A New World, A New Journey Chapter 8

Story by AK47Bullet on SoFurry

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#8 of Pokemon: A New Journey

After a long time, a new Chapter for the end of the year!

A New World, A New Journey

Chapter 8

"*Sigh* Alright. Here is where I really come from and what really happened to me..."

*I'm too lazy to write a whole explanation. Just read Chapter 1 again.*

"And that's how I got here. You know the rest, Kitsune." I said and finished my explanation.

Kitsune and Thumper just stared at me with open mouth and shocked expressions. I decided to grab a bit of the food in front of me and wait for them to recover.

Thumper was the first to speak again: "Wow... that is... I mean, I heard of delusions. But that!?"

Kitsune was still staring at me, probably didn't know what to think right now.

Thumper meanwhile got over to me and pats me on my back with one of his ears while saying: "Don't worry, buddy. We will help you to remember your Pokemon self."

"Does he really thinks I just forgot that I was a Pokemon?" I thought.

"Is that why you run from the nurse and didn't know how to use any attacks? You forgot you where a Pokemon?" Asked now Kitsune. She now took place beside me and rubbed my back, saying she will help me as best as she can.

I sighed and put some more food in my mouth. I couldn't really blame them for not believing me. I probably wouldn't believe a story like that, too.

As I was chewing, I tried to contact Mew.

"Hey, Mew? Are you there?"

"Hello, Argon. What can I do for my sixth favorite friend?" Asked Mew with a sweet voice that just screamed sarcasm.

"... Is that payback for my comment about you being my sixth favorite Legendary?" I asked back.

"Nooo... why would you think that?" I don't know if a voice could be more fake serious but Mew did a good job.

"Alright, alright. But I have a little problem here. You probably know already, but they don't believe me and think I just forgot that I'm a Pokemon."

_ _

"And now you want me to tell them you are telling the truth."

_ _

"Only when you are Ok with it. I don't like to push people to do what I want when I don't need to."

"Alright. I will see what I can do from here."

It was quiet for a few minutes while Kitsune and Thumper talked with each other about how they could help me. Calem was still busy with his sandwich but looked sometimes to us with a smile.

After a few minutes, Mew called back: "I have thought about what I could do to help, but I don't think I can do much from here. I still haven't fully recovered from the Dimension travel."

"That means, I have to live with them thinking I'm crazy for now?"

"Yes. At least, for now."

_ _

" *sigh* Well, until then, I will continue with my training. Not much else I can do. And I don't think it would help me if I told them you are involved."

"You could try. But they will probably think it is part of your delusion."

"You are right. I should probably just let it drop and tell them not to worry."

"Sounds like a plan. Alright, I go back to sleep. It is still nighttime here."

"Did I woke you up? Sorry about that."

"It's no problem, Argon. It is my fault you even landed in this world in the first place and I want to help you to adapt and live a good life as a Pokemon. You can ask me anytime."

"Thanks, Mew. That really means a lot to me. But you know I don't hold a grudge against you for bringing me here. I think is that situation, it was the best solution. And besides, I get the chance to not only see the Pokemon world but also be part of a future Champion team!"

"Thanks, Argon. I will call back in a few days. Until then, good luck... champion."

I grinned a bit as I got the last bit of Pokemon food in my mouth and chew on it. Calem got up as well, has finished his Sandwich, and looked to us.

As he was sure he had our attention, he said: "Alright team! It is still early and we could cover a good way to our next destination. We go to Lumiose City and challenge the Gymleader there. And we will win our second badge!"

We all raised our fists and yelled: "YES!"

"On the way there, we will do a lot of training to prepare for the battle. And we will look for a new teammate as well."

We all nodded our agreement and Calem returned us to our Pokeballs.

A few Minutes later...

We were on our way on Route 4. From the inside of my Pokeball I could see it was like in the Anime a path through a forest.

"I wonder if the Rhyhorn Race is already over..." I thought to myself as I remembered the episode from the Anime with Ash taking part in the Race.

I decided to take this chance and do some basic training like Push-Ups. If I want to become the Pokemon of a Champion, I should train to become stronger. Not only my attacks, but my body as well.

After maybe half an hour, I actually finished a 100 Push-Ups. Which surprised me since, as a human, I couldn't even get 10 without breaking down.

Yes, I was a lazy fat ass and not really Athletic... or Agile... I was actually like most people would picture a gaming nerd... Don't get me wrong, I can work when I have too, like heavy lifting or when I was holding Luna by the tail to prevent her from falling down. And let me tell you, she was HEAVY!

"Did you just called me fat?" I heard Luna's accusing voice in my head.

"No. I called you just heavy. That has nothing to do with your elegant physique. That's a BIG difference." I answered. "Hello, by the way." I added.

_"Hello Argon. I just wanted to hear how you are doing."_She had already a softer voice as before.

"Well, I'm good. Just doing some training while being in my Pokeball. Not much else to do around here."

_"I was once in a Pokeball myself as a Trainer tried to catch me... without fighting me. He just saw me and throw a Pokeball."_Explained Luna.

"I take a guess and saaayyy... it didn't work." I said.

"How do you know? Are you actually Psychic and can read my mind?" Luna asked in fake shock and we both laughed.

After we calmed down, I asked in a more serious tone. "I actually have a question regarding being a Pokemon, Luna."

"And what is it?" Asked Luna in a similar voice.

"It's probably a more personal question, but... what is it to evolve?"

"What brought this question up?" Asked Luna.

"Well, since I'm now a Pokemon, I will probably evolve one day. And I would like to know, if there is something I need to know. Like, will it change my personality or something?" I asked with a bit of fear now.

_"Why would it change your personality?"_Luna asked confused.

I sighed and explained further: "Well, my only reference of knowledge about Pokemon is the anime and the games from my world. I see some things are similar and others are different. There was one episode in the anime, where Ash's Charmander evolved and it completely changed his personality. From nice and cute to a total jerk. The other thing is, HOW am I evolving? In the game it was by gaining a certain level and in the anime... I actually have no idea how it works in the anime."

Luna was quiet for a few moments, probably thinking about how to answer: "Well, to answer your first question, it will not completely change your personality this drastic. It is really more like growing up. You will experience all your past experiences again, while your body is changing." Luna explained.

That actually scared me a bit. I would experience all of my past? I was 27 as I got to this world. I have a lot of experiences and not all of them were good. I hope I will be able to get through that.

Luna continued: "I know it sounds scary. But in the end, you will feel much stronger. And regarding your second question, Pokemon evolution has different... I think 'triggers' would be the best term. For some Pokemon, like me, we need a special stone. Any other Pokemon are evolving at a certain age when they are not much for battling. I would say, you fall in the last category. Since you are now a Trainer's Pokemon, you will probably have a lot of battles coming to you and with each one, you will get stronger and you will evolve before you reach a certain age."

"That sounds really interesting... I should maybe try to find a book store or something and read more about it. There is so much new to learn for me!" I said in excitement. I was still scary of evolving, but I was also excited to experience evolving myself.

"Wait a minute..." I said and thought for a moment before I asked_: "As a human, I was 27 years old. Did I got younger by turning into a Pokemon?"_

"No, you have the body of a 27 year old Treecko. When a Human is cursed, regardless his age, he will get turned in the first stage of a Pokemon, but keeps his age. And to warn you, I think your evolution should be coming soon." Said Luna with a warning tone at the end.

I nodded and said: "Thanks Luna. Not only for the warning but the talk and the answers to my questions."

"No problem. But I think you should get to sleep now. It seems to be pretty late on your end."

I blinked and looked outside of my Pokeball. True enough, the sun was setting and I could see Calem already walked in the direction of a Pokemon center in the distance.

"Huh... I didn't even noticed it was this late." I said with surprise. "I think I will do some more training and then go to bed. Goodnight Luna."

"Don't stay up to long, mister." Said Luna in an overlay scolding motherly tone which let me know it was just a joke.

I smiled and said similar overlay dramatic: "Yes, mom."

We both laughed and said goodnight for real.

Calem meanwhile had entered the Center and got a room for the night. As he entered the room, he let us out of our Pokeballs and leaded us to the Bathroom.

"Alright guys. Before we go to bed, we should get clean first. It's too long since we had a good bath with all the training we have been doing." Said Calem and let some hot water in the tube. As he was sure the temperature was perfect, he firstly sat Thumper then me in the water. At the feeling of the hot water I started to relax and closed my eyes as I leaned a bit back.

I opened my eyes again and saw Calem using a washcloth to scrub Thumpers fur. He seemed to really enjoy himself while Calem scrubbed him clean. After a few minutes, it was my turn to get washed. I sat in the tub and let him wash my back and tail. It felt weird to be washed like a child and especially as he started to scrub my tail. But it was not a bad feeling at all. It was rather comforting how careful he was while washing me.

I was surprised to feel a bit sad as he finished washing me and turned to Kitsune. She didn't got in the tube with us and Calem instead used only a wet washcloth to clean her. Maybe she didn't like water because she is a fire type?

Thumper interrupted my thoughts as he splashed a bit of water in my face. I yelled in surprise and looked to him as he snickered at my reaction.

"That's how you want to play? Alright then..." I splashed water back at him and in a short time a little water war had started.

Calem tried to stop us, but only got hit from some splashes of water himself. As we all were soaking wet and looking at each other, we started to laugh and dry ourselves. Calem helped Thumper and Kitsune, who avoided the water attacks for the most part but still got a bit wet, since they had fur while I dried myself with a towel.

We got back in the bedroom and Calem let us all sleep in his bed. We normally stayed in our Pokeballs for bedtime but I think Calem decided that today we could all share a bed.

Calem got in first, Kitsune took place beside him with thee back to him while Thumper was lying at his head end. I climbed in as well, but was unsure where I should place myself. I decided to just lay down beside Thumper and soon we were all fast asleep.

The next morning...

I awoke to someone shaking me on the shoulder. I woke up and Calem smiled at me, saying breakfast is ready.

I got up, stretched and got over to our food bowls with the others who also just woke up. Calem filled our bowls and we started eating. Calem said we should eat good since we will be doing some serious training today and we will need our strength.

We finished our meal and Calem returned us to our Pokeballs. He got to the lobby were already other Trainers started to get ready to leave or giving their Pokemon to nurse Joy for a Check Up. We got to the back of the Center were as always a battlefield was prepared for battles between trainers. A young girl already stood there with her Pokemon in front of her.

There were a shiny Frogadier, a Larvesta, a shiny Phantump and a shiny Tailow.

"Are you f****** kidding me?!" I said out loud from inside my Pokeball as I couldn't believe what I saw there. That girl not only had a shiny starter but TWO other shiny Pokemon?! Are they this common here or what?

As I was rambling on, Calem made his way over to her.

"Hello. I'm Calem." he introduced himself to the girl.

She turned around and looked at him with a smile and said: "Hello. I'm Adrienne."