My Great Big Brother- A Festivus To Remember

Story by ArcticWolf451 on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: Don't read this if you are underage, meaning if you are under 18 SHOO! NOW. And I know you aren't gonna listen because I did the same thing when I was 16. Sigh, so just make sure you lock the damn door so your parents don't catch you, a'ight? All characters are mine. Also, this story contains Incest in it. For the record, I don't condone it and sure as hell don't recommend it. So listen up kiddies and don't try to bang your sis. Got it? If not, your ass is grass and your dad's foot is a lawn mower. Oh, and any copyrighted names I used belong to their respective owners and I was not paid to use them. Go Steelers! And also Go Gators even though I don't go to that school. =) **********

Author's Note: Okay, as many of you know, I started writing this series BEFORE Modern Warfare 2 came out, so some of my previous works have inaccurate references to the game's content. In this one I tried to fix as much of the inaccuracies as possible, but if you spot one I missed, please don't make that lower your rating of my story. Just comment and I'll fix it, as I have trusted user status and therefore fixing it only takes a minute. And also don't get killed. That tends to hurt and will prevent you from reading the rest of my stories. So stay safe out there, okay? **********

December 23, 2009 " 1:30 P.M. " Joan Holland's condominium, Altamonte Springs, Florida

"Where Eagles Dare" blared from the small bedroom Kyle had claimed for himself in his grandmother's condo. Kyle had made sure that he brought his HP Pavilion dv7 laptop with him, as it had MP3s of all his favorite metal songs. He'd used it to burn his mix CD's of Metallica and Iron Maiden, as well as a mix CD for Katie a couple months back. Kyle had borrowed his grandmother's desktop computer speakers and had them hooked up to his laptop. And so, as usual, he and Katie were engrossed in a game of Modern Warfare 2. This time they were playing a 1v1 match against each other. Kyle normally didn't like playing against Katie since he had more skills than her and didn't want to hurt her feelings when he beat her. Yet, today Katie insisted on playing him. To Kyle's surprise she was actually giving him a run for his money; keeping a 3-5 point gap between them. While Kyle was managing to stay ahead, he found he was really sweating it out to do so.

"GAH!" Kyle gasped as Katie picked him off with a clean headshot with her Barret .50 cal. She had become quite the pesky sniper. What was even worse was that she found out how to use claymores, and now she was planting them next to the doors leading into her camping spot.

Kyle switched from a machinegun class to a more versatile assault rifle class equipped with an FN-SCAR. This seemed to do the trick, as he slowly learned where Katie liked to hide, and how to avoid entering her line of sight. Still, every time he killed her meant he had to hunt her down all over again. Suddenly Kyle saw his soldier do a back flip as Katie came up behind him and blew his legs off with a SPAS-12 shotgun. She had changed classes, and thus tactics. Now she was shotgun stalking him, with impressive results. Still, Kyle was ahead by three kills. Katie hadn't quite learned how to aim at a moving target, so whenever Kyle circle strafed her she was as good as dead. Finally, the time limit ran out with Kyle four points ahead. Katie sighed dejectedly, but was still smiling. "Dang Kyle, how'd you get to be so good?"

"I should ask you the same question. You've only been playing for two weeks and you're almost beating me."

Katie smiled as Kyle wrapped an arm around her and gave her a one armed hug and a quick kiss to her cheek. Kyle picked a different map and soon the two were going at it again. ************

Meanwhile, down the hall and in the living room, Joan Holland was talking with John and Eliza. Alex had gone off to pick up one of his friends from work while his friend's car was in the shop, and wouldn't be back till dinner.

Joan shook her head as she listened to the music blare down the hallway.

"I don't know how you two put up with him listening to that trash," she said.

Eliza frowned and nodded. "We've talked to him about it, but frankly it's no use. I can't control what his tastes in music are."

"That heavy metal is just so angry and violent. And I saw him setting up...what is it called, an Xbox? The whole house sounds like Baghdad in '03 with all that gunfire and shouting."

"He's just playing Call of Duty," John remarked. "I've played it, it's pretty fun. A tad violent though." (Congratulations to John, for making the understatement of the year 2009).

Joan continued to give a judging look to her daughter and said, "Why do you let him play such violent games? They can't be good for him."

Eliza looked down the hall, trying to see into Kyle's room, and replied, "Well, he's 17 so we figure he's mature enough to see that kind of thing. I won't let him get a game if it has sex in it though. But violence isn't really an issue. He sees plenty of it at school with all those gangs that run through it."

Shelly walked through the room to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Joan looked over at her and said, "So Shelly, what've you been doing?"

"Reading. I've been catching up on some thriller novels I hadn't had time to read while school was in session." "Where's Kyle and Katie?" asked Joan.

"Oh, they're off playing Modern War...or whatever it's called...on his Xbox." "Katie's playing with him?"

"Yeah, for some reason she's been hanging out with him a lot recently. It's like she suddenly likes what he likes. I don't know how she can stand being in the same room with him for so long while he plays all that music and those gory videogames." Shelly finished filling a glass with water and proceeded to walk back to her room upstairs. The upstairs one was the largest, and therefore she had to share it with Katie, since Joan took the second downstairs bedroom. Joan couldn't walk up and down stairs very easily, so she had taken one of the downstairs bedrooms out of necessity.

Joan looked over at Eliza and John and asked, "How long has Katie been hanging out with Kyle like this?"

"I don't know," replied Eliza, "A couple of weeks now I guess. Those two have always gotten along just fine though. I think it's because Kyle doesn't feel he has to compete with Katie like he does with Shelly."

"But Shelly said Katie is hanging out with Kyle more than usual. Doesn't that seem rather...odd?"

"I don't see why it would be," said Eliza. "I am a little surprised she's willing to play Kyle's videogames with him, but I'm not too worried."

"Hmm," said Joan as she thought to herself. "Have you told Kyle about his.....situation yet?"

"What situation...oh...right," replied John. He scratched the back of his head while looking at the floor. "Um, not exactly. We probably should have told him already, but he seems so happy now we don't want him to be upset." "Do your daughters know?" asked Joan

"No, we haven't told them either."

"Good. I think if everyone just stays in the dark we'll all be much happier."

John nodded. He looked out the window at an approaching thunderstorm and thought to himself, 'The truth is gonna come out sometime though. It always does.' John snapped out of his daze as a loud clap of thunder shook him awake. ***************

Perkins Restaurant and Bakery " 6:37 P.M. EST " Altamonte Springs, Florida

The thunderstorms from earlier had died down to a steady rain by 6:00 P.M. that day. Still, a record amount of rain had fallen and the ground was still saturated. The roads had even flooded in some places. However, all this hadn't stopped the family from going out to eat at Perkins Restaurant and Bakery. Perkins is a chain that operates in the U.S. and Canada. Surprisingly, their only location in Georgia is in the city of Savannah. Therefore, Perkins was another restaurant the Blackmon family made sure to visit a couple of times while in Florida.

As usual, Joan didn't tag along with the rest of the family. She became tired easily and preferred to stay at home while the rest of the family headed off to get food somewhere else. Of course not all their meals were like this, as they would sometimes bring back Chinese food from a local restaurant that was just around the corner from Joan's house. But tonight had been one of those where Joan felt like having her condo to herself while she ate. The plan was that the kids would spend the night at her place. Joan liked having her grandchildren stay with her, as she only got to see them two weeks out of the whole year. And so the 23rd and 24th were set apart to be the days where Kyle, Katie, and Shelly would spend the night.

The three siblings enjoyed staying at their grandmother's, as it was less cramped without their parents and uncle around. Their parents enjoyed it too, as it meant they could shamelessly watch one of Alex's R rated comedy movies (like The Whole Nine Yards and Sideways) with him.

Now that all the boring backstory and details have been provided, on with the plot. ^_^

Kyle's family sat in a corner booth that sat six furs; perfect for their family. Kyle and Katie sat next to each other (Katie being to Kyle's right so they wouldn't bump elbows when eating on account of Kyle being left handed...or left pawed...whatever). Shelly sat to Katie's right, followed by Eliza on her right, John on Eliza's right, and finally Alex who sat between John and Kyle. The restaurant was pretty crowed despite it being the 23rd, so the service was a little slow.

To pass the time, Alex told stories from his days in Saudi Arabia back in the 1980s when he was in the Air Force. Kyle enjoyed listening to them because usually they ended with Alex using a generous amount of profanity to describe a humorous situation.

"Yeah, like this one time," Alex began, "We were told to drive this friggin' two and a half ton truck loaded with cables for God knows what to the King of Saudi Arabia's palace. Well, we get there and these two bastards carrying Uzis direct us to the back to drop off our stuff. Anyway, we head to the back and find that we'll have to back the truck into the loading zone. So Jeff tells me to get out and direct him in since he can't see straight back. So I get out and start telling him where to go, only the big dummy doesn't follow my directions and backs straight into a street light! That got the Police of Vice and Virtue's attention and two of 'em come running over to us with their pistols drawn, and I just start yelling 'la la la,' which means 'no' in Arabic. Anyway, Jeff speaks more Arabic than I do, and he calms the two cops down. So we drop off our cable and are getting ready to drive off when one of the cops looks at me and says 'enta zip.' When I got back to base I found out what that means." Alex paused and waited for everyone to lean in and listen.

"It means 'you dick.'" Alex and Kyle both burst out laughing. John tried to hide his laughter while Eliza, Shelly and Katie just rolled their eyes. A few minutes later their food arrived and Alex became too focused on eating his steak and eggs (yes, he ordered breakfast at nighttime). Kyle had ordered steak and eggs as well, as he felt he needed a victory dinner for finally beating Sniper Fi on Veteran difficulty with Katie's help. Katie, on the other hand, ordered French toast (and for good reason, as Perkins French toast is terrific stuff). The only problem was that French toast is high in carbs, meaning she'd start to put on weight like everyone else around the holidays unless she worked it off. Katie smiled to herself as she made plans on just how to do that. ***************** Joan Holland's Apartment " 9:13 P.M.

After coming back from Perkins, Alex, Eliza and John were ready to go back home and watch the movie The Usual Suspects. And so Kyle, Katie, and Shelly were left at Joan's to do pretty much whatever they wanted, so long as they kept the noise down. Shelly got on her laptop and talked with her friends on Facebook, as well as on her cell phone. Joan had gone to bed a few minutes earlier, as she usually got up around 6:00 A.M.

Kyle and Katie knew that yiffing while Shelly was still awake was not an option, so they went with a different plan. Katie made two cups of frothy hot cocoa for herself and Kyle, while Kyle found a good Christmas movie on TV. He came across Christmas Vacation on AMC. Katie re-entered the living room with the two cups of hot cocoa and set them down on to the coffee table in front of the living room couch. As Kyle and Katie sat down, Kyle realized it was pretty chilly inside the condo. Joan rarely used the A/C, and the long period of rain that afternoon made for a cold evening. Kyle briefly got up from the couch to go retrieve a blanket from the hall closet. Upon returning he sat next to Katie and draped the blanket over both of them.

The blanket was very large, so Kyle was able to lay it across both himself and Katie with plenty of blanket to spare. Kyle's feet poked out from the bottom as he rested them on the coffee table, being careful not to spill his mug of hot chocolate. Katie, who was not wearing socks, chose to tuck her legs up to her chest for added warmth, and to keep her feet under the blanket. Since only their heads peaked from the blanket, Kyle was able to wrap his left arm around Katie's shoulders and hold her close. Katie sighed and rested her head on his shoulder as she took in the moment.

For the next half hour the two sat and watched the movie, laughing every couple of minutes at Chevy Chase's antics. Katie had never seen Christmas Vacation, while Kyle had watched it once before. He enjoyed being able to sit and laugh with his sister like this. It really made him appreciate just how close they were. He smiled down at her as she un-tucked her legs and so she could cuddle up closer to him. He then jumped slightly as he felt her slide a paw onto his crotch. Looking under the blanket, Kyle discovered Katie had slipped her right paw into his sleep pants and was fondling him. Kyle wasn't sure of what he should do. On one hand, having his sister give him a handjob would be amazing, but the risk of getting caught while she did so made him think twice about it.

Katie in the meantime kept watching the movie. She smiled as she felt Kyle's member stiffen as she gently rubbed and squeezed it. Soon Kyle had a boner, and Katie's soft paw was wrapped around it. At first her movements were slow and gentle as she stroked up and down his shaft. Kyle was visibly enjoying this, as he shifted in his seat and let out as slight moan. Katie then tightened her grip and began to pump Kyle's shaft with a steady, rhythmic action. Kyle gritted his teeth and tried to not cry out in fear of alerting Shelly. Little did he know that since she was on her phone she couldn't even hear the TV from downstairs.

Kyle looked down at Katie, who smiled back up at him. Kyle loved how she could feign innocence so easily with that sweet smile of hers. Katie quickened her pace, giving Kyle's member a firmer grip and harder pumping action. Kyle tilted his head back and let out a soft moan as his sister pawed him off.

' SO hot,' he thought to himself. He never knew Katie could be this aggressive. Normally it was him who initiated a good yiffing. However, he knew that when she got horny she could become as ravenous as he was. The only time he'd really seen her like that was that first night she snuck into his room (Chapter 2 for those who don't know). Kyle's thoughts became interrupted as he started to notice just how good his dick was starting to feel. He briefly looked around to make sure everything was all clear before laying his head back on the couch and relaxing as Katie worked him like a pro.

Suddenly, Kyle felt his member start to tingle with that familiar feeling you get when you paw off. A few seconds later his cock started to jerk and he realized he was cumming.

"Oooohhhh gods sis, that feels incredible!" he moaned as he felt his hot seed shoot forth. For a second he was worried he was going to have to explain a cum stain on the blanket, but Katie had thought ahead and brought her left paw over Kyle's member. As he ejaculated Katie's left paw got a nice coating of his hot and sticky wolf seed. Katie loved being able to watch her brother's face as he came. His teeth were clenched and his eyes were tightly shut as he breathed in heavy pants through his gritted teeth. For Kyle, the feeling was incredible. It felt so much better than the times he had pawed himself off, but why? He guessed his sis just had the magic touch.

Finally, after firing off six thick ropes of wolf spunk, Kyle's member finished jerking and slowly shrank back down. Kyle opened his eyes and smiled at Katie with a look of silent appreciation. Katie, in the meantime, brought up her left paw and quickly slurped up the large deposit of semen on it. Some of Kyle's cum had dripped onto his pants, but it wasn't very noticeable. Kyle got up and walked off to the bathroom to clean up while Katie finished enjoying the sticky treat in her paw. 'Why do I like the taste of his stuff so much?' she wondered. She smiled to herself and guessed that it was a sign that he was the "one." Kyle returned a few seconds later and sat back down next to Katie. "Katie...that was incredible. Where'd you learn to do that?" he asked.

She blushed at this and said, " you really want to know?" "Is there a reason I wouldn't want to know?" "It's just's kind of embarrassing."

Kyle smiled and stroked behind Katie's ears, "Oh come now, it can't be that bad. We've mated several times now, it's not like we are that shy in front of each other."

Katie sighed and gave him a trusting smile. "You promise not to laugh or think I'm weird?" "Of course, I'd never think that about you, sis."

"Well, a few months ago I sneaked into your room to borrow your cell phone so I could call my friend Dana. You see, Shelly was using the home phone and I didn't want to wait for her to finish. So I went into your room, and then I heard someone coming and I realized it was you." Kyle's eyes went wide as his interest peaked. He could see where this was going.

Katie continued explaining. "And so, I hid in your closet hoping you wouldn't come in there. Anyway, I heard you climb on the bed and I peeked out from the door, and I caught know." "Pawing off?" Kyle asked.

Katie nodded. "Yeah. At first I was kinda surprised and grossed out, but I couldn't stop watching you. I didn't realize it at the time, but watching you do that really turned me on. I'm just glad you didn't hear me gasp in surprise when I watched you cum on yourself. Anyway, you wiped yourself off, went to the bathroom and left. So I sneaked back out without you ever knowing I was there. I was too embarrassed to say anything to you because I knew I had enjoyed watching you."

"Wow, that's don't know what to say," replied Kyle. He glanced off to the right and scratched his head.

"You're not mad at me are you?" Katie asked with a worried look.

"No, no, of course not. It's just...what's funny is I remember that specific time you watched me."

"Oh?" Katie tilted her head in curiosity as it appeared Kyle had something embarrassing to say.

"Yeah. You caught me back during the summer, right?" "Mmhmm," Katie nodded.

"Well, now it's my turn for a slightly creepy story. Mom had just let you get a new bathing suit, and even though it was a one piece it still looked hot on you. For some reason your butt just looked...I don't know...awesomely incredibly HOT. And I kept sneaking glances at you even though I knew it was wrong because you are my sister and stuff. I just couldn't help it. Anyway, we'd gotten back from the pool, and I was horny out of my mind."

Katie smiled and looked Kyle with growing interest. Had he liked her the way she liked him all these months?

Kyle took a deep breath as he continued to recite his memory. "Anyway, Mom had made me help her move some of her gardening stuff, so I hadn't had a chance to...umm...paw. So when I came into my room I was going out of my mind. I normally check to make sure no one is in there so I won't get caught, but that time I forgot. Anyway, as I pawed off...I kinda pictured you back at the pool." He stopped for a second and made eye contact with Katie for the first time in two minutes. He was relieved to see she was smiling and not mad at him.

"And so," he continued, "I imagined myself peeling your suit off, kissing you and yiffing you right there by the pool. I don't know what got into me, but I just thought you were the hottest girl on the planet. I still think that, actually, but at the time I thought it was wrong. I was so ashamed of myself after that I couldn't paw off for a week because I was afraid I'd think of you again. Eventually I managed to not think about mating with you, but every time I saw you in that swimsuit the memory would come back to me. I'm really sorry for that, I know I probably sound like a creep."

Now it was Katie's turn console Kyle. She reached out and stroked behind his ears, which had flattened across his head to show his embarrassment. "Kyle, it sounds to me like you were in love with me back in July. I know I was in love with you for a while. I just suppressed those feelings because I thought we'd never be able to be mates. I'm glad I was wrong."

Kyle relaxed a bit and leaned over to kiss Katie. He felt the butterflies return to his chest as his lips met Katie's and they passionately kissed one another. They took things slow; wanting to savor the moment as long as possible. Katie slipped her tongue into Kyle's muzzle, and then retreated only to have Kyle's tongue follow hers. Kyle gently stroked the back of Katie's head with one paw, and stroked shoulders with the other. Katie simply wrapped her arms around her brother and sighed as they finally broke their kiss. Their muzzles remained close together, their noses were still touching. Katie giggled as Kyle gently rubbed his nose back and forth against hers, the tickling sensation making her feel giddy and close to him.

Kyle smiled and looked deeply into Katie's eyes. "I love you Katie. Thanks for being such a great mate to me." Kyle noticed a tear run down Katie's cheek as she smiled back at him.

"Oh Kyle, I love you too. You're such a great brother and mate to me, too. Promise me you'll never leave me." "I promise sis. You know you're the only girl I'll ever love."

Katie pulled her head back a bit and replied, "No, I didn't mean leave me for another girl. I meant leaving me physically." Kyle tilted his head and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, what happens when you graduate high school and go to college? It's not like I'll be able to go with you."

Kyle noticed a slight look of concern on Katie's face. He had never considered what would happen when it came time for him to move out. "Umm, I can go to a local college like Georgia Perimeter or Georgia Gwinnett. That way I could keep living here and stay with you for at least another four years. And by the time I'm a senior in college you would be a freshman, and we could move into a dorm together."

Katie nodded in approval and said, "That's a great idea! For a second I was afraid I'd have to go without seeing you for a long time."

"I love you too much to be apart from you, sis. I always have. I just didn't realize that until a couple weeks ago."

Katie grinned and launched herself into a tight hug with Kyle. She nuzzled his neck as he wrapped his arms tightly around her and gave her a good squeeze.

"(Gasp), Kyle! That's a little too tight big guy!" Katie gasped as Kyle's over enthusiastic hugging made it hard for her to breathe.

"Oops, sorry Katie," Kyle said shyly as he loosened his grip. Katie took a deep breath and resumed nuzzling Kyle's neck while Kyle just enjoyed the feeling of their bodies pressed up against each other. "Umm, what are you two doing?"

Kyle and Katie immediately broke their embrace and looked over at Shelly, who had come down the stairs surprisingly quietly.

Shelly raised an eyebrow and looked back and forth from Kyle to Katie. "Why are you two hugging like that?"

Thinking quickly, Katie replied, "Kyle and I had an argument about whether or not I was screen-cheating in Modern Warfare 2, but we're okay now and were just making up."

Shelly rolled her eyes and said, "I don't see why you like that game. All it does is encourage you to solve your problems with violence and cause you to get into fights about screen cheating. What the heck is that anyway?"

Kyle spoke up and replied, "It's where you are playing in split screen mode and you look on your opponent's screen to learn where they are."

"Yeah, well I couldn't care less. Just keep you're making up to hugs only, okay? I don't need you making things any weirder than they already are."

At this point, Katie looked over at Kyle and said, "Aww, I think Shelly feels left out. Would you like a hug big sis?"

"What? Hey, what are you two doing?" asked Shelly as Kyle and Katie got up from the couch and started ominously walking towards her.

"C'mon, don't you want a hug?" Kyle said playfully.

"No! Get away from me Kyle! I'll take one from Katie because I know she won't accidently kill me."

Kyle flattened his ears and pretended to pout, but then returned to normal and just chuckled. Katie and Shelly gave each other a quick hug before breaking contact. Shelly then went back upstairs, having forgotten why she had come downstairs in the first place (author's note: She was gonna get some Cheese Its).

Kyle and Katie then went back to the couch and continued watching Christmas Vacation. They hadn't missed much, as the movie was now at the part where Chevy Chase covers his house (and I mean literally) in Christmas lights and causes the circuit breaker to trip. The two cuddled next to each other in blissful silence as they laughed together at the movie. When it was finally over, Kyle noticed the upstairs lights went out as Shelly went to bed.

"You know," he said to Katie with a suggestive hint in his voice, "maybe we should go to bed too."

Katie grinned and seductively growled, "Ooohh, I think that's a marvelous idea." She was then surprised as Kyle suddenly picked her up and carried her in his arms. She giggled at this, as she remembered the last time he carried her to bed (Chapter 3) he hadn't been able to yiff her. She smiled up at him as he pushed his bedroom door open and stepped inside. He gently laid Katie on the bed and smiled down at her, then he walked back to the door, closed it, and locked it. Kyle then undressed himself, facing away from Katie. She took in just how unique his red stripes were.

Normally, a wolf's stripes were the same as his or her father's. The stripes acted as a sort of birthmark that showed which family a wolf belonged to. However, over several generations stripes began to become more diverse, and soon different patterns emerged. This basically went on since the dawn of time to the present day. Many believe that a wolf's stripe pattern and fur color are a reflection of their personality, although an accurate diagram of this has yet to be created. The fact that Kyle's stripes and fur were so different from Katie's and Shelly's often made him feel like he was an outcast within his own family. He wondered if God had made a mistake and placed him in the wrong family, and there was a pack of wolves out there somewhere who was missing a son. At least, he did think that until that first afternoon with Katie. After that, he felt as if he had found his place in the world; to be his sister's brother, lover, and mate.

"Wow," said Katie as she watched Kyle finish undressing, "those stripes really go good with your fur."

Kyle smile and turned to face Katie. She had just finished undressing as well, only she had neatly piled her clothes at the foot of the bed, rather than just leaving them in a heap on the floor like Kyle. Both wolves stood and looked each other over. Normally they were so horny when they yiffed that they just rushed into bed without really taking the time to drink in one another's beauty. Kyle smiled to himself as he realized how beautiful Katie was. Her long, dark brown hair hung past her shoulders, shining slightly even though the only light in the room came from the Christmas lights outside. Katie was thin as well, due to her athletic nature. Kyle wondered if she would try out for the cheerleading squad next year in high school"she certainly had the body for it.

One thing Kyle had noticed a while ago but never given much thought about, was that Katie was the only other wolf in the family with stripes on her face. John and Shelly each had six black stripes of fur that ran horizontally across their backs, while Eliza only had four. Katie had the same six stripes as Shelly, but she also had a black horizontal stripe that ran from the back of her head, down the sides of her muzzle and out to her nose. Parts of this stripe were covered by her hair, but Kyle liked it nevertheless. He felt it gave them another thing in common, and it made Katie look sexy too.

Now, while I've been talking this whole time, only about five seconds have passed since Katie said anything three paragraphs ago. So on with the dialogue, and yiffing since all my descriptions are probably starting to be a major bone kill or...if you're a girl I don't know what it kills, but I know you're probably getting annoyed like Furry For Life (who will probably comment on this reference to him).

"Thanks, you look hot too," Kyle replied to Katie. She blushed and giggled a bit. Kyle couldn't place his finger on it, but something seemed different about her.

Katie then sat on the bed, spread her legs, and whispered, "Come get me ready for you big guy." Kyle moved over to her and knelt down at the side of the bed. As he lowered his muzzle to her vagina, he was hit by her scent; it was stronger and more alluring than ever. Looking up at her, he asked, "Katie...are you in heat?"

"You noticed! It just started this afternoon. I've been going CRAZY the last few hours."

"Well, that explains why you pawed me off for no apparent reason, and the fact that I'm suddenly going out of mind with the desire to yiff you into next year," he said with a playful smile. His calm demeanor hid the fact that he was having to mentally control himself and not just jump on her and yiff her brains out.

Slowly, tenderly, Kyle started to lick Katie's moistening folds. Katie immediately responded by gasping out in pleasure and squirming as Kyle's tongue moved across her slit. Being in heat only made the sensations of being eaten out stronger for Katie, while Kyle was enjoying Katie's taste, which seemed sweeter and more robust than normal. Kyle noticed Katie's fingers tightly grasp the bed sheets, signifying that his efforts were indeed yielding results. He smiled and decided to move things along by slipping his tongue into her and feeling her warm folds eagerly clench around his tongue. Katie wanted to scream, but she knew if she did she'd bring unwanted attention to herself and Kyle, so she just bit her lip and moaned through her nose.

"Urrrrrrgghhhnnn!" she whimpered while still biting her lip, "Kyle, keep going...that feels incredible!"

"You taste incredible sis. I swear you taste just like a horny strawberry right now."

Katie burst out laughing at that. Kyle smiled up at her and waited for her to calm down before he pushed his tongue back into her and started licking in a circular motion. He eagerly lapped up her juices, which were now rapidly leaking from her. Katie softly cried out and closed her eyes. Her breathing quickened as her heart rate went up, all thanks to Kyle's tongue slurping up her sweet nectar. Kyle noticed that Katie was really starting to pant, almost as if she was on the brink of orgasm. But he'd only been eating her for five minutes, so he believed that her being in heat was only intensifying the feelings within her. However, he soon found out that he was wrong.

"Oh gods Kyle, I'm gonna cum!" Katie yelped as she felt her vaginal walls clench and the wet feeling of her juices flowing out mix with the intoxicating sensation of orgasmic bliss as it washed over her like a tsunami crashing upon the shore. Kyle couldn't lap up her cum fast enough and soon the sides of his muzzle became sticky as his sister's pussy rewarded him for his work. Katie fell back on the bed, gasping for breath as she came off of her orgasm. At first Kyle thought she was going to fall asleep, but then she started squirming and looked up at him.

"That felt amazing Kyle, only...I feel even hornier now than when we started."

Kyle nodded and said, "That can happen when you're in heat. I'm sorry to say this, but you're probably gonna be horny for the next three to five days. Those birth control pills won't let me get you pregnant, which is the only way to quell the fires of desire in you."

"Sooooooo, what you're saying is that no matter how much we yiff, I'm not gonna feel satisfied?" "More or less. I think we just have to yiff more and you'll feel satisfied."

"How much more?" she asked with an inquisitive tilt of the head.

"Umm, I can't give you an exact figure...but we'd probably have to go at it until we pass out from exhaustion." "Isn't that what we already do?"

"Not quite, because we can still move afterwards. I mean until we literally pass out. I know it sounds crazy, but that's the only way to beat the overdose of hormones in your body."

Katie grinned and said, "Well then let's start the insanity!" Kyle just stared at his sister before carefully leaping on top of her and pressing his lips to hers. Katie eagerly returned the kiss, and soon her and Kyle's tongues were dancing back and forth between their muzzles. Katie moaned as Kyle ran his paws down her shoulders and across her breasts, gently feeling her soft white fur. Kyle smiled down at Katie as he broke their kiss. From her tongue's enthusiasm he could tell she was more than ready to get yiffed. And so, without further hesitation, Kyle placed the tip of his member at Katie's entrance and shoved himself inside.

"Oooohhhh gods sis!" he cried out in a forced whisper while simultaneously throwing his head back and shutting his eyes. "'ve never felt this amazing before!"

Kyle, having been a virgin until a couple weeks ago, had never had the pleasure of taking a girl in heat, and now he was learning the finer details of the mating process that they don't teach in school. The first thing he noticed was how much warmer she felt; they don't call it being in heat for nothing. She also felt slightly tighter and slicker than normal as well. Her vaginal walls seemed to clench around him like a vice, and if it weren't for the added lubrication Kyle would have had a hard time moving in and out.

Katie shuddered as she felt Kyle enter her. She wasn't sure if he had gotten bigger, or if she had gotten tighter, but either way it felt incredible. For Katie, being mated in heat was like having an itch scratched. Her heat had officially started at 2:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, and for the last nine hours Katie could only think about one thing. Now she was finally having her desires filled as she felt Kyle hilt himself into her and cry out as he noticed for the first time just how great it feels to take a girl when she's in season.

Kyle positioned his paws so that they rested by Katie's shoulders, allowing him to control the angle and speed at which he mated Katie. He allowed his body to rest on top of Katie's, but he kept enough weight on his paws to keep from crushing her. Thinking back, this wasn't too different from the first time he mated Katie, although this time they were both naked instead of being partially dressed. However, his mind turned to other matters as his sister cried out beneath him and he felt his legs become numb as the pleasure from their forbidden act started to rush through every fiber of his being.

After nearly two minutes of yiffing at a moderate pace, Kyle had to slow down a bit to catch his breath. He wondered why his stamina was giving out so early, but he figured it was for the best. If he had to slow down it would help keep him from blowing his load too early, as he was sure he would cum faster than normal thanks to Katie being in heat. Kyle opened his eyes and looked down at Katie, who opened her eyes once she noticed he had stopped.

"Is (pant) something wrong?" she asked while still panting for breath.

"Sorry...I just...need to catch my...breath for a second," Kyle huffed in reply. "I'm not used to you feeling this good. It's almost like being a virgin again." Katie giggled at this and said, "I know right! I swear it feels like you've gotten bigger."

"Really?" Kyle asked with an amused smile.

"Uh huh," she nodded affirmatively. "Now come on big guy, I know you haven't run out of steam yet. Yiff me like you mean it!"

With that, Kyle almost completely withdrew himself before slamming his rod back into Katie with all his might. He started with a moderate pace, and then slowly increased the pace as his heart rate increased as well. Katie wrapped her arms around him and tightly gripped his back fur. She then wrapped her legs around his lower back and started thrusting her hips up to meet his. It took a little practice, but soon they were moving in perfect synergy with one another. They cried out each other's names as they moaned and gasped for breath, barely remembering that they needed to stay quiet to avoid awakening Joan or Shelly.

The next few minutes were pretty repetitive, as both of the young wolves were acting almost entirely on their feral instincts. They did manage to remember to keep the shouting down to a dull roar, thankfully. However, as Kyle felt his climax draw close, his stamina started to give way and he found he couldn't keep up a fast enough pace to please Katie. So he implemented a new plan and grabbed Katie's shoulders with his paws. He then quickly flipped her over so that he was now on his back with her resting on top of him. Katie just giggled at this and rested her paws on his chest.

Kyle leaned up and kissed Katie again, who in turn returned her brother's kiss with the same amount of passion and intimacy as when they started. Kyle then rested his paws on Katie's butt and pushed her hips down to meet his. He found that this used far less energy, and allowed him to keep up a fast pace. Soon, he felt his climax start to build, and he knew it would only be another few seconds. "Ahh! Katie! I'm gonna cum!"

"Ugh, I know! Tie me Kyle! PLEASE! I wanna feel your cum in me!"

Knowing that since she was on the pill it was safe to ejaculate within her, Kyle thrust in and out of Katie a few more times until he felt he was about to blow. At which point, he shoved himself forward with all his might into Katie's awaiting pussy and nearly cussed as his knot popped into her. Kyle brought his muzzle to Katie's and moaned as he felt her tight passage clench around him as they climaxed together. Katie's climax hit first, and her juices flowed out and drenched the fur around Kyle's cock.

Kyle's orgasm hit a few seconds later. For a second he thought he might pass out as the first of six sticky ropes of cum shot out of him with incredible force. Katie moaned passionately as she kissed Kyle and felt his hot cum warm her insides as her womb was plastered with his fertile spunk. Had it not been for the pill, Katie would surely have become a mother right then and there. As Kyle's member tapered off he felt sleep rapidly overtake him. He had been tired when they started, and mating a female in heat had taken what little energy was left within him. Soon, Kyle's eyelids became heavy and he found it difficult to stay awake. He looked up at Katie, who was resting her head on his chest and still breathing heavily.

"Sis...I think I'm gonna crash....what the?" For a second Kyle stared, and then quietly chuckled. Katie had already fallen asleep on his chest. Her breathing slowed and become more rhythmic, and soon Kyle could tell she had entered the deep confines of sleep. Moving his paws up from her butt to her shoulders, Kyle gave Katie a slight hug before closing his eyes and letting out a deep sigh of contentment. Sleep came a few seconds later, and soon the two siblings were snoozing in each other's arms, while also still tied together.

Later that night they would awake and realize what had happened. Katie redressed herself and managed to sneak back into her bed on the second floor with Shelly. Kyle knew that tomorrow would be worse, as Katie's heat would most likely hit its peak around midnight, before it finally ended sometime around the 26th. As he drifted back to sleep, Kyle asked himself if he was more afraid of going to Hell for incest, or breaking his sister's heart to save his soul. ********************

And it's finally done. While I was writing this chapter I got interrupted by college work, and when I came back to it I had lost my motivation to complete it. Somehow though I got it done. Hopefully you enjoyed it and will enjoy the next chapter, which should be released in the next day or two. Also, since this episode took place on December 23, I would like to take this time to personally wish you a Happy Festivus. If you don't know what that is, look it up on Google. Anyway, that's all for now.