Truth about wolfy

Story by Jist on SoFurry

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#3 of Movement

First, thanks for all the great feedback and favorites on my previous two stories. I'm glad to see that they are well received and I hope the rest of the series will be as well received. I think the first story was a bit rush but I'll slow down and get into things a bit more, or at least try to this time. Second, of course, this story is dedicated to it's inspiration as well as biggest driving force, Terry. Mi Alma.


"Fuck" Jist groaned through his teeth as he bucked his hips, working his knot into Terry's ass. His paws locked with Terry's hands as his wolf cock filled his mate. Below him Terry clamped down on the shaft in him and wiggled milking all he could from the cock. His own cock rested below him already spent. The first time Jist had knotted him it had hurt more than he thought but he had come to love the feeling over the last few months. He liked feeling like he was part of Jist. He liked the way Jist would turn them on their sides and snuggle him tight till he fell asleep feeling safe and happy for the first time he had in a while.

Jist slumped down, resting his weight on Terry's back a little as the spasms subsided. He panted hard and wrapped his arms around his lover's body. He rolled gently to the side, his still inflated knot pulling at Terry's anus a bit.

Jist kissed Terry's cheek and whispered softly to him "I love you."

Terry smiled and rested back against his big wolf. "I love you too"

It had seemed like perfection to Terry. He remembered countless nights like this, and countless days of getting to know each other inside and out. It had only been 6 months but it had felt like a lifetime. He didn't know if it could be any other way. Absolute perfection. He turned his head some ,looking up to the ceiling. "Jist?"

"Yeah babe?"

"You really love me?"

Jist smiled, Terry was being cute and the wolf loved when he did "More than anything"

Terry blushed softly and smiled brightly, no matter how many times he'd heard it, it still made his stomach flutter. "Will you marry me?"

"Absolutely" Jist didn't even miss a beat. Terry was the best thing to happen to him, gave him the motivation to turn his life around, GED, job, and an end to his old ways. He wasn't going to let this man out of his life.

Terry wiggled in excitement, knowing the answer not making asking the question any less difficult. With another kiss from Jist, both drifted off to sleep.


Jist groaned loudly and fiddled with his shirt "Do we have to?"

Terry shot him a glance of annoyance and turned his eyes back on the road. They shot down I97 at some definitely illegal speed. But Terry always followed a rule his father taught him, go as fast as everyone else on the road and you'll never have a problem with speeding tickets. Terry's mind was afloat with worry as they raced their way to his parent's house.

They'd never been okay with his life choices but they tried their best to pretend to be. Always polite to the boy's Terry would bring home. And Terry appreciated that much, that showed a great deal of love and respect for him. Homosexuality does NOT go over well in a Roman Catholic home. But this, this was bad two fold. Not just a boy, but a wolf. Race wouldn't have been a problem, his own bi-national parents and all, but species? He tapped the wheel nervously in time to music in his head and looked out at the road.

Jist rested his head back and closed his eyes, letting the wind blow in the open window and blow his fur back. He felt like the stereotypical dog, enjoying the breeze in his face but right now it was relaxing, and that's definitely what he needed. Why had he agreed to meet with Terry's parents? They were going to get married no matter what right? So why was it so important? Questions Jist had a problem understanding, not having his own parents to think about. Shit. And then there was that. Perils of lies eh? Jist hadn't quite told Terry the truth about his parents...or his past for that matter... Still he tried to push his concerns out of his head as the car pulled off at exit 20.


All awkwardness considered, everything went well. Dinner was a wash of childhood recollections. Stories about skinned knees and road trips and aunts and uncles. Terry's mother was unusually pretty, at least in Jist's opinion. His father also had quite handsome features. Both had been quite a couple in their day, no doubt.

Jist lay in the small twin bed in Terry's childhood room waiting for Terry to finish his routine in the bathroom. Jist could only pick out two really uncomfortable periods in the whole of the conversations. The first being when Terry announced the intended marriage. Jist held back a giggle now as he remembered the face Terry's mother made as she heard. Like she'd been struck by lightening. Complete shock.

The second was when the topic of Jist's family was brought up. There was complete silence as Jist shifted through the bevy of lies he had told Terry so as not to change the story, but in the end he wasn't fast enough and, as a gracious host would, Terry's mother changed the subject.

With impeccable timing as always Terry made his exit from the bathroom and slid into the small bed, resting against Jist.

"Snug..." He said

"Mmm just how I like it" Jist replied with a evil grin.

Terry chuckled as the wolf ground his hips against him. "Uh uh, not in my mama's house, you naughty wuff." His mind too wandered over the night. "What was that business with your parents? You kinda choked when Da brought them up."

Jist's mind went blank again "Eh, nothing. Nervous I guess"

"You were doin fine till then."

Jist already started to grow a bit frustrated "I just didn't want to talk about them"

Terry noted the change in his tone of voice and decided to drop it, although Terry was never good at dropping the topic when he wanted to know more. He decided instead to try and find another way in. "Have you told them about the engagement?"

Jist sighed "Not yet"

"Y'know I don't recall ever seeing you talking to them on the phone or anything"

"We email" Jist let out like a frustrated blurb

"Yeah? But you'd think they'd want to hear your voice every now and then, see you, y'know? See how you're doing, things that can't be told through Emails. Maybe we should go visit them too. Next weekend maybe?"

Jist had grown annoyed very fast and wasn't thinking about what he was saying now. He growled softly "Kinda hard to do, seeing as how they're dead"

This caught Terry's attention and he sat up some. "What? When? Why didn't you say anything?" Naturally, Terry assumed this was a recent development as Jist had spoken of them before.

"They've been dead a long time..." Jist started "I've not been quite so honest with you."

Terry looked at Jist in disbelief. "What??"

Jist sighed heavily and sat up at the edge of the bed, facing away from Terry. "They died when I was young...."


Jist was fortunate enough to have taken his mother's life at his very birth. This was a burden he lived with for a long time, to date even. This was a fact that Jist's father insisted on constantly reminding him, in words and in action. Jist often went to preschool with bruises that fur so easily hides. Even at a young age, he could understand. He had been forced to understand. He had done a terrible thing and his father had every right to be angry. He shouldn't have been born.

His father, since the death of his wife, had begun to spiral into deep depression. Battling it with both prescriptions and a more traditional weapon, alcoholism. He didn't mean to be so hard on Jist but sometimes he couldn't help hating his child. Usually when under the persuasion of his medication.

The abuse wouldn't last long, if you can call 5 years a short time. One day Jist's father wasn't there to pick him up from the bus stop. Jist the always smart child knew his way home and made it there with ease. He climbed through the open livingroom window, with help from a lawn gnome and fell right into a neat puddle of vomit. His young eyes twinkled and glazed over in shock and fear as his father lay on the ground next to him, eyes open, lips moist with bile and blood, paw still clutching the bottle of antidepressants.

It had happened again. It was his fault. Because of Jist someone else was dead, Jist was sure of this. Jist wasn't sure of what to do. He curled up in the tub. After 3 days of missing school, a concerned teacher made the venture to his home and curled up in the tub, sweaty and shivering is just where she found Jist.

This was the beginning of a bevy of interludes with the state. First mandated therapy for the obvious shocks he had been exposed to. Then when he was acceptably normal, outwardly normal, off to a foster home.

To say life hadn't been good to Jist would be an understatement. His foster parents were not the greatest of people. They never touched him, no, but he was always insured that he was a guest and only a guest and when the time came he would have to leave. He was made to feel always in debt, always uncomfortable and never safe.

At 16 Jist could take no more. He ran as far and as fast as he could. In a big city is where he learned what would be his trade, his craft, his art. Missy had shown him the ropes of prostitution. The complete ins and outs, how to stay as safe as possible in the game, how to know a cop from a real john, how much to charge who, how to do what he was being payed for. Missy was a real life saver. Of course, Missy also showed him other things. Heroin, Coke and Meth.

Jist spiraled through the next 3 years living a lush life. A whirlwind of parties and bedrooms, bathrooms and dealers. He lost himself, his history and all his pains in the glory rush of fast times and pumping blood and cum. Hypodermic heaven, heals while it steals.

It wasn't until one night at a club when a tiger danced into his life. That was the first time in a long time he had felt anything. That tiger was half his reformation. Drugs fell away and parties became less frequent. He even stopped hooking except when they desperately needed the money. Jist thought that for the first time life was giving him a break. When Jaser, his tiger got sick, Jist felt he had spoken too soon. And when Jaser died, Jist was a broken wolf.

He learned quickly to take his aggressions out on himself. He took to cutting. He dropped out of the scene he was in completely. Spent his days moping around his place, and his nights getting drunk quietly at the back of dark little bars. Thank the Gods for friends, he was saved by one. A dragon named Dee. He watched over Jist and made sure he wasn't doing harm to himself anymore.


"...and that's about when I met you" Jist finished. He let out a sigh "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, I didn't want you to think bad of me y'know? I wanted you to like me and I've done things that I'm really not proud of. I didn't want to..."

Terry came up behind him and cut his sentence off, hugging his back tight, sniffling softly, holding back tears. "Shit. I'm sorry. I had no idea life had been so tough on you"

Jist kissed one of the arms wrapped around his neck. "S'ok, that's ancient history. I just don't like thinking about it y'know?"

Terry nodded softly "Then let me help you forget about it..." He leaned up and pressed his lips to the wolf's. Jist kisses back softly.

Terry moved around in front of the wolf , kissing him again and using his weight to lay him back on the bed. His smaller frame was easily supported on top of the larger wolf's frame. They kissed deep, tongues exploring the opposite's mouths. Jist's paws massaged down Terry's back and over his rump.

Between the kisses and the massaging of his rump, Terry's penis quickly sprang to life. He wiggles his hard-on against Jist's sheath. Jist hurred softly and broke the kiss. He grinned softly and mumbled "thought you said not in your mother's house"

"Just this once can't hurt can it?" Terry answered. Before Jist could say anything, Terry raised himself off the wolf a bit, sliding down between the wolf's large legs. Terry ran his hands through the fur of the wolf's inner thighs, scratching softly and moving up to massage over his orbs. Jist murred softly and relaxed on the bed, letting Terry do as he pleased. Terry leaned down pressing his lips to the opening of Jist's sheath, snaking his tongue inside licking over the content's head.

Terry gave the wolf's orbs a soft squeeze, causing the tip of his shaft to slide out of the sheath and into Terry's waiting mouth. Terry almost giggled at the reaction. Like a switch to turn on and off. He massaged the orbs and inner thighs some as the wolf meat slide deeper into his mouth. He suckled the length as it entered, twirling his tongue as best he could around it. He was nowhere near as good with his tongue as Jist was but he did well.

Jist was in heaven, his shaft sliding from warmth to warmth, he shivered a little and moaned softly. Terry took as much of the wolf cock as he could into his mouth before he had to retreat off it. He started to bob his head along the length that had emerged suckling and using his tongue to play along the shaft. There was only so long Terry could do this before his own cock ached for attention, and his hole twitched and begged. He slide the shaft from his mouth, causing Jist to whimper loud. Terry straddled Jist's body and lowered himself down slowly. He grabbed Jist's cock and lined it up with his hole as he lowered himself and slowly, controlled he impaled himself on the hard wolf member. Jist groaned beneath him, obviously enjoying it as his cock slide deeper into Terry, so slowly and without him being in control.

Terry lowered more and more of himself down over the cock until he was sitting right against Jist's hips. Jist wiggled a bit, loving the feel of Terry's ever tight hole. Terry squeezed down on the cock in him and began to ease himself up again. Jist's hips pushed upward as Terry came back down on the long cock. Terry leaned back to support himself on his arms and legs as he began to really ride Jist's cock. Jist thrusted forward to meet Terry's hole.

Jist couldn't take any more of this slow pace and awkward position. He sat up and eased Terry up against him. He wrapped his arms around Terry; in a close hug. He now was able to better piston his hips, sinking into Terry with a steady motion. Terry moaned as his hole was so used and as his own hard leaking cock, slid through Jist's soft belly fur, lubed by his own pre.

Jist thrust harder into Terry now as his knot started to form. He was lost now in feeling and instinct. Terry wasn't sure how long he'd be able to hold out, he always loved the feeling of his cock in the soft fur while his wolf so mercilessly fucked him. He relaxed his muscles a bit, holding off his orgasm for a little longer.

Jist kissed and licked along Terry's cheek as his knot grew larger, no longer able to take deep strokes. He gritted his teeth as the feel of his knot being denied entry into the tight space of Terry's hole, only made it increase in size. He needed to finish now. He pushed up hard into Terry as he used the hugging arms to pull him down, and with a pop, Jist's knot was firmly inside Terry.

Terry yelped as the knot spread him, no matter how many times it happened his hole always shrank back down to almost normal size. The feeling of being stretched so sending him far beyond where he could contain himself. Cum shot from his cock, hitting the wolf under his muzzle. Jist humped fast and quick inside Terry and let out a howl as his shaft started to pump Terry full of cum.

Terry panted and flexed his muscles around the wolf's length squeezing on the sensitive flesh. Jist held Terry close and panted softly, big grin on his muzzle "how do we explain this mess to your parents?"

Terry giggled and shook his head "walking the dog?"