Party Like a Wolf

Story by Lykanos on SoFurry

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Felt inspired to change things up a little bit and attempt a group transformation. Figured what better place than a party with some friends! Share the love!

A huge thanks to my somewhat willing participants, FA: nbowa , huscoon , FA: dizfoley , FA: Arcturus_the_chusky , FA: chu-tora , FA: Atimist , FA: Tamayote , Joshiah , and FA: Doxial .

Other than Lykanos, the characters in this story are not mine and are the intellectual property of their respective owners. Do not use them without seeking the owner's permission first.

Party Like a Wolf By Lykanos Wulfheart

The basement was dark, damp, and dreary, but it was the perfect place for a secret lab. A table stretching along the back wall, covered in beakers of various colored liquids, was the highlight of the small space. Tubes of glass and plastic interlaced several of the containers while extension cords darted back and forth to a hotplate, stirring device, and the microscope. Lykanos, the owner of the tiny, yet diabolical laboratory, was checking his newest concoction, testing it for the final time.

He was an anthro wolf, resembling the coloration of his timber wolf kin, with brown in the muzzle and ears, but gray and white fur covering the rest of his werewolf-like frame. Tail swishing back and forth, the canine roared with delight. "It's done! Finally! And just in time, too. Nbowa's party is tomorrow and I still have much to get done!" Nbowa, a lion of great renown in the fandom, was hosting a mid-sized meet at his Iowa home. This would be the perfect time for Lykanos to strike, as all of his potential targets would be in the same place at the same time.

Swirling the blood-red liquid in its small vial, Lykanos grabbed his syringe and went back upstairs to the kitchen. He needed counter space and the basement was far too tiny. After getting everything set, he meticulously removed the bottles from a twelve pack of tea, making sure not to damage the packaging. Everything had to remain perfect for this prank to work. Using a strong yet slender needle, he injected a dose just under the plastic lip at the top of each container. As the serum swirled into the brown liquid, it rapidly vanished, invisible to the naked eye. With a satisfied chuckle, he proceeded to delicately shove the tea back into its proper place, using just as much care as when he removed it. "Werewolf shenanigans," he muttered to himself before bursting out in laughter. "This is going to be fun."


Nbowa's place was a nice, one story house in the middle of residential, big city Iowa. With ample basement and room enough to host his events, it was the perfect setup. Well, most of his events. Though the dark maned lion didn't like to admit it, he was quite popular and some of his events were starting to test limits of his beautiful home. Fortunately, this was not one of those parties. It was just big enough to pull in some not-so-local friends.

By the time Lykanos arrived, the party had already begun. He could hear piano music and conversation coming from inside as he let himself in, tainted tea in hand. From the entryway he had two choices, basement to his front or kitchen to his right. Since the basement sounded vacant and the commotion was all on the main floor, Lykanos turned toward the kitchen only to be greeted by Storm, Nbowa's faithful companion. Storm was the only feral animal at the event, a medium sized dog with a long, smooth coat, droopy ear tips, and somewhat wolf-like fur patterns. Well behaved and gentle, he looked up at Lykanos for some attention. With a pat on the head, Lykanos greeted him with a smile. "Hey there, Stormy. Is everyone here? I have a surprise for them." With a pleased look, Storm just turned and headed back towards the living room. Following the four-legged friend, Lykanos caught sight of Doxial, a light tan fennec fox that, like the rest of his kind, was more ear than fox. "Ooh, a surprise," he chirped excitedly. "What kind of surprise? I do like surprises!" With a chuckle, Lykanos hefted the bag up into view. "Oh, I just brought some tea to share is all. Want one?" Fighting back a devious grin, he managed to stay straight faced as the fluffy fen mulled it over. "Nah," replied Doxial, "I'm good. Have to get the burgers and hotdogs going. You know me. House Fennec!" The last bit was said with pride, as it was quite accurate. He was the only other person living at Nbowa's and he did all of the household work for the lazy lion. To be fair, the fox loved staying busy, usually beaming a smile as he worked.

With a smirk, Lykanos moved on. He thought it would be fun to see the high energy fennec shift, but he wasn't one of the main objectives, so the wolf wasn't about to push it. At the end of the kitchen was one of the entrances to the main room, the location of all the ruckus. Poking his head in, Lykanos gave an excited "Hi guys," which was met with a variety of greetings. Spotting his prey in the back, he moved in for the kill, taking the small hallway to the back of the room. As he wandered in, he saw two of his top three victims by the piano. Nbowa, the host of the gathering, was playing the piano. Sticking to mostly Disney tunes at the moment, he performed amazingly well, yellow highlight in his mane bouncing as he swayed his tail back and forth to the beat. Right behind him was Huscoon, number two on the list. A hybrid of raccoon and husky, he had the typical bandit's mask face marking and striped tail, though, like his husky half, it curled up to his back, taking up the walkway. These two couldn't be hit first, though. Too suspicious. Lykanos had to start in the back and work his way up.

Against the back wall was a couch, a very comfortable couch. On it lay a sprawled out, playful puppy. Chutora, a black dog with orange tiger stripes lining his body and a soft blue nose was resting on his back, taking up the entire length of the soft seat. Stretching his toes playfully, he looked up at the approaching wolf. "Oh, hi Lykanos. Whatcha got there?" With a grin, the fellow canine held out a bottle. "It's tea. Want some?" With a surpassingly mischievous smirk, Chutora lifted his foot-paws up from the soft fabric and flopped them back down. "I will if you make it worth my while," said the devious dog. With an overdramatic sigh, Lykanos handed the pup a drink and headed to paws. He knew what Chutora was after and to get another unsuspecting victim was worth it. Setting the tea on a nearby table, he proceeded to rub the light blue pads at the balls of the feet, working them in circles with a rough precision. It was the work of someone not skilled, but at least knowledgeable of a decent massage. After a few moments of working the pads and toes, Lykanos nodded. "Good?"

"Good," replied the satisfied canine as he took a big sip.

Next up were wily wolf's true goals. Moving to the piano, he nodded to Huscoon, and then focused on the cat. "Not too bad for a smelly lion," he said as he leaned into Nbowa's field of view. The reply shot back with just as much hostile sarcasm. "Yea, not bad at all. Hey, who let a smelly wolf like you in, anyways? We have standards here."

"Oh, you know you like it," beamed Lykanos as he tussled the lion's mane. "Besides, standards must be low if you let all these hybrids in here." As he said it, he shot a glance at Huscoon, knowing he'd get the raccoon-husky mix riled. He forgot that another hybrid was sitting nearby as both Huscoon and Arcturus, a cheetah-husky hybrid, shot back with their disproval. "Kidding. Kidding," said the purebred wolf, as he held out a tea to Nbowa. "Here, have some tea. It's on me." Taking the bottle, the lion's voice boomed with pleasure. "Yea, you be a good wolf and serve me my drink. Got to keep your kind in their place, after all." With a hearty laugh, the lion took a sip and went right back to playing.

"One down, two to go," Lykanos mused to himself. Stretching out a bottle to Huscoon, the beefy mixed-breed nodded suspiciously. "Yea, what did you do to it?" The response was expected, but still caught Lykanos off guard. "Me? Nothing. Why would you assume that?"

"Oh, I don't know," shot the hybrid, strong shoulders rolled backward and chest puffed out under his green sports jersey. "Something about you and your shenanigans. I'm on to you." His gaze slammed into Lykanos like a poker pro trying to size up the completion. With a purposefully suspicious grin, Lykanos played submissive. "Well, I figured you would want to keep those powerful muscles of yours hydrated. Was I wrong?" Eyes lighting up, Huscoon took on a more powerful stance. "Well, I see your point. A shame to not show these bad boys off!" Taking the bottle, he tore it open and started to chug, flexing as he went. A few started to chant, "Chug! Chug! Chug!" With a confident "Ahhh!" Huscoon slammed the empty container on the table. "Ha! How's that?" Lykanos smiled politely and moved on.

Rounding the table to the other side, he held out a tea to the previously offended Arcturus. Looking up from his seat, the grey, blue spotted cheetah-husky, or chusky, tried to looked upset, but it only lasted a second as he went back to excitedly happy. "For me! Thanks, you shouldn't have!" Lykanos gave the chusky's blue hair a quick fluff as he moved to the coyote siting to his left. "Hey Tama. Whatcha doin'?" Tama, a traditionally colored coyote of rusty browns and whites looked up with a smirk. "Oh, just watching smelly walfs handing out drinks." With a look of mock offense, the wolf gasped. "Us wolves smell fabulous. Like a field of fresh daisies. You coyotes are the ones stinking up the place."

"Oh, is that so? Maybe I don't want a tea now. Huh?" The coyote was a tricky one, but deep down a great guy. As little as this brew would affect him, Lykanos still wanted to try. Just to mess with the yote. Setting the tainted beverage on the table, Lykanos gave a quizzical glance. "It may not be foul enough for your kind, but I think you'd like it. Tell you what. Don't drink it. I'll just leave it here and maybe I'll have it later." Only half sure that would goad him into drinking it, Lykanos knew that that was the best chance he had with the crafty coyote. "Hey, are Joshiah and Diz here yet?"

On the table at the head of the room came a wiggling of chip bags and a tiny voice. "They're downstairs. Should be up in a moment." Moving a little closer to the source of the miniscule sound, Lykanos was taken aback as the yellow micro fox, Atimist, shoved his way out of the random food piled on the table. "Ati! I didn't see you there! How's it going, man." Sweeping the brown hair from his eyes, the tiny canid leaned on a salt shaker. "Oh, I was just after a snack, but it's a bit of a workout when you're two inches tall!" With a sympathetic nod, Lykanos looked over the food. "Anything I can get you in there?"

"No, I didn't see any oreos... yet. Something to drink would be great, though. Hey, is that tea?" Ati's eyes lit up as Lykanos pulled out a glorious silo of the magical liquid. "Ooh! Yea, I'll take one!" Setting it down, Lykanos couldn't hold in his chuckle. "You need some help? Maybe a straw?" With an over joyous grin, Ati nodded. "That'd be nice, thanks." As soon as the fox was sipping away at his drink, perched atop a chip bag, Diz, a border collie with a red bandana, and Joshiah, another hybrid, made their way into the room. "Target three," the wolf thought to himself, so excited that he almost said it out loud. "Hey Diz, still guarding those tasty sheep?" The black and white herds-dog shot back an unamused glare. "You don't touch mah sheep. Darn wolves!"

"But they're just so delicious. How about just one?" Licking his lips hungrily sealed the joke. Diz reeled back, horrified. "Nbowa! Fetch me my newspaper. I have a wolf to beat!" The room erupted in laughter. Even the wolf-to-be-beat couldn't help but laugh. "Here, you can beat me with this." Diz took the tea, looked at it, then glanced up to the suspicious canine in front of him, and finally back down to the tea. "Don't tempt me," he scowled as he walked away, cracking open the seal.

Before he could even offer, Joshiah grabbed a tea and glared at Lykanos. "Come with me," He demanded in a hushed tone. Pulling Lykanos away from the party, back into the entryway, and down the stairs, the black, orange striped joyofolf, an equal mix of jackal, coyote, fox, and wolf, popped open the tea and took a deep whiff. "As I thought. You put something in here. I could smell it as soon as Diz opened his."

"I would-" the wolf was cut off by the hybrid. "Don't you dare 'I would never' me! I wrote the book on transformation potions!" As a talented writer and expert on transformatives, he very likely could have. Lykanos sighed as he suddenly realized the jig was up. "That's why I waited to do you last. I knew this would happen. It's only temporary, I swear. Come on, you know me. I'm a nice guy. I'd never hurt anyone like that." With a brief tilt of his head, the joyofolf recapped the bottle. "Temporary, you say?"

"Yep. I triple checked my results. Should only last twenty four hours. No chance of permanency. Made it myself. Come on, you know I have a background in the sciences and, as a werewolf, I am a bit of an expert in transforming." With a hesitant scoff, he remarked, "You know, just because you're a werewolf, that doesn't make you an expert... but you're right. I trust you... To a degree, that is. I won't rat you out, but if this backfires, it's all on you." With an appreciative bow and wag of the tail, Lykanos happily thanked Joshiah. Taking the bottle back, he left the rest on the counter as the two returned to the main room.

In their absence, everyone had continued on normally, chatting, snacking, and picking random songs for Nbowa to play. The music was starting to shift from Disney to videogame tunes as the Mario World 3 overworld theme was starting to play. Huscoon was the first to notice their return as he curiously commented, "I wonder what you two were up to." Doxial spoke up excitedly, "I know, but I'm not telling!" As he walked off to check the food, he brushed by Lykanos, chirping happily. "Earfoxes hear all and know all." Ruffling the top of Doxial's head appreciatively, Lykanos scanned the room to see how his gift had been received. To his surprise, everyone who had a tea had consumed at least a little, even the questionable coyote. With a suddenly suspicious laugh, the wolf glanced to Huscoon. "Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough." Huscoon scowled as he yelled to the kitchen, "Doxial!" The reply was a startled "mew" followed by, "Cooking."

Joshiah nodded over to Lykanos, "They'll know in the next few minutes, won't they?"

"Know what?" interrupted the provoked hybrid. "Come on. You guys can't be keeping secrets from me like this."

"It's a surprise. Just wait. You'll love it, I'm sure." Lykanos' face was twisted in sinister glee which only left the muscular mix-breed that much more suspicious. "Any minute now."

As this was going on, Diz went back to the couch, making Chutora sit up. When the pup's feet hit the floor, his startled yelp quickly silenced the room. Pivoting on his bench, Nbowa was the first to speak up. "What's wrong, Chu?" Wiggling his toes, Chutora could feel a weird tingling and something else. Something was different. "I know every crease in my paw pads and this... this just does not feel right." Picking up his paws, he studied them carefully. "They're thicker. Why are they thicker?"

Just then, Nbowa's claws slowly slid from their protective sheaths. "What the! I can't get them back in. What is this? LYKANOS!" As he stood up, Huscoon looked behind himself. His normally short furred, perky curl of a tail was starting to droop. "Oh, this is not right. What the hell did you do to us, Lykanos?"

Holding up the tea he took back from Joshiah, he uncapped it and took a big chug. With a boastful confidence, he replied, "Ahh, tastes like victory. Come on, you and Diz like your TF's involuntary, right? That was one of your rules, after all." With a sarcastic grin, he recapped his beverage and set it down. At this point, Huscoon's tail was hanging like a proper wolf's and starting to gain a shaggier appearance. Arcturus was starting to notice a change as well. Hopping up with a start, he looked back at what used to hang as a cheetah-like tail, but now swayed back and forth, far more canine in appearance and demeanor. "Okay, not going to lie... This is pretty cool."

Arcturus was the first to be enjoying himself as the changes took place, but he wasn't alone. Chutora was happily rubbing his new, larger toes and foot pads. Speaking more to himself, he commented, "They're bigger, but not as sensitive. Guess I just have to get a little more 'ruff' with them." As he grinned in pleasure, Nbowa scowled in irritation. His puff-tipped lion's tail was starting to shrink and fill out, bristling further and further up until it met his well-known red shorts. Pushing past Huscoon, he grabbed Lykanos by the neck-fur. "You had better say this is temporary. I will NOT be a stupid, smelly wolf for the rest of my life!" Look of shock still in his eyes, Lykanos nodded, "It'll only last a day. Now come on. Embrace your inner canine." Pointing a now non-retractable claw at Lykanos, the wolf-lion growled. Looking at the claw, Lykanos responded hesitantly, "Hey, watch it! Those stay out now!" With a hostile glare, Nbowa went back to the piano seat, watching as the changes swept over him.

As Huscoon's muzzle started to push out, longer and stronger than it was before, Tama decided that now was the time to chime in. "Lykanos, wasn't the one you gave me kind of a waste? I mean, come on. You're just going to make me stink like a walf. Otherwise, I'm not really going to change much." Not sure whether to glare or grin, Lykanos replied, "I'm making you smell far better, trust me. Besides, that long, skinny, feminine muzzle will look far better once it becomes a nice strong wolf one." With a scoff, Tama looked down at his drink. "I knew I shouldn't have tried that tea."

With Chutora's muzzle slightly longer and wider, more primal than normal, the dog was pretty well finished. Being canine already, he just gained a slightly changed muzzle, larger, thicker paws, and his fur seemed just a tad bit shaggier. He was still pretty well content with poking the new paws. Nbowa and Huscoon, on the other hand, were about half way, both sporting proper canine muzzles, but their thicker fur was still on its way and Nbowa's ears still needed to point up.

Just as Tama started to feel a twitch in his nose, Atimist burst out of the chip bags. "Guys! Guys! Look at me, I'm huge!" With his smaller size, the serum had taken effect far faster than the rest. Looking like a tiny, golden wolf, he felt enormous. After all, he had gained a whole inch! Flexing his new wolf muscles, Atimist towered over the salt shaker now, doubling it in size. He let out an enthusiastic "ROAR" as he looked for a way off the table.

From across the room, Diz continued to sit. Yelling over to Atimist, he scolded. "No! You are not supposed to be enjoying this. Wolves are gross." Though he didn't want to admit it, he was actually overjoyed to be watching all of the transformations going on at once, having a front row seat. As he felt the tingle in his paws, he groaned. "No. Anthro to anthro TF's are stupid. This is just plain awful." As his ears lost their droop and stood up like proper wolf's should, he went back to watching Arcturus, who was looking far less cat and far more husky. Tail shifted and muzzle widened, all that was left was Arcturus' paws. Wiggling his fingers and toes in anticipation, the gray and blue now mostly-wolf was waiting for his pads to finish, as his claws were already more canine anyways. As everyone else finished, they turned to Diz, the late comer. He was the only one still changing, getting a bit bulkier than his normal, dog-like frame. As his muzzle finished thickening, he groaned once more. "Dang it, Lykanos. I'm hungry for sheep now. You monster!"

With a twitch of his ear, Doxial shouted back, "Foods almost done. No sheep, Diz. Just burgers and hotdogs!" With a curious squeak, the fennec walked in behind Lykanos and Joshiah. "Is it done? Are they all big and floofy now?" As Lykanos said "Yep," Huscoon rapidly retorted with, "I hate you." Nbowa, flicking his tail awkwardly, said, "Damn, we all stink so bad now. Stupid wolves... how do you even use this thing?" He was still trying to figure out his new canine tail, not used to the lack of flicking and twitching.

"You all smell wonderful, Nbowa. And as a wolf, you'll actually be able to use that nose of yours," Replied the cocky Lykanos, still overjoyed at his own handiwork. Though they all retained their colorations and general builds, they were wolves now, through and through. Doxial shot past into the room, playing with fluff and admiring all of the new beasties. He especially loved Huscoon's new blurrily ringed wolf tail. He did return to the unchanged two on his way back to the kitchen, circling to nibble briefly on Joshiah. The only remaining hybrid shrugged with a "Hey, why me?" With a quiet "mew", the fox replied in a hesitant tone, "You're the only one that's not a big, scary waff." With a huff, Joshiah pointed out, "I'm twenty five percent wolf, remember?" With a startled "Nuuu", Doxial went back to finishing the food.

As everyone else was still getting a feel for their new bodies, Joshiah turned to Lykanos. "You know, you drank it too, right. What's going to happen to you?" With a smug smile, the one true wolf replied confidently, "Absolutely nothing. I tested it on my own blood, too. No reaction. Can't turn a wolf into a wolf, after all." As Joshiah chuckles ironically, Lykanos moved a hand to his chest. "Heartburn?" questioned the joyofolf. Popping his neck and shoulders with a quick twist, Lykanos looked a bit hesitant. "No, it's not that... You know the whole werewolf thing? I never do it in public, but I can take on another form and- GRAH!"

Everyone turned to Lykanos at the sound of his displeasure. "Serves you right," stated Huscoon flatly. Atimist, now roaming the floor near Lykanos' feet called up, "What's wrong, buddy? You look kinda stiff." Lykanos doubled over in pain, trying to fight the change. "I- I can't stop it. Oh shit... sorry about this next part." As his already wolf-like fingers started to shorten into proper feral paws, he groped at his belt, barely managing to unbuckle the clasp. From the back of the room came a "Take it off," the voice obviously Arcturus'. With a sharp wince and almost a growl, Lykanos managed to say, "No." As a sickening pop erupted from Lykanos' spine, he blurted to Atimist, "Move. Please. Table... hurry!" With Lykanos gasping between each word, the now micro wolf got the message, running to the side as the grimacing, much larger canine dropped to his hands and knees.

Nbowa couldn't help but laugh as he walked over to the pathetic sight. "Ha, serves you right! You're going feral, huh? Well now, this is going to be fun." As the bones changed shape below the skin, Lykanos could feel his range of motion changing, hips rotating and crunching into place. There was no way he could stand up right now, even if he wanted to. Nbowa used this to his advantage. Patting the still shifting werewolf on the head, he said, "So, now that you're going to be more like a pet, it's only right we treat you as such. Make you learn your lesson and all. So, you'll have a few choices. Either you can eat the dog food with Stormy, or you can beg for food like the 'good doggy' you are. Oh, and you'll have to let us know if you need out to pee. Can't let you use the toilet. Might try to drink out of it, you know." There was a round of laughter as the lion-turned-wolf grinned deviously. Still in a bit of pain, Lykanos' larynx and vocal cords had already betrayed him, shifting so that he could only speak in the feral tongue. This didn't stop him, though. He had trained a few words with this form. "Ryyyy aye yoooooo," was as close to "I hate you" as he could get.

With a vengeful smirk, Huscoon said, "Oh, you know you love it. But, what did you say, 'not supposed to enjoy it', right? I think this meets with my rules of TF." At this point, Lykanos' limbs were reshaping and starting to settle, his form almost fully feral. As his legs neared their final stage, his shorts dropped to the floor, leaving him feeling horribly naked. "WOO!" It was Arcturus again, more than happy to be getting a peak. With a dissatisfied woof, Lykanos finished his own transformation. Joshiah, who had been casually watching the whole thing, scooped up the shorts as Lykanos made his way forward a step. "See, you got cocky," The joyofolf pointed out. "When you least expect it, that's when TF hits you. Tell you what, though. I'll put these somewhere safe until you can get back into them." With a pathetic whine, the new feral nodded his appreciation to the helpful ally. A few others, he knew, would not be so kind.

Doxial had been watching and waiting for the shift to end. As soon as Lykanos looked back at him, tongue lolled out and panting, the fennec screeched joyfully. "DOGGO!" Running over, he hugged Lykanos around the neck and whispered in his ear, "Aww, you're so cute now. I love it! Don't worry, I'll be nice to you." Nbowa, accidently tapping into his new form, raised his tail, fluffed up his hackles and demanded, "Doxial, you are to treat him just like Storm. No exceptions. He wanted shenanigans, and shenanigans are what he's going to get!" With a disheartened "meeeeeew", Doxial took the hotdogs off the stove and flipped the burgers. Handing them to the head of the house, he turned back to his work.

Before food was to be dished out, Tama wanted to have a little more fun. "Hey, before we eat, want to see a cool walf trick?" Diz, Huscoon, and Nbowa all gave a hearty "No", but Arcturus shot up with a powerful, "Yes! I do!" Standing up, Tama beamed deviously. "Okay, watch this." Rearing his head back, Tama produced a glorious howl, deep in tone and strong in character. Lykanos and Arcturus joined in right away, matching Tama's dedication. Atimist took on a monstrous stance, pretending to be a werewolf from a horror flick, and let loose an equally impressive howl. Diz reluctantly followed suit, joined by Chutora, who was still messing with his newly widened toes. After a few seconds, even the two who were completely opposed couldn't help but be drawn into the commotion. Though a bit less enthusiastic, both Huscoon and Nbowa let out equally powerful roars. Neither of the two wanted to be covered up by the other wolves, so they broke down and gave it their all. After a minute or so, everything calmed down and Tama spoke up. "Haha, see, made you all howl. When one does it, they all do it."

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny, Tama," Nbowa said flatly. "Time to eat. Who wants a hotdog?" Grabbing one in his big wolf-like paws, he leaned down to Lykanos, who was eyeing it hungrily. "Tell you what. You do a trick and I'll give you a dog. One whole hotdog. Fair?" Starting with a soft growl, Lykanos quickly changed to a compliant whine. His transformations usually left him hungry, and unlike the minor changes in the others, his were farm more extensive. With a pleased nod, Nbowa gloated, "I knew you'd see things my way." Calling out to the rest of the room, he asked, "What trick should we have our new pet do?" There were a few basic tricks mentioned, Huscoon suggested something degrading, and Arcturus mentioned something a little dirty. It was Diz that combined it all into the perfect simple trick. "You know what you could do. Make him hold it on his nose like a dog biscuit. Feel free to slap him with it first, though. You know, show him how you handle your weenie." With a satisfied smile, the sheep-loving wolf was happy to get some justice.

"Ooh hoo-hoo, I like it. Good one Diz," replied the wolf in red shorts. Diz nodded, "I have my moments."

"Lykanos, the wolves have spoken. You'll be holding my weenie on your snout like a 'good boy'. Cheat and you'll get no more food. Understand?" With a hungry whimper, Lykanos made clear that he was on board, as much as he disproved. "Good, now sit." With a glare, the feral wolf followed suit. "Good boy. Now steady. Steady." Nbowa took the hotdog and wiggled it firmly, smacking Lykanos in the cheek. Still remaining stationary, an unhappy "woof" was all that came out as a response. "Yea, you want my meat, don't you, you dirty dog. Here we go." Flicking it on the top of Lykanos' nose with some force, he waited as the subject of abuse settled back from the expected flinch. Then, gently and delicately, Nbowa rested the juicy treat across the middle of the well behaved canine's muzzle. "Now stay... stay..." The victorious former-cat still had a little revenge to take, so he made Lykanos wait for a full minute before exclaiming the phrase, "Good boy, Lykanos! Good boy!" Dropping it to the floor, Lykanos greedily devoured the tasty meal as Storm came running in to see who was getting praised.

As the night continued, more people arrived. After the initial confusion of a pack of wolves wearing friendly colored fur and a second pet running around, they easily settled in and joined in the fun. Lykanos spent a good portion of the night begging for food. Joshiah and Huscoon gave him nothing, penance for what he had done. Others were a bit kinder, offering scraps here and there. Nbowa even gave him some food, having Lykanos perform a couple more simple tricks, equally as demeaning.

The nicest was Doxial. A couple times, the friendly fox "slipped", letting a whole burger fall to the floor. As Lykanos happily wagged his tail and consumed the tender morsel, the fennec squeaked excitedly, petting the new doggo. The end of the night was spent wandering, woofing, and begging to go outside to pee.