Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 118

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#118 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Chapter 118 - Mothers New Toy

The following day, Chris found himself the first to wake yet again, driven to stir by the sunlight shining against his face after having failed to tint the windows the night before. Wincing with a groan, he slowly opened his eyes to find Serentity and Rose clinging to his sides, with Serenity having retracted her skin at some point in favor of sleeping with him in her exposed form, the two having huddled up closely against him overnight with Alicia resting in her usual private space atop the sofa encircling them. Showing a slight blush from the discovery, Chris carefully sat up, slowly pulling his arm free of their grasp, and Serenity's cleavage, causing both to stir slightly making him freeze up. Showing slight sweat on his face, both girls let out a groan before Rose rolled over with her back to him, Serenity rolling onto her back making her chest stick up with a slight hang in them toward her sides due to her bust. His eyes shooting open, Chris quickly shook his head and covered Serenity with their blanket, letting out a sigh before glancing at Rose, the rabbits hips sticking out from the sheets emphasizing the top part of her butt causing his eye to twitch before quickly pulling the sheets higher up on her as well, somehow feeling a bit of his own repression trying to get the better of him. Taking a moment to relax, he pat his cheeks between his hands with a quiet yet determined grunt, looking down with an agitated "behave" kind of expression on his face as though his crotch could understand. Nonetheless, despite his will to behave, he couldn't help but glance at the two again, scratching his cheek nervously before letting his hands get the better of him as he looked away innocently while quietly humming to himself.

Reaching under the sheets on both sides of him, he placed one hand on Serenity's breast and fondled it, with his other hand against Rose's butt, doing the same to the sleeping rabbit. Getting a good, albeit sly feel of the two, he started showing a smug smirk on his face, letting out an "aw yeah..." type of satisfied sigh before giving both an eager squeeze too hard causing both girls to let out a restless noise, the two stirring again causing him to freeze and yank his hands away, tossing them up in the air subconsciously with slight sweat on his face. Their legs fidgeting for a moment, both girls settled down and slumbered quietly and motionless once more, allowing Chris to relax before showing a guilty smile. "Sorry bout' that. Mornin' wood got the better of me." he apologized with a nervous laugh before giving each a kiss on the forehead and slowly making his way out of the sheets, warily standing and making his way to the door. Next to it on the sofa, he'd once again set out a fresh change of clothes, sitting next to Alicia's head as he changed his boxers, finding it the only space left she wasn't taking up. However, before he could get his new pair on, the snake stirred and raised her head, yawning causing him to freeze before she rest her chin on his lap with her cheek against his still troubling morning wood. Turning slightly pale, Chris was pounding the thought of control into his mind, only to jolt when the snake felt the warmth coming from his member and started pressing and rubbing her cheek against it, subconsciously nuzzling her face into his crotch causing Chris to shudder and sweat badly. Screaming not to do anything in his mind, he coaxed her face away as she breathed against his crotch, showing a bothered look on her face, likely thanks to picking up his scent in her sleep.

Slowly lifting her head, he inched his way off the sofa and rest her chin on the cushion before quickly yanking up his change of boxers and donning the rest of his outfit, shaking his head and patting his cheeks once more with another grunt of self control. Looking at all three, he took a deep breath to relax before tinting the windows and heading out of the carriage, leaving the girls to rest as he looked around at the new day before him. "Haaah... Cold is good." he nodded, finding the chill of the valley the best ticket for settling down his bothered state. Facing where they'd set up their fire, he'd already cleaned their dishes the night before and tidied up the area, making sure to respect the landowners of the stop nearby and locking their belongings safely within their storage before he'd gone to bed. Trotting out from his stable, Rapidash was also enjoying the crisp morning air, strolling past Chris with a nod in greeting. "Morning." Chris nodded back as the horse went about his way for a good leg stretch. "Alright, fire's all cleaned up, belongings in the storage." Chris muttered while walking along, scanning the area. "No signs from what happened either." he added, putting his hand on his chest where the crystal Washu had given him hang beneath his outfit. "Heh, sure was the craziest thing I've ever been through, and we've been through plenty of crazy stuff!" he laughed before looking toward where the visitors had vanished back to their world the night before. "You guys take care, we'll do the same." he smirked before scratching his head. "Lemme see... Just gotta take down the stable..." he muttered before jolting with an "ah!" and patting his fist against his palm. "Gotta get ingredients. Can't forget that." he remembered, recalling Ryo-Ohki having cleaned out their carrot supply among a few other things she'd mischievously helped herself to before leaving.

Facing the stop, he debated which to take care of first before deciding on stripping down the stable, getting to work while Rapidash ran about in a circle that spanned their rest site and the nearby stop, groups at the building pointing out the shiny stallion in awe causing it to show off slightly making Chris smirk and shake his head. "A few finger points and bulging eyes and a Pokemon always lets it get the better of them. Guess it doesn't matter what or who they are." he grinned before resuming his task. "You know, repression is bad for you as well." he heard a voice echo, causing him to pause with the tarp from the stable in his arms. "Well... That's one way to say good morning." he scowled as Ninetales aura appeared before him. "I'm merely giving a word of advice. Its bad for the body to hold oneself back in such a manner. I believe you humans tend to say something along the lines of... Blue balls?" she asked as he continued stripping down the stable. "I'm not gonna get blue balls! Besides you told me to keep them comfortable. Doing stuff like that would be bad then, right?" he asked, the fox shaking her head. "You take things far too extremely. Battling is one thing, intimacy is another. There's no harm in the later, especially at this point in time. It would be a much needed interaction between you in their state, and a great benefit to both parties. If nothing else, I've often heard among humans that it's key." Ninetales nodded. Raising an eyebrow at the fox, Chris looked at her for a moment before shrugging, missing what she was alluding to. "There's a right and wrong time for stuff. I've gotta watch my steps for a while after... Whatever it was that happened back at the inn. I'm not really in any place to, you know, at the drop of a hat." he reminded.

"Or the rise of a mast?" Ninetales teased with a sly smirk. "Har-dee-har, a ship pun. Nice." Chris grumbled. "I'd say it's better than what you come up with." the fox yawned while watching him work. "You know, it's a shame that there were necessary points left out of your training as you developed... Then again nobody expected this current arrangement so it's understandable. I also share the blame for your ignorance. If not them, then I suppose I should've properly schooled you on a few subjects." she admit. "I'm pretty satisfied with all the stuff I did learn. As long as I can go wherever and stay alive while getting there, I think that's good enough for me. Some of the extra stuff was fun, but it's stuff like cooking, foraging... I think that mattered most, right?" he asked, Ninetales looking at him for a moment before facing away. "Mmm... I suppose there are some things that can never truly be taught well without one experiencing the lesson for themselves first hand. They do say experience is the greatest teacher of all." she replied cryptically. Looking at her again, Chris replied with a confused, yet curious "O-kay..." as he started toting parts of the stable to their carriage, stashing it away until the job was finished. Clasping his hands together, he crossed his arms with a satisfied nod. "And that's done. Now to get the supplies and we'll be ready for the mountains." he smirked. "You know, I'm surprised you didn't stick around longer than you did last night. What was up with the sudden leave? The others would've probably liked meeting you." he point out. I'm not one for large crowds, plus it was fairly late... I also come and go as I see fit." she affirmed with her nose up. "Alright, alright." Chris sighed.

"Well, it was nice showing you off to that Ryoko lady while you were around." he smirked in a proud manner, the fox giving him a curious look before showing a slight smirk of her own. "Yes, yes. That was still your experience, I had no intention of butting in anymore than I did. A hello and farewell was enough for me. It was intriguing, what we managed to discover thanks to that fiasco. Never in all my years has such a thing occurred." she point out before pausing and glancing away. "Well, with humans that is. I've seen something... Slightly similar occur in the past with strange creatures you humans simply call beasts. But it's likely a different phenomenon entirely." she affirmed before showing a puzzled look and asking herself "maybe?" while tilting her head. "Beasts?" Chris asked, the fox shaking her head. "Never mind about it. Being honest it's an occurrence not even I can grasp very well. And if I can't, I know you couldn't." she shrugged, causing Chris's eye to twitch. "You uh, you really don't think much of my intelligence, do you?" he asked. "I'm not saying you're stupid. You've proven there's talent in that head of yours. I'm simply saying it's a subject too complex for most. Space and time nonsense, multiverse things and the like. Does merely hearing it not give you a headache?" she asked, Chris thinking it over for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, guess we'll skip the subject. Last night was enough as-is." he admit. "I'm still recovering from it actually." he muttered, Ninetales responding with a "see?" before yawning once more. "Anyway, keep what I said in mind. Don't shy away from intimacy. I doubt you'd meet any resistance, quite the opposite really. Although your lecherous method of toying with another in their sleep is one I find a tad bazaar, to each their own I suppose." she added. "J-Just forget about that! Stop watching me when..." Chris scowled, muttering "I'm doing my thing..." with his arms crossed causing Ninetales to snicker. "I'll be on my way then. Good luck with your trek ahead." she finished before fading away.

Standing silent for a moment, Chris sighed while returning to the carriage, quietly opening the door and taking his staff in hand he'd left leaning against the wall next to it, muttering about his privacy before heading toward the stop as Rapidash sprint past him. "Try not to waste all your energy!" Chris warned, the horse scowling with a grunt in response. "Not trying to insult you, it's a long trip ahead, upwards at that!!" he reminded, Rapidash looking back and rolling his eyes before looking at the mountains. Slowing down, he gradually came to a stop nearby the carriage, letting out a satisfied sigh as his pulse raced from his workout. Still feeling plentiful energy to spare, the horse couldn't deny the fact of the mountains likely providing a challenge, deciding he'd stretched enough before looking toward the stop again, Chris having vanished within. Watching for several minutes, the horse started showing an agitated look, "hurry up" clearly in his expression due to his desire to get started on their trek while his pulse was high and his adrenaline was flowing. Beginning to pace around, Rapidash paused when he heard the sound of one of the girls groaning within the carriage. Twitching his ear, he looked toward the door to find Chris had failed to shut it properly, causing it to sway back open slightly making the cold air waft in. Seeing this, the horse raised an eyebrow before looking toward the stop again, finding Chris still nowhere in sight. Aware of the threat the cold posed on the snake within, Rapidash figured the groan came from Alicia, letting out a sigh and shaking his head before walking toward the door. About to shut it, the horse paused when his gaze caught sight of something within, the rays of light shining through the door exposing a motionless figure.

Tilting his head curiously, the horse looked around before trotting to the side of the carriage, checking the stop for Chris once more before returning to the door and opening it further with his muzzle allowing more light within. Checking his surroundings yet again, Rapidash paused while twitching his ears before having a look at the girls within. However, the sight the horse was given caused him to freeze in an instant, his eyes widening as he saw Serenity's body exposed from the blankets waist down, still on her back with her legs spread in a way that exposed herself in plain view as her legs trembled from the cold, the sun in a position that kept the rays clear from her face revealing it had been her groaning from the chilly air. Stuck in a frozen state from his discovery, Rapidash finally started blinking and shook his head, backing away from the door with an expression like a deer that was just blinded by headlights. Collecting himself, the horse used his hip to close the door slightly before he trot to the side of the carriage, checking the stop again to see if Chris was returning, along with scanning his surroundings, before returning to the door and opening it for another glance. Leaning his head in, this time he showed a curious look, tilting his head with a "so that's what he's getting...?" type of expression on his face. In the horses mind, his main thought was wondering how anything fit in something so small, accustomed to only seeing that of a mares body instead leaving him intrigued by such a difference. Leaning his face in for a closer look, the horse wondered what the scent of another female species was like considering how different their bodies appeared to be, thinking there was no harm in curiously familiarizing himself since there would be none the wiser. Using his teeth, he slowly pulled Serenity closer to the door using the sheet she rest on top of, allowing her body to easily slide toward him without waking her.

Leaning in close, Rapidash started taking several whiffs of Serenity's crotch, showing a "not bad..." look on his face as his nostrils flared, each sniff deeper than the last, with his breath causing Serenity to stir slightly and coo making the horse pull its muzzle back as his ears twitched, tilting his head intrigued. Leaning back in closer, this time the stallion firmly pressed his muzzle against her crotch, making Serenity jolt and gasp as Rapidash continued taking deep breaths through his nose, slightly rubbing it into her crotch to make her scent grow stronger until eventually pulling away again revealing sticky trails between the tip of his muzzle and her crotch, leaving both glistening as he let out a pleased grunt while she looked hot and bothered. Watching Serenity stir again, this time she rolled onto her side while Rose groaned and rolled onto her back, muttering in an agitated tone from having her sleep bothered by the sounds and movement going on. Deciding to familiarize himself with her as well, Rapidash used his teeth to pull Rose closer once she was back in a deep enough sleep in the same manner, using the sheet she rest on top of. Once the rabbit was close enough, he used his teeth to expose her lower half from her blankets before carefully nuzzling her legs apart. Curious from seeing nothing present, the stallion leaned in close and sniffed between her legs, showing a "yep, it's here" expression as he pressed his muzzle against her crotch as well, using the same rubbing method to make her scent stronger until her fur was soaked. Finally pulling away, the rabbit now had the same bothered expression as Serenity, shutting and rubbing her legs together with a groan while rolling back onto her side.

"Are you enjoying yourself...?" a voice suddenly echoed in the stallions mind, causing his eyes to widen while freezing up. "You know, it's one thing for HIM to be lecherous in such a manner with these girls, I find that a tolerable right of sorts their relationship in mind, but for you to do such a thing is something I'm afraid can't be tolerated. You have stepped far beyond where you belong." the voice added before Ninetales face appeared above. "You've satisfied your curiosities well enough. They're here for him, not for you, beast. Although carry them you may, this is not your reward for doing so." the fox lectured in a surprisingly soft manner as Rapidash backed away warily. "He will return in a moment. I'll put them back as they were, but next time you take it upon yourself to do such a thing, there will not be a second warning." she affirmed as the girls and sheets were lift and placed the way Chris had left them using her aura. "Do not forget your place. You chose to become his beast, and thus that is what you are. One that will aid him along his way, nothing more nor' less. Your kind could be treated far worse in human hands. Be grateful, lest you give reason to be treated like others. If not by his hands, then my own, and mine is a wrath you would be wise to avoid." she warned. "I will turn a blind eye to this due to you being a necessity of sorts. But once, and only once will this be the case." she affirmed. "I am always watching. I am forever present. His absence means nothing as I am she who tends to both he and those within this carriage as is necessary, and I am not one to take lightly the abuse of those under my mindful eye." she cautioned.

Nodding in response, Rapidash let out an apologetic grunt, a noise which caused Alicia to stir, raising her head to yawn making the stallion quickly pull himself all the further away as Ninetales face hovered out of the carriage like a ghost with the door quietly shutting behind her, making the horses eye twitch in a wary state. "Given your behavior up to this point I'd come to expect more of you as a surprisingly mature addition to this situation. I advise you to maintain that mature position from here on and not stoop to such an intrusive level a second time. Although a beast you may be, that still leaves little reason to act as such." she instructed, the horse glancing away with a nervous nod of understanding, knowing full well of his actions despite his intolerable view of the girls within the carriage, admitting that he'd let his curiosity get the better of him after his incidental peek despite his lack of interest in them otherwise. "When your kind finds a mate, when any species, man or that of our own kind find one, you should know full and well the severity and degradation of such an act behind the back of the one who fairly and justly claimed that which you violate. You would feel no differently having your own mate sullied by another who would take advantage when you're unaware. Consider this in the future. I would not waste my time saying such things if I didn't see you as one capable of more intellect and control than what you've shown." Ninetales point out, Rapidash responding with an agitated "I get it" noise in response while glancing away before letting out a second apologetic grunt, nodding a final time before hearing the sound of bags rustling and footsteps approaching, causing Ninetales face to vanish leaving Rapidash awkwardly standing alone as Chris rounded the carriage.

"Whoo!! What a haul!!" he grinned, toting several bags in each hand as he approached the storage compartment and dropped the bags into the snow with a relieved groan, flicking his hands to ease the pain in his fingers. "I only meant to pick up a few basic stuff but they had some awesome deals, plus a few things I wouldn't mind trying out in a few recipes along our way." he smirked before rummaging through a bag and taking out a large carrot. "Here ya' go, on me." he offered, popping the vegetable into Rapidash's mouth causing him to jolt in surprise before scowling. "Heh, have a smoke." Chris joked while opening their storage and organizing his new supplies among their others. Crossing his eyes as he looked at the carrot shoved in his mouth, Rapidash then rolled his eyes and started munching away at it with an "a'ight" kind of expression, looking at Chris before glancing away uncomfortably due to his recent actions. "I know stops probably don't have the best tasting produce, especially since a lot of stuff here probably has to be shipped from other places, but hopefully the taste isn't too bad. We'll see. The right ingredients can make anything pop though." Chris chuckled while looking over several canned goods as he organized things. By the time he was finished, it was difficult to get the door shut. Luckily he managed and stood with a satisfied nod. "No room for the blankets or pillows anymore, but I don't think any harm can be done by leaving em' in the carriage with Alicia during the day. Plus we can wash em' once we're at the onsen in the mountains." he point out before facing Rapidash and suddenly showing a curious look. "Say, you've got a pretty wet looking schnoz going on there... You're not getting sick on me are you?" Chris asked.

Taking out a few napkins from his coat pocket, he reached out and wiped off the horses muzzle. "We're just now getting ready to head into the mountains. If you're already getting sick on us that's some real bad news." he added, Rapidash glancing away in a "that's not a cold..." kind of manner, with the wetness being a remnant of his actions toward the girls. "Maybe a makeshift stable wasn't the best idea... Probably should've gotten more stuff to keep you warmer." he muttered, the horse pulling back and shaking his head with an agitated "I'm fine" type of grunt before making his way toward the front of the carriage. Blinking at the stallion, Chris tilt his head with an "okay then..." before tossing the napkins in one of his now empty bags. Opening the carriage, he took a peek at the girls, still resting soundly causing him to smile as they recuperated from the intense happenings the night before. Closing it again, he took his staff in hand he'd dropped in the snow before heading to the front of the carriage, putting his empty bags in the seat before fastening Rapidash to the carriage. "Alright, they're still plenty out of it so I think we're good to move on. Everything's cleaned up, we've got our supplies... Hungry or anything?" Chris asked, Rapidash glancing at him before facing forward and shaking his head. Looking at the horse for a moment, Chris showed a smirk before patting the stallions side. "Hey, we're tough to live with. I know. The girls get rowdy and I'm usually a dork... And crazy stuff happens to us. But that's why it means a lot to have someone willin' to put up with all that and help us out the way you do. Ya' don't say much, but you're still a pretty cool guy. Anything you want or need along the way, it's yours." he grinned with a thumbs up, Rapidash facing him as Chris returned to the carriage one last time.

Heading inside, he started adjusting the controls on the carriage, checking the monitors to make sure things would hold out in the mountains, especially for Alicia's well-being. While he was busy, Rapidash let out a sigh and shook his head before straightening himself and waiting, showing an agitated look. Suddenly, Ninetales aura appeared atop his back, the fox lying casually on the horse causing a pulse of agitation to show on his face. "You would be wise to mind the manner you gaze at me." she warned. "I was interrupted before since he returned, so I'd like to continue." she point out while sitting up atop his back, looking down at the horse. "Your youth is another factor in your pardon for your actions." she point out, Rapidash scowling in response while facing forward with a "tch" expression. "At your age one would expect anyone healthy enough to do so to behave lecherously from time to time, perhaps even against his or her better judgement. Whether you like them personally or not, they're still females, three of them to be precise, so that's why I cannot fault you too greatly for your misconduct. Also due to stumbling upon what you did haphazardly with good intentions initially in mind, thus you behaved spontaneously in turn." she nodded, the horse scowling and making a grumbling noise, wanting to drop the subject. Seeing the stallions behavior, Ninetales raised an eyebrow before smirking and lowering her head. "What was said before is also true for you however." she added in a different kind of tone that caused the horse to twitch an ear before glancing back in a "what?" kind of way, noticing the mischievous look on the foxes face causing him to jolt with a wary expression.

"Two things I've learned from mingling with this human family. Mercy on the young and irrelevant..." she point out as her aura waft under the stallions chin and lift it, turning his face toward her. "And how insufferable suppression can be. One reason I cautioned HIM of it earlier..." she added. "Don't think I'm unaware of the envy and frustration a situation like this causes. There's much I see and hear, as I've stated. But I'm a solitary being, one that doesn't fancy interaction with others often, be it man or our own kind. I enjoy my space, and my peace. Yet on occasion I'll admit it doesn't hurt to be curious." she giggled mischievously before hovering around the stallion, sizing him up. "You could prove to be interesting and perhaps even amusing during your time among us. I see no reason we couldn't mutually benefit from this coincidental mishap of yours." she hinted. Raising an eyebrow, Rapidash kept a wary stance as Ninetales continued looking him over. "I do find myself enjoying a male from time to time that can keep his silence. I'm not one for those full of chatter, or loud of mouth as they say. Nor' have I any interest in those with little to back up an attitude. You however..." she paused, landing on the snow and strolling beneath the stallion causing him to scowl from the invasion of space before shooting up wide eyed when he felt himself grabbed, Ninetales aura getting a thorough feel of him between his hind legs, the same as he'd done to the girls allowing the fox to get even for what he'd done behind Chris's back. Showing a slight agitated blush, Rapidash remained frozen before trying to move, only to feel himself yanked on. "Ah ah, no bad deed goes unpunished." Ninetales affirmed.

"I admit I've grown weary from babysitting this group you tote about. The mindless ramblings and constant confrontations take a toll on my nerves, and HIS inability to show any sort of comprehensive capabilities no matter how obvious a situation may be maddens me." the fox complained, speaking of Chris causing Rapidash to glance away with a "join the club" noise and expression. "That being the case, I suppose I wouldn't mind having a male I fancy around for my own curiosities. Even if it's just a SLIGHT fancy. We're akin to one another in subtle ways, so I'd wager you worthy enough to toy with at the very least. A fine method of release to keep my sanity in check while dealing with their squabbling." Ninetales giggled. "I'd gather this would be a mutual feeling between us, and a more preferable outlet for your own troubles?" she asked, backing out from under the horse as Rapidash gave her a suspicious look. "I'm giving you an extraordinary offer. Rather than risk you approaching those females as you've done today out of your own repression. You will simply see them safely along, as you've done so far, mind your behavior, deal with all of their negatives as I do, and in turn... We can keep one another from going insane by doing some venting of our own." she smirked. "I don't really care much for getting to know you. Nor' do you wish or have any need to get to know me. That being the case, I see nothing wrong with our relationship being merely one of gratification... It has been some time since I've had an interest in a male after all. I'd enjoy my next being another stallion." Ninetales smirked, the horse blinking at her before giving her a doubtful "another...?" look.

"Please, you're not the first horse I've crossed. Your species are good for this kind of relationship. It's as I've said, I prefer silent types, and your kind have a record of keeping silent with these affairs. Most of you can even back up the attitudes you have in common through that which you "pack" as humans say, which makes you more tolerable. Whenever the need for a male does come to mind, stallions are merely a preference." the fox shrugged. "Perhaps this offer is a tad out of the blue, but so was your surprising behavior today. I'm merely giving you an alternative that would provide the same satisfaction, more-so really, than them. I do have a thing for stallions, more-so for the young. Better vitality." she nodded. Looking at her, the horse suspiciously squint at her with a "you a cougar...?" kind of grunt, the fox twitching an eye with an agitated pulse on her face. "I'm assuming age is a problem for you?" she asked, Rapidash looking at her in silence for a moment before facing away with a "nah" kind of sound, not wanting to insult the fox after being let off the hook and invited to such a thing. "Very well then. You accept?" she asked, the horse glancing at her transparent form and pointing it out. "Don't concern yourself. As you've witnessed, and felt, my aura can take on a physical form. It's more than enough to satisfy the both of us." she assured. "You can feel my energy, and likewise I can feel you through it. Rather convenient really." she smirked. Looking at the fox, Rapidash was silent for a moment, facing back and twitching his ears to listen for Chris who'd shut himself inside the carriage, still working on adjusting the settings within after the carriage had been short circuit the night before.

Returning his focus to Ninetales, the fox tilt her head as the stallion adjusted his standing position, motioning for the her to come closer. "You want to try it out before deciding?" she asked, Rapidash grunting in response. "Very well then. I made the offer, it makes sense that I be the one to prove it worthwhile." she nodded before walking up to the horse. Looking down at her, Rapidash faced away as she went beneath him and stopped between his hind legs. "I must say, after watching others for so long, it's exciting doing this for myself again." she giggled mischievously. "A stallion again... A tad funny that I garnered something out of this arrangement for a change." she added, the horse grunting in a "hurry up" manner. Nodding, Ninetales began manipulating her energy so she could press her snout against his sack, it's size covering her eyes and face as the horse shuddered. "No matter the species, you males are all impatient." she teased. "Quite a hefty pair you have. Impressive in size, yet the weight is ideal as well... I've not had the pleasure of enjoying a pair like this in an even longer span of time." she praised, the horse showing an agitated "tch" expression while blushing before the fox lift his sack over her head using her snout and let it roll atop her body as she walked past his hind legs, making it drag along her back until she paused. "I bet you'll enjoy this." she giggled before using her tails to caress and massage his sack, the horse gritting his teeth slightly as the fox teased him as though she were using soft paintbrushes via the tips of her tails. "Tickle tickle." she teased sensually before suddenly snapping her tails around his sack and giving it a rough and abrupt downward yank, getting a surprisingly aroused whimper from the stallion as he quickly squat to ease the pain.

"Oh yes, you'll do nicely." Ninetales giggled before squeezing his sack even harder, making the horse grit his teeth with a flush on his face. "The bigger they are... Good boy." she praised while releasing him, Rapidash quickly standing albeit with weakened legs as he faced back with an agitated look. "Another reason I love a hefty pair. As much fun to please as they are to torture." she grinned sadistically, the horse rolling his eyes with a "whatever" grumble before jolting when hearing an "oh?" from the fox as she walked around from behind him and strolled beneath his body once more. "Looks like you fancy such treatment too. Someone's coming out to see me." she teased as his member began extending. "Lets see if this part of you is as preferable as that pair of yours." she giggled before nuzzling her snout against it, her aura wafting around its length and caressing it to encourage more growth. Letting out a grunt, Rapidash began to fidget as Ninetales gave multiple pecks against his underside with her lips, letting out an arousing "mmm" followed by another "good boy" as his member responded, continuing to extend out of his body. "Yes, keep growing... That's it." she giggled, sitting down and allowing his member to hang over her head with the tip dangling before her eyes. "I do believe humans refer to females like myself as size queens." she smirked, enjoying the sight until the stallion was fully erect, leaning her head back with her tongue out and using her energy to simulate giving part of his shaft a lick, causing the horse to shudder. "Perhaps not as extraordinary as feeling the real thing, but I think my abilities are more than enough to satisfy you. Naturally it helps to have the experience I've garnered over the years toying with your kind." she giggled.

Standing up, Ninetales teased the horse once more using her tails, brushing his length as she walked out from beneath him. "Very good, very good indeed. I approve." she nodded, the horse giving her an annoyed and frustrated look combined. "I take it you'd like to... I believe they say "get off" nowadays?" she asked, Rapidash glancing away with a nod. "All things in due time. This isn't the most appropriate moment to get ahead of ones self." she point out just before hearing the carriage door shut, Chris having stepped out and holding a fuse in his hand, holding it up in the light between his fingers. "Had a spare. Lucky..." he muttered before walking around the carriage and climbing into the drivers seat. "Didn't turn it off in time last night after all. Still had a few things get fried but it was fixable. A wire here and there, this fuse. Sorry for the delay." he apologized before noticing the somewhat tired look on Rapidash, tilting his head curiously. "Say, uh... You really up for this?" he asked, the stallion facing away and nodding, noticing Ninetales had vanished while he was distracted by Chris's return. With a frustrated grunt, the horse shook his head and focused on the mountains, feeling his body retracting his length making the stallion sigh in relief. "Well then, lets get going. I wanna see if we can make some distance before the girls wake up, would be nice to give them a good surprise." Chris grinned before clicking the reigns and his tongue, Rapidash finally pulling the carriage once more in response. Returning to the road, they made their way toward a massive gate marking the entrance to their next journey, passing by beneath it as the wooden structure towered above.

However, as Rapidash pulled the carriage, he suddenly felt himself being fondled again, followed by the echo of a mischievous giggle that caused Chris to perk up and look around curiously. "Ninetales?" he called out, Rapidash twitching an eye as he heard the fox whisper a quiet "shhh" in his ear as she gave his pair a final squeeze, making the horse wince with a grunt as she quietly told him "in time" once more, lifting his sack and giving it a sensual massage with her energy before dropping it, her voice and the sensations vanishing again. Glancing around, Rapidash was already sensing his acceptance of Ninetales wiles was a mistake, yet given his position after what he'd done, wasn't in a place to object as he tried to focus on pulling Chris and the girls along, all of them oblivious to both, what he'd done, and the lecherous, cougar-like side of Ninetales that now only he knew about...