Kobold Meets Gnoll (Disco Story Request)

Story by Snake Burton on SoFurry

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#2 of Random Requests

This was a request i did a bit of time ago for a friend who gave me a writing prompt when i wanted to warm up, but ended up getting carried away. Really fun story, but it's gonna be unformated as hell due to me copying and pasting it from my pastebin. Either way, hope someone enjoys it! As always, leave feedback. There are gonna be a shit ton of issues in this due to me doing it mainly as a pratice piece. From what i remember, the tense is all over the place. Fuck tense, i like to live in all times at once.

  1. Kobold Meets Gnoll


  1. The scrambling sound of feet in water was what brought Hagluk this far from the central tunnels. The elders made it clear that the workers were never made to stray from the chosen paths, but Hagluk had been cursed with the curiosity since birth. The brooders had explained that workers weren't meant to be thinking so hard, and even as a hatchling they could tell that he'd be a bad worker. Still, it was his allotted path, and the brooders had done their best to make sure the curiosity didn't stop his ability to work. That said, no one had told him the offshoots would be so scary.


  1. Despite his fear, Hagluk dived deeper into the cave, stumbling over loose rocks and crags as he felt his way through the cramped space. The sound of water had grown louder, as well as panicked breathing and claws scraping stone. Nearing the tunnels exit, Hagluk peered past the edge, surveying the opening he found. It was much wider than he had thought, a wide valley with water at the bottom, and a ceiling consumed in darkness. Bright rocks lined the waterbed, causing the water to scatter the light in a constantly shifting dance of shadows. And at the sloping edge of the water, was a small Gnoll.


  1. The Gnoll was soaking wet, desperately trying to gain traction on the slick walls. The only safety for the Gnoll came by way of a large mushroom jutting out of the damp slope, a perfect place for the selected vegetation. Hagluk thanked the Great Elder that the Gnoll hadn't noticed him. The brooders had told many tales of the Gnolls cruelty towards Kobolds. Gnolls were known to swallow hatchlings whole and by the nest full. Hagluk could feel his tail quiver as he thought of being ripped to shred on the Gnoll's mighty fangs. But this Gnoll seemed off; this Gnoll seemed scared, like Hagluk.


  1. Bravery is not a common word for Kobolds, but Hagluk was not a common Kobold. With a deep breath, Hagluk called out to the Gnoll. The Gnoll stopped it's impossible climb to find where the voice had come from. "Up here," cried Hagluk. Removing his loin sash, he tied the study leather to a jutting rock and with a tight grip, began to lower himself over the cave's lip and towards the shaking Gnoll. The bottom was so far down that Hagluk was almost afraid he wouldn't be able to make it. He stretched himself straight, forcing his tail as far from his body as he possibly could. "Grab on!"


  1. The Gnoll made one last leap, barely clamping onto the Kobold's tail tip with it's teeth. Hagluk yelped, afraid that the Gnoll was tricking him. He looked back to see his soon to be predator, but found the same look of fear he saw earlier, now mixed with hope. With the strength betraying his size, Hagluk pulled himself back onto safe ground, dragging the massive clump of wet fur behind him. Once safe on ground, Hagluk rolled to his side, catching his breath and massaging his tail. The Gnoll's teeth really did a number on him, the mid-section bleeding from where it's teeth had dug in.


  1. That's right, thought Hagluk. The Gnoll. Hagluk shot up, darting his eyes straight at the Gnoll. He thought he'd see it stalking up to him, ready to swallow him whole, never to be seen again. Instead, it was shivering, curled into a ball and lying on it's side. Hagluk felt guilty. Nervously, he asked if the Kobold was alright. The shaking pile of fur did nothing to respond.

  2. Fur! That was it, thought Hagluk. The caves were cold, and whenever Hagluk got his own linens wet, they grew colder. Fur required fire to grow not cold, though. Hagluk did not think Gnoll can take fur off. Hagluk devised a plan. Retrieving his sash from the rock he tied it to, he came behind the Gnoll and draped his dry leather over it. "Take it," he said to the Gnoll. "I will return," he said as he left. Turning around, Hagluk scrambled his way back from where he came. From the corner of his eye, he could see the Gnoll watching him leave.


  1. ----


  1. Finding fire plant took longer than Hagluk had wanted. He must have been gone for at least a candle length, and not the short candles the hatchlings use. A brooder candle. The longest candle of all. He dreaded returning to find the Gnoll had died in his absences. He called out as he crawled back through the tunnel, hoping not to scare the Gnoll with his sudden return. The Gnoll still laid where he had left it, and he could feel a well of sadness rise from his belly as thoughts of death arose. His spirits were lifted, however, when he watched his leather rise and fall where it was draped over it. Hagluk bounced with excitement, and got to work on the fire.


  1. After setting a ring of rocks around the fire plant, Hagluk grinded his tail spike against the bright rock. A single spark burst from the contact, landing gracefully onto the plant which burst with a bright flame. Hagluk clapped, thanking the Great Fire for granting him a quick flame. Now with fire at his disposal, he returned to the Gnoll's side, hesitant as to what to do next. He gently laid his hand on the leather he draped over it. Beneath his rough hands, he could feel the Gnoll shake from his touch. Still alive, he thought, but weakening. "I apologize," said Hagluk. "I must bring you to the fire."


  1. With a heave, Hagluk began dragging the Gnoll closer to the warmth of the fire, spacing it out as to make sure no clumped fur could survive the warmth. Once satisfied with how the Gnoll was, Hagluk gave himself time to relax. The Gnoll was heavy, though not as much as he imagined. Studying it's face, Hagluk realized it had fallen asleep. That explained why it didn't mind his rolling it over to the fire. This however caused him to realize how exhausted he was himself. A whole day of working, followed by helping out the Gnoll. He was exhausted, and the fire was warm. It wouldn't be a problem to sleep, would it? No, Hagluk thought. Sleep was good.


  1. ---


  1. Hagluk awoke to the feeling of warmth radiating from the fire in front, and the blanket from behind. The fire danced it's wonderful waltz as Hagluk blinked away the sleep from his eyes. If only he had a blanket this nice in his nest. His broodmates would never leave him alone if it meant sharing such wonderful heat. Funnily, Hagluk does not remember having a blanket. He does not remember coming home to his nest. Hagluk only remembered Gnoll.


  1. Hagluk jumped from where he had slept, only to slam into the ground as the Gnoll had taken a hold of his lower body. It's claws were wrapped around him, causing him to struggle for his life to escape the beast. Hagluk closed his eyes and accepted his fate, awaiting death to consume him as he realized his escape was impossible. Yet, death did not overtake his mortal body. Instead he opened his eyes and found the Gnoll was looking at him.


  1. The Kobold and Gnoll stared at each other, the fire casting dancing shadows around them. Hagluk was unsure as of what to do in this situation. The Gnoll seemed just as confused. Moments passed in silence before the Gnoll broke eye contact to look down at it's arms wrapped around the Kobold's legs. Their eyes locked once more, but the air of impenetrable silence was broken now. "May you release my legs," Hagluk asked.


  1. The Gnoll perked at this question, and quickly freed Hagluk from it's grip. It made a growling sound as it looked away from him. The tan and brown hide was broken up by random splotches of white. From it's profile, Hagluk felt that a Gnoll could just be a furry Kobold. With his legs freed, Hagluk took the liberty to hug his legs to his chest. The fire warmed his back as he faced the Gnoll. The Gnoll seemed responsive to his words before. Maybe Gnolls were smart? Only one way to find out. "Hello," Hagluk said. "I am Hagluk. Do you understand?"

  2. The Gnoll looked at him, ears perked to the side. It's muzzle opened to reveal it's incredibly sharp fangs. It mouthed silent words that Hagluk was not sure he'd ever understand, before finally, it spoke. "Yes. Yes, I understand," said the Gnoll. Hagluk felt a warmth inside him as it spoke, happy that he could communicate with words and not actions. "I am happy you can speak! Are you feeling better? Why were you in the water," Hagluk asked.


  1. The Gnoll looked around the cave walls, and back to him. "Cold," it began. "I am cold, fire warm. I wish to stay. Was hunting fire, season of the fire. Fire inside. Slipped on river's edge, pulled into the cave." The Gnoll spoke with a brutish tongue. It's lips were much thicker than a Kobolds, and the wide tongue Hagluk spied whenever it spoke made him realize that his words was not made for Gnoll mouths. Yet it succeeded where many of his broodmates often failed.


  1. "Hunting fire," Hagluk asked. The Gnoll nodded. Hagluk looked to the fire behind him. Why would want to hunt fire? Fire was easy. Bright rock and fire plant and Kobold tail. Did not all creatures have a spike tail to ignite the rock? Hagluk turned back to the Gnoll, trying to spy it's rear. He could see the tail flip every so often, fluffy and thick, and yet, no spike. Weird, though Hagluk. But it explained why Gnoll would hunt for fire. He quickly returned his gaze to the Gnoll's face, and pointed to the fire. "Here, you can take my fire!"


  1. The Gnoll only grew more confused. It studied the kobold with bright eyes in the dark, brighter eyes than Hagluk's broodmates, and then locked onto the fire. It threw it's head back and let loose a loud roar. Hagluk was terrified, but his fears faded as he realize the shaking and roaring was not a signal of aggression, but laughing. Hagluk doesn't often laugh with, nor does his broodmates, but he often seen the brooders laugh when a hatchling embarrass itself.


  1. "No, no," laughed the Gnoll. "Not that fire. Fire inside. Nurrar cannot take Kobold's fire." Na-raor? Was that the Gnoll's name? It sounded like the start of a hatchlings mewl quickly forming into a beasts snarl. Hagluk struggled to figure out the name, much harder to decipher unlike Kobold names. The Gnolls name rolled like thunder clouds over hills. Kobold names are simple, like picks striking gem stone. Gnolls were interesting in ways Hagluk never expected, and he wanted to know more. First, he'd start with names.

  2. "Na-raor? Is that your name?" It hurt his tongue to roll like that. It scrapped against his teeth, nipping the sensitive muscle. The Gnoll laughed again, something he felt was a real wonder to witness, and shook its head.


  1. "Nurrar! Nur-rar," the Gnoll replied. "I am hunter of Sarr'Shalek." Every time the Gnoll opened it's mouth, Hagluk found more and more questions. He could barely focus as more and more thoughts entered his mind. Sarr'Shalek? Hunters? The fire? The water? Why his fire was not suitable for a Gnoll? Instead of asking, Hagluk decided to instead remember his brooder's teachings. If one thinks of many things, decide the most important, and think only of that. And right now, Hagluk had to figure out how the Gnoll got here, and how to get it out.

  2. "Nurrar?" Hagluk paused, hoping he got the name right. The Gnoll didn't stop him, staring at him intently. He took this as a sign of good and continued. "You came by water, yes?" The Gnoll nodded. "Do you remember where you were before you fell in? I only know of two exits from the tunnels. The exit of sand and the exit of trees."


  1. "Oh, Tree!" The Gnoll was excited as he spoke of escape and home. He wasn't certain he could help, but he would damn well try.


  1. "Okay, Nurror," the Gnoll interjected with a curt Nurrar. "I'll help you out, but once you've warmed up a bit more. Pelts take long to dry, and I am unsure how long I've slept." Hagluk motioned for Nurrar to come closer to the fire. The Gnoll got onto all fours and crawled forward to Hagluk, who patted the ground and waited for the Gnoll. Once both were seated near the fire, Hagluk began feeling though the Gnoll's fur, the purpose of testing how dry it was, but overcame with how thick and silky it felt. The Gnoll was tensed as his hands roamed it's fur, but soon calmed as the warmth of the fire and the scaled hands massaged it's muscles.


  1. Time passed in silence, Hagluk enamored with the fur of the Gnoll, and the Gnoll content to rest and enjoy the exploring hands. In the silence, Hagluk recounted all he had learned, and how much he had yet to know. There were still plenty of questions to ask, but Hagluk had to choose one at a time. So he went with the one keeping him warm.


  1. "Why can you not my fire," Hagluk asked. The Gnoll stirred beneath his hands as he continued his petting. The Gnoll hardly moved, but gazed deep into the flames licking at the cave air, before rolling over to face Hagluk.


  1. "Hagluk is Kobold," Nurrar said. "Nurrar is Gnoll." Hagluk felt a sliver of disappointment in himself at the response. He had always through of Gnolls of aggressive creatures, hell-bent on devouring hatchlings and raiding caves. Nurrar threw his expectations out into the river, and despite how much he was enjoying the Gnoll, it still refused him? Refused taking the fire? He was a Kobold. Kobold have tail spikes. He ran his hand through the Gnoll's tail. Yes, he confirmed, no tail spikes. The Gnoll let out a growl as it rolled back over away from him.


  1. "Beside, Kobold has no fire to give," said the Gnoll. Hagluk was thoroughly confused now. Was the Gnoll blind? Did it not have working eyes? Could it not see the fire in front of it? Was the reason for the Gnoll's docileness an effect of a lost mind? Hagluk had seen Kobolds with lost minds. Hagluk's favorite brooder had lost her mind. She was so kind, but once her mind was lost, she had to be taken away. A chill ran down his spine as he thought of it, and then again as he looked at the basking Gnoll. He must be sure.


  1. Stepping up, Hagluk walked with his hands on his hips to stand between Nurrar and the fire. The Gnoll opened an eye to watch him, not bothering to raise it from the ground. Hagluk stepped to the side so it would have a clear view of the fire. He watched it's eyes dart between him and the fire and back to him. It could clearly see the fire, right? Hagluk threw his hands towards the fire, presenting it to the Gnoll. He clacked his teeth together and slapped his tail to make sure the Gnoll would understand. The Gnoll remained passive. "What's wrong my fire," asked Hagluk.


  1. "You don't have one," replied the Gnoll. Hagluk was growing frustrated. He pointed with both hands and his tail to the fire. The Gnoll chuckled, and sat on it's legs as Hagluk fought with his mind to not start screaming. "Not that fire, silly Kobold." Nurrar pointed a sharp claw at Hagluk. "There," it said.


  1. Hagluk was at a lost. The Gnoll must truly be mad! Why would it point at him and not the fire? Seeing the Kobolds confusion, the Gnoll finally rose to it's feet and stretched in front of Hagluk. A tremor made his legs feel weak as the Gnoll towered over him. However, instead of attacking Hagluk, it simply reached down and parted the fur between it's legs. Hagluk was shocked. He had only seen his other brood mates before, and they all looked mostly similar to him. The Gnoll, however, was obviously aroused.


  1. Between the Gnoll's legs was a long shaft of flesh. Hagluk was confused. The Gnoll pointed down at it's manhood, and then back to Hagluk. He now realized that the Gnoll was pointing between his legs.


  1. "See!" The Gnoll was much too excited for Hagluk's comfort. "Fire," the Gnoll pointed down towards itself. "No fire!" The hand returned to point at Hagluk. Finally, Hagluk understood.

  2. "Oh no, Hagluk is also male!" He moved a scaled hand down to his crotch and gently began parting his slit. The Gnoll was visibly shocked. Hagluk was unsure of what to do. The embarrassment of the moment and the taboo was really getting to his head. The Gnoll had not gone back into it's own vent.


  1. "Kobold says male but has crotch of female beast!" Hagluk was surprised to hear this response from the Gnoll. There was definitely an issue of communication.


  1. "Are you not aroused? Does it not retract inside," asked Hagluk, his own members threatening to escape his body. The Gnoll was confused, getting closer to the Kobold before getting down on it's hands and knees to be closer to his size. It sniffed for a moment before snapping back with a laugh.


  1. "Nurrar is hunter! Not male! All Gnoll have tube," it said. Hagluk could feel embarrassment and confusion eat him alive as the Gnoll moved around him. Not a male? But it had a member! But unlike his, it was only one. He put out a hand and touched the Gnoll. It paused, before rolling onto it's back in front of him, putting it's arms and legs out to let him see. Hagluk took the moment to get a closer look.


  1. Removing his talons from the sides of his vent, Hagluk crouched closer to the Kobold's exposed underside, examining it's groin. Hagluk was amazed to find the Gnoll did not have a slit. Instead, it's genitals were outside of it's body! Still, they both shared shafts, and Hagluk was unsure what to do. He couldn't help his shame and embarrassment, and the confusion only helped to weaken his resolve. His tips had fully peaked from his vent. He hoped that Nurrar would not notice, but that was crushed when he heard the Gnoll's laughter.


  1. "Maybe there is fire in Kobold," Nurrar growled. "Kobold can touch if Nurrar can." Hagluk was petrified. He had spent a considerable amount of time already touching the Gnoll. Why would this be any different? Perhaps his stiffening erection was the reason. He nodded to the Gnoll, who gave off a low pitched growl, as if rising from the deepest part of it's chest. It was a soothing sound, much more gentle than the growls and roars he heard before. With a nervous hand, Hagluk felt the Gnoll's lower stomach, before gently gliding his hand down the almost dry fur. It felt like silk beneath his scales, and he wished he could be wrapped in its embrace at all times.


  1. Before he could get any further, Hagluk yipped as he felt a massive hand wrap around his waist, the Gnoll's fingers curling almost all the way around him. The claws just barely scraped against his scales, tracing the crevices between them. The nervous Kobold took in a deep breath as he let himself grow accustomed to the Gnoll's touch, and once sufficiently calm, continued his exploration.


  1. The Kobold gently slid a finger along the Gnoll's front until it reached the top of it's groin. A quick peek at the Gnoll's face told him that the Gnoll wanted him to continue, so he slowly moved his hand down to feel Nurrar's shaft. The fleshy tube was warm in his hands, and jiggled as his fingertips graced it. Nurrar gasped, and Hagluk panicked. He took his hand away, but Nurrar instead gave him a reassuring squeeze and rocked her thumb along his chest. Hagluk swallowed his fears and continued.


  1. He was honestly quite amazed with the Gnoll's tool. It was much bigger than his own, though lacking the barbs and nubs, and most strikingly a second shaft. He assumed Nurrar made up for it with its size, but he was still unsure. He felt it once more, wrapping his scaled hands around it, and gave it a gentle squish. Nurrar didn't object, in fact, he thinks the Gnoll may have enjoyed it, and decided to get a bit more familiar with it.


  1. However, before he could fiddle with Nurrar's diddle, Hagluk's body jolted upwards as he let out a rough groan. The Gnoll had twisted it's body down so that it's head was near Hagluk's waist. If the Gnoll's hot breath sweeping over his body wasn't stimulating enough, Nurrar had also taken the opportunity to slide it's thumb pad over his hemipenes. Pleasure surged through Hagluk's body as he could barely contain his arousal. His twin members trembled beneath Nurrar's touch, shaking his core and zapping away his energy for heartbeat. Shocked at such a reaction, Nurrar released Hagluk from it's grasp, and he fell down on top of the Gnoll's pelvis. He writhed on top of the Gnoll's body, grinding itself into it's fur and humping against Nurrar's hip. Had Nurrar not been so unsure of what was happening, it may have enjoyed the wiggling Kobold on it's shaft.


  1. Hagluk used all of his will to compose himself, raggedly swallowing air as he recovered his senses. He lifted himself up from on top of Nurrar's body, struggling to get back on solid ground. His body was still shaking even as he stood, but he was at least able to control himself now. He looked down at his twin snakes, throbbing and angry red, harder and bigger than they had ever been before in his life. Kobolds didn't have this kind of feeling. Didn't have this kind of heat. Didn't have this kind of, well, fire.


  1. Nurrar was still unsure of what exactly had taken place, and was worried the fun would have to stop. The Gnoll placed a hesitant hand on the Kobold's shoulder, who shot his face towards the Gnoll. Nurrar was ready to remove it's grip, but just to make sure, Nurrar spoke. "Are you okay?"


  1. Hagluk understood the fire. Hagluk had it within him, raging like the hottest infernos. Nurrar could sense the sun within him.


  1. "Do that again," Hagluk demanded.


  1. The Kobold went back to Nurrar's legs to get reacquainted with the mighty beasts shaft, lifting and examining the flesh from any angle he could, before taking a breath of it's scent and reaching his forked tongue to taste it. The Gnoll's tube tasted of flesh and sweat, while not exactly as exciting as he had thought, it still had a certain allure. He noticed however that his position made it hard for the Gnoll to go back to where it had before, so he leant to his side and opened his legs grant access for Nurrar.


  1. Nurrar was beginning to really enjoy the small Kobold. Taking after his example, the Gnoll reached down towards the Kobold's Hemipenes to stroke with both hands. "I never played with two at once," said Nurrar. Hagluk only growled and continued to tongue lash the Gnolls flesh with reckless abandon. The Gnoll was fascinated with how the two spires of flesh separated from each other, and pondered the possibility of if they were separate even within his body, or if they joined somewhere inside. With an eager tongue, Nurrar began licking the two spears, excited by the strange flavor.


  1. Between Nurrar's legs, Hagluk was having a field day. He had successfully slobbered over every inch of Nurrar's length, and finally found himself comfortable with the tip. Out of all of Nurrar's body, the head of his shaft was the most interesting. It smelled strongly and was parted open. The shaft, despite his oral skills, had only firmed a tiny bit, nowhere near the level that the Kobold was at. He didn't lose hope though. With a steeled resolve, Hagluk wrapped his lips around Nurrar's manhood and prepared to go down.


  1. "Kobold, stop," said Nurrar. Hagluk was confused. Was he doing something wrong? The Gnoll removed one of it's hands from his waist to instead guide his head up. "Do not do outside. Inside." Hagluk was confused by the Gnoll's advice. Inside? Why would he go inside? The Gnoll saw his confusion, and explained further. "Nurrar is not male. It is how Gnoll are." Hagluk watched as the Gnoll's finger trailed down his snout towards it's own half-mast flesh, and instead of gripping it's erection, instead dug the finger into the hole. Suddenly, it all clicked in Hagluk's mind.


  1. "Nurrar, is female," exclaimed Hagluk. Nurrar only nodded.


  1. The fire in Hagluk grew a hundred times as large as he suddenly threw himself up and on top of Nurrar. It- no, she -was confused as the smaller Kobold took both of the Gnolls hands in his own and forced them onto the ground beside her. Nurrar felt herself getting excited as the Kobold through her down, exactly the type of thing a Gnoll would do. She panted as her lubricant began seeping from her everted love tunnel. Hagluk found himself drowning in her hot breath, the warmth something he only wish could surround him for every moment of his existence. With a quick dart of his lips, Hagluk licked the inside of Nurrar's mouth, who after a moment's surprise, returned with licks of her own.


  1. Hagluk had to break the kiss as it became too much for him. The fire inside him had grown so out of control that it had started to become painful. He crawled backwards until he was face level with just below her chest, his hemipenes aligned directly with her own tube. Hagluk was nervous, but more than that, he couldn't wait to see how it felt.


  1. With a hard thrust, Hagluk speared his left shaft into Nurrar's body, the warmth of the tunnel enveloping his shaft was nearly too much for him. He held himself close to Nurrar as he stayed still, letting his one hemipenes get used to the pulsing warmth of the Gnoll's inside. After a few heavy breaths, he began a series of gentle thrusting. Nurrar was enjoying this just as much. Though not as big as Gnoll, Hagluk's breeding tools were incredibly unique. She had never felt such a texture inside her before, and the effect it left was breath taking. As each nub and barb rubbed and kissed the inside of her pseudo penis, sparks of pleasure and ecstasy ran up and down her spine leaving her barely able to react to Hagluk.


  1. Hagluk was in love with this feeling. This warmth was unheard of to Kobolds. This feeling was unknown to Kobolds. To even speak to a Gnoll was something never before done by any Kobold, and yet here Hagluk was, buried half way into Nurrar's wetness. He pressed his head against her chest, feeling the blood race through her body, listening to her heart beat and her lungs expand and deflate with her shortened breath. Closing his eyes, he could track the flow as it filled her clit and spammed around him. Every drag out of her brought Hagluk to new heights, every time he grew closer to his base had him wanting to do nothing but leave kisses on this goddesses' body. But the Kobold was getting close, and he'd be damned if he didn't show her how Kobolds did it.


  1. The Gnoll whined as she felt Hagluk's flesh slip out of her own. Her body involuntarily thrusted forward as her flopping tube searched for her male. However, Hagluk was not keen on staying away for so long. Holding both of his spires together, he aligned himself with Nurrar one more time as he prepared to give her all she got. The Gnoll was about to ask what he was doing, but her breath was wrenched from her body as the Kobold shoved both shafts inside hers.


  1. "Oh, Trrashrlrk," cried the Gnoll. It was a word he never heard of in a language he never heard of, and he took it as him doing good if that was the reaction he was giving her. Nurrar was barely able to contain herself. She had to dig her claws into the ground to keep from thrashing too hard lest she risk separating her from the thrusting Kobold. Two at once? the thought was unbelievable! And yet here Nurrar was, lying beneath a creature half her size, with two manhoods filling her insides. She prayed to her goddess that such pleasures would be experienced again, and often. She'd have to find a way to bring the Kobold home with her.


  1. Hagluk was having a similar experience. with his second shaft inside her, he realized that Gnolls were not made for something as thick as both shafts at once. He may have lacked in length, he succeeded in sheer force and girth. Nurrar was practically squirting around him, making the ride that much more manageable despite the tight fit. He continued his rapid humping into her, so excited that he was near the base. He was going to breed this Gnoll. He was going as deep as he could, and he was going to plant himself so hard that her pups would know what it felt like.


  1. As Hagluk gave savage thrust, Nurrar too humped her hips into him, causing something to happen that neither could prepare for. Hagluk was forced in all the way to his slit, and then even further as Nurrar's tube slipped inside him. They froze together. Hagluk could not believe it. This wasn't supposed to happen. He looked down between their joined parts and saw the thick outline of his shafts inside hers, and the head of her flesh disappearing inside his vent. He looked up at Nurrar who was just as shocked as he was.


  1. "Is normal," asked the Gnoll.


  1. "No, it's not," replied the Kobold.


  1. They stayed tied together like this in silence, both very aware of each other's pulsing and squeezing and pumping and heat. So much heat. Despite this accident, both fires raged higher than any creature this season. Hagluk and Nurrar used the time to reflect on what was happening, and both came to a similar conclusion. This was definitely enjoyable.


  1. "Mind if i keep going," asked the Kobold.


  1. "Don't stop until Nurrar is filled," replied the Gnoll.


  1. Hagluk gave a short shove forward before pulling his hips back just enough for Nurrar's tip to stay inside before he jousted forward and speared himself deep inside her and her in him. He could feel her tube enter and fill his slit, something he had never experienced another Kobold, and something he couldn't experience with any Kobold. The way it stretched his sensitive walls left him ecstatic, madly humping and urging himself forward as the pleasure of the tight squeezing brought on by Nurrar's inside made his shafts spurt in delight.


  1. Nurrar was beginning to loose proper brain function from how much pleasure she was drowning in. She could barely breath as she felt the thick spires of Kobold meat fill her so completely and deeper than she had ever thought possible. There was so much extra length stored inside the Kobold that she thought it was a tragic joke that females of his species would never know such joy. And the way his own vent clamped around her outside made it so much better. External simulation was never something she could use alone to bring herself to orgasm, but she did enjoy it when a male would mount her and stroke himself inside her. This was a whole other level.


  1. Nurrar could feel his own insides squeezing her around his manhoods, making them feel just that much more thick. With how deep she had gotten, Hagluk was able to bury himself into the deepest and tightest part of her body as actually possible. Looking into each other eyes, they could tell that this was a heaven that had been left unexplored for only the lucky chosen. Once inside as far as he could go, Hagluk began his final dash towards the end.


  1. From just reaching her end, Nurrar was sent into a flurry of orgasms as she felt parts of herself never before felt. She had never been with a lover as different as Hagluk, the little Kobold showing her that looks could be earth shatteringly deceiving. The little guy had more power than he shown, being put to good use by fucking the ever loving shit out of her. She could feel her hot juices being forced around his lengths, keeping herself wet and hot for him, and in turn filling his vent with her fluids which helped make his insides just as warm.


  1. Hagluk was on the verge of tears as he bit his lip and continued thrusting. Every shake and spasm he felt from Nurrar made it harder and harder for him to cope. He had to hold back for just a little longer. He begged that this feeling would never have to go away. The warmth that Nurrar was filling him with both literally and figuratively was positively mind blowing, and the experience of sex with the Gnoll was leaving the curious Kobold much too exhausted to be conveyed properly.


  1. Unfortunately, even strapping young Kobolds have their limits. With a few final thrusts, Hagluk once more stuck himself deep into Nurrar, holding on for dear life as he released himself inside her. he simultaneously pulsed within and around her as he came, sending her into another fit of screaming and orgasm as his own warmth filled her. Both lovers were filled with liquid love, like lava spilling from their heated cores as they finally extinguished each other's fire.


  1. They stayed wrapped together and breathing heavily for a long time. Long enough that the fire plant finally outlived it's usefulness and died out. Long enough that Nurrar's fur that had dried by the fire, and was once again soaked with sweat from their love making, was dry for a final time. Long enough that Hagluk could hold her in his arms and feel her wonderful fur consume him with her warmth and scent. Long enough that when they both looked back at each other, they realized that they couldn't stay in the cave forever. And that broke their hearts.


  1. They slowly pulled out of each other, dragging their respective members away from each other so they could finally be free. This freedom wasn't something either of them welcome, but they knew that it had to be done. Deciding against risking falling into the water again, Hagluk led Nurrar to the tree exit as he had promised. As Nurrar left, both lovers turned to face each other again, as if silently communicating with each other. They'd meet again, they both agreed to it.


  1. As she finally left, Hagluk journeyed back into the cave. Back to his nest mates and his clan and to everything he had known before. He was told that his curiosity was a curse. a disease given to bad Kobolds who could never be good workers. Hagluk thought differently now, though. Curiosity is what lead him to Nurrar. Nurrar was a gift from beyond anything of this world. And that made him smile.


  1. Hagluk wasn't a normal Kobold anymore. He wasn't a worker anymore. Hagluk would make a final visit to his deer old nest. And he'd do it reeking of Gnoll.