The Best of Friends 2

Story by JPistol on SoFurry

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WARNING: The following story contains extremely explicit pornographic acts between three male anthropomorphic characters, the setting in which the acts are performed may offend readers, and the acts themselves involve particularly disgusting and bewildering acts. If none of this appeals to you, hit the back bar. Otherwise, enjoy this continuation of the story about a thylacine and a bull, two long-time best friends and recent lovers.


Oz and I were alone in our dorm, so we took off our clothes. The seductive glare he shot me just before he lifted his shirt over his head will have stuck in my mind forever. He didn't even have to touch me to get me hard. Before I knew it, all of our clothes were on the floor and we embraced each other and began to make out, naked, sweaty bodies with burly builds, our hands rummaging everywhere and in every orifice accessible, two horny male bovines preparing to go at it. I loved the taste of his tongue in my mouth, licking the inside of my cheeks, while I patted my tongue against the back of his teeth, playing them like a xylophone. I could feel his hot, rising dick pressing against my chest and I became excited. It was when his head touched my chin that he broke the kiss, leaving a thick gloop of saliva on my bottom lip, and licked my nostril and kissed me again. I pressed up against him and began tenderly kissing his nose, which made him giggle, but he stopped me and grazed my cheek with his soft penis. I grabbed it from him and took it into my mouth, and its incredible taste struck my taste buds instantly as I slowly slid down the length. It had only been 3 hours since I last sucked him off, but the taste was new to me every time. A newer, softer texture. A muskier stink from being dragged around in that damp sheath all day. A sweeter taste. I was able to get it all in my mouth without it even rubbing against my throat. I slid it further into my mouth and it rested on my tongue, sweating, pulsating, and ready to burst. I blew him, slower than I ever had before. He laid a hand on the top of my head and squeezed my skull each time I sunk down to the base. My saliva made soft curdling sounds as I gently massaged Oz' magnificent cock with my tongue. I breathed out every few seconds and kept my eyes shut, not because I didn't like it, but because it looked awkward with eyes open. I sucked his length for five minutes, moistening it up, making it sweat like a sunbaked hog. His head began to swell up and just before he came, I took one of his balls in each hand and gave them a forceful squeeze. Oz winced and whimpered a bit as he shot his warm, milky load into my mouth. I drank the juice down like a sports drink as he kept firing more globs of it into me. So hot, so delicious. It was perfect cum. This guy got me so horny, and his cock was my favorite thing in the world. It deserved to be in a showroom, it was so tremendous.

He grabbed the back of my head and humped my face as he emptied the last of his load into my stomach. He was sweating so profusely, exhaling so loudly and forcefully, and he had shat a little onto the floor. He had finished cumming, and held my head for a few more seconds. When he let go, I slowly took his dick out of my mouth, turned around, bent over, and got on my knees. He knelt down behind me and began kissing my asshole. He exhaled in between kisses, and grabbed my asscheeks with his hands and shoved his face into my backside. Kiss after kiss he gave it, the next more romantic and loving than the last. He used a little tongue as well, but was more focused on the smooching. He muttered quiet "mmm" sounds just before he broke each kiss, and shoved his nose in there and began taking in deep huffs. Huff, kiss, mmm, kiss, huff, kiss, for a few minutes until he let go of me and sank back into his beanbag chair. I stayed in the position, waiting for him to mount me, but he was taking a while. I looked back at him, and the guy was ready to fall asleep.

"Don't you wanna fuck me, Oz?" I whispered, seductively.

"I'm wiped out, Jeffie. Sit down. Talk to me. Tell me about your day." As I turned around and sat down, he added in, "Well, at least the three hours we were apart."

I crawled over and lied on top of him, and gave him a quick kiss. I kissed him again, and he grabbed my face and we began making out. He lifted himself out of the beanbag chair and fell on top of me on the floor. His small turd squished under my cheek, and its potent stench struck my nasal cavity as he and I passionately sucked face. But what was a small turd to an ox was a large turd to a human, so it covered the entire right half of my face, and Oz picked up on this, so he started rubbing it into my pelt as he became hard again and inched his dick toward my ass. He plunged it into the sensitive, wet hole and as soon as it was all in and he was fully hard, he began fucking me. Our making out became messier and wetter at this point, as it always did, as he thrusted in and out of me with such a determined, neck-breaking force. Our tongues smacked each other and his thick, goopy saliva began trickling down my face as he gave it his all, his gigantic cock fucking the shit out of me, making himself one with me, his sweat became mine, his saliva became mine, and his cock was my asshole. From the pleasure of it all, I began shitting as Oz fucked me, and I could feel it squirting out from the sides of his dick, warm and shimmering onto my tail and the floor. He wrecked my pink back door with his throbbing dick that was hard as concrete and wounded the crap out of my prostate, and it felt so goddamn good. I felt my asshole chafing as he continued destroying it and I came onto mine and his chin. As I fired glob after glob of hot cum onto me and my friend's faces, our making out became all the more aggressive. He had my bottom lip in between his teeth and he was gnawing at it like a dog with a steak, and my asshole was so sore and so irritable by now that I felt the skin crack and start to bleed. So much passion and so much pain was taking place in this steamy tryst, and neither of us wanted it to end. But as all good things must, it did when Oz came into me a minute later. The making out had settled to soft, tender kisses as he rocketed his amazing cum into my bowels. Minutes after he had finished, he began humping me again. Within seconds, he was hard and we were going for another round. Obviously he had a little more in him.

Just before he came, he took his dick out of my ass and brought it up to my face. He fired his load onto my face, and it felt so warm as it touched my skin. He covered my face in it, painting it milky white and afterwards, he massaged his head on my forehead, dousing it in the juicy cum and he brought it into my mouth, and I licked it clean. He fired his last few globs onto my face, got off of me, and leaned back in his beanbag chair.

"So," he started as I got up and licked the descending cum from my cheeks, "now tell me about your day."

My name is Jeffie, and I'm a bull with a heart and a half. I'm a bit on the chubby side, but Oz said he likes me nice and fat so there's more to shove his dick into, which is sweet in its own unusual way. I've been gay ever since I can remember, I had my first boyfriend at age 8, gave my first blowjob at 11, received my first blowjob at 13, and lost my virginity to a college fullback at age 14. I wasn't exactly a slut, but I was fairly close. I'd been looking to find a long-term boyfriend for quite some time now, ever since I graduated high school, but I loved the variety too much to settle down.

Oz was my latest venture, going since the day I met him. We were roommates and something just clicked between us, and before either of us knew it, I was down on my knees sucking his cock. He was a hefty ox with a pearly white coat and a lingering fish smell regardless of how many showers he took, which I liked upon first sniff. He had just as big a heart as I did, but he was better at hiding it. He was the pitcher of the relationship, and he wanted to maintain his macho status. Pitcher or not, he was still gay, so I didn't see the reason for it. I never loved him and he never loved me. We were just fuck buddies. The only part of him I could ever fall in love with was his dick. Sometimes to be nice, he would ask me about my life, and to my surprise, he got quite into it. I guess cumming helped him focus on others' priorities.

He asked me again, "How was your day, cumbucket?"

Well, the name suited me. "Same as any other."

He leaned forward and began examining me. He took out a hand and wiped the cum free from my eyes so he could look into them. "You're not telling me everything."

I shied away. "I don't wanna bore you."

"Jeff, my next class is two hours from now and I'm gonna skip it anyway. I have time. And your stories never bore me." He paused and propped up my chin with his thumb. "Is it a guy?"


"Fina-fucking-lly!" He jumped up so high I thought he would punch the ceiling. "Oh my god, I seriously never thought this moment would come! Who is he? Is he cute? Is he strong? Does he like you too? Tell me!"


"Does he have a big cock?"

"Will you give me time to answer?" I barked and he relaxed a bit. "His name is Dacko. He's a thylacine. He's in my Philosophy class. I just got out of it, actually."

"Please tell me you're failing."

I blushed. "I am."

"Oh my god! He must be cute! Have you asked him out yet?"

"He has these glorious abs. I can see them right through his shirt--"

"Have you asked him out yet?"

"...He has a girlfriend."

"Awwww!" Oz slammed a fist to the floor, as if he was experiencing my pain. "Is it a good relationship?"

I raised a curious brow. "Why do you wanna get rid of me so badly?"

"I don't wanna get rid of you, baby. I just want better things for you. This thing we're doing isn't happiness. It isn't a relationship, it isn't romance. Sure, it feels fucking incredible but that feeling only lasts until we cum! After that, we're just friends. We both know we don't have a future."

Of course I knew this, but I refuted anyway. "Why not?"

"Come on, baby. You don't love me and I don't love you. In a few more months we'll be graduating, me just a lonely drifter and you the same. Do you want that? That's my life, not yours. I enjoy casual fucking, that's who I am. But you need to move out of this dorm and into his and become his best friend. After a while, you'll warm up to each other and you can fuck him. If he submits, then he's the right one for you."

At this point, I had begun to cry. "Can we still hang out?"

"No, it'll just lead to more loveless sex. I can't control myself when I'm around you. The minute I see you in clothes I wanna rip them off and fuck your brains out." He cupped my teary, cum-covered face in his hands and brought it close to his. "I'll never forget the first blowjob you gave me." With that, he gave me the longest, saddest kiss I would ever receive. He broke it a minute later and stroked my greasy cheek. "I'm gonna clean up and go to the bar. I want you and your things out of here when I come back."

He stood up, grabbed his clothes, and walked into the shower. I lied there, tears pouring down my cheeks, as depressed as I'd ever felt. But there was hope, hope that I could win Dacko over and we would eventually be together. One of Oz' phrases stuck in my head long after he turned on the water: After a while, you'll warm up to each other and you can fuck him.

Who knew it would take 7 years for that to happen?


The place looked fabulous, for a church. Everyone was properly dressed, the organ was tuning up, the, well I'm not really an expert in that department, but everything was just flawless. The couple must've designed this themselves, or at least the bride. It was an extravagant setup, too bad it wasn't for us. Jeffie looked sexier than ever in his polyester tux and red striped tie. A bit of his belly was peeking out of the bottom of it, but I didn't wanna tell him because it looked so damn cute. Goddamn, he was beautiful. I'd never loved anyone the way I loved Jeffie. His constantly wet lips, his musky odor, his chubby belly, his amazingly delicious cock and balls, his huge ass, I loved it all. And I wanted him on top of me right then and right there, but I resisted the impulse to pull his pants down for public sake.

As much as I adored Jeffie, I hated his friends. Especially the wedding couple. A fossa, the groom, and a cat, the bride. Nothing about them was compatible, no romantic connection between them could be formed in one's mind no matter how long he or she talked to them. It was blatant that they were just getting married before their hearts died, just like the Death Cab for Cutie song, which is another band Jeffie turned me on to.

I was sliding my hand down the back of Jeffie's pants, and he immediately grabbed it and pulled it out, giving me a little glare as well.

"Come on, Dacko! We're in a church!" he silently scolded, with that fatherly disappointment look in his eyes.

"But you don't believe in god!"

"I don't, but they do," he said and pointed to, speak of the devil, the "lucky" couple headed our way. I put my hands behind my back as we met and the fossa held out his hand for me and Jeffie to shake. He blurted out all the usual formalities and shook Jeffie's hand, and directed his hand to me. If I didn't shake, Jeffie would've been pissed, so I took out the hand that I stuck down Jeffie's pants and gave the cocky bastard his precious handshake. I wondered if he could smell the shit stink on my hand from there, and I think he did, because he flinched and broke the shake within a second. I couldn't help snickering, and even with Jeffie's inevitable thumping my shoulder, it was worth it to see the fossa squirm.

"It's really great that you could make it," declared the cat with easily readable fake excitement. Her gaze shifted towards me. "I'm Jackie. And you are?"

"Dacko. Pleased to make your acquaintance." I loved saying that.

"We were college roommates, senior year," Jeffie added. He wasn't gonna tell them about us, and I was completely fine with it. I didn't want them to know. Plus, it would be kinky if we kissed at the same time they did.

"Oh. Do you live together?" Again, with the fake interest. We know you don't care. Just can it, bitch.

"Yeah," Jeffie replied. "We have a dog." We didn't.

"Really? What kind?" She was getting a little better excitement-wise.


"German Shepherd," I cut in. "His name is Darnell."

The fossa lit up. "Darnell? That's my name!" Fuck.

"Oh my god, what a coincidence!" the cat giggled annoyingly.

Both Jeffie and I could tell where this was going, and I shot him a quick glance just to see if he wanted to get out of it as badly as I did. Yep, the feeling was mutual. Jeffie was a pro at hiding his disgust behind a big grin, and he was launching the act into full force here. Just then, something clicked in my head and an escape strategy arose. It wasn't a very original one, but it was worth a go.

I tugged on Jeffie's sleeve. "Jeffie, you need to take your insulin."

At first he had no idea what I was talking about, but he quickly picked up on it and began stammering his way out of the conversation. "Oh yeah. Uh...I have to take a trip to the bathroom. You know, the needle." He made a little wince and a needle gesture with his hand that I found inadvertently cute.

"Oh, sure. Go ahead." Once we got the green light from the fossa, we walked into the bathroom at a steady pace so as not to cause unneeded suspicion. On the way to the bathroom, I grabbed Jeffie and directed him behind a divider.

"Do we really have to sit through this thing?" I whined.

"It's a marriage, Dacko. Not a movie."

"We have been here for three minutes and I already despise this couple."

"Jackie and Darnell are good people. Just give em a little more time. They grow on you."

I gave a discontented sigh. "Stick your tongue down my throat and I'll stay."

Jeffie smirked. "Well, if that's the way it's gotta be..."

The bovine grabbed me and pulled me forward and brought his tasty lips to mine. We opened our mouths after the first quick peck and engaged in a brief make-out session. His warm tongue felt so good in my throat, and it tasted like ranch dressing. Jeffie loved his salads. Saliva piled up on the sides of his tongue and poured onto my lips and chin as we shared this romantic moment together, and I felt heat building up in my sheath. I reached a hand down into his pants to see if he was hot as well, but he pulled my hand out and broke the kiss. "Not here," he warned. With that, he folded both my arms behind my back and began kissing me again. I loved being dominated by him, and though we hadn't tried any sadomasochistic activity yet, I felt a leash was a healthy suggestion.

Our bond was broken when a deep voice uttered from behind, "Goddamn, I'm glad I came to this wedding." Jeffie broke the kiss and searched in the direction of the voice, and was directed to a large white ox wearing a tuxedo much like his with a yellow flower in his left pocket, arms crossed, brow raised, and a sly grin on his face. Jeffie froze like a prey and I looked at him for confirmation of who was standing in front of us, because judging from the pause he took, he knew.

"Oz? Is that you?" were the words he managed to get out.

"Only if you're my old fuck buddy Jeffie," he wittily remarked. Jeffie began fanning himself excitedly and ran over to Oz and lifted him off the ground like he was a long-lost relative. Or in this case, a long-lost fuck buddy.

I could see it took every ounce of Jeffie's fiber to withhold himself from shoving his lips into Oz', but he didn't have to because Ozzy went right ahead with it. Before long, the two were grittily making out, even more passionately than Jeffie and I just were, and all I could do was stand there frozen and start to get a boner. I'm surprised no one saw them. These two had their hands all over each other and they were out in the open, I couldn't stick my hand down Jeffie's pants and we were hidden. It was at this point that I felt it necessary to break-up the little overzealous meeting. I tried my best to unlatch the two, but luckily Oz peeked open an eye the second I touched him and broke the kiss, that of which Jeffie was so into that he maintained his pucker face until Oz woke him up. Once Oz got a decent examination of me, he lit up and shifted his gaze back to Jeffie.

"Don't tell me this is Dacko! Oh my god, he's so cute!" he squeaked. He let go of Jeffie and wrapped his arms around me within a split second, and was kissing and licking my face like a dog on speed. The next moment, Oz' gigantic tongue was down my throat and we had begun making out. He showered me in saliva and played my tonsils like bongo drums, plunging his tongue in and out of my throat, literally mouth-fucking me. Not to say I didn't absolutely love it, because I did. He was so strong, so built, I could feel his rock-hard abs through his tux, and his finger spinning around in my ass was a nice plus. I wished more of Jeffie's friends were like this, hell, I wouldn't have minded making out with the fossa. He was cute, just boring. Just as I was on the road to being completely lost in this marvelous make-out, Jeffie whispered into Oz' ear and he broke the kiss so abruptly he almost ripped my tongue out. The big, white ox set me down and he and Jeffie gave me a little heads up, saying they wanted to talk about something in private and would be right back. Just to make sure they weren't going somewhere to fuck, I told them to keep "private" in sight. They walked up to the door of the bathroom and I lounged back in a chair a few yards away, and watched them converse. I tried to guess what they were saying, but I was too far away and no good at reading lips anyhow.

I glanced at the couple, who were busy with a line of greetings from the rest of the guests who all decided to show up at the exact same time. I could sense boredom and irritability in their eyes and voices, more than usual, and slowly scanned the fossa's backside. Once I reached his ass, I gave it a good look-over, and it wasn't too bad. It wasn't huge, but it was noticeable and cute. I briefly considered running off with him if Jeffie wanted to "catch up" with his college buddy, but dismissed the thought as soon as it crossed my mind. I wouldn't do that to Jeffie. Besides, I liked Oz. He was fucking hot.

The bovines had finished their private discussion, and were halfway back to me. I stood up and pushed the seat in, and Jeffie and Oz met up with me and held hands. They made a brief pause before talking to me, and I patiently waited for whatever it was they wanted to say.

Oz spoke, "Jeffie and I were talking and we were wondering if you'd like to participate in a threesome with us."

Never had a hotter sentence been uttered in my presence. I almost yelped it out before he could finish, "Yes!"

A bright smile grew on Jeffie's face. "That's great!"

"Where do you wanna do it? When?" I asked.

"I was thinking, right now...behind the altar," Oz replied and smirked ever-so-sensually.

Never had a hotter sentence been uttered in my presence until that last one. I nearly jumped for joy and looked at Jeffie for his approval. The blushing bovine shrugged, "He talked me into it."

Some minutes later, the three of us were behind the altar undressing. There was a slight chance of us getting caught, but it wasn't likely since the couple was back in the other room still working on the greetings, and the guests only roamed around that room. But none of that mattered as I stepped out of my pants and looked ahead to see two monumental, naked bovines standing just a couple of feet away from me. Both were half-erect and the combined smell of their genital musk wafted toward me and made me nearly drown in pleasure. I began shivering, not because of fear, but because of nervousness, and Jeffie walked over and gently kissed me. "You can blow me first," he whispered, intending to make me feel a bit better, and he did. He gave me a light kiss on the nose and gripped his dick and brought it to my chin. I brought my lips down to it and they touched the soft, warm head. I opened my mouth and inched the head into it, wrapping my lips around it and sinking down to the shaft. I remembered instantly how difficult it was to get Jeffie into my mouth and how wide I had to open up to fit it all in. His incredibly salty taste struck my tongue the minute it grazed the underside of his shaft, and I gripped the base with two hands and slid the rest of it into my throat, remembering to swallow every few inches so as to not get sick. Its warmness draped over me like a blanket, and I loved those pink splotches on the head and shaft, they were a bit tangier than the rest of the dick. I had it completely inside of me in a few seconds, stretching out my esophagus and penetrating my stomach. I suckled the base and rose back up, taking in the wonderful taste and the blissful smell, and as I reached the head, I sunk back down and began my cycle. I chugged my lover's cock eagerly and pridefully, massaging the base and balls, licking the shaft, and giving the head a warm, wet kiss every time I rose up to it. Jeffie was in his zone, I could see it in his face. He loved it when I sucked his cock. I was nearly at takeoff when I heard a crackling of skin in my ear. I paused for a moment and looked next to me, and faced Oz' huge dick in my face. He was whacking off, and he was about to fire. So was Jeffie, so I worked fast, swallowed faster, and suckled harder and Jeffie began shooting his toasty cum into my throat, and at the same time Oz shot his toasty cum onto my muzzle. Jeffie shot another glob into my throat, and Oz shot another glob onto my cheek. Oz grabbed my face and pressed it up against his dick, and the hole was right in front of my eyes so I saw every glob fire out and splash onto me. The two seemed in sync, Jeffie came again into my mouth, Oz came again onto my forehead. The feeling was gorgeous. I felt so warm, so sweaty, so hot. Jeffie came once more into my mouth, Oz came once more onto my muzzle and forehead.

Oz didn't even let Jeffie finish cumming before he ripped his dick out of my mouth and shoved his own in there. In a split second, I was hit with an entirely new taste that was so potent, so tart, it made me gag. Oz slid his dick down my throat and began humping my face, and I couldn't help enjoying and hating it at once. The smell was so bad, but so hot, and the taste was so overwhelmingly terrible, but so amazing. Tiny gagging moans exerted from my throat each time Oz lifted himself out and plunged back in again. They were so brief, they sounded like hiccups. I didn't even have time to wonder what Jeffie was doing, in fact I couldn't get a single thought out. I wanted to puke so bad, but I didn't want Oz' magnificent cock out of my mouth for a second. This cock had it all and more. It was a grayish white instead of brown like Jeffie's, and instead of pink splotches, his had giant moles and beauty marks on the shaft. There was even a mole on his right testicle, which I barely caught a glimpse of before the powerful taste of his cum smacked onto my taste buds. This was the most tart cum I'd ever tasted, so full of vastly different flavors, and drinking it down was the only thing stopping me from puking. It calmed my stomach, warmed it up, and after he fired his last glorious glob into me, he took his dick out of my mouth and knelt down.

"How did that taste?" he asked.

I was trying hard to hold back tears. "So fucking good."

"Wanna taste it again?"


"How long can you go without breathing?" He might as well have not even asked the question, because immediately after "breathing" I felt an extremely sharp pain in my back. Jeffie was behind me, plunging his dick into my ass, and Oz grabbed my face and shoved his dick down my throat again. They began mercilessly fucking me, using me like a stuffed animal, Jeffie thrust in, and Oz thrust in. Jeffie pulled out, and Oz pulled out, and they both thrust back in. I couldn't stop the "MMMM-HMM-HMMM" shouts escaping from my mouth as the two attacked my internal organs with their fantastic cocks. It was too much to take, and I was getting too loud. There was no way out of it, though. I couldn't yell at them to stop, and Jeffie had my hands behind my back so I couldn't tap out or anything, but who's to say I wanted to?

"MMMMMMMMM!" I helplessly screamed at the top of my lungs, which Oz was busy punching out. As I struggled through this, I realized that I would never feel a pain greater than what I was feeling at that moment. I wanted to black out, but couldn't. The pleading desire for Oz' delicious cum in my stomach kept me going, and Jeffie's yummy cum spraying all over my bowels. Finally, they began to slow down, and touched heads as they were firmly fixed inside of me, and began to cum. I felt cum globs firing from both ends, while Jeffie doused my kidneys and liver in cum, Oz filled up my stomach and throat with his. I was nothing more than a plaything for them, a helpless little cumbucket, which wasn't a bad thing in the least.

Oz began taking his dick out of my throat and left little globs on the way, and once out of my mouth, he laid it on my face so it could finish emptying itself onto my muzzle and forehead. Jeffie finished up inside of me and pulled himself out, and I thanked god it was over. Oz switched to the back and Jeffie walked to the front, and shoved his dick into my throat while Oz shoved his up my wounded ass. It wasn't over. They were just switching roles.

This time, the pain was dealt on my ass more than my throat because Oz was much bigger and thicker than Jeffie. As the pain became increasingly unbearable, I began crying uncontrollably, and Jeffie could see this, but he didn't stop. I'm proud of him for that. I was a toy. I didn't have feelings. I was just here for them to cum inside of. And they did, about a minute later. My stomach was completely filled with cum by the time Jeffie lifted his dick out of it, so much that it was resting on the back of my tongue, and just like Oz, Jeffie finished himself off on my face. I could feel the sperms moving, squirming around in my skin, mixing with each other, and the thought of this made me extremely horny.

Oz and Jeffie rejoined in front of me, now reduced to a greasy, sweaty cum-filled rodent lying on the church floor, and I was a marsupial before I came in here.

"I think you've had enough dick for now," Oz stated. He and Jeffie leaned over me, their musky, horribly stenchy assholes hovering above my face, and I opened my mouth as they began to shit. Two cylindrical turds descended into my mouth at the same pace, all I could smell was shit, and it was awful. The taste was disgusting and it made me incredibly nauseous. I chewed the shit as the remaining plopped onto my nose and face. I was too weak to reach a hand up to plug my nose, and I began throwing up into my mouth as I swallowed the chewed shit. It wasn't long before I couldn't take it any longer, and I lifted my head up just enough so that I could puke onto my chest as the shit continued to slide out and plop onto the top of my head, break off and squirm down onto my muzzle. I finally puked, so it was time to enjoy this. I lied back down and opened my mouth again, and the green, stinky shit landed onto my tongue. I chewed it and tried hard to enjoy the taste, but I couldn't. It just kept coming, without end. Within another minute, my head was totally submerged in shit. I could still hear the tiny plopping sounds and the last little turd plopped onto the shit pile that was my head. Something pushed through the shit and forced itself down my throat, and I recognized the taste immediately. Oz was fucking my shit-covered face. The shit squished against his pelvis as he put all of his weight onto me and began humping. He didn't take a break until he came, which was about two minutes later, and after he finished the last of it on my tongue, he plunged his face into mine and we began making out. The shit made wet curdling sounds as he shoved his face into it and embraced me in the stinkiest, yet sexiest kiss I've ever had. I had plenty of move opportunities, and I chose the following: I wrapped my legs around his back and moved back and forth underneath him, so during the kiss he was humping my chest as well. I could feel his hot cock pressing against my abs, twitching every now and again, and the soft shaft felt so good on my fur. He got into it very quickly, he broke the kiss, wrapped his arms around my neck, and began giving it all to my chest. I couldn't see because the shit was clogging every orifice on my face except my mouth, but I could feel his sweaty balls rubbing against my dick and making it nice and slippery. The moment was pure ecstasy, and for the first time in this venture, I wasn't having my brains fucked out. No one was getting hurt, and as much as I loved dominance, this was just as pleasuring.

From behind Oz, Jeffie crept up and slid his dick into my asshole, and plowed away. I felt him poking a hole into my prostate, passing that and abusing my kidneys. Since nothing thick and throbbing was in my mouth, I called out just for argument's sake, "Please stop..."

"No," Jeffie replied in a calm yet still intimidating voice.

Of course I didn't want it to stop. That wouldn't be very gracious of me. Sure it hurt, but being fucked by two wet, stinky bovines was better than being fucked by one.

Oz' face sweat began splashing onto my shit-covered face as he struggled to come to a close. He suddenly stopped and there was silence, aside from Jeffie's occasional moans. I felt more moisture seeping through the shit and onto my face fur and soon was greeted by the sight of a long black tongue licking the shit from my face. Slowly, his giant, warm tongue cleaned me off like a mother to her dirty cub. He licked it all away, and I could see again. And the first thing I saw was his huge white cock dangling in front of my lips. I lifted up my head a bit and took it into my mouth. Oz gradually slid it into my throat and as soon as it was fully in, he paused and began speaking to Jeffie. From my position, most of the language was muffled, but I did hear one thing, "Take your dick out of him and fuck me."


When Oz instructed me to take my dick out of Dacko and fuck him instead, I froze. It was so spontaneous, and I was the farthest thing from ready to take on such an order.

Oz looked at me sternly. "Jeffie. I want you to fuck me."

"...Are you sure?"

"All those years in college, you were the catcher every time we fucked. The most I ever tasted of you was your asshole, and that's why I was so thorough when I rimmed you. I'm sure, baby." He rested the palm of his hand on my pelvis and dragged it down to the base of my dick. "Now get moving before your boyfriend suffocates."

I did as I was told. I slowly took my dick out of Dacko's asshole and brought it to Oz'. It was tight, brown, and meaty. It looked so beautiful I didn't want to touch it, but he insisted. I gradually inched it forward and right when I touched the flesh, the bud of a dark brown turd peeked out. I looked to Oz for further confirmation, and he clenched his teeth as he squeezed more of the turd out. "Go ahead," he instructed.

I penetrated the shitty hole and slid myself into my bovine counterpart's bowels. He let out a reflexive "aahhh" as I crawled deeper into him, and when I began thrusting, he did as well. He was gritting his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut, but I received that as a sign to fuck him harder. I began plowing into him, wrecking his extremely tight ass like I had with Dacko just a few weeks ago. I was now the dominator, the pitcher, the ass-fucker instead of the fucked-ass, and Oz' tightness was painful but it gave me the most invigorating adrenaline rush of my life.

Underneath me, Oz face fucked Dacko for the third time in just a few minutes. The look of pain and pleasure on my little hound's face assured me that he loved Oz' cock, but certainly not more than mine. I couldn't blame him, Oz was a very potent stud and the fish stink would begin to make you sick after a while. This was the perfect day, place, and time to participate in this, and Oz' whiney groans just made enjoy the moment all the more. I was just about to cum when I heard the faint pattering of feet, and I looked toward the door. The couple and a dozen other guests were standing in the aisle, frozen with mortified looks on their faces. I took a moment to picture what we looked like, fucking each other behind the altar there, and to the unprepared eye, it was quite a frightening spectacle. But I couldn't help myself, I began cumming, and so did Oz.

"Oh yes, Jeffie! Yes! Cum inside of me! Oh fuck, that feels so good!" Oz joyfully shouted at the top of his lungs while violently gyrating his body and wrecking Dacko's jaw. There was no stopping this inevitable moment, but I felt the screaming was a bit...ah, fuck it. It was really hot.

We all finished cumming and Oz opened his eyes, and saw the horror before him. Dacko couldn't see from his angle, but it was better that way. I think he sensed it, however, because he squirmed away from Oz, jumped to his feet, and ran over to the groom and locked lips with him. The guy was struck frozen with surprise as Dacko passionately made out with him, and the bride was nauseated, either from Dacko's stink or the unusual display, I couldn't tell. Right when I thought she was about to keel over, Dacko ripped his lips from the groom's, leaving a thick line of spit connected to his tongue, and grabbed his ass and pulled him forward. "I fucking do, you sexy piece of shit," he muttered and gave the groom one last mouthful of tongue, and to finish it off, fired his built-up load all over his tuxedo and chin.


We were thrown out of the church immediately and had to spend a night in jail, and I'm surprised that's all we got. What we did was sacrilegious, morally horrible, and all-around indecent, but that's why it felt so fucking astounding.

Although, it wasn't all bad because there aren't any rules against resumed threesomes in jail. In fact, they enforce it, at least to those who don't enjoy having two 22-inch, sweaty, hot, smelly, thick, pulsating dicks thrusting back and forth inside of them and spewing their fiery cum all over their organs and bowels. Good thing I wasn't one of those people.

I did give Oz a little request in the middle of the fuck, and 15 seconds later, my entire head was inside his dick, and I was enjoying all the tangy, delicious cum I could eat, and Jeffie was behind me fucking my ass. I was a catcher pro, and there was nothing in the world I was more proud of.

I honestly thought it couldn't feel greater than this, and that's when Oz came.