The Friend of the Knight

Story by Drakomis on SoFurry

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When a mercenary rests for the night, an old friend pays a visit and provides a short bout of unexpected pleasure.

The Friend of the Knight

Samuel grunted as he sat on the fallen log. The horse-man was sore from the days fighting and subsequential march northward, ending his arrangement with the local Kings forces and a decent payment for his services. He undid the sack of coins from his belt, feeling fifty gold coins of weight within his palm. With this, he'd be set for the next six months - hell, maybe even a year if he managed it right. With a satisfied smirk on his elongated muzzle, he replaced the sack onto his belt, sighing as he leaned towards the fire.

The camp had been constructed hastily enough. Samuel had found the log first, and seeing an adequate resting spot he cleared out the underbrush in front of and around it. After which it took only moments to get enough kindle for the fire; there were plenty of branches of various sizes laying around to fuel the fire for the autumn night. It was quite chilly out this night, and by the lack of any of the two moons in the sky, it would likely get colder. He'd have to tend it through should he desire to stay warm.

Shifting in slight discomfort, the equine-morph contemplated taking off his armor for the rest. It wouldn't be too much of a bother, considering he was adorned in typical mercenary armor of his time; scale-mail over mail with leather cushioning underneath, armguards, greaves, and his helmet which was presently to his side on the log. However that would also take away the warmth his under armor provided, not the mention over. Considering he often slept this way, it was a simple passing thought.

A rustling nearby caught his attention, just beyond the fire. He instinctively reached for the hilt of his gladius, presently sheathed to his belt. After a moment, he released his grip, knowing all too well what the origin of the noise came from - or, more likely, whom it had come from. The fire flickered off reptilian features as they came into the light and at once Samuel relaxed. It was his companion, the land-drake Nokomis.

"Figured you'd find me eventually," Samuel said with a smirk. He looked back to the fire afterward, the corner of his vision filled briefly with the land-drake's form as it sauntered closer to his log. His comment was thereafter responded as the reptiles snout brushed his own, headbutting briefly before the beast sat beside him.

Samuel responded to the affectionate display appropriately. He began to pet the land-drakes head. It wasn't a massive beast, probably twice the size of a small pony of the southern plains. Wingless - thus the drake in its name - and a body designed for bursts of speed to catch quick prey, Nokomis was an adequate specimen for his species. It wasn't uncommon for warriors to befriend a drake in this day and age, be of it any sort or type. They made good companions, good friends. Just as Nokomis did.

A bump to his side roused Samuel from his thoughts. Nokomis was trying to push him off the log for some reason. Samuel let loose a playful laugh, attempting in vain to push the drakes head away. "Oh what now?" asked Samuel, eyeing Nokomis, "you after food? I have none. All I have is gold!"

In response, Nokomis merely nudged him again, this time with more force than before. So much force, in fact, that Samuel -did- fall off the log. With a thud, and a clanking of armor, he rolled onto his back from his side. "Now wait just a mome-", he tried to utter in protest, but before he could finish, the drakes snout was spreading his legs.

His armor had a skirt, of sorts, that covered vital areas underneath. He did not, however, have anything further covering those vital areas. To that end, when Nokomis' snout explored further upward, it brushed his testicles. The drake seemed to emit a happy growling, followed then by a soft, well moist and warm tongue lapping at the two orbs unceasing.

"Nokomis!" Samuel said, "Nokomis what are yo- hnng!"

His words were cut off in a strained fashion as he felt the drakes snout completely engulf his sheath. He felt the undoubtedly sharp teeth, but they were gentle pricks to his skin - the real feeling the continuous sucking motion from the drakes maw. In short order, his equine cock was slipping out, being quickly devoured down the drakes throat.

"No- Nokomis!" tried Samuel, reaching to try to push the drake away. It was a vain attempt, the drake well stronger than he and more stout in frame. "Fff-....Gods!"

Relenting, the horse-man laid of his back, emitting a long moan of pleasure. A long, pleasing growl emitted from Nokomis as he continued his onslaught. Samuels cock never left the drakes snout - or throat - during the intense sucking. Samuel started to go limp, enjoying this impromptu blowjob from his friend, the first of its kind. Why or how, or whatever reason prompted the drake to commit such an act, was all but lost on the horse-man as he gave in completely.

In little time, Samuel felt the familiar feeling of release approaching. The sucking had drained all of his senses by this point, but if he had been able, he'd of warned his friend. Instead, his moans became louder, until his body tensed. With a loud whinny, he orgasmed. Stiff for the moment, he felt the tongue from the drakes maw wrap around his ballsac. It did something, stroked something the right way, as his orgasm was forced to endure longer than usual. After what felt like a full minute had passed, the horse-mans orgams subsided. He went completely limp.

Panting, Samuel managed to lay a hand on his belly as he rode down the high from the event. His breathing calming, he felt the body of his companion rest easily beside him. There were many questions he wanted answered after this event, many which seemed too far gone to consider since his mind was still a mess from his blissful orgasm. Still, he managed to say something - one thing - before he felt himself let go to the urge to sleep.

"Damn, you're a good cocksucker."

He deftly heard his companion thrumm at the compliment.