Many Tiny Sparks: Chapter 14

Story by Mouseinwolvesclothing on SoFurry

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#48 of No Light to Be Seen

To protect myself from copyright: I do not own Pokemon franchise in any way so please Nintendo... please don't send your ninjas after me.Thank you! Oh and I don't own any references that I make either. Kinda goes without saying.

Feedback are like cookies to me. I absolutely love cookies. SO GIVE ME COOKIES!

3rd Pov

Fortunately Taz's mission of fetching Rose (her eyes had reverted back to normal it seems) went off without a hitch. So they were able to return in a reasonable enough time frame that no one became worried enough to meet them halfway. Poor Taz's movements matching that of a heavily intoxicated person. Exhaustion so severe that even the Oran berries he was nibbling on -which provided an energy boost similar to a shot of pure caffeine- was the only thing keeping him at least semi-conscious.

Which was likely why Rose was trying to cart the large bark plate of Oran berries by herself with minimum drops. A feat Rose accomplished reasonably well once she finally got Taz's impatience under control. Convincing Taz that his assistance realistically meant the opposite was actually a lot more taxing and tedious than the job itself. But Rose managed.

Fortunately Melina was kind enough to take the load off the Pancham's hands once they got within her sight and telekinetic range. A favor the cubs were both very appreciative for. The duo than settled in with the others who were sitting around the small campfire that one of the fire-breathing hounds obviously had started before dining on the by now picked clean unknown species of Pokemon/animal carcasses. However they were all seemingly still hungry since they all reached for a berry.

Rose appeared about ready to say something about that. But a meaningful glare from Taz transformed those objections into pouting and incoherent grumbling. That is before an idea dawned on her. This idea being stuffing her face hole as fast as possible. Not really knowing what else to do:Taz, Miles,and Zillan followed by example.Wasn't long before the large pile wasn't looking like much of a pile. Everyone let them be because two out of the foursome desperately needed the bit of fun they were all apparently having. That and they really didn't want to do or say anything that will tighten the lips they desperately needed answers from.

Rose broke the ice "So what stinks to high he-" noticing Miles's in her left eye's peripheral forces her to correct her near slip "-aven."

After a mildly awkward chuckle Melina is the one the provides the answer: "A combination of a few things really. The men decided to do some exercising while they waited. Meanwhile Rai and Pip well..." Melina glances quickly at Miles and back again "they pretty much had to do the same thing."

Pip crossed his arms and grumbled "I'm still mad we had to walk so far just to avoid getting heard by Miles."

Everyone seems to unanimously agree to ignore the bulldog-like 'mon entirely.

Taz and Rose blinked at each other rapidly in surprise a few times before Taz finally manages: "I couldn't have been gone that long!"

Paul shook his head and managed a small grin as he said "You really weren't. I just rushed everyone is all." Paul's expression became hard as he asked "Now that's out of the way: let's talk about what had transpired before you left shall we?"

"And please for the love God. Don't waste precious time playing dumb when everyone plainly witnessed that you had total control over what happened ." Danny adds with a note of exasperation.

Everyone nods in agreement as Rose replies "Fine.." Rose clears her throat before continuing. "Taz's past life and I had the same spiritual connection as Zillian has with Miles. The only real difference being is that I have the know-how to make use of the gifts that bond brings while one of us is still alive. Taz simply remembered how to use it to talk to me and pinpoint my exact location. I'd done the rest."

Taz raises an eyebrow as he says "Guess that means Mom fetching you was just speeding up the inevitable?"

There is a thin, small grin on Rose's face as she forces Taz to lay down on his back, lies down but holds her upper half up with her right elbow, throws her left leg over his lap, and uses her left paw to toy with a clump of fur sticking out of Taz's chest "Got that-." Rose trails off when she hears light snoring. Rose is blinking disbelievingly at the slumbering Cubchoo as she mutters the rear end to her statement. "-right."

After another heartbeats pause Rose rolls her eyes and flicks Taz's nose. A gesture of mock disapproval judging by the tender smile now spreading across her lips and light-hearted chuckle. Rose's expression softens even more when Taz sneezes a tiny bit; the latter likely in response to the recent stimuli. Obviously Rose thought this noise was cute.

Melina disappears with a literal flash. Only to return with another typical Kodak camera and a mischievous smirk. After taking a few pictures of the Pancham, Cubchoo, and snoozing Noibats at multiple angles: she vanishes again. Only to again reappear moments later without the camera and a satisfied but tired expression.

Steve speaks up "I thought you were banned from using your powers until further notice."

Melina pouts and replies shortly "Shouldn't you lot be training?"

Steve smiles sheepishly, shrugs, and says "You got me there."

Both Steve and Trevor -whom appears equally as sheepish but isn't smiling- stand. Habitually both the anthropomorphic hound's tails dart to cover their own modesty. But a glare and a clipped growl of warning from Paul has both men yanking their tails away with a fearful quickness. Both shift on the balls of the feet like a pair of self conscious teenagers.

Upon seeing this reaction Rose quirks an eyebrow and is clearly about to ask something; but becomes momentarily distracted when Taz suddenly snuggles deeper into her chest with an audible snore. An action that tickles Rose into a bout of muffled chuckling as she begins to pet Taz's side. Taz immediately responds by making light barely audible car starting noises amidst his light snoring. While this happens Rose finally comments bluntly in a matter-of-fact tone: "Already established that level of dominance have you Paul? Strange. The Steve and Trevor I remembered took a lot more time and energy to domesticate."

Steve and Trevor breath an indignant snarl while baring the weapons nature had just recently given them at the Pancham. Rose is totally unfazed by the show and the malevolence in the air.

Fortunately yet unsurprisingly: Both Steve and Trevor cool it when Melina and Prince steps between them. Only when the amount malevolence and tension in the air dies down a peg or two does Melina return her gaze to Rose as she says to her with a feline hiss underneath her voice "Can you be a little more careful with your words Rose? Especially when you're that cozied up with one of my sons." A short pause for a breath than "Besides I think you have enough enemies as it is!"

Rose shrugs as she replies in a dull monotone "As the blackest sheep of the group Melina: everything I do or say is wrong in their eyes." Rose suddenly inhales deeply as if taking in a pleasing scent. Rose's exhale is full of reminiscence as she begins to play with Taz's fur while she mutters "A lesson you and I learned the hard way love."

Steve's rebuttal is said through gritted teeth "You'd only hit a nasty, infected pustule is all Rose. "I-" Steve flashes a sidelong glare at Trevor who nods a hesitant affirmative while Steve finishes his sentence "We apologize."

Rose just shrugs dismissively and silently continues to groom Taz's pelt like she'd been doing without pause throughout the entire interaction.

Paul finally decides that it is time to runs those underneath of him through their daily list of drills that sport players or fans would recognize.

Melina and Prince unanimously agree that taking a catnap in the sun with the two Noibat was a good idea.

Rose begins to doze as she grasps for a solution to an unknown problem.

Danny's and Runt's activities? Well...

POV Change:Danny

Ahh that really hit the a totally unfulfilling way. At least the not needing a diaper or sleep tradeoff is worth it. Anyway; thank you again Prince, Miles, Zil, and Melina for being my willing banquet.

Note to self: Always carry Noibat and human-sized ear muffs in backpack for Miles when in an area with a lot of noise pollution until phonophobia is kicked. In other news Miles and Mil (self-named second tail) deals with fright in different ways. Miles does the normal little kid thing that by now doesn't really need re-stating. Mil on the other hand inflicts pain until he feels better or just goes straight to killing the source of his fear.

Yeeeeeah the latter is a very problematic for more than one reason.

Trouble is: it's difficult to pin down what exactly Mil is. Which is what we need to do before we can help Miles get rid of it or cope. An imaginary friend is plausible. Than again... Given the trauma of what is essentially a toddler being forced to pretend to be someone else: Miles having Dissociative Identity Disorder is also plausible. Especially given Miles was born with a Gentle nature. All that rage and hate had to go somewhere. So Miles having DID is the most probable explanation for what Mil is.

Well...that's my current belief anyway. Don't quote me.

"So are we actually going to do something sometime today or are you going to watch Miles sleep all day."

I flashed Runt a sheepish glance and scratched the back of my head while saying "Sorry. One thought lead to another and before I knew it I'd gone off tangent."

Runt exhales an audible note through his nose. Which was his equivalent of a polite sigh really. Then he says "Fortunately thanks to Taz I'm quite used to it. But he didn't do it as often as you. Which is quite an impressive feat. The only time you're not lost is when you're talking." Runt fixes me a pointed look "So talk."

A sardonic snort escapes me before I say "Spare yourself the headache and don't compare me to Taz." I fold my arms behind my head and quirk an eyebrow as I say "I thought I already told you that."

Runt gave me an annoyed look with his reply "You have. At least thirty times already."

I flashed Runt what I hoped was a playful smile (Usually turns out a bit creepy instead of what I intended. A Ghost type quirk that I inherited from you-know-who. It's actually quite useful sometimes) while lightly cuffing his neck as I replied "So you have been listening. Now you just need to learn how to actually use that advice and then we'll be golden."

Runt nipped my ass as punishment for my smart ass comment.

For that: I flicked his nose in just the right spot and way that he was overcome by a sneezing fit. Was something I'd practiced ever since I'd found that secret hack for situations such as these. If we continue the age old pattern than he'll tackle me to the ground and mercilessly tickle me in the only way a canine can. Something I'll have to put a quick stop too before one of us gets a bit too excited from the roughhousing. Not only was this not the place nor was I in the right mood. But because if I refused him he'll likely become pouty/grumpy/pushy for the rest of the day. Which would be a very big hinderance to my plans.

But before all that: I have to exchange a few words with Taz.

I approached said snoozing Cubchoo. Rose predictably glares at me and opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off "I already ate.Just saying a few sentences and then I'll be out of your fur."

Rose closed her mouth but glared suspiciously at me for several heartbeats before waving me the go ahead.

I took a few moments to debate whether or not it was better for me to force myself into Taz's dreamscape or to just say what I had to say with telepathy than go on. Since the first would spark conversation when I really wasn't in the mood for: I decided to go with the latter. But first I needed to let Taz know that what I was saying wasn't part of a weird dream.

I began tracing a circle on the bottom of Taz's foot. Since that was a particularly ticklish spot on the both of us: his dream bubble broke and he began to kick at me. Yet he was still asleep. Won't be if I tickle him long enough. Fortunately for him: I wasn't at all interested in dealing with a sleep deprived Cubchoo so I stopped.

"Felt that? I'm currently doing that IRL to let you know that what I'm saying isn't part of some dream."

Decided to take a few moments to figure out how to phrase what I wanted to pass on. The words inevitably came: "Okay dude listen up and listen well. Thanks to that little stunt you pulled: I was able to gather a tidbit of information you might find useful. Seems that fragment of the past turned you into an angel."

Pause as I let him digest that before saying "Your eyes turning into an icy blue flashlights instead of the typical crimson orbs when you accessed your supernatural powers was the tell. Was to be expected since that's what your past life eventually turned into thanks to Rose's nurturing hand."

I'm going to regret this next bit "Any questions?"

Taz's reply was: What's the difference? Nobody has really said.

Yup there was the regret.

I sigh before taking a moment to come up with the least complicated explanation that I could. Than I said "That's because there is little difference. Think white mages vs. black mages and that's the gist of it. Do yourself a favor and just focus on your Cubchoo powers."

Taz's rebuttal being: What about the other bear species of Pokemon that my past life was known for wielding?

I began shaking my head but stopped when I realized that Taz couldn't see me as I replied "Your past life could only wield that power effectively during his heyday as a demon. Reason being: every shapeshift for angels is like those old werewolf horror stories because it's a slow-going, tedious, and excruciating process. It's why he refused to transform back once he forced his human body to match Blake's image as a shot at Paul."

Dunno if Taz's next words were to me or not: So that actually happened did it? Given what I know now: it's easy to guess what Dad did or tried to do to get that reaction. Hell it pisses me off just thinking about it!

"A few sentences my ass" muttered Rose with a note of impatience. Which was my cue to cut this conversation short ASAP. As if Taz heard Rose (maybe he even did) he quickly said "Last question: how do I turn myself back into a demon?"

Huh...yeah this would put a hamper into your plan now wouldn't it?

Furthermore this is likely the very reason why Rose hadn't told Taz what he was yet. And In my world: withholding information is just as bad as lying. Which was a serious crime. In conclusion: Rose still can't be trusted. Not that I ever thought she was trustworthy anyway.

Will what I've stumbled upon cause me problems in the future? Unneeded drama was indeed a problem that needed to be nipped in the bud ASAP. Trouble is: Taz will likely consciously or subconsciously label me as an enemy if I say anything now. So this was quite a pickle.

You inner monologue although very enlightening: didn't quite answer my question. Fortunately your imput is no longer necessary since I've already arrived at my answer." A chuckle than "You're actually an okay dude if a little paranoid and self-centered."

Oh poop. I done goofed!

I opened my eyes (hadn't even realized I closed them. Dangerous habit. Bad Danny!) and severed the connection as I walked away. I began biting my lip as pondered on this new development. The tell-tale sound of chains rattling told me that Runt silently following after me. I eventually filled him in after getting tired of feeling his inquisitive gaze drilling holes into the back of my head.

Runt shakes his head "A lot of this is going over my head. But what I am gathering is that you think Rose needs to be dealt with."

I mimed a kind-of gesture while saying "See here's the thing. If Rose wanted to evolve and try to to convince Taz to go down the same path his past life did: then she would already be working on it since patience isn't exactly her strong suit. At least the evolution part anyway.Yet I've yet to see or hear of any clues anything from her. She's being ridiculously well-behaved. All I've seen so far is that she's keeping the option open."

Runt's reply being "Sounds to me that she's learned her lesson or at least having doubts." Pause then "Why not just ask her what her plans are? The worst she can do is tell you to fuck off."

Oh the joys of being young and naive. Gods I missed Runt's pup side. Kinda saw less and less of it during my shit-storm of an adventure.

Anyway; I tried explaining the best I could "Because cornering a bear isn't a good idea at all. Especially that one. Don't let her current looks fool you. Rose's mind is still that of the Pangoro who went toe-to-toe with Gods given mortal form and managed to hand most of them their own asses. Hell! Daddy said that he is still wary of her and he currently has all the reborn Gods shaking in their booties!"

Runt understandably was a little flabbergasted. Inevitably he replied "So why do we not want her on our side again?"

I stopped walking, sigh, and rub eyes with my hands: A few heartbeats of silence relapsed while I found the words to sum up Rose's flaws in a nutshell: "That's...complicated. If you ignore all the jealous bullshit Paul and Rai spew than what it all boils down to is that her loyalties only lie with Taz and herself in that order. She's an unbelievably strong double-edged sword that's easily exploitable and predictable. Conclusion: Rose is a dangerous liability!"

Runt's reply is said in a deadpan "And that's different from your relationship with Darkrai how?"

I flashed him a congratulatory grin while I said "It isn't in the slightest. That's why they are our biggest allies. That's why he placed us here. That's why I don't really care if the past, present, or neither wins the dominance race."

I crossed my arms and fixed a heated glare on a nearby tree. "The only issues I have with them are petty. Taz's tale is a lot happier than mine first of all. I also really don't like how deeply he fell in love with something with a fucking vagina. Doesn't matter that sex between them was practically non-existent. Just the mere thought that Taz was willing to stomach a single moment of it for her sake really-" I flung a few Shadow Balls at the tree I was looking at. We got out of it's way as it fell down and went boom. I crossed my arms again as I finished my sentence: "-pisses me off."

I knew I was glowering like a little kid but I really didn't care at the moment.

Runt stared at me from the fallen tree before saying "So what are we doing this far from the others?"

A snort of incredulity escaped me before I replied "Picking a fight. What else could we possibly be doing?"

Unsurprisingly Runt growled at me. But I hadn't expected the level of fury at all. Mild annoyance was I'd expected. Not 'I'm going to rip your face off and eat it with a pinch of salt' kind of rage. The inkling that something was amiss intensified when Runt darted in front of me than began slowly shoving me backwards with his ass.

The way Runt was shoving me was back just so happened to be the way we'd came from and in the opposite direction away from the tree that I'd blasted down. Which had apparently came down on a bulky, bideal crocodilian-like form that was primarily blue with accents of yellow and red. I only really had eyes for that jaw and teeth though. Could probably fit both me and Runt in that thing! Those red spikes on its head, back, and tail didn't look very dull either. Can't tell if it was male or female though. The slit underneath that V-shaped pattern between its thighs wasn't giving away any secrets. After it moved the decent-sized tree that fell on top of it one-handed with frightening ease: I saw that it's chest and belly was splattered with a goopy mess that stunk to high hell.

Oh and almost forgot: the Feraligatr appeared to be very P.o.'d. Wonder why?

"Honey I'm home! Brought the lunch you wanted. Oh and uh, kinda got a bit excited on the way so I was ho-"

I half-turned my head towards the sound of the new voice. I'd been expecting another Feraligatr so I'd been looking up. But ended up having to lower my gaze a considerable bit to see who'd spoken. What I saw was a dumpy little amphibious-like critter. I'll spare you from the long description this time and skip to the name of it's species: Palpitoad.

Had to eat quite a few in my long winded experience of roughing it. I have to say they have a pretty interesting taste. My palette rates it a meh

The obvious male was aroused like his previous sentence suggested. His admittedly well endowed erection was wilting though the longer he stared in horror at the runny mess dripping down the Feraligatr's front. Still the Palpitoad previous comment clued me in an outlandish possibility: could this frog be tapping this gator!? Which -if true- would be quite impressive since I'm pretty sure gators eat toads.

Anyways! This bastard was blocking our exit! I could possibly punt him out of the way like a football though...if he didn't manage to blast me first. So let's go with Plan A first before doing anything crazy.

I was practically sweating bullets as I stage whispered (I shouldn't be shaking and stuttering this bad damn it!) at the Palpitoad "If b-by any chance this is your l-lady friend. Than can you p-please explain that I had absolutely no idea that she was in the vicinity of the tree that I'd tipped over in a fit of anger."

It was the Feraligatr that replied in an almost feminine gravely voice and the message was only half-coherent under the savage snarl: "That's because I wasn't. I'd been napping against the tree next to it with our Egg. Must've knocked it away in my sleep because it was in the path of the falling tree. I leapt to protect with my body as anyone else would do. Only to end up slipping on what I assume was some mud. So I ended up falling on it with all my weight it instead of just holding myself over it like I wanted."

I think the toad, Runt, and I were feeling the same levels of disbelief. I alone felt the full empathic blast of the Feraligatr's and Palpitoads pain while Runt probably only got a twinge. Weird, almost useless Necromancer gift. Gods thought feeling pain would encourage me to want to be a goody-goody. They weren't wrong. The only cost was my sanity. But I'm working to fix that! soon as I pin down the crazy that is.

Anyways! I eventually broke the ice by sheepishly saying "Well that's an unfortunate series of events."

Both toad and gator gave each other and than me a funny look before the toad inevitably asked "You understood that?"

"One of the lucky few humans that can." Now or never I guess "Sorry about the accident I inadvertently caused with my reckless actions" I ended my comment by flashing them my best, apologetic 'please don't kill the cute, innocent bystander' smile.

The Feraligatr exhales a sardonic snort "You're a fool if you think your meaningless words are going to be enough to pay the debt you owe."

A white outline appears around the Feraligatr. My mind struggles to recall the move she is using but it's lost when the train containing both defensive and counterattack measures meets in a head on collision. I blink. Mistake. The Feraligatr had already crossed the distance between us during that time thanks to its Agility. I wouldn't know until after the fact but there was a stream of water was surrounding it tail: Aqua Tail.

Having been in this situation of a multiple of thousands of times allowed an old reflexes to kick in with a vengeance. Instead of moving to dodge whatever attack she had in mind in the predictable way: my body takes on it's own blue outline as I propelled myself forward. Likely moving at a speed that would be difficult for the eye to follow; wouldn't be Quick Attack if I wasn't. I also made myself incorporeal in the same motion at almost the last moment. Consequently passing straight through the Feraligatr's body as easily as any organism breaching the surface of any body of water. The maneuver only possible thanks to Quick Attack having high priority over other moves.

Unfortunately the Feraligatr was mid-twirl so it didn't see anything of this transpire. Just felt a little weird and a sudden cold chill. So I didn't end up surprising her enough to disrupt her move or actions like I wanted. So there was nothing stopping Runt from taking an Aqua tail to the face and maybe like half of his body due to his body's last known positioning and the size of the Feraligatr's tail.

Consequently Runt was sent flying with a BAM! that sounded eerily similar to that of a thunderclap. The Houndoom's flight was interrupted with a heart wrenching crunching noise that I prayed with all that I had was just a tree snapping from the combined force of his momentum and weight. The fall of said tree made me a little hopeful.

Thanks to supernatural perception: I was able to gather without investigation that Runt was still alive if but barely and very much unconscious..

Barely...alive. Those two words reverberate in my mind like an echo but shakes me to my very core like an earthquake that is at least a 9.5 on the richter scale. But that pales in comparison to the unfathomable waves of rage, terror, and something that could only be described as bloodlust threatening to consume me.

Meanwhile a memory flashes quickly in my mind's eye. It was that time when-!

No...NO! Not again! Not ever again! I WON'T LET IT HAPPEN EVER AGAIN!

Did you know it's possible to get so mad that your heart decides to clockout? Word from the wise: it isn't a pleasant experience.

POV Change: 3rd

Most REM cycles (Taz being the odd man out) and work-outs were abruptly cut short as heads turned to the direction of Danny's anguish and grief-stricken scream that intermingled with what sounded like an explosion.

After waking with a start: Melina casts a panic-stricken glance around before Teleporting away without taking anyone with her. Forcing everyone to rush to Danny's aid the ole' fashion way. Which consequently made quite a few people mutter curses at both her and the boy.


POV Change: Danny

I didn't expect to produce the DBZ-esque shockwave at my current level. But I rolled with it and the theme. I put my wrist together and bent the shadowy appendages that severed as my 'legs and feet' while muttering to myself "Ka-" Only now do I began creating a ball of black and purple circles in each hand. But I hold onto the trapped dark matter energy and build onto it.

TM s sure are useful aren't they?

"-me-" I lock my wrist together. Thus completing the nearly world-wide known stance while at the same time gently encouraging the orbs of dark matter together. If I was too forceful than it would've blown up in my face. A fact I eventually learned the hard way after many, many attempts once upon a time ago when I still struggled to pull off this particular move, this particular way.

"" Finally the Water typed duo shakes off their surprise and confusion enough for their common sense to realize that I was up to something that they really should interrupt. They proceed to cross the bit of distance they cautiously placed between us after I'd blown them back a little with that shockwave earlier.

The only reason behind why I'd gotten away with this act of stupidity this long is all thanks to the fact that Pokemon are generally a curious bunch. So if you do something outlandish, weird, creative, or something they hadn't yet seen before: then chances are they'll watch you do it so they know how to counter it if and when future foes decide to use it against them. They likely changed their minds upon realizing that all I was doing was saying gibberish just below their hearing range as I used Dark Pulse.

Mom picked a perfect time to Teleport in because it made them stumble over themselves. Which essentially gave me permission to recklessly put a little extra 'oomph' behind the move I wouldn't otherwise give in the name of my safety. Melina's appearance also gave me the ample opportunity to make a necessary calculation to ensure that I didn't miss a target that I now couldn't possibly miss. That accomplished: I shoved my hands forward while screaming at the top of my nonexistent lungs:


The beam that came out of my hands was MASSIVE! Was at least a head taller than I was. Was so freaking huge that I was actually sent flying backward from the recoil. Which hasn't happened to me for ages! Easily the biggest Dark Pulse I'd ever created. To be fair: I hadn't ever faced opponents so lenient outside of training and I'd dropped every last drop of my reserves and raging emotions into that attack.

A consequence that was now coming back to bite me in the ass judging that my body might as well had been weighed down by lead. Meanwhile points of darkness rapidly grew to consume my sight. Trying to come up with a coherent thought was like wading through putty. So I just didn't and waited patiently for my flight to end with a very familiar explosion of pain.

I didn't though...someone caught me I think.

POV Change:3rd

"Tch." The Feraligatr says while using her left/not her dominate hand to swat away the brat's move with laughable ease. It detonated harmlessly only paces away from them.

"You okay?" asked the Palpitoad that was her mate whom must've had been referring to her new burn with mild concern written plain in his tone; which was all she had to read him from because of his current location atop her head.

"It stings. But no worse an indian-burn."

"Good." Her mate's relief for her was almost palpable. His sweetness towards her despite her recent fuck-up almost brought tears to her eyes. Maybe even lessened that ache just a little bit.

A silent staredown between them vs. the Mew that had just shown up had lasted for several tense heartbeats before her mate says "For some reason this one doesn't scream the impressiveness of a Legendary even though she looks like one. Could just be a baby. Or a Ditto impersonating one. Very exhausted looking to boot. So I know you can take her. But I really don't want to chance the mommy tracking us down to reap vengeance."

Both of them hear a sardonic snort and indistinct muttering come from the Mew. The hints of uncertainty vanished and was replaced with indignant rage. With a hiss her form became veiled in a pink light that inevitably faded. A Manectric stood in the Mew's place.

Both frog and gator had to hide knowing grins and chuckles.

Which was apparently noticed and had been the last straw for the Mew turned Manectric. With a furious howl the Manectric began legging it towards them. The bluish outline and the white streak trailing behind the Mew told the couple that she was currently using Quick Attack. The bitch was apparently so angry that she didn't realize that the mud was halving her speed. Still the Feraligatr decided to humor her and take the yellow bolts of electricity the bitch expelled from her body: Discharge. Since the poor imposter didn't appear to notice that around 50% of the electricity was being sapped into the ground.

The Manectric continued to circle around them; likely to make aiming projectiles difficult. A strategy though useful: had been seen one too many times by the pair. So it was child's play for the Feraligatr to predict the Manectric movements enough to time an Aqua Tail counterattack.

Unsurprisingly the move connected. The Feraligatr had managed to see that the Mew reverted back to her original form the moment it did. Coincidently the Mew landed on top of the Houndoom she'd previously knocked out. The Feraligatr approached them and was surprised to see that the Mew was barely conscious.

As a random act of kindness, the gator decided to enlighten her: "Swamps make nice havens for slow moving water types. Simply because the muddy land that surrounds us acts as a natural Mud Sport and it reduces movement speed of Pokemon not used to running around in the mud." The Feraligatr offered her a friendly smirk "Should've stuck in the air kitten. Not that it would've done much good."

Mid-way through uttering one final, pitiful hiss: the Mew conks out.

The Feraligatr decides it would be smarter to spare the feline.

Now where was-

The Feraligatr's mind had gone blank from the combination of shock and pain that exploded at the side of her head. The force of Paul's right hook was boosted by momentum consequently caused the rest of the reptile's body to take an impressive rolling tumble. The Feraligatr had gone through a couple of trees while the Palpitoad was thrown off his mount.

A few events happen simultaneously:

Paul's wings fizzle out after he falls to his knees. Physical exhaustion sets in and stripes him of his humanity and consciousness. Apparently expending the little bit of stamina he'd recovered with measly amount of rest to get himself here as fast as possible caused a burnout. Big surprise.

Miles (fully transformed) and Zillian can be seen screaming their bloody heads off as they fall out of the sky. Apparently listening to a disembodied voice's wild idea of using compressed air to catapult yourself into the air and using your wings to glide safely down wasn't an idea a beginner should try. Miles's eyes suddenly shift into crimson orbs. Another -but much smaller- blast of compressed air is expelled and saves the duo/trio. Seems Mil has finally decided to get off his lazy arse and help. Only took almost dying to do it.

Zillian hisses wordlessly. It's hard to tell whether the note displayed pain, exasperation, or outrage. Maybe held equal amounts of all three? In any case the Noibat says: "Master that was the most stupidest and-"

Zillian suddenly stops mid-sentence and stiffens when he notices that Mil's grin and gaze currently held equal amounts of malevolence within them. But really it was just the sudden violent change in aura that frightened the Noibat the most. The boy actually appeared to be an entirely different person but yet...also eerily familiar.

Fortunately Mil's gaze was locked on the Palpitoad and not Zillian. Said Palpitoad appeared to be drilling Paul's unconscious body with a mighty cross gaze for some reason or another as he made a beeline for the man.

Mil's body expels a cloud of black smoke that almost entirely masks both the body's shape and the black light inside. A shape burst from the cloud and bounds towards the toad as an indistinct blur Meanwhile Zillian is overcome by a coughing fit. However Zillian can still hear Mil's full volume shout of utter delight: "PREY!"

The Pursuit move of the Rattata anthropomorph uses allows him to rapidly consume the distance separating him and his prey. The speed at which the mutant Rattata traveled being quite impressive considering the mud was putting quite a damper on it.

Meanwhile the Palpitoad finally got within sureshot range of it's Muddy Water move. The toad wasn't going to be satisfied until he'd drowned the mutt in it's gunk. Didn't know what move the bastard had used to hit Pamela so hard or how that it even had the strength to move. But Hanso honestly didn't really care. Was far too outraged to c-

A sudden sense of impending doom crashes into the Palpitoad like a punch to the gut .

Before Hanso could even begin to turn around: a large water-veiled but still vaguely gater shaped bullet bursts back onto the scene with an extremely intimidating enraged sounding roar. The roar had unintentionally bought a bit more time since it made Mil briefly hesitate. Which may or may not have mattered due to the strategic use of Agility and Aqua Jet by the angry crocodile whose intent to kill was palpable even from a distance.

Meanwhile there was a really pissed-off Dragonite barreling full tilt towards this little skirmish. . The Agility move was also aiding Cecelia. However even at full speed: there was no way in heck the Dragonite would make it in time to land the Dragon Rush she was currently channeling. Cecelia inevitably figures this out and decides to switch tactics. Cecelia takes a deep inhale while willing the Ice element energy into her maw; which takes form as a blue ball roughly about the same size.

For some reason or another: Mil and Miles were wasting precious seconds and energy bickering and fighting for the passenger seat. Time they didn't have. Approximate time till impact was measured not by seconds, but by heartbeats. Three to be exact.

1 heartbeat...

Suddenly multiple beams shoot out from the ball in Cecilia's mouth. The speed at which the Ice Beam travels is surprisingly quite impressive given most energy beams are typeically slow in nature. But will the attack be fast enough to close the distance in time?

This just so happens to be the exact same instant that a green comet becomes visible.

2 heartbeats...

Miles closes his eyes and prepares for the inevitable.

Meanwhile the comet has outpaced the Ice Beam, in a race to the same destination it seems. But the Ice Beam abruptly snatches the lead again when Blake wills his wings into swords. A single glance was all that was necessary to take stock of the situation. Solid crimson eyes had somehow turned a dark yellow, almost goldish color during the next blink.

Blake's kneejerk reaction was to scream "MOVE!" at the top of his lungs with a crystal clear note of indignant outrage that was quite palpable as he swings both swords. The force put behind each swing had enough 'oomph' to make the air shriek in protest and produce a shockwave of pressurized air.

3 heartbeats...

The puedo-attack ejects Miles out of the way and out of the ballpark in just in the nick of time. Miles reverts back into a typical Noibat because the timers on both transformations had ran out. Not that it mattered since the same thing would've happened anyway once Miles fallen unconscious. Which had happened when the boy George of the Jungle 'd right into a tree.

Surprisingly Zillian doesn't immediately move to Miles's side. Poor fella was likely still processing the whirlwind of events.

The Palpitoad joins in on the boy's flight; but travels just a bit farther because of the starting weight difference during launch. However Hanso manages to stay conscious when he meets a similar fate as Miles did . It was a close call though.

Catching an Ice Beam in the back was Blake's reward for his act of heroism. Blake must be thanking recoil profusely. Anyway: the shirtless man falls to the earth as a block of ice. Fortunately the ice isn't solid enough to withstand Blake's return to solid ground without shattering into many tinier pieces; leaving behind an unconscious Gabite.

The puedo-attack does nothing to the Feraligatr despite her taking the brunt of it. Likely because the water that had essentially turned her into a sentient bullet had acted as a cushion. Whatever the case: putting the brakes on this train was nigh impossible. So Pamela decided to ride it out before making a u-turn, take another gander at the situation, and make a judgement call.

Meanwhile the Dragonite narrowly avoids making a crash landing. Cecelia barely managed to regain her footing when she snatches up Blake, stuffing him underarm before taking flight (as to avoid being slowed down by the mud) and making a beeline for the two Noibat. Cecelia's reasoning was that it was easier to protect her eggs if they were all in one basket.

Fortunately catching sight a feline and (technically) three hounds gave Cecilia permission to ditch this idea and consider offensive possibilities. Unfortunately nothing else would come to mind besides pummel ever living tar out of the fucker that had caused so much havoc. So that ended up becoming Cecelia's plan of action.

But first the Dragonite had to chuck Blake;s unconscious body to the feet of the reinforcements. Steve met Blake halfway. Even dove headfirst and took a tumble into the muck to make the catch. A gesture Cecelia very much appreciated and would repay in kind as soon as she figured out how. But first there was a certain debt that this Dragonite needed to payback in spades!

Unfortunately Pamela had busied herself by taking advantage of Cecelia being preoccupied with making sure her own were safe to basically do the same thing. The Feraligatr was able to pick up Hanso who'd met her halfway. Than proceeded to use the gap closers she'd been spamming for quite a while now to put quite a considerable distance away from two beings they both had finally recognized as the shared subject to many of their nightmares.

"Cecelia use Dragon Claw."

Cecelia was still trying to locate her prey; but a light-green aura had formed around each of her hands and they turn into a claw like shape. The Dragonite knew better than to ignore the order of the being that had both her and Blake in his pocket pushing more than a couple decades. The Dragon Pokemon and the Nightmare Pokemon lock gazes. A wordless exchange appears to take place. In response the Dragonite takes a battle ready stance, grinning widely with madness brimming her eyes; the latter usually comes when any dangerous gauntlet has been thrown.

Only now does Darkrai open a portal to dump the troublemaking Water types back onto the battlefield.

The 'mon made bullet train wouldn't be able to process this turn of events in time to make a difference.

Cecelia uses Agility, strides forward and sidesteps while roaring and taking her one and only passing Dragon Claw clad swing. An instant that was straight out of one of the samurai/swordsman themed movies and anime Cecelia and Blake were fond of watching together. That instant of tense stillness that is reality processing weather or not the attack landed actually happened.

Than the inevitable happens.

Against all odds the attack lands and is a OHKO. The latter isn't all that surprising giving the vast level difference between the Feraligatr and Dragonite. But the display was impressive enough for both Darkrai and Danny to clap for Cecelia. Who laughs boisterously while taking her bow. The little moment inevitably ends when the Dragonite suddenly becomes serious and angry again as she stomps towards her prey. Once the distance was crossed: she scoops up the Palpitoad underarm and begins dragging the Feraligatr away by the tail with ridiculous ease.

As the Dragonite passes the two Noibat (Miles had regained consciousness sometime during these events. The boy had Pokemon's ridiculous regeneration rate to thank for that) she glares and hisses venomously at them through the side of her mouth: "Don't you dare move a fucking inch from that spot until I come back."

Miles waits until his AunC is out of sight before whispering to Zillian "I think we're in trouble. We should start running."

Honestly don't know who was the most surprised when Zillian dumped a can of whoopass all over Miles: the spectators, Miles, or Zillian himself.