My Boyfriend The Vore

Story by Jag on SoFurry

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My Boyfriend The Vore

By Jag

Contains M/M vore along with yiffy actions

Brian and Chase (c) Jag

I would have never thought a harmless little fetish would turn out to get me in this much trouble. I knew that my boyfriend was sometimes strange and liked to try out new fetishes all the time, that was the part of him that I enjoyed, but I never really thought that him being a vore would turn out to be something so real. One night of regular playing around and soon enough I was just a bulge inside of his stomach. I didn't even really get much of a say in the matter. One second he's doing something I thought was rather neat and the next second I'm halfway down his throat and wiggling about. I'm not sure if I even remember how long I'd been inside of his hot, moist belly. It must be going on a half hour right now, or somewhere around that. I can still feel his stomach churning me about, spilling me around in his sticky saliva that already soaked all of my fur. I'm still not sure what's supposed to happen at this point anyway. I'm pretty sure that I should be dead, but being in here this long is starting to make me think otherwise. There isn't any acids anywhere eating away at me and I'm pretty sure I can still breathe normally.

I mean my boyfriend isn't really a bad bunny, but this is just starting to really weird me out for some reason. My mind knows I should be churning about as a dead piece of meat and being broken down to nothing but fuel for my loving mate, although here I am still alive and just being given one of the best massages in my life. Even while I think about things it could be a little better in here. The massage is great, but the heat could be toned down a bit, although it has its nice side since I was cold when I was outside of him, good to warm up inside him. Alright, so the heat is good and everything about being inside of here has so far been excellent. Well except for the smell. I could have dealt without the smell of bunny insides for the first fifteen minutes. Although it's something you get used to very fast and something that I really like now. Well...I just can't find anything wrong with being in here really. The heat is great, the smell is as soothing as the heartbeat of my mate echoing around him. I'm curled up nice and tight and every now and then I can feel him rubbing his paws against me, which just makes me shudder in delight. I just can't help but smile when I remember the events that lead up to me being in my mate. I think I can say it was the best day of my life.

Well first maybe I need to go back and summarize quickly what lead up to the events of my best day ever. The journey started much like every other day about a week before that day. I had gotten up, my cock fully out and ready to be played with as I got out of bed and walked over to my computer and sat down in my leather chair. I turned my monitor on and checked the messages left for me, noticing an AIM message from Brian, my mate. I scrolled down a couple of "I love you" and "Have a goodnight" messages we sent to one another before finding him asking me to come visit him again. This would have been, like the six of seventh time we would have gotten together. I quickly typed him a message stating I would and that I had to head to work. Going to work at the same job I've had for three years I arrived at the gas station and clocked in then proceeded to the time off book and signed off a few days on the next week.

I was off and on during work, too busy planning out what I was going to bring down for my visit and all the nice things that we could do while I was there. I usually only brought a change of clothes, since half the time we went out for a few hours and then just came back to his apartment and sat around naked for the rest of the time. I practically had a hard on for most of the day just thinking about him, which I could easily hide since I worked behind a rather large cash register. So that workday done I headed home and got back online to find that my Brian left a message for him to call me and since he's the kind of person to sign off until I call him that makes me rather interested in what he had to say.

So I called him on my cell and we started out having a normal conversation until he went silent for a minute and I asked him what was wrong. He told me it was something important and that he wanted to ask me a question. I told him he could tell or ask me anything and he just blurted it out. Brian didn't want us to spend any more money on these visits, since it really ate at our wallets. He got enough courage to ask his father about a loan so that he could get a bigger place so that the two of us could live together. Instead of a loan his father just gave him a thumbs up and was willing to move Brian out of his apartment to a bigger one for free, knowing that the two of us loved each other and wanted to spend every moment with one another. His father was even going to kick in a month's rent so that I could get down there and find a job so that we could settle in and start our new lives off right without having to worry about money. It's always nice having a father like that I think, since he was easily one of the nicest people I've ever met and that was really on the first time I went to see Brian. So instead of packing for a few days, I was now going to be cramming everything into my car and bringing it down to my mate's new apartment that he and his father would be moving into tomorrow.

My mind was totally off the record after the news and all I could do was tell him that I loved him and needed to get things in order. I remember him chuckling at me and telling me to get my little skunkie rear in gear before hanging up the phone. All I could do was yell at the top of my lungs and jump around my room, which quickly woke up my roommate that was down the hall trying to get some rest. I told him the news and he was happy for me, but told me to settle down for the night since he needed to get up early. I could barely sleep that entire night.

The next morning I was basically in power mode. There wasn't going to be the same routine for me today. Well maybe most of my routine was still there, but I definitely wasn't going to be going to work. I had woken up about two hours before I normally did and quickly left a message for Brian telling him that I was going to be doing a lot over the neck couple of days and for him to call me if anything really important came up. I quickly drove to work and headed to the back office where I knew my boss, Mr. Ander would be. I knocked on the door and sauntered in when he told me to. I sat down in front of his desk and told him of what had happened over the course of a night and he just gave me a smile and told me that everything was going to be alright. He knew that one of these days my visits with Brian were going to just turn into a full time gig, so he was happy to at least get this kind of notice from me. With it already being Thursday my paycheck was already ready for last week and Mr. Ander just cut me a check for the hours I had already worked and bid me a farewell. I wandered back up front and said goodbye to everything that was working, telling them to pass the story of me leaving along before grabbing my paycheck and making my way to my bank.

Over the course of the next two days there were many phone calls between both Brian and I telling each other about how moving was going for one another. Brian and his dad got everything of his set up in a matter of half a day and I had been cramming things into my car like mad. I was glad of all those wasted years playing Tetris now, it made packing things in a car even easier. I told him that I was all ready and packed, money in my wallet and just a few hours drive to him. We gave each other kisses over the phone and both went to bed. I woke up rather early, at about three in the morning and bid my roommate goodbye. We hugged and he wished me luck before I got in my car and started it up, pulling out of the driveway and onto the road. I don't think a car ride has ever made me that antsy before, with the exception with my first trip down to see Brian. I drove for four hours straight, stopped to grab a steak bagel at McDonald's and then continued on my journey with the directions that Brian had given me over the phone. It was the start of that great day.

I remember pulling into Brian's driveway at about three in the afternoon, music in my car blaring to be sure to at least keep me awake, even though my excitement easily did that for me. Brian strolled out the front door, wearing nothing more then a pair of black jeans. As I turned off the car I thought to myself that with his brown fur and black jeans, it made him out to be one sexy person. I was glad that he was mine. As I opened my door and got out of the car I was greeted with his face in front of mine, his arms wrapping around my waist as he almost yanked me out of the car and into a tight hug. The only thing that really escaped either of us would be a very loud murr. He nuzzled against my face for a bit before giving my face a nice long lick and chuckling a few times, the black fur on the side of my face all sticky with his saliva. I pressed my nose against his and we just stared at each other for a minute before kissing happily, our mouths opening up to let the other's tongue in to take a little exploration.

We must have been that way for a few minutes before he groped my ass and licked the side of my face once more. He let me go and I sat down on the hood of the car and asked him what he wanted to do, my fluffy tail flicking about behind me. He pointed to the car and told me he wanted to unpack everything and set it up inside first. That kind of made me chuckle a bit as well, knowing him he would have carried me inside and started to plow into me with all he got before we did anything else. It was fun watching him try his best at self control.

What took me almost a day to fully pack in my car took us only a half hour to empty and another hour to fully set everything up, hooking up my television and computer in the process as well. Which is why having a helping hand is always nice, makes things go by twice as fast. I was just putting the finishing touch on my new bed when he came in and hugged me from behind. I could clearly feel a bunny cock inside of those pants pushing against me from behind, wanting to get inside of me.

I giggled a bit and was about to invite him in when he turned me around and lead to toward the front door. He told me that we needed to go out shopping since he hadn't really brought that much food over with him. He wanted to get that out of the way along with a nice dinner out between the two of us before anything really happened. I could tell he wanted our first night together to be really special. We kissed and fondled each other through our clothing at the door for a few minutes before exiting and heading to his car and driving off to the local food market to get everything that we needed.

Brian's father had once again given us some money as a welcome present, knowing we would need a few weeks worth of groceries. We basically wandered around each of the aisles and picked out what we wanted for dinner on each night for two weeks and then moved along with snack foods, drinks and both cleaning supplies and other random necessary items we would need to use. I don't think I've been in one store browsing for so long. Before we both knew it over two hours were gone and we had just reached the checkout with a cart overflowing with things. I guess playing games of ass grabbing when no one is around can really waste a bit of time. Checking out and packing everything into the trunk we debated for another few minutes on where to eat before Brian decided on a nice Italian place that he knew.

We arrived at the restaurant and headed inside, easily getting a table for two once in and we both perused the menus for a couple minutes before ordering some wine to start out with. Again Brian surprised me with the lack of what he was eating too. I know being excited about something cut back on what one ate, but ordering only a salad and breadsticks was not really something I was used to him having. He'd usually get something like never-ending pasta or the like and keep people working. I on the other hand had the chicken alfredo, which was one of the best dishes I always tend to order when I have Italian food. Dinner went nicely, even though watching Brian eat so less was weird. Although he did keep licking his lips and staring at me, giving me a few winks every now and again, which just made me chuckle each time. Every so often his foot would happen to lose his shoe and his foot would find it's way to my crotch, rubbing over my jeans with it and making me squirm a bit more then I wanted to. Having him press his foot into my ever growing erection didn't help either, especially when he made me murr rather loudly as he fondled me.

We talked after we had both eaten, the two of us always letting things settle down before he did any real walking around or driving as it was tonight. It was slowly becoming later in the evening and as we left the restaurant it was almost nine. Brian drove us back to the apartment with me snuggling up against his arm the entire way there, my tail flicking happily each time he leaned over to nibble at my ear as he drove.

Stopping in the driveway we locked in one long lasting kiss as we exchanged each others saliva before getting out of the car and giving one another a tight hug and heading inside. Rubbing my ass and giving it a little slap as I walked in front of him and through the front door he leaned against me and gave my neck a quick lick. He walked with me to the bedroom and then pointed me toward the shower. Brian whispered for me to take a shower and get all nice and clean since my scent was just driving him insane. We quipped about me being a skunk and that I was supposed to smell bad at times and that he had promised me it wouldn't bother him when he started dating. He proceeded to tell me that the scent was more then okay, but a certain dirty skunk would end up inside of a bunny belly if he didn't wash up soon. I called him a silly vore and headed into the bathroom. As I turned around to shut the door I found the front of my face given a huge bunny lick. I pushed Brian back and giggled loudly as I shut the door, locking it so that he couldn't get in and try something.

As I started the shower I could hear Brian running about and putting all the groceries away that we had gotten. I began one of the quickest showers I think I had ever taken. I let the water soak into my fur and rubbed at the head of my cock for a bit as it started to poke out of its sheath. I could already tell that I would love living with Brian if every night was going to be like this one. I heard Brian knock on the door and tell me to use the soap in there to get myself nice and clean. I chuckled back at him and looked at the soap, thinking about using it before deciding not to. I murred happily to myself after a couple minutes in the water and shut the water off, leaping out and grabbing a nearby towel to start and dry myself off. Examining myself in the full body mirror next to the sink I found the hairdryer that Brian had bought for us one visit so that I could use it to dry my fur easier.

I turned it on and let the heat of the dryer quickly and efficiently dry my fur, which only took a few short minutes to do. Brushing my tail a few times with my paws I wrapped the towel around my waist as best I could and poked my head out of the bathroom door. I looked down the hall and then headed toward the bedroom, carefully trying my best to be as sneaky as I could. That didn't last long as I let out a yelp as I felt a sudden squeeze on my ass. I ran ahead a few paces and fell face first onto the bed, looking over my shoulder to see Brian pull the towel off me and carefully run a paw between my butt cheeks and prod a few times at my tailhole. I made sure to clench it tightly to make sure he couldn't get inside, turning my head and giving Brian a huge grin as he smiled back at me. I quickly spun myself around so that I was laying on my back and hugging Brian tightly with my arms. He leaned down and kissed me nice and deeply, holding it for a minute before letting it go and nuzzling my neck a few times. Murring happily to myself I began to look over his naked body, his throbbing cock already hanging out and wanting to be put into something, a light stream of pre leaking from the tip. I gave him a wider grin before wagging my hips some

He quickly gave me a lick across the face and I chuckled happily, telling him to stop since I just showered. He shook his head and told me I didn't use soap and smelled just about the same, licking his lips at me before chuckling and telling me how I never listened to him sometimes. I smiled up at him, which got me another lick across the face before feeling him start to adjust me on the bed, putting me legs on his shoulders and leaning forward some to press the tip of his cock against my tailhole. I sighed happily to myself and closed my eyes, the entire length of my cock soon slipping free and hardening in my air, bobbing freely for a few seconds before I felt Brian's paw grab is and start to rub against it. I murred loudly and felt the first few inches of the bunny cock being pushed inside of me, a slight bit of pain coming over me as I hadn't taken that cock in me for a few months now.

That pain soon faded with each new inch that was pushed into me, the familiar feeling of the cock drifting back into my mind. I moaned softly as I felt him withdraw most of what he had put into me and then slowly start to press the rest of his cock inside, my tailhole relaxing just enough so that he wouldn't have to really fight with the pressure. I felt Brian's other paw grab my hips as he started to carefully push into me and then withdraw his cock and start over again. Soon there was enough pre inside of my tailhole to make wet slopping noises each time the cock was pushed into and brought out, a sound I much enjoyed when I heard it. Brian's one paw soon started to jack me off, starting out nice and slow before speeding up some and keeping me nice and hard as he fucked me. I could hear Brian moan each time he pushed into me, his eyes closing as mine did the same, the two of us getting lost in the passion between the two of us. Each time his cock buried itself inside of me, I clenched around it as tight as I could, knowing full well that it would drive him crazy.

I was right of course, as Brian was soon bucking into me, getting faster and harder with each passing second, the two of us fully enjoying ourselves since it had been such a long time since our last fuck. His paw clenched around my cock and worked it up and down, causing him to start to squirm on the bed some, gasping a few times as his thumb played over the tip of my cock. He worked down to the base of my cock and began to pull at it, squeezing it and making me moan out loudly as I bucked up into the air and sprayed my seed all over his chest. My tailhole clenched tightly around his cock and caused him to push inside deeper and deeper, moaning loudly and making sure he drove himself as far in as he could go before he fired his own cum inside of him. I shuddered at the warm feeling inside of my tailhole and reached up for him as his own body began to fall to mine.

I held him tight as he laid on top of him, still bucking his hips and making sure to drain every last ounce of himself inside of me. Some of his cum already leaked from my tailhole, out around his cock before a wet sucking sound signaled to me that he had withdrawn himself from me. He climbed into bed with me and turned me on my side, curling up next to me and nuzzling the side of my neck with his muzzle and nose. I murred happily to him, brushing my tail around his chest and belly before hearing a slight rumbling noise coming from behind me.

Brian's muzzle pressed up against the side of my face and I closed my eyes hearing him breathing. He then licked my ear before asking me if I trusted him enough to try something new. I told him that he could always try new things with me, but he returned with asking me if I trusted him enough with my own life to be able to try something sort of weird. I thought about that for a moment before giving a nod to him and telling him that I trusted him with my life and that I knew that whatever thing he wanted to try wouldn't hurt and if it did that I would forgive him. He gave my ear a lick and then carefully spun me around on the bed so that we were facing. He had a rather large smile on his face and he licked my nose a few times, sniffing at my fur and nuzzling me afterward. I started to murr rather loudly at all the attention that I was getting from him.

He then told me to let him handle everything that he would do. I gave him a firm nod and smiled at him as he sat up on the bed and pulled me up with him. He took a deep breath and then carefully lifted both of my arms into the air so that they stuck out in front of him. I gave him a bit of a weird look as he looked at them and started to lick his lips a few times. I thought back a bit to remember that he had done something like this before, licking my arms and trying his best to swallow one of them down. He really wanted vore to be real sometimes so that he could pack me away inside of his belly and keep me nice and warm and safe. He talked about it a few times and I was always cool with it, even role playing with him about it online. It's always been a weird little fetish that I had started to enjoy the more I got to know him.

He brought my fingers to his lips and started licking at them a few times, a quivering smile on his face. I knew he was really nervous about something, but since he had always done this and other types of things to be vorish, I didn't think he had anything to be nervous about. He then starting to suck on each of my fingers, causing me to close my eyes and murr happily for a bit, my ears perking some when I heard him ask if I was totally sure about letting him do what he wanted. I told them I was fine with it and to go on and do it and no matter what I would be fine with it. He leaned forward and gave my cheek a kiss before pulling my hands forward a bit and tucking my fingers inside of his warm mouth. I closed my eyes again and started to murr softly under my breath feeling his tongue start to lick around my entire hand. His warm tongue weaved into each part of my finger, wetting down my fur quite easily with all of the saliva in his hot maw. A shiver ran down my spine as I felt him pull my hands further into his mouth so that my fingers brushed up against the back of his throat.

This was the part of things that always got me really excited. The more he did this with me the better he got at things and at one point he got my entire arm down his throat before letting go of it. I then felt a tug on my arm and my hands pulled into his throat. I murred loudly and fidgeted some, never having both of my hands trapped inside of his throat before. Long licks began to wet down the fur on my arms and I felt another tug pull my hands in further. I felt the pulsing flesh around my paws and hands and murred loudly, having always liked the feeling of Brian's hot flesh around my wet fur. I think part of me liked the idea of vore, but I had to really push myself away from it sometimes since the idea around it was just silly. Another loud swallowed pulled my hands deeper into his mouth and soon I felt his breath on my face. I sniffed deeply at the warm air, which smelled like the salad and bread Brian had for dinner. I murred loudly and opened my eyes to see his open mouth ahead of me, my hands already inside and disappearing down his throat.

He squirmed a bit and felt his paws wrap around me in a hug, another rolling swallow causing my hands to sink in further and my face be brought right up to his maw. His tongue slowly pushed past my elbows and licked at my face, causing me to pant some at the nice warm feeling. I stared into the pink insides of Brian's mouth and gave my arms a tug backward, giggling some when I felt his throat not let me pull them back out. With my arms slowly vanishing down Brian's throat, my face carefully began to make its way inside of the maw.

This was probably the point where I got the most worried, seeing as how he had never really done something like this to me before. The most Brian had ever been able to do were both my arms, then we would cough them up and we'd giggle and he'd go to town on my backside again from being turned on by swallowing me. With my muzzle being drawn into the maw, this was starting to become a bit scary even for me and I didn't really scare that easily. I wiggled my nose some as it moved deeper into his mouth, his tongue slowly pushing out a bit to lick at my muzzle and chin. I heard a loud murr come from Brian and I started to pant a bit, trying to both stay calm since I knew he wanted me to. This was probably what he was talking about earlier with trust and all and I was going to trust him as best I could. He shut my eyes tight and shivered feeling his breath hitting my face, my ears folding back as I heard a wet swallow and felt myself being pulled forward some more.

My fingers wiggled about inside of his throat and I gave my hands a tug backward again, but found another swallow pushing me forward again. I felt Brian's hands on the back of my neck, carefully pushing me forward a bit more, his tongue slurping at my face even more as my head was moved inside of his hot maw. I couldn't believe that he could actually do something like this for a moment, although I knew that he always liked to practice little things like opening his mouth as wide as he could when he was alone. My eyes snapped open and all I could see was pink and black, my entire head being sealed inside of his mouth. I felt his lips carefully seal around my neck and a whined a bit at the feeling of being inside of his moist mouth with no way to really escape. My tail flicked about as I felt his paws run down my sides, making me shudder at the feeling before I felt his paws grasp my arms and chest firmly. I was about to call out something to Brian, but I felt my body being shoved forward and a swallow drag my muzzle and head to the throat.

I let loose a yelp that was quickly silenced as my muzzle entered his throat, his powerful muscles holding my mouth closed. I started to get really worried now and began to wiggle my body as best he could, but all I could feel was swallowing around my neck and Brian pushing more of my body into his mouth.

I muffled something to him about letting me go, thinking that this was starting to really scare me, but all I felt in return was a squeeze on my rump before my shoulders were pressed into his mouth and licked over with the front part of my chest. My tail flicked about as I tried my best to pull myself from his mouth, but he did his best to lock me in place, still swallowing deeply and giving me push after push and sending me further and further down his throat. I could clearly hear each swallow around me, a wet ripple of flesh pulling at my damp furry body in an attempt to get me to the one destination ahead of me. Every so often I could have sworn I heard a rumble ahead of me, the stomach growling in anticipation of my coming down to visit it. I was really starting to get worried now, thinking that this vore fetish was going to be the end of me.

I yelled out a muffled call for help and started to jerk my body to each side as best I could, my arms held in place by his mouth and with his own paws. I pressed my feet into the bed and did my best to try and stand up, but as I started to stand I felt Brian swallow and quickly press down on my body, my entire chest being enveloped in his maw and throat. I tried to move my arms in an attempt to grab at his body, but I found them pinned to my sides with the help of slimy throat. I felt Brian's warm paws grab at my feet and pull me back down into a kneeling position, another large swallow letting my belly sink into his mouth. I started to hear Brian's fast heartbeat around me and while it was a bit calming when I was snuggling up against him while sleeping, hearing it from the inside just frightened me. I tried to call out for help again, but gagged instead as I took a sniff of the pungent odors around me. His mouth smelled alright, but the deeper I started to go, the more dank the smells started to be. I gagged again on the foul odor of already digested food that wafted up toward me as well as the stale breath that I was breathing.

I tried my best to start and hold my breath, but found it all but impossible as I had to breath through my nose every few moments due to my panicking body. The smells took a backseat for a few minutes as I started to giggle a bit, Brian's warm tongue starting to lap at my belly and sides. I shuddered at the nice feeling of such a soft piece of flesh wetting down my body with saliva, a loud murr coming from me as I bucked up against Brian's chin. I felt a loud rumble around me as Brian murred happily at the feeling, gulping deeply and letting my belly slide past his tongue and into his throat.

This trip started going a bit better at this point in time or at least Brian did a great job calming me down so that I wouldn't really wiggle around that much. Both of your weak spots would be sex and everything about it, so the moment I felt his tongue lapping up at my sheath, I froze and let out a deep muffled moan from inside Brian's throat. I could tell he heard me since I clearly heard him chuckle deeply and continue to lick at my privates. It didn't take long for my cock to slide free and rub against his tongue, which quickly got him to start licking at my hot member. I bucked as best I could in his mouth, moaning loudly every few moments at the great sensation I was feeling.

This was nothing I had experienced before and was by far the most erotic thing that I'd ever been through. My entire body with the exception of my legs was sealed in heat and just him licking at my cock was enough to get me to leak loads of pre into his mouth. I felt him holding onto my legs to prevent me from going any further and with each swallow he just let more and more drool run down my body, his throat just giving me a full body massage. I squirmed about as I felt him let go quickly, using a paw to push my balls into his mouth and he began to suck on my entire body, murring happily at the taste as I moaned deeply from his throat. I think that was also the quickest I had ever reached a climax before, only a few minutes into him licking me and I already blew my load onto his tongue. I panted deeply and my entire body felt relaxed and spent and I thought to myself this was what he must have wanted to do. I felt him rubbing my rump a bit and I sighed happily, waiting for him to start and pull me out.

However he didn't do what I was hoping at that point in time and my mind was way to fuzzy from climaxing to actually struggle with what was happening to me. I felt my body starting to lift upward and soon enough a large swallow pulled my entire waist into his throat, my still throbbing cock pushing against the throat and leaking more pre as I moaned deeply at another new sensation racking through my body. I could feel my legs and tail being sucked into his mouth, his tongue trying it's best to lick as much as he could before swallowing every couple of seconds. I could tell he was really trying to pack me into his stomach before I came off my feeling of euphoria. My arms pressed against something and a second later pushed into an empty chamber.

I could tell that I was beginning to enter my final destination. I tries to shake my head to pull myself out of this nice trance, but all I could do was grin stupidly to myself as my body was swallowed and pulled down to the waiting belly. There was one thing that easily pulled me back out of my trance, that being the powerful smell of Brian's stomach that hit me in the face as much muzzle pressed into his stomach. I gagged a couple more times, the smell easily overtaking my senses and reminding me where I was. My legs kicked a bit, but there wasn't much out in the open anymore when they started, just my shins, feet and an inch or two of my tail. I felt Brian start to bob his head up and down, swallowing each time he did so until all that I could feel outside of his hot body was a bit of my tail. I felt him slurp that up last and lick at my feet a few times, getting me to giggle a bit before he swallowed deeply once more, my shoulders pushing into the stomach and my body starting to plop out into his stomach.

I could easily tell that the confines I was being put in weren't really meant to hold something my size, since he began to stretch out a lot more as my body spilled inside. That last swallow really gave things a push down as my body didn't really have that much time to adjust itself before I was curled up into a cramped little ball inside of his hot stomach, my fur drenched with foul smelling saliva. The stomach rolled me about a bit and I wiggled as best I could from side to side, but found that I wasn't really going anywhere. I suddenly felt something rubbing up against me from the outside and I made it out to be Brian using his paws to stroke my form in his gut. I heard him panting and murring loudly all around me, his heartbeat never slowly down during the entire process.

I whimpered some and wiggled about a bit inside of his stomach, my cock still hard and almost poking me in the face as I moved about. I yelped a bit as I felt my body moved about some as Brian flopped over on his side, hugging me against him and murring louder then I'd ever heard him before. I wiggled a bit more inside of his stomach, one of my paws rubbing about the inside in a half attempt to signal to him that I was okay and in a half panicked mode to find the way I had come in from. After a few short moments I heard Brian grunting and moaning and my body being moved about a bit more vigorously. A sly smirked crossed my face as I recognized that Brian was masturbating, using one paw to rub against me from the inside and one paw to work his own cock. I murred loudly and leaned forward some in his belly, opening my maw up and taking my cock into my own mouth.

I was never really that flexible to reach it normally, but with Brian's stomach holding me in this position, I decided that if I was going to die, I'd might as well try something I've wanted to. I licked over my own cock as I felt my body being sloshed about as Brian continued to work his own cock with a paw. It wasn't long before I felt Brian tense up and spasm, causing his stomach to clench tightly around me to know that he had finished up and moments later I did the same, sucking up my own seed and swallowing it down before removing my mouth from my cock and just listening to Brian's heartbeat, trying to think of why I was in here.

Which would lead me to where I was now, probably more then an hour later inside of Brian's gut and everything seemed like it was going to be fine. There's maybe a pool of saliva around me, but other then that nothing which normally happens in a stomach was happening. No acids spilled out inside and turned me into a soup and nothing made me itch or tingle. The digestion process seemed to be void all around me. I hear the television from inside of the stomach and nice rubbing and scritching against me every couple of minutes, making me feel at ease about the entire situation. I yawn and snuggle up against the belly walls, shutting my eyes so that I could take a nap.

The entire process of being swallowed can take a lot out of you and climaxing so many times once inside of a tight space like a belly takes a toll as well. Settling down for a good nap would cap off this perfect day. A sudden quiver inside the belly got me to snap out of my sleepy state. My eyes took a look around the belly and I soon felt my body heave upward, my head pressing against something tight and then shooting upward. The rest of my body followed and soon I felt a cool breeze on my face and could see light at the end of a black tunnel. Seconds later I spilled out into a wet furry lump on the bed in front of Brian. I heard him panting a bit more as I stretched out in the bed, my body finally getting a bit more space then what it had just gotten used to. Brian smiles at me, his ears hanging in front of his face and he hiccupped, covering his mouth and chuckling a few times, blushing an almost bright red. I gave him a smile back before springing forward and hugging him tightly.

"So what'd you think of that Chase?"

"I thought it was amazing Brian!"

He chuckled and ruffled my headfur, staring into my eyes before licking my nose.

"See...I told you after awhile you'd start liking vore."

I blushed deeply and murred happily, snuggling into his warm and dry fur before feeling a towel wrapped around my body, Brian helping me dry off.