
Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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Slow to the music, fast to the times

I admit a few memories of stepping over a dollar to pick up the dimes

Money never a part, the places I saw worth while

I keep close to heart, fondly daunting with a smile

Luck more than most of my adventures, the moments ended well enough to recall

Always wondered about the saying, the rise before the fall

Have to admit, these days those thoughts are forgotten

Their fears & worry, are all decayed & rotten

I don't mind the ruins I ran from, or the paths I decided to trace back

I did what I wanted, what I thought was right, for that, I feel I can give myself some slack

To those who knew me more than a friend

Trust me, what if situations need no longer weigh heavy, my back no longer wants to bend

Hearts broken, heal with time, words so tenderly spoken, aren't worth a dime

Somehow I found friends among people who before, I wouldn't give a day

My resolve hasn't weakened, I've jus become docile when bearing my teeth before getting carried away

Such a life, I can honestly say, I don't have with regret

At least for what is, & will be, there's nothing yet...

Opinions never truth, plans ever open to unknown change

Life still priceless, the amount for what it is ever strange

So, for now I keep to the trying side of what I feel & find

Subtle each step, I forget where to begin, ever wandering in mind

Daydreams it seems guide this body into troubles of opportunity & chance

For everything to be or not, I go slow into that fated dance

---Thanks for reading---


(Written listening to: The Band - the weight)