
Story by carbonkitty on SoFurry

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#4 of fresh start

        Normally Monday morning ...

Normally Monday morning is the worst of the week but today it was a different story entirely. With Kaytlin curled tightly against him Roy couldn't help but look forward to the rest of the day. Trying to slide his arm out from under her carefully his efforts were rewarded with a happy sigh as her golden bushy tail wrapped around his waist. She flipped over and pulled herself in closer and spoke into his chest. "Morning baby, what are we doing to day?" While a few things had crossed his mind there was only one answer he could give her.

"You're going to school and I'm going to work." Trying to change his mind she started kissing up his neck while groping around between his legs. As much as he'd love to see where this would lead, not showing up to work would land him right back in prison. Reaching down he grabbed her hand and brought it to his mouth for a kiss then he sat up and pulled her up to sit in his lap. He held her for a minute and she thought her plan had worked but he pushed her off and sent her up to his room. "You find something to ware and I'll get us breakfast." While Roy busied himself in the kitchen Kaytlin tore through his dresser to find something to wear. As soon as the smell of pancakes hit her nose the idea of finding something that looked good was replaced with just covering up. She slipped into an over sized pair of shorts and a big black hoodie and bolted down stairs. A large stack of pancakes sat in the middle of the table and Kaytlin stood in the door way tale wagging uncontrollably. She hadn't had pancakes since joining the school's swim team two years ago and she could hardly contain herself at the sight of them. Roy sat at one end of the table he'd put on the pants he'd worn the night before and was watching her over his coffee cup. "Come on you're going to be late." He couldn't help but feel old watching the way she almost tripped over herself trying to get to the table. He knew he was old but when he was dating someone young enough to be his daughter things could at times feel a little strange, times

After breakfast Kaytlin was sent on her way alone, Roy had to explain the problems of him being seen with a student before she would leave without him. Ten minutes later a cab was called to the house and then made it's way to the high school. The day started a little slow there was the usual walk around of the school and some damaged windows from the weekend to clean up. It was almost time for Roy's first break when he was called to the vice principle's office without warning. He wasn't told to bring anything just to head down to her office, the whole way down he prayed that she hadn't learnt of his new relationship. The door was open when he got there so he stepped in and cleared his throat. Vice principle Claudia Minz wasn't much older than Roy but looked very young for her age. Now the fair looking skunk looked up at him from a handful of papers with eyes just as mischievous as Kaytlin's the night before.

"Oh Mr. Berton close the door please I would like to have a word with you." If she knew she didn't sound mad about it, But someone in her position was probably good at hiding that sort of thing. One the door closed the room suddenly became very silent and even more uncomfortable. She dropped the papers she was holding onto her desk and looked back up at him. She looked him over like a student who'd just been dragged in for breaking some big rule and that's exactly how Roy felt but tried not to show it. "Mr. Berton recently we had a teacher who retired early and we are looking for a replacement." He wanted to ask why she was talking to him about it but She continued before the words made it to his mouth. "He taught history to our less than ideal students." It was all starting to make sense now and before he could protest she shot down the only argument he could come up with quickly. " The entire curriculum is already written up for the position all you really have to do is keep them in line and do a little bit of marking. You will also receive a thirty five percent pay increase as well as more vacation time and better benefits."

Except for the the fact that he'd have to deal with students it sound too good to be true so he caved and asked the only thing he could. "Why me?" The look he got from the woman didn't put his concern to ease at all if anything it made it worse.

" We need a person who can keep this kids in their place. Just look at yourself, you can't deny you're more than a little intimidating. Plus I've read your paper work if anyone can keep these kids in check it's you." If keeping rowdy teenagers from killing each other for an hour was going to get him a bigger paycheck and more time off then he was all for it. After some paper work and a long call with the local authorities he was sent home to change into something more teacher like and then came back to sit in on the final class of the day to get an idea of how things worked. The coach of the wrestling had been brought in to temporarily take over and he explained everything to Roy before class started. It was simple, there was a binder with a page for each day with either instructions, worksheets, tests or a dvd in it and he just had to get them to stay till the end of class and mark anything that got handed in at the end of class. Today was a movie day so he and Dan (the wrestling coach who refused to go by anything else) stood at the back of the class and made sure the kids didn't goof off. Dan was exceptionally good at this job that being said though a few hundred pounds of grizzly bear would have been enough to keep half his old cell block from leaving their bunks. Half way through the class one student got a bright idea involving spit balls but Dan got it under control just by walking over and letting out a loud grunt.

The class cleared out and the two went their separate ways but not before Dan gave Roy what he called crucial advice. If a student got out of hand teachers could use physical force if a student or teacher were assaulted first. Not knowing what to say about this He cabbed home to try and figure out his next day. His new schedule went like this: he taught classes the period before lunch and the period at the end of the day. First thing in the morning and right after lunch he had prep time which he didn't need. He was hoping to put that spare time to good use but he still had to be there at 8 am to swipe in which also ruined his plans for sleeping in. The next morning after timing in for the day Roy had an hour to wait before he had to do anything so he headed to the teachers lounge to read up on what he was teaching that day in the off chance some smart ass would try to ask him a question. He hadn't even been sitting for five minutes when Miss Minz strolled into the lounge trying and failing to hide that she was looking for him. Pretending not to notice her only worked up until she hopped up on the table in front of him and gave a good look up her skirt before saying anything.

"Getting ready for class?" When Roy looked up from his book she spread her legs a little wider but smiled down at him like nothing was wrong. Not wanting to play her game he leaned back and tried to look more interested in the conversation than the sow he was getting.

"Yeah don't need any of the brats pulling a fast one on me the first day." Not satisfied with the way things were going she leaned forward letting her blouse fall open slightly while her glasses slide down her nose.

"Good, I like a man who's prepared." Roy wasn't sure if she was serious or if this was some kind of a test but either way he was torn between laughing at or feeling sorry for the desperate advances she was sending his way. Whatever the case he was saved people could be heard talking just outside the lounge. Claudia managed to hop down and fix her shirt before the others got far enough into the room to see what was going on. She just smiled at Roy and walked out only nodding at the hellos from the two who just came in. No one else said a word to him the rest of the time he was in the lounge which wasn't really surprising since the day before they only would have talked to him if there was a mess to clean up. When it was time he headed up to the room and started to set up while the students filed in and found their seats. He was in the middle of writing on the board the pages to be read in their text books when an all too familiar voice made him drop his chalk.

"So what're we doing today teach?" He spun around hoping he wouldn't see who he knew had to be there. There she was broad smile and all, Kaytlin, enjoying his obvious bewilderment. He stuttered trying to ask why she was here but she gave him the answer before he could force it out. "They stuck a few of us in this class because our swim meets clashed with our schedule last semester." Completely lost for words Roy was relieved to see her turn and find a seat before waiting for him to say anything.

Once they had all quieted down Roy gave them a brief introduction and instructions. "My name is Mr. Berton and I'm your new teacher. Read these pages and answer the questions at the end by the end of class today." It took them a while to quiet down and get to work but ultimately there was now problems for the most part. At one point a lanky parrot with a mohawk came over to his desk and rather loudly asked just what he had done to get stuck with them. With out hesitation and keeping a straight face he just stared her down and said "Convicted of murder." He wasn't serious but the look on her face told him she wasn't so sure so she went back to her desk and no one said anything for the rest of class. He spent the rest of the period sitting at his desk reading up on the work for tomorrow and occasionally glancing up to make sure no one was doing anything stupid. Every once and a while he would catch Kaytlin either out of the corner of his eye watching him over her work. Finally the bell rang and they all poured out of the classroom except for Kaytlin who closed the door before moving over to Roy and straddled his chair. She went in for a kiss but was stopped by a finger at her lips she was hoping he was in the mood to play but the worry in his eyes put everything on hold. "What is it?"

He looked up at her then at the door and back again Roy felt stupid for letting her get so worried over something as silly as his own paranoia. "We can't play here, not with that crazy Minz running around." Kaytlin stood up and looked down at him the need for a better explanation was far too obvious. "She was practically throwing herself at me this morning. Until I set her straight we have to be careful." The thought of the older woman making advances on him didn't sit well with her in the least.

"Who the hell does she think she is!? I'm going down there right now to set her straight!" Before She had made it to the door she was grabbed and gently spun around to face Roy. He just smiled a planted a small kiss on the end of her snout.

"I'll take care of her You just remember we have to keep all the fun at home until I say otherwise ok?" Thankful to be talked out of something extremely stupid she struggled to keep her appreciation to a quick hug. She went on her way leaving him to figure out how to handle the little problem of letting his boss know he wasn't interested, which was made difficult by the fact that it was only his first day. The school pretty much emptied out at lunch except for a handful of programs that ran during the break and faculty who brought bag lunches. The hallways were empty and the school felt abandoned the occasional shouts from outside left a rather haunted feeling in the air. Considering what Roy was about to do it may all have been in his head but it didn't matter now, he'd made up his mind and he wasn't going to turn back now. The hallway to the office seemed longer and darker than it had the day before even the open doorway seemed less inviting than it had before. Putting the fears to the back of his head Roy knocked on the door while stepping into Minz's office. Instead of the looks of lust he was given earlier that day he was now met with one of shock and another of embarrassment. The second look didn't come from Claudia but rather the Doberman sitting on her desk. The three didn't breath for a few seconds, if the silence in the hall had was bad this was worse. While the skunk tried desperately tried to come up with an excuse the student hopped off the desk, tucked himself into his shorts and took off down the hall.

It wasn't until Roy had shut the door that the woman found her voice and even then it seemed to come and go as it pleased. "M..M...Mr. Berton I... I can explain everything!" Trying to straighten up her desk and her clothes at the same time only added to the amusement he now felt over the situation. He casually plopped into the chair across from her and waited. Once Miss. Minz felt she had successfully hidden what had just happened in her office she looked up to the wolf and quietly asked. "What can I do for you Mr. Berton?"

A minute went by in complete silence before the question was answered. " Well you see Miss Minz I felt I should come down and apologize for this morning. I was flattered by the advances made by you this morning but I wanted to let you know that I'm seeing some one right now. Which I can see you've already moved on so there really was no need for me to come down here." Without another word between the two of them Roy got up and left while she couldn't do anything aside from staring blankly at the chair he had just been sitting in. Heading to the lounge for coffee and something out of the vending machine before going back to the class room Roy also sent Kaytlin a text to meet him after class. The afternoon dragged on which didn't come as a surprise but wasn't welcomed either. Once class had started it didn't speed things along any at least not until someone thought they'd try and rough up the teacher on his first day. Ronnie Jones an ex member of the foot ball team "accidentally" dropped his text book when Roy was walking by. Trying to be nice Roy bent down to pick up the book and was rewarded with a quick jab to the ribs. Immediately he straightened and grabbed the laughing feline by the throat and yanked him out of his chair. It didn't take long for his point to get across and once a quite 'sorry' squeaked past his lips Roy dropped him back into his desk. As would be expected the remainder of the class went by without a single person looking up from their books or saying a word. Hoping to have some time alone after everyone had cleared out didn't quite work out because while some where still trying to get out Kaytlin came bounding in practically glowing.

Patiently she sat on a desk waited while Roy made sure they were safe and locked the door. She knew what was coming but wondered why Roy had changed his mind and why so soon. He came over and softly explored every inch of he mouth with his hungry tongue but before he could go any further she held him back till he gave her some answers. "I thought you were worried about Minz catching us." His smile though reassuring had her worried he might of done something too drastic. "What did you do?"

His grin got even wider but this time put her worries to rest "I didn't do anything she took care of the problem on her own." She wanted to hear more but it had been almost two days since they'd been together like this and she didn't want to spoil it. Carefully she leaned back while Roy slipped her pants off. His tongue slipped passed her lips and searched around insider while he cupped her butt and pulled her closer. She draped her legs over his shoulders as he hit found her sweet spot and sent waves of pleasure through her body. He pulled back and wiggled a couple fingers into her then liked his way up her mound before sucking hard on her love button. Uncontrollably her hips thrust up toward his face and Roy used this chance to slip his thumb into her anus while pushing harder down onto her. Kaytlin began to pant wildly and started bucking under him wanting to feel him deeper inside. She let out a soft whimper before he decided to give her more. They moved over to his larger desk and while he slipped into a condom Kaytlin pushed a stack of papers aside so she could lay belly down on it and spread wide for him. For a moment he pressed his tip against her tail hole and She gasped in anticipation but instead he tenderly pushed into her sex and took a firm hold of her ass. He held it there for a moment not moving just waiting and when she would try to push back on him he would dig his claws into her a push her back. Finally her body started to shake craving what he wouldn't give her just as he felt her knees might give out hilted himself against her roughly before pulling back and doing it again. A few time his thrusts were so powerful he lifted her right off the ground and as soon as her feet touched the floor she would push back against him just as hard.

Kaytlin's head started to spin all she could do was clamp onto the edge of the desk and hope for the best. Just as she thought she might black out Roy slowed to a more bearable and intimate pace before pulling out completely. She looked under her to see what was going on just in time to see him grab hold of her thighs and flip her over onto her back. Roy grabbed his dick a prodded at her swollen lips with it before moving back to her anus and sliding inside. He pushed in slow enjoying the mix of pain and pleasure on her face before getting into a faster rhythm. While her body tightened around him Roy found a thick marker and pushed it into her empty hole and worked it around inside. He could feel he was getting close so when she next arched her back Roy pulled out and pushed the marker up in his place.

When she came back down Kaytlin looked up at him with slight disappointment but not for long as he rubbed some spit into onto her quivering mound and stabbed up into her violently. When she felt him bottom out inside her she wished she could scream out at the top of her lungs but instead she quickly unbuttoned her top to let him at her chest as a reward. He leaned in low to softly lick each nipple before nipping at one almost hard enough to break the skin. When she tried to yelp he clamped down around her mouth and they locked in a powerful kiss while the movement of his hips began picking up speed. Just as they broke off for breath her body decided it was spent and it clamped tightly around Roy's girth and she bit her lip as her body shook with the force of her climax and the power of his thrusts. The tightening around his shaft also sent Roy to the point of no return and he slammed up into her one more time before exploding inside her warmth, letting out a soft moan and slumping down on top of her.

Exhausted they cleaned up the mess they'd made and walked out of the school together Roy had thought Kaytlin was going home but two blocks away from the school she snuck up beside him and wrapped an arm around him. Seeing he was looking for some kind of an answer she pouted and said. "It was horrible not spending last night with you and I don't want to do that again."