TDM ~ Chapter Two

Story by Thecursednoodle on SoFurry

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#2 of The Daycare Man

Part two of The Daycare Man

Chapter two, as promised,

Again, this story is intended only for those 18+

*The Daycare Man ~~~2~~~ *

It happened again.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, you should backtrack a bit and read my earlier segment... actually, no, don't. I don't think you'd really want to hear about it.

But, yeah... it happened again. I suppose I'm writing this on some form of a whim, since it wasn't my intent when I picked up this pen. But now that I've started, I'm gonna have to go through with it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the story of my latest escapade. (That was sarcasm, by the way)

One could say that my life was normal. Or it was since my interesting encounter with the Growlithe. I ran the daycare every day, went about my daily tasks, the usual. Anyone viewing me from the outside would have had no idea of how much my mind had gone into overdrive. In simple terms, my head was swimming in thoughts, mostly pertaining to my treatment of the Growlithe. These thoughts always revolved around the root question of; was it right? Maybe there was some 'why did I do it?' thrown in there too, but not nearly as much.

These thoughts plagued me everywhere I went, every day. In my previous writings, I noted that I felt little guilt, at least at that point. That has certainly changed; even three weeks after it happened, I'm still wondering every moment whether it was ethical to do such a thing to a Pokemon. I'm just glad I've been able to keep these musings on the down-low, so that my current state of mind is unnoticeable from the outside. But I diverge, because this isn't what I want to talk (write?) about, but just a factor in what led up to... well...

Something else that was likely very important in my thought processes; I was obsessed with female Pokemon. Wait, let me try and rephrase that. I was interested in females, that's probably more appropriate. I can't exactly explain it, but ever since being with that beautiful little Growlithe, I had been paying so much more attention to the qualities of the female Pokemon under my care. During feeding time, and whenever else I was out back during the day, my eyes were always drawn to the individual characteristics of each; the glossy fur on that one, the perfect posture of that other one. Like a habit, I couldn't stop it.

It felt strange, knowing that I had somehow changed after my sexual experience, but not knowing exactly how. Definitely more than just eyeing the females' good qualities. I was very infatuated with... well, you can probably guess. I'll say it anyways; in cruder terms, their pussies. How else should I state it? It was almost like all the females I looked after had incredibly oversized vaginas... no, not literally, I mean to my eyes at least. It was the thing that my gaze always strayed towards, no matter how I tried to resist it. For a while, I didn't acknowledge it as being weird, just accepted it as an obvious side-effect of what had happened between me and the Pokemon.

What couldn't be ignored were my thoughts of making love to them. Whenever I saw a female, I would immediately visualize them atop my desk, with me plowing their rear, much as I had done to the Growlithe. These fantasies played through my mind practically all day.

Basically, I felt dirty, tainted, and most of all frustrated that I couldn't stop any of these new desires. Like I said in my previous writings, don't judge me for this. It was on impulse. Be disgusted if you will, but just don't blame anything other than those desires that would not leave. So now's the time to stop if you don't want to hear anything you'll regret. I fucked another Pokemon, and I'm obligated to tell it, so here goes...

It was a Furret that finally set me off. A god damned Furret, of all things. Her trainer dropped her off late Thursday morning, with a brief explanation that he would only be gone for about an hour. Without me prompting him, he flashed the money so I could be sure he had enough to pay for the service. Everything seemed perfectly in order, so I accepted the Pokeball he handed me.

After he left, I took the Pokeball out into the back enclosure, where I opened it. The quick flash of red light revealed her; she had a vaguely cream-colored body ringed with brown hoops. A very long, thin frame made it evident that she was built for speed over other things. She was quite tall, rising to the top of my legs. These Pokemon can actually grow to upwards for 5 feet, but it just never seems like it because they can't stand straight up. At least this time I had a good reason for inspecting her; I didn't see a lot of Furrets. Hardly any, to be exact. The last one I had taken care of must have been at least over a year ago. They just didn't seem like a very popular Pokemon among most trainers, considering that they were the evolved form of Sentret.

The Furret eyed me with a wary look, perched on her hind legs, before dashing off into the undergrowth, where she disappeared from view. I turned back and returned to the front room. After sitting back down, I racked my brain for a minute or two to try and recall if there were any special procedures to be taken with a Furret. Coming up with nothing, I decided to play it safe and check the handbook. Opening a drawer, I removed the bound leather book that my father had created specifically for this purpose. The book contained instructions for the care of lots of different Pokemon. Not nearly all of them, but still plenty.

I thumbed through the pages until I found Furret's article, which I quickly skimmed over; nothing special, like I expected. Placing one foot over the other on top of desk, I sank lower into my chair and began the lengthy process of doing nothing at all. It's not slacking, I just never have much work to do at the Daycare; taking care of Pokemon is not nearly as much work as people always perceive it as. Really all that needs to be done is their feeding, and sometimes a little medical assistance when they get a bit too worked up with each other. But that's what Pokecenters are for anyways, right? Pokemon mostly mind their own business, and are perfectly capable of fending for themselves.

20 minutes passed uneventfully. I dozed for a while, before deciding to make a routine check on the back enclosure to ensure that everything was as it should be. I rose from the chair and crossed the room. Opening the door, I peered out and looked around; mostly just assorted lazy Pokemon lolling around in the sunlight. Pretty typical. I couldn't spot the Furret, leading me to believe she must still be lurking somewhere.

Focusing more on the bushes, where I expected her to be, I realized I could see the shivering of branches as she crept through them, sheltering herself from whatever she might consider dangerous. Watching as the trembling twigs followed her movements, I was pleasantly amused when she popped her head out into the open to check the surroundings. Apparently deciding it was secure, the Pokemon pulled herself a little farther out and started nosing the ground. A moment later I realized she was looking for food; not that she would find anything, since I only provided it at certain times of the day, but I supposed Furrets must be the type of meadow Pokemon that scavenges for food rather than actively hunting, hence the swift body.

While I watched the Pokemon, amused with its antics, some very specific images ran through my head. I already mentioned how I seemed very attracted to Pokemon now, right? Well, while watching her, that attraction seemingly reared its head as it had done many a time before. All at once, like a switch had been thrown, I wasn't observing the sleek creature from a caring standpoint, but instead from a sexual one. _Extremely_sexual; in that short time I envisioned things I won't write down here. My eyes immediately roved her entire body, soaking up all the beautiful characteristics that others might find uninteresting; the length of her body, how her bushy tail had no definite point of origin, but rather looked like an extension of the body.

Most of all, however, I was deeply interested in her fur. That sleek, almost glossy-looking coat of smooth fuzz. I had an urge to make my way right over there, grab her before she could escape, and run my hands all over it. I knew that it was obviously a feeling I should not be having, but I couldn't turn it off like it had turned itself on... or me on, I guess.

I felt my dick beginning to stiffen against my will. God, just thinking of the erotic feel that fur must have had turned me on. "Alright, time to stop," my mind offered. With that thought, I broke out of my trance and turned back through the doorway and into the office.

Re-seating myself behind the desk, I was able to think more clearly. I suppose I felt some pride at that point, having been able to effectively push away those sexual thoughts. Not that I knew then, but I definitely wouldn't be feeling pride much later; but why would that have crossed my mind? My train of thought broke when I realized I had left the door leading to the enclosure wide open. Wanting to avoid the lengthy process of coaxing stubborn Pokemon back outside, I rose and shut it before any could make their way inside.

I checked the clock on the wall opposite the desk and calculated that the Furret's trainer would be back in about 30 minutes. The Furret. The Furret. They eres back immediately, just as quick as last time.

Before I knew what was happening, the Furret was crouched on all fours on top of my desk, her long body coiled slightly to fit its length, facing away from me. I was on my feet, chair pushed back against the wall, with my clothing tossed on the ground behind me. With very slow, drawn-out movements, I was sliding myself inside the Pokemon over and over again. She squeaked with pleasure at the treatment she was receiving while I continued my work behind her. It was... amazing.

But was it really?

I snapped awake with a start, and that particular scenario dissolved rapidly. Checking the clock again, I realized I had been dozing off, clearly with thoughts of the beautiful Furret still strong in my head. It had been less than 40 seconds since I had closed the door, though it felt much longer.

I was sporting a well-developed erection from the short dream. More imposing than the boner, however, were my renewed musing over the Furret. The fur, god damn, the fur. I couldn't stop working it over in my brain. The Pokemon even had fur in its name, for goodness sake! My fingers could almost feel the smooth pelt running though them. At this point, it wasn't even sex I was focused on; unlike all the female Pokemon I had seen in the three-week period before this event, it was simply the fur. Well, not simply... I still don't understand why it both intrigued and turned me on so much.

I made attempts to suppress it. Thinking of other things? Obviously no. Maybe other soft things? Nope, not a chance. It was unbearable; the need to just feel it, stroke it, could not be suppressed. "Maybe I should just go do it. Nothing sexual, no, of course not, but just go find her and give her coat a few good strokes. I promised myself last time I would never do something sexual to a Pokemon again... petting isn't sexual, is it? Of course not." I knew my interior monologue was trying to coerce my mind into allowing me to do it, and of course it worked, just as it had done last time. Well, mind over matter, right?

I got out of the chair and went to the door; "But petting that Pokemon would give you what is evidently sexual pleasure," the better portion of my brain chimed in. I opened the door and looked out on the enclosure; "No, how could it? It hardly seems plausible that I could get that type of fulfillment out of something that people do to their pets all the time!" I spotted the Furret, crouched in the farthest corner and facing away from me, apparently interested in something on the other side of the fence; "Stop now before you do something you might regret! It's sexual and you know it!" I just wouldn't listen. This time it was desire over matter, and nothing could convince me otherwise. I started towards the thin Pokemon, the untrimmed grass muffling my steps as a pair of Shinx paced by me unheedingly. "Fuck you!", my mind practically shouted at itself, "Fuck you!"

I neared her without being noticed; it seemed this particular Furret may not have been as alert as others. "This is it," I thought, "Just give her a few pats and be done with it. Get your fix, if you wanna call it that." In that last moment before she finally noticed me standing directly behind her; "This fur thing is going to become some sort of terrible fetish."

"Then let it."

She whipped her head around, finally becoming aware of my presence just as it was too late. In the time before my hands closed gently around her midsection, I saw something in her eyes that I cannot forget, even now; fear... it was fear. Not fear for her life, but just the fear that I suppose any small creature has when it realizes it is trapped. Furrets have always been known to be quite timid.

And then I had her in the air, the lower half of her body dangling from my grip. Of course I couldn't carry her like that; just as with the Growlithe, I felt care through the heat of lust. She squirmed fiercely as I bundled her into my arms so that she at least had some form of support for her body. With her body twisting desperately in my grasp, I beelined straight for the door back to the office.

Let me interject here. I already stated this, but don't get the idea that I have no respect or care for Pokemon. It might sound like I was selfishly serving myself at the expense of the Furret's great fear... hell, I'm sure it does, but I felt care. As with many other things, it can't be explained; being around Pokemon my entire life had granted me a respect for their wellbeing, and that respect ensured I didn't hurt her in any way when I grabbed her. Just so I don't have to say this again later, that respect was entwined in every event that followed me picking her up, as much as it may not seem like it.

I moved as quickly as possible towards the door to prevent her from breaking free; while not especially strong, she was extremely wily and threatened to slip through my grasp with her struggles. From the soft cushioning on my arms as I carried her, I could already tell that her coat was going to feel amazing when I finally managed to feel it. Entering the office, I stuck out my leg behind me and swung the door closed as she continued to twist in my arms.

Moving to the desk, I made to set her down on it; when she saw the surface approaching her, she redoubled her efforts at escape, even beginning to make small squeaks of "Noone!" as she eagerly struggled to be put down. Granting the Pokemon's wish, I released my hold on her and placed her on the wooden surface. I did keep one hand firmly placed a small ways below her neck in order to keep her from immediately fleeing. The feeling of my hand there seemed to do the trick; she ceased moving and simply lay there, giving me a defeated look that seemed to say; "You got me, I give up."

The length of the Furret's body covered the width of the desk, with a good portion of her tail hanging limply off the side opposite me. I hesitated, wondering how to proceed, before realizing that it should be obvious. Not like there was any special procedure or anything. My grip on her prevented that hand from the feel of her fur, but I still had the other.

Lowering my free hand, I opened my palm, and placed it gently on her lower back. I paused a second to take in the light softness of the fuzz under my hand, before slowly sliding it all the way down her back, to the base of her bushy, ringed tail. The Furret's fur felt exactly as one would expect it to feel just from the look of the Pokemon; silky and smooth, almost slick-feeling. "Fur like that is probably very useful for sliding through small gaps," I thought, before losing myself in the amazing sensation.

Utilizing my single hand, I raised it and moved it back up, this time directly below the hand holding her. I sighed as I stroked her coat for the second time. I didn't understand what made it so enjoyable, but it just somehow was. It actually felt like I was physically fulfilling some strong need that I had, but I couldn't exactly place it. All I knew at that point was that I wanted to keep it up as long as possible.

My hand made its way down the length of her body time and time again, and I experienced what most trainers would never even think about. The delicate feeling of her upper layer of hair caressing my fingers and palm, and even the way the slightly coarser hairs under that first layer offered the tiniest bit of resistance against my skin.

She was evidently extremely confused. Instead of sinking its teeth into her, this predator was stroking her coat, and even enjoying it. I could only imagine how much of a surprise that must be to her. After about 40 seconds of this, I sensed her muscles relax under my grip as she submitted to this treatment, understanding that I did not mean to harm her. Another few seconds of me petting her resulted in the Pokemon sinking down and settling on the desk, quite content by the looks of it. She brought her tail up and wrapped it firmly around her upper body as I kept up the motions, savoring every feeling I was getting from this strange act. Before long, she had even begun to make a deep, contented sort of buzzing sound. Never having heard such a noise before, I could only assume it was contentment or pleasure (or possibly both). Whatever it was, her fear had departed, replaced by the acceptance of her situation.

That submission towards my advances was what made me start thinking back to a certain other Pokemon that had submitted just as readily. And do you know what that thought led to? Sex. Plain and simple. It never occurred to me that I pledged just three weeks prior that I would never do anything like that again. Out of nowhere, it became a strong urge; within those few moments, I was immediately and unexpectedly horny. The fur... the feel of her fur... an erection had begun to spring up within my jeans; I felt skin pressing firmly against cloth, knew what I wanted, and knew that I couldn't stop it from happening at this point.

But was it what _she_wanted? Just because I wanted to fuck the Pokemon in front of me certainly didn't mean she felt the same; actually, mating was probably the farthest thing from her mind at that point. Not wanting to make her do anything against her will, I felt pretty sure that I could bring it much closer to the front of her mind. But how to start?

A little foreplay never goes awry, I suppose?

I removed the hand encouraging her to stay on the desk; she remained where she was easily enough. While maintaining the caresses on her body, I formed that hand into a fist, with just the index finger sticking out. I was already familiar with this sort of 'maneuver', having used it previously. I stretched my arm and reached down the length of her body, reaching the point where the warm curl of her tail began. Like I said, it's difficult to tell where a Furret's upper body ends and where its tail begins, so I supposed I would just have to try and get lucky through guessing.

Without warning, I swiveled my hand under her from its position and made a miniscule swipe with my forefinger; she opened her eyes, and raised her head questioningly, having noticed the relocation of my digits. Encountering nothing but more blissfully smooth fuzz, I moved the hand down lower, trailing the finger over her fur. She lowered her head again and returned to her previous position, enjoying the feeling of my digit in a more private area. "But not yet private enough," I thought to myself with the faintest trace of a grin. It only took a few more inches of downwards movement until I encountered an unmistakable warmth, and, by the feel of it, the only thing not covered with fur.

Knowing exactly how to proceed, I rubbed her small vagina with the side of my finger. This action elicited a surprised squeak from her, and she once again raised her head. I waited to see if she would move away or resist in some fashion, but nothing. Feeling surer now, I was able to continue; encouragingly rubbing her with my upper hand, I made the same movement with the other one in that special spot. She was quiet, but I could sense a building air of pleasure around her; her body language itself showed enjoyment, what with her slightly perked ears and relaxed posture.

Knowing that I had hit gold, I kept rubbing her pussy, repeating the same motion as my digit skimmed over the warmth of her tight flesh. I might have considered that even better than plain petting; with one hand feeling the warmth radiating from her insides while the other made its way along her fur repeatedly. The knowledge that she had accepted this so readily, and maybe even wanted it, generated more satisfaction than I can describe right now.

The Furret's vagina was rapidly becoming wet as a result of the stimulation I was offering; I continued to find it easier and easier to move my finger around it. Making my way around by feel, I traced the slightly raised ridge that made up the outside folds of her. The Pokemon had begun to make the rumbling noise I had heard earlier, and I could now be certain that it was a noise of pleasure. I moved my slick finger along her folds, feeling my way to a certain spot I knew would cause something good. Finding the barely raised shape of her tiny clitoris, I tapped it with my finger; she started, giving me a pleased look as that rumbling sound grew louder. Raising the upper portion of her long body off the table, she gave me a strange look that I couldn't interpret. Keeping her eyes fixed with mine, she raised her head further, until her face hovered barely below mine. Wondering what she was doing, I continued the motions I had been making for the past few minutes. I watched as her face grew extremely close, and I began to worry just a bit. "What if she was about to bite me?"

Completely banishing that thought, however, was the quick moment in which her face reached my chin, and she nuzzled me affectionately. I felt the heavenly sensation of her fur rubbing itself along my slightly scratchy cheek that I had neglected to shave that morning. Pulling her head back, she gave me another one of those looks, then lowered herself back onto the table. Resettling in her original position, the Furret coiled her tail and closed her eyes as I kept fingering her.

Minutes passed like that, complete silence except for the rumble in her throat and the occasional wet sound made from behind when my finger slipped on her now-quite-soaked vagina. Before long I found myself absentmindedly pushing my finger into her; I only realized this after a few seconds of doing it. She had made no protest, and had taken it with no qualm.

My digit slid slowly in and out of her depths, and I was careful to never insert more than half at once. The copious lubrication that had formed offered me a very inviting path as deep as my finger could go, but I abstained from doing that, at least for a short time.

I decided that the Pokemon seemed ready enough, and removed myself from her pussy. Not wanting to cause a disruption in the motions, I immediately pushed it back in, this time moving as far forward as possible at a steady glide. My entire finger disappeared down to the third knuckle in her insides. That definitely surprised me; how should I have known that a Furret's vagina went so deep? Then again, I suppose the long body could indicate that?

With no acknowledgement from her, I held the finger inside her. Forming a sort of 'hook' shape, I ever-so-carefully felt the surrounding walls with minute strokes. I could sense the tightness generated by the Furret's thin frame just by the use of my finger. I did notice that I hadn't encountered any resistance yet, meaning her cervix was even deeper than I was at that point. "But," thought I, "penises tend to be longer than fingers."

That thought spurred me into action; how long had I been pleasing her? Realizing that her trainer had said he'd be back in just an hour, I checked the clock; shockingly, 10 minutes had passed between the time I had put her down to now. Meaning her trainer would be back in... 10 minutes...

"Shit!", I exclaimed to the empty room. Then, in my head; "Time to get this show on the road!"

Quickly removing my finger from her insides, I dashed to the bathroom that connected onto the office. The Furret gave me a curious, but unperturbed look as I turned on the tap. Waiting no more than a few moments for the water to warm up, I rinsed my fingers under it, before immediately drying them off with a towel as I switched the water off with my other hand.

Returning to the desk, I didn't sit down, but remained upright; if what I thought we both wanted was to happen, it would have to happen fast. Inserting an open hand under the Pokemon's chest, I coaxed her into standing on all fours. She was evidently very confused as I gripped her, lifted her, and turned her around so that she faced away from me. Swiveling her head to catch sight of me, she fixed me with a gaze that I ignored.

Of course, reader, you know what I was about to do.

I unbuckled my belt and didn't bother pulling it through the loops before I had unbuttoned my jeans and let them fall around my legs. I threw off my sandals and stepped out of the jeans while simultaneously removing my boxers. The erection I had been sporting for the past 15 minutes sprung free, ready to do its job.

Refocusing on the Furret, still staring intently at me, I placed both of my hands on the portion of her back in a spot I assumed would be comfortable. I reached one hand below her ringed tail and quickly found what I was searching for. Giving her pussy a good stroke, she did exactly what I expected; her bushy tail raised to an indefinite point, and she presented me with her small sex exactly as the Growlithe had; she was expecting to be mated, and she would be.

I positioned myself behind her vagina, well-exposed now that she had raised her tail. The sex would have to be quick. I would have enjoyed some more foreplay with the beautiful creature, but her trainer would be back in less than 15 minutes. However, that urgency paled in comparison to the incredibly inviting prospect of her slick pussy, now ready to be filled up by me. Wasting no more time with unnecessary thoughts, I gripped my cock and aligned the tip perfectly with the center of her vagina. I firmly pressed against the warm, pulsing flesh of that special spot. Getting ready for the imminent onslaught of sensations, I also assured myself that she was prepared for it; the knowing gleam in her eyes as she continued to watch me made it evident that she understood and was ready. Moving forward with my hips, I entered her.

Her insides promptly spread wide to accommodate the unfamiliar girth, and I could sense that her thorough natural lubrication was doing its job, allowing me passage without pause. She was warm, incredibly tight, and all-around amazing. Maybe not quite as warm as the Growlith had been, but still... just wow! Every slight curve of her pussy gripped my cock like a closed fist as I maintained my slow movement forwards, parting her insides like warm butter. Almost as good as the feel of the Furret's coat was the tightness of her insides as they placed pressure in all the right spots. She was so much tighter than any human female could have been. I couldn't help but mentally compare to the way the Growlithe had felt while riding me. The fire-type Pokemon would have bested this Furret in the comfortable warmth of her pussy, but never would have compared to her constricting tightness as I began the process of making love to her. It was caused by her long, thin body, which offered substantially less room to fit myself into.

She had stopped staring at me and was now focusing directly forwards. The stony silence within the room was a bit disconcerting; I had presaged a much noisier affair than this. Indeed, she let slip nothing to indicate my presence within her. Maybe she was as absorbed in the moment as I was? What easily gave away her current state of pleasure was the amount of fluid now being released from her pussy; so much that I would later heavily regret not laying down a towel over the desk. A steady trickle of her juices could be felt making its way around my erect penis and further coating her walls to allow swift passage.

Everything I just described occurred during my first movement inwards. To speed it up, I reached a limit that couldn't be passed, the same one that my finger had not been able to find; her cervix. Looking down at the portion of me buried within the Pokemon, I could see that she had taken me entirely. I didn't know if it was the same across the entire species, but this Furret was incredibly deep-seated. All for the better, I guess, but I still wondered if a male Furret could even ever reach this deep.

With the continuation of her silence, I slid my cock back out of her tight pussy to the point where my tip was once again pressing lightly against it. Eagerly, I re-entered her quicker than before, knowing that she would take it just fine. The same warmth greeted me as, pressing inwards, my dick once again made acquaintances with her fleshy cervix. After that, it was just, well, sex. Nothing incredibly special to describe that I haven't covered yet. I pulled back out fully, the cold air outside her playing interesting sensations of my cock. I made my way back in like someone hurrying into their warm home on a cold winter's night; and warm it was. Hot, actually. I could sense the increasing temperature of the silky Pokemon's vagina as waves of enjoyment crashed over her. Her body language gave a lot away; more and more trembling as I continued working her over with a regular pattern of pulling out completely and then hilting inside her again.

Her natural lubricant reached high tide and started making its way out of her body in a slow waterfall. Thoroughly coated with it to the base of my cock, our proceedings began to get messy. The constant collision of my hips with her soaked hindquarters generated a wet, smacking sound, regularly timed with each of my thrusts. I couldn't feel it, but I knew that I must have been pouring a fair amount of precum into her depths, as an orgasm grew inevitably closer, like a slow-moving train. The sounds of sloppy sex added to my heightened levels of stimulation as my hips slapped against her ass over and over again.

Even this stoical creature was unable to contain herself after a point. All at once, she began making noises that I would permanently come to associate with sex; the low rumbling sound, coupled with the occasional squeak when I pushed up against her cervix. She turned her head to watch me as I plowed her from behind, offering an expression of great pleasure and attraction. I kept fucking her, and she kept up her enticing menagerie of noises.

My free hand was still stroking her fur, without me even having noticed. She was even warm on the outside now, practically radiating large quantities excess heat. Orgasm was close for the both of us, and I tried to hold mine off for as long as possible; this Pokemon was an indulgence that I refused to finish up with quickly.

Not long after, the Furret reached her limit, and orgasmed; she shuddered and twitched both inside and out as she squealed her name in ecstasy; "FURRET! FURRET!" A flood of her ejaculate poured out of her soaked entrance, refusing to be contained by my thrusts, which were becoming erratic. Did she last longer than the Growlithe? I could not tell then and still can't now. I had bigger issues; my maximum was within sight as well. I felt heat growing deep within my loins as I neared the peak of my stimulation. I tried to force it back down, and then realized with a start that I had five minutes until the trainer walked in to pick up his Pokemon. With no time left, I gave up on resisting and focused fully on both the soft cushion of her fur under my fingers and the deathly tightness surrounding my cock.

My hand clutched her back spasmodically as I ejaculated into her. I managed to reduce my exclamation into a subdued "aaaaaaaahhh..." as I filled her up liberally. My convulsing penis launched a stream of semen right onto her cervix, before following it up with a few more. She lay limply atop the desk, well-used, as my fresh cum mixed with the pooled pre within her. Slowly, I came down off my orgasmic high.

Not even waiting to soften up inside her, I pulled out, accompanied by a bit of cum. There was no time to clean myself off; I'd just have to hope that no smell would develop soon. I grabbed my clothes from the floor and threw them on, re-did my belt, and rushed to the bathroom. Grabbing every towel off the rack, I balled them and ran them under water a few times. I hastily returned to the desk on legs still jittery from my experience. I scooped the Furret up, and used one hand to towel off the mess around her sex as best I could. Opening the largest drawer the desk had, I removed her carefully labeled Pokeball from the mass of them contained within, before returning her to it. I was confident that the creature would only need a short time spent in there to work off her current state of exhaustion. I plastered the towels over my desk, and pressed down on some to soak up the mess we had made. That done, I threw all the dirty items into the bathroom, flicked off the light, and closed the door on them.

The Furret's trainer arrived only 3 minutes later. He was actually a little late, but it wasn't like that mattered much. The guy accepted her Pokeball with a friendly nod, handed me some cash, and walked right out. That's how it always is. I knew I would never see that specific Pokemon again, and was barely troubled by it. Pokemon come and go, the same as people, and in my line of work, it's important to not create bonds with them. Besides, what I really needed right now was a shower.

While I showered, I thought about a few things. First, worrying wasn't an option; I was sure that the trainer would never find out the naughty things his Pokemon had been up to. But, more importantly, my apparent obsession with her fur. I had never before known that I had such a kink for it, and even handling plenty of furry Pokemon hadn't caused a problem. On top of that, the Growlithe... she had had nice fur, right? So why didn't my 'hidden fetish' show itself then? These were questions that most likely couldn't be answered...

Well, I'll end it there. Nothing is of much importance after that... well... except when I... but that's for another time. Trust me here though; this isn't the end. I guess you could say that there have been some, uh, 'recent developments' at the time of writing this. But, you'll have to wait a bit to hear about those. I need to do some thinking...

Hope you liked part two, Also, if you don't enjoy this 'blocky' sort of formatting for any reason, just mention it in the comments, Anyways, thanks for reading,
