now, so how about you let me do your thinking for you?"


He knew that Kajiit couldn't leave him - or shut up, for that matter - so there was no use talking about it. Besides, he knew that the bobcat would keep him safe. Kajiit always kept him safe, kept him from falling into traps.

Except the one time, but he wasn't going to raise a fuss.

The fex gently nudged a toe into his cloaca, and the Crux moaned under his breath, leaning forward at the intense feeling of that flicking thing working itself into his body. It was...surprisingly good, and he panted as he started grinding himself against it. Varex smiled.

"Look at that. Already wanting more?"

"Mmmm, yes."

"Well, perhaps you should play with my paws. Serve them nicely, and I'll give you, my fun-loving friend, a lot more than a toe."

As soon as those blond-furred feet were lifted to his face, Kal fell on them eagerly. It wasn't all him, of course - Kajiit had his share of paw-lust, after all - but it was him that controlled them. The Crux nuzzled into the feet, happily giving into his other nature, his playful nature. His tongue lolled out as he huffed and sniffed at the paws between nuzzles, holding them by the middle of each paw against his face.

Nuzzling to his left, he felt the toes drumming along his cheek from the right, and as he turned to nuzzle that paw, the left returned the favor. Back and forth, back and forth he went, giving those paws plenty of eager attention.

He dragged his tongue along the bottom of each paw, happily panting as he did so. Every little taste and touch was wonderful, both in taste and texture. Looking past the fex's toes, he could see that Varex was definitely enjoying himself. The fex had his hand on his cock, and it was rapidly growing out of that plump sheath.

Kal grinned wider as he pulled one of the thick toes into his mouth, slowly sucking on it. The moan that the act drew from his master - his temporary master, Kajiit reminded him - was perfect, and he slowly bobbed his head up and down. The soft little wiggles from that little toe, the way that it curled to pin his tongue, the flavor of mild musk and clean fur: it all added up to pure loveliness.

He gave the same treatment to every other toe, sucking on it eagerly, and each toe wiggle for him in turn. The fex kept grunting and panting, and Kal saw his reward growing bigger and bigger with each passing toe.

With such treatment, it didn't take long to get the fex all riled up, and Kal giggled as one paw suddenly shoved him back, pushing him down on the ground. The fex followed, standing above him with one hand on his cock and one on his hip.

"Heh...so you want it that badly, hmmm?"



Kal grinned as he saw the paw pressing his legs apart, and happily spread them further for the fex. Varex seemed eager, and he wasn't about to slow the fox-like creature down. The feeling of the toes rubbing around his new cloaca was perfect, almost like feeling them circling around the head of his cock, and he presented himself properly, holding his legs up and back.

The fex obliged him, sticking a toe past the opening. The fuzzy little digit didn't go in far, but it was far enough for him to feel it. The stubby thickness ground against his inner walls, and best of all, against the head of his cock. Kal gasped, echoed by one in the back of his head from Kajiit, and shivered, having to resist the urge to thrust up against that toe alone. It was so tempting, but he managed it. Barely.

It only got more difficult as a second toe slipped inside of him, pushing him open a little further, making it easier for the two toes to rub against his cockhead. It was making him shiver, panting for the toes to push in that bit further...

And they did. They trapped the head of his cock between them, sliding up and down in turns on each side. Varex smirked over him, but Kal barely noticed, too absorbed in his own pleasure as it only got better.

He panted, leaning his head back as his eyes rolled back in his head. He could do something...he could make it better...but he couldn't think of how. Little suggestions, to move, to thrust, to do anything but just sit there, were rejected...and he knew why.

Because Varex hadn't suggested them.

All he could do was sit there, his legs spread and showing off his inner walls, until the fex decided to give him what he needed. The Crux moaned, biting his lip as he realized that he wasn't the one that was going to be giving fun. He had to wait until his 'master' was done having fun with him, and then, then he might have his fun.

The toes kept teasing, even adding a third one into his cloaca, before Varex finally tired of it. When the toes pulled back, Kal gasped for breath, feeling so empty, but he was barely able to catch his breath before the fex was laying over him, staring into his eyes.

"You want me inside of you?"

"Mmmph...yes...Feel so empty..."

"Heh...I've never had one of you...you are more than intriguing."

"I'm warm inside...hot...please..."

"Oh, don't worry, you're going to get what you want, my fun-loving friend. I just...want to appreciate you."

The fex stroked a hand across his face, and Kal felt some strange sense of...study, coming from the fex. It was like the 'master' was committing his face to memory, or something like that. Like Varex would want to find him again.

But that was impossible. They'd met by chance, and there was no way that the fex would be able to track them down that easily.

No sooner had Varex stroked his cheek than the fex pulled back. He felt the tip of the big cock pressing against his cloaca only a second before it pressed in, opening him up quickly and efficiently. If he hadn't been stretched by the foxy toes, Kal wasn't sure that it would have been so easy, even in this strange virtual reality, but he was happy it had been done. He moaned, his legs twitching with the instinct to wrap around the foxy male above him.

But no commands of the sort was given, so he was restricted to laying there, to feeling the fex thrust into him. It was so strange, so different compared to feeling a cock inside of him normally. Usually, he could feel it thrusting deep, and that sensation was there now, but there was something else. A feeling like...like frotting, like his cock was being ground up against someone else's. And of course it was, it was inside of him, in the same hole that the fex was fucking.

Kal groaned as he leaned his head back, one of the few motions that he was allowed. He panted hard, his eyes rolling back as each thrust drove that thick fex cock deeper and deeper inside of him, rocking him further and further back. The white haze around them seemed to go on forever...just like that fex cock during the slow thrusts, going all the way inside of him, leaving him feeling like it would never stop sliding inside.

In and out, in and out that cock went, slowly rocking him along the ground, slowly driving him mad as his cock wanted to grow outwards. He could feel it, feel it wanting to push free, but the constant thrusts from his master made it nearly impossible. All he could do was lay there, feeling it throbbing impotently, being ground against, nudged, bumped with every thrust...

And worst of all, the knot on the fex's cock. It bumped against his cloaca again and again, nudging him, trying to get inside, trying to lock them together. He wanted it, while at the same time he wasn't sure that he could take it. Kal wanted to, wanted to badly, but Kajiit -

"_Keep that thing out of us!"

But it feels so big...

"It's too big!"

This isn't real.

"Real enough!"_

He didn't listen. He wanted it, and the fex seemed to want him to take it. No complaint passed his lips, and he only smiled up at the fex, begging Varex to ram it in, begging for the new feeling in his cloaca.

Hump, hump, hump, the fex speeding up. He could feel it, feel the slow increase in the fex's need with each thrust. He was getting very close now. Kal grinned, feeling it about to overwhelm the both of them. Even kept inside, his cock was throbbing, drooling, ready to explode. It just needed a little -


The white haze erupted in explosions as they came together, Kal almost screaming in bliss, and he swore that Kajiit was right behind him.


They woke up...he wasn't sure how much later. It was much later, though, and Varex wasn't around. The fex had disappeared, and Kal...

Kal was completely soaked in his own juices, dripping down his chest, and his cock was actually out in the open. Even with his limited capacity for embarrassment, he still felt his cheeks glowing, and he was pretty sure that Kajiit would be even worse when he -

"_Oh stars, how long were we out?"

I don't know. Maybe a few hours?

"Do we still have the thing?"

Uh, uh...yeah, we do.

"Thank god..."_

And they did, he could feel it. Kal shook his head. What a strange day. But fun.

He chuckled as he got to his feet, wobbling a few times as the last of the drug worked its way out of his system. Before he could leave, however, the shopkeeper came over to him, holding a box under his arm.

"This is from that fex."

"What -"

"He said you should take it. Paid up for it, too. So, take it or whatever."

Kal didn't know how to read the markings on the box, but Kajiit told him what he needed to know. It was a more portable, experimental version of the headsets, apparently, something that he could use to get in touch with Varex again...sometime.

Somehow, he doubted that Kajiit would use it. Him, on the other hand...

"Let's just...get out of here before we cause more trouble?"

He chuckled, but went along with it. After all, it was almost Kajiit's turn to be in charge again, and he'd prefer not to get his other half in trouble.

The End