Canine Gaymance- The Small World

Story by MkhoReapster on SoFurry

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#1 of Canine Gaymance

Hey guys! Sorry for the wait, had to juggle for school work and more. Back to topic, this is another series which I'm hoping to try it out. This is a gay relationship between a Golden Retriever and a wolf. Hope you guys enjoy it! And also Love At Lust is gonna be out soon!Remember:

This is male to male relationship and there's gonna be smutty content and read it at your own will XD

I certainly don't believe it myself, this world is definitely a small world, or the smallest planet. What are the chances of meeting another stranger twice in different places? Well there's gonna be more of meeting new people here and there I believe so. But it couldn't get any better as I laid my eyes on that hot wolf.

This is how it went, my encounter with the wolf...

It was another boring day at college, listening to the history teacher blathering about the World War 1, stating reasons of how Germany lost the battle and Britain, America and France ruled victorious from the battle.

I'm there processing the information given to me, while taking down notes at the same time. It was quite difficult to do it when your break starts at five minutes. I was getting impatient with waiting for the bell to signal.

I kept staring at the clock until I notice a particular feline, a cheetah, staring at me with her sea blue eyes, looking at me with both intense and flirting way. I decided to look back and payed attention, I knew her well, and I know what she gonna do after class is over.

*Ding Ding Ding*

Oh, that's the bell going off now which means...

"Class, your dismissed for your break, please remember to... blah blah blah" I really wasn't gonna listen to anymore talking and went on to take my books.

When I was about to leave for my break, a furry pat met with my shoulder, making me turned around and a familiar, cheery tone of saying " Hey Matthew! How's my main man doing?" I grunted " Hey Elena... I'm just the same as always, why do you have to keep say that?"

Elena quirk a brow slightly, giving me a weird look before she replied " Is my hubby getting pent up over something? That's not good you know, keeping the troubles yourself you know that. Come on, spit it out hubby."

Of course she had to put it that way, thinking about me in trouble whenever I'm not in the mood, mostly because of boredom. I sighed, even she had to say the word 'hubby'....

"I'm not mad, simply just bored in class like the usual nothing else."

You sure? Whatever, lets go eat together hubby!" She winked before heading off to the cafeteria in a brisk pace, unable to give me a chance to reply back.

"That girl... she will never understand me, I already told her I'm not mad at all urgh..." I sighed, defeated with annoyance, I headed to where she went, the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was crowded with people, even after I got my food, it was hard to identify where that cheetah even sat at. I had to took the time looking for that hell of a cheetah, but it wouldn't be possible if she haven't put on her pink ferdora she put on normally. I went to sit next to her with her friends consisting of a female zebra , a male bull and a female beagle. Each named Christina, Zack and Layla.

But as I sat down, all four heads immediately turned to face the newcomer, me. And like usual, Elena is the first one to begin.

"Hey look guys, it's Matthew! What took you so long hubby? We all just talking about you!"

"Can't you tell there's a crowd here? Of course it's harder for me to find you guys. And what part of me your talking now?" I questioned.

"Oh, just the usual about why you still don't have a girlfriend yet. I mean look at you. Your body tone is perfect! Your fur is so marvellous, the colour on your fur is golden yellow. And your quite the cute one too. Don't see a reason why you haven't have a girlfriend yet." She cheekily answered in that tone, and stroking my right arm with her paws.

I grunted in reply, haven't I told her I'm not interested in anyone yet... these girls chasing after boys. But however, I couldn't let them know, especially in a public area, that I not who they think I am... I'm not straight but I'm actually gay, and there's a reason why I haven't told them yet...

Homosexual isn't very well accepted by some people even though there's rules that allow gay marriage and have special privileges. But I'm not the kind of person who reveals their personality immediately. I just want to play it cool, limiting myself, but silence works the best in these situations.

So I just played along with it. "Well this is.... well countless of times I told you guys that I'm not in anyone yet, so drop it."

"That's fine, we hope you would show us who is the one you gonna be with alright?" Elena said, still in a cheerful way.

Then Layla stood up and up her hands on the table, making a "thump" sound, then she spoke

"That's true, we all are interested and willing to support you no matter the circumstances is!" She exclaimed, and she also sport a grin on her face.

Both Elena and Zack went to face Layla, then they nodded at her statement, before facing back to me.I went smile back. Such nice friends I'm with... Maybe soon I may tell them about me.


Time was running fast, I was in a daze, wondering about what to spend the next few hours of the day. Soon I lost track of time and was brought back to reality by the school bell ringing the end of school. As usual, I went to gather my stuff and decided to head to the same mall i normally go to spend some time in there.

The usual mall wasn't far away, it would at least take ten minutes to get there on foot, as I walk I recognise a building with a unique design of a combination of a spiral and a flower mixed together and the signboard on the main enterance saying "Hopes Peak Mall".

As I entered in the structured building, a cooling breeze from the air condition greeted me warmly.

The mall was fully packed than normal today but I simply couldn't be bothered. I wandered around the mall, mostly browsing and window shopping in every shop in the interior mall, some time passed and I decided it was time to head back and do some revision base of my whole boring classes.

As I was walking out of the mall, the expression on Layla, Elena and Zack was certainly heartwarming to me, but I couldn't decide on my approach to tell them about me.

While I was clouded in my thoughts, my thinking disappeared when I unintentionally bumped into someone, making me butt face on the floor, rubbing my head with my left arm, I grunted, wondering who on earth who would bumped and collisioned into me. An unknown voice spoked.

"I'm sorry, are you hurt?"

The voice, definitely a male, the voice was low and smooth, it was a perfect and those word ringed through my ears, it made me want to hear more of the unknown male's voice.

My eyes gazed crept upwards, facing contact with sea blue eyes, eyes which I could star in for days, no it could be for months or years too. I haven't had such a strong sensual feeling, I was still staring in silence until the same voice brought me back to reality.

"Umm hello are you here?"

I snapped out and my cheeks was going slightly red, I was facing with a wolf. His fur texture... was amazing. The contrast of the fur was sliver-grey was shining by the light of the mall.

I hurried to reply "Yeah... sure I'm fine." I stood up and dusted myself, before I apologise, "And I'm sorry for bumping into you, it's clearly my fault since I wasn't paying attention to where I'm Youngblood to."

For some reason, the wolf grinned, "Yeah sure, catch you around." With that, he briskly walked off, allowing me to see his rump. I was staring into that ass and shook my head, quietly spoke to my self as I quickly headed of the the complex.

"Get a grip on your self, just because you bumped into him doesn't mean you can stare as his butt. Urgh what's wrong with me..." I dashed out of the building, trying to head back to my dorm immediately. I was flustered, my sheath was growing, I had nothing in mind except to run back and do my shit.

I was in my dorm, panting heavily from the running, trying to relax and freshen up at the bathroom before doing my daily homework, and dusting up the place a bit. However, I couldn't get off the image of the wolf, his appearance and body was... how should I put it, his body was well build, I could even see the abs formed at the shirt, almost look like it was too tight for it.

I dazed at the thought, wondering when I could meet him again..


The following day came by, the sun was blazing like titan's fiery wheel in the sky. Lances of its molten gold beams splashed the floor, filling up the room.

I was groaning, I wasn't a morning person to begin with anyway. I would rather sleep the whole morning and be up in the afternoon but I had other important, boring things to attend to. I lazily got up from the bed, and began walking a zombie like manner to the bathroom torn my morning ritual needs.

I had begun preparing my wearings and the necessities for the upcoming classes. I left my dorm, shutting the door close and walked to my first class.

The classroom was silent, silent enough that you can hear a pin drop. There were a few students there, either revising for yesterday's lesson or having their mobile phones with earplugs out and play with it. I look at the clock in the class, stating that I still have another half and hour to spare, looking back to the whole classroom and sighed.


The other students arrived in the class one by one as time goes by, soon it was packed with a full house, the chatters and gossips can be heard here and there in the room. I could see a familiar face appeared soon enough. Elena waved at me energetically, and started walking towards me with grin.

"Morning Matthew! Have you heard the news?"

That puzzled me a bit, but I reply back.

"Oh really? What is it?"

"There's a new transfer student coming into our class, Mr Brandon will be with the student."

"Oh... and who might that...."

"You will find out very soon, have to get back to my seat, class is starting. Catch you later Matthew!"

As said, the teacher walks in the class with another student, a familiar face, the wolf. The one whom I bumped into yesterday was here.

Oh My God...