Meeting Her Acquaintance Scene 4

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - styxandstoned

Writing - Runa

Dahnak/Vanessa - berserk987

Ceylon - Runa

Scene 1 -

Scene 2 -

Scene 3 -

Scene 4 -

Thought I'd try something else with this series. Four page comic depicting one 'scene', but the story is divided into four scenes. As such, a lot of potential writing with 4k-5k words per scene, 16-20k overall.

In this story, a lonely Ceylon is travelling the world, seeking spiritual growth and visits with old friends. Problem is, she really missed her mate Leera, so she is willing to find a substitude in her naga mate's absence. It's not the same, but a dragon and gryphon partner will have to do, especially such well-trained ones.

Meeting Her Acquaintance 04

Bern growled deeply as he watched the last of Ceylon disappear into his mate, powerful forearm following in after her. He gave a series of light pounds, his balled up fist sliding in and out of Ceylon's relatively tight pussy, Vanessa's quivering walls trying and failing to squeeze around him in the wake of Ceylon's form. Her walls shook and rippled against him, the stretched loose flesh draping over him like a soggy sheet.

"Everything okay there?" Bern asked as he smiled, gaze longingly catching her eyes.

She slowly nodded, shifting her weight on the bed. Her belly was writhing as Ceylon's body curled and bundled up in her womb, tail still sticking out her plump lavender lips alongside Bern's forearm. She tried to clench around him, but giggled when she found that she was unable to firmly hold him. "all is well, Bern. I can tell that our guest is enjoying herself as well. I can feel her joy emanating from womb. She-" Vanessa grunted a bit as she felt Ceylon's form rotate around, realigning so that her beak was nestled right up against the inside of her cervix. Both she and Bern watched as Cey's tail was sucked up deep, Bern's fist slipping out at the same time.

"Good, good. Glad to hear it. So, how long do you expect to have her in there? She seems remarkably eager, and I'm pretty excited too!" He side-shuffled up next to her, balled fist popping out from her birth canal to leave her gaping and tender for a brief moment while she arched her back and squeezed down tight, collapsing her depths with a guttural squelch. Another audible gurgle came from within her, so Bern pressed his ear up to her belly, listening to the rumbling sounds. His member throbbed between his legs, mere inches away from her lips.

"Well, Based on what I know of the situation, I imagine Ceylon will be happy inside overnight, but not much longer than that. You said she's on a trip, and I don't want to keep her from her travels. And I'm glad to hear that, my dear! I can see your excitement. Go ahead, I am sure Ceylon won't mind you contributing to her cozy little home." She winked and laid her head back on Bern's hand, nuzzling up against his forearm with her beak as she rolled to her side, one leg up and tail curled over her back. she was in a perfect position to let him have his way with her, even in her loosened, tenderized condition.

The dragon covered his gryphon mate, with his wet, lubricated hand wrapped around her raised hind leg to hold her in place. He tensed his pelvic muscles and aimed his ridged cock tip against her folds, gently sliding into her with ease as her walls attempted to clamp down on him, holding him in place. Ceylon's entire form had come to rest comfortably inside her womb, so her birth canal was quickly regaining its taut nature, tightening back up with every orgasmic reverse contraction. The inward clenching felt like sucking to Bern, who happily bucked into her with a series of juicy, wet slaps.

"C-careful there, Bern! Don't want to hurt her!" Vanessa cautioned, referring to the gryphoness that was nestled in her womb. She may have been quite roomy and bulged out by her, but Bern was also quite large and his cock tip was easily long and thick enough to reach her womb and tab at Ceylon's head. She clenched tight as she reached out to kiss him. "Just, be gentle. I love you, but this is for Ceylon, okay?"

Bern nodded against her nuzzle, slowing his thrusts to a more passive grind. Though she was still pretty loose, he absolutely adored such sensations of flesh lightly caressing and dragging along his member, almost as much as if she'd been clenching down like a virgin on him. Regardless of what happened, he was happy to be there with her, feeling her body against his. Because of that, and his own passion for her hunger, he found himself quickly tensing up, his climax threatening to deposit his seed into her womb along with Ceylon.

When Vanessa grabbed him by the chin and pressed her beak to his lips, he found himself unable to hold back any longer. With one powerful buck that rocked her body half way across the bed and a clamp of his teeth around her neck, his knot swelled to thrice its default size and locked them together, a steamy shot of pre-seed erupting through his mate's cavernous birth canal to splash against her cervix. With her properly lubricated, he bucked again with force to rotate his knot within her, a fiery blast of seed filling her from womb to vulva, sputtering and bubbling out between her lips and the base of his member.

After huffing a few times, he let go of her neck and licked her of the salivary mess he'd left there. He nuzzled into her and caressed her shoulders, massaging the ragged clumps of feathers and fur that his bite had messed up there. "Sorry, sorry." He growled, apologetic about his sudden and intense passion. His throbbing knot was still pulsing inside her, expanding slightly with every heartbeat, big enough to ensure they didn't come apart. Loose as she was, her lips had grown just tight enough to keep them locked in a tie.

"That's okay, I understand. I'm just glad Ceylon is okay with you doing that, because most of our other clients would certainly not be okay with you having a go at me afterwards. Some would, sure, but most wouldn't." She pulled away from nuzzling him to lay back in her bed, the midday sun streaming in through the bedroom window. As she moved, she tugged on his knot, twisting and writhing until it popped out of her with a torrential explosion of seed and various other fluids to trickle over her tail and onto the floor beside them. "But for now, I think it's time to go, okay? I am hungry, and could use something delightful to eat. You have a mess to clean up, though." She commanded him, pointing her tail tip towards her white-coated lips.

Bern was happy to slide off the side of the bed and get on all fours, his member shrinking and sliding back into his sheath as he gently and carefully licked at her folds, tongue capturing and tugging at every gooey strand of his seed until she was clean and glistening with only saliva on her mound. He slid his tongue into her to catch the rest before kissing her on the lower belly and helping her up, rolling over the massive bulge in her belly.

"So what do you want to eat, my dear?" Bern asked, licking his front claw clean of the mess that was still dripping off it, the same mess that had soaked him when he stuffed Ceylon into his mate.

Vanessa hopped down off the bed to follow him out the room, waddling lightly as her belly swung beneath her like a cradle for Ceylon. "I really don't know. Something meaty, for sure. Not chicken or turkey though. You know how I am about that." The both of them went to the kitchen and looked through the cupboards, seeing if they had anything. She had brought tea home earlier while Ceylon and Bern were out in town, but that's not what she was craving at the time. Bern didn't want that, either.

When Ceylon had arrived earlier in the day, she and Bern had eaten a hearty breakfast, but now it was lunch time and Vanessa had a craving for something brunch like. Potatoes, vegetables, maybe some bacon or sausage. Whatever it was, she needed food if she was going to host a gryphlet in her womb for a full day. She'd need the energy. "What about that café on the north shore? What was it called, Lam's Chopped Eastern Cuisine? They have a delectable tossed noodle and vegetable sautee that I've been craving for days. Plus-" She paused to pat her belly, "-I'm pregnant, so my cravings are pretty well amplified."

Her glorious gape-grin went from ear to ear as she hopped past her mate, eager to leave her homestead in the foothills of the mountain towards the bulk of town. She could easily glide down, but flying up would be challenging and she knew it; still, cravings were powerful things for a gryphon with a full womb of any sort.

The two of them stepped out onto their front yard, using tails to close the door behind them. their front yard was also the roof of the people who lived below them, with the entire mountainside filled with hundreds, or maybe thousands, of various homes that made slightly sloped, curved steps carved into the side of the mountain. Bern and Vanessa were closer to the top, so all they would need to do was hop out with wings spread, and the gentle updraft coming off the lake would buoy them all the way down to the city. Dozens of other dragons, gryphons, and various other flyers were doing the same, flapping their way up, gliding their way down, or circling above the icy cityscape.

Bern insisted that Vanessa go first so he could watch her and make sure she stayed in the air. With such a heavy belly, she might sink faster than desired, and he would be keen on ensuring that didn't happen, be it by carrying her or helping to guide her to a safe landing zone.

She kicked off the front shingles of the home below them, wings spread and tail out far behind her and legs folded up tight to her torso to streamline herself. The wind whipped her face feathers and ears as she flapped a few times, keeping herself aloft while she aimed herself towards the pier that Lam's Chopped Easter Cuisine was located. As expected, she did have a hard time staying aloft, but the trip from home to food wasn't very long at all. She managed to make it all the way to the pier, landing heavily on the docks while almost knocking a biped equine into the cold northern waters, but luckily she was able to grab him with her beak by the scruff of his collar.

Bern landed a bit more delicately after her, and the two of them enjoyed a wondrous brunch at the Lams Chopped Eastern Cuisine location, sharing some noodles and rice and vegetables tossed in some delectable sauces. They chatted about the future of their business as predators, Bern's history with Ceylon, and how they were going to make it back up the mountain after their brunch. Vanessa had been gravid with eggs or clients before, but few were as large and cumbersome as Ceylon, which meant she wasn't adequately prepared for flying with such an enlarged belly.

"So what are we going to do tonight?" Bern asked, biting into his meal. The two of them had settled near the docks on a feral part of the dining room while enjoying their dishes, and they were talking about how things would end this day. At this point, the wharf was bustling with hundreds of people of all races that resided in Onycherem, but mostly reptilians, equines, and avians.

Vanessa slurped up a fork full of her noodles, gulping it down with gusto. "I'm really not sure. Ceylon's weighing me down pretty heavily, so I'm not sure if I can make it back up the mountain with her there. We'll have to try for sure, though. I was thinking maybe we could stay in town for the day. Take a day off work, open up the Vorporium after the weekend. I think after such an arduous unbirthing session, I'm really going to need a few days to recover."

"Makes sense." Bern agreed as he took a bite of his own food, chewing on the beef. "But I can still take clients, right? I mean, I know you need time, but I'm always hungry. Who knows, maybe after Ceylon is done with you, I can have a go at her, too!" He offered a sly wink before taking another bite.

"That's up to you, in the end. I was thinking maybe we can go on vacation. Travel with Ceylon a bit while she heads...east? West? Which direction did you say she was going? Whatever the case, it will be a joy to go out for a bit. She and I can soar the skies together, and as always I'd love if you joined us. That is, assuming she's interested in flying together. We'll have to see after her rebirth." She grabbed a napkin and dabbed off some dangling noodle from her beak before daintily placing her claws on either side of the plate. "And now I've enjoyed a meal, my belly and womb are both full, and I am ready to return back home for the day."

Her mate nodded and threw the last bit of food in his maw, chewing it up and eating it before pushing his plate aside. "Then it shall be done. Come on, let's go. What say you, think you can fly?" He spread his wings while also being careful to not hit any of the other diners or passerby.

However, she remained seated on her haunches, smiling gently. "You know, I might be able to, but I don't think I want to fly right now. I'd much rather walk. Take some time alone, just the two of us, to enjoy the scenery. That's a few hours from here to there, right?" She inquired, glancing up the side of the mountain that towered over the city, sandwiching it between the tall cliffs and the sea. "No harm in our legs getting a little bit of exercise, right?"

He shook his head. "No, not a problem at all. So are we heading out?"

"Yes, let's." She hopped out from her spot, left some coin on the table, and the two of them headed out to return home, walking all the way from the shores to the base of the cliffs they called their home.

They kept side by side, wings folded tight up against their back as they trekked through the city. Despite having lived there for years, the architecture always impressed them. The buildings were made of thick, heavy white stones with black trimmings and metal. It all looked heavily industrious, with a dash of ancient regality. Almost every building, home, and business looked like a castle or fortress, and strewn throughout was tall blue-barked cellitoke trees with sturdy wood and blue-tinged leaves. While most of the city was arranged with rigidity of a grid, dozens of long blocks with tall multi-story buildings lined up in strips, there were a few areas where trees, bushes, lakes, and streams would cut the city's square-edged shapes in twain.

The fact that the whole population center was built into the foothills of a mountain that was nestled right up against a lake meant that the entire city was on a bit of a slope, with each subsequent strip-block was like another step from the shore to the summit. Layers upon layers of industrial inspired, semi-ancient castle buildings, dozens of homes, and avian nests in the top of any building more than three stories tall.

The northern realm was almost exclusively populated by equines, avians, canines, and felines, but a few saurossins - reptilians and dragons - lived in the north as well. The city that Vanessa and Bern called home was one such location where there were more races integrated into every-day life, and was one of the only areas that catered to quadrupeds of any nature, let alone the sheer size of Vanessa and Bern.

Of course, the cold also meant that the few reptilians there were constantly cold during the winter months. Often times, they bundled up next to fires, wore multiple levels of clothes with ademane heat-gems in them, or in extreme cases visited Bern and Vanessa's very unique service, wherein they would keep clients warm inside them.

It was a perfect place for the both of them, the locals were welcoming, the clients were practically lining up for their services, and despite the cold they were both quite happy to curl up next to a fire or cuddle in their beds. The trip from the shore to their home halfway up the mountain's foot brought out the best in their memories, and they took the time to reminisce about their time spent there. She paused to tell a tale of a wonderful scaled client she had serviced under a twisted, gnarled cellitoke tree in the park, while Bern told her about one otter he urethrally swallowed in the lake nearby. They had plenty of things to talk about, but just as they went to leave the park, she grunted and froze in her tracks as her belly shifted and gurgled.

The faintest hint of a leak emerged from under her tail and she moaned quietly. "Bern, I don't think Ceylon is going to be staying the night."

"Are you su-" Bern started to question her, but then he looked back to see the gooey puddle of slime leaking out behind her, a single strand bridging from the ground to the underside of her tail. Starting to panic, he glanced around the park to find what he was going to do next. Nearby was a tiny white bridge with un-lit lanterns lining the handrails, with two white-barked trees that were shedding orange and red leaves. The stream he'd urethrally nommed the otter meandered under it, leaving only a small patch of grass between the underpass and the shore. "Well, let's go under there. No way we'll make it back home in time."

"But there's so many people around, Bern. I don't want them to see. This should be personal."

"Don't worry, I'll use my wings to shield you from onlookers. Just...try to keep quiet and not draw any attention." He guided her off the pathway and down over the lightly snowed grass, leading her to the last green patch under the bridge where the snowfall didn't reach. When her feet touched the soft, semi-moist grass, she dug her claws into the ground and arched her back, grunting gently as her tail raised and another flow of birthing lubricant splashed out from her plump folds.

Bern got a good look under her tail despite it being dark under the bridge, and he could see how soft and tender she looked; certainly ready for rebirthing his friend Ceylon back into the world. His craving, his desire was to lean in close and lick up the mess, but he knew she needed it as gooey and slimy as it could be to aid with the birthing. Instead, he stood up tall and extended both wings so that they were wrapped around her like a tent, covering her from both sides with his tail dipped in the cold water of the stream. "Go ahead, my love. You are sheltered from the others." He whispered, leaning in close to nuzzle her in encouragement.

She purred back, but then turned and rolled onto her side, all of her weight resting on the large bulge of her side. The pressure from Ceylon's body made her feel a little uncomfortable, but she was expecting that from such a large companion. Once she had managed to roll completely onto her back, she spread her wings over the grass and spread her legs, digging claws into the dirt for leverage as she grunted, pushing down on Ceylon.

Deep inside, Vanessa could feel the sharp rigidity of Ceylon's beak pressing out against the inside of her cervix, followed by a deep, guttural lurch and another flow of fluids cascading out her birth canal in a gooey splash over her tail. The deep burn of the friction of feathers on flesh made her toes curl and her throat tense as she held back a groan, a noticeable shift in the weight inside her lowering towards her pelvis. Vanessa couldn't help but to trill a bit, the pressure making her birth canal quiver in anticipation; her unique biology mixed with the fact that Ceylon was not her natural offspring meant that she was able to enjoy this rebirthing act as one of passion, not one of necessity.

The gryphoness could use this as the most fulfilling form of full-bodied pleasure that she or any other of her kind would be able to enjoy. Knowing this, she let go of the grass next to her with her talon to slip two fingers into herself, rubbing at her clit and spreading her lips to gape open her teal inner folds, a glorious stringy mess of arousal and birthing fluid forming a web that wove from vaginal wrinkle and fold and back again. Her cavernous walls spread, stretching each gooey strand taut before having most of them snap and form beads of lubrication that trickled down her walls, coming to rest in the tiny stream of liquid that was trickling out from her womb.

"Darling, I'm sorry, but I can't resist..." Bern apologized, leaning in close to nuzzle her hand away from her clit and folds, rubbing his snout into her mound while his tongue slipped into her, lapping at the copious mess and dragging up to cradle her clitoris, each eager taste rocking a gentle twitch in her entire lower torso. Her uterus had descended, leaving her dilated cervix and the tip of Ceylon's curved beak near her vulva and within tongue's reach. With a bit of a jovial grunt, he leaned in close and tried to get a taste of Ceylon on the way out of Vanessa.

She, a little distracted, pushed him away and arched her back, pushing down hard while contracting her abdominal walls to squeeze her womb, the pressure shifting Ceylon downwards with a powerful lurch that had her head pop out of the womb and into the birth canal, shoulders resting just inside the womb, cradled by the relatively firm flesh of the still dilating cervix. Vanessa huffed and took in one long deep breath after another as she regained her composure. So far she had been quite good at not making too much noise, but as she exhaled, a gentle trill escaped her beak.

Bern still had his wings spread to cover her like a tent, and as he looked down he saw that there was a tiny stream of mess making its way from his mate to the creek behind him, but since she'd pushed him away last time he tried to get a taste, he did his best to remain stoic. His member throbbed in his slit, but he kept it inside, for he would not want to do such a thing where onlookers could potentially see him. He wasn't shy, but he also wasn't interested in doing such a thing in public without explicit permission from all parties involved. Instead, he kept poking his head up to glance from one end of the underpass of the bridge to the other to see if anyone was looking before going back to Vanessa. "Nobody seems to know we're here. So go on, have your fun."

She nodded and gape-grinned at him, her feathers standing on end while she took a few deep breaths to ready herself for the next contraction. After feeling appropriately readied, she drew in a long breath and pressed down, squeezing her abdomen again while writhing in pleasure in the grass. She grabbed at her lips and furiously rubbed her clit for extra pleasure against the girth of Ceylon's form rubbing against her most sensitive spots inside her, giving her both internal and external climaxes. She felt the deep pressure of her cervix expanding wider to allow Ceylon's gooey form to slide out of her womb, gliding through her birth canal in an explosive mess of albumen, arousal, feathers, and even a bit of other mess.

Once Ceylon's head, shoulders, and upper body burst into the world again, she coughed and hacked to release the birthing slime from her lungs as she clawed at the air, much like a newborn hatchling. She kept her eyes closed as she stretched out, her entire body from hips to tail tip still resting comfortably inside Vanessa's teal birth canal. Ceylon kicked and flicked her tail inside the soft flesh that smothered her, catching the outside of the cervix with just enough leverage to push the rest of herself out.

"Welcome to the world, my dear." Vanessa cooed at her, one hand still rubbing herself while her tail curled up to cradle Ceylon's beak. Her cavernous birth canal slowly compressed and her vulva sealed shut, a web of her various fluids bridging from her lips to Ceylon's haunches. She leaned in close and started to lick the other gryphoness clean from rump up, an act that Bern mimicked from the opposite end.

While the two loving preds used their tongues to caress and massage the hatchling, Ceylon opened her eyes and blinked the goo away, revealing the brightest and most vibrant blue eyes that the two had ever seen. "Wh-where am I?" She asked, glancing around and wriggling her talons against the slime that had once filled Vanessa's womb with her. Bern leaned in and started licking between her claw-fingers, diligently cleaning his friend. When she shook her head and flicked her ears, she was able to finally make sense of what was going on around her.

Vanessa was still idly rubbing her own lips and clitoris, twitching gently against her own touch while her tail flicked and her wings fluttered; she had all the feathers on her upper half standing on end in a downy fluff, beak open in a pleased gape grin. "Welcome back, my friend." She invited Ceylon into the world. "We were just heading back to our den."

Ceylon stumbled as she got to her four feet, knees shaking like a newborn while Bern pulled away to fold his wings back up on his flanks. She fell into him, and he helped to stand her back up. Nearby, she heard the babbling of the stream nearby, and she realized that, for as much as she loved the scent and taste of Vanessa's comforting fluids, she needed to clean herself. Without saying another word, she limped her way over to the running water and dove in head first, each of her four feet grabbing a rock from the bottom to keep herself submerged as she spread her wings and vigorously shook herself off, doing the best to self-clean. Within mere seconds, she let go of the rocks and let herself float to the surface, her hollow bones keeping her buoyed while she bobbed and paddled her way back to shore with Bern and Vanessa.

The frigid temperature of the water had woken her right up, yanking her back into the real world with a cold slap to the face. She stepped up to the dirt and grass, shaking herself dry as her hydrophobic feathers and fur floofing up almost instantly. The gryphoness looked to Bern, then to Vanessa, then to Bern, and back to Vanessa before bowing with respect. "My friends, I thank you for your kindness and hospitality."

Vanessa chirped as she rolled onto all fours, belly already constricting itself and returning to her natural, lithe form. "No worries, Ceylon. You are always welcome within us."

"Glad to hear it. So, uh....I'm hungry again. How far are we away from your den? I could go for a roast!" She shot up to all fours and started hopping around, the rebirthing giving her an immense burst of energy. It was like she'd been asleep for a month, and now had weeks' worth of vigor to burn through.

Bern smirked and patted Ceylon on the shoulders, trying his best to calm her down. He took a few minutes to explain what had happened, how long Ceylon had been a guest in Vanessa, and all the information Ceylon needed to catch up. When he was done, Vanessa took a moment to politely ask Ceylon to guide the two of them in her travels for a week or so. Naturally, Ceylon was keen to offer them anything she could, having loved everything they had done for her.

But first, she really wanted to return to their den so she could have another trip through Vanessa; after being rebirthed by a warm-blooded gryphon she couldn't imagine anything other than Leera comparing.

They were happy to oblige.